open #74
.section-header and form-row styles changed in forms/_elems.scss;
significant changes to overlay in mobile: full-screen, close button, more;
tree hover bg changed to use rgba(#fff, 0.1);
removed "Hide title by default" in core/bundle.json;
open #74
Treeview pane darkened;
Spacing in frame tweaked;
#content-area in right pane hidden
when treeview expanded for
phone portrait only;
Removed mobile-pane and
desktop-browse classes from markup;
open #74
Widths and layout strategy fixed for label and
controls in form when appearing in mobile;
Overlay margins adjusted;
Cleaned up font size, line-height in tree items;
open #74
Added name for "base" (unknown) type in core/bundle.json;
Fixes to grid-item .details element:
- ellipsize,
- type now displayed properly;
- number of items with correct plural syntax;
open #74
Made view-switcher visible when browsing via mobile;
Fixed class in browse.html markup from left-menu to left;
Moved object-browse-bar, top-bar classes from _controls into _layout;
Renamed and simplified menu widths in mobile _constants;
Really significant refactor of mobiles/_layout;
Tweaks in user-environ/_layout;
TO-DO: figure out why object-browse-bar flex styles not
working in mobile;
open #74
view-switcher in object browse and edit moved to precede
action buttons, with margin;
Re-located CSS for .btn, etc. from _controls.scss to _layout.scss;
Cleaned up line-spacing in object-header in .frame;
open #74
Attempting to layout using flex - not working;
See for working example;
New _flex.scss added;
This commit is changed elements that are mostly solid;
open #74
CSS and markup changes for split pane holders;
drop shadow added to tree area;
Tree item cleanups;
This or earlier commit broke treeview nav action;
TO-DO: fix treeview nav action to hide menu;
open #74
CSS and markup changes for mobile,
particularly on grid-item;
Mod to behavior in tree for mobile nav:
leaf node grid-item click now navs to item;
Fixed info-button to work properly with mod to
Clarify naming of method for retrieving contextual location of a domain
Default behavior for objects that do not have a context is to return
undefined. Note that default behavior is not specified and could change
if needed.
Addresses WTD-1506 (context menu does not disappear after
action is chosen); listen for click events on the menu
itself and dismiss the menu when these occur.