Use ng-show instead of ng-if to suppress the
'Select One' option after user has chosen something
in a select box; the latter appears to be incompatible
with Angular 1.4.x. nasa/openmct#113
Don't force date-time inputs to act as if they are
required; allow them to be treated as optional, but
enforce that this only occurs when left completely
empty (as opposed to partially complete.)
Supports WTD-1221.
Originally did a lot of this work in warp1048 by mistake
This commit pulls in all /platform-only changes from that branch
Mods are mostly related to WTD-1046 specifically, but also touch toolbar and buttons
Changed image CSS from contain to cover
Modded default colors for text and telemetry elements to visibility;
Moved click handler position in menu-button.html for better clickability;
CSS and markup mods principally focused on selects, checkboxes and composite controls;
Cleaned up positioning and formatting in .l-result area of query form bottom;
Removed display of view type when only a single view available for an object in switcher.html
Avoid rebuilding the toolbar in Edit mode whenever
any change occurs to avoid losing the binding to the
current selection state; needed for color picker to
work properly for WTD-881.
Add a controller for composite controls; this is used
to flag contained controls as required when they have
been partially filled in (to treat entering one of two
such fields as invalid.) WTD-593.
Implement date time controls up to the point that
they validate, and information (albeit not the right
information) propagates back up to the containing
form. WTD-530.
Simplify select control's interaction with the model;
only store the value associated with the option, not
the name (which is just displayed for the user.)
Add remaining platform form controls; amend mct-form
and mct-control directives to better communicate state.
Begin working on problem of communicating validation
back out of the form. WTD-530.
Initial minimal working implementation where a
two-way binding between form and form user is
Notably, change ng-options to options, since
ng-options is terminal (it breaks mct-control).
Bring in previous work on the forms component; this includes
transitioned versions of specific form elements, and the
mct-form direction which generates these. WTD-530