open #639
open #683
open #169
open #494
Replaced MQ around mobile/_tree.scss ul.tree;
Removed MQ desktop around hover in mixin btnBase;
Reversed orientation of mobile tree arrows for #494;
open #639
Refactored all usage of @include desktop to use CSS selector body.desktop
instead; Still to-do: deal with desktopandtablet usage with hover bubbles
and mixins btnBase;
open #659
CSS for .rep-object-label modified; Added CSS class
to tabular-swimlane-cols-tree.html markup;
Also cleaned up .s-status-pending styles for related
label elements;
open #445
Mods and simplifications to wait-spinner classes;
Simplification and cleanup in plot.html to use loading
class instead of hide/show DOM element;
open #337
Tick label strings are now reversed in their char order in
PlotTickGenerator.js, then reversed again via CSS in
_plots-main.scss. This forces the browser to clip the label
at the left 'start' side, rather than the end, resulting in
the least significant portion of the label getting clipped.
open #342
Now using CSS hover on pertinent plot areas;
Refining of select styling, tweaks for Firefox Linux;
Tweaks to local-control positioning in plots;
Changed *-options controls to use length > 1
instead of > 0;
open #468
Removed ng-show="editMode" in object-inspector.html;
Refactored CSS as required in _inspector.scss;
Added opacity transition to splitter-inspect-panel and
split-pane-component pane bottom, but not working as desired currently:
entire inspector seems to be destroyed and recreated when switching into
and out of edit mode;
Moved <style> def for .location-item in object-inspector.html into .scss;
open #468
Remove ng-class statements in favor of upstream .s-status-editing;
Restructure CSS accordingly;
NOTE: because edit.html has NOT been changed,
changes here will cause old edit mode to no longer display properly.
Don't integrate this CSS with old edit mode!
warp #1596
open #425
Changes to autoflow styles, particularly in header;
Cleanup in effects.scss; CSS to be re-compiled;
(cherry picked from commit 5848077)
open #199
open #278
Changed CSS to use s-status-editing instead of .active
Refined style defs to explicitly target tree and
search-results children in order to avoid items in
Inspector Elements pool from being designated as
being edited;
Removed {{searchText}} div from input-filter;
open #208
Unit tested in both themes;
.s-icon-btn refactored slightly to focus on usage
as an icon-only element, removed overlap designations
with .s-btn in markup;
Colors normalized for theming;
Code cleanup;
open #208
Espresso and Snow now supported; bulk of
work done except for minor cleanups, like zoom
buttons; Dragging not working currently in Timelines;