open #337
Tick label strings are now reversed in their char order in
PlotTickGenerator.js, then reversed again via CSS in
_plots-main.scss. This forces the browser to clip the label
at the left 'start' side, rather than the end, resulting in
the least significant portion of the label getting clipped.
open #342
Now using CSS hover on pertinent plot areas;
Refining of select styling, tweaks for Firefox Linux;
Tweaks to local-control positioning in plots;
Changed *-options controls to use length > 1
instead of > 0;
Allow injection of a validator for numeric values of
the date-time fields, to allow for these to be displayed
as invalid in cases where the text itself may be parsed
but the resulting value is not valid (e.g. when start
is greater than end.)
Many tweaks to fix some issues with tree, labels and Inspector.
open #468
Removed ng-show="editMode" in object-inspector.html;
Refactored CSS as required in _inspector.scss;
Added opacity transition to splitter-inspect-panel and
split-pane-component pane bottom, but not working as desired currently:
entire inspector seems to be destroyed and recreated when switching into
and out of edit mode;
Moved <style> def for .location-item in object-inspector.html into .scss;
open #468
Remove ng-class statements in favor of upstream .s-status-editing;
Restructure CSS accordingly;
NOTE: because edit.html has NOT been changed,
changes here will cause old edit mode to no longer display properly.
Don't integrate this CSS with old edit mode!
Remove obsolete split-pane container and associated
controller; this behavior is now handled by the
mct-split-pane directive.
Part of updates to tests for the mct-split-pane
directive, WTD-1400
Merge in latest from master into topic branch for
Add classes describing device characteristics to the
body of the current document at start-up. Refactor
device matchers out of the mct-device directive for
reuse and consistency here.