Added CSS to give a border to all elements in Fixed Position view when in Edit mode.
Only applied to outer element, does not affect object border styling;
Originally did a lot of this work in warp1048 by mistake
This commit pulls in all /platform-only changes from that branch
Mods are mostly related to WTD-1046 specifically, but also touch toolbar and buttons
Changed image CSS from contain to cover
Modded default colors for text and telemetry elements to visibility;
Moved click handler position in menu-button.html for better clickability;
Significant migration of inline styles to CSS classes;
Changed telemetry component so that when title is hidden, telem element can take up 100% of the element width;
Static text elements now show scrollbars on overflow;
Added padding and box-sizing to text elements - this is throwing off the selected control because of the offset and should be fixed;
Added scss file for fixed position styles;
Mods in progress to fixed.html to remove inline styling and change grid method to background gradient approach;