open #250
Removed un-needed markup around treeview
includes and mct-reps; moved CSS class defs into
mct-include and mct-rep for search and tree
open #250
Significant changes to flex classes, markup in
browse.html and search.html to support better
flex layout;
Search results now scrolls properly;
Significant refactoring and cleanups in search and _search.scss;
Declare Search UI components as templates instead of
representations so that they are not removed from the
DOM when no domain object is supplied. Fixes
open #90
mini-tab location in markup in browse.html changed;
Single menu icon for collapsed treeview;
Close 'x' boxes instead of arrow icons;
TO-DO: verify mobile is Ok;
open #90
To support desired edge-to-edge styling of Inspector pane;
Removed superflous .scss file;
Enhancements to splitter .scss to allow flush edging and
edge shadows;
open #90
Create and Search controls now properly change
to mini-tabs when treeview is collapsed;
Mods to .create-btn to use :before for symbol instead of span;
TO-DO: why does mct-device alter the order of items in the rendered
open #90
Major work on new .mini-tab elements, used
as controls to expand/collapse panes;
Cleaned up splitter hover behavior;
Changed mixin controlGrippy to not be tied
to :before;
Collapse tree any time a user does an action in the
tree that would select an object; don't only do this
on navigation changes, because this fails to detect
occasions where user clicks the already-navigated-to
open #74
Re-applied changes to browse.html;
Added mobile/.../_search.scss;
Removed unused mobile/search/layout.scss;
Moved inclusion of search/_search.scss from tree.scss to main.scss;
open #74
Treeview pane darkened;
Spacing in frame tweaked;
#content-area in right pane hidden
when treeview expanded for
phone portrait only;
Removed mobile-pane and
desktop-browse classes from markup;
open #74
Made view-switcher visible when browsing via mobile;
Fixed class in browse.html markup from left-menu to left;
Moved object-browse-bar, top-bar classes from _controls into _layout;
Renamed and simplified menu widths in mobile _constants;
Really significant refactor of mobiles/_layout;
Tweaks in user-environ/_layout;
TO-DO: figure out why object-browse-bar flex styles not
working in mobile;
open #74
CSS and markup changes for split pane holders;
drop shadow added to tree area;
Tree item cleanups;
This or earlier commit broke treeview nav action;
TO-DO: fix treeview nav action to hide menu;
The tree is now hidden whenever there is
text in the search bar. (This allows for
the case when there are no search results,
but text in the search bar.)