Moved the elasticsearch provider to
platform/persistence/elastic. Then moved
the search aggregator and the generic
provider into a services folder within
the search folder.
DomainObjects with a context capability also gain a LocationCapability.
This capability allows you to determine the location of the current
instance of a domain object, and also provides methods for determining
if the current instance of a domain object is a link, or if it is an
Added styling to back and selection
arrow (tree). Also increased the space
allowed for selection arrow on tree item.
Info Button created on grid items for mobile.
Info bubble appears on tablet like desktop.
Also on mobile, info bubble fits to width.
New QueryService that returns if on iPhone.
Also formatted dialog box so that their is no
margin and takes up fullscreen on mobile.
Slight tweak to the padding of the search view,
which affects where the top of the scroll bar
appears. Also removed the search scroll div
because it was unused.
The controller's loadMore function now sends
new queries to the search service if the
controller's full results list does not have
enough results in it to load more.
Added info button to grid/list items
on mobile. When the button is pressed,
info bubble appears for 750ms or the
same infobutton is pressed to dismiss
The elasticsearch provider returns an empty
result when elasticsearch throws an error
(probably a bad request). This prevents the
aggregator from thinking that ES is loading
The aggregator now returns a result object similar
to that of the providers, but the hits array contains
domain objects rather than searchResult objects.
Also removed overly complicated filterRepeats
function from the aggregator and replaced it with a
simpler one.
The provider now returns an object that has
a hits property which contains what it
previously returned, and also a total property
which contains the total number of results.
Removed the name field from the ElasticSearch provider
search query string, so now it will check all of the
fields of the domain object (such as type).