open #74
Widths and layout strategy fixed for label and
controls in form when appearing in mobile;
Overlay margins adjusted;
Cleaned up font size, line-height in tree items;
open #74
CSS and markup changes for split pane holders;
drop shadow added to tree area;
Tree item cleanups;
This or earlier commit broke treeview nav action;
TO-DO: fix treeview nav action to hide menu;
Removed the hover coloring on
the tree menu on mobile by changing
original** scss code. Also added
check in ContextMenuGesture that
will only allow context menu to appear
in non-mobile browser.
Removal of 'icon-btn' class from *.html;
Cleanup of markup in switcher.html;
'name' span is now hidden when switcher is within frame;
Commented out unused css classes in _controls.scss,
Normalization of markup in object header when in main view and framed objects;
Icon sizing fixed in menus and switcher control;
Tightened up spacing in menus;
Originally did a lot of this work in warp1048 by mistake
This commit pulls in all /platform-only changes from that branch
Mods are mostly related to WTD-1046 specifically, but also touch toolbar and buttons