Begin implementation registration phase of framework
layer initialization process. This phase is responsible
for registering resolved extensions with Angular, in a
manner than individual extensions can later request
dependencies from. WTD-518.
Initial implementation of class responsible for
resolving extensions (that is, loading modules
associated with defined extensions.)
Also, add methods to Bundle and Extension classes
to support logging performed during the extension
resolution phase. WTD-518.
Begin work on extension resolution phase of
the framework layer. WTD-518.
Introduce an implementation loader which wraps
RequireJS, and a skeleton class for extension
Continue implementing classes which represent fundamental
concepts within the framework layer. WTD-518.
In particular, add methods which will be useful during the
extension resolution phase of framework start up.
Begin implementing the bundle loader component of the
framework layer, responsible for taking a list of
included bundles and exposing their contents in a
useful manner. WTD-518.
Add main point-of-entry script for framework layer; performs
only minimal tasks of loading framework dependencies
and demonstrating that bundle list can be loaded
using these. WTD-518.
Add Promise polyfill to version control. Promise objects
are included in ECMAScript 6 and browser support is
present, but non-universal. Using the polyfill approach
permits the use of Promise directly throughout the
application without relying on bleeding-edge browser
Promises are useful at the framework level particularly
because of the number of asynchronous calls made when
assembling bundles. Framework layer is WTD-518.
Add clarifying comments to temporary files, to
ensure they are distinguishable as placeholders.
Part of developing project folder structure and
build for WTD-519.
Add libraries for Angular and Require. This expands
folder structure to support initial build (WTD-519)
and also directly supports implementation of a
framework layer (WTD-518).
Add general structure for Open MCT Web, including
top-level and second-level directory structure.
README files are included to explain the role of
each directory; markdown is used to allow for
richer display when viewer support is present.