Update frame positions when model.composition changes,
instead of when model changes. Ensures correct display
after changes to avoid redrawing on every update,
Add tests to verify that directives stop polling after their
scope is destroyed (to prevent resource leaks); those changes
address resource leaks identified in the context of WTD-717.
Update specs for columns in scrolling list view to reflect
that the formatting of domain/range values for display
has now been moved into a reusable injectable service for
Move spec for formatting of telemetry values from the
plot bundle to the telemetry bundle, to reflect its
exposure as a reusable service exposed by that bundle.
Add missing in-line documentation to ScrollingListPopulator;
noticed in the context of work done for WTD-599,
refactoring of time- and value-formatting for telemetry
into a reusable, injectable service.
Expose telemetryFormatter as a service; additionally, fix
some structural issues to make sure this is passed around
as needed among plot components. WTD-599.
Move implementation of formatter used for display
of domain values out of plot, and into the telemetry
bundle, from which it can be exposed as a general-use
service. WTD-599.
Add specs to verify the behavior of PlotPanZoomStackGroup,
which is responsible for synchronizing the domain axis
between multiple sub-plots in a stacked plot view.
Restore range tick marks; these were lost in refactoring
to support multiple subplots-per-view due to a missed
occurrence of an out-of-date interface usage. WTD-625.
When changes to pan-zoom bounds are made in one
subplot, this will effect the pan-zoom bounds of
other subplots. Ensure this occurs immediately.
Utilize PlotPanZoomStackGroup; that is, utilize changes
such that a set of pan-zoom stacks can be treated as one,
while their domain axis synchronizes, and their range
axis does not. WTD-625.
Initially implement a synchronized pan/zoom stack,
which maintains the same domain axis bounds for all
subplots in a stacked plot view, but allows each to
have independent range axes. WTD-625.
Change plot style when in stacked plot mode, such that
plots stack as expected. (Without this change, the
gl-plot class's height of 100% will cause all plots to
fill the full vertical space, effectively acting
overlaid.) WTD-625.
Fix issues related to refactoring of view-level
to subplot-level behavior, such that previous
functionality is restored. This refactoring
supports introduction of a stacked-plot mode,
for WTD-625.
Begin refactoring Plot view to support stacked plots;
separate out behavior which needs to occur per-plot
from area which should occur per-view, and add a
handler for the Overlay mode. WTD-625.
Get/set mode from the plot mode switcher; only show
the switcher if there is more than one mode available
(which should only occur when there is more than one
telemetry object in the plot.) WTD-625.
Add a commit function to scope from the edit representer;
this avoids issues trying to transparently detect and
persist changes made during edit mode, while still requiring
only minimal action from individual views. WTD-535.
Add entries for new scripts to test suites, to ensure
tests fail until scripts added to support transition
of Layout object/view (WTD-535) have been completed.
Repair the arguments given to the bottom resize
handle for frames in a layout; previously this had
been parameterized erroneously to function as a
right-hand resize handle. Part of transition of
layout elements, WTD-535.
Store changes to the size and position of panels in a
layout to its configuration. The mct-representation
directive (and its constituent parts) is responsible
for detecting and persisting these changes as
appropriate. WTD-535.