Rewrote some history as part of merge for WTD-940 to
remove non-open-source history; compiled CSS files did
not merge correctly in this process, so bringing over
compiled files from the original branch to replace these.
Changed image CSS from contain to cover
Modded default colors for text and telemetry elements to visibility;
Moved click handler position in menu-button.html for better clickability;
CSS and markup mods principally focused on selects, checkboxes and composite controls;
Cleaned up positioning and formatting in .l-result area of query form bottom;
Removed display of view type when only a single view available for an object in switcher.html
Significant migration of inline styles to CSS classes;
Changed telemetry component so that when title is hidden, telem element can take up 100% of the element width;
Static text elements now show scrollbars on overflow;
Added padding and box-sizing to text elements - this is throwing off the selected control because of the offset and should be fixed;
Added scss file for fixed position styles;
Mods in progress to fixed.html to remove inline styling and change grid method to background gradient approach;
Restore wait spinner in tree (missed during Angular transition);
this feedback is important when waiting for the contents of
the Packets node (WTD-644) to load.
Add a utility controller for interacting with
getter-setter style ngModels (similar to ng-model-options
with getterSetter: true, but support for that is not
present in the current version of Angular.) Specifically,
this is used to support the input filter control, which
in turn is used within the autoflow tabular view. WTD-614.
Refactor view switcher to simplify it; treat it
as a representation of a domain object that modifies
an ng-model. This simplifies reuse, e.g. in frames
within a layout. WTD-535.
Use ng-model when communicating state to/from the
tree in browse mode. This will simplify implementation
of the Locator control, which also uses a tree, but
which should not set navigation state. WTD-593.
Add in-line documentation to TreeNodeController, and update
glossary with some clarifying definition.
Additionally, change name from tree-item to tree-node for
Part of ongoing transition of commonUI bundles, WTD-574.