Removed white space from markup;
Moved getGlyphClass up to status-block-holder
element out of status-block;
CSS mods to selectors and style defs
in _messages.scss;
...add to TimelineSwimlanePopulator to reflect changes to
time at which selection object may become available as
a consequence to changes in the way templates are normally
loaded. #673
...to reflect changes to how selection object is obtained,
which in turn reflects change to using templates obtained
via RequireJS text plugin, instead of loading by URL.
Loading templates via RequireJS text plugin means they are
immediately available; appears to have caused a change in
ordering wherein controllers for views may be initialized
before representers have installed things like selection
state. As such, need to watch for changes instead of simply
checking for a selection object when the controller is
App logo and bg files renamed;
Added openmct.scss to hold openmct-specific styles;
Renamed _startup.scss to startup-base.scss
which now renders its own .css file;
Still to-do: apply to WARP including needed
mods to its About dialog screen;
Markup in index.html and about-dialog.html
changed to simplify and use :before/:after psuedos;
CSS in _logo-and-bg.scss modded for same;
Added _startup.scss to hold general CSS for
the startup screen;
Renamed startup.scss to startup-open.scss;
Modified SplashScreenManager.js to target renamed
outer container .l-splash-holder;
Added media query for startup screen on phone;
Cleanup: moved classes out of _effects into _global;
Still to-do: apply to WARP and VISTA, including needed
mods to their About dialog screens;
Add a runtime extension that detects the splash screen and triggers a fade out
after the application has loaded. Once the fade out has ended, it removes the
element from the page.
Related to https://github.com/nasa/openmctweb/issues/164
open #442
Fixed white space problem with .status-block-holder
applied to mct-include; Added new status 'available'
class and updated theme constants files;
Updates the stylesheet task to output CSS in the correct locations. Remove
config.rb for running compass manually, and remove compiled css files from
project. Add a .gitignore to ensure they don't get included accidentally.
Add a gulp task for running the development server and watching for scss
changes at the same time.
resolves https://github.com/nasa/openmctweb/issues/238
open #639
open #683
open #169
open #335
Fixed wrong application of body.desktop.mini-tab...;
Increased size of pane collapse/expand icons;
Removed max-width applied to search input holder;