The Messages view policy now will allow any object
that has a telemetry type of string to have access
to the Messages view, not just Event List
Generators. (The test for this still does not work
though.) #18.
Changed where in the code the row are reveresd
(wrt scrolling lists) so that the most recent
messages are on the bottom. The rows are now in
the correct order from getRows, rather then
updateRows. #18.
Made the EventListController use domain and range types, rather
than severity, domain, and event message. This allows it to be
more generalized, which should be helpful with different data
formats later on. #18.
The scroll position now moves down when a new row is added
to the data table. This means that when the scroll position
is at the bottom, it will stay there, even with new updates
adding onto the botton. #18.
Changed scrollDirection to ascendingScroll, which acts like
a boolean. Now there is proper communication between the
html and the directive itself. #18.
Created an mct-data-table directive. We are able to detect changes in
the height of the table now, which will be used to determine
any corresponding scrolling. #18.
When viewing an event message generator new messages are now added to the
bottom of the display, rather than being added to the top and pushing
the other messages down by one. #18.
Added classes to and removed inline styles from drag handles,
Removed edge handles, leaving corner handles in NW, SW and SE only;
Added hover classes to display corner handles while editing;
Modified z-indexing to allow view switcher to be accessed while editing;
Removal of 'icon-btn' class from *.html;
Cleanup of markup in switcher.html;
'name' span is now hidden when switcher is within frame;
Commented out unused css classes in _controls.scss,
Normalization of markup in object header when in main view and framed objects;
Icon sizing fixed in menus and switcher control;
Tightened up spacing in menus;
Refactoring in advance of style mods to switcher when in frame;
Moved btn styles from _controls.scss to _buttons.scss;
Markup cleaned up with css classing simplified;
When switching among domain objects and/or views, avoid
reusing the same information is scope. The wrong information
in scope can cause various failures in views, such as WTD-1182.