- Sanding and shimming on imagery and events TS look and feel.
- Fixed scrollbar issue in imagery TS view when thumb goes beyond the right edge of the time frame.
- WIP prepping activities view for adjustable swimlane height.
- Refactored ActivityTimeline.vue to not draw SVG if no activities in timeframe.
- ActivityTimeline.vue `leftOffset` now uses absolute position `left` instead of `left-margin`.
- Significant improvements for Time Strip imagery view ahead of user-settable swimlane heights.
- Imagery container height, image height and width no longer set in code.
- Imagery swimlane now uses styles and hover behavior consistent with events.
- Fixed previous change that broke grid layout of Stacked Plots in Time Strip.
- Re-enabled code that sets min-height for Stacked Plots in Time Strip based
on the number of children.
- Moved all event line styling into events-view.scss.
- Refactor `*__event-wrapper` to `*__event-line`.
- Event line color styling for hover and `s-select`.
- New theme constants for `$colorEvent<color>Line`.
- Removed `--no-style` CSS class; created unnecessary need to override.
- Layout converted to set `min-height` on top-most `c-swimlane` element.
Interior containers now use 100% height or absolute positioning.
- Removed `c-timeline-holder` from `c-events-tsv` in EventTimelineView.vue;
Refactored `c-events-tsv__contents` to be `js-events-tsv` as that was being used as a reference.
- New theme constant `eventLineW` sets event lines to be 1px wide for more precision.
- Removed bad `}` in TimeSystemAxis.vue.
- Removed `.u-contents` from line 129 of ganttChart.e2e.spec.js.
- Removed `event-handle` element; not needed.
- Changed `__event-wrapper` to not set height explicitly; uses absolute positioning.
- Added :before element to event-wrapper for better hit area.
- Improved hover styling.
- $colorEvent* style constants added to theme constant SCSS files.
- Removed in-page `style` defs from ExtendedLinesOverlay.vue; CSS actually located in timeline.scss.
- Improved sizing and style for Marcus Bains ("now") line.
- Removed extraneous padding at bottom of plot view when in Time Strip.
- Added missing header info to timeline.scss.
- CSS refinements.