open #159
open #170
Restructured overlay size and positioning approach
for better flexibility;
Getting new dialogs and the overlay to
play nicely in mobile context;
open #74
.section-header and form-row styles changed in forms/_elems.scss;
significant changes to overlay in mobile: full-screen, close button, more;
tree hover bg changed to use rgba(#fff, 0.1);
removed "Hide title by default" in core/bundle.json;
open #74
Widths and layout strategy fixed for label and
controls in form when appearing in mobile;
Overlay margins adjusted;
Cleaned up font size, line-height in tree items;
Added styling to back and selection
arrow (tree). Also increased the space
allowed for selection arrow on tree item.
Info Button created on grid items for mobile.
Info bubble appears on tablet like desktop.
Also on mobile, info bubble fits to width.
New QueryService that returns if on iPhone.
Also formatted dialog box so that their is no
margin and takes up fullscreen on mobile.