* touch every file on earth to update copyright
* update one more
* pick up 2017 2018 2019
* revert fuchs copyright
* revert other bundle copyrights
* somehow missed one
* no-implicit-coercion and no-unneeded-ternary
* End every line with a semicolon
* Spacing and formatting
* Enabled semi-spacing
* Applies npm run lint:fix to code after master merge
* Fix merge issues
* Switched operator-linebreak to 'before'
Co-authored-by: Joshi <simplyrender@gmail.com>
* Move to webpack build
* Use webpack for building openmct. Move SCSS to one folder and load
all core css up front. Remove bower, begin removing gulp in favor
of npm run.
* Uses eslint instead of jshint and jscs. Merge style checking rules
into .eshintrc.js, carrying over core parts of crockford style and
our adaptations. Current code base fails to pass the linter, want
to separate linter changes from fixes to linting rules.
* Support for Vue SFC with example
* Remove outdated examples
* Use HTML loader for html (supports relative imports of resources e.g.
images) and raw-loader for when javascript must be loaded as text.
* Updated Karma and Jasmine versions
* Added DOMObserver class. Supports promise-based testing of DOM changes
Update asynchronous test specs to use promises or done() instead of waitsFor/runs
* Modified ActionCapability to duplicate context object properties as own properties for better object equality comparisons
* Global find + replace to fix syntax issues
* Fixed various issues caused by non-deterministic runtime order of tests in Jasmine 3. Fixed issues caused by changes to determination of object equality
* Addressed review comments
* Resolved merge conflicts with master
* Fixed style errors
* Use spy.calls.count() instead of manually tracking
Implement 'runs' as a built-in category of extension, to support
bundle addition of functions to run when the application first
starts. Specifically supports loading of stylesheets, WTD-591.
Add tests for a built-in extension type to framework to allow app.run
to be invoked via bundle extensions. This supports stylesheet
injection, which should happen on load but isn't triggered
from any particular part of the page. WTD-591.
Complete tests for the RequireJS configurator, used to
expose libraries beyond bundle boundaries (and, related,
to provide shims for non-AMD libraries.) WTD-568.
Add a configuration step (as part of the resolve phase)
to the framework layer, where bundle-defined paths and shims
are passed to RequireJS configuration. This permits both
the use of non-AMD modules and the exposure of libraries
across bundles. WTD-568.
Add spec to verify that static properties exposed by
extension constructors remain visible after these
have been converted to partial constructors. These
static methods have various uses, such as providing
appliesTo methods to classes where pre-instantiation
filtering is useful. WTD-572.
Remove temporary script file (introduced for initial
build/repository setup to illustrate naming conventions
and test declaration) from framework sources.
Completes implementation of framework layer for
Remove spec for Constants.js (only constants are defined
here, and there is no particular use to verifying their
existence; also, implicitly tested by specs for code
which uses these constants.) WTD-518
Add clarifying comments to temporary files, to
ensure they are distinguishable as placeholders.
Part of developing project folder structure and
build for WTD-519.