- When going from browse to edit mode, the wrapper
around the object being edited will now transition in
from its edges, and the edit controls toolbar will
animate its height;
- There is no transition applied for going from edit
to browse; to do this we'd need to mod the JS on
exiting to look for the end of an animation event;
- Tested in Chrome, Safari and Firefox;
- May not be smooth with very complex objects
like Layouts with a large number of components;
- Added transitional animations to .l-object-wrapper
and .l-edit-controls;
- New 'animTo' mixin added to _effects.scss;
- Done;
- Styling for Export button and tabular view
area in layout frame context;
- Export button in frame context now
hidden until user hovers over tabular
view area in frame, includes animated
- Normalized line-height on button and
menu elements in frame context;
- Layout/markup/SASS for historical and
RT tabular view modified;
- Converted imagery.html layout
to use flexbox;
App logo and bg files renamed;
Added openmct.scss to hold openmct-specific styles;
Renamed _startup.scss to startup-base.scss
which now renders its own .css file;
Still to-do: apply to WARP including needed
mods to its About dialog screen;
open #639
Refactored all usage of @include desktop to use CSS selector body.desktop
instead; Still to-do: deal with desktopandtablet usage with hover bubbles
and mixins btnBase;
Many tweaks to fix some issues with tree, labels and Inspector.
open #468
Remove ng-class statements in favor of upstream .s-status-editing;
Restructure CSS accordingly;
NOTE: because edit.html has NOT been changed,
changes here will cause old edit mode to no longer display properly.
Don't integrate this CSS with old edit mode!
open #199
open #278
Changed CSS to use s-status-editing instead of .active
Refined style defs to explicitly target tree and
search-results children in order to avoid items in
Inspector Elements pool from being designated as
being edited;
Removed {{searchText}} div from input-filter;
open #199
open #279
Last commit didn't fully take...
Integrated inspector changes from open279 into
new edit mode work from open199; _layout.scss
had a bit of difficult conflict resolution but seems
good at this point...
open #199
open #279
Integrated inspector changes from open279 into
new edit mode work from open199; _layout.scss
had a bit of difficult conflict resolution but seems
good at this point...
open #250
Fixed min and max widths for panes to prevent
weird pane expand/collapse behaviors, like
Inspector covering the main view area;
Added min-width to .holder-all element;
open #250
open #260
Major refactoring to markup and CSS to apply
flex layout strategy to object headers;
Flex necessary to fix 'overflow: hidden' setting
applied in open90 to object-browse-bar that
was preventing the view switcher menu from
Browse, edit, mobile, frames in layouts, etc. all
visually checked in a first go round;
Mobile classes tweaked to fix left and right
margin problems resulting from open90 changes;
z-indexing of Inspector pane and splitters changed
to allow primary pane elements to overflow beneath
when primary pane width is severely constrained;
open #250
Significant changes to flex classes, markup in
browse.html and search.html to support better
flex layout;
Search results now scrolls properly;
Significant refactoring and cleanups in search and _search.scss;
open #244
Fixing scroll issue in Inspector via flex layout;
Added new _archetypes.scss file for .l-flex* and .col styles;
moved .col and associated mixin out of _layout.scss
and into _archetypes;
open #90
Merged in latest from github/master;
Fixed margins when in edit mode;
Fixed edit area not utilizing overflow: auto properly;
TO-DO: verify mobile is Ok;