diff --git a/docs/src/guide/index.md b/docs/src/guide/index.md
index 239235a279..01896ecfc5 100644
--- a/docs/src/guide/index.md
+++ b/docs/src/guide/index.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ Victor Woeltjen
-September 23, 2015  
-Document Version 1.1  
+September 23, 2015
+Document Version 1.1
 Date                | Version   | Summary of Changes      | Author
 ------------------- | --------- | ----------------------- | ---------------
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ MCT Web platform.
 ## What is Open MCT Web
 Open MCT Web is a platform for building user interface and display tools,
 developed at the NASA Ames Research Center in collaboration with teams at the
-Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It is written in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, using 
-[AngularJS](http://www.angularjs.org) as a framework. Its intended use is to 
-create single-page web applications which integrate data and behavior from a 
+Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It is written in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, using
+[AngularJS](http://www.angularjs.org) as a framework. Its intended use is to
+create single-page web applications which integrate data and behavior from a
 variety of sources and domains.
 Open MCT Web has been developed to support the remote operation of space
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ Open MCT Web provides:
 *  A common user interface paradigm which can be applied to a variety of domains
 and tasks. Open MCT Web is more than a widget toolkit - it provides a standard
 tree-on-the-left, view-on-the-right browsing environment which you customize by
-adding new browsable object types, visualizations, and back-end adapters.  
+adding new browsable object types, visualizations, and back-end adapters.
 *  A plugin framework and an extensible API for introducing new application
-features of a variety of types.  
+features of a variety of types.
 *  A set of general-purpose object types and visualizations, as well as some
 visualizations and infrastructure specific to telemetry display.
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Web should behave.
 ### Technologies
 Open MCT Web sources are written in JavaScript, with a number of configuration
-files written in JSON. Displayable components are written in HTML5 and CSS3.  
+files written in JSON. Displayable components are written in HTML5 and CSS3.
 Open MCT Web is built using [AngularJS](http://www.angularjs.org)  from Google. A
 good understanding of Angular is recommended for developers working with Open
 MCT Web.
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ chapter) within that directory.
 To initially clone the Open MCT Web repository:
 `git clone <repository URL> <local repo directory> -b open-master`
-To create a fork to begin working on a new application using Open MCT Web:  
+To create a fork to begin working on a new application using Open MCT Web:
-    cd <local repo directory>  
+    cd <local repo directory>
     git checkout open-master
     git checkout -b <new branch name>
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ plugins) but to collaborate at run-time.
 Open MCT Web's framework layer is implemented on top of AngularJS's [dependency
 injection mechanism](https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/di)  and is modelled after
-[OSGi](hhttp://www.osgi.org/)  and its [Declarative Services component model](http://wiki.osgi.org/wiki/Declarative_Services). 
+[OSGi](hhttp://www.osgi.org/)  and its [Declarative Services component model](http://wiki.osgi.org/wiki/Declarative_Services).
 In particular, this is where the term _bundle_ comes from.
 ## Framework Overview
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ The framework's role in the application is to manage connections between
 bundles. All application-specific behavior is provided by individual bundles, or
 as the result of their collaboration.
-The framework is described in more detail in the [Framework Overview](../architecture/Framework.md#Overview) of the 
+The framework is described in more detail in the [Framework Overview](../architecture/Framework.md#Overview) of the
 architecture guide.
 ### Tiers
@@ -186,16 +186,16 @@ as well as the framework layer's role in mediating between these components.
 Once the framework layer has wired these software components together, however,
 the application's logical architecture emerges.
-An overview of the logical architecture of the platform is given in the [Platform Architecture](../architecture/Platform.md#PlatformArchitecture) 
+An overview of the logical architecture of the platform is given in the [Platform Architecture](../architecture/Platform.md#PlatformArchitecture)
 section of the Platform guide
 ### Web Services
-As mentioned in the Introduction, Open MCT Web is a platform single-page 
-applications which runs entirely in the browser. Most applications will want to 
-additionally interact with server-side resources, to (for example) read 
-telemetry data or store user-created objects. This interaction is handled by 
-individual bundles using APIs which are supported in browser (such as 
+As mentioned in the Introduction, Open MCT Web is a platform single-page
+applications which runs entirely in the browser. Most applications will want to
+additionally interact with server-side resources, to (for example) read
+telemetry data or store user-created objects. This interaction is handled by
+individual bundles using APIs which are supported in browser (such as
 `XMLHttpRequest`, typically wrapped by Angular's `$http`.)
@@ -218,213 +218,213 @@ individual bundles using APIs which are supported in browser (such as
-This architectural approach ensures a loose coupling between applications built 
-using Open MCT Web and the backends which support them. 
-### Glossary 
-Certain terms are used throughout Open MCT Web with consistent meanings or 
-conventions. Other developer documentation, particularly in-line documentation, 
+This architectural approach ensures a loose coupling between applications built
+using Open MCT Web and the backends which support them.
+### Glossary
+Certain terms are used throughout Open MCT Web with consistent meanings or
+conventions. Other developer documentation, particularly in-line documentation,
 may presume an understanding of these terms.
-* __bundle__: A bundle is a removable, reusable grouping of software elements. 
+* __bundle__: A bundle is a removable, reusable grouping of software elements.
 The application is composed of bundles. Plug-ins are bundles.
-* __capability__: A JavaScript object which exposes dynamic behavior or 
+* __capability__: A JavaScript object which exposes dynamic behavior or
 non-persistent state associated with a domain object.
-* __category__: A machine-readable identifier for a group that something may 
+* __category__: A machine-readable identifier for a group that something may
 belong to.
-* __composition __: In the context of a domain object, this refers to the set of 
-other domain objects that compose or are contained by that object. A domain 
+* __composition __: In the context of a domain object, this refers to the set of
+other domain objects that compose or are contained by that object. A domain
 object's composition is the set of domain objects that should appear immediately
- beneath it in a tree hierarchy. A domain object's composition is described in 
-its model as an array of identifiers; its composition capability provides a 
-means to retrieve the actual domain object instances associated with these 
-identifiers asynchronously. 
+ beneath it in a tree hierarchy. A domain object's composition is described in
+its model as an array of identifiers; its composition capability provides a
+means to retrieve the actual domain object instances associated with these
+identifiers asynchronously.
 * __description__: When used as an object property, this refers to the human-
-readable description of a thing; usually a single sentence or short paragraph. 
-(Most often used in the context of extensions, domain object models, or other 
-similar application-specific objects.) 
-* __domain object __: A meaningful object to the user; a distinct thing in the 
-work support by Open MCT Web. Anything that appears in the left-hand tree is a 
-domain object. 
-* __extension __: An extension is a unit of functionality exposed to the platform 
-in a declarative fashion by a bundle. The term 'extension category' is used to 
-distinguish types of extensions from specific extension instances. 
-* __id__: A string which uniquely identifies a domain object. 
-* __key__: When used as an object property, this refers to the machine-readable 
-identifier for a specific thing in a set of things. (Most often used in the 
-context of extensions or other similar application-specific object sets.) This 
-term is chosen to avoid attaching ambiguous meanings to 'id'. 
-* __model__: The persistent state associated with a domain object. A domain 
-object's model is a JavaScript object which can be converted to JSON without 
-losing information (that is, it contains no methods.) 
-* __name__: When used as an object property, this refers to the human-readable 
-name for a thing. (Most often used in the context of extensions, domain object 
-models, or other similar application-specific objects.) 
-* __navigation__: Refers to the current state of the application with respect to 
-the user's expressed interest in a specific domain object; e.g. when a user 
-clicks on a domain object in the tree, they are navigating to it, and it is 
-thereafter considered the navigated object (until the user makes another such 
-choice.) This term is used to distinguish navigation from selection, which 
-occurs in an editing context. 
-* __space__: A machine-readable name used to identify a persistence store. 
-Interactions with persistence with generally involve a space parameter in some 
-form, to distinguish multiple persistence stores from one another (for cases 
-where there are multiple valid persistence locations available.) 
-* __source__: A machine-readable name used to identify a source of telemetry 
-data. Similar to "space", this allows multiple telemetry sources to operate 
-side-by-side without conflicting. 
+readable description of a thing; usually a single sentence or short paragraph.
+(Most often used in the context of extensions, domain object models, or other
+similar application-specific objects.)
+* __domain object __: A meaningful object to the user; a distinct thing in the
+work support by Open MCT Web. Anything that appears in the left-hand tree is a
+domain object.
+* __extension __: An extension is a unit of functionality exposed to the platform
+in a declarative fashion by a bundle. The term 'extension category' is used to
+distinguish types of extensions from specific extension instances.
+* __id__: A string which uniquely identifies a domain object.
+* __key__: When used as an object property, this refers to the machine-readable
+identifier for a specific thing in a set of things. (Most often used in the
+context of extensions or other similar application-specific object sets.) This
+term is chosen to avoid attaching ambiguous meanings to 'id'.
+* __model__: The persistent state associated with a domain object. A domain
+object's model is a JavaScript object which can be converted to JSON without
+losing information (that is, it contains no methods.)
+* __name__: When used as an object property, this refers to the human-readable
+name for a thing. (Most often used in the context of extensions, domain object
+models, or other similar application-specific objects.)
+* __navigation__: Refers to the current state of the application with respect to
+the user's expressed interest in a specific domain object; e.g. when a user
+clicks on a domain object in the tree, they are navigating to it, and it is
+thereafter considered the navigated object (until the user makes another such
+choice.) This term is used to distinguish navigation from selection, which
+occurs in an editing context.
+* __space__: A machine-readable name used to identify a persistence store.
+Interactions with persistence with generally involve a space parameter in some
+form, to distinguish multiple persistence stores from one another (for cases
+where there are multiple valid persistence locations available.)
+* __source__: A machine-readable name used to identify a source of telemetry
+data. Similar to "space", this allows multiple telemetry sources to operate
+side-by-side without conflicting.
 # Framework
-Open MCT Web is built on the [AngularJS framework]( http://www.angularjs.org ). A 
-good understanding of that framework is recommended. 
-Open MCT Web adds an extra layer on top of AngularJS to (a) generalize its 
-dependency injection mechanism slightly, particularly to handle many-to-one 
-relationships; and (b) handle script loading. Combined, these features become a 
-plugin mechanism. 
-This framework layer operates on two key concepts: 
+Open MCT Web is built on the [AngularJS framework]( http://www.angularjs.org ). A
+good understanding of that framework is recommended.
-* __Bundle:__  A bundle is a collection of related functionality that can be 
-added to the application as a group. More concretely, a bundle is a directory 
-containing a JSON file declaring its contents, as well as JavaScript sources, 
-HTML templates, and other resources used to support that functionality. (The 
-term bundle is borrowed from [OSGi](http://www.osgi.org/)  - which has also 
-inspired many of the concepts used in the framework layer. A familiarity with 
-OSGi, particularly Declarative Services, may be useful when working with Open 
+Open MCT Web adds an extra layer on top of AngularJS to (a) generalize its
+dependency injection mechanism slightly, particularly to handle many-to-one
+relationships; and (b) handle script loading. Combined, these features become a
+plugin mechanism.
+This framework layer operates on two key concepts:
+* __Bundle:__  A bundle is a collection of related functionality that can be
+added to the application as a group. More concretely, a bundle is a directory
+containing a JSON file declaring its contents, as well as JavaScript sources,
+HTML templates, and other resources used to support that functionality. (The
+term bundle is borrowed from [OSGi](http://www.osgi.org/)  - which has also
+inspired many of the concepts used in the framework layer. A familiarity with
+OSGi, particularly Declarative Services, may be useful when working with Open
 MCT Web.)
-* __Extension:__  An extension is an individual unit of functionality. Extensions 
-are collected together in bundles, and may interact with other extensions. 
+* __Extension:__  An extension is an individual unit of functionality. Extensions
+are collected together in bundles, and may interact with other extensions.
-The framework layer, loaded and initiated from `index.html`, is the main point 
-of entry for an application built on Open MCT Web. It is responsible for wiring 
-together the application at run time (much of this responsibility is actually 
-delegated to Angular); at a high-level, the framework does this by proceeding 
+The framework layer, loaded and initiated from `index.html`, is the main point
+of entry for an application built on Open MCT Web. It is responsible for wiring
+together the application at run time (much of this responsibility is actually
+delegated to Angular); at a high-level, the framework does this by proceeding
 through four stages:
-1. __Loading definitions:__ JSON declarations are loaded for all bundles which 
-will constitute the application, and wrapped in a useful API for subsequent 
-2. __Resolving extensions:__ Any scripts which provide implementations for 
-extensions exposed by bundles are loaded, using Require. 
-3. __Registering extensions__ Resolved extensions are registered with Angular, 
-such that they can be used by the application at run-time. This stage includes 
-both registration of Angular built-ins (directives, controllers, routes, 
-constants, and services) as well as registration of non-Angular extensions. 
-4. __Bootstrapping__ The Angular application is bootstrapped; at that point, 
-Angular takes over and populates the body of the page using the extensions that 
-have been registered. 
+1. __Loading definitions:__ JSON declarations are loaded for all bundles which
+will constitute the application, and wrapped in a useful API for subsequent
+2. __Resolving extensions:__ Any scripts which provide implementations for
+extensions exposed by bundles are loaded, using Require.
+3. __Registering extensions__ Resolved extensions are registered with Angular,
+such that they can be used by the application at run-time. This stage includes
+both registration of Angular built-ins (directives, controllers, routes,
+constants, and services) as well as registration of non-Angular extensions.
+4. __Bootstrapping__ The Angular application is bootstrapped; at that point,
+Angular takes over and populates the body of the page using the extensions that
+have been registered.
-## Bundles 
+## Bundles
-The basic configurable unit of Open MCT Web is the _bundle_. This term has been 
-used a bit already; now we'll get to a more formal definition. 
+The basic configurable unit of Open MCT Web is the _bundle_. This term has been
+used a bit already; now we'll get to a more formal definition.
 A bundle is a directory which contains:
 * A bundle definition; a file named `bundle.json`.
-* Subdirectories for sources, resources, and tests. 
-* Optionally, a `README.md` Markdown file describing its contents (this is not 
+* Subdirectories for sources, resources, and tests.
+* Optionally, a `README.md` Markdown file describing its contents (this is not
 used by Open MCT Web in any way, but it's a helpful convention to follow.)
-The bundle definition is the main point of entry for the bundle. The framework 
-looks at this to determine which components need to be loaded and how they 
+The bundle definition is the main point of entry for the bundle. The framework
+looks at this to determine which components need to be loaded and how they
-A plugin in Open MCT Web is a bundle. The platform itself is also decomposed 
-into bundles, each of which provides some category of functionality. The 
-difference between a _bundle_ and a _plugin_ is purely a matter of the intended 
-use; a plugin is just a bundle that is meant to be easily added or removed. When 
-developing, it is typically more useful to think in terms of bundles. 
-### Configuring Active Bundles 
-To decide which bundles should be loaded, the framework loads a file named 
-`bundles.json` (peer to the `index.html` file which serves the application) to 
-determine which bundles should be loaded. This file should contain a single JSON 
-array of strings, where each is the path to a bundle. These paths should not 
-include bundle.json  (this is implicit) or a trailing slash. 
+A plugin in Open MCT Web is a bundle. The platform itself is also decomposed
+into bundles, each of which provides some category of functionality. The
+difference between a _bundle_ and a _plugin_ is purely a matter of the intended
+use; a plugin is just a bundle that is meant to be easily added or removed. When
+developing, it is typically more useful to think in terms of bundles.
-For instance, if `bundles.json` contained: 
+### Configuring Active Bundles
-    [ 
-        "example/builtins", 
-        "example/extensions" 
-    ] 
-...then the Open MCT Web framework would look for bundle definitions at 
-`example/builtins/bundle.json` and `example/extensions/bundle.json`, relative 
-to the path of `index.html`. No other bundles would be loaded.  
+To decide which bundles should be loaded, the framework loads a file named
+`bundles.json` (peer to the `index.html` file which serves the application) to
+determine which bundles should be loaded. This file should contain a single JSON
+array of strings, where each is the path to a bundle. These paths should not
+include bundle.json  (this is implicit) or a trailing slash.
-### Bundle Definition 
-A bundle definition (the `bundle.json` file located within a bundle) contains a 
-description of the bundle itself, as well as the information exposed by the 
-This definition is expressed as a single JSON object with the following 
+For instance, if `bundles.json` contained:
+    [
+        "example/builtins",
+        "example/extensions"
+    ]
+...then the Open MCT Web framework would look for bundle definitions at
+`example/builtins/bundle.json` and `example/extensions/bundle.json`, relative
+to the path of `index.html`. No other bundles would be loaded.
+### Bundle Definition
+A bundle definition (the `bundle.json` file located within a bundle) contains a
+description of the bundle itself, as well as the information exposed by the
+This definition is expressed as a single JSON object with the following
 properties (all of which are optional, falling back to reasonable defaults):
-* `key`: A machine-readable name for the bundle. (Currently used only in 
-* `name`: A human-readable name for the bundle. (Also only used in logging.) 
-* `sources`: Names a directory in which source scripts (which will implement 
-extensions) are located. Defaults to 'src' 
-* `resources`: Names a directory in which resource files (such as HTML templates, 
-images, CS files, and other non-JavaScript files needed by this bundle) are 
-located. Defaults to 'res'  
-* `libraries`: Names a directory in which third-party libraries are located. 
-Defaults to 'lib' 
-* `configuration`: A bundle's configuration object, which should be formatted as 
-would be passed to require.config (see [RequireJS documentation](http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html ) ); 
-note that only paths and shim have been tested. 
-* `extensions`: An object containing key-value pairs, where keys are extension 
-categories, and values are extension definitions. See the section on Extensions 
-for more information.  
+* `key`: A machine-readable name for the bundle. (Currently used only in
+* `name`: A human-readable name for the bundle. (Also only used in logging.)
+* `sources`: Names a directory in which source scripts (which will implement
+extensions) are located. Defaults to 'src'
+* `resources`: Names a directory in which resource files (such as HTML templates,
+images, CS files, and other non-JavaScript files needed by this bundle) are
+located. Defaults to 'res'
+* `libraries`: Names a directory in which third-party libraries are located.
+Defaults to 'lib'
+* `configuration`: A bundle's configuration object, which should be formatted as
+would be passed to require.config (see [RequireJS documentation](http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html ) );
+note that only paths and shim have been tested.
+* `extensions`: An object containing key-value pairs, where keys are extension
+categories, and values are extension definitions. See the section on Extensions
+for more information.
-For example, the bundle definition for example/policy looks like:  
+For example, the bundle definition for example/policy looks like:
-        "name": "Example Policy", 
-        "description": "Provides an example of using policies.", 
-        "sources": "src", 
-        "extensions": { 
-            "policies": [ 
-                { 
-                    "implementation": "ExamplePolicy.js", 
-                    "category": "action" 
+        "name": "Example Policy",
+        "description": "Provides an example of using policies.",
+        "sources": "src",
+        "extensions": {
+            "policies": [
+                {
+                    "implementation": "ExamplePolicy.js",
+                    "category": "action"
-            ] 
-        } 
+            ]
+        }
-### Bundle Directory Structure 
-In addition to the directories defined in the bundle definition, a bundle will 
-typically contain other directories not used at run-time. Additionally, some 
-useful development scripts (such as the command line build and the test suite) 
-expect this directory structure to be in use, and may ignore options chosen by 
-`b undle.json`. It is recommended that the directory structure described below be 
+### Bundle Directory Structure
+In addition to the directories defined in the bundle definition, a bundle will
+typically contain other directories not used at run-time. Additionally, some
+useful development scripts (such as the command line build and the test suite)
+expect this directory structure to be in use, and may ignore options chosen by
+`b undle.json`. It is recommended that the directory structure described below be
 used for new bundles.
-* `src`: Contains JavaScript sources for this bundle. May contain additional 
-subdirectories to organize these sources; typically, these subdirectories are 
-named to correspond to the extension categories they contain and/or support, but 
-this is only a convention. 
-* `res`: Contains other files needed by this bundle, such as HTML templates. May 
-contain additional subdirectories to organize these sources. 
-* `lib`: Contains JavaScript sources from third-party libraries. These are 
-separated from bundle sources in order to ignore them during code style checking 
+* `src`: Contains JavaScript sources for this bundle. May contain additional
+subdirectories to organize these sources; typically, these subdirectories are
+named to correspond to the extension categories they contain and/or support, but
+this is only a convention.
+* `res`: Contains other files needed by this bundle, such as HTML templates. May
+contain additional subdirectories to organize these sources.
+* `lib`: Contains JavaScript sources from third-party libraries. These are
+separated from bundle sources in order to ignore them during code style checking
 from the command line build.
-* `test`: Contains JavaScript sources implementing [Jasmine](http://jasmine.github.io/) 
-tests, as well as a file named `suite.json` describing which files to test. 
-Should have the same folder structure as the `src` directory; see the section on 
-automated testing for more information. 
-For example, the directory structure for bundle `platform/commonUI/about`  looks 
+* `test`: Contains JavaScript sources implementing [Jasmine](http://jasmine.github.io/)
+tests, as well as a file named `suite.json` describing which files to test.
+Should have the same folder structure as the `src` directory; see the section on
+automated testing for more information.
+For example, the directory structure for bundle `platform/commonUI/about`  looks
@@ -442,238 +442,238 @@ like:
-## Extensions 
+## Extensions
-While bundles provide groupings of related behaviors, the individual units of 
-behavior are called extensions. 
+While bundles provide groupings of related behaviors, the individual units of
+behavior are called extensions.
-Extensions belong to categories; an extension category is the machine-readable 
-identifier used to identify groups of extensions. In the `extensions` property 
-of a bundle definition, the keys are extension categories and the values are 
-arrays of extension definitions. 
-### General Extensions 
+Extensions belong to categories; an extension category is the machine-readable
+identifier used to identify groups of extensions. In the `extensions` property
+of a bundle definition, the keys are extension categories and the values are
+arrays of extension definitions.
-Extensions are intended as a general-purpose mechanism for adding new types of 
-functionality to Open MCT Web. 
+### General Extensions
-An extension category is registered with Angular under the name of the 
-extension, plus a suffix of two square brackets; so, an Angular service (or, 
-generally, any other extension) can access the full set of registered 
-extensions, from all bundles, by including this string (e.g. `types[]` to get 
-all type definitions) in a dependency declaration. 
+Extensions are intended as a general-purpose mechanism for adding new types of
+functionality to Open MCT Web.
-As a convention, extension categories are given single-word, plural nouns for 
-names within Open MCT Web (e.g. `types`.) This convention is not enforced by the 
-platform in any way. For extension categories introduced by external plugins, it 
-is recommended to prefix the extension category with a vendor identifier (or 
-similar) followed by a dot, to avoid collisions. 
-### Extension Definitions 
+An extension category is registered with Angular under the name of the
+extension, plus a suffix of two square brackets; so, an Angular service (or,
+generally, any other extension) can access the full set of registered
+extensions, from all bundles, by including this string (e.g. `types[]` to get
+all type definitions) in a dependency declaration.
-The properties used in extension definitions are typically unique to each 
-category of extension; a few properties have standard interpretations by the 
+As a convention, extension categories are given single-word, plural nouns for
+names within Open MCT Web (e.g. `types`.) This convention is not enforced by the
+platform in any way. For extension categories introduced by external plugins, it
+is recommended to prefix the extension category with a vendor identifier (or
+similar) followed by a dot, to avoid collisions.
-* `implementation`: Identifies a JavaScript source file (in the sources 
-folder) which implements this extension. This JavaScript file is expected to 
-contain an AMD module (see http://requirejs.org/docs/whyamd.html#amd ) which 
-gives as its result a single constructor function. 
-* `depends`: An array of dependencies needed by this extension; these will be 
-passed on to Angular's [dependency injector](https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/di ) . 
-By default, this is treated as an empty array. Note that depends does not make 
-sense without `implementation` (since these dependencies will be passed to the 
-implementation when it is instantiated.) 
-* `priority`: A number or string indicating the priority order (see below) of 
-this extension instance. Before an extension category is registered with 
-AngularJS, the extensions of this category from all bundles will be concatenated 
-into a single array, and then sorted by priority. 
+### Extension Definitions
-Extensions do not need to have an implementation. If no implementation is 
-provided, consumers of the extension category will receive the extension 
-definition as a plain JavaScript object. Otherwise, they will receive the 
-partialized (see below) constructor for that implementation, which will 
-additionally have all properties from the extension definition attached. 
+The properties used in extension definitions are typically unique to each
+category of extension; a few properties have standard interpretations by the
-#### Partial Construction 
+* `implementation`: Identifies a JavaScript source file (in the sources
+folder) which implements this extension. This JavaScript file is expected to
+contain an AMD module (see http://requirejs.org/docs/whyamd.html#amd ) which
+gives as its result a single constructor function.
+* `depends`: An array of dependencies needed by this extension; these will be
+passed on to Angular's [dependency injector](https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/di ) .
+By default, this is treated as an empty array. Note that depends does not make
+sense without `implementation` (since these dependencies will be passed to the
+implementation when it is instantiated.)
+* `priority`: A number or string indicating the priority order (see below) of
+this extension instance. Before an extension category is registered with
+AngularJS, the extensions of this category from all bundles will be concatenated
+into a single array, and then sorted by priority.
-In general, extensions are intended to be implemented as constructor functions, 
-which will be used elsewhere to instantiate new objects of that type. However, 
-the Angular-supported method for dependency injection is (effectively) 
-constructor-style injection; so, both declared dependencies and run-time 
-arguments are competing for space in a constructor's arguments. 
+Extensions do not need to have an implementation. If no implementation is
+provided, consumers of the extension category will receive the extension
+definition as a plain JavaScript object. Otherwise, they will receive the
+partialized (see below) constructor for that implementation, which will
+additionally have all properties from the extension definition attached.
-To resolve this, the Open MCT Web framework registers extension instances in a 
-partially constructed form. That is, the constructor exposed by the extension's 
-implementation is effectively decomposed into two calls; the first takes the 
-dependencies, and returns the constructor in its second form, which takes the 
-remaining arguments. 
+#### Partial Construction
-This means that, when writing implementations, the constructor function should 
-be written to include all declared dependencies, followed by all run-time 
-arguments. When using extensions, only the run-time arguments need to be 
-#### Priority 
+In general, extensions are intended to be implemented as constructor functions,
+which will be used elsewhere to instantiate new objects of that type. However,
+the Angular-supported method for dependency injection is (effectively)
+constructor-style injection; so, both declared dependencies and run-time
+arguments are competing for space in a constructor's arguments.
-Within each extension category, registration occurs in priority order. An 
-extension's priority may be specified as a `priority` property in its extension 
-definition; this may be a number, or a symbolic string. Extensions are 
-registered in reverse order (highest-priority first), and symbolic strings are 
-mapped to the numeric values as follows: 
+To resolve this, the Open MCT Web framework registers extension instances in a
+partially constructed form. That is, the constructor exposed by the extension's
+implementation is effectively decomposed into two calls; the first takes the
+dependencies, and returns the constructor in its second form, which takes the
+remaining arguments.
-* `fallback`: Negative infinity. Used for extensions that are not intended for 
-use (that is, they are meant to be overridden) but are present as an option of 
-last resort. 
-* `default`: `-100`. Used for extensions that are expected to be overridden, but 
-need a useful default. 
-* `none`: `0`. Also used if no priority is specified, or if an unknown or 
-malformed priority is specified. 
-* `optional`: `100`. Used for extensions that are meant to be used, but may be 
-* `preferred`: `1000`. Used for extensions that are specifically intended to be 
-used, but still may be overridden in principle. 
-* `mandatory`: Positive infinity. Used when an extension should definitely not 
-be overridden. 
+This means that, when writing implementations, the constructor function should
+be written to include all declared dependencies, followed by all run-time
+arguments. When using extensions, only the run-time arguments need to be
-These symbolic names are chosen to support usage where many extensions may 
-satisfy a given need, but only one may be used; in this case, as a convention it 
-should be the lowest-ordered (highest-priority) extensions available. In other 
-cases, a full set (or multi-element subset) of extensions may be desired, with a 
-specific ordering; in these cases, it is preferable to specify priority 
-numerically when declaring extensions, and to understand that extensions will be 
-sorted according to these conventions when using them. 
-### Angular Built-ins 
+#### Priority
+Within each extension category, registration occurs in priority order. An
+extension's priority may be specified as a `priority` property in its extension
+definition; this may be a number, or a symbolic string. Extensions are
+registered in reverse order (highest-priority first), and symbolic strings are
+mapped to the numeric values as follows:
+* `fallback`: Negative infinity. Used for extensions that are not intended for
+use (that is, they are meant to be overridden) but are present as an option of
+last resort.
+* `default`: `-100`. Used for extensions that are expected to be overridden, but
+need a useful default.
+* `none`: `0`. Also used if no priority is specified, or if an unknown or
+malformed priority is specified.
+* `optional`: `100`. Used for extensions that are meant to be used, but may be
+* `preferred`: `1000`. Used for extensions that are specifically intended to be
+used, but still may be overridden in principle.
+* `mandatory`: Positive infinity. Used when an extension should definitely not
+be overridden.
+These symbolic names are chosen to support usage where many extensions may
+satisfy a given need, but only one may be used; in this case, as a convention it
+should be the lowest-ordered (highest-priority) extensions available. In other
+cases, a full set (or multi-element subset) of extensions may be desired, with a
+specific ordering; in these cases, it is preferable to specify priority
+numerically when declaring extensions, and to understand that extensions will be
+sorted according to these conventions when using them.
+### Angular Built-ins
+Several entities supported Angular are expressed and managed as extensions in
+Open MCT Web. Specifically, these extension categories are _directives_,
+_controllers_, _services_, _constants_, _runs_, and _routes_.
-Several entities supported Angular are expressed and managed as extensions in 
-Open MCT Web. Specifically, these extension categories are _directives_, 
-_controllers_, _services_, _constants_, _runs_, and _routes_. 
 #### Angular Directives
-New [directives]( https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive ) may be 
-registered as extensions of the directives category. Implementations of 
-directives in this category should take only dependencies as arguments, and 
-should return a directive definition object. 
+New [directives]( https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive ) may be
+registered as extensions of the directives category. Implementations of
+directives in this category should take only dependencies as arguments, and
+should return a directive definition object.
+The directive's name should be provided as a key property of its extension
+definition, in camel-case format.
-The directive's name should be provided as a key property of its extension 
-definition, in camel-case format. 
 #### Angular Controllers
-New [controllers]( https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/controller ) may be registered 
-as extensions of the controllers category. The implementation is registered 
-directly as the controller; its only constructor arguments are its declared 
+New [controllers]( https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/controller ) may be registered
+as extensions of the controllers category. The implementation is registered
+directly as the controller; its only constructor arguments are its declared
+The directive's identifier should be provided as a key property of its extension
-The directive's identifier should be provided as a key property of its extension 
 #### Angular Services
-New [services](https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/services ) may be registered as 
-extensions of the services category. The implementation is registered via a 
-[service call]( https://docs.angularjs.org/api/auto/service/$provide#service ), so 
-it will be instantiated with the new operator. 
+New [services](https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/services ) may be registered as
+extensions of the services category. The implementation is registered via a
+[service call]( https://docs.angularjs.org/api/auto/service/$provide#service ), so
+it will be instantiated with the new operator.
-#### Angular Constants 
+#### Angular Constants
-Constant values may be registered as extensions of the [ constants category](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/angular.Module#constant ). 
-These extensions have no implementation; instead, they should contain a property 
- key , which is the name under which the constant will be registered, and a 
+Constant values may be registered as extensions of the [ constants category](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/angular.Module#constant ).
+These extensions have no implementation; instead, they should contain a property
+ key , which is the name under which the constant will be registered, and a
 property value , which is the constant value that will be registered.
-#### Angular Runs 
+#### Angular Runs
-In some cases, you want to register code to run as soon as the application 
-starts; these can be registered as extensions of the [ runs category](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/angular.Module#run ). 
-Implementations registered in this category will be invoked (with their declared 
-dependencies) when the Open MCT Web application first starts. (Note that, in 
-this case, the implementation is better thought of as just a function, as 
+In some cases, you want to register code to run as soon as the application
+starts; these can be registered as extensions of the [ runs category](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/angular.Module#run ).
+Implementations registered in this category will be invoked (with their declared
+dependencies) when the Open MCT Web application first starts. (Note that, in
+this case, the implementation is better thought of as just a function, as
 opposed to a constructor function.)
 #### Angular Routes
-Extensions of category `routes` will be registered with Angular's [route provider](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngRoute/provider/$routeProvider ). 
-Extensions of this category have no implementations, and need only two 
-properties in their definition: 
+Extensions of category `routes` will be registered with Angular's [route provider](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngRoute/provider/$routeProvider ).
+Extensions of this category have no implementations, and need only two
+properties in their definition:
-* `when`: The value that will be passed as the path argument to `$routeProvider.when`; 
-specifically, the string that will appear in the trailing 
-part of the URL corresponding to this route. This property may be omitted, in 
-which case this extension instance will be treated as the default route. 
-* `templateUrl`: A path to the template to render for this route. Specified as a 
-path relative to the bundle's resource directory (`res` by default.) 
+* `when`: The value that will be passed as the path argument to `$routeProvider.when`;
+specifically, the string that will appear in the trailing
+part of the URL corresponding to this route. This property may be omitted, in
+which case this extension instance will be treated as the default route.
+* `templateUrl`: A path to the template to render for this route. Specified as a
+path relative to the bundle's resource directory (`res` by default.)
 ### Composite Services
-Composite services are described in the [relevant section](../architecture/Framework.md#Composite-Services) 
+Composite services are described in the [relevant section](../architecture/Framework.md#Composite-Services)
 of the framework guide.
 A component should include the following properties in its extension definition:
-* `provides`: The symbolic identifier for the service that will be composed. The 
+* `provides`: The symbolic identifier for the service that will be composed. The
   fully-composed service will be registered with Angular under this name.
-* `type`: One of `provider`, `aggregator` or `decorator` (as above) 
+* `type`: One of `provider`, `aggregator` or `decorator` (as above)
-In addition to any declared dependencies, _aggregators_ and _decorators_ both 
-receive one more argument (immediately following declared dependencies) that is 
-provided by the framework. For an aggregator, this will be an array of all 
-providers of the same service (that is, with matching `provides` properties); 
-for a decorator, this will be whichever provider, decorator, or aggregator is 
-next in the sequence of decorators. 
+In addition to any declared dependencies, _aggregators_ and _decorators_ both
+receive one more argument (immediately following declared dependencies) that is
+provided by the framework. For an aggregator, this will be an array of all
+providers of the same service (that is, with matching `provides` properties);
+for a decorator, this will be whichever provider, decorator, or aggregator is
+next in the sequence of decorators.
-Services exposed by the Open MCT Web platform are often declared as composite 
-services, as this form is open for a variety of common modifications. 
+Services exposed by the Open MCT Web platform are often declared as composite
+services, as this form is open for a variety of common modifications.
-# Core API 
+# Core API
-Most of Open MCT Web's relevant API is provided and/or mediated by the 
-framework; that is, much of developing for Open MCT Web is a matter of adding 
-extensions which access other parts of the platform by means of dependency 
+Most of Open MCT Web's relevant API is provided and/or mediated by the
+framework; that is, much of developing for Open MCT Web is a matter of adding
+extensions which access other parts of the platform by means of dependency
-The core bundle (`platform/core`) introduces a few additional object types meant 
-to be passed along by other services. 
+The core bundle (`platform/core`) introduces a few additional object types meant
+to be passed along by other services.
-## Domain Objects 
+## Domain Objects
-Domain objects are the most fundamental component of Open MCT Web's information 
-model. A domain object is some distinct thing relevant to a user's work flow, 
-such as a telemetry channel, display, or similar. Open MCT Web is a tool for 
-viewing, browsing, manipulating, and otherwise interacting with a graph of 
-domain objects. 
+Domain objects are the most fundamental component of Open MCT Web's information
+model. A domain object is some distinct thing relevant to a user's work flow,
+such as a telemetry channel, display, or similar. Open MCT Web is a tool for
+viewing, browsing, manipulating, and otherwise interacting with a graph of
+domain objects.
 A domain object should be conceived of as the union of the following:
-* __Identifier__: A machine-readable string that uniquely identifies the domain 
-object within this application instance. 
-* __Model__: The persistent state of the domain object. A domain object's model 
-is a JavaScript object that can be losslessly converted to JSON. 
-* __Capabilities__: Dynamic behavior associated with the domain object. 
-Capabilities are JavaScript objects which provide additional methods for 
-interacting with the domain objects which expose those capabilities. Not all 
-domain objects expose all capabilities. 
+* __Identifier__: A machine-readable string that uniquely identifies the domain
+object within this application instance.
+* __Model__: The persistent state of the domain object. A domain object's model
+is a JavaScript object that can be losslessly converted to JSON.
+* __Capabilities__: Dynamic behavior associated with the domain object.
+Capabilities are JavaScript objects which provide additional methods for
+interacting with the domain objects which expose those capabilities. Not all
+domain objects expose all capabilities.
 At run-time, a domain object has the following interface:
-* `getId()`: Get the identifier for this domain object. 
-* `getModel()`: Get the plain state associated with this domain object. This 
-will return a JavaScript object that can be losslessly converted to JSON. Note 
-that the model returned here can be modified directly but should not be; 
-instead, use the mutation capability. 
-* `getCapability(key)`: Get the specified capability associated with this domain 
-object. This will return a JavaScript object whose interface is specific to the 
-type of capability being requested. If the requested capability is not exposed 
+* `getId()`: Get the identifier for this domain object.
+* `getModel()`: Get the plain state associated with this domain object. This
+will return a JavaScript object that can be losslessly converted to JSON. Note
+that the model returned here can be modified directly but should not be;
+instead, use the mutation capability.
+* `getCapability(key)`: Get the specified capability associated with this domain
+object. This will return a JavaScript object whose interface is specific to the
+type of capability being requested. If the requested capability is not exposed
 by this domain object, this will return undefined .
-* `hasCapability(key)`: Shorthand for checking if a domain object exposes the 
+* `hasCapability(key)`: Shorthand for checking if a domain object exposes the
 requested capability.
-* `useCapability(key, arguments  )`: Shorthand for 
-`getCapability(key).invoke(arguments)`, with additional checking between calls. 
-If the provided capability has no invoke method, the return value here functions 
-as `getCapability` including returning `undefined` if the capability is not 
+* `useCapability(key, arguments  )`: Shorthand for
+`getCapability(key).invoke(arguments)`, with additional checking between calls.
+If the provided capability has no invoke method, the return value here functions
+as `getCapability` including returning `undefined` if the capability is not
 ### Identifier Syntax
@@ -700,208 +700,208 @@ A domain object identifier has one or two parts, separated by a colon.
 ## Domain Object Actions
-An `Action` is behavior that can be performed upon/using a `DomainObject`. An 
+An `Action` is behavior that can be performed upon/using a `DomainObject`. An
 Action has the following interface:
-* `perform()`: Do this action. For example, if one had an instance of a 
-`RemoveAction` invoking its perform method would cause the domain object which 
+* `perform()`: Do this action. For example, if one had an instance of a
+`RemoveAction` invoking its perform method would cause the domain object which
 exposed it to be removed from its container.
-* `getMetadata()`: Get metadata associated with this action. Returns an object 
+* `getMetadata()`: Get metadata associated with this action. Returns an object
     * `name`: Human-readable name.
-    * `description`: Human-readable summary of this action. 
-    * `glyph`: Single character to be displayed in Open MCT Web's icon font set. 
+    * `description`: Human-readable summary of this action.
+    * `glyph`: Single character to be displayed in Open MCT Web's icon font set.
     * `context`: The context in which this action is being performed (see below)
-Action instances are typically obtained via a domain object's `action` 
-### Action Contexts 
+Action instances are typically obtained via a domain object's `action`
-An action context is a JavaScript object with the following properties: 
+### Action Contexts
-* `domainObject`: The domain object being acted upon. 
-* `selectedObject`: Optional; the selection at the time of action (e.g. the 
+An action context is a JavaScript object with the following properties:
+* `domainObject`: The domain object being acted upon.
+* `selectedObject`: Optional; the selection at the time of action (e.g. the
 dragged object in a drag-and-drop operation.)
-## Telemetry 
+## Telemetry
-Telemetry series data in Open MCT Web is represented by a common interface, and 
-packaged in a consistent manner to facilitate passing telemetry updates around 
-multiple visualizations. 
-### Telemetry Requests 
+Telemetry series data in Open MCT Web is represented by a common interface, and
+packaged in a consistent manner to facilitate passing telemetry updates around
+multiple visualizations.
-A telemetry request is a JavaScript object containing the following properties: 
+### Telemetry Requests
-* `source`: A machine-readable identifier for the source of this telemetry. This 
-is useful when multiple distinct data sources are in use side-by-side. 
-* `key`: A machine-readable identifier for a unique series of telemetry within 
-that source. 
-* _Note: This API is still under development; additional properties, such as 
-start and end time, should be present in future versions of Open MCT Web._ 
+A telemetry request is a JavaScript object containing the following properties:
-Additional properties may be included in telemetry requests which have specific 
+* `source`: A machine-readable identifier for the source of this telemetry. This
+is useful when multiple distinct data sources are in use side-by-side.
+* `key`: A machine-readable identifier for a unique series of telemetry within
+that source.
+* _Note: This API is still under development; additional properties, such as
+start and end time, should be present in future versions of Open MCT Web._
+Additional properties may be included in telemetry requests which have specific
 interpretations for specific sources.
 ### Telemetry Responses
-When returned from the `telemetryService` (see [Services](#Services) section), 
-telemetry series data will be packaged in a `source -> key -> TelemetrySeries` 
-fashion. That is, telemetry is passed in an object containing key-value pairs. 
-Keys identify telemetry sources; values are objects containing additional 
-key-value pairs. In this object, keys identify individual telemetry series (and 
-match they `key` property from corresponding requests) and values are 
-`TelemetrySeries` objects (see below.) 
+When returned from the `telemetryService` (see [Services](#Services) section),
+telemetry series data will be packaged in a `source -> key -> TelemetrySeries`
+fashion. That is, telemetry is passed in an object containing key-value pairs.
+Keys identify telemetry sources; values are objects containing additional
+key-value pairs. In this object, keys identify individual telemetry series (and
+match they `key` property from corresponding requests) and values are
+`TelemetrySeries` objects (see below.)
 ### Telemetry Series
-A telemetry series is a specific sequence of data, typically associated with a 
-specific instrument. Telemetry is modeled as an ordered sequence of domain and 
-range values, where domain values must be non-decreasing but range values do 
-not. (Typically, domain values are interpreted as UTC timestamps in milliseconds 
-relative to the UNIX epoch.) A series must have at least one domain and one 
+A telemetry series is a specific sequence of data, typically associated with a
+specific instrument. Telemetry is modeled as an ordered sequence of domain and
+range values, where domain values must be non-decreasing but range values do
+not. (Typically, domain values are interpreted as UTC timestamps in milliseconds
+relative to the UNIX epoch.) A series must have at least one domain and one
 range, and may have more than one.
-Telemetry series data in Open MCT Web is expressed via the following 
-`TelemetrySeries` interface: 
+Telemetry series data in Open MCT Web is expressed via the following
+`TelemetrySeries` interface:
-* `getPointCount()`: Returns the number of unique points/samples in this series. 
-* `getDomainValue(index, [domain])`:  Get the domain value at the specified index . 
-If a second domain argument is provided, this is taken as a string identifier 
-indicating which domain option (of, presumably, multiple) should be returned. 
-* `getRangeValue(index, [range])`:  Get the domain value at the specified index . 
-If a second range argument is provided, this is taken as a string identifier 
-indicating which range option (of, presumably, multiple) should be returned. 
-### Telemetry Metadata 
+* `getPointCount()`: Returns the number of unique points/samples in this series.
+* `getDomainValue(index, [domain])`:  Get the domain value at the specified index .
+If a second domain argument is provided, this is taken as a string identifier
+indicating which domain option (of, presumably, multiple) should be returned.
+* `getRangeValue(index, [range])`:  Get the domain value at the specified index .
+If a second range argument is provided, this is taken as a string identifier
+indicating which range option (of, presumably, multiple) should be returned.
-Domain objects which have associated telemetry also expose metadata about that 
-telemetry; this is retrievable via the `getMetadata()` of the telemetry 
-capability. This will return a single JavaScript object containing the following 
+### Telemetry Metadata
-* `source`: The machine-readable identifier for the source of telemetry data for 
-this object. 
-* `key`: The machine-readable identifier for the individual telemetry series. 
-* `domains`: An array of supported domains (see TelemetrySeries above.) Each 
-domain should be expressed as an object which includes: 
-    * `key`: Machine-readable identifier for this domain, as will be passed into 
-    a getDomainValue(index, domain)  call. 
-    * `name`: Human-readable name for this domain. 
-* `ranges`: An array of supported ranges; same format as domains . 
+Domain objects which have associated telemetry also expose metadata about that
+telemetry; this is retrievable via the `getMetadata()` of the telemetry
+capability. This will return a single JavaScript object containing the following
-Note that this metadata is also used as the prototype for telemetry requests 
-made using this capability. 
+* `source`: The machine-readable identifier for the source of telemetry data for
+this object.
+* `key`: The machine-readable identifier for the individual telemetry series.
+* `domains`: An array of supported domains (see TelemetrySeries above.) Each
+domain should be expressed as an object which includes:
+    * `key`: Machine-readable identifier for this domain, as will be passed into
+    a getDomainValue(index, domain)  call.
+    * `name`: Human-readable name for this domain.
+* `ranges`: An array of supported ranges; same format as domains .
-## Types 
-A domain object's type is represented as a Type object, which has the following 
+Note that this metadata is also used as the prototype for telemetry requests
+made using this capability.
+## Types
+A domain object's type is represented as a Type object, which has the following
-* `getKey()`: Get the machine-readable identifier for this type. 
-* `getName()`: Get the human-readable name for this type. 
-* `getDescription()`: Get a human-readable summary of this type. 
-* `getGlyph()`: Get the single character to be rendered as an icon for this type 
-in Open MCT Web's custom font set. 
-* `getInitialModel()`: Get a domain object model that represents the initial 
-state (before user specification of properties) for domain objects of this type. 
-* `getDefinition()`: Get the extension definition for this type, as a JavaScript 
-* `instanceOf(type)`: Check if this type is (or inherits from) a specified type . 
-This type can be either a string, in which case it is taken to be that type's 
- key , or it may be a  `Type` instance. 
-* `hasFeature(feature)`: Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not this 
-type supports the specified feature, which is a symbolic string. 
-* `getProperties()`: Get all properties associated with this type, expressed as 
-an array of `TypeProperty` instances. 
-### Type Features 
+* `getKey()`: Get the machine-readable identifier for this type.
+* `getName()`: Get the human-readable name for this type.
+* `getDescription()`: Get a human-readable summary of this type.
+* `getGlyph()`: Get the single character to be rendered as an icon for this type
+in Open MCT Web's custom font set.
+* `getInitialModel()`: Get a domain object model that represents the initial
+state (before user specification of properties) for domain objects of this type.
+* `getDefinition()`: Get the extension definition for this type, as a JavaScript
+* `instanceOf(type)`: Check if this type is (or inherits from) a specified type .
+This type can be either a string, in which case it is taken to be that type's
+ key , or it may be a  `Type` instance.
+* `hasFeature(feature)`: Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not this
+type supports the specified feature, which is a symbolic string.
+* `getProperties()`: Get all properties associated with this type, expressed as
+an array of `TypeProperty` instances.
-Features of a domain object type are expressed as symbolic string identifiers. 
-They are defined in practice by usage; currently, the Open MCT Web platform only 
-uses the creation feature to determine which domain object types should appear 
-in the Create menu. 
-### Type Properties 
+### Type Features
-Types declare the user-editable properties of their domain object instances in 
-order to allow the forms which appear in the __Create__ and __Edit Properties__ 
+Features of a domain object type are expressed as symbolic string identifiers.
+They are defined in practice by usage; currently, the Open MCT Web platform only
+uses the creation feature to determine which domain object types should appear
+in the Create menu.
+### Type Properties
+Types declare the user-editable properties of their domain object instances in
+order to allow the forms which appear in the __Create__ and __Edit Properties__
 dialogs to be generated by the platform. A `TypeProperty` has the following interface:
-* `getValue(model)`: Get the current value for this property, as it appears in 
-the provided domain object model. 
-* `setValue(model, value)`: Set a new value for this property in the provided 
-domain object model . 
-* `getDefinition()`: Get the raw definition for this property as a JavaScript 
-object (as it was declared in this type's extension definition.) 
+* `getValue(model)`: Get the current value for this property, as it appears in
+the provided domain object model.
+* `setValue(model, value)`: Set a new value for this property in the provided
+domain object model .
+* `getDefinition()`: Get the raw definition for this property as a JavaScript
+object (as it was declared in this type's extension definition.)
-# Extension Categories 
+# Extension Categories
-The information in this section is focused on registering new extensions of 
-specific types; it does not contain a catalog of the extension instances of 
-these categories provided by the platform. Relevant summaries there are provided 
+The information in this section is focused on registering new extensions of
+specific types; it does not contain a catalog of the extension instances of
+these categories provided by the platform. Relevant summaries there are provided
 in subsequent sections.
 ## Actions Category
-An action is a thing that can be done to or using a domain object, typically as 
-initiated by the user. 
+An action is a thing that can be done to or using a domain object, typically as
+initiated by the user.
 An action's implementation:
-* Should take a single `context` argument in its constructor. (See Action 
+* Should take a single `context` argument in its constructor. (See Action
 Contexts, under Core API.)
-* Should provide a method `perform` which causes the behavior associated with 
+* Should provide a method `perform` which causes the behavior associated with
 the action to occur.
-* May provide a method `getMetadata` which provides metadata associated with 
-the action. If omitted, one will be provided by the platform which includes 
+* May provide a method `getMetadata` which provides metadata associated with
+the action. If omitted, one will be provided by the platform which includes
 metadata from the action's extension definition.
-* May provide a static method `appliesTo(context)` (that is, a function 
-available as a property of the implementation's constructor itself), which will 
-be used by the platform to filter out actions from contexts in which they are 
+* May provide a static method `appliesTo(context)` (that is, a function
+available as a property of the implementation's constructor itself), which will
+be used by the platform to filter out actions from contexts in which they are
 inherently inapplicable.
 An action's bundle definition (and/or `getMetadata()` return value) may include:
-* `category`: A string or array of strings identifying which category or 
-categories an action falls into; used to determine when an action is displayed. 
-Categories supported by the platform include: 
-    * `contextual`: Actions in a context menu. 
-    * `view-control`: Actions triggered by buttons in the top-right of Browse 
-    view. 
-* `key`: A machine-readable identifier for this action. 
-* `name`: A human-readable name for this action (e.g. to show in a menu) 
-* `description`: A human-readable summary of the behavior of this action. 
-* `glyph`: A single character which will be rendered in Open MCT Web's custom 
+* `category`: A string or array of strings identifying which category or
+categories an action falls into; used to determine when an action is displayed.
+Categories supported by the platform include:
+    * `contextual`: Actions in a context menu.
+    * `view-control`: Actions triggered by buttons in the top-right of Browse
+    view.
+* `key`: A machine-readable identifier for this action.
+* `name`: A human-readable name for this action (e.g. to show in a menu)
+* `description`: A human-readable summary of the behavior of this action.
+* `glyph`: A single character which will be rendered in Open MCT Web's custom
 font set as an icon for this action.
 ## Capabilities Category
-Capabilities are exposed by domain objects (e.g. via the `getCapability` method) 
+Capabilities are exposed by domain objects (e.g. via the `getCapability` method)
 but most commonly originate as extensions of this category.
-Extension definitions for capabilities should include both an implementation, 
-and a property named key whose value should be a string used as a 
-machine-readable identifier for that capability, e.g. when passed as the 
+Extension definitions for capabilities should include both an implementation,
+and a property named key whose value should be a string used as a
+machine-readable identifier for that capability, e.g. when passed as the
 argument to a domain object's `getCapability(key)` call.
-A capability's implementation should have methods specific to that capability; 
-that is, there is no common format for capability implementations, aside from 
+A capability's implementation should have methods specific to that capability;
+that is, there is no common format for capability implementations, aside from
 support for invocation via the `useCapability` shorthand.
-A capability's implementation will take a single argument (in addition to any 
-declared dependencies), which is the domain object that will expose that 
+A capability's implementation will take a single argument (in addition to any
+declared dependencies), which is the domain object that will expose that
-A capability's implementation may also expose a static method `appliesTo(model)` 
-which should return a boolean value, and will be used by the platform to filter 
-down capabilities to those which should be exposed by specific domain objects, 
-based on their domain object models. 
+A capability's implementation may also expose a static method `appliesTo(model)`
+which should return a boolean value, and will be used by the platform to filter
+down capabilities to those which should be exposed by specific domain objects,
+based on their domain object models.
 ## Controls Category
-Controls provide options for the `mct-control` directive. 
+Controls provide options for the `mct-control` directive.
 Six standard control types are included in the forms bundle:
 * `textfield`: An area to enter plain text.
@@ -909,94 +909,94 @@ Six standard control types are included in the forms bundle:
 * `checkbox`: A box which may be checked/unchecked.
 * `color`: A color picker.
 * `button`: A button.
-* `datetime`: An input for UTC date/time entry; gives result as a UNIX 
-timestamp, in milliseconds since start of 1970, UTC. 
+* `datetime`: An input for UTC date/time entry; gives result as a UNIX
+timestamp, in milliseconds since start of 1970, UTC.
-New controls may be added as extensions of the controls category. Extensions of 
-this category have two properties: 
+New controls may be added as extensions of the controls category. Extensions of
+this category have two properties:
-* `key`: The symbolic name for this control (matched against the control field 
+* `key`: The symbolic name for this control (matched against the control field
 in rows of the form structure).
-* `templateUrl`: The URL to the control's Angular template, relative to the 
-resources directory of the bundle which exposes the extension. 
+* `templateUrl`: The URL to the control's Angular template, relative to the
+resources directory of the bundle which exposes the extension.
-Within the template for a control, the following variables will be included in 
+Within the template for a control, the following variables will be included in
-* `ngModel`: The model where form input will be stored. Notably we also need to 
-look at field  (see below) to determine which field in the model should be 
+* `ngModel`: The model where form input will be stored. Notably we also need to
+look at field  (see below) to determine which field in the model should be
 * `ngRequired`: True if input is required.
 * `ngPattern`: The pattern to match against (for text entry)
-* `options`: The options for this control, as passed from the `options` property 
-of an individual row definition. 
-* `field`: Name of the field in `ngModel` which will hold the value for this 
+* `options`: The options for this control, as passed from the `options` property
+of an individual row definition.
+* `field`: Name of the field in `ngModel` which will hold the value for this
 ## Gestures Category
-A _gesture_ is a user action which can be taken upon a representation of a 
-domain object. 
+A _gesture_ is a user action which can be taken upon a representation of a
+domain object.
 Examples of gestures included in the platform are:
-* `drag`: For representations that can be used to initiate drag-and-drop 
+* `drag`: For representations that can be used to initiate drag-and-drop
-* `drop`: For representations that can be drop targets for drag-and-drop 
-* `menu`: For representations that can be used to pop up a context menu. 
-Gesture definitions have a property `key` which is used as a machine-readable 
-identifier for the gesture (e.g. `drag`, `drop`, `menu` above.) 
-A gesture's implementation is instantiated once per representation that uses the 
-gesture. This class will receive the jqLite-wrapped `mct-representation` element 
-and the domain object being represented as arguments, and should do any 
-necessary "wiring" (e.g. listening for events) during its constructor call. The 
-gesture's implementation may also expose an optional `destroy()`  method which 
-will be called when the gesture should be removed, to avoid memory leaks by way 
+* `drop`: For representations that can be drop targets for drag-and-drop
+* `menu`: For representations that can be used to pop up a context menu.
+Gesture definitions have a property `key` which is used as a machine-readable
+identifier for the gesture (e.g. `drag`, `drop`, `menu` above.)
+A gesture's implementation is instantiated once per representation that uses the
+gesture. This class will receive the jqLite-wrapped `mct-representation` element
+and the domain object being represented as arguments, and should do any
+necessary "wiring" (e.g. listening for events) during its constructor call. The
+gesture's implementation may also expose an optional `destroy()`  method which
+will be called when the gesture should be removed, to avoid memory leaks by way
 of unremoved listeners.
 ## Indicators Category
-An indicator is an element that should appear in the status area at the bottom 
-of a running Open MCT Web client instance. 
+An indicator is an element that should appear in the status area at the bottom
+of a running Open MCT Web client instance.
-### Standard Indicators 
-Indicators which wish to appear in the common form of an icon-text pair should 
+### Standard Indicators
+Indicators which wish to appear in the common form of an icon-text pair should
 provide implementations with the following methods:
-* `getText()`: Provides the human-readable text that will be displayed for this 
-* `getGlyph()`: Provides a single-character string that will be displayed as an 
-icon in Open MCT Web's custom font set. 
-* `getDescription()`: Provides a human-readable summary of the current state of 
-this indicator; will be displayed in a tooltip on hover. 
-* `getClass()`: Get a CSS class that will be applied to this indicator. 
-* `getTextClass()`: Get a CSS class that will be applied to this indicator's 
-text portion. 
-* `getGlyphClass()`: Get a CSS class that will be applied to this indicator's 
-icon portion. 
-* `configure()`: If present, a configuration icon will appear to the right of 
-this indicator, and clicking it will invoke this method. 
-Note that all methods are optional, and are called directly from an Angular 
-template, so they should be appropriate to run during digest cycles. 
+* `getText()`: Provides the human-readable text that will be displayed for this
+* `getGlyph()`: Provides a single-character string that will be displayed as an
+icon in Open MCT Web's custom font set.
+* `getDescription()`: Provides a human-readable summary of the current state of
+this indicator; will be displayed in a tooltip on hover.
+* `getClass()`: Get a CSS class that will be applied to this indicator.
+* `getTextClass()`: Get a CSS class that will be applied to this indicator's
+text portion.
+* `getGlyphClass()`: Get a CSS class that will be applied to this indicator's
+icon portion.
+* `configure()`: If present, a configuration icon will appear to the right of
+this indicator, and clicking it will invoke this method.
-### Custom Indicators 
+Note that all methods are optional, and are called directly from an Angular
+template, so they should be appropriate to run during digest cycles.
-Indicators which wish to have an arbitrary appearance (instead of following the 
-icon-text convention commonly used) may specify a `template` property in their 
-extension definition. The value of this property will be used as the `key` for 
-an `mct-include` directive (so should refer to an extension of category 
- templates .) This template will be rendered to the status area. Indicators of 
-this variety do not need to provide an implementation. 
+### Custom Indicators
+Indicators which wish to have an arbitrary appearance (instead of following the
+icon-text convention commonly used) may specify a `template` property in their
+extension definition. The value of this property will be used as the `key` for
+an `mct-include` directive (so should refer to an extension of category
+ templates .) This template will be rendered to the status area. Indicators of
+this variety do not need to provide an implementation.
 ## Licenses Category
-The extension category `licenses` can be used to add entries into the 'Licensing 
-information' page, reachable from Open MCT Web's About dialog. 
+The extension category `licenses` can be used to add entries into the 'Licensing
+information' page, reachable from Open MCT Web's About dialog.
 Licenses may have the following properties, all of which are strings:
@@ -1005,1177 +1005,1179 @@ Licenses may have the following properties, all of which are strings:
 * `description`: Human-readable summary of the component.
 * `author`: Name or names of entities to which authorship should be attributed.
 * `copyright`: Copyright text to display for this component.
-* `link`: URL to full license text. 
+* `link`: URL to full license text.
 ## Policies Category
-Policies are used to handle decisions made using Open MCT Web's `policyService`; 
-examples of these decisions are determining the applicability of certain 
-actions, or checking whether or not a domain object of one type can contain a 
-domain object of a different type. See the section on the Policies for an 
+Policies are used to handle decisions made using Open MCT Web's `policyService`;
+examples of these decisions are determining the applicability of certain
+actions, or checking whether or not a domain object of one type can contain a
+domain object of a different type. See the section on the Policies for an
 overview of Open MCT Web's policy model.
 A policy's extension definition should include:
-* `category`: The machine-readable identifier for the type of policy decision 
-being supported here. For a list of categories supported by the platform, see 
-the section on Policies. Plugins may introduce and utilize additional policy 
-categories not in that list. 
-* `message`: Optional; a human-readable message describing the policy, intended 
-for display in situations where this specific policy has disallowed something. 
-A policy's implementation should include a single method, `allow(candidate,
-context)`. The specific types used for `candidate` and `context` vary by policy 
-category; in general, what is being asked is 'is this candidate allowed in this 
-context?' This method should return a boolean value. 
+* `category`: The machine-readable identifier for the type of policy decision
+being supported here. For a list of categories supported by the platform, see
+the section on Policies. Plugins may introduce and utilize additional policy
+categories not in that list.
+* `message`: Optional; a human-readable message describing the policy, intended
+for display in situations where this specific policy has disallowed something.
+A policy's implementation should include a single method, `allow(candidate,
+context)`. The specific types used for `candidate` and `context` vary by policy
+category; in general, what is being asked is 'is this candidate allowed in this
+context?' This method should return a boolean value.
+Open MCT Web's policy model requires consensus; a policy decision is allowed
+when and only when all policies choose to allow it. As such, policies should
+generally be written to reject a certain case, and allow (by returning `true`)
+anything else.
-Open MCT Web's policy model requires consensus; a policy decision is allowed 
-when and only when all policies choose to allow it. As such, policies should 
-generally be written to reject a certain case, and allow (by returning `true`) 
-anything else. 
 ## Representations Category
-A representation is an Angular template used to display a domain object. The 
-`representations` extension category is used to add options for the 
-`mct-representation` directive. 
+A representation is an Angular template used to display a domain object. The
+`representations` extension category is used to add options for the
+`mct-representation` directive.
 A representation definition should include the following properties:
-* `key`: The machine-readable name which identifies the representation. 
-* `templateUrl`: The path to the representation's Angular template. This path is 
-relative to the bundle's resources directory. 
-* `uses`: Optional; an array of capability names. Indicates that this 
-representation intends to use those capabilities of a domain object (via a 
-`useCapability` call), and expects to find the latest results of that 
-`useCapability` call in the scope of the presented template (under the same name 
-as the capability itself.) Note that, if `useCapability` returns a promise, this 
-will be resolved before being placed in the representation's scope. 
-* `gestures`: An array of keys identifying gestures (see the `gestures` 
-extension category) which should be available upon this representation. Examples 
-of gestures include `drag` (for representations that should act as draggable 
-sources for drag-drop operations) and `menu` (for representations which should 
-show a domain-object-specific context menu on right-click.) 
+* `key`: The machine-readable name which identifies the representation.
+* `templateUrl`: The path to the representation's Angular template. This path is
+relative to the bundle's resources directory.
+* `uses`: Optional; an array of capability names. Indicates that this
+representation intends to use those capabilities of a domain object (via a
+`useCapability` call), and expects to find the latest results of that
+`useCapability` call in the scope of the presented template (under the same name
+as the capability itself.) Note that, if `useCapability` returns a promise, this
+will be resolved before being placed in the representation's scope.
+* `gestures`: An array of keys identifying gestures (see the `gestures`
+extension category) which should be available upon this representation. Examples
+of gestures include `drag` (for representations that should act as draggable
+sources for drag-drop operations) and `menu` (for representations which should
+show a domain-object-specific context menu on right-click.)
 ### Representation Scope
-While  _representations_ do not have implementations, per se, they do refer to 
-Angular templates which need to interact with information (e.g. the domain 
-object being represented) provided by the platform. This information is passed 
-in through the template's scope, such that simple representations may be created 
-by providing only templates. (More complex representations will need controllers 
+While  _representations_ do not have implementations, per se, they do refer to
+Angular templates which need to interact with information (e.g. the domain
+object being represented) provided by the platform. This information is passed
+in through the template's scope, such that simple representations may be created
+by providing only templates. (More complex representations will need controllers
 which are referenced from templates. See [https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/controller ]()
-for more information on controllers in Angular.) 
+for more information on controllers in Angular.)
 A representation's scope will contain:
 * `domainObject`: The represented domain object.
 * `model`: The domain object's model.
-* `configuration`: An object containing configuration information for this 
-representation (an empty object if there is no saved configuration.) The 
-contents of this object are managed entirely by the view/representation which 
-receives it. 
-* `representation`: An empty object, useful as a 'scratch pad' for 
-representation state. 
-* `ngModel`: An object passed through the ng-model attribute of the 
-`mct-representation` , if any. 
-* `parameters`: An object passed through the parameters attribute of the 
-`mct-representation`, if any. 
-* Any capabilities requested by the uses property of the representation 
+* `configuration`: An object containing configuration information for this
+representation (an empty object if there is no saved configuration.) The
+contents of this object are managed entirely by the view/representation which
+receives it.
+* `representation`: An empty object, useful as a 'scratch pad' for
+representation state.
+* `ngModel`: An object passed through the ng-model attribute of the
+`mct-representation` , if any.
+* `parameters`: An object passed through the parameters attribute of the
+`mct-representation`, if any.
+* Any capabilities requested by the uses property of the representation
 ## Representers Category
-The `representers` extension category is used to add additional behavior to the 
-`mct-representation` directive. This extension category is intended primarily 
-for use internal to the platform. 
+The `representers` extension category is used to add additional behavior to the
+`mct-representation` directive. This extension category is intended primarily
+for use internal to the platform.
-Unlike _representations_, which describe specific ways to represent domain 
-objects, _representers_ are used to modify or augment the process of 
-representing domain objects in general. For example, support for the  _gestures_ 
+Unlike _representations_, which describe specific ways to represent domain
+objects, _representers_ are used to modify or augment the process of
+representing domain objects in general. For example, support for the  _gestures_
 extension category is added by a _representer_.
-A representer needs only provide an implementation. When an `mct-representation` 
-is linked (see  [https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive ]() or when the 
-domain object being represented changes, a new _representer_ of each declared 
-type is instantiated. The constructor arguments for a _representer_ are the same 
-as the arguments to the link function in an Angular directive: `scope` the 
-Angular scope for this representation; `element` the jqLite-wrapped 
-`mct-representation` element, and `attrs` a set of key-value pairs of that 
-element's attributes. _Representers_ may wish to populate the scope, attach 
+A representer needs only provide an implementation. When an `mct-representation`
+is linked (see  [https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive ]() or when the
+domain object being represented changes, a new _representer_ of each declared
+type is instantiated. The constructor arguments for a _representer_ are the same
+as the arguments to the link function in an Angular directive: `scope` the
+Angular scope for this representation; `element` the jqLite-wrapped
+`mct-representation` element, and `attrs` a set of key-value pairs of that
+element's attributes. _Representers_ may wish to populate the scope, attach
 event listeners to the element, etc.
-This implementation must provide a single method, `destroy()`, which will be 
-invoked when the representer is no longer needed. 
+This implementation must provide a single method, `destroy()`, which will be
+invoked when the representer is no longer needed.
 ## Roots Category
-The extension category `roots` is used to provide root-level domain object 
-models. Root-level domain objects appear at the top-level of the tree hierarchy. 
-For example, the _My Items_ folder is added as an extension of this category. 
+The extension category `roots` is used to provide root-level domain object
+models. Root-level domain objects appear at the top-level of the tree hierarchy.
+For example, the _My Items_ folder is added as an extension of this category.
 Extensions of this category should have the following properties:
 * `id`: The machine-readable identifier for the domaiwn object being exposed.
-* `model`: The model, as a JSON object, for the domain object being exposed. 
+* `model`: The model, as a JSON object, for the domain object being exposed.
 ## Stylesheets Category
-The stylesheets extension category is used to add CSS files to style the 
-application. Extension definitions for this category should include one 
+The stylesheets extension category is used to add CSS files to style the
+application. Extension definitions for this category should include one
-* `stylesheetUrl`: Path and filename, including extension, for the stylesheet to 
-include. This path is relative to the bundle's resources folder (by default,  
-To control the order of CSS files, use priority  (see the section on Extension 
-Definitions above.) 
+* `stylesheetUrl`: Path and filename, including extension, for the stylesheet to
+include. This path is relative to the bundle's resources folder (by default,
+* `theme`: Optional; if present, this stylesheet will only be included if this
+value matches the `THEME` constant.
+To control the order of CSS files, use priority  (see the section on Extension
+Definitions above.)
 ## Templates Category
-The `templates` extension category is used to expose Angular templates under 
-symbolic identifiers. These can then be utilized using the `mct-include` 
-directive, which behaves similarly to `ng-include` except that it uses these 
+The `templates` extension category is used to expose Angular templates under
+symbolic identifiers. These can then be utilized using the `mct-include`
+directive, which behaves similarly to `ng-include` except that it uses these
 symbolic identifiers instead of paths.
 A template's extension definition should include the following properties:
-* `key`: The machine-readable name which identifies this template, matched 
+* `key`: The machine-readable name which identifies this template, matched
 against the value given to the key attribute of the `mct-include` directive.
-* `templateUrl`: The path to the relevant Angular template. This path is 
-relative to the bundle's resources directory. 
+* `templateUrl`: The path to the relevant Angular template. This path is
+relative to the bundle's resources directory.
-Note that, when multiple templates are present with the same key , the one with 
-the highest priority will be used from `mct-include`. This behavior can be used 
-to override templates exposed by the platform (to change the logo which appears 
+Note that, when multiple templates are present with the same key , the one with
+the highest priority will be used from `mct-include`. This behavior can be used
+to override templates exposed by the platform (to change the logo which appears
 in the bottom right, for instance.)
-Templates do not have implementations. 
+Templates do not have implementations.
 ## Types Category
-The types extension category describes types of domain objects which may 
+The types extension category describes types of domain objects which may
 appear within Open MCT Web.
 A type's extension definition should have the following properties:
-* `key`: The machine-readable identifier for this domain object type. Will be 
+* `key`: The machine-readable identifier for this domain object type. Will be
 stored to and matched against the type property of domain object models.
 * `name`: The human-readable name for this domain object type.
 * `description`: A human-readable summary of this domain object type.
-* `glyph`: A single character to be rendered as an icon in Open MCT Web's custom 
-font set. 
-* `model`: A domain object model, used as the initial state for created domain 
+* `glyph`: A single character to be rendered as an icon in Open MCT Web's custom
+font set.
+* `model`: A domain object model, used as the initial state for created domain
 objects of this type (before any properties are specified.)
-* `features`: Optional; an array of strings describing features of this domain 
-object type. Currently, only creation is recognized by the platform; this is 
-used to determine that this type should appear in the Create menu. More 
-generally, this is used to support the `hasFeature(...)`  method of the type  
+* `features`: Optional; an array of strings describing features of this domain
+object type. Currently, only creation is recognized by the platform; this is
+used to determine that this type should appear in the Create menu. More
+generally, this is used to support the `hasFeature(...)`  method of the type
 * `properties`: An array describing individual properties of this domain object
-(as should appear in the _Create_ or the _Edit Properties_ dialog.) Each 
+(as should appear in the _Create_ or the _Edit Properties_ dialog.) Each
 property is described by an object containing the following properties:
-    * `control`: The key of the control (see `mct-control` and the `controls` 
-    [extension category](#Controls)) to use for editing this property. 
-    * `property`: A string which will be used as the name of the property in the 
-    domain object's model that the value for this property should be stored 
-    under. If this value should be stored in an object nested within the domain 
-    object model, then property should be specified as an array of strings 
-    identifying these nested objects and, finally, the property itself. 
-    * other properties as appropriate for a control of this type (each 
-    property's definition will also be passed in as the structure for its 
-    control.) See documentation of mct-form for more detail on these 
+    * `control`: The key of the control (see `mct-control` and the `controls`
+    [extension category](#Controls)) to use for editing this property.
+    * `property`: A string which will be used as the name of the property in the
+    domain object's model that the value for this property should be stored
+    under. If this value should be stored in an object nested within the domain
+    object model, then property should be specified as an array of strings
+    identifying these nested objects and, finally, the property itself.
+    * other properties as appropriate for a control of this type (each
+    property's definition will also be passed in as the structure for its
+    control.) See documentation of mct-form for more detail on these
-Types do not have implementations. 
-## Versions Category
-The versions extension category is used to introduce line items in Open MCT 
-Web's About dialog. These should have the following properties: 
-* `name`: The name of this line item, as should appear in the left-hand side of 
+Types do not have implementations.
+## Versions Category
+The versions extension category is used to introduce line items in Open MCT
+Web's About dialog. These should have the following properties:
+* `name`: The name of this line item, as should appear in the left-hand side of
 the list of version information in the About dialog.
-* `value`: The value which should appear to the right of the name in the About 
+* `value`: The value which should appear to the right of the name in the About
-To control the ordering of line items within the About dialog, use `priority`. 
-(See section on [Extension Definitions](#ExtensionDefinitions) above.) 
+To control the ordering of line items within the About dialog, use `priority`.
+(See section on [Extension Definitions](#ExtensionDefinitions) above.)
+This extension category does not have implementations.
-This extension category does not have implementations. 
 ## Views Category
-The views extension category is used to determine which options appear to the 
-user as available views of domain objects of specific types. A view's extension 
-definition has the same properties as a representation (and views can be 
+The views extension category is used to determine which options appear to the
+user as available views of domain objects of specific types. A view's extension
+definition has the same properties as a representation (and views can be
 utilized via `mct-representation`); additionally:
 * `name`: The human-readable name for this view type.
 * description : A human-readable summary of this view type.
-* `glyph`: A single character to be rendered as an icon in Open MCT Web's custom 
+* `glyph`: A single character to be rendered as an icon in Open MCT Web's custom
 font set.
-* `type`: Optional; if present, this representation is only applicable for 
+* `type`: Optional; if present, this representation is only applicable for
 domain object's of this type.
-* `needs`: Optional array of strings; if present, this representation is only 
-applicable for domain objects which have the capabilities identified by these 
-* `delegation`: Optional boolean, intended to be used in conjunction with  
-`needs`;  if present, allow required capabilities to be satisfied by means of 
+* `needs`: Optional array of strings; if present, this representation is only
+applicable for domain objects which have the capabilities identified by these
+* `delegation`: Optional boolean, intended to be used in conjunction with
+`needs`;  if present, allow required capabilities to be satisfied by means of
 capability delegation. (See [Delegation](#Delegation))
-* `toolbar`: Optional; a definition for the toolbar which may appear in a 
-toolbar when using this view in Edit mode. This should be specified as a 
-structure for mct-toolbar , with additional properties available for each item in 
-that toolbar: 
-    * `property`: A property name. This will refer to a property in the view's 
-    current selection; that property on the selected object will be modifiable 
-    as the `ng-model` of the displayed control in the toolbar. If the value of 
-    the property is a function, it will be used as a getter-setter (called with 
-    no arguments to use as a getter, called with a value to use as a setter.) 
-    * `method`: A method to invoke (again, on the selected object) from the 
-    toolbar control. Useful particularly for buttons (which don't edit a single 
+* `toolbar`: Optional; a definition for the toolbar which may appear in a
+toolbar when using this view in Edit mode. This should be specified as a
+structure for mct-toolbar , with additional properties available for each item in
+that toolbar:
+    * `property`: A property name. This will refer to a property in the view's
+    current selection; that property on the selected object will be modifiable
+    as the `ng-model` of the displayed control in the toolbar. If the value of
+    the property is a function, it will be used as a getter-setter (called with
+    no arguments to use as a getter, called with a value to use as a setter.)
+    * `method`: A method to invoke (again, on the selected object) from the
+    toolbar control. Useful particularly for buttons (which don't edit a single
     property, necessarily.)
-### View Scope 
+### View Scope
-Views do not have implementations, but do get the same properties in scope that 
-are provided for `representations`. 
+Views do not have implementations, but do get the same properties in scope that
+are provided for `representations`.
 When a view is in Edit mode, this scope will additionally contain:
-* `commit()`: A function which can be invoked to mark any changes to the view's 
+* `commit()`: A function which can be invoked to mark any changes to the view's
   configuration as ready to persist.
-* `selection`: An object representing the current selection state. 
+* `selection`: An object representing the current selection state.
-#### Selection State 
+#### Selection State
-A view's selection state is, conceptually, a set of JavaScript objects. The 
-presence of methods/properties on these objects determine which toolbar controls 
-are visible, and what state they manage and/or behavior they invoke. 
+A view's selection state is, conceptually, a set of JavaScript objects. The
+presence of methods/properties on these objects determine which toolbar controls
+are visible, and what state they manage and/or behavior they invoke.
-This set may contain up to two different objects: The  _view proxy _, which is 
-used to make changes to the view as a whole, and the _ selected object _, which is 
-used to represent some state within the view. (Future versions of Open MCT Web 
-may support multiple selected objects.) 
+This set may contain up to two different objects: The  _view proxy _, which is
+used to make changes to the view as a whole, and the _ selected object _, which is
+used to represent some state within the view. (Future versions of Open MCT Web
+may support multiple selected objects.)
-The `selection` object made available during Edit mode has the following 
+The `selection` object made available during Edit mode has the following
-* `proxy([object])`: Get (or set, if called with an argument) the current view 
-* `select(object)`: Make this object the selected object. 
-* `deselect()`: Clear the currently selected object. 
-* `get()`: Get the currently selected object. Returns undefined if there is no 
+* `proxy([object])`: Get (or set, if called with an argument) the current view
+* `select(object)`: Make this object the selected object.
+* `deselect()`: Clear the currently selected object.
+* `get()`: Get the currently selected object. Returns undefined if there is no
 currently selected object.
-* `selected(object)`: Check if the JavaScript object is currently in the 
-selection set. Returns true if the object is either the currently selected 
-object, or the current view proxy. 
-* `all()`: Get an array of all objects in the selection state. Will include 
-either or both of the view proxy and selected object. 
+* `selected(object)`: Check if the JavaScript object is currently in the
+selection set. Returns true if the object is either the currently selected
+object, or the current view proxy.
+* `all()`: Get an array of all objects in the selection state. Will include
+either or both of the view proxy and selected object.
 # Directives
-Open MCT Web defines several Angular directives that are intended for use both 
-internally within the platform, and by plugins. 
+Open MCT Web defines several Angular directives that are intended for use both
+internally within the platform, and by plugins.
-## Before Unload 
+## Before Unload
-The `mct-before-unload` directive is used to listen for (and prompt for user 
-confirmation) of navigation changes in the browser. This includes reloading, 
-following links out of Open MCT Web, or changing routes. It is used to hook into 
-both `onbeforeunload` event handling as well as route changes from within 
+The `mct-before-unload` directive is used to listen for (and prompt for user
+confirmation) of navigation changes in the browser. This includes reloading,
+following links out of Open MCT Web, or changing routes. It is used to hook into
+both `onbeforeunload` event handling as well as route changes from within
-This directive is useable as an attribute. Its value should be an Angular 
-expression. When an action that would trigger an unload and/or route change 
-occurs, this Angular expression is evaluated. Its result should be a message to 
-display to the user to confirm their navigation change; if this expression 
-evaluates to a falsy value, no message will be displayed. 
-## Chart 
+This directive is useable as an attribute. Its value should be an Angular
+expression. When an action that would trigger an unload and/or route change
+occurs, this Angular expression is evaluated. Its result should be a message to
+display to the user to confirm their navigation change; if this expression
+evaluates to a falsy value, no message will be displayed.
-The `mct-chart` directive is used to support drawing of simple charts. It is 
-present to support the Plot view, and its functionality is limited to the 
+## Chart
+The `mct-chart` directive is used to support drawing of simple charts. It is
+present to support the Plot view, and its functionality is limited to the
 functionality that is relevant for that view.
-This directive is used at the element level and takes one attribute, `draw` 
-which is an Angular expression which will should evaluate to a drawing object. 
+This directive is used at the element level and takes one attribute, `draw`
+which is an Angular expression which will should evaluate to a drawing object.
 This drawing object should contain the following properties:
-* `dimensions`: The size, in logical coordinates, of the chart area. A 
-two-element array or numbers. 
-* `origin`: The position, in logical coordinates, of the lower-left corner of 
-the chart area. A two-element array or numbers. 
-* `lines`: An array of lines (e.g. as a plot line) to draw, where each line is 
-expressed as an object containing: 
-    * `buffer`: A Float32Array containing points in the line, in logical 
-    coordinates, in sequential x,y pairs. 
-    * `color`: The color of the line, as a four-element RGBA array, where 
-    each element is a number in the range of 0.0-1.0. 
-    * `points`: The number of points in the line. 
-* `boxes`: An array of rectangles to draw in the chart area. Each is an object 
-    * `start`: The first corner of the rectangle, as a two-element array of 
-    numbers, in logical coordinates. 
-    * `end`: The opposite corner of the rectangle, as a two-element array of 
-    numbers, in logical coordinates. color : The color of the line, as a 
-    four-element RGBA array, where each element is a number in the range of 
-    0.0-1.0. 
+* `dimensions`: The size, in logical coordinates, of the chart area. A
+two-element array or numbers.
+* `origin`: The position, in logical coordinates, of the lower-left corner of
+the chart area. A two-element array or numbers.
+* `lines`: An array of lines (e.g. as a plot line) to draw, where each line is
+expressed as an object containing:
+    * `buffer`: A Float32Array containing points in the line, in logical
+    coordinates, in sequential x,y pairs.
+    * `color`: The color of the line, as a four-element RGBA array, where
+    each element is a number in the range of 0.0-1.0.
+    * `points`: The number of points in the line.
+* `boxes`: An array of rectangles to draw in the chart area. Each is an object
+    * `start`: The first corner of the rectangle, as a two-element array of
+    numbers, in logical coordinates.
+    * `end`: The opposite corner of the rectangle, as a two-element array of
+    numbers, in logical coordinates. color : The color of the line, as a
+    four-element RGBA array, where each element is a number in the range of
+    0.0-1.0.
-While `mct-chart` is intended to support plots specifically, it does perform 
-some useful management of canvas objects (e.g. choosing between WebGL and Canvas 
-2D APIs for drawing based on browser support) so its usage is recommended when 
-its supported drawing primitives are sufficient for other charting tasks. 
-## Container 
+While `mct-chart` is intended to support plots specifically, it does perform
+some useful management of canvas objects (e.g. choosing between WebGL and Canvas
+2D APIs for drawing based on browser support) so its usage is recommended when
+its supported drawing primitives are sufficient for other charting tasks.
-The `mct-container` is similar to the `mct-include` directive insofar as it allows 
-templates to be referenced by symbolic keys instead of by URL. Unlike 
+## Container
+The `mct-container` is similar to the `mct-include` directive insofar as it allows
+templates to be referenced by symbolic keys instead of by URL. Unlike
 `mct-include` it supports transclusion.
-Unlike `mct-include` `mct-container` accepts a key as a plain string attribute, 
+Unlike `mct-include` `mct-container` accepts a key as a plain string attribute,
 instead of as an Angular expression.
 ## Control
-The `mct-control` directive is used to display user input elements. Several 
-controls are included with the platform to wrap default input types. This 
-directive is primarily intended for internal use by the `mct-form` and 
-`mct-toolbar` directives. 
+The `mct-control` directive is used to display user input elements. Several
+controls are included with the platform to wrap default input types. This
+directive is primarily intended for internal use by the `mct-form` and
+`mct-toolbar` directives.
-When using `mct-control` the attributes `ng-model` `ng-disabled` 
-`ng-required` and `ng-pattern` may also be used. These have the usual meaning 
-(as they would for an input element) except for `ng-model`; when used, it will 
-actually be `ngModel[field]` (see below) that is two-way bound by this control. 
-This allows `mct-control` elements to more easily delegate to other 
-`mct-control` instances, and also facilitates usage for generated forms. 
+When using `mct-control` the attributes `ng-model` `ng-disabled`
+`ng-required` and `ng-pattern` may also be used. These have the usual meaning
+(as they would for an input element) except for `ng-model`; when used, it will
+actually be `ngModel[field]` (see below) that is two-way bound by this control.
+This allows `mct-control` elements to more easily delegate to other
+`mct-control` instances, and also facilitates usage for generated forms.
-This directive supports the following additional attributes, all specified as 
+This directive supports the following additional attributes, all specified as
 Angular expressions:
-* `key`: A machine-readable identifier for the specific type of control to 
+* `key`: A machine-readable identifier for the specific type of control to
 * `options`: A set of options to display in this control.
-* `structure`: In practice, contains the definition object which describes this 
-form row or toolbar item. Used to pass additional control-specific parameters. 
-* `field`: The field in the `ngModel` under which to read/store the property 
-associated with this control. 
+* `structure`: In practice, contains the definition object which describes this
+form row or toolbar item. Used to pass additional control-specific parameters.
+* `field`: The field in the `ngModel` under which to read/store the property
+associated with this control.
 ## Drag
-The `mct-drag` directive is used to support drag-based gestures on HTML 
-elements. Note that this is not 'drag' in the 'drag-and-drop' sense, but 'drag' 
-in the more general 'mouse down, mouse move, mouse up' sense. 
+The `mct-drag` directive is used to support drag-based gestures on HTML
+elements. Note that this is not 'drag' in the 'drag-and-drop' sense, but 'drag'
+in the more general 'mouse down, mouse move, mouse up' sense.
-This takes the form of three attributes: 
+This takes the form of three attributes:
 * `mct-drag`: An Angular expression to evaluate during drag movement.
 * `mct-drag-down`: An Angular expression to evaluate when the drag starts.
 * `mct-drag-up`: An Angular expression to evaluate when the drag ends.
-In each case, a variable `delta` will be provided to the expression; this is a 
-two-element array or the horizontal and vertical pixel offset of the current 
-mouse position relative to the mouse position where dragging began. 
+In each case, a variable `delta` will be provided to the expression; this is a
+two-element array or the horizontal and vertical pixel offset of the current
+mouse position relative to the mouse position where dragging began.
-## Form 
+## Form
-The `mct-form` directive is used to generate forms using a declarative structure, 
-and to gather back user input. It is applicable at the element level and 
-supports the following attributes: 
+The `mct-form` directive is used to generate forms using a declarative structure,
+and to gather back user input. It is applicable at the element level and
+supports the following attributes:
-* `ng-model`: The object which should contain the full form input. Individual 
-fields in this model are bound to individual controls; the names used for these 
+* `ng-model`: The object which should contain the full form input. Individual
+fields in this model are bound to individual controls; the names used for these
 fields are provided in the form structure (see below).
-* `structure`: The structure of the form; e.g. sections, rows, their names, and 
-so forth. The value of this attribute should be an Angular expression. 
-* `name`: The name in the containing scope under which to publish form 
-"meta-state", e.g. `$valid` `$dirty` etc. This is as the behavior of `ng-form`. 
-Passed as plain text in the attribute. 
+* `structure`: The structure of the form; e.g. sections, rows, their names, and
+so forth. The value of this attribute should be an Angular expression.
+* `name`: The name in the containing scope under which to publish form
+"meta-state", e.g. `$valid` `$dirty` etc. This is as the behavior of `ng-form`.
+Passed as plain text in the attribute.
-### Form Structure 
+### Form Structure
-Forms in Open MCT Web have a common structure to permit consistent display. A 
-form is broken down into sections, which will be displayed in groups; each 
-section is broken down into rows, each of which provides a control for a single 
-property. Input from this form is two-way bound to the object passed via 
+Forms in Open MCT Web have a common structure to permit consistent display. A
+form is broken down into sections, which will be displayed in groups; each
+section is broken down into rows, each of which provides a control for a single
+property. Input from this form is two-way bound to the object passed via
 A form's structure is represented by a JavaScript object in the following form:
-    { 
-        "name": ... title to display for the form, as a string ..., 
+    {
+        "name": ... title to display for the form, as a string ...,
         "sections": [
-        { 
-            "name": ... title to display for the section ..., 
-            "rows": [ 
-                { 
+        {
+            "name": ... title to display for the section ...,
+            "rows": [
+                {
                     "name": ... title to display for this row ...,
-                    "control": ... symbolic key for the control ..., 
-                    "key": ... field name in ng-model ... 
-                    "pattern": ... optional, reg exp to match against ... 
-                    "required": ... optional boolean ... 
-                    "options": [ 
-                        "name": ... name to display (e.g. in a select) ..., 
-                        "value": ... value to store in the model ... 
-                    ] 
-                    }, 
-                ... and other rows ... 
-            ] 
-        }, 
-        ... and other sections ... 
-        ] 
-    } 
+                    "control": ... symbolic key for the control ...,
+                    "key": ... field name in ng-model ...
+                    "pattern": ... optional, reg exp to match against ...
+                    "required": ... optional boolean ...
+                    "options": [
+                        "name": ... name to display (e.g. in a select) ...,
+                        "value": ... value to store in the model ...
+                    ]
+                    },
+                ... and other rows ...
+            ]
+        },
+        ... and other sections ...
+        ]
+    }
-Note that `pattern` may be specified as a string, to simplify storing for 
-structures as JSON when necessary. The string should be given in a form 
-appropriate to pass to a `RegExp` constructor. 
+Note that `pattern` may be specified as a string, to simplify storing for
+structures as JSON when necessary. The string should be given in a form
+appropriate to pass to a `RegExp` constructor.
-### Form Controls 
+### Form Controls
-A few standard control types are included in the platform/forms bundle: 
+A few standard control types are included in the platform/forms bundle:
-* `textfield`: An area to enter plain text. 
-* `select`: A drop-down list of options. 
-* `checkbox`: A box which may be checked/unchecked. 
-* `color`: A color picker. 
-* `button`: A button. 
-* `datetime`: An input for UTC date/time entry; gives result as a UNIX 
-timestamp, in milliseconds since start of 1970, UTC. 
+* `textfield`: An area to enter plain text.
+* `select`: A drop-down list of options.
+* `checkbox`: A box which may be checked/unchecked.
+* `color`: A color picker.
+* `button`: A button.
+* `datetime`: An input for UTC date/time entry; gives result as a UNIX
+timestamp, in milliseconds since start of 1970, UTC.
-## Include 
+## Include
-The `mct-include` directive is similar to ng-include , except that it takes a 
-symbolic identifier for a template instead of a URL. Additionally, templates 
-included via mct-include will have an isolated scope. 
+The `mct-include` directive is similar to ng-include , except that it takes a
+symbolic identifier for a template instead of a URL. Additionally, templates
+included via mct-include will have an isolated scope.
-The directive should be used at the element level and supports the following 
-attributes, all of which are specified as Angular expressions: 
-* `key`: Machine-readable identifier for the template (of extension category  
-templates ) to be displayed. 
-* `ng-model`: _Optional_; will be passed into the template's scope as `ngModel`. 
-Intended usage is for two-way bound user input.
-* `parameters`: _Optional_; will be passed into the template's scope as 
-parameters. Intended usage is for template-specific display parameters. 
-## Representation 
-The `mct-representation` directive is used to include templates which 
-specifically represent domain objects. Usage is similar to `mct-include`. 
-The directive should be used at the element level and supports the following 
+The directive should be used at the element level and supports the following
 attributes, all of which are specified as Angular expressions:
-* `key`: Machine-readable identifier for the representation (of extension 
-category _representations_ or _views_ ) to be displayed. 
-* `mct-object`: The domain object being represented. 
-* `ng-model`: Optional; will be passed into the template's scope as `ngModel`. 
-Intended usage is for two-way bound user input. 
-* `parameters`: Optional; will be passed into the template's scope as  
-parameters . Intended usage is for template-specific display parameters. 
+* `key`: Machine-readable identifier for the template (of extension category
+templates ) to be displayed.
+* `ng-model`: _Optional_; will be passed into the template's scope as `ngModel`.
+Intended usage is for two-way bound user input.
+* `parameters`: _Optional_; will be passed into the template's scope as
+parameters. Intended usage is for template-specific display parameters.
-## Resize 
+## Representation
-The `mct-resize` directive is used to monitor the size of an HTML element. It is 
-specified as an attribute whose value is an Angular expression that will be 
-evaluated when the size of the HTML element changes. This expression will be 
-provided a single variable, `bounds` which is an object containing two 
+The `mct-representation` directive is used to include templates which
+specifically represent domain objects. Usage is similar to `mct-include`.
+The directive should be used at the element level and supports the following
+attributes, all of which are specified as Angular expressions:
+* `key`: Machine-readable identifier for the representation (of extension
+category _representations_ or _views_ ) to be displayed.
+* `mct-object`: The domain object being represented.
+* `ng-model`: Optional; will be passed into the template's scope as `ngModel`.
+Intended usage is for two-way bound user input.
+* `parameters`: Optional; will be passed into the template's scope as
+parameters . Intended usage is for template-specific display parameters.
+## Resize
+The `mct-resize` directive is used to monitor the size of an HTML element. It is
+specified as an attribute whose value is an Angular expression that will be
+evaluated when the size of the HTML element changes. This expression will be
+provided a single variable, `bounds` which is an object containing two
 properties, `width` and `height` describing the size in pixels of the element.
-When using this directive, an attribute `mct-resize-interval` may optionally be 
-provided. Its value is an Angular expression describing the number of 
-milliseconds to wait before next checking the size of the HTML element; this 
-expression is evaluated when the directive is linked and reevaluated whenever 
+When using this directive, an attribute `mct-resize-interval` may optionally be
+provided. Its value is an Angular expression describing the number of
+milliseconds to wait before next checking the size of the HTML element; this
+expression is evaluated when the directive is linked and reevaluated whenever
 the size is checked.
-## Scroll 
+## Scroll
-The `mct-scroll-x` and `mct-scroll-y` directives are used to both monitor and 
-control the horizontal and vertical scroll bar state of an element, 
-respectively. They are intended to be used as attributes whose values are 
+The `mct-scroll-x` and `mct-scroll-y` directives are used to both monitor and
+control the horizontal and vertical scroll bar state of an element,
+respectively. They are intended to be used as attributes whose values are
 assignable Angular expressions which two-way bind to the scroll bar state.
 ## Toolbar
-The `mct-toolbar` directive is used to generate toolbars using a declarative 
-structure, and to gather back user input. It is applicable at the element level 
-and supports the following attributes: 
+The `mct-toolbar` directive is used to generate toolbars using a declarative
+structure, and to gather back user input. It is applicable at the element level
+and supports the following attributes:
-* `ng-model`: The object which should contain the full toolbar input. Individual 
-fields in this model are bound to individual controls; the names used for these 
-fields are provided in the form structure (see below). 
-* `structure`: The structure of the toolbar; e.g. sections, rows, their names, and 
+* `ng-model`: The object which should contain the full toolbar input. Individual
+fields in this model are bound to individual controls; the names used for these
+fields are provided in the form structure (see below).
+* `structure`: The structure of the toolbar; e.g. sections, rows, their names, and
 so forth. The value of this attribute should be an Angular expression.
-* `name`: The name in the containing scope under which to publish form 
-"meta-state", e.g. `$valid`, `$dirty` etc. This is as the behavior of 
-`ng-form`. Passed as plain text in the attribute. 
+* `name`: The name in the containing scope under which to publish form
+"meta-state", e.g. `$valid`, `$dirty` etc. This is as the behavior of
+`ng-form`. Passed as plain text in the attribute.
-Toolbars support the same control options as forms.  
+Toolbars support the same control options as forms.
-### Toolbar Structure 
+### Toolbar Structure
-A toolbar's structure is defined similarly to forms, except instead of rows  
-there are items . 
+A toolbar's structure is defined similarly to forms, except instead of rows
+there are items .
-    { 
-        "name": ... title to display for the form, as a string ..., 
-        "sections": [ 
-            { 
-                "name": ... title to display for the section ..., 
-                "items": [ 
-                    { 
-                        "name": ... title to display for this row ..., 
-                        "control": ... symbolic key for the control ..., 
-                        "key": ... field name in ng-model ... 
-                        "pattern": ... optional, reg exp to match against ... 
-                        "required": ... optional boolean ... 
-                        "options": [ 
-                            "name": ... name to display (e.g. in a select) ..., 
-                            "value": ... value to store in the model ... 
-                        ], 
-                        "disabled": ... true if control should be disabled ... 
-                        "size": ... size of the control (for textfields) ... 
-                        "click": ... function to invoke (for buttons) ... 
-                        "glyph": ... glyph to display (for buttons) ... 
-                        "text": ... text within control (for buttons) ... 
-                    }, 
-                    ... and other rows ... 
-                ] 
-            }, 
-            ... and other sections ... 
-        ] 
+    {
+        "name": ... title to display for the form, as a string ...,
+        "sections": [
+            {
+                "name": ... title to display for the section ...,
+                "items": [
+                    {
+                        "name": ... title to display for this row ...,
+                        "control": ... symbolic key for the control ...,
+                        "key": ... field name in ng-model ...
+                        "pattern": ... optional, reg exp to match against ...
+                        "required": ... optional boolean ...
+                        "options": [
+                            "name": ... name to display (e.g. in a select) ...,
+                            "value": ... value to store in the model ...
+                        ],
+                        "disabled": ... true if control should be disabled ...
+                        "size": ... size of the control (for textfields) ...
+                        "click": ... function to invoke (for buttons) ...
+                        "glyph": ... glyph to display (for buttons) ...
+                        "text": ... text within control (for buttons) ...
+                    },
+                    ... and other rows ...
+                ]
+            },
+            ... and other sections ...
+        ]
-# Services 
+# Services
-The Open MCT Web platform provides a variety of services which can be retrieved 
-and utilized via dependency injection. These services fall into two categories: 
+The Open MCT Web platform provides a variety of services which can be retrieved
+and utilized via dependency injection. These services fall into two categories:
-* _Composite Services_ are defined by a set of components extensions; plugins may 
-introduce additional components with matching interfaces to extend or augment 
-the functionality of the composed service. (See the Framework section on 
-Composite Services.) 
-* _Other services_ which are defined as standalone service objects; these can be 
-utilized by plugins but are not intended to be modified or augmented. 
+* _Composite Services_ are defined by a set of components extensions; plugins may
+introduce additional components with matching interfaces to extend or augment
+the functionality of the composed service. (See the Framework section on
+Composite Services.)
+* _Other services_ which are defined as standalone service objects; these can be
+utilized by plugins but are not intended to be modified or augmented.
 ## Composite Type Services
-This section describes the composite services exposed by Open MCT Web, 
-specifically focusing on their interface and contract. 
-In many cases, the platform will include a provider for a service which consumes 
-a specific extension category; for instance, the `actionService` depends on 
-`actions[]` and will expose available actions based on the rules defined for 
-that extension category.  
+This section describes the composite services exposed by Open MCT Web,
+specifically focusing on their interface and contract.
-In these cases, it will usually be simpler to add a new extension of a given 
-category (e.g. of category `actions`) even when the same behavior could be 
-introduced by a service component (e.g. an extension of category `components` 
-where `provides` is `actionService` and `type` is `provider`.)  
+In many cases, the platform will include a provider for a service which consumes
+a specific extension category; for instance, the `actionService` depends on
+`actions[]` and will expose available actions based on the rules defined for
+that extension category.
+In these cases, it will usually be simpler to add a new extension of a given
+category (e.g. of category `actions`) even when the same behavior could be
+introduced by a service component (e.g. an extension of category `components`
+where `provides` is `actionService` and `type` is `provider`.)
+Occasionally, the extension category does not provide enough expressive power to
+achieve a desired result. For instance, the Create menu is populated with
+`create` actions, where one such action exists for each creatable type. Since
+the framework does not provide a declarative means to introduce a new action per
+type declaratively, the platform implements this explicitly in an `actionService`
+component of type `provider`. Plugins may use a similar approach when the normal
+extension mechanism is insufficient to achieve a desired result.
-Occasionally, the extension category does not provide enough expressive power to 
-achieve a desired result. For instance, the Create menu is populated with 
-`create` actions, where one such action exists for each creatable type. Since 
-the framework does not provide a declarative means to introduce a new action per 
-type declaratively, the platform implements this explicitly in an `actionService` 
-component of type `provider`. Plugins may use a similar approach when the normal 
-extension mechanism is insufficient to achieve a desired result. 
 ### Action Service
-The [Action Service](../architecture/platform#action-service) (`actionService`) 
-provides `Action` instances which are applicable in specific contexts. See Core 
-API for additional notes on the interface for actions. The `actionService` has 
-the following interface: 
+The [Action Service](../architecture/platform#action-service) (`actionService`)
+provides `Action` instances which are applicable in specific contexts. See Core
+API for additional notes on the interface for actions. The `actionService` has
+the following interface:
-* `getActions(context)`: Returns an array of Action objects which are applicable 
-in the specified action context.   
+* `getActions(context)`: Returns an array of Action objects which are applicable
+in the specified action context.
-### Capability Service 
+### Capability Service
-The [Capability Service](../architecture/platform#capability-service) (`capabilityService`) 
-provides constructors for capabilities which will be exposed for a given domain 
+The [Capability Service](../architecture/platform#capability-service) (`capabilityService`)
+provides constructors for capabilities which will be exposed for a given domain
-The capabilityService has the following interface: 
+The capabilityService has the following interface:
-* `getCapabilities(model)`: Returns a an object containing key-value pairs, 
-representing capabilities which should be exposed by the domain object with this 
-model. Keys in this object are the capability keys (as used in a 
-`getCapability(...)` call) and values are either: 
-    * Functions, in which case they will be used as constructors, which will 
-    receive the domain object instance to which the capability applies as their 
-    sole argument.The resulting object will be provided as the result of a 
-    domain object's `getCapability(...)`  call. Note that these instances are cached 
-    by each object, but may be recreated when an object is mutated. 
-    * Other objects, which will be used directly as the result of a domain 
-    object's `getCapability(...)` call. 
+* `getCapabilities(model)`: Returns a an object containing key-value pairs,
+representing capabilities which should be exposed by the domain object with this
+model. Keys in this object are the capability keys (as used in a
+`getCapability(...)` call) and values are either:
+    * Functions, in which case they will be used as constructors, which will
+    receive the domain object instance to which the capability applies as their
+    sole argument.The resulting object will be provided as the result of a
+    domain object's `getCapability(...)`  call. Note that these instances are cached
+    by each object, but may be recreated when an object is mutated.
+    * Other objects, which will be used directly as the result of a domain
+    object's `getCapability(...)` call.
-### Dialog Service 
+### Dialog Service
-The `dialogService` provides a means for requesting user input via a modal 
-dialog. It has the following interface: 
+The `dialogService` provides a means for requesting user input via a modal
+dialog. It has the following interface:
-* `getUserInput(formStructure, formState)`: Prompt the user to fill out a form. 
-The first argument describes the form's structure (as will be passed to 
- mct-form ) while the second argument contains the initial state of that form. 
-This returns a Promise for the state of the form after the user has filled it 
-in; this promise will be rejected if the user cancels input. 
-* `getUserChoice(dialogStructure)`: Prompt the user to make a single choice from 
-a set of options, which (in the platform implementation) will be expressed as 
-buttons in the displayed dialog. Returns a Promise for the user's choice, which 
-will be rejected if the user cancels input. 
+* `getUserInput(formStructure, formState)`: Prompt the user to fill out a form.
+The first argument describes the form's structure (as will be passed to
+ mct-form ) while the second argument contains the initial state of that form.
+This returns a Promise for the state of the form after the user has filled it
+in; this promise will be rejected if the user cancels input.
+* `getUserChoice(dialogStructure)`: Prompt the user to make a single choice from
+a set of options, which (in the platform implementation) will be expressed as
+buttons in the displayed dialog. Returns a Promise for the user's choice, which
+will be rejected if the user cancels input.
-### Dialog Structure 
+### Dialog Structure
-The object passed as the `dialogStructure` to `getUserChoice` should have the 
+The object passed as the `dialogStructure` to `getUserChoice` should have the
 following properties:
-* `title`: The title to display at the top of the dialog. 
-* `hint`: Short message to display below the title. 
-* `template`: Identifying key  (as will be passed to mct-include ) for the 
-template which will be used to populate the inner area of the dialog. 
-* `model`: Model to pass in the ng-model attribute of mct-include . 
-* `parameters`: Parameters to pass in the parameters attribute of mct-include . 
-* `options`: An array of options describing each button at the bottom. Each 
+* `title`: The title to display at the top of the dialog.
+* `hint`: Short message to display below the title.
+* `template`: Identifying key  (as will be passed to mct-include ) for the
+template which will be used to populate the inner area of the dialog.
+* `model`: Model to pass in the ng-model attribute of mct-include .
+* `parameters`: Parameters to pass in the parameters attribute of mct-include .
+* `options`: An array of options describing each button at the bottom. Each
 option may have the following properties:
-    * `name`: Human-readable name to display in the button. 
-    * `key`: Machine-readable key, to pass as the result of the resolved promise 
-    when clicked. 
+    * `name`: Human-readable name to display in the button.
+    * `key`: Machine-readable key, to pass as the result of the resolved promise
+    when clicked.
     * `description`: Description to show in tooltip on hover.
-### Domain Object Service 
+### Domain Object Service
 The [Object Service](../architecture/platform.md#object-service) (`objectService`)
 provides domain object instances. It has the following interface:
-* `getObjects(ids)`: For the provided array of domain object identifiers, 
-returns a Promise for an object containing key-value pairs, where keys are 
-domain object identifiers and values are corresponding DomainObject instances. 
-Note that the result may contain a superset or subset of the objects requested. 
+* `getObjects(ids)`: For the provided array of domain object identifiers,
+returns a Promise for an object containing key-value pairs, where keys are
+domain object identifiers and values are corresponding DomainObject instances.
+Note that the result may contain a superset or subset of the objects requested.
-### Gesture Service 
+### Gesture Service
-The `gestureService` is used to attach gestures (see extension category gestures) 
+The `gestureService` is used to attach gestures (see extension category gestures)
 to representations. It has the following interface:
-* `attachGestures(element, domainObject, keys)`: Attach gestures specified by 
-the provided gesture keys  (an array of strings) to this jqLite-wrapped HTML 
-element , which represents the specified domainObject . Returns an object with a 
-single method `destroy()`, to be invoked when it is time to detach these 
+* `attachGestures(element, domainObject, keys)`: Attach gestures specified by
+the provided gesture keys  (an array of strings) to this jqLite-wrapped HTML
+element , which represents the specified domainObject . Returns an object with a
+single method `destroy()`, to be invoked when it is time to detach these
-### Model Service 
+### Model Service
-The [Model Service](../architecture/platform.md#model-service) (`modelService`) 
-provides domain object models. It has the following interface: 
+The [Model Service](../architecture/platform.md#model-service) (`modelService`)
+provides domain object models. It has the following interface:
-* `getModels(ids)`: For the provided array of domain object identifiers, returns 
-a Promise for an object containing key-value pairs, where keys are domain object 
-identifiers and values are corresponding domain object models. Note that the 
-result may contain a superset or subset of the models requested. 
+* `getModels(ids)`: For the provided array of domain object identifiers, returns
+a Promise for an object containing key-value pairs, where keys are domain object
+identifiers and values are corresponding domain object models. Note that the
+result may contain a superset or subset of the models requested.
-### Persistence Service 
+### Persistence Service
 The [Persistence Service](../architecture/platform.md#persistence-service) (`persistenceService`)
-provides the ability to load/store JavaScript objects 
-(presumably serializing/deserializing to JSON in the process.) This is used 
-primarily to store domain object models. It has the following interface: 
+provides the ability to load/store JavaScript objects
+(presumably serializing/deserializing to JSON in the process.) This is used
+primarily to store domain object models. It has the following interface:
-* `listSpaces()`: Returns a Promise for an array of strings identifying the 
-different persistence spaces this service supports. Spaces are intended to be 
-used to distinguish between different underlying persistence stores, to allow 
-these to live side by side. 
-* `listObjects()`: Returns a Promise for an array of strings identifying all 
-documents stored in this persistence service. 
-* `createObject(space, key, value)`: Create a new document in the specified 
-persistence space , identified by the specified key , the contents of which shall 
-match the specified value . Returns a promise that will be rejected if creation 
-* `readObject(space, key)`: Read an existing document in the specified 
-persistence space , identified by the specified key . Returns a promise for the 
-specified document; this promise will resolve to undefined if the document does 
-not exist. 
-* `updateObject(space, key, value)`: Update an existing document in the 
-specified persistence space , identified by the specified key , such that its 
-contents match the specified value . Returns a promise that will be rejected if 
-the update fails. 
-* `deleteObject(space, key)`: Delete an existing document from the specified 
-persistence space , identified by the specified key . Returns a promise which will 
-be rejected if deletion fails. 
+* `listSpaces()`: Returns a Promise for an array of strings identifying the
+different persistence spaces this service supports. Spaces are intended to be
+used to distinguish between different underlying persistence stores, to allow
+these to live side by side.
+* `listObjects()`: Returns a Promise for an array of strings identifying all
+documents stored in this persistence service.
+* `createObject(space, key, value)`: Create a new document in the specified
+persistence space , identified by the specified key , the contents of which shall
+match the specified value . Returns a promise that will be rejected if creation
+* `readObject(space, key)`: Read an existing document in the specified
+persistence space , identified by the specified key . Returns a promise for the
+specified document; this promise will resolve to undefined if the document does
+not exist.
+* `updateObject(space, key, value)`: Update an existing document in the
+specified persistence space , identified by the specified key , such that its
+contents match the specified value . Returns a promise that will be rejected if
+the update fails.
+* `deleteObject(space, key)`: Delete an existing document from the specified
+persistence space , identified by the specified key . Returns a promise which will
+be rejected if deletion fails.
-### Policy Service 
+### Policy Service
-The [Policy Service](../architecture/platform.md#policy-service) (`policyService`) 
-may be used to determine whether or not certain behaviors are 
-allowed within the application. It has the following interface: 
-* `allow(category, candidate, context, [callback])`: Check if this decision 
-should be allowed. Returns a boolean. Its arguments are interpreted as: 
-    * `category`: A string identifying which kind of decision is being made. See 
-    the [section on Categories](#PolicyCategories) for categories supported by 
-    the platform; plugins may define and utilize policies of additional 
-    categories, as well. 
-    * `candidate`: An object representing the thing which shall or shall not be 
-    allowed. Usually, this will be an instance of an extension of the category 
-    defined above. This does need to be the case; additional policies which are 
-    not specific to any extension may also be defined and consulted using unique 
-    category identifiers. In this case, the type of the object delivered for the 
-    candidate may be unique to the policy type. 
-    * `context`: An object representing the context in which the decision is 
-    occurring. Its contents are specific to each policy category. 
-    * `callback`: Optional; a function to call if the policy decision is rejected. 
-    This function will be called with the message string (which may be 
-    undefined) of whichever individual policy caused the operation to fail. 
+The [Policy Service](../architecture/platform.md#policy-service) (`policyService`)
+may be used to determine whether or not certain behaviors are
+allowed within the application. It has the following interface:
-### Telemetry Service 
+* `allow(category, candidate, context, [callback])`: Check if this decision
+should be allowed. Returns a boolean. Its arguments are interpreted as:
+    * `category`: A string identifying which kind of decision is being made. See
+    the [section on Categories](#PolicyCategories) for categories supported by
+    the platform; plugins may define and utilize policies of additional
+    categories, as well.
+    * `candidate`: An object representing the thing which shall or shall not be
+    allowed. Usually, this will be an instance of an extension of the category
+    defined above. This does need to be the case; additional policies which are
+    not specific to any extension may also be defined and consulted using unique
+    category identifiers. In this case, the type of the object delivered for the
+    candidate may be unique to the policy type.
+    * `context`: An object representing the context in which the decision is
+    occurring. Its contents are specific to each policy category.
+    * `callback`: Optional; a function to call if the policy decision is rejected.
+    This function will be called with the message string (which may be
+    undefined) of whichever individual policy caused the operation to fail.
+### Telemetry Service
 The [Telemetry Service](../architecture/platform.md#telemetry-service) (`telemetryService`)
-is used to acquire telemetry data. See the section on 
-Telemetry in Core API for more information on how both the arguments and 
-responses of this service are structured. 
+is used to acquire telemetry data. See the section on
+Telemetry in Core API for more information on how both the arguments and
+responses of this service are structured.
-When acquiring telemetry for display, it is recommended that the 
-`telemetryHandler` service be used instead of this service. The 
-`telemetryHandler` has additional support for subscribing to and requesting 
-telemetry data associated with domain objects or groups of domain objects. See 
-the [Other Services](#Other-Services) section for more information. 
+When acquiring telemetry for display, it is recommended that the
+`telemetryHandler` service be used instead of this service. The
+`telemetryHandler` has additional support for subscribing to and requesting
+telemetry data associated with domain objects or groups of domain objects. See
+the [Other Services](#Other-Services) section for more information.
 The `telemetryService` has the following interface:
-* `requestTelemetry(requests)`: Issue a request for telemetry, matching the 
-specified telemetry requests . Returns a _ Promise _ for a telemetry response 
+* `requestTelemetry(requests)`: Issue a request for telemetry, matching the
+specified telemetry requests . Returns a _ Promise _ for a telemetry response
-* `subscribe(callback, requests)`: Subscribe to real-time updates for telemetry, 
-matching the specified `requests`. The specified `callback` will be invoked with 
-telemetry response objects as they become available. This method returns a 
-function which can be invoked to terminate the subscription. 
+* `subscribe(callback, requests)`: Subscribe to real-time updates for telemetry,
+matching the specified `requests`. The specified `callback` will be invoked with
+telemetry response objects as they become available. This method returns a
+function which can be invoked to terminate the subscription.
-### Type Service 
+### Type Service
-The [Type Service](../architecture/platform.md#type-service) (`typeService`) exposes 
+The [Type Service](../architecture/platform.md#type-service) (`typeService`) exposes
 domain object types. It has the following interface:
-* `listTypes()`: Returns all domain object types supported in the application, 
+* `listTypes()`: Returns all domain object types supported in the application,
 as an array of `Type` instances.
-* `getType(key)`: Returns the `Type` instance identified by the provided key, or 
-undefined if no such type exists. 
+* `getType(key)`: Returns the `Type` instance identified by the provided key, or
+undefined if no such type exists.
-### View Service 
+### View Service
-The [View Service](../architecture/platform.md#view-service) (`viewService`) exposes 
+The [View Service](../architecture/platform.md#view-service) (`viewService`) exposes
 definitions for views of domain objects. It has the following interface:
-* `getViews(domainObject)`:  Get an array of extension definitions of category 
-`views` which are valid and applicable to the specified `domainObject`. 
+* `getViews(domainObject)`:  Get an array of extension definitions of category
+`views` which are valid and applicable to the specified `domainObject`.
 ## Other Services
-### Drag and Drop 
+### Drag and Drop
-The `dndService` provides information about the content of an active 
-drag-and-drop gesture within the application. It is intended to complement the 
-`DataTransfer` API of HTML5 drag-and-drop, by providing access to non-serialized 
-JavaScript objects being dragged, as well as by permitting inspection during 
-drag (which is normally prohibited by browsers for security reasons.) 
+The `dndService` provides information about the content of an active
+drag-and-drop gesture within the application. It is intended to complement the
+`DataTransfer` API of HTML5 drag-and-drop, by providing access to non-serialized
+JavaScript objects being dragged, as well as by permitting inspection during
+drag (which is normally prohibited by browsers for security reasons.)
-The `dndService` has the following methods: 
+The `dndService` has the following methods:
-* `setData(key, value)`: Set drag data associated with a given type, specified 
-by the `key` argument. 
-* `getData(key)`: Get drag data associated with a given type, specified by the  
-`key` argument. 
-* `removeData(key)`: Clear drag data associated with a given type, specified by 
-the `key` argument. 
+* `setData(key, value)`: Set drag data associated with a given type, specified
+by the `key` argument.
+* `getData(key)`: Get drag data associated with a given type, specified by the
+`key` argument.
+* `removeData(key)`: Clear drag data associated with a given type, specified by
+the `key` argument.
-### Navigation 
-The _Navigation_ service provides information about the current navigation state 
-of the application; that is, which object is the user currently viewing? This 
-service merely tracks this state and notifies listeners; it does not take 
-immediate action when navigation changes, although its listeners might. 
+### Navigation
+The _Navigation_ service provides information about the current navigation state
+of the application; that is, which object is the user currently viewing? This
+service merely tracks this state and notifies listeners; it does not take
+immediate action when navigation changes, although its listeners might.
 The `navigationService` has the following methods:
-* `getNavigation()`: Get the current navigation state. Returns a `DomainObject`. 
-* `setNavigation(domainObject)`: Set the current navigation state. Returns a 
-* `addListener(callback)`: Listen for changes in navigation state. The provided 
-`callback` should be a `Function` which takes a single `DomainObject` as an 
-* `removeListener(callback)`: Stop listening for changes in navigation state. 
-The provided `callback` should be a `Function` which has previously been passed 
+* `getNavigation()`: Get the current navigation state. Returns a `DomainObject`.
+* `setNavigation(domainObject)`: Set the current navigation state. Returns a
+* `addListener(callback)`: Listen for changes in navigation state. The provided
+`callback` should be a `Function` which takes a single `DomainObject` as an
+* `removeListener(callback)`: Stop listening for changes in navigation state.
+The provided `callback` should be a `Function` which has previously been passed
 to addListener .
-### Now 
+### Now
-The service now is a function which acts as a simple wrapper for `Date.now()`. 
-It is present mainly so that this functionality may be more easily mocked in 
-tests for scripts which use the current time. 
+The service now is a function which acts as a simple wrapper for `Date.now()`.
+It is present mainly so that this functionality may be more easily mocked in
+tests for scripts which use the current time.
-### Telemetry Formatter 
+### Telemetry Formatter
-The _Telemetry Formatter_ is a utility for formatting domain and range values 
-read from a telemetry series. 
+The _Telemetry Formatter_ is a utility for formatting domain and range values
+read from a telemetry series.
-`telemetryFormatter` has the following methods: 
+`telemetryFormatter` has the following methods:
-* `formatDomainValue(value)`: Format the provided domain value (which will be 
-assumed to be a timestamp) for display; returns a string. 
-* `formatRangeValue(value)`: Format the provided range value (a number) for 
+* `formatDomainValue(value)`: Format the provided domain value (which will be
+assumed to be a timestamp) for display; returns a string.
+* `formatRangeValue(value)`: Format the provided range value (a number) for
 display; returns a string.
-### Telemetry Handler 
+### Telemetry Handler
-The _Telemetry Handler_ is a utility for retrieving telemetry data associated 
-with domain objects; it is particularly useful for dealing with cases where the 
-telemetry capability is delegated to contained objects (as occurs 
-in _Telemetry Panels_.) 
+The _Telemetry Handler_ is a utility for retrieving telemetry data associated
+with domain objects; it is particularly useful for dealing with cases where the
+telemetry capability is delegated to contained objects (as occurs
+in _Telemetry Panels_.)
-The `telemetryHandler` has the following methods: 
+The `telemetryHandler` has the following methods:
-* `handle(domainObject, callback, [lossless])`: Subscribe to and issue future 
-requests for telemetry associated with the provided `domainObject`, invoking the 
-provided callback function when streaming data becomes available. Returns a 
-`TelemetryHandle` (see below.) 
+* `handle(domainObject, callback, [lossless])`: Subscribe to and issue future
+requests for telemetry associated with the provided `domainObject`, invoking the
+provided callback function when streaming data becomes available. Returns a
+`TelemetryHandle` (see below.)
-#### Telemetry Handle 
+#### Telemetry Handle
-A TelemetryHandle has the following methods: 
+A TelemetryHandle has the following methods:
-* `getTelemetryObjects()`: Get the domain objects (as a `DomainObject[]`) that 
-have a telemetry capability and are being handled here. Note that these are 
-looked up asynchronously, so this method may return an empty array if the 
-initial lookup is not yet completed. 
-* `promiseTelemetryObjects()`: As `getTelemetryObjects()`, but returns a Promise  
-that will be fulfilled when the lookup is complete. 
-* `unsubscribe()`: Unsubscribe to streaming telemetry updates associated with 
-this handle. 
-* `getDomainValue(domainObject)`: Get the most recent domain value received via 
-a streaming update for the specified `domainObject`. 
-* `getRangeValue(domainObject)`: Get the most recent range value received via a 
-streaming update for the specified `domainObject`. 
-* `getMetadata()`: Get metadata (as reported by the `getMetadata()` method of a 
-telemetry capability) associated with telemetry-providing domain objects. 
-Returns an array, which is in the same order as getTelemetryObjects() . 
-* `request(request, callback)`: Issue a new request for historical telemetry 
-data. The provided callback will be invoked when new data becomes available, 
-which may occur multiple times (e.g. if there are multiple domain objects.) It 
-will be invoked with the DomainObject for which a new series is available, and 
-the TelemetrySeries itself, in that order. 
-* `getSeries(domainObject)`: Get the latest `TelemetrySeries` (as resulted from 
+* `getTelemetryObjects()`: Get the domain objects (as a `DomainObject[]`) that
+have a telemetry capability and are being handled here. Note that these are
+looked up asynchronously, so this method may return an empty array if the
+initial lookup is not yet completed.
+* `promiseTelemetryObjects()`: As `getTelemetryObjects()`, but returns a Promise
+that will be fulfilled when the lookup is complete.
+* `unsubscribe()`: Unsubscribe to streaming telemetry updates associated with
+this handle.
+* `getDomainValue(domainObject)`: Get the most recent domain value received via
+a streaming update for the specified `domainObject`.
+* `getRangeValue(domainObject)`: Get the most recent range value received via a
+streaming update for the specified `domainObject`.
+* `getMetadata()`: Get metadata (as reported by the `getMetadata()` method of a
+telemetry capability) associated with telemetry-providing domain objects.
+Returns an array, which is in the same order as getTelemetryObjects() .
+* `request(request, callback)`: Issue a new request for historical telemetry
+data. The provided callback will be invoked when new data becomes available,
+which may occur multiple times (e.g. if there are multiple domain objects.) It
+will be invoked with the DomainObject for which a new series is available, and
+the TelemetrySeries itself, in that order.
+* `getSeries(domainObject)`: Get the latest `TelemetrySeries` (as resulted from
 a previous `request(...)` call) available for this domain object.
 # Models
-Domain object models in Open MCT Web are JavaScript objects describing the 
-persistent state of the domain objects they describe. Their contents include a 
-mix of commonly understood metadata attributes; attributes which are recognized 
-by and/or determine the applicability of specific extensions; and properties 
-specific to given types. 
+Domain object models in Open MCT Web are JavaScript objects describing the
+persistent state of the domain objects they describe. Their contents include a
+mix of commonly understood metadata attributes; attributes which are recognized
+by and/or determine the applicability of specific extensions; and properties
+specific to given types.
-## General Metadata 
+## General Metadata
-Some properties of domain object models have a ubiquitous meaning through Open 
-MCT Web and can be utilized directly: 
+Some properties of domain object models have a ubiquitous meaning through Open
+MCT Web and can be utilized directly:
 * `name`: The human-readable name of the domain object.
-## Extension-specific Properties 
+## Extension-specific Properties
-Other properties of domain object models have specific meaning imposed by other 
-extensions within the Open MCT Web platform. 
+Other properties of domain object models have specific meaning imposed by other
+extensions within the Open MCT Web platform.
-### Capability-specific Properties 
+### Capability-specific Properties
-Some properties either trigger the presence/absence of certain capabilities, or 
+Some properties either trigger the presence/absence of certain capabilities, or
 are managed by specific capabilities:
-* `composition`: An array of domain object identifiers that represents the 
-contents of this domain object (e.g. as will appear in the tree hierarchy.) 
-Understood by the composition capability; the presence or absence of this 
-property determines the presence or absence of that capability. 
-* `modified`: The timestamp (in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch) of the last 
-modification made to this domain object. Managed by the mutation capability. 
-* `persisted`: The timestamp (in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch) of the last 
-time when changes to this domain object were persisted. Managed by the 
- persistence capability. 
-* `relationships`: An object containing key-value pairs, where keys are symbolic 
-identifiers for relationship types, and values are arrays of domain object 
-identifiers. Used by the relationship capability; the presence or absence of 
-this property determines the presence or absence of that capability. 
-* `telemetry`: An object which serves as a template for telemetry requests 
-associated with this domain object (e.g. specifying `source` and `key`; see 
-Telemetry Requests under Core API.) Used by the telemetry capability; the 
-presence or absence of this property determines the presence or absence of that 
+* `composition`: An array of domain object identifiers that represents the
+contents of this domain object (e.g. as will appear in the tree hierarchy.)
+Understood by the composition capability; the presence or absence of this
+property determines the presence or absence of that capability.
+* `modified`: The timestamp (in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch) of the last
+modification made to this domain object. Managed by the mutation capability.
+* `persisted`: The timestamp (in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch) of the last
+time when changes to this domain object were persisted. Managed by the
+ persistence capability.
+* `relationships`: An object containing key-value pairs, where keys are symbolic
+identifiers for relationship types, and values are arrays of domain object
+identifiers. Used by the relationship capability; the presence or absence of
+this property determines the presence or absence of that capability.
+* `telemetry`: An object which serves as a template for telemetry requests
+associated with this domain object (e.g. specifying `source` and `key`; see
+Telemetry Requests under Core API.) Used by the telemetry capability; the
+presence or absence of this property determines the presence or absence of that
+* `type`: A string identifying the type of this domain object. Used by the `type`
-* `type`: A string identifying the type of this domain object. Used by the `type` 
-### View Configurations 
-Persistent configurations for specific views of domain objects are stored in the 
-domain object model under the property configurations . This is an object 
-containing key-value pairs, where keys identify the view, and values are objects 
-containing view-specific (and view-managed) configuration properties. 
-## Modifying Models 
-When interacting with a domain object's model, it is possible to make 
-modifications to it directly. __Don't!__  These changes may not be properly detected 
-by the platform, meaning that other representations of the domain object may not 
-be updated, changes may not be saved at the expected times, and generally, that 
-unexpected behavior may occur. Instead, use the `mutation` capability. 
+### View Configurations
-# Capabilities 
+Persistent configurations for specific views of domain objects are stored in the
+domain object model under the property configurations . This is an object
+containing key-value pairs, where keys identify the view, and values are objects
+containing view-specific (and view-managed) configuration properties.
-Dynamic behavior associated with a domain object is expressed as capabilities. A 
-capability is a JavaScript object with an interface that is specific to the type 
-of capability in use. 
+## Modifying Models
+When interacting with a domain object's model, it is possible to make
+modifications to it directly. __Don't!__  These changes may not be properly detected
+by the platform, meaning that other representations of the domain object may not
+be updated, changes may not be saved at the expected times, and generally, that
+unexpected behavior may occur. Instead, use the `mutation` capability.
-Often, there is a relationship between capabilities and services. For instance, 
-there is an action capability and an actionService , and there is a telemetry  
-capability as well as a `telemetryService`. Typically, the pattern here is that 
-the capability will utilize the service for the specific domain object.  
+# Capabilities
+Dynamic behavior associated with a domain object is expressed as capabilities. A
+capability is a JavaScript object with an interface that is specific to the type
+of capability in use.
+Often, there is a relationship between capabilities and services. For instance,
+there is an action capability and an actionService , and there is a telemetry
+capability as well as a `telemetryService`. Typically, the pattern here is that
+the capability will utilize the service for the specific domain object.
+When interacting with domain objects, it is generally preferable to use a
+capability instead of a service when the option is available. Capability
+interfaces are typically easier to use and/or more powerful in these situations.
+Additionally, this usage provides a more robust substitutability mechanism; for
+instance, one could configure a plugin such that it provided a totally new
+implementation of a given capability which might not invoke the underlying
+service, while user code which interacts with capabilities remains indifferent
+to this detail.
-When interacting with domain objects, it is generally preferable to use a 
-capability instead of a service when the option is available. Capability 
-interfaces are typically easier to use and/or more powerful in these situations. 
-Additionally, this usage provides a more robust substitutability mechanism; for 
-instance, one could configure a plugin such that it provided a totally new 
-implementation of a given capability which might not invoke the underlying 
-service, while user code which interacts with capabilities remains indifferent 
-to this detail. 
 ## Action Capability
-The `action` capability is present for all domain objects. It allows applicable 
-`Action` instances to be retrieved and performed for specific domain objects. 
+The `action` capability is present for all domain objects. It allows applicable
+`Action` instances to be retrieved and performed for specific domain objects.
-For example: 
+For example:
     `domainObject.getCapability("action").perform("navigate"); `
-    ...will initiate a navigate action upon the domain object, if an action with 
-    key "navigate" is defined. 
-This capability has the following interface: 
-* `getActions(context)`: Get the actions that are applicable in the specified 
-action `context`; the capability will fill in the `domainObject` field of this 
-context if necessary. If context is specified as a string, they will instead be 
+    ...will initiate a navigate action upon the domain object, if an action with
+    key "navigate" is defined.
+This capability has the following interface:
+* `getActions(context)`: Get the actions that are applicable in the specified
+action `context`; the capability will fill in the `domainObject` field of this
+context if necessary. If context is specified as a string, they will instead be
 used as the `key` of the action context. Returns an array of `Action` instances.
-* `perform(context)`: Perform an action. This will find and perform the first 
-matching action available for the specified action context , filling in the 
-`domainObject` field as necessary. If `context` is specified as a string, they 
-will instead be used as the `key` of the action context. Returns a `Promise` for 
-the result of the action that was performed, or `undefined` if no matching action 
-was found. 
+* `perform(context)`: Perform an action. This will find and perform the first
+matching action available for the specified action context , filling in the
+`domainObject` field as necessary. If `context` is specified as a string, they
+will instead be used as the `key` of the action context. Returns a `Promise` for
+the result of the action that was performed, or `undefined` if no matching action
+was found.
 ## Composition Capability
-The `composition` capability provides access to domain objects that are 
-contained by this domain object. While the `composition` property of a domain 
-object's model describes these contents (by their identifiers), the  
-`composition` capability provides a means to load the corresponding 
-`DomainObject` instances in the same order. The absence of this property in the 
-model will result in the absence of this capability in the domain object. 
+The `composition` capability provides access to domain objects that are
+contained by this domain object. While the `composition` property of a domain
+object's model describes these contents (by their identifiers), the
+`composition` capability provides a means to load the corresponding
+`DomainObject` instances in the same order. The absence of this property in the
+model will result in the absence of this capability in the domain object.
-This capability has the following interface: 
+This capability has the following interface:
 * `invoke()`: Returns a `Promise` for an array of `DomainObject` instances.
 ## Delegation Capability
-The delegation capability is used to communicate the intent of a domain object 
-to delegate responsibilities, which would normally handled by other 
-capabilities, to the domain objects in its composition. 
+The delegation capability is used to communicate the intent of a domain object
+to delegate responsibilities, which would normally handled by other
+capabilities, to the domain objects in its composition.
-This capability has the following interface: 
+This capability has the following interface:
-* `getDelegates(key)`: Returns a Promise for an array of DomainObject instances, 
-to which this domain object wishes to delegate the capability with the specified  
-key . 
-* `invoke(key)`: Alias of getDelegates(key) . 
-* `doesDelegate(key)`: Returns true if the domain object does delegate the 
-capability with the specified key .  
+* `getDelegates(key)`: Returns a Promise for an array of DomainObject instances,
+to which this domain object wishes to delegate the capability with the specified
+key .
+* `invoke(key)`: Alias of getDelegates(key) .
+* `doesDelegate(key)`: Returns true if the domain object does delegate the
+capability with the specified key .
-The platform implementation of the delegation capability inspects the domain 
-object's type definition for a property delegates , whose value is an array of 
-strings describing which capabilities domain objects of that type wish to 
-delegate. If this property is not present, the delegation capability will not be 
-present in domain objects of that type.  
+The platform implementation of the delegation capability inspects the domain
+object's type definition for a property delegates , whose value is an array of
+strings describing which capabilities domain objects of that type wish to
+delegate. If this property is not present, the delegation capability will not be
+present in domain objects of that type.
 ## Editor Capability
-The editor capability is meant primarily for internal use by Edit mode, and 
-helps to manage the behavior associated with exiting _Edit_ mode via _Save_ or 
-_Cancel_. Its interface is not intended for general use. However, 
-`domainObject.hasCapability(editor)` is a useful way of determining whether or 
+The editor capability is meant primarily for internal use by Edit mode, and
+helps to manage the behavior associated with exiting _Edit_ mode via _Save_ or
+_Cancel_. Its interface is not intended for general use. However,
+`domainObject.hasCapability(editor)` is a useful way of determining whether or
 not we are looking at an object in _Edit_ mode.
 ## Mutation Capability
-The `mutation` capability provides a means by which the contents of a domain 
-object's model can be modified. This capability is provided by the platform for 
+The `mutation` capability provides a means by which the contents of a domain
+object's model can be modified. This capability is provided by the platform for
 all domain objects, and has the following interface:
-* `mutate(mutator, [timestamp])`: Modify the domain object's model using the 
-specified `mutator` function. After changes are made, the `modified` property of 
-the model will be updated with the specified `timestamp` if one was provided, 
-or with the current system time. 
+* `mutate(mutator, [timestamp])`: Modify the domain object's model using the
+specified `mutator` function. After changes are made, the `modified` property of
+the model will be updated with the specified `timestamp` if one was provided,
+or with the current system time.
 * `invoke(...)`: Alias of `mutate`.
-Changes to domain object models should only be made via the `mutation` 
-capability; other platform behavior is likely to break (either by exhibiting 
-undesired behavior, or failing to exhibit desired behavior) if models are 
+Changes to domain object models should only be made via the `mutation`
+capability; other platform behavior is likely to break (either by exhibiting
+undesired behavior, or failing to exhibit desired behavior) if models are
 modified by other means.
 ### Mutator Function
-The mutator argument above is a function which will receive a cloned copy of the 
-domain object's model as a single argument. It may return: 
+The mutator argument above is a function which will receive a cloned copy of the
+domain object's model as a single argument. It may return:
-* A `Promise` in which case the resolved value of the promise will be used to 
-determine which of the following forms is used. 
-* Boolean `false` in which case the mutation is cancelled. 
-* A JavaScript object, in which case this object will be used as the new model 
+* A `Promise` in which case the resolved value of the promise will be used to
+determine which of the following forms is used.
+* Boolean `false` in which case the mutation is cancelled.
+* A JavaScript object, in which case this object will be used as the new model
 for this domain object.
-* No value (or, equivalently, `undefined`), in which case the cloned copy 
-(including any changes made in place by the mutator function) will be used as 
-the new domain object model. 
+* No value (or, equivalently, `undefined`), in which case the cloned copy
+(including any changes made in place by the mutator function) will be used as
+the new domain object model.
 ## Persistence Capability
-The persistence capability provides a mean for interacting with the underlying 
-persistence service which stores this domain object's model. It has the 
+The persistence capability provides a mean for interacting with the underlying
+persistence service which stores this domain object's model. It has the
 following interface:
-* `persist()`: Store the local version of this domain object, including any 
-changes, to the persistence store. Returns a Promise for a boolean value, which 
+* `persist()`: Store the local version of this domain object, including any
+changes, to the persistence store. Returns a Promise for a boolean value, which
 will be true when the object was successfully persisted.
-* `refresh()`: Replace this domain object's model with the most recent version 
-from persistence. Returns a Promise which will resolve when the change has 
+* `refresh()`: Replace this domain object's model with the most recent version
+from persistence. Returns a Promise which will resolve when the change has
-* `getSpace()`: Return the string which identifies the persistence space which 
+* `getSpace()`: Return the string which identifies the persistence space which
 stores this domain object.
 ## Relationship Capability
-The relationship capability provides a means for accessing other domain objects 
-with which this domain object has some typed relationship. It has the following 
+The relationship capability provides a means for accessing other domain objects
+with which this domain object has some typed relationship. It has the following
-* `listRelationships()`: List all types of relationships exposed by this object. 
+* `listRelationships()`: List all types of relationships exposed by this object.
 Returns an array of strings identifying the types of relationships.
-* `getRelatedObjects(relationship)`: Get all domain objects to which this domain 
-object has the specified type of relationship, which is a string identifier 
+* `getRelatedObjects(relationship)`: Get all domain objects to which this domain
+object has the specified type of relationship, which is a string identifier
 (as above.) Returns a `Promise` for an array of `DomainObject` instances.
-The platform implementation of the `relationship` capability is present for domain 
-objects which has a `relationships` property in their model, whose value is an 
-object containing key-value pairs, where keys are strings identifying 
+The platform implementation of the `relationship` capability is present for domain
+objects which has a `relationships` property in their model, whose value is an
+object containing key-value pairs, where keys are strings identifying
 relationship types, and values are arrays of domain object identifiers.
 ## Telemetry Capability
-The telemetry capability provides a means for accessing telemetry data 
+The telemetry capability provides a means for accessing telemetry data
 associated with a domain object. It has the following interface:
-* `requestData([request])`: Request telemetry data for this specific domain 
-object, using telemetry request parameters from the specified request if 
-provided. This capability will fill in telemetry request properties as-needed 
+* `requestData([request])`: Request telemetry data for this specific domain
+object, using telemetry request parameters from the specified request if
+provided. This capability will fill in telemetry request properties as-needed
 for this domain object. Returns a `Promise` for a `TelemetrySeries`.
-* `subscribe(callback, [request])`:  Subscribe to telemetry data updates for 
-this specific domain object, using telemetry request parameters from the 
-specified request if provided. This capability will fill in telemetry request 
-properties as-needed for this domain object. The specified callback will be 
-invoked with TelemetrySeries instances as they arrive. Returns a function which 
-can be invoked to terminate the subscription, or undefined if no subscription 
+* `subscribe(callback, [request])`:  Subscribe to telemetry data updates for
+this specific domain object, using telemetry request parameters from the
+specified request if provided. This capability will fill in telemetry request
+properties as-needed for this domain object. The specified callback will be
+invoked with TelemetrySeries instances as they arrive. Returns a function which
+can be invoked to terminate the subscription, or undefined if no subscription
 could be obtained.
 * `getMetadata()`: Get metadata associated with this domain object's telemetry.
-The platform implementation of the `telemetry` capability is present for domain 
-objects which has a `telemetry` property in their model and/or type definition; 
-this object will serve as a template for telemetry requests made using this 
+The platform implementation of the `telemetry` capability is present for domain
+objects which has a `telemetry` property in their model and/or type definition;
+this object will serve as a template for telemetry requests made using this
 object, and will also be returned by `getMetadata()` above.
 ## Type Capability
-The `type` capability exposes information about the domain object's type. It has 
+The `type` capability exposes information about the domain object's type. It has
 the same interface as `Type`; see Core API.
 ## View Capability
-The `view` capability exposes views which are applicable to a given domain 
+The `view` capability exposes views which are applicable to a given domain
 object. It has the following interface:
-* `invoke()`: Returns an array of extension definitions for views which are 
+* `invoke()`: Returns an array of extension definitions for views which are
 applicable for this domain object.
 # Actions
-Actions are reusable processes/behaviors performed by users within the system, 
+Actions are reusable processes/behaviors performed by users within the system,
 typically upon domain objects.
 ## Action Categories
-The platform understands the following action categories (specifiable as the 
+The platform understands the following action categories (specifiable as the
 `category` parameter of an action's extension definition.)
 * `contextual`: Appears in context menus.
 * `view-control`: Appears in top-right area of view (as buttons) in Browse mode
 ## Platform Actions
-The platform defines certain actions which can be utilized by way of a domain 
-object's `action` capability. Unless otherwise specified, these act upon (and 
-modify) the object described by the `domainObject` property of the action's 
+The platform defines certain actions which can be utilized by way of a domain
+object's `action` capability. Unless otherwise specified, these act upon (and
+modify) the object described by the `domainObject` property of the action's
 * `cancel`: Cancel the current editing action (invoked from Edit mode.)
-* `compose`: Place an object in another object's composition. The object to be 
+* `compose`: Place an object in another object's composition. The object to be
 added should be provided as the `selectedObject` of the action context.
 * `edit`: Start editing an object (enter Edit mode.)
 * `fullscreen`: Enter full screen mode.
-* `navigate`: Make this object the focus of navigation (e.g. highlight it within 
+* `navigate`: Make this object the focus of navigation (e.g. highlight it within
 the tree, display a view of it to the right.)
 * `properties`: Show the 'Edit Properties' dialog.
-* `remove`: Remove this domain object from its parent's composition. (The 
-parent, in this case, is whichever other domain object exposed this object by 
+* `remove`: Remove this domain object from its parent's composition. (The
+parent, in this case, is whichever other domain object exposed this object by
 way of its `composition` capability.)
 * `save`: Save changes (invoked from Edit mode.)
 * `window`: Open this object in a new window.
 # Policies
-Policies are consulted to determine when certain behavior in Open MCT Web is 
-allowed. Policy questions are assigned to certain categories, which broadly 
-describe the type of decision being made; within each category, policies have a 
-candidate (the thing which may or may not be allowed) and, optionally, a context 
+Policies are consulted to determine when certain behavior in Open MCT Web is
+allowed. Policy questions are assigned to certain categories, which broadly
+describe the type of decision being made; within each category, policies have a
+candidate (the thing which may or may not be allowed) and, optionally, a context
 (describing, generally, the context in which the decision is occurring.)
-The types of objects passed for 'candidate' and 'context' vary by category; 
+The types of objects passed for 'candidate' and 'context' vary by category;
 these types are documented below.
 ## Policy Categories
-The platform understands the following policy categories (specifiable as the 
+The platform understands the following policy categories (specifiable as the
 `category` parameter of an policy's extension definition.)
-* `action`: Determines whether or not a given action is allowable. The candidate 
+* `action`: Determines whether or not a given action is allowable. The candidate
 argument here is an Action; the context is its action context object.
-* `composition`: Determines whether or not domain objects of a given type are 
-allowed to contain domain objects of another type. The candidate argument here 
-is the container's `Type`; the context argument is the `Type` of the object to be 
+* `composition`: Determines whether or not domain objects of a given type are
+allowed to contain domain objects of another type. The candidate argument here
+is the container's `Type`; the context argument is the `Type` of the object to be
-* `view`: Determines whether or not a view is applicable for a domain object. 
-The candidate argument is the view's extension definition; the context argument 
+* `view`: Determines whether or not a view is applicable for a domain object.
+The candidate argument is the view's extension definition; the context argument
 is the `DomainObject` to be viewed.
 # Build-Test-Deploy
-Open MCT Web is designed to support a broad variety of build and deployment 
-options. The sources can be deployed in the same directory structure used during 
+Open MCT Web is designed to support a broad variety of build and deployment
+options. The sources can be deployed in the same directory structure used during
 development. A few utilities are included to support development processes.
 ## Command-line Build
-Open MCT Web includes a script for building via command line using Maven 3.0.4 
+Open MCT Web includes a script for building via command line using Maven 3.0.4
 Invoking mvn clean install will:
 * Check code style using JSLint. The build will fail if JSLint raises any warnings.
@@ -2183,44 +2185,44 @@ Invoking mvn clean install will:
 * Populate version info (e.g. commit hash, build time.)
 * Produce a web archive (`.war`) artifact in the `target` directory.
-The produced artifact contains a subset of the repository's own folder 
-hierarchy, omitting tests and example bundles.        
+The produced artifact contains a subset of the repository's own folder
+hierarchy, omitting tests and example bundles.
-Note that an internet connection is required to run this build, in order to 
+Note that an internet connection is required to run this build, in order to
 download build dependencies.
 ## Test Suite
-Open MCT Web uses Jasmine [http://jasmine.github.io/]() for automated testing. 
-The file `test.html` included at the top level of the source repository, can be 
-run from the browser to perform tests for all active bundles, as defined in 
+Open MCT Web uses Jasmine [http://jasmine.github.io/]() for automated testing.
+The file `test.html` included at the top level of the source repository, can be
+run from the browser to perform tests for all active bundles, as defined in
 To define tests for a bundle:
 * Include a directory named `test` within that bundle.
-* In the `test` directory, include a file named `suite.json`. This will identify 
+* In the `test` directory, include a file named `suite.json`. This will identify
 which scripts will be tested.
-* The file `suite.json` must contain a JSON array of strings, where each string 
-is the name of a script to be tested. These names should include any directory 
-paths to the script after (but not including) the `src` folder, and should not 
-include the file's `.js` extension. (Note that while Open MCT Web's framework 
-allows a different name to be chosen for the src directory, the test runner 
+* The file `suite.json` must contain a JSON array of strings, where each string
+is the name of a script to be tested. These names should include any directory
+paths to the script after (but not including) the `src` folder, and should not
+include the file's `.js` extension. (Note that while Open MCT Web's framework
+allows a different name to be chosen for the src directory, the test runner
 does not: This directory must be named `src` for the test runner to find it.)
-* For each script to be tested, a corresponding test script should be located in 
-the bundle's `test` directory. This should include the suffix Spec at the end of 
-the filename (but before the `.js` extension.) This test script should be an AMD 
-module which uses the Jasmine API to declare its test behavior. It should 
+* For each script to be tested, a corresponding test script should be located in
+the bundle's `test` directory. This should include the suffix Spec at the end of
+the filename (but before the `.js` extension.) This test script should be an AMD
+module which uses the Jasmine API to declare its test behavior. It should
 declare an AMD dependency on the script to be tested, using a relative path.
 For example, if writing tests for a bundle at example/foo with two scripts:
 * `example/foo/src/controllers/FooController.js`
 * `example/foo/src/directives/FooDirective.js`
-First, these scripts should be identified in `example/foo/test/suite.json` e.g. 
+First, these scripts should be identified in `example/foo/test/suite.json` e.g.
 with contents:`[ "controllers/FooController", "directives/FooDirective" ]`
-Then, scripts which describe these tests should be written. For example, test 
+Then, scripts which describe these tests should be written. For example, test
 `example/foo/test/controllers/FooControllerSpec.js` could look like:
     /*global define,Promise,describe,it,expect,beforeEach*/
@@ -2229,8 +2231,8 @@ Then, scripts which describe these tests should be written. For example, test
         function (FooController) {
             "use strict";
             describe("The foo controller", function () {
                 it("does something", function () {
                     var controller = new FooController();
@@ -2243,104 +2245,104 @@ Then, scripts which describe these tests should be written. For example, test
 ## Code Coverage
-In addition to running tests, the test runner will also capture code coverage 
-information using [Blanket.JS](http://blanketjs.org/) and display this at the 
+In addition to running tests, the test runner will also capture code coverage
+information using [Blanket.JS](http://blanketjs.org/) and display this at the
 bottom of the screen. Currently, only statement coverage is displayed.
 ## Deployment
-Open MCT Web is built to be flexible in terms of the deployment strategies it 
+Open MCT Web is built to be flexible in terms of the deployment strategies it
 supports. In order to run in the browser, Open MCT Web needs:
-1. HTTP access to sources/resources for the framework, platform, and all active 
+1. HTTP access to sources/resources for the framework, platform, and all active
-2. Access to any external services utilized by active bundles. (This means that 
-external services need to support HTTP or some other web-accessible interface, 
+2. Access to any external services utilized by active bundles. (This means that
+external services need to support HTTP or some other web-accessible interface,
 like WebSockets.)
-Any HTTP server capable of serving flat files is sufficient for the first point. 
-The command-line build also packages Open MCT Web into a `.war` file for easier 
+Any HTTP server capable of serving flat files is sufficient for the first point.
+The command-line build also packages Open MCT Web into a `.war` file for easier
 deployment on containers such as Apache Tomcat.
-The second point may be less flexible, as it depends upon the specific services 
-to be utilized by Open MCT Web. Because of this, it is often the set of external 
-services (and the manner in which they are exposed) that determine how to deploy 
+The second point may be less flexible, as it depends upon the specific services
+to be utilized by Open MCT Web. Because of this, it is often the set of external
+services (and the manner in which they are exposed) that determine how to deploy
 Open MCT Web.
-One important constraint to consider in this context is the browser's same 
-origin policy. If external services are not on the same apparent host and port 
-as the client (from the perspective of the browser) then access may be 
+One important constraint to consider in this context is the browser's same
+origin policy. If external services are not on the same apparent host and port
+as the client (from the perspective of the browser) then access may be
 disallowed. There are two workarounds if this occurs:
-* Make the external service appear to be on the same host/port, either by 
+* Make the external service appear to be on the same host/port, either by
 actually deploying it there, or by proxying requests to it.
-* Enable CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) on the external service. This is 
-only possible if the external service can be configured to support CORS. Care 
-should be exercised if choosing this option to ensure that the chosen 
+* Enable CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) on the external service. This is
+only possible if the external service can be configured to support CORS. Care
+should be exercised if choosing this option to ensure that the chosen
 configuration does not create a security vulnerability.
-Examples of deployment strategies (and the conditions under which they make the 
+Examples of deployment strategies (and the conditions under which they make the
 most sense) include:
-* If the external services that Open MCT Web will utilize are all running on 
-Apache Tomcat [https://tomcat.apache.org/](), then it makes sense to run Open 
-MCT Web from the same Tomcat instance as a separate web application. The 
-`.war` artifact produced by the command line build facilitates this deployment 
-option. (See [https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.0-doc/deployer-howto.html() for 
+* If the external services that Open MCT Web will utilize are all running on
+Apache Tomcat [https://tomcat.apache.org/](), then it makes sense to run Open
+MCT Web from the same Tomcat instance as a separate web application. The
+`.war` artifact produced by the command line build facilitates this deployment
+option. (See [https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.0-doc/deployer-howto.html() for
 general information on deploying in Tomcat.)
-* If a variety of external services will be running from a variety of 
-hosts/ports, then it may make sense to use a web server that supports proxying, 
-such as the Apache HTTP Server [http://httpd.apache.org/](). In this 
-configuration, the HTTP server would be configured to proxy (or reverse proxy) 
-requests at specific paths to the various external services, while providing 
+* If a variety of external services will be running from a variety of
+hosts/ports, then it may make sense to use a web server that supports proxying,
+such as the Apache HTTP Server [http://httpd.apache.org/](). In this
+configuration, the HTTP server would be configured to proxy (or reverse proxy)
+requests at specific paths to the various external services, while providing
 Open MCT Web as flat files from a different path.
-* If a single server component is being developed to handle all server-side 
-needs of an Open MCT Web instance, it can make sense to serve Open MCT Web (as 
-flat files) from the same component using an embedded HTTP server such as Nancy 
+* If a single server component is being developed to handle all server-side
+needs of an Open MCT Web instance, it can make sense to serve Open MCT Web (as
+flat files) from the same component using an embedded HTTP server such as Nancy
-* If no external services are needed (or if the 'external services' will just 
-be generating flat files to read) it makes sense to utilize a lightweight flat 
-file HTTP server such as Lighttpd [http://www.lighttpd.net/](). In this 
-configuration, Open MCT Web sources/resources would be placed at one path, while 
+* If no external services are needed (or if the 'external services' will just
+be generating flat files to read) it makes sense to utilize a lightweight flat
+file HTTP server such as Lighttpd [http://www.lighttpd.net/](). In this
+configuration, Open MCT Web sources/resources would be placed at one path, while
 the files generated by the external service are placed at another path.
-* If all external services support CORS, it may make sense to have an HTTP 
-server that is solely responsible for making Open MCT Web sources/resources 
-available, and to have Open MCT Web contact these external services directly. 
-Again, lightweight HTTP servers such as Lighttpd [http://www.lighttpd.net/]() 
-are useful in this circumstance. The downside of this option is that additional 
-configuration effort is required, both to enable CORS on the external services, 
+* If all external services support CORS, it may make sense to have an HTTP
+server that is solely responsible for making Open MCT Web sources/resources
+available, and to have Open MCT Web contact these external services directly.
+Again, lightweight HTTP servers such as Lighttpd [http://www.lighttpd.net/]()
+are useful in this circumstance. The downside of this option is that additional
+configuration effort is required, both to enable CORS on the external services,
 and to ensure that Open MCT Web can correctly locate these services.
-Another important consideration is authentication. By design, Open MCT Web does 
-not handle user authentication. Instead, this should typically be treated as a 
-deployment-time concern, where authentication is handled by the HTTP server 
+Another important consideration is authentication. By design, Open MCT Web does
+not handle user authentication. Instead, this should typically be treated as a
+deployment-time concern, where authentication is handled by the HTTP server
 which provides Open MCT Web, or an external access management system.
 ### Configuration
-In most of the deployment options above, some level of configuration is likely 
-to be needed or desirable to make sure that bundles can reach the external 
-services they need to reach. Most commonly this means providing the path or URL 
+In most of the deployment options above, some level of configuration is likely
+to be needed or desirable to make sure that bundles can reach the external
+services they need to reach. Most commonly this means providing the path or URL
 to an external service.
-Configurable parameters within Open MCT Web are specified via constants 
-(literally, as extensions of the `constants` category) and accessed via 
-dependency injection by the scripts which need them. Reasonable defaults for 
-these constants are provided in the bundle where they are used. Plugins are 
+Configurable parameters within Open MCT Web are specified via constants
+(literally, as extensions of the `constants` category) and accessed via
+dependency injection by the scripts which need them. Reasonable defaults for
+these constants are provided in the bundle where they are used. Plugins are
 encouraged to follow the same pattern.
-Constants may be specified in any bundle; if multiple constants are specified 
-with the same `key` the highest-priority one will be used. This allows default 
+Constants may be specified in any bundle; if multiple constants are specified
+with the same `key` the highest-priority one will be used. This allows default
 values to be overridden by specifying constants with higher priority.
 This permits at least three configuration approaches:
-* Modify the constants defined in their original bundles when deploying. This is 
-generally undesirable due to the amount of manual work required and potential 
+* Modify the constants defined in their original bundles when deploying. This is
+generally undesirable due to the amount of manual work required and potential
 for error, but is viable if there are a small number of constants to change.
-* Add a separate configuration bundle which overrides the values of these 
-constants. This is particularly appropriate when multiple configurations (e.g. 
-development, test, production) need to be managed easily; these can be swapped 
+* Add a separate configuration bundle which overrides the values of these
+constants. This is particularly appropriate when multiple configurations (e.g.
+development, test, production) need to be managed easily; these can be swapped
 quickly by changing the set of active bundles in bundles.json.
-* Deploy Open MCT Web and its external services in such a fashion that the 
+* Deploy Open MCT Web and its external services in such a fashion that the
 default paths to reach external services are all correct.
 ### Configuration Constants
@@ -2352,11 +2354,15 @@ The following constants have global significance:
   consume this constant in order to provide persistence for that space.
 The following configuration constants are recognized by Open MCT Web bundles:
+* Common UI elements - `platform/commonUI/general`
+    * `THEME`: A string identifying the current theme symbolically. Individual
+    stylesheets (the `stylesheets` extension category) may specify an optional
+    `theme` property which will be matched against this before inclusion.
 * CouchDB adapter - `platform/persistence/couch`
-    * `COUCHDB_PATH`: URL or path to the CouchDB database to be used for domain 
+    * `COUCHDB_PATH`: URL or path to the CouchDB database to be used for domain
     object persistence. Should not include a trailing slash.
 * ElasticSearch adapter - `platform/persistence/elastic`
-    * `ELASTIC_ROOT`: URL or path to the ElasticSearch instance to be used for 
+    * `ELASTIC_ROOT`: URL or path to the ElasticSearch instance to be used for
     domain object persistence. Should not include a trailing slash.
-    * `ELASTIC_PATH`: Path relative to the ElasticSearch instance where domain 
-    object models should be persisted. Should take the form `<index>/<type>`.
\ No newline at end of file
+    * `ELASTIC_PATH`: Path relative to the ElasticSearch instance where domain
+    object models should be persisted. Should take the form `<index>/<type>`.
diff --git a/platform/commonUI/browse/src/creation/CreationService.js b/platform/commonUI/browse/src/creation/CreationService.js
index bfd8a0c403..4b7c0119c9 100644
--- a/platform/commonUI/browse/src/creation/CreationService.js
+++ b/platform/commonUI/browse/src/creation/CreationService.js
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ define(
         CreationService.prototype.createObject = function (model, parent) {
             var persistence = parent.getCapability("persistence"),
-                newObject = parent.useCapability("creation", model),
+                newObject = parent.useCapability("instantiation", model),
                 newObjectPersistence = newObject.getCapability("persistence"),
                 self = this;
diff --git a/platform/commonUI/browse/test/creation/CreationServiceSpec.js b/platform/commonUI/browse/test/creation/CreationServiceSpec.js
index a35bf39f97..e0704ba702 100644
--- a/platform/commonUI/browse/test/creation/CreationServiceSpec.js
+++ b/platform/commonUI/browse/test/creation/CreationServiceSpec.js
@@ -91,14 +91,14 @@ define(
                 mockCreationCapability = jasmine.createSpyObj(
-                    ["create", "invoke"]
+                    ["instantiate", "invoke"]
                 mockCapabilities = {
                     mutation: mockMutationCapability,
                     persistence: mockPersistenceCapability,
                     composition: mockCompositionCapability,
                     context: mockContextCapability,
-                    creation: mockCreationCapability
+                    instantiation: mockCreationCapability
                 mockNewPersistenceCapability = jasmine.createSpyObj(
@@ -130,9 +130,9 @@ define(
-                mockCreationCapability.create.andReturn(mockNewObject);
+                mockCreationCapability.instantiate.andReturn(mockNewObject);
                 mockCreationCapability.invoke.andCallFake(function (model) {
-                    return mockCreationCapability.create(model);
+                    return mockCreationCapability.instantiate(model);
                 creationService = new CreationService(
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ define(
             it("allows new objects to be created", function () {
                 var model = { someKey: "some value" };
                 creationService.createObject(model, mockParentObject);
-                expect(mockCreationCapability.create)
+                expect(mockCreationCapability.instantiate)
diff --git a/platform/commonUI/dialog/src/DialogService.js b/platform/commonUI/dialog/src/DialogService.js
index 27ffa9ae8b..0d480f3455 100644
--- a/platform/commonUI/dialog/src/DialogService.js
+++ b/platform/commonUI/dialog/src/DialogService.js
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ define(
          * @typedef DialogOption
          * @property {string} label a label to be displayed as the button
          * text for this action
-         * @property {function} action a function to be called when the
+         * @property {function} callback a function to be called when the
          * button is clicked
diff --git a/platform/commonUI/general/bundle.json b/platform/commonUI/general/bundle.json
index edaa8ec103..5976b912cc 100644
--- a/platform/commonUI/general/bundle.json
+++ b/platform/commonUI/general/bundle.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
         "runs": [
                 "implementation": "StyleSheetLoader.js",
-                "depends": [ "stylesheets[]", "$document" ]
+                "depends": [ "stylesheets[]", "$document", "THEME" ]
         "stylesheets": [
@@ -194,6 +194,11 @@
                 "key": "MCT_SCROLL_Y_ATTRIBUTE",
                 "value": "mctScrollY"
+            },
+            {
+                "key": "THEME",
+                "value": "unspecified",
+                "priority": "fallback"
         "containers": [
diff --git a/platform/commonUI/general/res/fonts/symbols/icomoon.io-WTD-symbols-project.json b/platform/commonUI/general/res/fonts/symbols/icomoon.io-WTD-symbols-project.json
index 489d491fd2..fee491e4b3 100644
--- a/platform/commonUI/general/res/fonts/symbols/icomoon.io-WTD-symbols-project.json
+++ b/platform/commonUI/general/res/fonts/symbols/icomoon.io-WTD-symbols-project.json
@@ -1,19 +1,27 @@
 	"metadata": {
 		"name": "WTD Symbols",
-		"lastOpened": 1446490786311,
-		"created": 1446489891263
+		"lastOpened": 1446670352108,
+		"created": 1446670349721
 	"iconSets": [
 			"selection": [
-					"order": 113,
+					"order": 116,
+					"id": 93,
+					"prevSize": 32,
+					"code": 58902,
+					"name": "icon-eye-open-no-gleam",
+					"tempChar": ""
+				},
+				{
+					"order": 115,
 					"id": 92,
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 58901,
-					"name": "icon-crosshair",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"name": "icon-eye-open",
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 110,
@@ -21,7 +29,7 @@
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 					"code": 58899,
 					"name": "icon-collapse-pane-left",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 111,
@@ -29,7 +37,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 58900,
 					"name": "icon-collapse-pane-right",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 109,
@@ -37,7 +45,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
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 					"name": "icon-save",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 108,
@@ -45,7 +53,7 @@
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 					"code": 58897,
 					"name": "icon-dataset",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 90,
@@ -53,7 +61,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 58896,
 					"name": "icon-bell",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 91,
@@ -61,7 +69,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 58889,
 					"name": "icon-hourglass",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 92,
@@ -74,7 +82,7 @@
 					"name": "icon-info-v15",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 93,
@@ -82,7 +90,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 58887,
 					"name": "icon-x-in-circle",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 94,
@@ -90,7 +98,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 58881,
 					"name": "icon-datatable",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 95,
@@ -98,7 +106,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 58882,
 					"name": "icon-tabular-scrolling",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 96,
@@ -106,7 +114,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 58884,
 					"name": "icon-tabular",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 97,
@@ -114,7 +122,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 58885,
 					"name": "icon-calendar",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 98,
@@ -122,7 +130,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 58886,
 					"name": "icon-paint-bucket",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 99,
@@ -130,7 +138,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 123,
 					"name": "icon-pointer-left",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 100,
@@ -138,7 +146,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 125,
 					"name": "icon-pointer-right",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 101,
@@ -146,7 +154,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 80,
 					"name": "icon-person",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 102,
@@ -154,7 +162,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 232,
 					"name": "icon-chain-links",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 103,
@@ -162,7 +170,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 115,
 					"name": "icon-database-in-brackets",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 104,
@@ -170,7 +178,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 114,
 					"name": "icon-refresh",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 105,
@@ -178,7 +186,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 108,
 					"name": "icon-lock",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 106,
@@ -186,7 +194,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 51,
 					"name": "icon-box-with-dashed-lines",
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+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 10,
@@ -194,7 +202,7 @@
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 					"name": "icon-box-with-arrow-cursor",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 11,
@@ -202,7 +210,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 65,
 					"name": "icon-activity-mode",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 12,
@@ -210,7 +218,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 97,
 					"name": "icon-activity",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 87,
@@ -218,7 +226,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 33,
 					"name": "icon-alert-rect",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 14,
@@ -226,7 +234,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 58883,
 					"name": "icon-alert-triangle",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 15,
@@ -234,7 +242,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
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+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 16,
@@ -242,7 +250,7 @@
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 					"name": "icon-arrow-double-up",
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+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 2,
@@ -250,7 +258,7 @@
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 					"name": "icon-arrow-down",
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+					"tempChar": ""
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@@ -258,7 +266,7 @@
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+					"tempChar": ""
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@@ -266,7 +274,7 @@
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 					"code": 62,
 					"name": "icon-arrow-right",
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+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 21,
@@ -274,7 +282,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
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 					"name": "icon-arrow-tall-down",
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+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 22,
@@ -282,7 +290,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 237,
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+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 23,
@@ -290,7 +298,7 @@
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+					"tempChar": ""
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@@ -298,7 +306,7 @@
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+					"tempChar": ""
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@@ -306,7 +314,7 @@
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+					"tempChar": ""
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@@ -314,7 +322,7 @@
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+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 26,
@@ -322,7 +330,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 42,
 					"name": "icon-asterisk",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 27,
@@ -330,7 +338,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 72,
 					"name": "icon-autoflow-tabular",
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+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 28,
@@ -338,7 +346,7 @@
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+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 29,
@@ -346,7 +354,7 @@
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 					"code": 50,
 					"name": "icon-check",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 30,
@@ -354,7 +362,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 67,
 					"name": "icon-clock",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 31,
@@ -362,7 +370,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
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 					"name": "icon-connectivity",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 32,
@@ -370,7 +378,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 100,
 					"name": "icon-database-query",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 17,
@@ -378,7 +386,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 68,
 					"name": "icon-database",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 35,
@@ -386,7 +394,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 81,
 					"name": "icon-dictionary",
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+					"tempChar": ""
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@@ -394,7 +402,7 @@
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+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 37,
@@ -402,7 +410,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 102,
 					"name": "icon-folder-new",
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+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 38,
@@ -410,7 +418,7 @@
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 					"code": 70,
 					"name": "icon-folder",
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+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 39,
@@ -418,7 +426,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 95,
 					"name": "icon-fullscreen-collapse",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 40,
@@ -426,7 +434,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 122,
 					"name": "icon-fullscreen-expand",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 41,
@@ -434,7 +442,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 71,
 					"name": "icon-gear",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 49,
@@ -442,7 +450,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 227,
 					"name": "icon-image",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 42,
@@ -450,7 +458,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 225,
 					"name": "icon-layers",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 43,
@@ -458,7 +466,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 76,
 					"name": "icon-layout",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 44,
@@ -466,7 +474,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 226,
 					"name": "icon-line-horz",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 75,
@@ -474,7 +482,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 244,
 					"name": "icon-link",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 46,
@@ -482,7 +490,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 88,
 					"name": "icon-magnify-in",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 47,
@@ -490,7 +498,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 89,
 					"name": "icon-magnify-out",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 48,
@@ -498,7 +506,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 77,
 					"name": "icon-magnify",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 34,
@@ -506,7 +514,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 109,
 					"name": "icon-menu",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 50,
@@ -514,7 +522,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 243,
 					"name": "icon-move",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 51,
@@ -522,7 +530,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 121,
 					"name": "icon-new-window",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 52,
@@ -530,7 +538,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 111,
 					"name": "icon-object",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 73,
@@ -538,7 +546,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 63,
 					"name": "icon-object-unknown",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 53,
@@ -546,7 +554,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 86,
 					"name": "icon-packet",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 54,
@@ -554,7 +562,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 234,
 					"name": "icon-page",
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+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 55,
@@ -562,7 +570,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 241,
 					"name": "icon-pause",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 56,
@@ -570,7 +578,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 112,
 					"name": "icon-pencil",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 65,
@@ -578,7 +586,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 79,
 					"name": "icon-people",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 57,
@@ -586,7 +594,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 239,
 					"name": "icon-play",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 58,
@@ -594,7 +602,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 233,
 					"name": "icon-plot-resource",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 59,
@@ -602,7 +610,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 43,
 					"name": "icon-plus",
-					"tempChar": ""
+					"tempChar": ""
 					"order": 60,
@@ -610,7 +618,7 @@
 					"prevSize": 32,
 					"code": 45,
 					"name": "icon-minus",
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 0bb5126e8a..a514b65eb1 100755
Binary files a/platform/commonUI/general/res/fonts/symbols/wtdsymbols.ttf and b/platform/commonUI/general/res/fonts/symbols/wtdsymbols.ttf differ
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Binary files a/platform/commonUI/general/res/fonts/symbols/wtdsymbols.woff and b/platform/commonUI/general/res/fonts/symbols/wtdsymbols.woff differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/commonUI/general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ * Open MCT Web, Copyright (c) 2014-2015, United States Government
+ * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
+ * Administration. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Open MCT Web is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+ * Open MCT Web includes source code licensed under additional open source
+ * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
+ * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
+ * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+/********************************************* COLUMN LAYOUTS STYLES */
+@mixin cols($totalCols, $span) {
+    $cw: 100% / $totalCols;
+    min-width: (500px / $totalCols) * $span;
+    @if ($totalCols != $span) {
+        width: ($cw * $span) - $ueColMargin;
+    } @else {
+        width: $cw;
+    }
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+        position: relative;
+        &:first-child {
+            margin-left: 0;
+            padding-left: 0;
+        }
+    }
+    &.cols-2 {
+        $nc: 2;
+        .col-1 {
+            @include cols($nc, 1);
+        }
+    }
+    &.cols-2-ff {
+        // 2 columns, first column is fixed, second is fluid
+        .col-100px {
+            width: 100px;
+        }
+    }
+    &.cols-6 {
+        $nc: 6;
+        .col-1 {
+            @include cols($nc, 1);
+        }
+    }
+    &.cols-16 {
+        $nc: 16;
+        .col-1 {
+            @include cols($nc, 1);
+        }
+        .col-2 {
+            @include cols($nc, 2);
+        }
+        .col-7 {
+            @include cols($nc, 7);
+        }
+    }
+    &.cols-32 {
+        $nc: 32;
+        .col-2 {
+            @include cols($nc, 2);
+        }
+        .col-15 {
+            @include cols($nc, 15);
+        }
+    }
+    .l-row {
+        @include clearfix;
+        padding: $interiorMargin 0;
+    }
+/********************************************* FLEX STYLES */
+.l-flex-col {
+    @include display-flex;
+    @include flex-wrap(nowrap);
+    .flex-elem {
+        &:not(.grows) {
+            @include flex(0 1 auto);
+        }
+        &.grows {
+            @include flex(1 1 auto);
+        }
+    }
+.l-flex-row { @include flex-direction(row); }
+.l-flex-col { @include flex-direction(column); }
+.l-flex {
+    @extend .l-flex-row;
+    .left {
+        @include flex(1 1 0);
+        padding-right: $interiorMarginLg;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform/commonUI/general/res/sass/_constants.scss b/platform/commonUI/general/res/sass/_constants.scss
index a3305cf0a4..e0d9f34bd6 100644
--- a/platform/commonUI/general/res/sass/_constants.scss
+++ b/platform/commonUI/general/res/sass/_constants.scss
@@ -44,9 +44,10 @@ $ueAppLogoW: 105px;
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-$ueCollapsedPaneEdgeM: 20px;
+$ueCollapsedPaneEdgeM: 22px;
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+$uePaneMiniTabCollapsedW: 11px;
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index 9f67ff3b73..62917017a4 100644
--- a/platform/commonUI/general/res/sass/_inspector.scss
+++ b/platform/commonUI/general/res/sass/_inspector.scss
@@ -43,6 +43,11 @@
             vertical-align: bottom;
+    ul {
+        @include box-sizing(border-box);
+        padding-right: $interiorMargin;
+    }
     ul li,
     em {
diff --git a/platform/commonUI/general/res/sass/_main.scss b/platform/commonUI/general/res/sass/_main.scss
index 0dab445e84..f7f2489dc7 100644
--- a/platform/commonUI/general/res/sass/_main.scss
+++ b/platform/commonUI/general/res/sass/_main.scss
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 @import "effects";
 @import "global";
+@import "archetypes";
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 @import "text";
 @import "icons";
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index 956e144899..5431b0f563 100644
--- a/platform/commonUI/general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss
+++ b/platform/commonUI/general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss
@@ -225,6 +225,11 @@ $pad: $interiorMargin * $baseRatio;
         overflow: hidden;
         word-break: break-all;
+        &.collapsed {
+            $d: $uePaneMiniTabCollapsedW;
+            width: $d; font-size: $d;
+        }
         &:after {
             position: absolute;
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index 4800cdeb6d..e6e6ba5f93 100644
--- a/platform/commonUI/general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss
+++ b/platform/commonUI/general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss
@@ -19,23 +19,6 @@
  * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
  * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
-@mixin cols($totalCols, $span) {
-    $cw: 100% / $totalCols;
-    min-width: (500px / $totalCols) * $span;
-    @if ($totalCols != $span) {
-        width: ($cw * $span) - $ueColMargin;
-    } @else {
-        width: $cw;
-    }
-/*.holder-all {
-    $myM: 0; // $interiorMarginSm;
-    top: $myM;
-    right: $myM;
-    bottom: $myM;
-    left: $myM;
@@ -158,67 +141,6 @@
-.cols {
-    @include clearfix;
-    .col {
-        @include box-sizing(border-box);
-        @include clearfix;
-        //		background: rgba(#ffcc00, 0.2);
-        float: left;
-        margin-left: $ueColMargin;
-        padding-left: $interiorMargin;
-        position: relative;
-        &:first-child {
-            margin-left: 0;
-            padding-left: 0;
-        }
-    }
-    &.cols-2 {
-        $nc: 2;
-        .col-1 {
-            @include cols($nc, 1);
-        }
-    }
-    &.cols-2-ff {
-        // 2 columns, first column is fixed, second is fluid
-        .col-100px {
-            width: 100px;
-        }
-    }
-    &.cols-6 {
-        $nc: 6;
-        .col-1 {
-            @include cols($nc, 1);
-        }
-    }
-    &.cols-16 {
-        $nc: 16;
-        .col-1 {
-            @include cols($nc, 1);
-        }
-        .col-2 {
-            @include cols($nc, 2);
-        }
-        .col-7 {
-            @include cols($nc, 7);
-        }
-    }
-    &.cols-32 {
-        $nc: 32;
-        .col-2 {
-            @include cols($nc, 2);
-        }
-        .col-15 {
-            @include cols($nc, 15);
-        }
-    }
-    .l-row {
-        @include clearfix;
-        padding: $interiorMargin 0;
-    }
 .browse-mode {
     .split-layout {
         .split-pane-component.pane {
@@ -427,7 +349,7 @@
 .object-browse-bar {
     //@include test(blue);
-    @include absPosDefault(0, visible);
+    @include absPosDefault(0, hidden);
     @include box-sizing(border-box);
     height: $ueTopBarH;
     line-height: $ueTopBarH;
@@ -443,16 +365,6 @@
-.l-flex {
-    @include webkitVal('display', 'flex');
-    @include webkitProp('flex-flow', 'row nowrap');
-    .left {
-        //@include test(red);
-        @include webkitProp(flex, '1 1 0');
-        padding-right: $interiorMarginLg;
-    }
 // When the tree is hidden, these are the
 // classes used for the left menu and the
 // right representation.
@@ -464,25 +376,6 @@
     .holder-create-and-search {
         opacity: 0;
-    /*.holder-create-and-search {
-        @include trans-prop-nice((top, left), 250ms);
-        top: $ueTopBarH + $interiorMargin;
-        left: -1 * $bodyMargin !important;
-        .create-btn {
-            @include border-left-radius(0);
-            @include trans-prop-nice((width), 250ms);
-            width: $uePaneMiniTabW !important;
-            text-align: center !important;
-            padding: 0;
-            .title-label,
-            &:after {
-                display: none;
-            }
-            &:before {
-                font-size: 9px;
-            }
-        }
-    }*/
 .pane-tree-showing {
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index 83ed591ff7..cf111a3695 100644
--- a/platform/commonUI/general/res/templates/object-inspector.html
+++ b/platform/commonUI/general/res/templates/object-inspector.html
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
  at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
 <span class="l-inspect" ng-controller="ObjectInspectorController as controller">
-    <div class="abs holder holder-inspector-elements">
-    <div class="pane-header">Inspection</div>
-    <ul>
+    <div class="abs holder holder-inspector-elements l-flex-col">
+    <div class="pane-header flex-elem">Inspection</div>
+    <ul class="flex-elem grows vscroll">
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index 19c0ffc291..9b64303df1 100644
--- a/platform/commonUI/general/src/StyleSheetLoader.js
+++ b/platform/commonUI/general/src/StyleSheetLoader.js
@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ define(
          * @constructor
          * @param {object[]} stylesheets stylesheet extension definitions
          * @param $document Angular's jqLite-wrapped document element
+         * @param {string} activeTheme the theme in use
-        function StyleSheetLoader(stylesheets, $document) {
+        function StyleSheetLoader(stylesheets, $document, activeTheme) {
             var head = $document.find('head'),
                 document = $document[0];
@@ -62,8 +63,15 @@ define(
+            // Stylesheets which specify themes should only be applied
+            // when that theme has been declared.
+            function matchesTheme(stylesheet) {
+                return stylesheet.theme === undefined ||
+                    stylesheet.theme === activeTheme;
+            }
             // Add all stylesheets from extensions
-            stylesheets.forEach(addStyleSheet);
+            stylesheets.filter(matchesTheme).forEach(addStyleSheet);
         return StyleSheetLoader;
diff --git a/platform/commonUI/general/test/StyleSheetLoaderSpec.js b/platform/commonUI/general/test/StyleSheetLoaderSpec.js
index b2c1a7da93..c1db25fb0a 100644
--- a/platform/commonUI/general/test/StyleSheetLoaderSpec.js
+++ b/platform/commonUI/general/test/StyleSheetLoaderSpec.js
@@ -32,10 +32,11 @@ define(
+                testBundle,
             beforeEach(function () {
-                var testBundle = {
+                testBundle = {
                     path: "a/b",
                     resources: "c"
@@ -72,6 +73,40 @@ define(
                     .toHaveBeenCalledWith('href', "a/b/c/d.css");
+            describe("for themed stylesheets", function () {
+                var testTheme = "test-theme";
+                beforeEach(function () {
+                    testStyleSheets = [{
+                        stylesheetUrl: "themed.css",
+                        bundle: testBundle,
+                        theme: testTheme
+                    }, {
+                        stylesheetUrl: "bad-theme.css",
+                        bundle: testBundle,
+                        theme: 'bad-theme'
+                    }];
+                    loader = new StyleSheetLoader(
+                        testStyleSheets,
+                        mockDocument,
+                        testTheme
+                    );
+                });
+                it("includes matching themes", function () {
+                    expect(mockElement.setAttribute)
+                        .toHaveBeenCalledWith('href', "a/b/c/themed.css");
+                });
+                it("excludes mismatching themes", function () {
+                    expect(mockElement.setAttribute)
+                        .not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('href', "a/b/c/bad-theme.css");
+                });
+            });
diff --git a/platform/commonUI/themes/espresso/bundle.json b/platform/commonUI/themes/espresso/bundle.json
index 37cab3e412..94c7259027 100644
--- a/platform/commonUI/themes/espresso/bundle.json
+++ b/platform/commonUI/themes/espresso/bundle.json
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
-  "name": "Espresso",
-  "description": "Espresso theme: dark and rich",
-  "extensions": {
-    "stylesheets": [
-      {
-        "stylesheetUrl": "css/theme-espresso.css",
-        "priority": 1000
-      }
-    ]
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
+    "name": "Espresso",
+    "description": "Espresso theme: dark and rich",
+    "extensions": {
+        "stylesheets": [
+            {
+                "stylesheetUrl": "css/theme-espresso.css",
+                "priority": 1000
+            }
+        ],
+        "constants": [
+            {
+                "key": "THEME",
+                "value": "espresso"
+            }
+        ]
+    }
diff --git a/platform/commonUI/themes/espresso/res/css/theme-espresso.css b/platform/commonUI/themes/espresso/res/css/theme-espresso.css
index f60ef90791..506a023511 100644
--- a/platform/commonUI/themes/espresso/res/css/theme-espresso.css
+++ b/platform/commonUI/themes/espresso/res/css/theme-espresso.css
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
  * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
  * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
-/* line 5, ../../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
+/* line 5, ../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
 html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
 h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
 a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
@@ -41,38 +41,38 @@ time, mark, audio, video {
   font-size: 100%;
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-/* line 22, ../../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
+/* line 22, ../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
 html {
   line-height: 1; }
-/* line 24, ../../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
+/* line 24, ../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
 ol, ul {
   list-style: none; }
-/* line 26, ../../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
+/* line 26, ../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
 table {
   border-collapse: collapse;
   border-spacing: 0; }
-/* line 28, ../../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
+/* line 28, ../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
 caption, th, td {
   text-align: left;
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-/* line 30, ../../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
+/* line 30, ../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
 q, blockquote {
   quotes: none; }
-  /* line 103, ../../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
+  /* line 103, ../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
   q:before, q:after, blockquote:before, blockquote:after {
     content: "";
     content: none; }
-/* line 32, ../../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
+/* line 32, ../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
 a img {
   border: none; }
-/* line 116, ../../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
+/* line 116, ../../../../../../../../../../Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
 article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, main, menu, nav, section, summary {
   display: block; }
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ a.disabled {
 /************************** FONTS */
 @font-face {
-      /*
+  	/*
       * Use https://icomoon.io/app with /platform/commonUI/general/res/fonts/symbols/icomoon.io-WTD-symbols-project.json
   font-family: 'symbolsfont';
@@ -428,6 +428,119 @@ mct-container {
 .sep {
   color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); }
+ * Open MCT Web, Copyright (c) 2014-2015, United States Government
+ * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
+ * Administration. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Open MCT Web is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+ * Open MCT Web includes source code licensed under additional open source
+ * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
+ * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
+ * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+/********************************************* COLUMN LAYOUTS STYLES */
+/* line 34, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+.cols {
+  overflow: hidden;
+  *zoom: 1; }
+  /* line 36, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols .col {
+    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
+    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+    box-sizing: border-box;
+    overflow: hidden;
+    *zoom: 1;
+    float: left;
+    margin-left: 1.5%;
+    padding-left: 5px;
+    position: relative; }
+    /* line 44, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+    .cols .col:first-child {
+      margin-left: 0;
+      padding-left: 0; }
+  /* line 51, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols.cols-2 .col-1 {
+    min-width: 250px;
+    width: 48.5%; }
+  /* line 57, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols.cols-2-ff .col-100px {
+    width: 100px; }
+  /* line 64, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols.cols-6 .col-1 {
+    min-width: 83.33333px;
+    width: 15.16667%; }
+  /* line 70, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols.cols-16 .col-1 {
+    min-width: 31.25px;
+    width: 4.75%; }
+  /* line 73, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols.cols-16 .col-2 {
+    min-width: 62.5px;
+    width: 11%; }
+  /* line 76, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols.cols-16 .col-7 {
+    min-width: 218.75px;
+    width: 42.25%; }
+  /* line 82, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols.cols-32 .col-2 {
+    min-width: 31.25px;
+    width: 4.75%; }
+  /* line 85, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols.cols-32 .col-15 {
+    min-width: 234.375px;
+    width: 45.375%; }
+  /* line 89, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols .l-row {
+    overflow: hidden;
+    *zoom: 1;
+    padding: 5px 0; }
+/********************************************* FLEX STYLES */
+/* line 96, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+.l-flex-row, .l-flex,
+.l-flex-col {
+  display: -webkit-flex;
+  display: flex;
+  -webkit-flex-wrap: nowrap;
+  flex-wrap: nowrap; }
+  /* line 101, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .l-flex-row .flex-elem:not(.grows), .l-flex .flex-elem:not(.grows),
+  .l-flex-col .flex-elem:not(.grows) {
+    -webkit-flex: 0 1 auto;
+    flex: 0 1 auto; }
+  /* line 104, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .l-flex-row .flex-elem.grows, .l-flex .flex-elem.grows,
+  .l-flex-col .flex-elem.grows {
+    -webkit-flex: 1 1 auto;
+    flex: 1 1 auto; }
+/* line 110, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+.l-flex-row, .l-flex {
+  -webkit-flex-direction: row;
+  flex-direction: row; }
+/* line 111, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+.l-flex-col {
+  -webkit-flex-direction: column;
+  flex-direction: column; }
+/* line 115, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+.l-flex .left {
+  -webkit-flex: 1 1 0;
+  flex: 1 1 0;
+  padding-right: 10px; }
  * Open MCT Web, Copyright (c) 2014-2015, United States Government
  * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
@@ -1044,11 +1157,11 @@ tr[class*="s-limit"].s-limit-lwr td:first-child:before {
       background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 40%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) 70%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 100%); }
 /*.browse-area .splitter {
-    top: 0; //$ueTopBarH + $interiorMarginLg;
+	top: 0; //$ueTopBarH + $interiorMarginLg;
 .edit-area .splitter {
-    top: 0;
+	top: 0;
  * Open MCT Web, Copyright (c) 2014-2015, United States Government
@@ -1299,14 +1412,20 @@ tr[class*="s-limit"].s-limit-lwr td:first-child:before {
       margin-right: 5px;
       vertical-align: bottom; }
   /* line 47, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+  .l-inspect ul {
+    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
+    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+    box-sizing: border-box;
+    padding-right: 5px; }
+  /* line 52, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
   .l-inspect ul li,
   .l-inspect em {
     display: block;
     position: relative; }
-  /* line 53, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+  /* line 58, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
   .l-inspect ul li {
     margin-bottom: 10px; }
-  /* line 57, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+  /* line 62, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
   .l-inspect em {
     -moz-border-radius: 3px;
     -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
@@ -1316,34 +1435,34 @@ tr[class*="s-limit"].s-limit-lwr td:first-child:before {
     margin-bottom: 5px;
     padding: 5px 5px;
     text-transform: uppercase; }
-  /* line 66, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+  /* line 71, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
   .l-inspect .inspector-properties {
     padding: 3px 0; }
-    /* line 67, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+    /* line 72, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
     .l-inspect .inspector-properties:not(.first) {
       border-top: 1px solid #474747; }
-    /* line 71, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+    /* line 76, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
     .l-inspect .inspector-properties .label {
       color: #737373;
       text-transform: uppercase; }
-    /* line 75, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+    /* line 80, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
     .l-inspect .inspector-properties .value {
       color: #bfbfbf;
       word-break: break-all; }
-  /* line 83, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+  /* line 88, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
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     cursor: pointer;
     display: inline-block;
     position: relative;
     padding: 2px 4px; }
-    /* line 88, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+    /* line 93, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
     .l-inspect .inspector-location .location-item:hover {
       background: rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.1);
       color: #cccccc; }
-      /* line 91, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+      /* line 96, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
       .l-inspect .inspector-location .location-item:hover .icon, .l-inspect .inspector-location .location-item:hover .t-item-icon {
         color: #33ccff; }
-  /* line 96, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+  /* line 101, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
   .l-inspect .inspector-location:not(.last) .t-object-label .t-title-label:after {
     color: #737373;
     content: '\3e';
@@ -1776,26 +1895,30 @@ tr[class*="s-limit"].s-limit-lwr td:first-child:before {
     overflow: hidden;
     word-break: break-all; }
     /* line 228, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
+    .mini-tab-icon.collapsed {
+      width: 11px;
+      font-size: 11px; }
+    /* line 233, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
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       position: absolute;
       display: inherit; }
-    /* line 234, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
+    /* line 239, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
     .mini-tab-icon:before {
       content: '\78'; }
-    /* line 238, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
+    /* line 243, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
     .mini-tab-icon:hover {
       color: #0099cc; } }
-/* line 245, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
+/* line 250, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
 .l-btn-set {
   font-size: 0; }
-  /* line 251, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
+  /* line 256, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
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     -moz-border-radius: 0;
     -webkit-border-radius: 0;
     border-radius: 0;
     margin-left: 1px; }
-  /* line 257, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
+  /* line 262, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
   .l-btn-set .first .s-btn, .l-btn-set .first .s-menu-btn {
     -moz-border-radius-topleft: 3px;
     -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 3px;
@@ -1804,7 +1927,7 @@ tr[class*="s-limit"].s-limit-lwr td:first-child:before {
     -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 3px;
     border-bottom-left-radius: 3px;
     margin-left: 0; }
-  /* line 264, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
+  /* line 269, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
   .l-btn-set .last .s-btn, .l-btn-set .last .s-menu-btn {
     -moz-border-radius-topright: 3px;
     -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 3px;
@@ -1813,7 +1936,7 @@ tr[class*="s-limit"].s-limit-lwr td:first-child:before {
     -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 3px;
     border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; }
-/* line 271, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
+/* line 276, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
 .paused:not(.s-btn):not(.s-menu-btn) {
   border-color: #c56f01 !important;
   color: #c56f01 !important; }
@@ -2118,23 +2241,23 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
 /* line 204, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .object-header {
   font-size: 1em; }
-  /* line 236, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 208, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .object-header > .type-icon {
     color: #cccccc;
     font-size: 120%;
     float: left;
     margin-right: 5px; }
-  /* line 222, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 215, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .object-header .l-elem-wrapper {
     -webkit-justify-content: flex-start;
     justify-content: flex-start; }
-    /* line 225, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 218, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .object-header .l-elem-wrapper mct-representation {
       min-width: 0.7em; }
-  /* line 233, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 226, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .object-header .action {
     margin-right: 5px; }
-  /* line 237, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 230, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .object-header .title-label {
     color: #999;
     overflow: hidden;
@@ -2143,13 +2266,13 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     flex: 0 1 auto;
     -webkit-flex: 0 1 auto;
     padding-right: 0.35em; }
-  /* line 269, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 240, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .object-header .context-available {
     font-size: 0.7em;
     flex: 0 0 1;
     -webkit-flex: 0 0 1; }
   @media screen and (min-device-width: 800px) and (min-device-height: 1025px), screen and (min-device-width: 1025px) and (min-device-height: 800px) {
-    /* line 276, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 247, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .object-header .context-available {
       -moz-transition-property: opacity;
       -o-transition-property: opacity;
@@ -2168,7 +2291,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
       -webkit-transition-delay: 0;
       transition-delay: 0;
       opacity: 0; }
-    /* line 259, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 252, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .object-header:hover .context-available {
       opacity: 1; } }
@@ -2182,12 +2305,12 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
 @keyframes progress {
   100% {
     background-position: 20px center; } }
-/* line 281, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 274, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .l-progress-bar {
   display: inline-block;
   overflow: hidden;
   position: relative; }
-  /* line 287, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 280, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-progress-bar .progress-amt-holder {
     overflow: hidden;
     position: absolute;
@@ -2197,7 +2320,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     left: 1px;
     width: auto;
     height: auto; }
-  /* line 290, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 283, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-progress-bar .progress-amt,
   .l-progress-bar .progress-amt:before,
   .l-progress-bar .progress-amt:after {
@@ -2211,14 +2334,14 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     height: auto;
     display: block;
     content: ''; }
-  /* line 298, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 291, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-progress-bar .progress-amt {
     right: auto; }
-  /* line 303, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 296, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-progress-bar.indeterminate .progress-amt {
     width: 100% !important; }
-/* line 309, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 302, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .s-progress-bar {
   -moz-border-radius: 3px;
   -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
@@ -2227,7 +2350,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
   -webkit-box-shadow: inset rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0 1px 4px;
   box-shadow: inset rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0 1px 4px;
   background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); }
-  /* line 314, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 307, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .s-progress-bar .progress-amt {
     -moz-border-radius: 3px;
     -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
@@ -2254,10 +2377,10 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     -o-transition-delay: 0;
     -webkit-transition-delay: 0;
     transition-delay: 0; }
-    /* line 319, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 312, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .s-progress-bar .progress-amt:before {
       background-color: #0099cc; }
-    /* line 322, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 315, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .s-progress-bar .progress-amt:after {
       background-image: url('');
       background-size: 100%;
@@ -2265,7 +2388,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
       background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 5%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25) 30%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%);
       background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 5%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25) 30%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%);
       background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 5%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25) 30%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%); }
-  /* line 331, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 324, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .s-progress-bar:not(.indeterminate) .progress-amt:before {
     -moz-animation: progress 0.4s linear infinite;
     -webkit-animation: progress 0.4s linear infinite;
@@ -2278,7 +2401,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     background-position: 0 center;
     background-repeat: repeat-x;
     background-size: 20px 40%; }
-  /* line 339, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 332, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .s-progress-bar.indeterminate .progress-amt:before {
     -moz-animation: progress 0.6s linear infinite;
     -webkit-animation: progress 0.6s linear infinite;
@@ -2290,12 +2413,12 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     background-image: linear-gradient(-45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 25%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 25%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 75%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 75%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%);
     background-repeat: repeat;
     background-size: 20px 20px; }
-  /* line 344, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 337, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .s-progress-bar.indeterminate .progress-amt:after {
     display: none; }
 /******************************************************** SLIDERS */
-/* line 352, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 345, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .slider .slot {
   width: auto;
   position: absolute;
@@ -2303,7 +2426,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
   right: 0;
   bottom: 0;
   left: 0; }
-/* line 362, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 355, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .slider .knob {
   -moz-transition-property: opacity, background-color, border-color, color;
   -o-transition-property: opacity, background-color, border-color, color;
@@ -2329,10 +2452,10 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
   auto: 0;
   bottom: auto;
   left: auto; }
-  /* line 307, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 358, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .slider .knob:hover {
     background-color: #0099cc; }
-/* line 318, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 369, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .slider .knob-l {
   -moz-border-radius-topleft: 10px;
   -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 10px;
@@ -2341,7 +2464,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
   -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
   border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
   cursor: w-resize; }
-/* line 322, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 373, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .slider .knob-r {
   -moz-border-radius-topright: 10px;
   -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 10px;
@@ -2350,7 +2473,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
   -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
   border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
   cursor: e-resize; }
-/* line 326, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 377, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .slider .range {
   -moz-transition-property: opacity, background-color, border-color, color;
   -o-transition-property: opacity, background-color, border-color, color;
@@ -2377,12 +2500,12 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
   left: auto;
   height: auto;
   width: auto; }
-  /* line 337, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 388, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .slider .range:hover {
     background-color: rgba(0, 153, 204, 0.5); }
 /******************************************************** DATETIME PICKER */
-/* line 344, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 395, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .l-datetime-picker {
   -moz-user-select: -moz-none;
   -ms-user-select: none;
@@ -2391,65 +2514,65 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
   font-size: 0.8rem;
   padding: 10px !important;
   width: 230px; }
-  /* line 350, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 401, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager {
     height: 15px;
     margin-bottom: 5px;
     position: relative; }
-    /* line 420, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 413, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .pager {
       width: 20px; }
-      /* line 423, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+      /* line 416, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
       .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .pager.prev {
         right: auto; }
-        /* line 425, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+        /* line 418, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
         .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .pager.prev:before {
           content: "\3c"; }
-      /* line 429, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+      /* line 422, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
       .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .pager.next {
         left: auto;
         text-align: right; }
-        /* line 432, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+        /* line 425, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
         .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .pager.next:before {
           content: "\3e"; }
-    /* line 437, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 430, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .val {
       text-align: center;
       left: 25px;
       right: 25px; }
-  /* line 443, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 436, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-datetime-picker .l-calendar,
   .l-datetime-picker .l-time-selects {
     border-top: 1px solid rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.1); }
-  /* line 447, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 440, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-datetime-picker .l-time-selects {
     line-height: 22px; }
 /******************************************************** CALENDAR */
-/* line 397, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 448, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row {
   display: -webkit-flex;
   display: flex;
   -webkit-flex-flow: row nowrap;
   flex-flow: row nowrap;
   margin-top: 1px; }
-  /* line 459, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 452, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row:first-child {
     margin-top: 0; }
-  /* line 462, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 455, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row li {
     -webkit-flex: 1 0;
     flex: 1 0;
     margin-left: 1px;
     padding: 5px;
     text-align: center; }
-    /* line 468, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 461, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row li:first-child {
       margin-left: 0; }
-  /* line 472, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 465, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row.l-header li {
     color: #b3b3b3; }
-  /* line 475, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 468, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row.l-body li {
     -moz-transition-property: background-color;
     -o-transition-property: background-color;
@@ -2468,31 +2591,31 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     -webkit-transition-delay: 0;
     transition-delay: 0;
     cursor: pointer; }
-    /* line 478, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 471, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row.l-body li.in-month {
       background-color: #616161; }
-    /* line 481, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 474, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row.l-body li .sub {
       color: #b3b3b3;
       font-size: 0.8em; }
-    /* line 485, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 478, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row.l-body li.selected {
       background: #006080;
       color: #cccccc; }
-      /* line 488, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+      /* line 481, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
       .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row.l-body li.selected .sub {
         color: inherit; }
-    /* line 492, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 485, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row.l-body li:hover {
       background-color: #0099cc;
       color: #fff; }
-      /* line 495, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+      /* line 488, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
       .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row.l-body li:hover .sub {
         color: inherit; }
 /******************************************************** BROWSER ELEMENTS */
 @media screen and (min-device-width: 800px) and (min-device-height: 1025px), screen and (min-device-width: 1025px) and (min-device-height: 800px) {
-  /* line 448, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 499, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   ::-webkit-scrollbar {
     -moz-border-radius: 2px;
     -webkit-border-radius: 2px;
@@ -2507,7 +2630,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     height: 10px;
     width: 10px; }
-  /* line 457, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 508, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
     background-image: url('');
     background-size: 100%;
@@ -2521,7 +2644,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
     -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
     box-sizing: border-box; }
-    /* line 466, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 517, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
       background-image: url('');
       background-size: 100%;
@@ -2530,7 +2653,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
       background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#5e5e5e, #525252 20px);
       background-image: linear-gradient(#5e5e5e, #525252 20px); }
-  /* line 471, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 522, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
     background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } }
@@ -3918,15 +4041,15 @@ textarea {
 /* line 29, ../../../../general/res/sass/forms/_datetime.scss */
 .complex.datetime {
-      .field-hints,
-      .fields {
-      }
-      .field-hints {
-      }
-      */ }
+  	.field-hints,
+  	.fields {
+  	}
+  	.field-hints {
+  	}
+  	*/ }
   /* line 30, ../../../../general/res/sass/forms/_datetime.scss */
   .complex.datetime span {
     display: inline-block;
@@ -4173,26 +4296,19 @@ span.req {
  * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
  * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
-/*.holder-all {
-    $myM: 0; // $interiorMarginSm;
-    top: $myM;
-    right: $myM;
-    bottom: $myM;
-    left: $myM;
-/* line 40, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 23, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .editor {
   position: absolute; }
-/* line 46, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 29, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .editor {
   -moz-border-radius: 4.5px;
   -webkit-border-radius: 4.5px;
   border-radius: 4.5px; }
-/* line 50, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 33, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .contents {
   box-sizing: border-box;
   position: absolute;
@@ -4200,21 +4316,21 @@ span.req {
   right: 0;
   bottom: 0;
   left: 0; }
-  /* line 58, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 41, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .contents.nomargin {
     right: 0px;
     bottom: 0px;
     left: 0px; }
-/* line 67, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 50, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .bar .icon.major, .bar .major.t-item-icon {
   margin-right: 5px; }
-/* line 70, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 53, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .bar.abs, .bar.l-inspect, .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.pager,
 .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.val, .s-menu-btn span.bar.l-click-area {
   text-wrap: none;
   white-space: nowrap; }
-  /* line 73, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 56, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .bar.abs.left, .bar.left.l-inspect, .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.left.pager,
   .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.left.val, .s-menu-btn span.bar.left.l-click-area,
   .bar.abs .left,
@@ -4224,7 +4340,7 @@ span.req {
   .s-menu-btn span.bar.l-click-area .left {
     width: 45%;
     right: auto; }
-  /* line 78, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 61, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .bar.abs.right, .bar.right.l-inspect, .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.right.pager,
   .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.right.val, .s-menu-btn span.bar.right.l-click-area,
   .bar.abs .right,
@@ -4235,7 +4351,7 @@ span.req {
     width: 45%;
     left: auto;
     text-align: right; }
-    /* line 83, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+    /* line 66, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
     .bar.abs.right .icon.major, .bar.right.l-inspect .icon.major, .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.right.pager .icon.major,
     .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.right.val .icon.major, .s-menu-btn span.bar.right.l-click-area .icon.major, .bar.abs.right .major.t-item-icon, .bar.right.l-inspect .major.t-item-icon, .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.right.pager .major.t-item-icon,
     .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.right.val .major.t-item-icon, .s-menu-btn span.bar.right.l-click-area .major.t-item-icon,
@@ -4250,7 +4366,7 @@ span.req {
     .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.val .right .major.t-item-icon,
     .s-menu-btn span.bar.l-click-area .right .major.t-item-icon {
       margin-left: 15px; }
-  /* line 89, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 72, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .bar.abs .l-flex .left, .bar.l-inspect .l-flex .left, .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.pager .l-flex .left,
   .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.val .l-flex .left, .s-menu-btn span.bar.l-click-area .l-flex .left,
   .bar.abs .l-flex .right,
@@ -4266,34 +4382,34 @@ span.req {
   .s-menu-btn span.bar.l-flex.l-click-area .right {
     width: auto; }
-/* line 98, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 81, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .user-environ .browse-area,
 .user-environ .editor {
   top: 0;
   left: 0;
   right: 0;
   bottom: 25px; }
-/* line 105, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 88, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .user-environ .browse-area > .contents,
 .user-environ .edit-area > .contents {
   left: 0;
   right: 0; }
-/* line 111, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 94, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .user-environ .edit-area {
   top: 45px;
   left: 10px;
   right: 10px;
   bottom: 35px; }
-  /* line 117, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 100, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .user-environ .edit-area .tool-bar {
     bottom: auto;
     height: 30px;
     line-height: 25px; }
-  /* line 122, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 105, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .user-environ .edit-area .object-holder.work-area {
     top: 40px;
     overflow: auto; }
-/* line 129, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 112, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .user-environ .ue-bottom-bar {
   overflow: hidden;
   position: absolute;
@@ -4309,7 +4425,7 @@ span.req {
   background: #000;
   color: gray;
   font-size: .7rem; }
-  /* line 138, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 121, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .user-environ .ue-bottom-bar .status-holder {
     -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
     -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
@@ -4328,7 +4444,7 @@ span.req {
     right: 120px;
     text-transform: uppercase;
     z-index: 1; }
-  /* line 147, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 130, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .user-environ .ue-bottom-bar .app-logo {
     -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
     -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
@@ -4345,143 +4461,87 @@ span.req {
     left: auto;
     width: 105px;
     z-index: 2; }
-    /* line 154, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+    /* line 137, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
     .user-environ .ue-bottom-bar .app-logo.logo-openmctweb {
       background: url("../../../../general/res/images/logo-openmctweb.svg") no-repeat center center; }
-/* line 161, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-.cols {
-  overflow: hidden;
-  *zoom: 1; }
-  /* line 163, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols .col {
-    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-    box-sizing: border-box;
-    overflow: hidden;
-    *zoom: 1;
-    float: left;
-    margin-left: 1.5%;
-    padding-left: 5px;
-    position: relative; }
-    /* line 171, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-    .cols .col:first-child {
-      margin-left: 0;
-      padding-left: 0; }
-  /* line 178, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols.cols-2 .col-1 {
-    min-width: 250px;
-    width: 48.5%; }
-  /* line 184, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols.cols-2-ff .col-100px {
-    width: 100px; }
-  /* line 191, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols.cols-6 .col-1 {
-    min-width: 83.33333px;
-    width: 15.16667%; }
-  /* line 197, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols.cols-16 .col-1 {
-    min-width: 31.25px;
-    width: 4.75%; }
-  /* line 200, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols.cols-16 .col-2 {
-    min-width: 62.5px;
-    width: 11%; }
-  /* line 203, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols.cols-16 .col-7 {
-    min-width: 218.75px;
-    width: 42.25%; }
-  /* line 209, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols.cols-32 .col-2 {
-    min-width: 31.25px;
-    width: 4.75%; }
-  /* line 212, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols.cols-32 .col-15 {
-    min-width: 234.375px;
-    width: 45.375%; }
-  /* line 216, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols .l-row {
-    overflow: hidden;
-    *zoom: 1;
-    padding: 5px 0; }
-/* line 226, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 148, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .browse-mode .split-layout .split-pane-component.pane.treeview.left {
   min-width: 150px;
   max-width: 800px;
   width: 25%; }
-/* line 231, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 153, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .browse-mode .split-layout .split-pane-component.pane.t-inspect.right {
   min-width: 200px;
   max-width: 600px;
   width: 20%; }
-/* line 243, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 165, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .edit-mode .split-layout .split-pane-component.pane.right {
   width: 15%; }
-  /* line 245, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 167, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .edit-mode .split-layout .split-pane-component.pane.right .pane.bottom {
     min-height: 50px;
     height: 30%; }
-/* line 253, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 175, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .pane {
   -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
   -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
   box-sizing: border-box;
   position: absolute; }
-  /* line 257, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 179, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane .pane-header {
     text-transform: uppercase;
     height: 24px;
     line-height: 24px;
     margin-bottom: 5px; }
-  /* line 264, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 186, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane .primary-pane {
     z-index: 2; }
-  /* line 282, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 204, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane.treeview.left .search-holder {
     top: 34px; }
-  /* line 285, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 207, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane.treeview.left .tree-holder {
     overflow: auto;
     top: 64px; }
-  /* line 291, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 213, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane {
     z-index: 5; }
     @media screen and (min-device-width: 800px) and (min-device-height: 1025px), screen and (min-device-width: 1025px) and (min-device-height: 800px) {
-      /* line 291, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+      /* line 213, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
       .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane {
         top: 10px;
         height: 24px;
         line-height: 24px; }
-        /* line 300, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+        /* line 222, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
         .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane:after {
           opacity: 0; }
-        /* line 305, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+        /* line 227, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
         .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.collapsed:before {
           opacity: 0; }
-        /* line 308, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+        /* line 230, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
         .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.collapsed:after {
           opacity: 1; }
-        /* line 312, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+        /* line 234, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
         .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.toggle-tree.anchor-left {
           left: 0;
           -moz-transform: translateX(-34px);
           -ms-transform: translateX(-34px);
           -webkit-transform: translateX(-34px);
           transform: translateX(-34px); }
-          /* line 315, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+          /* line 237, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
           .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.toggle-tree.anchor-left:after {
             content: '\6d'; }
-          /* line 318, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+          /* line 240, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
           .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.toggle-tree.anchor-left.collapsed {
             left: 0;
-            -moz-transform: translateX(-15px);
-            -ms-transform: translateX(-15px);
-            -webkit-transform: translateX(-15px);
-            transform: translateX(-15px); }
-          /* line 322, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+            -moz-transform: translateX(-17px);
+            -ms-transform: translateX(-17px);
+            -webkit-transform: translateX(-17px);
+            transform: translateX(-17px); }
+          /* line 244, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
           .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.toggle-tree.anchor-left:not(.collapsed):before {
             -moz-transition-property: opacity;
             -o-transition-property: opacity;
@@ -4499,16 +4559,16 @@ span.req {
             -o-transition-delay: 200ms;
             -webkit-transition-delay: 200ms;
             transition-delay: 200ms; }
-        /* line 326, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+        /* line 248, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
         .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.toggle-inspect.anchor-right {
           right: 10px; }
-          /* line 328, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+          /* line 250, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
           .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.toggle-inspect.anchor-right:after {
             content: '\e615'; }
-          /* line 331, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+          /* line 253, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
           .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.toggle-inspect.anchor-right.collapsed {
             right: 5px; } }
-  /* line 340, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 262, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane.items .object-browse-bar .left.abs, .pane.items .object-browse-bar .left.l-inspect, .pane.items .object-browse-bar .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .left.pager, .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .pane.items .object-browse-bar .left.pager,
   .pane.items .object-browse-bar .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .left.val,
   .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .pane.items .object-browse-bar .left.val, .pane.items .object-browse-bar .s-menu-btn span.left.l-click-area, .s-menu-btn .pane.items .object-browse-bar span.left.l-click-area,
@@ -4522,7 +4582,7 @@ span.req {
   .s-menu-btn .pane.items .object-browse-bar span.right.l-click-area {
     top: auto; }
-/* line 348, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 270, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .split-layout {
   /* &.vertical {
        // Slides left and right
@@ -4537,36 +4597,36 @@ span.req {
    }*/ }
-  /* line 351, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 273, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .split-layout.horizontal > .pane {
     margin-top: 5px; }
-    /* line 354, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+    /* line 276, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
     .split-layout.horizontal > .pane:first-child {
       margin-top: 0; }
-  /* line 374, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 296, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .split-layout .holder.holder-create-and-search {
     top: 10px;
     right: 0;
     bottom: 10px;
     left: 10px; }
-  /* line 381, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 303, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .split-layout .holder.holder-object-and-inspector {
     top: 0;
     right: 0;
     bottom: 0;
     left: 0; }
-    /* line 386, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+    /* line 308, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
     .split-layout .holder.holder-object-and-inspector .holder-object {
       top: 10px;
       bottom: 10px; }
-    /* line 390, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+    /* line 312, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
     .split-layout .holder.holder-object-and-inspector .holder-inspector-elements {
       top: 10px;
       bottom: 10px;
       left: 10px;
       right: 10px; }
-/* line 400, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 322, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .object-holder {
   overflow: auto;
   position: absolute;
@@ -4577,11 +4637,11 @@ span.req {
   width: auto;
   height: auto;
   top: 34px; }
-  /* line 293, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 326, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .object-holder.l-controls-visible.l-time-controller-visible {
     bottom: 88px; }
-/* line 299, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 332, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .object-browse-bar .s-btn, .object-browse-bar .s-menu-btn,
 .top-bar .buttons-main .s-btn,
 .top-bar .buttons-main .s-menu-btn,
@@ -4593,14 +4653,14 @@ span.req {
   line-height: 25px;
   vertical-align: top; }
-/* line 426, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 345, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .object-browse-bar .view-switcher,
 .top-bar .view-switcher {
   margin-right: 20px; }
-/* line 431, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 350, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .object-browse-bar {
-  overflow: visible;
+  overflow: hidden;
   position: absolute;
   top: 0;
   right: 0;
@@ -4614,55 +4674,22 @@ span.req {
   height: 24px;
   line-height: 24px;
   white-space: nowrap; }
-  /* line 439, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 358, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .object-browse-bar .left {
     padding-right: 20px; }
-    /* line 441, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+    /* line 360, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
     .object-browse-bar .left .l-back {
       display: inline-block;
       float: left;
       margin-right: 10px; }
-/* line 449, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-.l-flex {
-  display: flex;
-  display: -webkit-flex;
-  flex-flow: row nowrap;
-  -webkit-flex-flow: row nowrap; }
-  /* line 452, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .l-flex .left {
-    flex: 1 1 0;
-    -webkit-flex: 1 1 0;
-    padding-right: 10px; }
+/* line 374, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+.pane-tree-hidden .tree-holder,
+.pane-tree-hidden .splitter-treeview,
+.pane-tree-hidden .holder-create-and-search {
+  opacity: 0; }
-/* line 462, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-.pane-tree-hidden {
-  /*.holder-create-and-search {
-      @include trans-prop-nice((top, left), 250ms);
-      top: $ueTopBarH + $interiorMargin;
-      left: -1 * $bodyMargin !important;
-      .create-btn {
-          @include border-left-radius(0);
-          @include trans-prop-nice((width), 250ms);
-          width: $uePaneMiniTabW !important;
-          text-align: center !important;
-          padding: 0;
-          .title-label,
-          &:after {
-              display: none;
-          }
-          &:before {
-              font-size: 9px;
-          }
-      }
-  }*/ }
-  /* line 465, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .pane-tree-hidden .tree-holder,
-  .pane-tree-hidden .splitter-treeview,
-  .pane-tree-hidden .holder-create-and-search {
-    opacity: 0; }
-/* line 494, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 384, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .pane-tree-showing .tree-holder,
 .pane-tree-showing .splitter-treeview {
   -moz-transition-property: opacity;
@@ -4682,7 +4709,7 @@ span.req {
   -webkit-transition-delay: 250ms;
   transition-delay: 250ms;
   opacity: 1; }
-/* line 500, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 390, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .pane-tree-showing .holder-create-and-search {
   -moz-transition-property: opacity;
   -o-transition-property: opacity;
@@ -4701,7 +4728,7 @@ span.req {
   -webkit-transition-delay: 200ms;
   transition-delay: 200ms; }
-/* line 507, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 397, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .pane-inspect-showing .l-object-and-inspector .l-inspect,
 .pane-inspect-showing .l-object-and-inspector .splitter-inspect {
   -moz-transition-property: opacity;
@@ -4722,25 +4749,25 @@ span.req {
   transition-delay: 250ms;
   opacity: 1; }
-/* line 516, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 406, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .pane-inspect-hidden .l-object-and-inspector .l-inspect,
 .pane-inspect-hidden .l-object-and-inspector .splitter-inspect {
   opacity: 0; }
 @media screen and (min-device-width: 800px) and (min-device-height: 1025px), screen and (min-device-width: 1025px) and (min-device-height: 800px) {
-  /* line 524, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 414, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane.treeview.left .tree-holder {
     padding-right: 5px; }
-  /* line 528, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 418, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane-tree-hidden .pane.right.primary-pane {
-    left: 20px !important; }
+    left: 22px !important; }
-  /* line 531, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 421, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane-inspect-hidden .l-object-and-inspector .pane.left {
-    right: 20px !important; }
+    right: 22px !important; }
-  /* line 534, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 424, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane:not(.resizing) {
     -moz-transition-property: width, left, right;
     -o-transition-property: width, left, right;
@@ -5948,9 +5975,9 @@ ul.tree {
 /* line 22, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_top-bar.scss */
 .top-bar {
-  /*    .title {
-          color: #fff;
-      }*/ }
+  /*	.title {
+  		color: #fff;
+  	}*/ }
   /* line 23, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_top-bar.scss */
   .top-bar.browse, .top-bar.edit {
     border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.1);
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\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/platform/commonUI/themes/snow/res/css/theme-snow.css
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
  * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
  * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
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+ * Open MCT Web, Copyright (c) 2014-2015, United States Government
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+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
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+ * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
+ * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
+ *****************************************************************************/
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+/* line 34, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
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+  /* line 36, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
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+    /* line 44, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
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+  /* line 51, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
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+    min-width: 250px;
+    width: 48.5%; }
+  /* line 57, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols.cols-2-ff .col-100px {
+    width: 100px; }
+  /* line 64, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols.cols-6 .col-1 {
+    min-width: 83.33333px;
+    width: 15.16667%; }
+  /* line 70, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols.cols-16 .col-1 {
+    min-width: 31.25px;
+    width: 4.75%; }
+  /* line 73, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols.cols-16 .col-2 {
+    min-width: 62.5px;
+    width: 11%; }
+  /* line 76, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols.cols-16 .col-7 {
+    min-width: 218.75px;
+    width: 42.25%; }
+  /* line 82, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols.cols-32 .col-2 {
+    min-width: 31.25px;
+    width: 4.75%; }
+  /* line 85, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols.cols-32 .col-15 {
+    min-width: 234.375px;
+    width: 45.375%; }
+  /* line 89, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .cols .l-row {
+    overflow: hidden;
+    *zoom: 1;
+    padding: 5px 0; }
+/********************************************* FLEX STYLES */
+/* line 96, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+.l-flex-row, .l-flex,
+.l-flex-col {
+  display: -webkit-flex;
+  display: flex;
+  -webkit-flex-wrap: nowrap;
+  flex-wrap: nowrap; }
+  /* line 101, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .l-flex-row .flex-elem:not(.grows), .l-flex .flex-elem:not(.grows),
+  .l-flex-col .flex-elem:not(.grows) {
+    -webkit-flex: 0 1 auto;
+    flex: 0 1 auto; }
+  /* line 104, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+  .l-flex-row .flex-elem.grows, .l-flex .flex-elem.grows,
+  .l-flex-col .flex-elem.grows {
+    -webkit-flex: 1 1 auto;
+    flex: 1 1 auto; }
+/* line 110, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+.l-flex-row, .l-flex {
+  -webkit-flex-direction: row;
+  flex-direction: row; }
+/* line 111, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+.l-flex-col {
+  -webkit-flex-direction: column;
+  flex-direction: column; }
+/* line 115, ../../../../general/res/sass/_archetypes.scss */
+.l-flex .left {
+  -webkit-flex: 1 1 0;
+  flex: 1 1 0;
+  padding-right: 10px; }
  * Open MCT Web, Copyright (c) 2014-2015, United States Government
  * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
@@ -1025,11 +1138,11 @@ tr[class*="s-limit"].s-limit-lwr td:first-child:before {
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-    top: 0; //$ueTopBarH + $interiorMarginLg;
+	top: 0; //$ueTopBarH + $interiorMarginLg;
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  * Open MCT Web, Copyright (c) 2014-2015, United States Government
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+    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
+    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+    box-sizing: border-box;
+    padding-right: 5px; }
+  /* line 52, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
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-  /* line 53, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+  /* line 58, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
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-  /* line 57, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+  /* line 62, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
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     padding: 5px 5px;
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-  /* line 66, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+  /* line 71, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
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     padding: 3px 0; }
-    /* line 67, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+    /* line 72, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
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       border-top: 1px solid #e3e3e3; }
-    /* line 71, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+    /* line 76, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
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       color: #999999;
       text-transform: uppercase; }
-    /* line 75, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+    /* line 80, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
     .l-inspect .inspector-properties .value {
       color: #404040;
       word-break: break-all; }
-  /* line 83, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+  /* line 88, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
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     cursor: pointer;
     display: inline-block;
     position: relative;
     padding: 2px 4px; }
-    /* line 88, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+    /* line 93, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
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       background: rgba(102, 102, 102, 0.1);
       color: #333333; }
-      /* line 91, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+      /* line 96, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
       .l-inspect .inspector-location .location-item:hover .icon, .l-inspect .inspector-location .location-item:hover .t-item-icon {
         color: #0099cc; }
-  /* line 96, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
+  /* line 101, ../../../../general/res/sass/_inspector.scss */
   .l-inspect .inspector-location:not(.last) .t-object-label .t-title-label:after {
     color: #8c8c8c;
     content: '\3e';
@@ -1721,26 +1840,30 @@ tr[class*="s-limit"].s-limit-lwr td:first-child:before {
     overflow: hidden;
     word-break: break-all; }
     /* line 228, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
+    .mini-tab-icon.collapsed {
+      width: 11px;
+      font-size: 11px; }
+    /* line 233, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
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-    /* line 234, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
+    /* line 239, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
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       content: '\78'; }
-    /* line 238, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
+    /* line 243, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
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-/* line 245, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
+/* line 250, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
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-  /* line 251, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
+  /* line 256, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
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-  /* line 257, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
+  /* line 262, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
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     -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 4px;
@@ -1749,7 +1872,7 @@ tr[class*="s-limit"].s-limit-lwr td:first-child:before {
     -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
     border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
     margin-left: 0; }
-  /* line 264, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
+  /* line 269, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
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     -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 4px;
@@ -1758,7 +1881,7 @@ tr[class*="s-limit"].s-limit-lwr td:first-child:before {
     -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
     border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; }
-/* line 271, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
+/* line 276, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_buttons.scss */
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   border-color: #ff9900 !important;
   color: #ff9900 !important; }
@@ -2063,23 +2186,23 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
 /* line 204, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .object-header {
   font-size: 1em; }
-  /* line 236, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 208, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
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     color: #b3b3b3;
     font-size: 120%;
     float: left;
     margin-right: 5px; }
-  /* line 243, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 215, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
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     -webkit-justify-content: flex-start;
     justify-content: flex-start; }
-    /* line 247, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 218, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .object-header .l-elem-wrapper mct-representation {
       min-width: 0.7em; }
-  /* line 255, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 226, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .object-header .action {
     margin-right: 5px; }
-  /* line 259, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 230, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .object-header .title-label {
     color: #666;
     overflow: hidden;
@@ -2088,13 +2211,13 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     flex: 0 1 auto;
     -webkit-flex: 0 1 auto;
     padding-right: 0.35em; }
-  /* line 269, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 240, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
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     font-size: 0.7em;
     flex: 0 0 1;
     -webkit-flex: 0 0 1; }
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-    /* line 276, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 247, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .object-header .context-available {
       -moz-transition-property: opacity;
       -o-transition-property: opacity;
@@ -2113,7 +2236,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
       -webkit-transition-delay: 0;
       transition-delay: 0;
       opacity: 0; }
-    /* line 259, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 252, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .object-header:hover .context-available {
       opacity: 1; } }
@@ -2127,12 +2250,12 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
 @keyframes progress {
   100% {
     background-position: 20px center; } }
-/* line 281, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 274, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .l-progress-bar {
   display: inline-block;
   overflow: hidden;
   position: relative; }
-  /* line 287, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 280, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-progress-bar .progress-amt-holder {
     overflow: hidden;
     position: absolute;
@@ -2142,7 +2265,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     left: 1px;
     width: auto;
     height: auto; }
-  /* line 290, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 283, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
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   .l-progress-bar .progress-amt:before,
   .l-progress-bar .progress-amt:after {
@@ -2156,14 +2279,14 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     height: auto;
     display: block;
     content: ''; }
-  /* line 298, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 291, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-progress-bar .progress-amt {
     right: auto; }
-  /* line 303, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 296, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-progress-bar.indeterminate .progress-amt {
     width: 100% !important; }
-/* line 309, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 302, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .s-progress-bar {
   -moz-border-radius: 4px;
   -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
@@ -2172,7 +2295,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
   -webkit-box-shadow: inset rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0 1px 4px;
   box-shadow: inset rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0 1px 4px;
   background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); }
-  /* line 314, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 307, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .s-progress-bar .progress-amt {
     -moz-border-radius: 4px;
     -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
@@ -2199,10 +2322,10 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     -o-transition-delay: 0;
     -webkit-transition-delay: 0;
     transition-delay: 0; }
-    /* line 319, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 312, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .s-progress-bar .progress-amt:before {
       background-color: #0a0; }
-    /* line 322, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 315, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .s-progress-bar .progress-amt:after {
       background-image: url('');
       background-size: 100%;
@@ -2210,7 +2333,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
       background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 5%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25) 30%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%);
       background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 5%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25) 30%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%);
       background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 5%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25) 30%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%); }
-  /* line 331, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 324, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .s-progress-bar:not(.indeterminate) .progress-amt:before {
     -moz-animation: progress 0.4s linear infinite;
     -webkit-animation: progress 0.4s linear infinite;
@@ -2223,7 +2346,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     background-position: 0 center;
     background-repeat: repeat-x;
     background-size: 20px 40%; }
-  /* line 339, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 332, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .s-progress-bar.indeterminate .progress-amt:before {
     -moz-animation: progress 0.6s linear infinite;
     -webkit-animation: progress 0.6s linear infinite;
@@ -2235,12 +2358,12 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     background-image: linear-gradient(-45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 25%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 25%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 75%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 75%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%);
     background-repeat: repeat;
     background-size: 20px 20px; }
-  /* line 344, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 337, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .s-progress-bar.indeterminate .progress-amt:after {
     display: none; }
 /******************************************************** SLIDERS */
-/* line 352, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 345, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .slider .slot {
   width: auto;
   position: absolute;
@@ -2248,7 +2371,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
   right: 0;
   bottom: 0;
   left: 0; }
-/* line 362, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 355, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .slider .knob {
   -moz-transition-property: opacity, background-color, border-color, color;
   -o-transition-property: opacity, background-color, border-color, color;
@@ -2274,10 +2397,10 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
   auto: 0;
   bottom: auto;
   left: auto; }
-  /* line 365, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 358, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .slider .knob:hover {
     background-color: rgba(0, 153, 204, 0.7); }
-/* line 376, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 369, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .slider .knob-l {
   -moz-border-radius-topleft: 10px;
   -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 10px;
@@ -2286,7 +2409,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
   -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
   border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
   cursor: w-resize; }
-/* line 322, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 373, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .slider .knob-r {
   -moz-border-radius-topright: 10px;
   -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 10px;
@@ -2295,7 +2418,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
   -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
   border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
   cursor: e-resize; }
-/* line 326, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 377, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .slider .range {
   -moz-transition-property: opacity, background-color, border-color, color;
   -o-transition-property: opacity, background-color, border-color, color;
@@ -2322,12 +2445,12 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
   left: auto;
   height: auto;
   width: auto; }
-  /* line 337, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 388, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .slider .range:hover {
     background-color: rgba(0, 153, 204, 0.4); }
 /******************************************************** DATETIME PICKER */
-/* line 344, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 395, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .l-datetime-picker {
   -moz-user-select: -moz-none;
   -ms-user-select: none;
@@ -2336,65 +2459,65 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
   font-size: 0.8rem;
   padding: 10px !important;
   width: 230px; }
-  /* line 350, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 401, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager {
     height: 15px;
     margin-bottom: 5px;
     position: relative; }
-    /* line 420, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 413, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .pager {
       width: 20px; }
-      /* line 423, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+      /* line 416, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
       .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .pager.prev {
         right: auto; }
-        /* line 425, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+        /* line 418, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
         .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .pager.prev:before {
           content: "\3c"; }
-      /* line 429, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+      /* line 422, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
       .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .pager.next {
         left: auto;
         text-align: right; }
-        /* line 432, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+        /* line 425, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
         .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .pager.next:before {
           content: "\3e"; }
-    /* line 437, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 430, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .val {
       text-align: center;
       left: 25px;
       right: 25px; }
-  /* line 443, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 436, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-datetime-picker .l-calendar,
   .l-datetime-picker .l-time-selects {
     border-top: 1px solid rgba(102, 102, 102, 0.2); }
-  /* line 447, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 440, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-datetime-picker .l-time-selects {
     line-height: 22px; }
 /******************************************************** CALENDAR */
-/* line 397, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+/* line 448, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
 .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row {
   display: -webkit-flex;
   display: flex;
   -webkit-flex-flow: row nowrap;
   flex-flow: row nowrap;
   margin-top: 1px; }
-  /* line 459, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 452, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row:first-child {
     margin-top: 0; }
-  /* line 462, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 455, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row li {
     -webkit-flex: 1 0;
     flex: 1 0;
     margin-left: 1px;
     padding: 5px;
     text-align: center; }
-    /* line 468, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 461, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row li:first-child {
       margin-left: 0; }
-  /* line 472, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 465, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row.l-header li {
     color: #999999; }
-  /* line 475, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 468, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row.l-body li {
     -moz-transition-property: background-color;
     -o-transition-property: background-color;
@@ -2413,31 +2536,31 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     -webkit-transition-delay: 0;
     transition-delay: 0;
     cursor: pointer; }
-    /* line 478, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 471, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row.l-body li.in-month {
       background-color: #f2f2f2; }
-    /* line 481, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 474, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row.l-body li .sub {
       color: #999999;
       font-size: 0.8em; }
-    /* line 485, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 478, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row.l-body li.selected {
       background: #1ac6ff;
       color: #fcfcfc; }
-      /* line 488, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+      /* line 481, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
       .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row.l-body li.selected .sub {
         color: inherit; }
-    /* line 492, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 485, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row.l-body li:hover {
       background-color: #0099cc;
       color: #fff; }
-      /* line 495, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+      /* line 488, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
       .l-calendar ul.l-cal-row.l-body li:hover .sub {
         color: inherit; }
 /******************************************************** BROWSER ELEMENTS */
 @media screen and (min-device-width: 800px) and (min-device-height: 1025px), screen and (min-device-width: 1025px) and (min-device-height: 800px) {
-  /* line 448, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 499, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   ::-webkit-scrollbar {
     -moz-border-radius: 2px;
     -webkit-border-radius: 2px;
@@ -2452,7 +2575,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     height: 10px;
     width: 10px; }
-  /* line 457, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 508, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
     background-image: url('');
     background-size: 100%;
@@ -2466,7 +2589,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
     -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
     -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
     box-sizing: border-box; }
-    /* line 466, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+    /* line 517, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
     ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
       background-image: url('');
       background-size: 100%;
@@ -2475,7 +2598,7 @@ label.checkbox.custom {
       background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#00ace6, #0099cc 20px);
       background-image: linear-gradient(#00ace6, #0099cc 20px); }
-  /* line 471, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
+  /* line 522, ../../../../general/res/sass/controls/_controls.scss */
   ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
     background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } }
@@ -3840,15 +3963,15 @@ textarea {
 /* line 29, ../../../../general/res/sass/forms/_datetime.scss */
 .complex.datetime {
-      .field-hints,
-      .fields {
-      }
-      .field-hints {
-      }
-      */ }
+  	.field-hints,
+  	.fields {
+  	}
+  	.field-hints {
+  	}
+  	*/ }
   /* line 30, ../../../../general/res/sass/forms/_datetime.scss */
   .complex.datetime span {
     display: inline-block;
@@ -4095,26 +4218,19 @@ span.req {
  * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
  * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
-/*.holder-all {
-    $myM: 0; // $interiorMarginSm;
-    top: $myM;
-    right: $myM;
-    bottom: $myM;
-    left: $myM;
-/* line 40, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 23, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .editor {
   position: absolute; }
-/* line 46, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 29, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .editor {
   -moz-border-radius: 6px;
   -webkit-border-radius: 6px;
   border-radius: 6px; }
-/* line 50, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 33, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .contents {
   box-sizing: border-box;
   position: absolute;
@@ -4122,21 +4238,21 @@ span.req {
   right: 0;
   bottom: 0;
   left: 0; }
-  /* line 58, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 41, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .contents.nomargin {
     right: 0px;
     bottom: 0px;
     left: 0px; }
-/* line 67, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 50, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .bar .icon.major, .bar .major.t-item-icon {
   margin-right: 5px; }
-/* line 70, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 53, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .bar.abs, .bar.l-inspect, .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.pager,
 .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.val, .s-menu-btn span.bar.l-click-area {
   text-wrap: none;
   white-space: nowrap; }
-  /* line 73, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 56, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .bar.abs.left, .bar.left.l-inspect, .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.left.pager,
   .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.left.val, .s-menu-btn span.bar.left.l-click-area,
   .bar.abs .left,
@@ -4146,7 +4262,7 @@ span.req {
   .s-menu-btn span.bar.l-click-area .left {
     width: 45%;
     right: auto; }
-  /* line 78, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 61, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .bar.abs.right, .bar.right.l-inspect, .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.right.pager,
   .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.right.val, .s-menu-btn span.bar.right.l-click-area,
   .bar.abs .right,
@@ -4157,7 +4273,7 @@ span.req {
     width: 45%;
     left: auto;
     text-align: right; }
-    /* line 83, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+    /* line 66, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
     .bar.abs.right .icon.major, .bar.right.l-inspect .icon.major, .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.right.pager .icon.major,
     .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.right.val .icon.major, .s-menu-btn span.bar.right.l-click-area .icon.major, .bar.abs.right .major.t-item-icon, .bar.right.l-inspect .major.t-item-icon, .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.right.pager .major.t-item-icon,
     .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.right.val .major.t-item-icon, .s-menu-btn span.bar.right.l-click-area .major.t-item-icon,
@@ -4172,7 +4288,7 @@ span.req {
     .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.val .right .major.t-item-icon,
     .s-menu-btn span.bar.l-click-area .right .major.t-item-icon {
       margin-left: 15px; }
-  /* line 89, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 72, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .bar.abs .l-flex .left, .bar.l-inspect .l-flex .left, .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.pager .l-flex .left,
   .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .bar.val .l-flex .left, .s-menu-btn span.bar.l-click-area .l-flex .left,
   .bar.abs .l-flex .right,
@@ -4188,34 +4304,34 @@ span.req {
   .s-menu-btn span.bar.l-flex.l-click-area .right {
     width: auto; }
-/* line 98, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 81, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .user-environ .browse-area,
 .user-environ .editor {
   top: 0;
   left: 0;
   right: 0;
   bottom: 25px; }
-/* line 105, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 88, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .user-environ .browse-area > .contents,
 .user-environ .edit-area > .contents {
   left: 0;
   right: 0; }
-/* line 111, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 94, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .user-environ .edit-area {
   top: 45px;
   left: 10px;
   right: 10px;
   bottom: 35px; }
-  /* line 117, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 100, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .user-environ .edit-area .tool-bar {
     bottom: auto;
     height: 30px;
     line-height: 25px; }
-  /* line 122, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 105, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .user-environ .edit-area .object-holder.work-area {
     top: 40px;
     overflow: auto; }
-/* line 129, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 112, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .user-environ .ue-bottom-bar {
   overflow: hidden;
   position: absolute;
@@ -4231,7 +4347,7 @@ span.req {
   background: #000;
   color: white;
   font-size: .7rem; }
-  /* line 138, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 121, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .user-environ .ue-bottom-bar .status-holder {
     -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
     -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
@@ -4250,7 +4366,7 @@ span.req {
     right: 120px;
     text-transform: uppercase;
     z-index: 1; }
-  /* line 147, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 130, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .user-environ .ue-bottom-bar .app-logo {
     -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
     -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
@@ -4267,143 +4383,87 @@ span.req {
     left: auto;
     width: 105px;
     z-index: 2; }
-    /* line 154, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+    /* line 137, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
     .user-environ .ue-bottom-bar .app-logo.logo-openmctweb {
       background: url("../../../../general/res/images/logo-openmctweb.svg") no-repeat center center; }
-/* line 161, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-.cols {
-  overflow: hidden;
-  *zoom: 1; }
-  /* line 163, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols .col {
-    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-    box-sizing: border-box;
-    overflow: hidden;
-    *zoom: 1;
-    float: left;
-    margin-left: 1.5%;
-    padding-left: 5px;
-    position: relative; }
-    /* line 171, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-    .cols .col:first-child {
-      margin-left: 0;
-      padding-left: 0; }
-  /* line 178, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols.cols-2 .col-1 {
-    min-width: 250px;
-    width: 48.5%; }
-  /* line 184, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols.cols-2-ff .col-100px {
-    width: 100px; }
-  /* line 191, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols.cols-6 .col-1 {
-    min-width: 83.33333px;
-    width: 15.16667%; }
-  /* line 197, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols.cols-16 .col-1 {
-    min-width: 31.25px;
-    width: 4.75%; }
-  /* line 200, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols.cols-16 .col-2 {
-    min-width: 62.5px;
-    width: 11%; }
-  /* line 203, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols.cols-16 .col-7 {
-    min-width: 218.75px;
-    width: 42.25%; }
-  /* line 209, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols.cols-32 .col-2 {
-    min-width: 31.25px;
-    width: 4.75%; }
-  /* line 212, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols.cols-32 .col-15 {
-    min-width: 234.375px;
-    width: 45.375%; }
-  /* line 216, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .cols .l-row {
-    overflow: hidden;
-    *zoom: 1;
-    padding: 5px 0; }
-/* line 226, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 148, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .browse-mode .split-layout .split-pane-component.pane.treeview.left {
   min-width: 150px;
   max-width: 800px;
   width: 25%; }
-/* line 231, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 153, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .browse-mode .split-layout .split-pane-component.pane.t-inspect.right {
   min-width: 200px;
   max-width: 600px;
   width: 20%; }
-/* line 243, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 165, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .edit-mode .split-layout .split-pane-component.pane.right {
   width: 15%; }
-  /* line 245, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 167, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .edit-mode .split-layout .split-pane-component.pane.right .pane.bottom {
     min-height: 50px;
     height: 30%; }
-/* line 253, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 175, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .pane {
   -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
   -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
   box-sizing: border-box;
   position: absolute; }
-  /* line 257, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 179, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane .pane-header {
     text-transform: uppercase;
     height: 24px;
     line-height: 24px;
     margin-bottom: 5px; }
-  /* line 264, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 186, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane .primary-pane {
     z-index: 2; }
-  /* line 282, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 204, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane.treeview.left .search-holder {
     top: 34px; }
-  /* line 285, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 207, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane.treeview.left .tree-holder {
     overflow: auto;
     top: 64px; }
-  /* line 291, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 213, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane {
     z-index: 5; }
     @media screen and (min-device-width: 800px) and (min-device-height: 1025px), screen and (min-device-width: 1025px) and (min-device-height: 800px) {
-      /* line 291, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+      /* line 213, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
       .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane {
         top: 10px;
         height: 24px;
         line-height: 24px; }
-        /* line 300, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+        /* line 222, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
         .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane:after {
           opacity: 0; }
-        /* line 305, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+        /* line 227, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
         .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.collapsed:before {
           opacity: 0; }
-        /* line 308, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+        /* line 230, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
         .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.collapsed:after {
           opacity: 1; }
-        /* line 312, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+        /* line 234, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
         .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.toggle-tree.anchor-left {
           left: 0;
           -moz-transform: translateX(-33px);
           -ms-transform: translateX(-33px);
           -webkit-transform: translateX(-33px);
           transform: translateX(-33px); }
-          /* line 315, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+          /* line 237, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
           .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.toggle-tree.anchor-left:after {
             content: '\6d'; }
-          /* line 318, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+          /* line 240, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
           .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.toggle-tree.anchor-left.collapsed {
             left: 0;
-            -moz-transform: translateX(-15px);
-            -ms-transform: translateX(-15px);
-            -webkit-transform: translateX(-15px);
-            transform: translateX(-15px); }
-          /* line 322, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+            -moz-transform: translateX(-17px);
+            -ms-transform: translateX(-17px);
+            -webkit-transform: translateX(-17px);
+            transform: translateX(-17px); }
+          /* line 244, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
           .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.toggle-tree.anchor-left:not(.collapsed):before {
             -moz-transition-property: opacity;
             -o-transition-property: opacity;
@@ -4421,16 +4481,16 @@ span.req {
             -o-transition-delay: 200ms;
             -webkit-transition-delay: 200ms;
             transition-delay: 200ms; }
-        /* line 326, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+        /* line 248, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
         .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.toggle-inspect.anchor-right {
           right: 10px; }
-          /* line 328, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+          /* line 250, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
           .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.toggle-inspect.anchor-right:after {
             content: '\e615'; }
-          /* line 331, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+          /* line 253, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
           .pane .mini-tab-icon.toggle-pane.toggle-inspect.anchor-right.collapsed {
             right: 5px; } }
-  /* line 340, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 262, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane.items .object-browse-bar .left.abs, .pane.items .object-browse-bar .left.l-inspect, .pane.items .object-browse-bar .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .left.pager, .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .pane.items .object-browse-bar .left.pager,
   .pane.items .object-browse-bar .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .left.val,
   .l-datetime-picker .l-month-year-pager .pane.items .object-browse-bar .left.val, .pane.items .object-browse-bar .s-menu-btn span.left.l-click-area, .s-menu-btn .pane.items .object-browse-bar span.left.l-click-area,
@@ -4444,7 +4504,7 @@ span.req {
   .s-menu-btn .pane.items .object-browse-bar span.right.l-click-area {
     top: auto; }
-/* line 348, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 270, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .split-layout {
   /* &.vertical {
        // Slides left and right
@@ -4459,36 +4519,36 @@ span.req {
    }*/ }
-  /* line 351, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 273, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .split-layout.horizontal > .pane {
     margin-top: 5px; }
-    /* line 354, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+    /* line 276, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
     .split-layout.horizontal > .pane:first-child {
       margin-top: 0; }
-  /* line 374, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 296, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .split-layout .holder.holder-create-and-search {
     top: 10px;
     right: 0;
     bottom: 10px;
     left: 10px; }
-  /* line 381, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 303, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .split-layout .holder.holder-object-and-inspector {
     top: 0;
     right: 0;
     bottom: 0;
     left: 0; }
-    /* line 386, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+    /* line 308, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
     .split-layout .holder.holder-object-and-inspector .holder-object {
       top: 10px;
       bottom: 10px; }
-    /* line 390, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+    /* line 312, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
     .split-layout .holder.holder-object-and-inspector .holder-inspector-elements {
       top: 10px;
       bottom: 10px;
       left: 10px;
       right: 10px; }
-/* line 400, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 322, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .object-holder {
   overflow: auto;
   position: absolute;
@@ -4499,11 +4559,11 @@ span.req {
   width: auto;
   height: auto;
   top: 34px; }
-  /* line 293, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 326, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .object-holder.l-controls-visible.l-time-controller-visible {
     bottom: 88px; }
-/* line 299, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 332, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .object-browse-bar .s-btn, .object-browse-bar .s-menu-btn,
 .top-bar .buttons-main .s-btn,
 .top-bar .buttons-main .s-menu-btn,
@@ -4515,14 +4575,14 @@ span.req {
   line-height: 25px;
   vertical-align: top; }
-/* line 426, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 345, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .object-browse-bar .view-switcher,
 .top-bar .view-switcher {
   margin-right: 20px; }
-/* line 431, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 350, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .object-browse-bar {
-  overflow: visible;
+  overflow: hidden;
   position: absolute;
   top: 0;
   right: 0;
@@ -4536,55 +4596,22 @@ span.req {
   height: 24px;
   line-height: 24px;
   white-space: nowrap; }
-  /* line 439, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 358, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .object-browse-bar .left {
     padding-right: 20px; }
-    /* line 441, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+    /* line 360, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
     .object-browse-bar .left .l-back {
       display: inline-block;
       float: left;
       margin-right: 10px; }
-/* line 335, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-.l-flex {
-  display: flex;
-  display: -webkit-flex;
-  flex-flow: row nowrap;
-  -webkit-flex-flow: row nowrap; }
-  /* line 452, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .l-flex .left {
-    flex: 1 1 0;
-    -webkit-flex: 1 1 0;
-    padding-right: 10px; }
+/* line 374, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+.pane-tree-hidden .tree-holder,
+.pane-tree-hidden .splitter-treeview,
+.pane-tree-hidden .holder-create-and-search {
+  opacity: 0; }
-/* line 462, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-.pane-tree-hidden {
-  /*.holder-create-and-search {
-      @include trans-prop-nice((top, left), 250ms);
-      top: $ueTopBarH + $interiorMargin;
-      left: -1 * $bodyMargin !important;
-      .create-btn {
-          @include border-left-radius(0);
-          @include trans-prop-nice((width), 250ms);
-          width: $uePaneMiniTabW !important;
-          text-align: center !important;
-          padding: 0;
-          .title-label,
-          &:after {
-              display: none;
-          }
-          &:before {
-              font-size: 9px;
-          }
-      }
-  }*/ }
-  /* line 465, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
-  .pane-tree-hidden .tree-holder,
-  .pane-tree-hidden .splitter-treeview,
-  .pane-tree-hidden .holder-create-and-search {
-    opacity: 0; }
-/* line 494, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 384, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .pane-tree-showing .tree-holder,
 .pane-tree-showing .splitter-treeview {
   -moz-transition-property: opacity;
@@ -4604,7 +4631,7 @@ span.req {
   -webkit-transition-delay: 250ms;
   transition-delay: 250ms;
   opacity: 1; }
-/* line 500, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 390, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .pane-tree-showing .holder-create-and-search {
   -moz-transition-property: opacity;
   -o-transition-property: opacity;
@@ -4623,7 +4650,7 @@ span.req {
   -webkit-transition-delay: 200ms;
   transition-delay: 200ms; }
-/* line 507, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 397, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .pane-inspect-showing .l-object-and-inspector .l-inspect,
 .pane-inspect-showing .l-object-and-inspector .splitter-inspect {
   -moz-transition-property: opacity;
@@ -4644,25 +4671,25 @@ span.req {
   transition-delay: 250ms;
   opacity: 1; }
-/* line 516, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+/* line 406, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
 .pane-inspect-hidden .l-object-and-inspector .l-inspect,
 .pane-inspect-hidden .l-object-and-inspector .splitter-inspect {
   opacity: 0; }
 @media screen and (min-device-width: 800px) and (min-device-height: 1025px), screen and (min-device-width: 1025px) and (min-device-height: 800px) {
-  /* line 524, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 414, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane.treeview.left .tree-holder {
     padding-right: 5px; }
-  /* line 528, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 418, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane-tree-hidden .pane.right.primary-pane {
-    left: 20px !important; }
+    left: 22px !important; }
-  /* line 531, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 421, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane-inspect-hidden .l-object-and-inspector .pane.left {
-    right: 20px !important; }
+    right: 22px !important; }
-  /* line 534, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
+  /* line 424, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_layout.scss */
   .pane:not(.resizing) {
     -moz-transition-property: width, left, right;
     -o-transition-property: width, left, right;
@@ -5850,9 +5877,9 @@ ul.tree {
 /* line 22, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_top-bar.scss */
 .top-bar {
-  /*    .title {
-          color: #fff;
-      }*/ }
+  /*	.title {
+  		color: #fff;
+  	}*/ }
   /* line 23, ../../../../general/res/sass/user-environ/_top-bar.scss */
   .top-bar.browse, .top-bar.edit {
     border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(102, 102, 102, 0.2);
diff --git a/platform/commonUI/themes/snow/res/sass/_constants.scss b/platform/commonUI/themes/snow/res/sass/_constants.scss
index 1338b2c335..8963c30b8b 100644
--- a/platform/commonUI/themes/snow/res/sass/_constants.scss
+++ b/platform/commonUI/themes/snow/res/sass/_constants.scss
@@ -72,20 +72,6 @@ $colorInputBg: $colorGenBg;
 $colorInputFg: $colorBodyFg;
 $colorFormText: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 10%);
 $colorInputIcon: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 25%);
-// Status colors, mainly used for messaging and item ancillary symbols
-$colorStatusFg: #fff;
-$colorStatusDefault: #ccc;
-$colorStatusInfo: #60ba7b;
-$colorStatusAlert: #ffb66c;
-$colorStatusError: #c96b68;
-$colorProgressBarOuter: rgba(#000, 0.1);
-$colorProgressBarAmt: #0a0;
-$progressBarHOverlay: 15px;
-$progressBarStripeW: 20px;
-$shdwStatusIc: rgba(white, 0.8) 0 0px 5px;
-// Selects
 $colorSelectBg: #ddd;
 $colorSelectFg: $colorBodyFg;
diff --git a/platform/core/bundle.json b/platform/core/bundle.json
index 5b107843f1..25ca81f5f6 100644
--- a/platform/core/bundle.json
+++ b/platform/core/bundle.json
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
                 "provides": "objectService",
                 "type": "provider",
                 "implementation": "objects/DomainObjectProvider.js",
-                "depends": [ "modelService", "capabilityService", "$q" ]
+                "depends": [ "modelService", "instantiate" ]
                 "provides": "capabilityService",
@@ -205,8 +205,8 @@
                 "depends": [ "$q" ]
-                "key": "creation",
-                "implementation": "capabilities/CreationCapability.js",
+                "key": "instantiation",
+                "implementation": "capabilities/InstantiationCapability.js",
                 "depends": [ "$injector" ]
@@ -228,6 +228,11 @@
                 "key": "contextualize",
                 "implementation": "services/Contextualize.js",
                 "depends": [ "$log" ]
+            },
+            {
+                "key": "instantiate",
+                "implementation": "services/Instantiate.js",
+                "depends": [ "capabilityService" ]
         "roots": [
diff --git a/platform/core/src/capabilities/CreationCapability.js b/platform/core/src/capabilities/InstantiationCapability.js
similarity index 65%
rename from platform/core/src/capabilities/CreationCapability.js
rename to platform/core/src/capabilities/InstantiationCapability.js
index 680f3f2805..84807294ca 100644
--- a/platform/core/src/capabilities/CreationCapability.js
+++ b/platform/core/src/capabilities/InstantiationCapability.js
@@ -27,33 +27,19 @@ define(
         'use strict';
-         * Implements the `creation` capability. This allows new domain
+         * Implements the `instantiation` capability. This allows new domain
          * objects to be instantiated.
          * @constructor
          * @memberof platform/core
          * @param $injector Angular's `$injector`
-        function CreationCapability($injector, identifierService, domainObject) {
+        function InstantiationCapability($injector, identifierService, domainObject) {
             this.$injector = $injector;
             this.identifierService = identifierService;
             this.domainObject = domainObject;
-        /**
-         * Alias of `capabilityService.getCapabilities`; handles lazy loading
-         * of `capabilityService`, since it cannot be declared as a
-         * dependency directly without creating a cycle.
-         * @private
-         */
-        CreationCapability.prototype.getCapabilities = function (model) {
-            if (!this.capabilityService) {
-                this.capabilityService =
-                    this.$injector.get('capabilityService');
-            }
-            return this.capabilityService.getCapabilities(model);
-        };
          * Instantiate a new domain object with the provided model.
@@ -63,23 +49,27 @@ define(
          * @returns {DomainObject} the new domain object
-        CreationCapability.prototype.create = function (model) {
+        InstantiationCapability.prototype.instantiate = function (model) {
             var parsedId =
                 space = parsedId.getDefinedSpace(),
-                id = this.identifierService.generate(space),
-                capabilities = this.getCapabilities(model);
+                id = this.identifierService.generate(space);
-            return new DomainObjectImpl(id, model, capabilities);
+            // Lazily initialize; instantiate depends on capabilityService,
+            // which depends on all capabilities, including this one.
+            this.instantiateFn = this.instantiateFn ||
+                this.$injector.get("instantiate");
+            return this.instantiateFn(model, id);
-         * Alias of `create`.
-         * @see {platform/core.CreationCapability#create}
+         * Alias of `instantiate`.
+         * @see {platform/core.CreationCapability#instantiate}
-        CreationCapability.prototype.invoke =
-            CreationCapability.prototype.create;
+        InstantiationCapability.prototype.invoke =
+            InstantiationCapability.prototype.instantiate;
-        return CreationCapability;
+        return InstantiationCapability;
diff --git a/platform/core/src/objects/DomainObjectProvider.js b/platform/core/src/objects/DomainObjectProvider.js
index c846cbf665..800d31f5d5 100644
--- a/platform/core/src/objects/DomainObjectProvider.js
+++ b/platform/core/src/objects/DomainObjectProvider.js
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
  * @namespace platform/core
-    ["./DomainObjectImpl"],
-    function (DomainObjectImpl) {
+    [],
+    function () {
         "use strict";
@@ -57,62 +57,36 @@ define(
          * @param {ModelService} modelService the service which shall
          *        provide models (persistent state) for domain objects
-         * @param {CapabilityService} capabilityService the service
-         *        which provides capabilities (dynamic behavior)
-         *        for domain objects.
+         * @param {Function} instantiate a service to instantiate new
+         *        domain object instances
          * @param $q Angular's $q, for promise consolidation
          * @memberof platform/core
          * @constructor
-        function DomainObjectProvider(modelService, capabilityService, $q) {
+        function DomainObjectProvider(modelService, instantiate, $q) {
             this.modelService = modelService;
-            this.capabilityService = capabilityService;
-            this.$q = $q;
+            this.instantiate = instantiate;
         DomainObjectProvider.prototype.getObjects = function getObjects(ids) {
             var modelService = this.modelService,
-                capabilityService = this.capabilityService,
-                $q = this.$q;
-            // Given a models object (containing key-value id-model pairs)
-            // create a function that will look up from the capability
-            // service based on id; for handy mapping below.
-            function capabilityResolver(models) {
-                return function (id) {
-                    var model = models[id];
-                    return model ?
-                        capabilityService.getCapabilities(model) :
-                        undefined;
-                };
-            }
+                instantiate = this.instantiate;
             // Assemble the results from the model service and the
             // capability service into one value, suitable to return
-            // from this service. Note that ids are matched to capabilities
-            // by index.
-            function assembleResult(ids, models, capabilities) {
+            // from this service.
+            function assembleResult(models) {
                 var result = {};
                 ids.forEach(function (id, index) {
                     if (models[id]) {
                         // Create the domain object
-                        result[id] = new DomainObjectImpl(
-                            id,
-                            models[id],
-                            capabilities[index]
-                        );
+                        result[id] = instantiate(models[id], id);
                 return result;
-            return modelService.getModels(ids).then(function (models) {
-                return $q.all(
-                    ids.map(capabilityResolver(models))
-                ).then(function (capabilities) {
-                        return assembleResult(ids, models, capabilities);
-                    });
-            });
+            return modelService.getModels(ids).then(assembleResult);
         return DomainObjectProvider;
diff --git a/platform/core/src/services/Instantiate.js b/platform/core/src/services/Instantiate.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f59916c938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/core/src/services/Instantiate.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * Open MCT Web, Copyright (c) 2014-2015, United States Government
+ * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
+ * Administration. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Open MCT Web is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+ * Open MCT Web includes source code licensed under additional open source
+ * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
+ * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
+ * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+/*global define,Promise*/
+    ['../objects/DomainObjectImpl', 'uuid'],
+    function (DomainObjectImpl, uuid) {
+        'use strict';
+        /**
+         * The `instantiate` service allows new domain object instances to be
+         * created. These objects are not persisted to any back-end or
+         * placed anywhere in the object hierarchy by default.
+         *
+         * Usage: `instantiate(model, [id])`
+         *
+         * ...returns a new instance of a domain object with the specified
+         * model. An identifier may be provided; if omitted, one will be
+         * generated instead.
+         *
+         * @constructor
+         * @memberof platform/core
+         * @param $injector Angular's `$injector`
+         */
+        function Instantiate(capabilityService) {
+            return function (model, id) {
+                var capabilities = capabilityService.getCapabilities(model);
+                id = id || uuid();
+                return new DomainObjectImpl(id, model, capabilities);
+            };
+        }
+        return Instantiate;
+    }
diff --git a/platform/core/test/capabilities/CreationCapabilitySpec.js b/platform/core/test/capabilities/CreationCapabilitySpec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bfc847fcc7..0000000000
--- a/platform/core/test/capabilities/CreationCapabilitySpec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
- * Open MCT Web, Copyright (c) 2014-2015, United States Government
- * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
- * Administration. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Open MCT Web is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- * Open MCT Web includes source code licensed under additional open source
- * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
- * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
- * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
- *****************************************************************************/
-/*global define,Promise,describe,it,expect,beforeEach,waitsFor,jasmine*/
- * ContextCapability. Created by vwoeltje on 11/6/14.
- */
-    ["../../src/capabilities/CreationCapability"],
-    function (CreationCapability) {
-        'use strict';
-        describe("The 'creation' capability", function () {
-            var mockInjector,
-                mockCapabilityService,
-                creation;
-            beforeEach(function () {
-                mockInjector = jasmine.createSpyObj("$injector", ["get"]);
-                mockCapabilityService = jasmine.createSpyObj(
-                    "capabilityService",
-                    [ "getCapabilities" ]
-                );
-                mockInjector.get.andCallFake(function (key) {
-                    return key === 'capabilityService' ?
-                            mockCapabilityService : undefined;
-                });
-                creation = new CreationCapability(mockInjector);
-            });
-            it("aliases 'create' as 'invoke'", function () {
-                expect(creation.invoke).toBe(creation.create);
-            });
-            describe("when creating an object", function () {
-                var mockCapabilityConstructor,
-                    mockCapabilityInstance,
-                    mockCapabilities,
-                    testModel,
-                    domainObject;
-                beforeEach(function () {
-                    mockCapabilityConstructor = jasmine.createSpy('capability');
-                    mockCapabilityInstance = {};
-                    mockCapabilityService.getCapabilities.andReturn({
-                        something: mockCapabilityConstructor
-                    });
-                    mockCapabilityConstructor.andReturn(mockCapabilityInstance);
-                    testModel = { someKey: "some value" };
-                    domainObject = creation.create(testModel);
-                });
-                it("loads capabilities from the capability service", function () {
-                    expect(mockCapabilityService.getCapabilities)
-                        .toHaveBeenCalledWith(testModel);
-                });
-                it("exposes loaded capabilities from the created object", function () {
-                    expect(domainObject.getCapability('something'))
-                        .toBe(mockCapabilityInstance);
-                    expect(mockCapabilityConstructor)
-                        .toHaveBeenCalledWith(domainObject);
-                });
-                it("exposes the provided model", function () {
-                    expect(domainObject.getModel()).toEqual(testModel);
-                });
-                it("provides unique identifiers", function () {
-                    expect(domainObject.getId()).toEqual(jasmine.any(String));
-                    expect(creation.create(testModel).getId())
-                        .not.toEqual(domainObject.getId());
-                });
-            });
-        });
-    }
diff --git a/platform/core/test/capabilities/InstantiationCapabilitySpec.js b/platform/core/test/capabilities/InstantiationCapabilitySpec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0798a68f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/core/test/capabilities/InstantiationCapabilitySpec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * Open MCT Web, Copyright (c) 2014-2015, United States Government
+ * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
+ * Administration. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Open MCT Web is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+ * Open MCT Web includes source code licensed under additional open source
+ * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
+ * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
+ * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+/*global define,Promise,describe,it,xdescribe,expect,beforeEach,waitsFor,jasmine*/
+    ["../../src/capabilities/InstantiationCapability"],
+    function (InstantiationCapability) {
+        'use strict';
+        describe("The 'instantiation' capability", function () {
+            var mockInjector,
+                mockInstantiate,
+                instantiation;
+            beforeEach(function () {
+                mockInjector = jasmine.createSpyObj("$injector", ["get"]);
+                mockInstantiate = jasmine.createSpy("instantiate");
+                mockInjector.get.andCallFake(function (key) {
+                    return key === 'instantiate' ?
+                            mockInstantiate : undefined;
+                });
+                instantiation = new InstantiationCapability(mockInjector);
+            });
+            it("aliases 'instantiate' as 'invoke'", function () {
+                expect(instantiation.invoke).toBe(instantiation.instantiate);
+            });
+            it("uses the instantiate service to create domain objects", function () {
+                var mockDomainObject = jasmine.createSpyObj('domainObject', [
+                    'getId',
+                    'getModel',
+                    'getCapability',
+                    'useCapability',
+                    'hasCapability'
+                ]), testModel = { someKey: "some value" };
+                mockInstantiate.andReturn(mockDomainObject);
+                expect(instantiation.instantiate(testModel))
+                    .toBe(mockDomainObject);
+                expect(mockInstantiate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(testModel);
+            });
+        });
+    }
diff --git a/platform/core/test/objects/DomainObjectProviderSpec.js b/platform/core/test/objects/DomainObjectProviderSpec.js
index 3aca982260..438c91f103 100644
--- a/platform/core/test/objects/DomainObjectProviderSpec.js
+++ b/platform/core/test/objects/DomainObjectProviderSpec.js
@@ -25,14 +25,16 @@
  * DomainObjectProviderSpec. Created by vwoeltje on 11/6/14.
-    ["../../src/objects/DomainObjectProvider"],
-    function (DomainObjectProvider) {
+    [
+        "../../src/objects/DomainObjectProvider",
+        "../../src/objects/DomainObjectImpl"
+    ],
+    function (DomainObjectProvider, DomainObjectImpl) {
         "use strict";
         describe("The domain object provider", function () {
             var mockModelService,
-                mockCapabilityService,
-                mockQ,
+                mockInstantiate,
             function mockPromise(value) {
@@ -57,18 +59,15 @@ define(
                     [ "getModels" ]
-                mockCapabilityService = jasmine.createSpyObj(
-                    "capabilityService",
-                    [ "getCapabilities" ]
-                );
-                mockQ = {
-                    when: mockPromise,
-                    all: mockAll
-                };
+                mockInstantiate = jasmine.createSpy("instantiate");
+                mockInstantiate.andCallFake(function (model, id) {
+                    return new DomainObjectImpl(id, model, {});
+                });
                 provider = new DomainObjectProvider(
-                    mockCapabilityService,
-                    mockQ
+                    mockInstantiate
@@ -86,10 +85,11 @@ define(
                 mockModelService.getModels.andReturn(mockPromise({ a: model }));
                 result = provider.getObjects(ids).testValue;
+                expect(mockInstantiate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(model, 'a');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform/core/test/services/InstantiateSpec.js b/platform/core/test/services/InstantiateSpec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31a5731dd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/core/test/services/InstantiateSpec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * Open MCT Web, Copyright (c) 2014-2015, United States Government
+ * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
+ * Administration. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Open MCT Web is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+ * Open MCT Web includes source code licensed under additional open source
+ * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
+ * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
+ * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+/*global define,Promise,describe,it,xdescribe,expect,beforeEach,waitsFor,jasmine*/
+    ["../../src/services/Instantiate"],
+    function (Instantiate) {
+        'use strict';
+        describe("The 'instantiate' service", function () {
+            var mockCapabilityService,
+                mockCapabilityConstructor,
+                mockCapabilityInstance,
+                mockCapabilities,
+                testModel,
+                instantiate,
+                domainObject;
+            beforeEach(function () {
+                mockCapabilityService = jasmine.createSpyObj(
+                    'capabilityService',
+                    ['getCapabilities']
+                );
+                mockCapabilityConstructor = jasmine.createSpy('capability');
+                mockCapabilityInstance = {};
+                mockCapabilityService.getCapabilities.andReturn({
+                    something: mockCapabilityConstructor
+                });
+                mockCapabilityConstructor.andReturn(mockCapabilityInstance);
+                testModel = { someKey: "some value" };
+                instantiate = new Instantiate(mockCapabilityService);
+                domainObject = instantiate(testModel);
+            });
+            it("loads capabilities from the capability service", function () {
+                expect(mockCapabilityService.getCapabilities)
+                    .toHaveBeenCalledWith(testModel);
+            });
+            it("exposes loaded capabilities from the created object", function () {
+                expect(domainObject.getCapability('something'))
+                    .toBe(mockCapabilityInstance);
+                expect(mockCapabilityConstructor)
+                    .toHaveBeenCalledWith(domainObject);
+            });
+            it("exposes the provided model", function () {
+                expect(domainObject.getModel()).toEqual(testModel);
+            });
+            it("provides unique identifiers", function () {
+                expect(domainObject.getId()).toEqual(jasmine.any(String));
+                expect(instantiate(testModel).getId())
+                    .not.toEqual(domainObject.getId());
+            });
+        });
+    }
diff --git a/platform/core/test/suite.json b/platform/core/test/suite.json
index 3b0613629d..d6afc373ef 100644
--- a/platform/core/test/suite.json
+++ b/platform/core/test/suite.json
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
-    "capabilities/CreationCapability",
+    "capabilities/InstantiationCapability",
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+    "services/Instantiate",
diff --git a/platform/entanglement/bundle.json b/platform/entanglement/bundle.json
index d8cde0ada6..714d9f7f79 100644
--- a/platform/entanglement/bundle.json
+++ b/platform/entanglement/bundle.json
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
                 "glyph": "+",
                 "category": "contextual",
                 "implementation": "actions/CopyAction.js",
-                "depends": ["locationService", "copyService"]
+                "depends": ["$log", "locationService", "copyService",
+                    "dialogService", "notificationService"]
                 "key": "link",
@@ -84,7 +85,8 @@
                 "name": "Copy Service",
                 "description": "Provides a service for copying objects",
                 "implementation": "services/CopyService.js",
-                "depends": ["$q", "creationService", "policyService"]
+                "depends": ["$q", "creationService", "policyService",
+                    "persistenceService", "now"]
                 "key": "locationService",
diff --git a/platform/entanglement/src/actions/CopyAction.js b/platform/entanglement/src/actions/CopyAction.js
index 3411fdba85..cdcefeb935 100644
--- a/platform/entanglement/src/actions/CopyAction.js
+++ b/platform/entanglement/src/actions/CopyAction.js
@@ -34,16 +34,103 @@ define(
          * @constructor
          * @memberof platform/entanglement
-        function CopyAction(locationService, copyService, context) {
-            return new AbstractComposeAction(
-                locationService,
-                copyService,
-                context,
-                "Duplicate",
-                "to a location"
-            );
+        function CopyAction($log, locationService, copyService, dialogService, 
+                            notificationService, context) {
+            this.dialog = undefined;
+            this.notification = undefined;
+            this.dialogService = dialogService;
+            this.notificationService = notificationService;
+            this.$log = $log;
+            //Extend the behaviour of the Abstract Compose Action
+            AbstractComposeAction.call(this, locationService, copyService, 
+                context, "Duplicate", "to a location");
+        /**
+         * Updates user about progress of copy. Should not be invoked by
+         * client code under any circumstances.
+         *
+         * @private
+         * @param phase
+         * @param totalObjects
+         * @param processed
+         */
+        CopyAction.prototype.progress = function(phase, totalObjects, processed){
+            /*
+             Copy has two distinct phases. In the first phase a copy plan is
+             made in memory. During this phase of execution, the user is
+             shown a blocking 'modal' dialog.
+             In the second phase, the copying is taking place, and the user
+             is shown non-invasive banner notifications at the bottom of the screen.
+             */
+            if (phase.toLowerCase() === 'preparing' && !this.dialog){
+                this.dialog = this.dialogService.showBlockingMessage({
+                    title: "Preparing to copy objects",
+                    unknownProgress: true,
+                    severity: "info"
+                });
+            } else if (phase.toLowerCase() === "copying") {
+                this.dialogService.dismiss();
+                if (!this.notification) {
+                    this.notification = this.notificationService
+                        .notify({
+                            title: "Copying objects",
+                            unknownProgress: false,
+                            severity: "info"
+                        });
+                }
+                this.notification.model.progress = (processed / totalObjects) * 100;
+                this.notification.model.title = ["Copied ", processed, "of ",
+                    totalObjects, "objects"].join(" ");
+            }
+        };
+        /**
+         * Executes the CopyAction. The CopyAction uses the default behaviour of 
+         * the AbstractComposeAction, but extends it to support notification 
+         * updates of progress on copy.
+         */
+        CopyAction.prototype.perform = function() {
+            var self = this;
+            function success(){
+                self.notification.dismiss();
+                self.notificationService.info("Copying complete.");
+            }
+            function error(errorDetails){
+                var errorMessage = {
+                    title: "Error copying objects.",
+                    severity: "error",
+                    hint: errorDetails.message,
+                    minimized: true, // want the notification to be minimized initially (don't show banner)
+                    options: [{
+                        label: "OK",
+                        callback: function() {
+                            self.dialogService.dismiss();
+                        }
+                    }]
+                };
+                self.dialogService.dismiss();
+                if (self.notification) {
+                    self.notification.dismiss(); // Clear the progress notification
+                }
+                self.$log.error("Error copying objects. ", errorDetails);
+                //Show a minimized notification of error for posterity
+                self.notificationService.notify(errorMessage);
+                //Display a blocking message
+                self.dialogService.showBlockingMessage(errorMessage);
+            }
+            function notification(details){
+                self.progress(details.phase, details.totalObjects, details.processed);
+            }
+            return AbstractComposeAction.prototype.perform.call(this)
+                .then(success, error, notification);
+        };
         return CopyAction;
diff --git a/platform/entanglement/src/services/CopyService.js b/platform/entanglement/src/services/CopyService.js
index 48ba3e7ce5..29c6be4d10 100644
--- a/platform/entanglement/src/services/CopyService.js
+++ b/platform/entanglement/src/services/CopyService.js
@@ -23,7 +23,11 @@
 /*global define */
-    function () {
+    [
+        "uuid",
+        "./CopyTask"
+    ],
+    function (uuid, CopyTask) {
         "use strict";
@@ -34,10 +38,12 @@ define(
          * @memberof platform/entanglement
          * @implements {platform/entanglement.AbstractComposeService}
-        function CopyService($q, creationService, policyService) {
+        function CopyService($q, creationService, policyService, persistenceService, now) {
             this.$q = $q;
             this.creationService = creationService;
             this.policyService = policyService;
+            this.persistenceService = persistenceService;
+            this.now = now;
         CopyService.prototype.validate = function (object, parentCandidate) {
@@ -54,45 +60,25 @@ define(
+        /**
+         * Creates a duplicate of the object tree starting at domainObject to
+         * the new parent specified.
+         * @param domainObject
+         * @param parent
+         * @param progress
+         * @returns a promise that will be completed with the clone of
+         * domainObject when the duplication is successful.
+         */
         CopyService.prototype.perform = function (domainObject, parent) {
-            var model = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(domainObject.getModel())),
-                $q = this.$q,
-                self = this;
-            // Wrapper for the recursive step
-            function duplicateObject(domainObject, parent) {
-                return self.perform(domainObject, parent);
-            }
-            if (!this.validate(domainObject, parent)) {
+            var $q = this.$q,
+                copyTask = new CopyTask(domainObject, parent, this.persistenceService, this.$q, this.now);
+            if (this.validate(domainObject, parent)) {
+                return copyTask.perform();
+            } else {
                 throw new Error(
                     "Tried to copy objects without validating first."
-            if (domainObject.hasCapability('composition')) {
-                model.composition = [];
-            }
-            return this.creationService
-                .createObject(model, parent)
-                .then(function (newObject) {
-                    if (!domainObject.hasCapability('composition')) {
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    return domainObject
-                        .useCapability('composition')
-                        .then(function (composees) {
-                            // Duplicate composition serially to prevent
-                            // write conflicts.
-                            return composees.reduce(function (promise, composee) {
-                                return promise.then(function () {
-                                    return duplicateObject(composee, newObject);
-                                });
-                            }, $q.when(undefined));
-                        });
-                });
         return CopyService;
diff --git a/platform/entanglement/src/services/CopyTask.js b/platform/entanglement/src/services/CopyTask.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f484856448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/entanglement/src/services/CopyTask.js
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+ * Open MCT Web, Copyright (c) 2014-2015, United States Government
+ * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
+ * Administration. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Open MCT Web is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+ * Open MCT Web includes source code licensed under additional open source
+ * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
+ * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
+ * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+/*global define */
+    ["uuid"],
+    function (uuid) {
+        "use strict";
+        /**
+         * This class encapsulates the process of copying a domain object
+         * and all of its children.
+         *
+         * @param domainObject The object to copy
+         * @param parent The new location of the cloned object tree
+         * @param persistenceService
+         * @param $q
+         * @param now
+         * @constructor
+         */
+        function CopyTask (domainObject, parent, persistenceService, $q, now){
+            this.domainObject = domainObject;
+            this.parent = parent;
+            this.$q = $q;
+            this.deferred = undefined;
+            this.persistenceService = persistenceService;
+            this.persisted = 0;
+            this.now = now;
+            this.clones = [];
+        }
+        function composeChild(child, parent) {
+            //Once copied, associate each cloned
+            // composee with its parent clone
+            child.model.location = parent.id;
+            parent.model.composition = parent.model.composition || [];
+            return parent.model.composition.push(child.id);
+        }
+        function cloneObjectModel(objectModel) {
+            var clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objectModel));
+            delete clone.composition;
+            delete clone.persisted;
+            delete clone.modified;
+            return clone;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Will persist a list of {@link objectClones}. It will persist all
+         * simultaneously, irrespective of order in the list. This may
+         * result in automatic request batching by the browser.
+         */
+        function persistObjects(self) {
+            return self.$q.all(self.clones.map(function(clone){
+                clone.model.persisted = self.now();
+                return self.persistenceService.createObject(clone.persistenceSpace, clone.id, clone.model)
+                    .then(function(){
+                        self.deferred.notify({phase: "copying", totalObjects: self.clones.length, processed: ++self.persisted});
+                    });
+            })).then(function(){
+                return self;
+            });
+        }
+        /**
+         * Will add a list of clones to the specified parent's composition
+         */
+        function addClonesToParent(self) {
+            var parentClone = self.clones[self.clones.length-1];
+            if (!self.parent.hasCapability('composition')){
+                return self.$q.reject();
+            }
+            return self.persistenceService
+                .updateObject(parentClone.persistenceSpace, parentClone.id, parentClone.model)
+                .then(function(){return self.parent.getCapability("composition").add(parentClone.id);})
+                .then(function(){return self.parent.getCapability("persistence").persist();})
+                .then(function(){return parentClone;});
+            // Ensure the clone of the original domainObject is returned
+        }
+        /**
+         * Given an array of objects composed by a parent, clone them, then
+         * add them to the parent.
+         * @private
+         * @returns {*}
+         */
+        CopyTask.prototype.copyComposees = function(composees, clonedParent, originalParent){
+            var self = this;
+            return (composees || []).reduce(function(promise, composee){
+                //If the composee is composed of other
+                // objects, chain a promise..
+                return promise.then(function(){
+                    // ...to recursively copy it (and its children)
+                    return self.copy(composee, originalParent).then(function(composee){
+                        composeChild(composee, clonedParent);
+                    });
+                });}, self.$q.when(undefined)
+            );
+        };
+        /**
+         * A recursive function that will perform a bottom-up copy of
+         * the object tree with originalObject at the root. Recurses to
+         * the farthest leaf, then works its way back up again,
+         * cloning objects, and composing them with their child clones
+         * as it goes
+         * @private
+         * @param originalObject
+         * @param originalParent
+         * @returns {*}
+         */
+        CopyTask.prototype.copy = function(originalObject, originalParent) {
+            var self = this,
+                modelClone = {
+                id: uuid(),
+                model: cloneObjectModel(originalObject.getModel()),
+                persistenceSpace: originalParent.hasCapability('persistence') && originalParent.getCapability('persistence').getSpace()
+            };
+            return this.$q.when(originalObject.useCapability('composition')).then(function(composees){
+                self.deferred.notify({phase: "preparing"});
+                //Duplicate the object's children, and their children, and
+                // so on down to the leaf nodes of the tree.
+                return self.copyComposees(composees, modelClone, originalObject).then(function (){
+                    //Add the clone to the list of clones that will
+                    //be returned by this function
+                    self.clones.push(modelClone);
+                    return modelClone;
+                });
+            });
+        };
+        /**
+         * Will build a graph of an object and all of its child objects in
+         * memory
+         * @private
+         * @param domainObject The original object to be copied
+         * @param parent The parent of the original object to be copied
+         * @returns {Promise} resolved with an array of clones of the models
+         * of the object tree being copied. Copying is done in a bottom-up
+         * fashion, so that the last member in the array is a clone of the model
+         * object being copied. The clones are all full composed with
+         * references to their own children.
+         */
+        CopyTask.prototype.buildCopyPlan = function() {
+            var self = this;
+            return this.copy(self.domainObject, self.parent).then(function(domainObjectClone){
+                domainObjectClone.model.location = self.parent.getId();
+                return self;
+            });
+        };
+        /**
+         * Execute the copy task with the objects provided in the constructor.
+         * @returns {promise} Which will resolve with a clone of the object
+         * once complete.
+         */
+        CopyTask.prototype.perform = function(){
+            this.deferred = this.$q.defer();
+            this.buildCopyPlan()
+                .then(persistObjects)
+                .then(addClonesToParent)
+                .then(this.deferred.resolve, this.deferred.reject);
+            return this.deferred.promise;
+        };
+        return CopyTask;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform/entanglement/test/actions/CopyActionSpec.js b/platform/entanglement/test/actions/CopyActionSpec.js
index 4284a22e59..fc8e615960 100644
--- a/platform/entanglement/test/actions/CopyActionSpec.js
+++ b/platform/entanglement/test/actions/CopyActionSpec.js
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
  * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
-/*global define,describe,beforeEach,it,jasmine,expect */
+/*global define,describe,beforeEach,it,jasmine,expect,spyOn */
@@ -41,7 +41,13 @@ define(
-                newParent;
+                newParent,
+                notificationService,
+                notification,
+                dialogService,
+                mockLog,
+                abstractComposePromise,
+                progress = {phase: "copying", totalObjects: 10, processed: 1};
             beforeEach(function () {
                 selectedObjectContextCapability = jasmine.createSpyObj(
@@ -87,10 +93,43 @@ define(
+                abstractComposePromise = jasmine.createSpyObj(
+                    'abstractComposePromise',
+                    [
+                        'then'
+                    ]
+                );
+                abstractComposePromise.then.andCallFake(function(success, error, notify){
+                    notify(progress);
+                    success();
+                });
+                locationServicePromise.then.andCallFake(function(callback){
+                    callback(newParent);
+                    return abstractComposePromise;
+                });
+                dialogService = jasmine.createSpyObj('dialogService',
+                    ['showBlockingMessage', 'dismiss']
+                );
+                notification = jasmine.createSpyObj('notification',
+                    ['dismiss', 'model']
+                );
+                notificationService = jasmine.createSpyObj('notificationService',
+                    ['notify', 'info']
+                );
+                notificationService.notify.andReturn(notification);
+                mockLog = jasmine.createSpyObj('log', ['error']);
                 copyService = new MockCopyService();
@@ -102,8 +141,11 @@ define(
                     copyAction = new CopyAction(
+                        mockLog,
+                        dialogService,
+                        notificationService,
@@ -114,6 +156,7 @@ define(
                 describe("when performed it", function () {
                     beforeEach(function () {
+                        spyOn(copyAction, 'progress').andCallThrough();
@@ -132,7 +175,7 @@ define(
-                    it("copys object to selected location", function () {
+                    it("copies object to selected location", function () {
@@ -141,6 +184,11 @@ define(
                             .toHaveBeenCalledWith(selectedObject, newParent);
+                    it("notifies the user of progress", function(){
+                        expect(notificationService.info).toHaveBeenCalled();
+                    });
@@ -152,8 +200,11 @@ define(
                     copyAction = new CopyAction(
+                        mockLog,
+                        dialogService,
+                        notificationService,
diff --git a/platform/entanglement/test/services/CopyServiceSpec.js b/platform/entanglement/test/services/CopyServiceSpec.js
index 2788fcefa8..391d90913c 100644
--- a/platform/entanglement/test/services/CopyServiceSpec.js
+++ b/platform/entanglement/test/services/CopyServiceSpec.js
@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ define(
         "use strict";
         function synchronousPromise(value) {
+            if (value && value.then) {
+                return value;
+            }
             var promise = {
                 then: function (callback) {
                     return synchronousPromise(callback(value));
@@ -122,13 +126,19 @@ define(
             describe("perform", function () {
                 var mockQ,
+                    mockDeferred,
+                    mockPersistenceService,
+                    mockNow,
-                    copyFinished;
+                    copyFinished,
+                    persistObjectPromise,
+                    parentPersistenceCapability,
+                    resolvedValue;
                 beforeEach(function () {
                     creationService = jasmine.createSpyObj(
@@ -138,44 +148,93 @@ define(
                     createObjectPromise = synchronousPromise(undefined);
+                    mockPersistenceService = jasmine.createSpyObj(
+                        'persistenceService',
+                        ['createObject', 'updateObject']
+                    );
+                    persistObjectPromise = synchronousPromise(undefined);
+                    mockPersistenceService.createObject.andReturn(persistObjectPromise);
+                    mockPersistenceService.updateObject.andReturn(persistObjectPromise);
+                    parentPersistenceCapability = jasmine.createSpyObj(
+                        "persistence",
+                        [ "persist", "getSpace" ]
+                    );
+                    parentPersistenceCapability.persist.andReturn(persistObjectPromise);
+                    parentPersistenceCapability.getSpace.andReturn("testSpace");
+                    mockNow = jasmine.createSpyObj("mockNow", ["now"]);
+                    mockNow.now.andCallFake(function(){
+                        return 1234;
+                    });
+                    mockDeferred = jasmine.createSpyObj('mockDeferred', ['notify', 'resolve']);
+                    mockDeferred.notify.andCallFake(function(notification){});
+                    mockDeferred.resolve.andCallFake(function(value){resolvedValue = value;});
+                    mockDeferred.promise = {
+                        then: function(callback){
+                            return synchronousPromise(callback(resolvedValue));
+                        }
+                    };
+                    mockQ = jasmine.createSpyObj('mockQ', ['when', 'all', 'reject', 'defer']);
+                    mockQ.when.andCallFake(synchronousPromise);
+                    mockQ.all.andCallFake(function (promises) {
+                        var result = {};
+                        Object.keys(promises).forEach(function (k) {
+                            promises[k].then(function (v) { result[k] = v; });
+                        });
+                        return synchronousPromise(result);
+                    });
+                    mockQ.defer.andReturn(mockDeferred);
                 describe("on domain object without composition", function () {
                     beforeEach(function () {
-                        object = domainObjectFactory({
-                            name: 'object',
-                            id: 'abc',
-                            model: {
-                                name: 'some object'
-                            }
-                        });
                         newParent = domainObjectFactory({
                             name: 'newParent',
                             id: '456',
                             model: {
                                 composition: []
+                            },
+                            capabilities: {
+                                persistence: parentPersistenceCapability
-                        copyService = new CopyService(null, creationService, policyService);
+                        object = domainObjectFactory({
+                            name: 'object',
+                            id: 'abc',
+                            model: {
+                                name: 'some object',
+                                location: newParent.id,
+                                persisted: mockNow.now()
+                            }
+                        });
+                        copyService = new CopyService(mockQ, creationService, policyService, mockPersistenceService, mockNow.now);
                         copyResult = copyService.perform(object, newParent);
                         copyFinished = jasmine.createSpy('copyFinished');
-                    it("uses creation service", function () {
-                        expect(creationService.createObject)
-                            .toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Object), newParent);
-                        expect(createObjectPromise.then)
-                            .toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Function));
-                    });
+                    it("uses persistence service", function () {
+                     expect(mockPersistenceService.createObject)
+                     .toHaveBeenCalledWith(parentPersistenceCapability.getSpace(), jasmine.any(String), object.getModel());
+                     expect(persistObjectPromise.then)
+                     .toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Function));
+                     });
                     it("deep clones object model", function () {
-                        var newModel = creationService
+                        //var newModel = creationService
+                        var newModel = mockPersistenceService
-                            .args[0];
+                            .args[2];
@@ -191,11 +250,15 @@ define(
                     var newObject,
+                        locationCapability,
                     beforeEach(function () {
-                        mockQ = jasmine.createSpyObj('mockQ', ['when']);
-                        mockQ.when.andCallFake(synchronousPromise);
+                        locationCapability = jasmine.createSpyObj('locationCapability', ['isLink']);
+                        locationCapability.isLink.andReturn(true);
                         childObject = domainObjectFactory({
                             name: 'childObject',
                             id: 'def',
@@ -205,24 +268,28 @@ define(
                         compositionCapability = jasmine.createSpyObj(
-                            ['invoke']
+                            ['invoke', 'add']
                         compositionPromise = jasmine.createSpyObj(
-                            .andReturn(compositionPromise);
+                            .andReturn(synchronousPromise([childObject]));
                         object = domainObjectFactory({
                             name: 'object',
                             id: 'abc',
                             model: {
                                 name: 'some object',
-                                composition: ['def']
+                                composition: ['def'],
+                                location: 'testLocation'
                             capabilities: {
-                                composition: compositionCapability
+                                composition: compositionCapability,
+                                location: locationCapability
                         newObject = domainObjectFactory({
@@ -241,45 +308,45 @@ define(
                             id: '456',
                             model: {
                                 composition: []
+                            },
+                            capabilities: {
+                                composition: compositionCapability,
+                                persistence: parentPersistenceCapability
                         createObjectPromise = synchronousPromise(newObject);
-                        copyService = new CopyService(mockQ, creationService, policyService);
-                        copyResult = copyService.perform(object, newParent);
-                        copyFinished = jasmine.createSpy('copyFinished');
-                        copyResult.then(copyFinished);
+                        copyService = new CopyService(mockQ, creationService, policyService, mockPersistenceService, mockNow.now);
-                    it("uses creation service", function () {
-                        expect(creationService.createObject)
-                            .toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Object), newParent);
+                    describe("the cloning process", function(){
+                        beforeEach(function() {
+                            copyResult = copyService.perform(object, newParent);
+                            copyFinished = jasmine.createSpy('copyFinished');
+                            copyResult.then(copyFinished);
+                        });
-                        expect(createObjectPromise.then)
-                            .toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Function));
-                    });
+                        it("copies object and children in a bottom-up" +
+                            " fashion", function () {
+                            expect(mockPersistenceService.createObject.calls[0].args[2].name).toEqual(childObject.model.name);
+                            expect(mockPersistenceService.createObject.calls[1].args[2].name).toEqual(object.model.name);
+                        });
-                    it("clears model composition", function () {
-                        var newModel = creationService
-                            .createObject
-                            .mostRecentCall
-                            .args[0];
+                        it("returns a promise", function () {
+                            expect(copyResult.then).toBeDefined();
+                            expect(copyFinished).toHaveBeenCalled();
+                        });
-                        expect(newModel.composition.length).toBe(0);
-                        expect(newModel.name).toBe('some object');
-                    });
+                        it("clears modified and sets persisted", function () {
+                            expect(copyFinished.mostRecentCall.args[0].model.modified).toBeUndefined();
+                            expect(copyFinished.mostRecentCall.args[0].model.persisted).toBe(mockNow.now());
+                        });
-                    it("recursively clones it's children", function () {
-                        expect(creationService.createObject.calls.length).toBe(1);
-                        expect(compositionCapability.invoke).toHaveBeenCalled();
-                        compositionPromise.then.mostRecentCall.args[0]([childObject]);
-                        expect(creationService.createObject.calls.length).toBe(2);
-                    });
+                        it ("correctly locates cloned objects", function() {
+                            expect(mockPersistenceService.createObject.calls[0].args[2].location).toEqual(mockPersistenceService.createObject.calls[1].args[1]);
+                        });
-                    it("returns a promise", function () {
-                        expect(copyResult.then).toBeDefined();
-                        expect(copyFinished).toHaveBeenCalled();
@@ -301,7 +368,7 @@ define(
                     it("throws an error", function () {
                         var copyService =
-                            new CopyService(mockQ, creationService, policyService);
+                            new CopyService(mockQ, creationService, policyService, mockPersistenceService, mockNow.now);
                         function perform() {
                             copyService.perform(object, newParent);
diff --git a/platform/features/conductor/src/ConductorRepresenter.js b/platform/features/conductor/src/ConductorRepresenter.js
index 3b9cb58be4..957e6af9ba 100644
--- a/platform/features/conductor/src/ConductorRepresenter.js
+++ b/platform/features/conductor/src/ConductorRepresenter.js
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ define(
             function updateDomain(value) {
                 var newDomain = conductor.domain(value);
                 conductorScope.parameters.format = newDomain.format;
-                repScope.$broadcast('telemetry:display:bounds', bounds());
+                broadcastBounds();
             // telemetry domain metadata -> option for a select control
@@ -139,8 +139,6 @@ define(
                 .$watch('ngModel.conductor.inner.end', updateConductorInner);
                 .$watch('ngModel.domain', updateDomain);
-            repScope.$on('telemetry:view', updateConductorInner);
         ConductorRepresenter.prototype.conductorScope = function (s) {
diff --git a/platform/features/plot/src/PlotController.js b/platform/features/plot/src/PlotController.js
index d6acdb6a5c..cf6bfcf581 100644
--- a/platform/features/plot/src/PlotController.js
+++ b/platform/features/plot/src/PlotController.js
@@ -245,9 +245,6 @@ define(
             // Unsubscribe when the plot is destroyed
             $scope.$on("$destroy", releaseSubscription);
-            // Notify any external observers that a new telemetry view is here
-            $scope.$emit("telemetry:view");
diff --git a/platform/telemetry/src/TelemetryHandle.js b/platform/telemetry/src/TelemetryHandle.js
index ff77d7b9e0..11fd05bb90 100644
--- a/platform/telemetry/src/TelemetryHandle.js
+++ b/platform/telemetry/src/TelemetryHandle.js
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ define(
         function TelemetryHandle($q, subscription) {
             var seriesMap = {},
+                active = true,
                 self = Object.create(subscription);
             // Request a telemetry series for this specific object
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ define(
                     // Store it for subsequent lookup
                     seriesMap[id] = series;
                     // Notify callback of new series data, if there is one
-                    if (callback) {
+                    if (callback && active) {
                         callback(telemetryObject, series);
                     // Pass it along for promise-chaining
@@ -61,6 +62,10 @@ define(
                 return telemetry.requestData(request).then(receiveSeries);
+            self.unsubscribe = function () {
+                active = false;
+                return subscription.unsubscribe();
+            };
              * Get the most recently obtained telemetry data series associated
diff --git a/platform/telemetry/test/TelemetryHandleSpec.js b/platform/telemetry/test/TelemetryHandleSpec.js
index 2e34b8dcd3..8e543d21dd 100644
--- a/platform/telemetry/test/TelemetryHandleSpec.js
+++ b/platform/telemetry/test/TelemetryHandleSpec.js
@@ -85,10 +85,18 @@ define(
             it("exposes subscription API", function () {
                 // Should still expose methods from the provided subscription
-                expect(handle.unsubscribe)
-                    .toBe(mockSubscription.unsubscribe);
-                expect(handle.getTelemetryObjects)
-                    .toBe(mockSubscription.getTelemetryObjects);
+                // (though these may have been wrapped)
+                expect(mockSubscription.getTelemetryObjects)
+                    .not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+                handle.getTelemetryObjects();
+                expect(mockSubscription.getTelemetryObjects)
+                    .toHaveBeenCalled();
+                expect(mockSubscription.unsubscribe)
+                    .not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+                handle.unsubscribe();
+                expect(mockSubscription.unsubscribe)
+                    .toHaveBeenCalled();
             it("provides an interface for historical requests", function () {