mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 16:26:50 +00:00
chore: add prettier
(2/3): apply formatting, re-enable lint ci step (#6682)
* style: apply prettier formatting * fix: re-enable lint ci check
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ executors:
docker_layer_caching: true
description: "Set this with the CircleCI UI Trigger Workflow button (boolean = true) to bust the cache!"
description: 'Set this with the CircleCI UI Trigger Workflow button (boolean = true) to bust the cache!'
default: false
type: boolean
description: "All steps used to build and install. Will use cache if found"
description: 'All steps used to build and install. Will use cache if found'
type: string
@ -30,19 +30,19 @@ commands:
node-version: << parameters.node-version >>
- run: npm install --no-audit --progress=false
description: "Custom command for restoring cache with the ability to bust cache. When BUST_CACHE is set to true, jobs will not restore cache"
description: 'Custom command for restoring cache with the ability to bust cache. When BUST_CACHE is set to true, jobs will not restore cache'
type: string
- when:
equal: [false, << pipeline.parameters.BUST_CACHE >> ]
equal: [false, << pipeline.parameters.BUST_CACHE >>]
- restore_cache:
key: deps--{{ arch }}--{{ .Branch }}--<< parameters.node-version >>--{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }}
description: "Custom command for saving cache."
description: 'Custom command for saving cache.'
type: string
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ commands:
- ~/.npm
- node_modules
description: "Track important packages and files"
description: 'Track important packages and files'
- run: |
[[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && (sudo mkdir -p /tmp/artifacts && sudo chmod 777 /tmp/artifacts) || (mkdir -p /tmp/artifacts && chmod 777 /tmp/artifacts)
@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ commands:
- store_artifacts:
path: /tmp/artifacts/
description: "Generate e2e code coverage artifacts and publish to codecov.io. Needed to that we can ignore the exit code status of the npm run test"
description: 'Generate e2e code coverage artifacts and publish to codecov.io. Needed to that we can ignore the exit code status of the npm run test'
type: string
- run: npm run cov:e2e:report || true
- run: npm run cov:e2e:<<parameters.suite>>:publish
- run: npm run cov:e2e:report || true
- run: npm run cov:e2e:<<parameters.suite>>:publish
node: circleci/node@5.1.0
browser-tools: circleci/browser-tools@1.3.0
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ jobs:
path: coverage
- when:
equal: [ 42, 42 ] # Always generate version artifacts regardless of test failure https://discuss.circleci.com/t/make-custom-command-run-always-with-when-always/38957/2
equal: [42, 42] # Always generate version artifacts regardless of test failure https://discuss.circleci.com/t/make-custom-command-run-always-with-when-always/38957/2
- generate_and_store_version_and_filesystem_artifacts
@ -131,16 +131,16 @@ jobs:
node-version: <<parameters.node-version>>
- when: #Only install chrome-beta when running the 'full' suite to save $$$
equal: [ "full", <<parameters.suite>> ]
equal: ['full', <<parameters.suite>>]
- run: npx playwright install chrome-beta
- run: SHARD="$((${CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX}+1))"; npm run test:e2e:<<parameters.suite>> -- --shard=${SHARD}/${CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL}
- when:
equal: [ 42, 42 ] # Always run codecov reports regardless of test failure https://discuss.circleci.com/t/make-custom-command-run-always-with-when-always/38957/2
equal: [42, 42] # Always run codecov reports regardless of test failure https://discuss.circleci.com/t/make-custom-command-run-always-with-when-always/38957/2
- generate_e2e_code_cov_report:
suite: <<parameters.suite>>
- generate_e2e_code_cov_report:
suite: <<parameters.suite>>
- store_test_results:
path: test-results/results.xml
- store_artifacts:
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ jobs:
path: html-test-results
- when:
equal: [ 42, 42 ] # Always generate version artifacts regardless of test failure https://discuss.circleci.com/t/make-custom-command-run-always-with-when-always/38957/2
equal: [42, 42] # Always generate version artifacts regardless of test failure https://discuss.circleci.com/t/make-custom-command-run-always-with-when-always/38957/2
- generate_and_store_version_and_filesystem_artifacts
@ -168,14 +168,14 @@ jobs:
docker-compose -f src/plugins/persistence/couch/couchdb-compose.yaml up --detach
sleep 3
bash src/plugins/persistence/couch/setup-couchdb.sh
- run: sh src/plugins/persistence/couch/replace-localstorage-with-couchdb-indexhtml.sh #Replace LocalStorage Plugin with CouchDB
- run: sh src/plugins/persistence/couch/replace-localstorage-with-couchdb-indexhtml.sh #Replace LocalStorage Plugin with CouchDB
- run: npm run test:e2e:couchdb
- when:
equal: [ 42, 42 ] # Always run codecov reports regardless of test failure https://discuss.circleci.com/t/make-custom-command-run-always-with-when-always/38957/2
equal: [42, 42] # Always run codecov reports regardless of test failure https://discuss.circleci.com/t/make-custom-command-run-always-with-when-always/38957/2
- generate_e2e_code_cov_report:
suite: full #add to full suite
- generate_e2e_code_cov_report:
suite: full #add to full suite
- store_test_results:
path: test-results/results.xml
- store_artifacts:
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ jobs:
path: html-test-results
- when:
equal: [ 42, 42 ] # Always generate version artifacts regardless of test failure https://discuss.circleci.com/t/make-custom-command-run-always-with-when-always/38957/2
equal: [42, 42] # Always generate version artifacts regardless of test failure https://discuss.circleci.com/t/make-custom-command-run-always-with-when-always/38957/2
- generate_and_store_version_and_filesystem_artifacts
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ jobs:
path: html-test-results
- when:
equal: [ 42, 42 ] # Always run codecov reports regardless of test failure https://discuss.circleci.com/t/make-custom-command-run-always-with-when-always/38957/2
equal: [42, 42] # Always run codecov reports regardless of test failure https://discuss.circleci.com/t/make-custom-command-run-always-with-when-always/38957/2
- generate_and_store_version_and_filesystem_artifacts
@ -226,15 +226,15 @@ jobs:
path: html-test-results
- when:
equal: [ 42, 42 ] # Always generate version artifacts regardless of test failure https://discuss.circleci.com/t/make-custom-command-run-always-with-when-always/38957/2
equal: [42, 42] # Always generate version artifacts regardless of test failure https://discuss.circleci.com/t/make-custom-command-run-always-with-when-always/38957/2
- generate_and_store_version_and_filesystem_artifacts
overall-circleci-commit-status: #These jobs run on every commit
# - lint:
# name: node16-lint
# node-version: lts/gallium
- lint:
name: node16-lint
node-version: lts/gallium
- unit-test:
name: node18-chrome
node-version: lts/hydrogen
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ workflows:
node-version: lts/hydrogen
- visual-test:
node-version: lts/hydrogen
the-nightly: #These jobs do not run on PRs, but against master at night
- unit-test:
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ workflows:
node-version: lts/hydrogen
- schedule:
cron: "0 0 * * *"
cron: '0 0 * * *'
@ -1,166 +1,166 @@
const LEGACY_FILES = ["example/**"];
const LEGACY_FILES = ['example/**'];
module.exports = {
"env": {
"browser": true,
"es6": true,
"jasmine": true,
"amd": true
"globals": {
"_": "readonly"
"plugins": ["prettier"],
"extends": [
env: {
browser: true,
es6: true,
jasmine: true,
amd: true
globals: {
_: 'readonly'
plugins: ['prettier'],
extends: [
parser: 'vue-eslint-parser',
parserOptions: {
parser: '@babel/eslint-parser',
requireConfigFile: false,
allowImportExportEverywhere: true,
ecmaVersion: 2015,
ecmaFeatures: {
impliedStrict: true
rules: {
'prettier/prettier': 'error',
'you-dont-need-lodash-underscore/omit': 'off',
'you-dont-need-lodash-underscore/throttle': 'off',
'you-dont-need-lodash-underscore/flatten': 'off',
'you-dont-need-lodash-underscore/get': 'off',
'no-bitwise': 'error',
curly: 'error',
eqeqeq: 'error',
'guard-for-in': 'error',
'no-extend-native': 'error',
'no-inner-declarations': 'off',
'no-use-before-define': ['error', 'nofunc'],
'no-caller': 'error',
'no-irregular-whitespace': 'error',
'no-new': 'error',
'no-shadow': 'error',
'no-undef': 'error',
'no-unused-vars': [
vars: 'all',
args: 'none'
"parser": "vue-eslint-parser",
"parserOptions": {
"parser": "@babel/eslint-parser",
"requireConfigFile": false,
"allowImportExportEverywhere": true,
"ecmaVersion": 2015,
"ecmaFeatures": {
"impliedStrict": true
"rules": {
"prettier/prettier": "error",
"you-dont-need-lodash-underscore/omit": "off",
"you-dont-need-lodash-underscore/throttle": "off",
"you-dont-need-lodash-underscore/flatten": "off",
"you-dont-need-lodash-underscore/get": "off",
"no-bitwise": "error",
"curly": "error",
"eqeqeq": "error",
"guard-for-in": "error",
"no-extend-native": "error",
"no-inner-declarations": "off",
"no-use-before-define": ["error", "nofunc"],
"no-caller": "error",
"no-irregular-whitespace": "error",
"no-new": "error",
"no-shadow": "error",
"no-undef": "error",
"no-unused-vars": [
"vars": "all",
"args": "none"
"no-console": "off",
"new-cap": [
"capIsNew": false,
"properties": false
"dot-notation": "error",
'no-console': 'off',
'new-cap': [
capIsNew: false,
properties: false
'dot-notation': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-case-declarations
"no-case-declarations": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/max-classes-per-file
"max-classes-per-file": ["error", 1],
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-eq-null
"no-eq-null": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-eval
"no-eval": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-implicit-globals
"no-implicit-globals": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-implied-eval
"no-implied-eval": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-lone-blocks
"no-lone-blocks": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-loop-func
"no-loop-func": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-new-func
"no-new-func": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-new-wrappers
"no-new-wrappers": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-octal-escape
"no-octal-escape": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-proto
"no-proto": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-return-await
"no-return-await": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-script-url
"no-script-url": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-self-compare
"no-self-compare": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-sequences
"no-sequences": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-unmodified-loop-condition
"no-unmodified-loop-condition": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-useless-call
"no-useless-call": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-nested-ternary
"no-nested-ternary": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-useless-computed-key
"no-useless-computed-key": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-var
"no-var": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/one-var
"one-var": ["error", "never"],
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/default-case-last
"default-case-last": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/default-param-last
"default-param-last": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/grouped-accessor-pairs
"grouped-accessor-pairs": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-constructor-return
"no-constructor-return": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/array-callback-return
"array-callback-return": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-invalid-this
"no-invalid-this": "error", // Believe this one actually surfaces some bugs
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/func-style
"func-style": ["error", "declaration"],
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-unused-expressions
"no-unused-expressions": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-useless-concat
"no-useless-concat": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/radix
"radix": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/require-await
"require-await": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-alert
"no-alert": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-useless-constructor
"no-useless-constructor": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-duplicate-imports
"no-duplicate-imports": "error",
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-case-declarations
'no-case-declarations': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/max-classes-per-file
'max-classes-per-file': ['error', 1],
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-eq-null
'no-eq-null': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-eval
'no-eval': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-implicit-globals
'no-implicit-globals': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-implied-eval
'no-implied-eval': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-lone-blocks
'no-lone-blocks': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-loop-func
'no-loop-func': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-new-func
'no-new-func': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-new-wrappers
'no-new-wrappers': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-octal-escape
'no-octal-escape': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-proto
'no-proto': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-return-await
'no-return-await': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-script-url
'no-script-url': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-self-compare
'no-self-compare': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-sequences
'no-sequences': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-unmodified-loop-condition
'no-unmodified-loop-condition': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-useless-call
'no-useless-call': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-nested-ternary
'no-nested-ternary': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-useless-computed-key
'no-useless-computed-key': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-var
'no-var': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/one-var
'one-var': ['error', 'never'],
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/default-case-last
'default-case-last': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/default-param-last
'default-param-last': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/grouped-accessor-pairs
'grouped-accessor-pairs': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-constructor-return
'no-constructor-return': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/array-callback-return
'array-callback-return': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-invalid-this
'no-invalid-this': 'error', // Believe this one actually surfaces some bugs
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/func-style
'func-style': ['error', 'declaration'],
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-unused-expressions
'no-unused-expressions': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-useless-concat
'no-useless-concat': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/radix
radix: 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/require-await
'require-await': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-alert
'no-alert': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-useless-constructor
'no-useless-constructor': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-duplicate-imports
'no-duplicate-imports': 'error',
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-implicit-coercion
"no-implicit-coercion": "error",
"no-unneeded-ternary": "error",
"vue/first-attribute-linebreak": "error",
"vue/multiline-html-element-content-newline": "off",
"vue/singleline-html-element-content-newline": "off",
"vue/multi-word-component-names": "off", // TODO enable, align with conventions
"vue/no-mutating-props": "off"
"overrides": [
"files": LEGACY_FILES,
"rules": {
"no-unused-vars": [
"vars": "all",
"args": "none",
"varsIgnorePattern": "controller"
"no-nested-ternary": "off",
"no-var": "off",
"one-var": "off"
// https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-implicit-coercion
'no-implicit-coercion': 'error',
'no-unneeded-ternary': 'error',
'vue/first-attribute-linebreak': 'error',
'vue/multiline-html-element-content-newline': 'off',
'vue/singleline-html-element-content-newline': 'off',
'vue/multi-word-component-names': 'off', // TODO enable, align with conventions
'vue/no-mutating-props': 'off'
overrides: [
rules: {
'no-unused-vars': [
vars: 'all',
args: 'none',
varsIgnorePattern: 'controller'
'no-nested-ternary': 'off',
'no-var': 'off',
'one-var': 'off'
@ -1,39 +1,38 @@
version: 2
- package-ecosystem: "npm"
directory: "/"
- package-ecosystem: 'npm'
directory: '/'
interval: "weekly"
interval: 'weekly'
open-pull-requests-limit: 10
- "pr:daveit"
- "pr:e2e"
- "type:maintenance"
- "dependencies"
- "pr:platform"
- 'pr:daveit'
- 'pr:e2e'
- 'type:maintenance'
- 'dependencies'
- 'pr:platform'
#We have to source the playwright container which is not detected by Dependabot
- dependency-name: "@playwright/test"
- dependency-name: "playwright-core"
- dependency-name: '@playwright/test'
- dependency-name: 'playwright-core'
#Lots of noise in these type patch releases.
- dependency-name: "@babel/eslint-parser"
update-types: ["version-update:semver-patch"]
- dependency-name: "eslint-plugin-vue"
update-types: ["version-update:semver-patch"]
- dependency-name: "babel-loader"
update-types: ["version-update:semver-patch"]
- dependency-name: "sinon"
update-types: ["version-update:semver-patch"]
- dependency-name: "moment-timezone"
update-types: ["version-update:semver-patch"]
- dependency-name: "@types/lodash"
update-types: ["version-update:semver-patch"]
- package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
directory: "/"
- dependency-name: '@babel/eslint-parser'
update-types: ['version-update:semver-patch']
- dependency-name: 'eslint-plugin-vue'
update-types: ['version-update:semver-patch']
- dependency-name: 'babel-loader'
update-types: ['version-update:semver-patch']
- dependency-name: 'sinon'
update-types: ['version-update:semver-patch']
- dependency-name: 'moment-timezone'
update-types: ['version-update:semver-patch']
- dependency-name: '@types/lodash'
update-types: ['version-update:semver-patch']
- package-ecosystem: 'github-actions'
directory: '/'
interval: "daily"
interval: 'daily'
- "pr:daveit"
- "type:maintenance"
- "dependencies"
- 'pr:daveit'
- 'type:maintenance'
- 'dependencies'
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
name: "e2e-couchdb"
name: 'e2e-couchdb'
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ jobs:
- run: npx playwright@1.32.3 install
- run: npm install
- name: Start CouchDB Docker Container and Init with Setup Scripts
run : |
run: |
export $(cat src/plugins/persistence/couch/.env.ci | xargs)
docker-compose -f src/plugins/persistence/couch/couchdb-compose.yaml up --detach
sleep 3
@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ jobs:
bash src/plugins/persistence/couch/replace-localstorage-with-couchdb-indexhtml.sh
- name: Run CouchDB Tests and publish to deploysentinel
run: npm run test:e2e:couchdb
- name: Publish Results to Codecov.io
run: npm run cov:e2e:full:publish
- name: Archive test results
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
name: "e2e-pr"
name: 'e2e-pr'
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
name: "pr-platform"
name: 'pr-platform'
types: [ labeled ]
types: [labeled]
@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ jobs:
- name: Linting Pull Request
uses: makaroni4/prcop@v1.0.35
config-file: ".github/workflows/prcop-config.json"
config-file: '.github/workflows/prcop-config.json'
@ -8,169 +8,156 @@ This is the OpenMCT common webpack file. It is imported by the other three webpa
There are separate npm scripts to use these configurations, though simply running `npm install`
will use the default production configuration.
const path = require("path");
const packageDefinition = require("../package.json");
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
const webpack = require("webpack");
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require("mini-css-extract-plugin");
const path = require('path');
const packageDefinition = require('../package.json');
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');
const { VueLoaderPlugin } = require("vue-loader");
let gitRevision = "error-retrieving-revision";
let gitBranch = "error-retrieving-branch";
const { VueLoaderPlugin } = require('vue-loader');
let gitRevision = 'error-retrieving-revision';
let gitBranch = 'error-retrieving-branch';
try {
gitRevision = require("child_process")
.execSync("git rev-parse HEAD")
gitBranch = require("child_process")
.execSync("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD")
gitRevision = require('child_process').execSync('git rev-parse HEAD').toString().trim();
gitBranch = require('child_process')
.execSync('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD')
} catch (err) {
const projectRootDir = path.resolve(__dirname, "..");
const projectRootDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..');
/** @type {import('webpack').Configuration} */
const config = {
context: projectRootDir,
entry: {
openmct: "./openmct.js",
generatorWorker: "./example/generator/generatorWorker.js",
inMemorySearchWorker: "./src/api/objects/InMemorySearchWorker.js",
espressoTheme: "./src/plugins/themes/espresso-theme.scss",
snowTheme: "./src/plugins/themes/snow-theme.scss"
output: {
globalObject: "this",
filename: "[name].js",
path: path.resolve(projectRootDir, "dist"),
library: "openmct",
libraryTarget: "umd",
publicPath: "",
hashFunction: "xxhash64",
clean: true
resolve: {
alias: {
"@": path.join(projectRootDir, "src"),
legacyRegistry: path.join(projectRootDir, "src/legacyRegistry"),
saveAs: "file-saver/src/FileSaver.js",
csv: "comma-separated-values",
EventEmitter: "eventemitter3",
bourbon: "bourbon.scss",
"plotly-basic": "plotly.js-basic-dist",
"plotly-gl2d": "plotly.js-gl2d-dist",
"d3-scale": path.join(
printj: path.join(
styles: path.join(projectRootDir, "src/styles"),
MCT: path.join(projectRootDir, "src/MCT"),
testUtils: path.join(projectRootDir, "src/utils/testUtils.js"),
objectUtils: path.join(
"kdbush": path.join(projectRootDir, "node_modules/kdbush/kdbush.min.js"),
utils: path.join(projectRootDir, "src/utils")
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
__OPENMCT_VERSION__: `'${packageDefinition.version}'`,
__OPENMCT_BUILD_DATE__: `'${new Date()}'`,
__OPENMCT_REVISION__: `'${gitRevision}'`,
__OPENMCT_BUILD_BRANCH__: `'${gitBranch}'`
new VueLoaderPlugin(),
new CopyWebpackPlugin({
patterns: [
from: "src/images/favicons",
to: "favicons"
from: "./index.html",
transform: function (content) {
return content.toString().replace(/dist\//g, "");
from: "src/plugins/imagery/layers",
to: "imagery"
new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
filename: "[name].css",
chunkFilename: "[name].css"
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.(sc|sa|c)ss$/,
use: [
loader: "css-loader"
loader: "resolve-url-loader"
loader: "sass-loader",
options: { sourceMap: true }
test: /\.vue$/,
use: "vue-loader"
test: /\.html$/,
type: "asset/source"
test: /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|svg)$/,
type: "asset/resource",
generator: {
filename: "images/[name][ext]"
test: /\.ico$/,
type: "asset/resource",
generator: {
filename: "icons/[name][ext]"
test: /\.(woff|woff2?|eot|ttf)$/,
type: "asset/resource",
generator: {
filename: "fonts/[name][ext]"
stats: "errors-warnings",
performance: {
// We should eventually consider chunking to decrease
// these values
maxEntrypointSize: 27000000,
maxAssetSize: 27000000
context: projectRootDir,
entry: {
openmct: './openmct.js',
generatorWorker: './example/generator/generatorWorker.js',
couchDBChangesFeed: './src/plugins/persistence/couch/CouchChangesFeed.js',
inMemorySearchWorker: './src/api/objects/InMemorySearchWorker.js',
espressoTheme: './src/plugins/themes/espresso-theme.scss',
snowTheme: './src/plugins/themes/snow-theme.scss'
output: {
globalObject: 'this',
filename: '[name].js',
path: path.resolve(projectRootDir, 'dist'),
library: 'openmct',
libraryTarget: 'umd',
publicPath: '',
hashFunction: 'xxhash64',
clean: true
resolve: {
alias: {
'@': path.join(projectRootDir, 'src'),
legacyRegistry: path.join(projectRootDir, 'src/legacyRegistry'),
saveAs: 'file-saver/src/FileSaver.js',
csv: 'comma-separated-values',
EventEmitter: 'eventemitter3',
bourbon: 'bourbon.scss',
'plotly-basic': 'plotly.js-basic-dist',
'plotly-gl2d': 'plotly.js-gl2d-dist',
'd3-scale': path.join(projectRootDir, 'node_modules/d3-scale/dist/d3-scale.min.js'),
printj: path.join(projectRootDir, 'node_modules/printj/dist/printj.min.js'),
styles: path.join(projectRootDir, 'src/styles'),
MCT: path.join(projectRootDir, 'src/MCT'),
testUtils: path.join(projectRootDir, 'src/utils/testUtils.js'),
objectUtils: path.join(projectRootDir, 'src/api/objects/object-utils.js'),
kdbush: path.join(projectRootDir, 'node_modules/kdbush/kdbush.min.js'),
utils: path.join(projectRootDir, 'src/utils')
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
__OPENMCT_VERSION__: `'${packageDefinition.version}'`,
__OPENMCT_BUILD_DATE__: `'${new Date()}'`,
__OPENMCT_REVISION__: `'${gitRevision}'`,
__OPENMCT_BUILD_BRANCH__: `'${gitBranch}'`
new VueLoaderPlugin(),
new CopyWebpackPlugin({
patterns: [
from: 'src/images/favicons',
to: 'favicons'
from: './index.html',
transform: function (content) {
return content.toString().replace(/dist\//g, '');
from: 'src/plugins/imagery/layers',
to: 'imagery'
new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
filename: '[name].css',
chunkFilename: '[name].css'
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.(sc|sa|c)ss$/,
use: [
loader: 'css-loader'
loader: 'resolve-url-loader'
loader: 'sass-loader',
options: { sourceMap: true }
test: /\.vue$/,
use: 'vue-loader'
test: /\.html$/,
type: 'asset/source'
test: /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|svg)$/,
type: 'asset/resource',
generator: {
filename: 'images/[name][ext]'
test: /\.ico$/,
type: 'asset/resource',
generator: {
filename: 'icons/[name][ext]'
test: /\.(woff|woff2?|eot|ttf)$/,
type: 'asset/resource',
generator: {
filename: 'fonts/[name][ext]'
stats: 'errors-warnings',
performance: {
// We should eventually consider chunking to decrease
// these values
maxEntrypointSize: 27000000,
maxAssetSize: 27000000
module.exports = config;
@ -6,32 +6,32 @@ OpenMCT Continuous Integration servers use this configuration to add code covera
information to pull requests.
const config = require("./webpack.dev");
const config = require('./webpack.dev');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const CI = process.env.CI === "true";
const CI = process.env.CI === 'true';
config.devtool = CI ? false : undefined;
config.devServer.hot = false;
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /(Spec\.js$)|(node_modules)/,
use: {
loader: "babel-loader",
options: {
retainLines: true,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
plugins: [
extension: [".js", ".vue"]
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /(Spec\.js$)|(node_modules)/,
use: {
loader: 'babel-loader',
options: {
retainLines: true,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
plugins: [
extension: ['.js', '.vue']
module.exports = config;
@ -5,59 +5,59 @@ This configuration should be used for development purposes. It contains full sou
devServer (which be invoked using by `npm start`), and a non-minified Vue.js distribution.
If OpenMCT is to be used for a production server, use webpack.prod.js instead.
const path = require("path");
const webpack = require("webpack");
const { merge } = require("webpack-merge");
const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const { merge } = require('webpack-merge');
const common = require("./webpack.common");
const projectRootDir = path.resolve(__dirname, "..");
const common = require('./webpack.common');
const projectRootDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..');
module.exports = merge(common, {
mode: "development",
watchOptions: {
// Since we use require.context, webpack is watching the entire directory.
// We need to exclude any files we don't want webpack to watch.
// See: https://webpack.js.org/configuration/watch/#watchoptions-exclude
ignored: [
"**/{node_modules,dist,docs,e2e}", // All files in node_modules, dist, docs, e2e,
"**/{*.yml,Procfile,webpack*.js,babel*.js,package*.json,tsconfig.json}", // Config files
"**/*.{sh,md,png,ttf,woff,svg}", // Non source files
"**/.*" // dotfiles and dotfolders
resolve: {
alias: {
vue: path.join(projectRootDir, "node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js")
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
devtool: "eval-source-map",
devServer: {
devMiddleware: {
writeToDisk: (filePathString) => {
const filePath = path.parse(filePathString);
const shouldWrite = !filePath.base.includes("hot-update");
return shouldWrite;
watchFiles: ["**/*.css"],
static: {
directory: path.join(__dirname, "..", "/dist"),
publicPath: "/dist",
watch: false
client: {
progress: true,
overlay: {
// Disable overlay for runtime errors.
// See: https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-server/issues/4771
runtimeErrors: false
mode: 'development',
watchOptions: {
// Since we use require.context, webpack is watching the entire directory.
// We need to exclude any files we don't want webpack to watch.
// See: https://webpack.js.org/configuration/watch/#watchoptions-exclude
ignored: [
'**/{node_modules,dist,docs,e2e}', // All files in node_modules, dist, docs, e2e,
'**/{*.yml,Procfile,webpack*.js,babel*.js,package*.json,tsconfig.json}', // Config files
'**/*.{sh,md,png,ttf,woff,svg}', // Non source files
'**/.*' // dotfiles and dotfolders
resolve: {
alias: {
vue: path.join(projectRootDir, 'node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js')
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
devtool: 'eval-source-map',
devServer: {
devMiddleware: {
writeToDisk: (filePathString) => {
const filePath = path.parse(filePathString);
const shouldWrite = !filePath.base.includes('hot-update');
return shouldWrite;
watchFiles: ['**/*.css'],
static: {
directory: path.join(__dirname, '..', '/dist'),
publicPath: '/dist',
watch: false
client: {
progress: true,
overlay: {
// Disable overlay for runtime errors.
// See: https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-server/issues/4771
runtimeErrors: false
@ -4,24 +4,24 @@
This configuration should be used for production installs.
It is the default webpack configuration.
const path = require("path");
const webpack = require("webpack");
const { merge } = require("webpack-merge");
const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const { merge } = require('webpack-merge');
const common = require("./webpack.common");
const projectRootDir = path.resolve(__dirname, "..");
const common = require('./webpack.common');
const projectRootDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..');
module.exports = merge(common, {
mode: "production",
resolve: {
alias: {
vue: path.join(projectRootDir, "node_modules/vue/dist/vue.min.js")
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
devtool: "source-map"
mode: 'production',
resolve: {
alias: {
vue: path.join(projectRootDir, 'node_modules/vue/dist/vue.min.js')
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
devtool: 'source-map'
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ coverage:
informational: true
precision: 2
round: down
range: "66...100"
range: '66...100'
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ flags:
carryforward: false
carryforward: true
carryforward: true
layout: "diff,flags,files,footer"
layout: 'diff,flags,files,footer'
behavior: default
require_changes: false
show_carryforward_flags: true
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
/* eslint-disable no-undef */
module.exports = {
"extends": ["plugin:playwright/playwright-test"],
"rules": {
"playwright/max-nested-describe": ["error", { "max": 1 }]
"overrides": [
"files": ["tests/visual/*.spec.js"],
"rules": {
"playwright/no-wait-for-timeout": "off"
extends: ['plugin:playwright/playwright-test'],
rules: {
'playwright/max-nested-describe': ['error', { max: 1 }]
overrides: [
files: ['tests/visual/*.spec.js'],
rules: {
'playwright/no-wait-for-timeout': 'off'
@ -66,58 +66,58 @@ const { expect } = require('@playwright/test');
* @returns {Promise<CreatedObjectInfo>} An object containing information about the newly created domain object.
async function createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type, name, parent = 'mine' }) {
if (!name) {
name = `${type}:${genUuid()}`;
if (!name) {
name = `${type}:${genUuid()}`;
const parentUrl = await getHashUrlToDomainObject(page, parent);
const parentUrl = await getHashUrlToDomainObject(page, parent);
// Navigate to the parent object. This is necessary to create the object
// in the correct location, such as a folder, layout, or plot.
await page.goto(`${parentUrl}?hideTree=true`);
// Navigate to the parent object. This is necessary to create the object
// in the correct location, such as a folder, layout, or plot.
await page.goto(`${parentUrl}?hideTree=true`);
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
// Click the object specified by 'type'
await page.click(`li[role='menuitem']:text("${type}")`);
// Click the object specified by 'type'
await page.click(`li[role='menuitem']:text("${type}")`);
// Modify the name input field of the domain object to accept 'name'
const nameInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] .first input[type="text"]');
await nameInput.fill("");
await nameInput.fill(name);
// Modify the name input field of the domain object to accept 'name'
const nameInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] .first input[type="text"]');
await nameInput.fill('');
await nameInput.fill(name);
if (page.testNotes) {
// Fill the "Notes" section with information about the
// currently running test and its project.
const notesInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] #notes-textarea');
await notesInput.fill(page.testNotes);
if (page.testNotes) {
// Fill the "Notes" section with information about the
// currently running test and its project.
const notesInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] #notes-textarea');
await notesInput.fill(page.testNotes);
// Click OK button and wait for Navigate event
await Promise.all([
// Wait for Save Banner to appear
// Click OK button and wait for Navigate event
await Promise.all([
// Wait for Save Banner to appear
// Wait until the URL is updated
await page.waitForURL(`**/${parent}/*`);
const uuid = await getFocusedObjectUuid(page);
const objectUrl = await getHashUrlToDomainObject(page, uuid);
// Wait until the URL is updated
await page.waitForURL(`**/${parent}/*`);
const uuid = await getFocusedObjectUuid(page);
const objectUrl = await getHashUrlToDomainObject(page, uuid);
if (await _isInEditMode(page, uuid)) {
// Save (exit edit mode)
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]').click();
if (await _isInEditMode(page, uuid)) {
// Save (exit edit mode)
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]').click();
return {
url: objectUrl
return {
url: objectUrl
@ -126,17 +126,17 @@ async function createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type, name, parent = 'mine
* @param {CreateNotificationOptions} createNotificationOptions
async function createNotification(page, createNotificationOptions) {
await page.evaluate((_createNotificationOptions) => {
const { message, severity, options } = _createNotificationOptions;
const notificationApi = window.openmct.notifications;
if (severity === 'info') {
notificationApi.info(message, options);
} else if (severity === 'alert') {
notificationApi.alert(message, options);
} else {
notificationApi.error(message, options);
}, createNotificationOptions);
await page.evaluate((_createNotificationOptions) => {
const { message, severity, options } = _createNotificationOptions;
const notificationApi = window.openmct.notifications;
if (severity === 'info') {
notificationApi.info(message, options);
} else if (severity === 'alert') {
notificationApi.alert(message, options);
} else {
notificationApi.error(message, options);
}, createNotificationOptions);
@ -145,12 +145,12 @@ async function createNotification(page, createNotificationOptions) {
* @param {string} name
async function expandTreePaneItemByName(page, name) {
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const treeItem = treePane.locator(`role=treeitem[expanded=false][name=/${name}/]`);
const expandTriangle = treeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle');
await expandTriangle.click();
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const treeItem = treePane.locator(`role=treeitem[expanded=false][name=/${name}/]`);
const expandTriangle = treeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle');
await expandTriangle.click();
@ -160,67 +160,67 @@ async function expandTreePaneItemByName(page, name) {
* @returns {Promise<CreatedObjectInfo>} An object containing information about the newly created domain object.
async function createPlanFromJSON(page, { name, json, parent = 'mine' }) {
if (!name) {
name = `Plan:${genUuid()}`;
if (!name) {
name = `Plan:${genUuid()}`;
const parentUrl = await getHashUrlToDomainObject(page, parent);
const parentUrl = await getHashUrlToDomainObject(page, parent);
// Navigate to the parent object. This is necessary to create the object
// in the correct location, such as a folder, layout, or plot.
await page.goto(`${parentUrl}?hideTree=true`);
// Navigate to the parent object. This is necessary to create the object
// in the correct location, such as a folder, layout, or plot.
await page.goto(`${parentUrl}?hideTree=true`);
// Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
// Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
// Click 'Plan' menu option
await page.click(`li:text("Plan")`);
// Click 'Plan' menu option
await page.click(`li:text("Plan")`);
// Modify the name input field of the domain object to accept 'name'
const nameInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] .first input[type="text"]');
await nameInput.fill("");
await nameInput.fill(name);
// Modify the name input field of the domain object to accept 'name'
const nameInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] .first input[type="text"]');
await nameInput.fill('');
await nameInput.fill(name);
// Upload buffer from memory
await page.locator('input#fileElem').setInputFiles({
name: 'plan.txt',
mimeType: 'text/plain',
buffer: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(json))
// Upload buffer from memory
await page.locator('input#fileElem').setInputFiles({
name: 'plan.txt',
mimeType: 'text/plain',
buffer: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(json))
// Click OK button and wait for Navigate event
await Promise.all([
// Wait for Save Banner to appear
// Click OK button and wait for Navigate event
await Promise.all([
// Wait for Save Banner to appear
// Wait until the URL is updated
await page.waitForURL(`**/${parent}/*`);
const uuid = await getFocusedObjectUuid(page);
const objectUrl = await getHashUrlToDomainObject(page, uuid);
// Wait until the URL is updated
await page.waitForURL(`**/${parent}/*`);
const uuid = await getFocusedObjectUuid(page);
const objectUrl = await getHashUrlToDomainObject(page, uuid);
return {
url: objectUrl
return {
url: objectUrl
* Open the given `domainObject`'s context menu from the object tree.
* Expands the path to the object and scrolls to it if necessary.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {string} url the url to the object
* Open the given `domainObject`'s context menu from the object tree.
* Expands the path to the object and scrolls to it if necessary.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {string} url the url to the object
async function openObjectTreeContextMenu(page, url) {
await page.goto(url);
await page.click('button[title="Show selected item in tree"]');
await page.locator('.is-navigated-object').click({
button: 'right'
await page.goto(url);
await page.click('button[title="Show selected item in tree"]');
await page.locator('.is-navigated-object').click({
button: 'right'
@ -228,23 +228,25 @@ async function openObjectTreeContextMenu(page, url) {
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {"Main Tree" | "Create Modal Tree"} [treeName="Main Tree"]
async function expandEntireTree(page, treeName = "Main Tree") {
const treeLocator = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: treeName
const collapsedTreeItems = treeLocator.getByRole('treeitem', {
expanded: false
async function expandEntireTree(page, treeName = 'Main Tree') {
const treeLocator = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: treeName
const collapsedTreeItems = treeLocator
.getByRole('treeitem', {
expanded: false
while (await collapsedTreeItems.count() > 0) {
await collapsedTreeItems.nth(0).click();
while ((await collapsedTreeItems.count()) > 0) {
await collapsedTreeItems.nth(0).click();
// FIXME: Replace hard wait with something event-driven.
// Without the wait, this fails periodically due to a race condition
// with Vue rendering (loop exits prematurely).
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-wait-for-timeout
await page.waitForTimeout(200);
// FIXME: Replace hard wait with something event-driven.
// Without the wait, this fails periodically due to a race condition
// with Vue rendering (loop exits prematurely).
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-wait-for-timeout
await page.waitForTimeout(200);
@ -254,12 +256,12 @@ async function expandEntireTree(page, treeName = "Main Tree") {
* @returns {Promise<string>} the uuid of the focused object
async function getFocusedObjectUuid(page) {
const UUIDv4Regexp = /[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}/gi;
const focusedObjectUuid = await page.evaluate((regexp) => {
return window.location.href.split('?')[0].match(regexp).at(-1);
}, UUIDv4Regexp);
const UUIDv4Regexp = /[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}/gi;
const focusedObjectUuid = await page.evaluate((regexp) => {
return window.location.href.split('?')[0].match(regexp).at(-1);
}, UUIDv4Regexp);
return focusedObjectUuid;
return focusedObjectUuid;
@ -273,22 +275,25 @@ async function getFocusedObjectUuid(page) {
* @returns {Promise<string>} the url of the object
async function getHashUrlToDomainObject(page, uuid) {
await page.waitForLoadState('load'); //Add some determinism
const hashUrl = await page.evaluate(async (objectUuid) => {
const path = await window.openmct.objects.getOriginalPath(objectUuid);
let url = './#/browse/' + [...path].reverse()
.map((object) => window.openmct.objects.makeKeyString(object.identifier))
await page.waitForLoadState('load'); //Add some determinism
const hashUrl = await page.evaluate(async (objectUuid) => {
const path = await window.openmct.objects.getOriginalPath(objectUuid);
let url =
'./#/browse/' +
.map((object) => window.openmct.objects.makeKeyString(object.identifier))
// Drop the vestigial '/ROOT' if it exists
if (url.includes('/ROOT')) {
url = url.split('/ROOT').join('');
// Drop the vestigial '/ROOT' if it exists
if (url.includes('/ROOT')) {
url = url.split('/ROOT').join('');
return url;
}, uuid);
return url;
}, uuid);
return hashUrl;
return hashUrl;
@ -298,8 +303,8 @@ async function getHashUrlToDomainObject(page, uuid) {
* @return {Promise<boolean>} true if the Open MCT is in Edit Mode
async function _isInEditMode(page, identifier) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-return-await
return await page.evaluate(() => window.openmct.editor.isEditing());
// eslint-disable-next-line no-return-await
return await page.evaluate(() => window.openmct.editor.isEditing());
@ -308,15 +313,15 @@ async function _isInEditMode(page, identifier) {
* @param {boolean} [isFixedTimespan=true] true for fixed timespan mode, false for realtime mode; default is true
async function setTimeConductorMode(page, isFixedTimespan = true) {
// Click 'mode' button
await page.locator('.c-mode-button').click();
// Click 'mode' button
await page.locator('.c-mode-button').click();
// Switch time conductor mode
if (isFixedTimespan) {
await page.locator('data-testid=conductor-modeOption-fixed').click();
} else {
await page.locator('data-testid=conductor-modeOption-realtime').click();
// Switch time conductor mode
if (isFixedTimespan) {
await page.locator('data-testid=conductor-modeOption-fixed').click();
} else {
await page.locator('data-testid=conductor-modeOption-realtime').click();
@ -324,7 +329,7 @@ async function setTimeConductorMode(page, isFixedTimespan = true) {
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function setFixedTimeMode(page) {
await setTimeConductorMode(page, true);
await setTimeConductorMode(page, true);
@ -332,7 +337,7 @@ async function setFixedTimeMode(page) {
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function setRealTimeMode(page) {
await setTimeConductorMode(page, false);
await setTimeConductorMode(page, false);
@ -348,23 +353,23 @@ async function setRealTimeMode(page) {
* @param {OffsetValues} offset
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Locator} offsetButton
async function setTimeConductorOffset(page, {hours, mins, secs}, offsetButton) {
await offsetButton.click();
async function setTimeConductorOffset(page, { hours, mins, secs }, offsetButton) {
await offsetButton.click();
if (hours) {
await page.fill('.pr-time-controls__hrs', hours);
if (hours) {
await page.fill('.pr-time-controls__hrs', hours);
if (mins) {
await page.fill('.pr-time-controls__mins', mins);
if (mins) {
await page.fill('.pr-time-controls__mins', mins);
if (secs) {
await page.fill('.pr-time-controls__secs', secs);
if (secs) {
await page.fill('.pr-time-controls__secs', secs);
// Click the check button
await page.locator('.pr-time__buttons .icon-check').click();
// Click the check button
await page.locator('.pr-time__buttons .icon-check').click();
@ -373,8 +378,8 @@ async function setTimeConductorOffset(page, {hours, mins, secs}, offsetButton) {
* @param {OffsetValues} offset
async function setStartOffset(page, offset) {
const startOffsetButton = page.locator('data-testid=conductor-start-offset-button');
await setTimeConductorOffset(page, offset, startOffsetButton);
const startOffsetButton = page.locator('data-testid=conductor-start-offset-button');
await setTimeConductorOffset(page, offset, startOffsetButton);
@ -383,8 +388,8 @@ async function setStartOffset(page, offset) {
* @param {OffsetValues} offset
async function setEndOffset(page, offset) {
const endOffsetButton = page.locator('data-testid=conductor-end-offset-button');
await setTimeConductorOffset(page, offset, endOffsetButton);
const endOffsetButton = page.locator('data-testid=conductor-end-offset-button');
await setTimeConductorOffset(page, offset, endOffsetButton);
@ -394,34 +399,34 @@ async function setEndOffset(page, offset) {
* @param {String} name the name of the tab
async function selectInspectorTab(page, name) {
const inspectorTabs = page.getByRole('tablist');
const inspectorTab = inspectorTabs.getByTitle(name);
const inspectorTabClass = await inspectorTab.getAttribute('class');
const isSelectedInspectorTab = inspectorTabClass.includes('is-current');
const inspectorTabs = page.getByRole('tablist');
const inspectorTab = inspectorTabs.getByTitle(name);
const inspectorTabClass = await inspectorTab.getAttribute('class');
const isSelectedInspectorTab = inspectorTabClass.includes('is-current');
// do not click a tab that is already selected or it will timeout your test
// do to a { pointer-events: none; } on selected tabs
if (!isSelectedInspectorTab) {
await inspectorTab.click();
// do not click a tab that is already selected or it will timeout your test
// do to a { pointer-events: none; } on selected tabs
if (!isSelectedInspectorTab) {
await inspectorTab.click();
* Waits and asserts that all plot series data on the page
* is loaded and drawn.
* In lieu of a better way to detect when a plot is done rendering,
* we [attach a class to the '.gl-plot' element](https://github.com/nasa/openmct/blob/5924d7ea95a0c2d4141c602a3c7d0665cb91095f/src/plugins/plot/MctPlot.vue#L27)
* once all pending series data has been loaded. The following appAction retrieves
* all plots on the page and waits up to the default timeout for the class to be
* attached to each plot.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* Waits and asserts that all plot series data on the page
* is loaded and drawn.
* In lieu of a better way to detect when a plot is done rendering,
* we [attach a class to the '.gl-plot' element](https://github.com/nasa/openmct/blob/5924d7ea95a0c2d4141c602a3c7d0665cb91095f/src/plugins/plot/MctPlot.vue#L27)
* once all pending series data has been loaded. The following appAction retrieves
* all plots on the page and waits up to the default timeout for the class to be
* attached to each plot.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function waitForPlotsToRender(page) {
const plotLocator = page.locator('.gl-plot');
for (const plot of await plotLocator.all()) {
await expect(plot).toHaveClass(/js-series-data-loaded/);
const plotLocator = page.locator('.gl-plot');
for (const plot of await plotLocator.all()) {
await expect(plot).toHaveClass(/js-series-data-loaded/);
@ -441,57 +446,70 @@ async function waitForPlotsToRender(page) {
* @return {Promise<PlotPixel[]>}
async function getCanvasPixels(page, canvasSelector) {
const getTelemValuePromise = new Promise(resolve => page.exposeFunction('getCanvasValue', resolve));
const canvasHandle = await page.evaluateHandle((canvas) => document.querySelector(canvas), canvasSelector);
const canvasContextHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(canvas => canvas.getContext('2d'), canvasHandle);
const getTelemValuePromise = new Promise((resolve) =>
page.exposeFunction('getCanvasValue', resolve)
const canvasHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(
(canvas) => document.querySelector(canvas),
const canvasContextHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(
(canvas) => canvas.getContext('2d'),
await waitForPlotsToRender(page);
await page.evaluate(([canvas, ctx]) => {
// The document canvas is where the plot points and lines are drawn.
// The only way to access the canvas is using document (using page.evaluate)
/** @type {ImageData} */
const data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height).data;
/** @type {number[]} */
const imageDataValues = Object.values(data);
/** @type {PlotPixel[]} */
const plotPixels = [];
// Each pixel consists of four values within the ImageData.data array. The for loop iterates by multiples of four.
// The values associated with each pixel are R (red), G (green), B (blue), and A (alpha), in that order.
for (let i = 0; i < imageDataValues.length;) {
if (imageDataValues[i] > 0) {
r: imageDataValues[i],
g: imageDataValues[i + 1],
b: imageDataValues[i + 2],
a: imageDataValues[i + 3],
strValue: `rgb(${imageDataValues[i]}, ${imageDataValues[i + 1]}, ${imageDataValues[i + 2]}, ${imageDataValues[i + 3]})`
i = i + 4;
await waitForPlotsToRender(page);
await page.evaluate(
([canvas, ctx]) => {
// The document canvas is where the plot points and lines are drawn.
// The only way to access the canvas is using document (using page.evaluate)
/** @type {ImageData} */
const data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height).data;
/** @type {number[]} */
const imageDataValues = Object.values(data);
/** @type {PlotPixel[]} */
const plotPixels = [];
// Each pixel consists of four values within the ImageData.data array. The for loop iterates by multiples of four.
// The values associated with each pixel are R (red), G (green), B (blue), and A (alpha), in that order.
for (let i = 0; i < imageDataValues.length; ) {
if (imageDataValues[i] > 0) {
r: imageDataValues[i],
g: imageDataValues[i + 1],
b: imageDataValues[i + 2],
a: imageDataValues[i + 3],
strValue: `rgb(${imageDataValues[i]}, ${imageDataValues[i + 1]}, ${
imageDataValues[i + 2]
}, ${imageDataValues[i + 3]})`
}, [canvasHandle, canvasContextHandle]);
i = i + 4;
return getTelemValuePromise;
[canvasHandle, canvasContextHandle]
return getTelemValuePromise;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
module.exports = {
@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ const sinon = require('sinon');
* @returns {String} formatted string with message type, text, url, and line and column numbers
function _consoleMessageToString(msg) {
const { url, lineNumber, columnNumber } = msg.location();
const { url, lineNumber, columnNumber } = msg.location();
return `[${msg.type()}] ${msg.text()} at (${url} ${lineNumber}:${columnNumber})`;
return `[${msg.type()}] ${msg.text()} at (${url} ${lineNumber}:${columnNumber})`;
@ -56,12 +56,9 @@ function _consoleMessageToString(msg) {
* @return {Promise<Animation[]>}
function waitForAnimations(locator) {
return locator
.evaluate((element) =>
.getAnimations({ subtree: true })
.map((animation) => animation.finished)));
return locator.evaluate((element) =>
Promise.all(element.getAnimations({ subtree: true }).map((animation) => animation.finished))
@ -72,103 +69,113 @@ function waitForAnimations(locator) {
const istanbulCLIOutput = path.join(process.cwd(), '.nyc_output');
exports.test = base.test.extend({
* This allows the test to manipulate the browser clock. This is useful for Visual and Snapshot tests which need
* the Time Indicator Clock to be in a specific state.
* Usage:
* ```
* test.use({
* clockOptions: {
* now: 0,
* shouldAdvanceTime: true
* ```
* If clockOptions are provided, will override the default clock with fake timers provided by SinonJS.
* Default: `undefined`
* @see {@link https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/6347 Github RFE}
* @see {@link https://github.com/sinonjs/fake-timers/#var-clock--faketimersinstallconfig SinonJS FakeTimers Config}
clockOptions: [undefined, { option: true }],
overrideClock: [async ({ context, clockOptions }, use) => {
if (clockOptions !== undefined) {
await context.addInitScript({
path: path.join(__dirname, '../', './node_modules/sinon/pkg/sinon.js')
await context.addInitScript((options) => {
window.__clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(options);
}, clockOptions);
await use(context);
}, {
auto: true,
scope: 'test'
* Extends the base context class to add codecoverage shim.
* @see {@link https://github.com/mxschmitt/playwright-test-coverage Github Project}
context: async ({ context }, use) => {
await context.addInitScript(() =>
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () =>
await fs.promises.mkdir(istanbulCLIOutput, { recursive: true });
await context.exposeFunction('collectIstanbulCoverage', (coverageJSON) => {
if (coverageJSON) {
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(istanbulCLIOutput, `playwright_coverage_${uuid()}.json`), coverageJSON);
* This allows the test to manipulate the browser clock. This is useful for Visual and Snapshot tests which need
* the Time Indicator Clock to be in a specific state.
* Usage:
* ```
* test.use({
* clockOptions: {
* now: 0,
* shouldAdvanceTime: true
* ```
* If clockOptions are provided, will override the default clock with fake timers provided by SinonJS.
* Default: `undefined`
* @see {@link https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/6347 Github RFE}
* @see {@link https://github.com/sinonjs/fake-timers/#var-clock--faketimersinstallconfig SinonJS FakeTimers Config}
clockOptions: [undefined, { option: true }],
overrideClock: [
async ({ context, clockOptions }, use) => {
if (clockOptions !== undefined) {
await context.addInitScript({
path: path.join(__dirname, '../', './node_modules/sinon/pkg/sinon.js')
await context.addInitScript((options) => {
window.__clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(options);
}, clockOptions);
await use(context);
for (const page of context.pages()) {
await page.evaluate(() => (window).collectIstanbulCoverage(JSON.stringify((window).__coverage__)));
await use(context);
* If true, will assert against any console.error calls that occur during the test. Assertions occur
* during test teardown (after the test has completed).
* Default: `true`
failOnConsoleError: [true, { option: true }],
* Extends the base page class to enable console log error detection.
* @see {@link https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/discussions/11690 Github Discussion}
page: async ({ page, failOnConsoleError }, use) => {
// Capture any console errors during test execution
const messages = [];
page.on('console', (msg) => messages.push(msg));
await use(page);
// Assert against console errors during teardown
if (failOnConsoleError) {
msg => expect.soft(msg.type(), `Console error detected: ${_consoleMessageToString(msg)}`).not.toEqual('error')
* Extends the base browser class to enable CDP connection definition in playwright.config.js. Once
* that RFE is implemented, this function can be removed.
* @see {@link https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/8379 Github RFE}
browser: async ({ playwright, browser }, use, workerInfo) => {
// Use browserless if configured
if (workerInfo.project.name.match(/browserless/)) {
const vBrowser = await playwright.chromium.connectOverCDP({
endpointURL: 'ws://localhost:3003'
await use(vBrowser);
} else {
// Use Local Browser for testing.
await use(browser);
auto: true,
scope: 'test'
* Extends the base context class to add codecoverage shim.
* @see {@link https://github.com/mxschmitt/playwright-test-coverage Github Project}
context: async ({ context }, use) => {
await context.addInitScript(() =>
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () =>
await fs.promises.mkdir(istanbulCLIOutput, { recursive: true });
await context.exposeFunction('collectIstanbulCoverage', (coverageJSON) => {
if (coverageJSON) {
path.join(istanbulCLIOutput, `playwright_coverage_${uuid()}.json`),
await use(context);
for (const page of context.pages()) {
await page.evaluate(() =>
* If true, will assert against any console.error calls that occur during the test. Assertions occur
* during test teardown (after the test has completed).
* Default: `true`
failOnConsoleError: [true, { option: true }],
* Extends the base page class to enable console log error detection.
* @see {@link https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/discussions/11690 Github Discussion}
page: async ({ page, failOnConsoleError }, use) => {
// Capture any console errors during test execution
const messages = [];
page.on('console', (msg) => messages.push(msg));
await use(page);
// Assert against console errors during teardown
if (failOnConsoleError) {
messages.forEach((msg) =>
.soft(msg.type(), `Console error detected: ${_consoleMessageToString(msg)}`)
* Extends the base browser class to enable CDP connection definition in playwright.config.js. Once
* that RFE is implemented, this function can be removed.
* @see {@link https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/8379 Github RFE}
browser: async ({ playwright, browser }, use, workerInfo) => {
// Use browserless if configured
if (workerInfo.project.name.match(/browserless/)) {
const vBrowser = await playwright.chromium.connectOverCDP({
endpointURL: 'ws://localhost:3003'
await use(vBrowser);
} else {
// Use Local Browser for testing.
await use(browser);
exports.expect = expect;
@ -23,6 +23,6 @@
// This should be used to install the Example Fault Provider, this will also install the FaultManagementPlugin (neither of which are installed by default).
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const openmct = window.openmct;
const openmct = window.openmct;
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
// This should be used to install the Example Fault Provider, this will also install the FaultManagementPlugin (neither of which are installed by default).
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const openmct = window.openmct;
const staticFaults = true;
const openmct = window.openmct;
const staticFaults = true;
@ -22,6 +22,6 @@
// This should be used to install the Example User
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const openmct = window.openmct;
const openmct = window.openmct;
@ -23,6 +23,6 @@
// This should be used to install the Example Fault Provider, this will also install the FaultManagementPlugin (neither of which are installed by default).
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const openmct = window.openmct;
const openmct = window.openmct;
@ -1,76 +1,71 @@
class DomainObjectViewProvider {
constructor(openmct) {
this.key = 'doViewProvider';
this.name = 'Domain Object View Provider';
this.openmct = openmct;
constructor(openmct) {
this.key = 'doViewProvider';
this.name = 'Domain Object View Provider';
this.openmct = openmct;
canView(domainObject) {
return domainObject.type === 'imageFileInput'
|| domainObject.type === 'jsonFileInput';
canView(domainObject) {
return domainObject.type === 'imageFileInput' || domainObject.type === 'jsonFileInput';
view(domainObject, objectPath) {
let content;
view(domainObject, objectPath) {
let content;
return {
show: function (element) {
const body = domainObject.selectFile.body;
const type = typeof body;
return {
show: function (element) {
const body = domainObject.selectFile.body;
const type = typeof body;
content = document.createElement('div');
content.id = 'file-input-type';
content.textContent = JSON.stringify(type);
destroy: function (element) {
content = undefined;
content = document.createElement('div');
content.id = 'file-input-type';
content.textContent = JSON.stringify(type);
destroy: function (element) {
content = undefined;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const openmct = window.openmct;
const openmct = window.openmct;
openmct.types.addType('jsonFileInput', {
key: 'jsonFileInput',
name: "JSON File Input Object",
creatable: true,
form: [
name: 'Upload File',
key: 'selectFile',
control: 'file-input',
required: true,
text: 'Select File...',
type: 'application/json',
property: [
openmct.types.addType('jsonFileInput', {
key: 'jsonFileInput',
name: 'JSON File Input Object',
creatable: true,
form: [
name: 'Upload File',
key: 'selectFile',
control: 'file-input',
required: true,
text: 'Select File...',
type: 'application/json',
property: ['selectFile']
openmct.types.addType('imageFileInput', {
key: 'imageFileInput',
name: "Image File Input Object",
creatable: true,
form: [
name: 'Upload File',
key: 'selectFile',
control: 'file-input',
required: true,
text: 'Select File...',
type: 'image/*',
property: [
openmct.types.addType('imageFileInput', {
key: 'imageFileInput',
name: 'Image File Input Object',
creatable: true,
form: [
name: 'Upload File',
key: 'selectFile',
control: 'file-input',
required: true,
text: 'Select File...',
type: 'image/*',
property: ['selectFile']
openmct.objectViews.addProvider(new DomainObjectViewProvider(openmct));
openmct.objectViews.addProvider(new DomainObjectViewProvider(openmct));
@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ const NOTEBOOK_NAME = 'Notebook';
const URL_WHITELIST = ['google.com'];
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const openmct = window.openmct;
openmct.install(openmct.plugins.Notebook(NOTEBOOK_NAME, URL_WHITELIST));
const openmct = window.openmct;
openmct.install(openmct.plugins.Notebook(NOTEBOOK_NAME, URL_WHITELIST));
@ -22,6 +22,6 @@
// This should be used to install the Operator Status
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const openmct = window.openmct;
const openmct = window.openmct;
@ -25,6 +25,6 @@
// await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, 'addInitRestrictedNotebook.js') });
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const openmct = window.openmct;
const openmct = window.openmct;
@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
(function () {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const PERSISTENCE_KEY = 'persistence-tests';
const openmct = window.openmct;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const PERSISTENCE_KEY = 'persistence-tests';
const openmct = window.openmct;
openmct.objects.addProvider(PERSISTENCE_KEY, {
get(identifier) {
if (identifier.key !== PERSISTENCE_KEY) {
return undefined;
} else {
return Promise.resolve({
type: 'folder',
name: 'Persistence Testing',
location: 'ROOT',
composition: []
openmct.objects.addProvider(PERSISTENCE_KEY, {
get(identifier) {
if (identifier.key !== PERSISTENCE_KEY) {
return undefined;
} else {
return Promise.resolve({
type: 'folder',
name: 'Persistence Testing',
location: 'ROOT',
composition: []
@ -26,254 +26,268 @@ const path = require('path');
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function navigateToFaultManagementWithExample(page) {
await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, './', 'addInitExampleFaultProvider.js') });
await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, './', 'addInitExampleFaultProvider.js') });
await navigateToFaultItemInTree(page);
await navigateToFaultItemInTree(page);
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function navigateToFaultManagementWithStaticExample(page) {
await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, './', 'addInitExampleFaultProviderStatic.js') });
await page.addInitScript({
path: path.join(__dirname, './', 'addInitExampleFaultProviderStatic.js')
await navigateToFaultItemInTree(page);
await navigateToFaultItemInTree(page);
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function navigateToFaultManagementWithoutExample(page) {
await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, './', 'addInitFaultManagementPlugin.js') });
await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, './', 'addInitFaultManagementPlugin.js') });
await navigateToFaultItemInTree(page);
await navigateToFaultItemInTree(page);
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function navigateToFaultItemInTree(page) {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
const faultManagementTreeItem = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: "Main Tree"
}).getByRole('treeitem', {
name: "Fault Management"
const faultManagementTreeItem = page
.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: 'Fault Management'
// Navigate to "Fault Management" from the tree
await faultManagementTreeItem.click();
// Navigate to "Fault Management" from the tree
await faultManagementTreeItem.click();
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function acknowledgeFault(page, rowNumber) {
await openFaultRowMenu(page, rowNumber);
await page.locator('.c-menu >> text="Acknowledge"').click();
// Click [aria-label="Save"]
await page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]').click();
await openFaultRowMenu(page, rowNumber);
await page.locator('.c-menu >> text="Acknowledge"').click();
// Click [aria-label="Save"]
await page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]').click();
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function shelveMultipleFaults(page, ...nums) {
const selectRows = nums.map((num) => {
return selectFaultItem(page, num);
await Promise.all(selectRows);
const selectRows = nums.map((num) => {
return selectFaultItem(page, num);
await Promise.all(selectRows);
await page.locator('button:has-text("Shelve")').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("Shelve")').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]').click();
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function acknowledgeMultipleFaults(page, ...nums) {
const selectRows = nums.map((num) => {
return selectFaultItem(page, num);
await Promise.all(selectRows);
const selectRows = nums.map((num) => {
return selectFaultItem(page, num);
await Promise.all(selectRows);
await page.locator('button:has-text("Acknowledge")').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("Acknowledge")').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]').click();
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function shelveFault(page, rowNumber) {
await openFaultRowMenu(page, rowNumber);
await page.locator('.c-menu >> text="Shelve"').click();
// Click [aria-label="Save"]
await page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]').click();
await openFaultRowMenu(page, rowNumber);
await page.locator('.c-menu >> text="Shelve"').click();
// Click [aria-label="Save"]
await page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]').click();
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function changeViewTo(page, view) {
await page.locator('.c-fault-mgmt__search-row select').first().selectOption(view);
await page.locator('.c-fault-mgmt__search-row select').first().selectOption(view);
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function sortFaultsBy(page, sort) {
await page.locator('.c-fault-mgmt__list-header-sortButton select').selectOption(sort);
await page.locator('.c-fault-mgmt__list-header-sortButton select').selectOption(sort);
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function enterSearchTerm(page, term) {
await page.locator('.c-fault-mgmt-search [aria-label="Search Input"]').fill(term);
await page.locator('.c-fault-mgmt-search [aria-label="Search Input"]').fill(term);
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function clearSearch(page) {
await enterSearchTerm(page, '');
await enterSearchTerm(page, '');
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function selectFaultItem(page, rowNumber) {
await page.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt-item > input >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`).check();
await page.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt-item > input >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`).check();
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function getHighestSeverity(page) {
const criticalCount = await page.locator('[title=CRITICAL]').count();
const warningCount = await page.locator('[title=WARNING]').count();
const criticalCount = await page.locator('[title=CRITICAL]').count();
const warningCount = await page.locator('[title=WARNING]').count();
if (criticalCount > 0) {
return 'CRITICAL';
} else if (warningCount > 0) {
return 'WARNING';
if (criticalCount > 0) {
return 'CRITICAL';
} else if (warningCount > 0) {
return 'WARNING';
return 'WATCH';
return 'WATCH';
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function getLowestSeverity(page) {
const warningCount = await page.locator('[title=WARNING]').count();
const watchCount = await page.locator('[title=WATCH]').count();
const warningCount = await page.locator('[title=WARNING]').count();
const watchCount = await page.locator('[title=WATCH]').count();
if (watchCount > 0) {
return 'WATCH';
} else if (warningCount > 0) {
return 'WARNING';
if (watchCount > 0) {
return 'WATCH';
} else if (warningCount > 0) {
return 'WARNING';
return 'CRITICAL';
return 'CRITICAL';
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function getFaultResultCount(page) {
const count = await page.locator('.c-faults-list-view-item-body > .c-fault-mgmt__list').count();
const count = await page.locator('.c-faults-list-view-item-body > .c-fault-mgmt__list').count();
return count;
return count;
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
function getFault(page, rowNumber) {
const fault = page.locator(`.c-faults-list-view-item-body > .c-fault-mgmt__list >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`);
const fault = page.locator(
`.c-faults-list-view-item-body > .c-fault-mgmt__list >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`
return fault;
return fault;
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
function getFaultByName(page, name) {
const fault = page.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt__list-faultname:has-text("${name}")`);
const fault = page.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt__list-faultname:has-text("${name}")`);
return fault;
return fault;
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function getFaultName(page, rowNumber) {
const faultName = await page.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt__list-faultname >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`).textContent();
const faultName = await page
.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt__list-faultname >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`)
return faultName;
return faultName;
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function getFaultSeverity(page, rowNumber) {
const faultSeverity = await page.locator(`.c-faults-list-view-item-body .c-fault-mgmt__list-severity >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`).getAttribute('title');
const faultSeverity = await page
.locator(`.c-faults-list-view-item-body .c-fault-mgmt__list-severity >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`)
return faultSeverity;
return faultSeverity;
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function getFaultNamespace(page, rowNumber) {
const faultNamespace = await page.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt__list-path >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`).textContent();
const faultNamespace = await page
.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt__list-path >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`)
return faultNamespace;
return faultNamespace;
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function getFaultTriggerTime(page, rowNumber) {
const faultTriggerTime = await page.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt__list-trigTime >> nth=${rowNumber - 1} >> .c-fault-mgmt-item__value`).textContent();
const faultTriggerTime = await page
.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt__list-trigTime >> nth=${rowNumber - 1} >> .c-fault-mgmt-item__value`)
return faultTriggerTime.toString().trim();
return faultTriggerTime.toString().trim();
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function openFaultRowMenu(page, rowNumber) {
// select
await page.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt-item > .c-fault-mgmt__list-action-button >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`).click();
// select
await page
.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt-item > .c-fault-mgmt__list-action-button >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`)
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
module.exports = {
@ -28,29 +28,29 @@ const NOTEBOOK_DROP_AREA = '.c-notebook__drag-area';
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function enterTextEntry(page, text) {
// Click the 'Add Notebook Entry' area
await page.locator(NOTEBOOK_DROP_AREA).click();
// Click the 'Add Notebook Entry' area
await page.locator(NOTEBOOK_DROP_AREA).click();
// enter text
await page.locator('[aria-label="Notebook Entry"].is-selected div.c-ne__text').fill(text);
await commitEntry(page);
// enter text
await page.locator('[aria-label="Notebook Entry"].is-selected div.c-ne__text').fill(text);
await commitEntry(page);
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function dragAndDropEmbed(page, notebookObject) {
// Create example telemetry object
const swg = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator"
// Navigate to notebook
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
// Expand the tree to reveal the notebook
await page.click('button[title="Show selected item in tree"]');
// Drag and drop the SWG into the notebook
await page.dragAndDrop(`text=${swg.name}`, NOTEBOOK_DROP_AREA);
await commitEntry(page);
// Create example telemetry object
const swg = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator'
// Navigate to notebook
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
// Expand the tree to reveal the notebook
await page.click('button[title="Show selected item in tree"]');
// Drag and drop the SWG into the notebook
await page.dragAndDrop(`text=${swg.name}`, NOTEBOOK_DROP_AREA);
await commitEntry(page);
@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ async function dragAndDropEmbed(page, notebookObject) {
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function commitEntry(page) {
//Click the Commit Entry button
await page.locator('.c-ne__save-button > button').click();
//Click the Commit Entry button
await page.locator('.c-ne__save-button > button').click();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
module.exports = {
@ -32,46 +32,53 @@ import { expect } from '../pluginFixtures';
* @param {string} objectUrl The URL of the object to assert against (plan or gantt chart)
export async function assertPlanActivities(page, plan, objectUrl) {
const groups = Object.keys(plan);
for (const group of groups) {
for (let i = 0; i < plan[group].length; i++) {
// Set the startBound to the start time of the first activity in the group
const startBound = plan[group][0].start;
// Set the endBound to the end time of the current activity
let endBound = plan[group][i].end;
if (endBound === startBound) {
// Prevent oddities with setting start and end bound equal
// via URL params
endBound += 1;
const groups = Object.keys(plan);
for (const group of groups) {
for (let i = 0; i < plan[group].length; i++) {
// Set the startBound to the start time of the first activity in the group
const startBound = plan[group][0].start;
// Set the endBound to the end time of the current activity
let endBound = plan[group][i].end;
if (endBound === startBound) {
// Prevent oddities with setting start and end bound equal
// via URL params
endBound += 1;
// Switch to fixed time mode with all plan events within the bounds
await page.goto(`${objectUrl}?tc.mode=fixed&tc.startBound=${startBound}&tc.endBound=${endBound}&tc.timeSystem=utc&view=plan.view`);
// Switch to fixed time mode with all plan events within the bounds
await page.goto(
// Assert that the number of activities in the plan view matches the number of
// activities in the plan data within the specified time bounds
const eventCount = await page.locator('.activity-bounds').count();
.filter(event =>
activitiesWithinTimeBounds(event.start, event.end, startBound, endBound)).length);
// Assert that the number of activities in the plan view matches the number of
// activities in the plan data within the specified time bounds
const eventCount = await page.locator('.activity-bounds').count();
.filter((event) =>
activitiesWithinTimeBounds(event.start, event.end, startBound, endBound)
* Returns true if the activities time bounds overlap, false otherwise.
* @param {number} start1 the start time of the first activity
* @param {number} end1 the end time of the first activity
* @param {number} start2 the start time of the second activity
* @param {number} end2 the end time of the second activity
* @returns {boolean} true if the activities overlap, false otherwise
* @param {number} start1 the start time of the first activity
* @param {number} end1 the end time of the first activity
* @param {number} start2 the start time of the second activity
* @param {number} end2 the end time of the second activity
* @returns {boolean} true if the activities overlap, false otherwise
function activitiesWithinTimeBounds(start1, end1, start2, end2) {
return (start1 >= start2 && start1 <= end2)
|| (end1 >= start2 && end1 <= end2)
|| (start2 >= start1 && start2 <= end1)
|| (end2 >= start1 && end2 <= end1);
return (
(start1 >= start2 && start1 <= end2) ||
(end1 >= start2 && end1 <= end2) ||
(start2 >= start1 && start2 <= end1) ||
(end2 >= start1 && end2 <= end1)
@ -82,11 +89,13 @@ function activitiesWithinTimeBounds(start1, end1, start2, end2) {
* @param {string} planObjectUrl
export async function setBoundsToSpanAllActivities(page, planJson, planObjectUrl) {
const activities = Object.values(planJson).flat();
// Get the earliest start value
const start = Math.min(...activities.map(activity => activity.start));
// Get the latest end value
const end = Math.max(...activities.map(activity => activity.end));
// Set the start and end bounds to the earliest start and latest end
await page.goto(`${planObjectUrl}?tc.mode=fixed&tc.startBound=${start}&tc.endBound=${end}&tc.timeSystem=utc&view=plan.view`);
const activities = Object.values(planJson).flat();
// Get the earliest start value
const start = Math.min(...activities.map((activity) => activity.start));
// Get the latest end value
const end = Math.max(...activities.map((activity) => activity.end));
// Set the start and end bounds to the earliest start and latest end
await page.goto(
@ -25,6 +25,6 @@
// await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, 'useSnowTheme.js') });
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const openmct = window.openmct;
const openmct = window.openmct;
@ -9,74 +9,77 @@ const NUM_WORKERS = 2;
/** @type {import('@playwright/test').PlaywrightTestConfig} */
const config = {
retries: 2, //Retries 2 times for a total of 3 runs. When running sharded and with max-failures=5, this should ensure that flake is managed without failing the full suite
testDir: 'tests',
testIgnore: '**/*.perf.spec.js', //Ignore performance tests and define in playwright-perfromance.config.js
timeout: 60 * 1000,
webServer: {
command: 'npm run start:coverage',
url: 'http://localhost:8080/#',
timeout: 200 * 1000,
reuseExistingServer: false
retries: 2, //Retries 2 times for a total of 3 runs. When running sharded and with max-failures=5, this should ensure that flake is managed without failing the full suite
testDir: 'tests',
testIgnore: '**/*.perf.spec.js', //Ignore performance tests and define in playwright-perfromance.config.js
timeout: 60 * 1000,
webServer: {
command: 'npm run start:coverage',
url: 'http://localhost:8080/#',
timeout: 200 * 1000,
reuseExistingServer: false
maxFailures: MAX_FAILURES, //Limits failures to 5 to reduce CI Waste
workers: NUM_WORKERS, //Limit to 2 for CircleCI Agent
use: {
baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080/',
headless: true,
ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
screenshot: 'only-on-failure',
trace: 'on-first-retry',
video: 'off'
projects: [
name: 'chrome',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
use: {
browserName: 'chromium'
maxFailures: MAX_FAILURES, //Limits failures to 5 to reduce CI Waste
workers: NUM_WORKERS, //Limit to 2 for CircleCI Agent
use: {
baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080/',
headless: true,
ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
screenshot: 'only-on-failure',
trace: 'on-first-retry',
video: 'off'
projects: [
name: 'chrome',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
use: {
browserName: 'chromium'
name: 'MMOC',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
viewport: {
width: 2560,
height: 1440
name: 'firefox',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'firefox'
name: 'chrome-beta', //Only Chrome Beta is available on ubuntu -- not chrome canary
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
channel: 'chrome-beta'
name: 'MMOC',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
viewport: {
width: 2560,
height: 1440
name: 'firefox',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'firefox'
name: 'chrome-beta', //Only Chrome Beta is available on ubuntu -- not chrome canary
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
channel: 'chrome-beta'
reporter: [
open: 'never',
outputFolder: '../html-test-results' //Must be in different location due to https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/12840
reporter: [
['html', {
open: 'never',
outputFolder: '../html-test-results' //Must be in different location due to https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/12840
['junit', { outputFile: '../test-results/results.xml' }],
['junit', { outputFile: '../test-results/results.xml' }],
module.exports = config;
@ -7,98 +7,101 @@ const { devices } = require('@playwright/test');
/** @type {import('@playwright/test').PlaywrightTestConfig} */
const config = {
retries: 0,
testDir: 'tests',
testIgnore: '**/*.perf.spec.js',
timeout: 30 * 1000,
webServer: {
command: 'npm run start:coverage',
url: 'http://localhost:8080/#',
timeout: 120 * 1000,
reuseExistingServer: true
retries: 0,
testDir: 'tests',
testIgnore: '**/*.perf.spec.js',
timeout: 30 * 1000,
webServer: {
command: 'npm run start:coverage',
url: 'http://localhost:8080/#',
timeout: 120 * 1000,
reuseExistingServer: true
workers: 1,
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080/',
headless: false,
ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
screenshot: 'only-on-failure',
trace: 'retain-on-failure',
video: 'off'
projects: [
name: 'chrome',
use: {
browserName: 'chromium'
workers: 1,
use: {
browserName: "chromium",
baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080/',
headless: false,
ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
screenshot: 'only-on-failure',
trace: 'retain-on-failure',
video: 'off'
projects: [
name: 'chrome',
use: {
browserName: 'chromium'
name: 'MMOC',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
viewport: {
width: 2560,
height: 1440
name: 'safari',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grep: /@ipad/, // only run ipad tests due to this bug https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/8340
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'webkit'
name: 'firefox',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'firefox'
name: 'canary',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
channel: 'chrome-canary' //Note this is not available in ubuntu/CircleCI
name: 'chrome-beta',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
channel: 'chrome-beta'
name: 'ipad',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grep: /@ipad/,
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'webkit',
...devices['iPad (gen 7) landscape'] // Complete List https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/blob/main/packages/playwright-core/src/server/deviceDescriptorsSource.json
name: 'MMOC',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
viewport: {
width: 2560,
height: 1440
reporter: [
['html', {
open: 'on-failure',
outputFolder: '../html-test-results' //Must be in different location due to https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/12840
name: 'safari',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grep: /@ipad/, // only run ipad tests due to this bug https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/8340
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'webkit'
name: 'firefox',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'firefox'
name: 'canary',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
channel: 'chrome-canary' //Note this is not available in ubuntu/CircleCI
name: 'chrome-beta',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
channel: 'chrome-beta'
name: 'ipad',
testMatch: '**/*.e2e.spec.js', // only run e2e tests
grep: /@ipad/,
grepInvert: /@snapshot/,
use: {
browserName: 'webkit',
...devices['iPad (gen 7) landscape'] // Complete List https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/blob/main/packages/playwright-core/src/server/deviceDescriptorsSource.json
reporter: [
open: 'on-failure',
outputFolder: '../html-test-results' //Must be in different location due to https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/12840
module.exports = config;
@ -6,38 +6,38 @@ const CI = process.env.CI === 'true';
/** @type {import('@playwright/test').PlaywrightTestConfig} */
const config = {
retries: 1, //Only for debugging purposes for trace: 'on-first-retry'
testDir: 'tests/performance/',
timeout: 60 * 1000,
workers: 1, //Only run in serial with 1 worker
webServer: {
command: 'npm run start', //coverage not generated
url: 'http://localhost:8080/#',
timeout: 200 * 1000,
reuseExistingServer: !CI
use: {
browserName: "chromium",
baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080/',
headless: CI, //Only if running locally
ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
screenshot: 'off',
trace: 'on-first-retry',
video: 'off'
projects: [
name: 'chrome',
use: {
browserName: 'chromium'
reporter: [
['junit', { outputFile: '../test-results/results.xml' }],
['json', { outputFile: '../test-results/results.json' }]
retries: 1, //Only for debugging purposes for trace: 'on-first-retry'
testDir: 'tests/performance/',
timeout: 60 * 1000,
workers: 1, //Only run in serial with 1 worker
webServer: {
command: 'npm run start', //coverage not generated
url: 'http://localhost:8080/#',
timeout: 200 * 1000,
reuseExistingServer: !CI
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080/',
headless: CI, //Only if running locally
ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
screenshot: 'off',
trace: 'on-first-retry',
video: 'off'
projects: [
name: 'chrome',
use: {
browserName: 'chromium'
reporter: [
['junit', { outputFile: '../test-results/results.xml' }],
['json', { outputFile: '../test-results/results.json' }]
module.exports = config;
@ -4,48 +4,51 @@
/** @type {import('@playwright/test').PlaywrightTestConfig<{ theme: string }>} */
const config = {
retries: 0, // Visual tests should never retry due to snapshot comparison errors. Leaving as a shim
testDir: 'tests/visual',
testMatch: '**/*.visual.spec.js', // only run visual tests
timeout: 60 * 1000,
workers: 1, //Lower stress on Circle CI Agent for Visual tests https://github.com/percy/cli/discussions/1067
webServer: {
command: 'npm run start:coverage',
url: 'http://localhost:8080/#',
timeout: 200 * 1000,
reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI
retries: 0, // Visual tests should never retry due to snapshot comparison errors. Leaving as a shim
testDir: 'tests/visual',
testMatch: '**/*.visual.spec.js', // only run visual tests
timeout: 60 * 1000,
workers: 1, //Lower stress on Circle CI Agent for Visual tests https://github.com/percy/cli/discussions/1067
webServer: {
command: 'npm run start:coverage',
url: 'http://localhost:8080/#',
timeout: 200 * 1000,
reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI
use: {
baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080/',
headless: true, // this needs to remain headless to avoid visual changes due to GPU rendering in headed browsers
ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
screenshot: 'only-on-failure',
trace: 'on-first-retry',
video: 'off'
projects: [
name: 'chrome',
use: {
browserName: 'chromium'
use: {
baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080/',
headless: true, // this needs to remain headless to avoid visual changes due to GPU rendering in headed browsers
ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
screenshot: 'only-on-failure',
trace: 'on-first-retry',
video: 'off'
projects: [
name: 'chrome',
use: {
browserName: 'chromium'
name: 'chrome-snow-theme', //Runs the same visual tests but with snow-theme enabled
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
theme: 'snow'
reporter: [
['junit', { outputFile: '../test-results/results.xml' }],
['html', {
open: 'on-failure',
outputFolder: '../html-test-results' //Must be in different location due to https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/12840
name: 'chrome-snow-theme', //Runs the same visual tests but with snow-theme enabled
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
theme: 'snow'
reporter: [
['junit', { outputFile: '../test-results/results.xml' }],
open: 'on-failure',
outputFolder: '../html-test-results' //Must be in different location due to https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/12840
module.exports = config;
@ -120,34 +120,31 @@ const theme = 'espresso';
* @type {string}
const myItemsFolderName = "My Items";
const myItemsFolderName = 'My Items';
exports.test = test.extend({
// This should follow in the Project's configuration. Can be set to 'snow' in playwright config.js
theme: [theme, { option: true }],
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
page: async ({ page, theme }, use, testInfo) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-conditional-in-test
if (theme === 'snow') {
//inject snow theme
await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, './helper', './useSnowTheme.js') });
// Attach info about the currently running test and its project.
// This will be used by appActions to fill in the created
// domain object's notes.
page.testNotes = [
await use(page);
myItemsFolderName: [myItemsFolderName, { option: true }],
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
openmctConfig: async ({ myItemsFolderName }, use) => {
await use({ myItemsFolderName });
// This should follow in the Project's configuration. Can be set to 'snow' in playwright config.js
theme: [theme, { option: true }],
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
page: async ({ page, theme }, use, testInfo) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-conditional-in-test
if (theme === 'snow') {
//inject snow theme
await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, './helper', './useSnowTheme.js') });
// Attach info about the currently running test and its project.
// This will be used by appActions to fill in the created
// domain object's notes.
page.testNotes = [`${testInfo.titlePath.join('\n')}`, `${testInfo.project.name}`].join('\n');
await use(page);
myItemsFolderName: [myItemsFolderName, { option: true }],
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
openmctConfig: async ({ myItemsFolderName }, use) => {
await use({ myItemsFolderName });
exports.expect = expect;
@ -157,10 +154,10 @@ exports.expect = expect;
* @return {Promise<String>} the stringified stream
exports.streamToString = async function (readable) {
let result = '';
for await (const chunk of readable) {
result += chunk;
let result = '';
for await (const chunk of readable) {
result += chunk;
return result;
return result;
@ -274,10 +274,7 @@
"id": "ac0d7eb1-b485-458f-bd2a-a63aa87a3a8a"
"layoutGrid": [
"layoutGrid": [10, 10],
"objectStyles": {
"ed63cc29-80e2-4e2b-a472-3d6d4adbf310": {
"staticStyle": {
@ -1455,9 +1452,7 @@
"id": "64e49fe7-5b36-43db-8347-4550b910de4c",
"telemetry": "any",
"operation": "greaterThan",
"input": [
"input": ["120"],
"metadata": "sin"
@ -1475,10 +1470,7 @@
"id": "59f1c4bf-5d36-450c-9668-6546955fc066",
"telemetry": "any",
"operation": "between",
"input": [
"input": ["120", "-20"],
"metadata": "sin"
@ -1496,9 +1488,7 @@
"id": "6707be12-6a6e-4535-bb97-ab5c86f99934",
"telemetry": "any",
"operation": "lessThan",
"input": [
"input": ["-20"],
"metadata": "sin"
@ -1550,9 +1540,7 @@
"id": "64e49fe7-5b36-43db-8347-4550b910de4c",
"telemetry": "any",
"operation": "greaterThan",
"input": [
"input": ["120"],
"metadata": "sin"
@ -1570,10 +1558,7 @@
"id": "59f1c4bf-5d36-450c-9668-6546955fc066",
"telemetry": "any",
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const { test, expect } = require('../../pluginFixtures.js');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults, createNotification, expandEntireTree } = require('../../appActions.js');
const {
} = require('../../appActions.js');
test.describe('AppActions', () => {
test('createDomainObjectsWithDefaults', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test('createDomainObjectsWithDefaults', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
const e2eFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'e2e folder'
await test.step('Create multiple flat objects in a row', async () => {
const timer1 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Timer',
name: 'Timer Foo',
parent: e2eFolder.uuid
const timer2 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Timer',
name: 'Timer Bar',
parent: e2eFolder.uuid
const timer3 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Timer',
name: 'Timer Baz',
parent: e2eFolder.uuid
await page.goto(timer1.url);
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toHaveText(timer1.name);
await page.goto(timer2.url);
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toHaveText(timer2.name);
await page.goto(timer3.url);
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toHaveText(timer3.name);
await test.step('Create multiple nested objects in a row', async () => {
const folder1 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Folder Foo',
parent: e2eFolder.uuid
const folder2 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Folder Bar',
parent: folder1.uuid
const folder3 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Folder Baz',
parent: folder2.uuid
await page.goto(folder1.url);
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toHaveText(folder1.name);
await page.goto(folder2.url);
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toHaveText(folder2.name);
await page.goto(folder3.url);
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toHaveText(folder3.name);
const e2eFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'e2e folder'
test("createNotification", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await createNotification(page, {
message: 'Test info notification',
severity: 'info'
await expect(page.locator('.c-message-banner__message')).toHaveText('Test info notification');
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await page.locator('[aria-label="Dismiss"]').click();
await createNotification(page, {
message: 'Test alert notification',
severity: 'alert'
await expect(page.locator('.c-message-banner__message')).toHaveText('Test alert notification');
await expect(page.locator('.c-message-banner')).toHaveClass(/alert/);
await page.locator('[aria-label="Dismiss"]').click();
await createNotification(page, {
message: 'Test error notification',
severity: 'error'
await expect(page.locator('.c-message-banner__message')).toHaveText('Test error notification');
await expect(page.locator('.c-message-banner')).toHaveClass(/error/);
await page.locator('[aria-label="Dismiss"]').click();
await test.step('Create multiple flat objects in a row', async () => {
const timer1 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Timer',
name: 'Timer Foo',
parent: e2eFolder.uuid
const timer2 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Timer',
name: 'Timer Bar',
parent: e2eFolder.uuid
const timer3 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Timer',
name: 'Timer Baz',
parent: e2eFolder.uuid
await page.goto(timer1.url);
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toHaveText(timer1.name);
await page.goto(timer2.url);
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toHaveText(timer2.name);
await page.goto(timer3.url);
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toHaveText(timer3.name);
test('expandEntireTree', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
const rootFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder'
const folder1 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
parent: rootFolder.uuid
await test.step('Create multiple nested objects in a row', async () => {
const folder1 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Folder Foo',
parent: e2eFolder.uuid
const folder2 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Folder Bar',
parent: folder1.uuid
const folder3 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Folder Baz',
parent: folder2.uuid
await page.goto(folder1.url);
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toHaveText(folder1.name);
await page.goto(folder2.url);
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toHaveText(folder2.name);
await page.goto(folder3.url);
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toHaveText(folder3.name);
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
parent: folder1.uuid
const folder2 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
parent: folder1.uuid
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
parent: folder1.uuid
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout',
parent: folder2.uuid
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
parent: folder2.uuid
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine');
await expandEntireTree(page);
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: "Main Tree"
const treePaneCollapsedItems = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', { expanded: false });
expect(await treePaneCollapsedItems.count()).toBe(0);
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine');
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
// Click the object specified by 'type'
await page.click(`li[role='menuitem']:text("Clock")`);
await expandEntireTree(page, "Create Modal Tree");
const locatorTree = page.getByRole("tree", {
name: "Create Modal Tree"
const locatorTreeCollapsedItems = locatorTree.locator('role=treeitem[expanded=false]');
expect(await locatorTreeCollapsedItems.count()).toBe(0);
test('createNotification', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await createNotification(page, {
message: 'Test info notification',
severity: 'info'
await expect(page.locator('.c-message-banner__message')).toHaveText('Test info notification');
await expect(page.locator('.c-message-banner')).toHaveClass(/info/);
await page.locator('[aria-label="Dismiss"]').click();
await createNotification(page, {
message: 'Test alert notification',
severity: 'alert'
await expect(page.locator('.c-message-banner__message')).toHaveText('Test alert notification');
await expect(page.locator('.c-message-banner')).toHaveClass(/alert/);
await page.locator('[aria-label="Dismiss"]').click();
await createNotification(page, {
message: 'Test error notification',
severity: 'error'
await expect(page.locator('.c-message-banner__message')).toHaveText('Test error notification');
await expect(page.locator('.c-message-banner')).toHaveClass(/error/);
await page.locator('[aria-label="Dismiss"]').click();
test('expandEntireTree', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
const rootFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder'
const folder1 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
parent: rootFolder.uuid
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
parent: folder1.uuid
const folder2 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
parent: folder1.uuid
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
parent: folder1.uuid
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout',
parent: folder2.uuid
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
parent: folder2.uuid
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine');
await expandEntireTree(page);
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const treePaneCollapsedItems = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', { expanded: false });
expect(await treePaneCollapsedItems.count()).toBe(0);
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine');
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
// Click the object specified by 'type'
await page.click(`li[role='menuitem']:text("Clock")`);
await expandEntireTree(page, 'Create Modal Tree');
const locatorTree = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Create Modal Tree'
const locatorTreeCollapsedItems = locatorTree.locator('role=treeitem[expanded=false]');
expect(await locatorTreeCollapsedItems.count()).toBe(0);
@ -29,27 +29,25 @@ relates to how we've extended it (i.e. ./e2e/baseFixtures.js) and assumptions ma
const { test } = require('../../baseFixtures.js');
test.describe('baseFixtures tests', () => {
test('Verify that tests fail if console.error is thrown', async ({ page }) => {
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test('Verify that tests fail if console.error is thrown', async ({ page }) => {
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//Verify that ../fixtures.js detects console log errors
await Promise.all([
page.evaluate(() => console.error('This should result in a failure')),
page.waitForEvent('console') // always wait for the event to happen while triggering it!
//Verify that ../fixtures.js detects console log errors
await Promise.all([
page.evaluate(() => console.error('This should result in a failure')),
page.waitForEvent('console') // always wait for the event to happen while triggering it!
test('Verify that tests pass if console.warn is thrown', async ({ page }) => {
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test('Verify that tests pass if console.warn is thrown', async ({ page }) => {
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//Verify that ../fixtures.js detects console log errors
await Promise.all([
page.evaluate(() => console.warn('This should result in a pass')),
page.waitForEvent('console') // always wait for the event to happen while triggering it!
//Verify that ../fixtures.js detects console log errors
await Promise.all([
page.evaluate(() => console.warn('This should result in a pass')),
page.waitForEvent('console') // always wait for the event to happen while triggering it!
@ -21,28 +21,28 @@
* This test suite template is to be used when creating new test suites. It will be kept up to date with the latest improvements
* made by the Open MCT team. It will also follow our best pratices as those evolve. Please use this structure as a _reference_ and clear
* or update any references when creating a new test suite!
* To illustrate current best practices, we've included a mocked up test suite for Renaming a Timer domain object.
* Demonstrated:
* - Using appActions to leverage existing functions
* - Structure
* - @unstable annotation
* - await, expect, test, describe syntax
* - Writing a custom function for a test suite
* - Test stub for unfinished test coverage (test.fixme)
* The structure should follow
* 1. imports
* 2. test.describe()
* 3. -> test1
* -> test2
* -> test3(stub)
* 4. Any custom functions
* This test suite template is to be used when creating new test suites. It will be kept up to date with the latest improvements
* made by the Open MCT team. It will also follow our best pratices as those evolve. Please use this structure as a _reference_ and clear
* or update any references when creating a new test suite!
* To illustrate current best practices, we've included a mocked up test suite for Renaming a Timer domain object.
* Demonstrated:
* - Using appActions to leverage existing functions
* - Structure
* - @unstable annotation
* - await, expect, test, describe syntax
* - Writing a custom function for a test suite
* - Test stub for unfinished test coverage (test.fixme)
* The structure should follow
* 1. imports
* 2. test.describe()
* 3. -> test1
* -> test2
* -> test3(stub)
* 4. Any custom functions
// Structure: Some standard Imports. Please update the required pathing.
const { test, expect } = require('../../pluginFixtures');
@ -58,63 +58,63 @@ const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require('../../appActions');
* as a part of our test promotion pipeline.
test.describe('Renaming Timer Object', () => {
// Top-level declaration of the Timer object created in beforeEach().
// We can then use this throughout the entire test suite.
let timer;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// Open a browser, navigate to the main page, and wait until all network events to resolve
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Top-level declaration of the Timer object created in beforeEach().
// We can then use this throughout the entire test suite.
let timer;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// Open a browser, navigate to the main page, and wait until all network events to resolve
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// We provide some helper functions in appActions like `createDomainObjectWithDefaults()`.
// This example will create a Timer object with default properties, under the root folder:
timer = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Timer' });
// We provide some helper functions in appActions like `createDomainObjectWithDefaults()`.
// This example will create a Timer object with default properties, under the root folder:
timer = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Timer' });
// Assert the object to be created and check its name in the title
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(timer.name);
// Assert the object to be created and check its name in the title
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(timer.name);
* Make sure to use testcase names which are descriptive and easy to understand.
* A good testcase name concisely describes the test's goal(s) and should give
* some hint as to what went wrong if the test fails.
test('An existing Timer object can be renamed via the 3dot actions menu', async ({ page }) => {
const newObjectName = "Renamed Timer";
* Make sure to use testcase names which are descriptive and easy to understand.
* A good testcase name concisely describes the test's goal(s) and should give
* some hint as to what went wrong if the test fails.
test('An existing Timer object can be renamed via the 3dot actions menu', async ({ page }) => {
const newObjectName = 'Renamed Timer';
// We've created an example of a shared function which pases the page and newObjectName values
await renameTimerFrom3DotMenu(page, timer.url, newObjectName);
// We've created an example of a shared function which pases the page and newObjectName values
await renameTimerFrom3DotMenu(page, timer.url, newObjectName);
// Assert that the name has changed in the browser bar to the value we assigned above
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(newObjectName);
// Assert that the name has changed in the browser bar to the value we assigned above
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(newObjectName);
test('An existing Timer object can be renamed twice', async ({ page }) => {
const newObjectName = "Renamed Timer";
const newObjectName2 = "Re-Renamed Timer";
test('An existing Timer object can be renamed twice', async ({ page }) => {
const newObjectName = 'Renamed Timer';
const newObjectName2 = 'Re-Renamed Timer';
await renameTimerFrom3DotMenu(page, timer.url, newObjectName);
await renameTimerFrom3DotMenu(page, timer.url, newObjectName);
// Assert that the name has changed in the browser bar to the value we assigned above
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(newObjectName);
// Assert that the name has changed in the browser bar to the value we assigned above
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(newObjectName);
// Rename the Timer object again
await renameTimerFrom3DotMenu(page, timer.url, newObjectName2);
// Rename the Timer object again
await renameTimerFrom3DotMenu(page, timer.url, newObjectName2);
// Assert that the name has changed in the browser bar to the second value
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(newObjectName2);
// Assert that the name has changed in the browser bar to the second value
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(newObjectName2);
* If you run out of time to write new tests, please stub in the missing tests
* in-place with a test.fixme and BDD-style test steps.
* Someone will carry the baton!
test.fixme('Can Rename Timer Object from Tree', async ({ page }) => {
//Create a new object
//Copy this object
//Delete first object
//Expect copied object to persist
* If you run out of time to write new tests, please stub in the missing tests
* in-place with a test.fixme and BDD-style test steps.
* Someone will carry the baton!
test.fixme('Can Rename Timer Object from Tree', async ({ page }) => {
//Create a new object
//Copy this object
//Delete first object
//Expect copied object to persist
@ -131,18 +131,18 @@ test.describe('Renaming Timer Object', () => {
* @param {string} newNameForTimer New name for object
async function renameTimerFrom3DotMenu(page, timerUrl, newNameForTimer) {
// Navigate to the timer object
await page.goto(timerUrl);
// Navigate to the timer object
await page.goto(timerUrl);
// Click on 3 Dot Menu
await page.locator('button[title="More options"]').click();
// Click on 3 Dot Menu
await page.locator('button[title="More options"]').click();
// Click text=Edit Properties...
await page.locator('text=Edit Properties...').click();
// Click text=Edit Properties...
await page.locator('text=Edit Properties...').click();
// Rename the timer object
await page.locator('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]').fill(newNameForTimer);
// Rename the timer object
await page.locator('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]').fill(newNameForTimer);
// Click Ok button to Save
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
// Click Ok button to Save
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
@ -35,30 +35,30 @@ const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require('../../appActions.js');
const { test, expect } = require('../../pluginFixtures.js');
test('Generate Visual Test Data @localStorage', async ({ page, context }) => {
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Overlay Plot' });
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Overlay Plot' });
// click create button
await page.locator('button:has-text("Create")').click();
// click create button
await page.locator('button:has-text("Create")').click();
// add sine wave generator with defaults
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Sine Wave Generator")').click();
// add sine wave generator with defaults
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Sine Wave Generator")').click();
//Add a 5000 ms Delay
await page.locator('[aria-label="Loading Delay \\(ms\\)"]').fill('5000');
//Add a 5000 ms Delay
await page.locator('[aria-label="Loading Delay \\(ms\\)"]').fill('5000');
await Promise.all([
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
await Promise.all([
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
// focus the overlay plot
await page.goto(overlayPlot.url);
// focus the overlay plot
await page.goto(overlayPlot.url);
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(overlayPlot.name);
//Save localStorage for future test execution
await context.storageState({ path: './e2e/test-data/VisualTestData_storage.json' });
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(overlayPlot.name);
//Save localStorage for future test execution
await context.storageState({ path: './e2e/test-data/VisualTestData_storage.json' });
@ -29,18 +29,16 @@ const { test } = require('../../pluginFixtures.js');
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-skipped-test
test.describe.skip('pluginFixtures tests', () => {
// test.use({ domainObjectName: 'Timer' });
// let timerUUID;
// test('Creates a timer object @framework @unstable', ({ domainObject }) => {
// const { uuid } = domainObject;
// const uuidRegexp = /[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}/;
// expect(uuid).toMatch(uuidRegexp);
// timerUUID = uuid;
// });
// test('Provides same uuid for subsequent uses of the same object @framework', ({ domainObject }) => {
// const { uuid } = domainObject;
// expect(uuid).toEqual(timerUUID);
// });
// test.use({ domainObjectName: 'Timer' });
// let timerUUID;
// test('Creates a timer object @framework @unstable', ({ domainObject }) => {
// const { uuid } = domainObject;
// const uuidRegexp = /[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}/;
// expect(uuid).toMatch(uuidRegexp);
// timerUUID = uuid;
// });
// test('Provides same uuid for subsequent uses of the same object @framework', ({ domainObject }) => {
// const { uuid } = domainObject;
// expect(uuid).toEqual(timerUUID);
// });
@ -21,16 +21,15 @@
* This test suite template is to be used when verifying Test Data files found in /e2e/test-data/
* This test suite template is to be used when verifying Test Data files found in /e2e/test-data/
const { test } = require('../../baseFixtures');
test.describe('recycled_local_storage @localStorage', () => {
//We may want to do some additional level of verification of this file. For now, we just verify that it exists and can be used in a test suite.
test.use({ storageState: './e2e/test-data/recycled_local_storage.json' });
test('Can use recycled_local_storage file', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//We may want to do some additional level of verification of this file. For now, we just verify that it exists and can be used in a test suite.
test.use({ storageState: './e2e/test-data/recycled_local_storage.json' });
test('Can use recycled_local_storage file', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
@ -27,37 +27,39 @@ This test suite is dedicated to tests which verify branding related components.
const { test, expect } = require('../../baseFixtures.js');
test.describe('Branding tests', () => {
test('About Modal launches with basic branding properties', async ({ page }) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test('About Modal launches with basic branding properties', async ({ page }) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Click About button
await page.click('.l-shell__app-logo');
// Click About button
await page.click('.l-shell__app-logo');
// Verify that the NASA Logo Appears
await expect(page.locator('.c-about__image')).toBeVisible();
// Verify that the NASA Logo Appears
await expect(page.locator('.c-about__image')).toBeVisible();
// Modify the Build information in 'about' Modal
const versionInformationLocator = page.locator('ul.t-info.l-info.s-info').first();
await expect(versionInformationLocator).toBeEnabled();
await expect.soft(versionInformationLocator).toContainText(/Version: \d/);
await expect.soft(versionInformationLocator).toContainText(/Build Date: ((?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun))/);
await expect.soft(versionInformationLocator).toContainText(/Revision: \b[0-9a-f]{5,40}\b/);
await expect.soft(versionInformationLocator).toContainText(/Branch: ./);
test('Verify Links in About Modal @2p', async ({ page }) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Modify the Build information in 'about' Modal
const versionInformationLocator = page.locator('ul.t-info.l-info.s-info').first();
await expect(versionInformationLocator).toBeEnabled();
await expect.soft(versionInformationLocator).toContainText(/Version: \d/);
await expect
.toContainText(/Build Date: ((?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun))/);
await expect.soft(versionInformationLocator).toContainText(/Revision: \b[0-9a-f]{5,40}\b/);
await expect.soft(versionInformationLocator).toContainText(/Branch: ./);
test('Verify Links in About Modal @2p', async ({ page }) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Click About button
await page.click('.l-shell__app-logo');
// Click About button
await page.click('.l-shell__app-logo');
// Verify that clicking on the third party licenses information opens up another tab on licenses url
const [page2] = await Promise.all([
page.locator('text=click here for third party licensing information').click()
await page2.waitForLoadState('networkidle'); //Avoids timing issues with juggler/firefox
// Verify that clicking on the third party licenses information opens up another tab on licenses url
const [page2] = await Promise.all([
page.locator('text=click here for third party licensing information').click()
await page2.waitForLoadState('networkidle'); //Avoids timing issues with juggler/firefox
@ -21,91 +21,98 @@
* This test suite is meant to be executed against a couchdb container. More doc to come
* This test suite is meant to be executed against a couchdb container. More doc to come
const { test, expect } = require('../../pluginFixtures');
test.describe("CouchDB Status Indicator with mocked responses @couchdb", () => {
test.use({ failOnConsoleError: false });
//TODO BeforeAll Verify CouchDB Connectivity with APIContext
test('Shows green if connected', async ({ page }) => {
await page.route('**/openmct/mine', route => {
status: 200,
contentType: 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({})
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine?hideTree=true&hideInspector=true', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
await expect(page.locator('div:has-text("CouchDB is connected")').nth(3)).toBeVisible();
test.describe('CouchDB Status Indicator with mocked responses @couchdb', () => {
test.use({ failOnConsoleError: false });
//TODO BeforeAll Verify CouchDB Connectivity with APIContext
test('Shows green if connected', async ({ page }) => {
await page.route('**/openmct/mine', (route) => {
status: 200,
contentType: 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({})
test('Shows red if not connected', async ({ page }) => {
await page.route('**/openmct/**', route => {
status: 503,
contentType: 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({})
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine?hideTree=true&hideInspector=true', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
await expect(page.locator('div:has-text("CouchDB is offline")').nth(3)).toBeVisible();
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine?hideTree=true&hideInspector=true', {
waitUntil: 'networkidle'
await expect(page.locator('div:has-text("CouchDB is connected")').nth(3)).toBeVisible();
test('Shows red if not connected', async ({ page }) => {
await page.route('**/openmct/**', (route) => {
status: 503,
contentType: 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({})
test('Shows unknown if it receives an unexpected response code', async ({ page }) => {
await page.route('**/openmct/mine', route => {
status: 418,
contentType: 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({})
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine?hideTree=true&hideInspector=true', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
await expect(page.locator('div:has-text("CouchDB connectivity unknown")').nth(3)).toBeVisible();
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine?hideTree=true&hideInspector=true', {
waitUntil: 'networkidle'
await expect(page.locator('div:has-text("CouchDB is offline")').nth(3)).toBeVisible();
test('Shows unknown if it receives an unexpected response code', async ({ page }) => {
await page.route('**/openmct/mine', (route) => {
status: 418,
contentType: 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({})
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine?hideTree=true&hideInspector=true', {
waitUntil: 'networkidle'
await expect(page.locator('div:has-text("CouchDB connectivity unknown")').nth(3)).toBeVisible();
test.describe("CouchDB initialization with mocked responses @couchdb", () => {
test.use({ failOnConsoleError: false });
test("'My Items' folder is created if it doesn't exist", async ({ page }) => {
const mockedMissingObjectResponsefromCouchDB = {
status: 404,
contentType: 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({})
test.describe('CouchDB initialization with mocked responses @couchdb', () => {
test.use({ failOnConsoleError: false });
test("'My Items' folder is created if it doesn't exist", async ({ page }) => {
const mockedMissingObjectResponsefromCouchDB = {
status: 404,
contentType: 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({})
// Override the first request to GET openmct/mine to return a 404.
// This simulates the case of starting Open MCT with a fresh database
// and no "My Items" folder created yet.
await page.route('**/mine', route => {
}, { times: 1 });
// Override the first request to GET openmct/mine to return a 404.
// This simulates the case of starting Open MCT with a fresh database
// and no "My Items" folder created yet.
await page.route(
(route) => {
{ times: 1 }
// Set up promise to verify that a PUT request to create "My Items"
// folder was made.
const putMineFolderRequest = page.waitForRequest(req =>
&& req.method() === 'PUT');
// Set up promise to verify that a PUT request to create "My Items"
// folder was made.
const putMineFolderRequest = page.waitForRequest(
(req) => req.url().endsWith('/mine') && req.method() === 'PUT'
// Set up promise to verify that a GET request to retrieve "My Items"
// folder was made.
const getMineFolderRequest = page.waitForRequest(req =>
&& req.method() === 'GET');
// Set up promise to verify that a GET request to retrieve "My Items"
// folder was made.
const getMineFolderRequest = page.waitForRequest(
(req) => req.url().endsWith('/mine') && req.method() === 'GET'
// Go to baseURL.
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Go to baseURL.
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Wait for both requests to resolve.
await Promise.all([
// Wait for both requests to resolve.
await Promise.all([putMineFolderRequest, getMineFolderRequest]);
@ -28,32 +28,31 @@ const { test, expect } = require('../../../pluginFixtures');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require('../../../appActions');
test.describe('Example Event Generator CRUD Operations', () => {
test('Can create a Test Event Generator and it results in the table View', async ({ page }) => {
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test('Can create a Test Event Generator and it results in the table View', async ({ page }) => {
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//Create a name for the object
const newObjectName = 'Test Event Generator';
//Create a name for the object
const newObjectName = 'Test Event Generator';
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Event Message Generator',
name: newObjectName
//Assertions against newly created object which define standard behavior
await expect(page.waitForURL(/.*&view=table/)).toBeTruthy();
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(newObjectName);
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Event Message Generator',
name: newObjectName
//Assertions against newly created object which define standard behavior
await expect(page.waitForURL(/.*&view=table/)).toBeTruthy();
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(newObjectName);
test.describe('Example Event Generator Telemetry Event Verficiation', () => {
test.fixme('telemetry is coming in for test event', async ({ page }) => {
test.fixme('telemetry is coming in for test event', async ({ page }) => {
// Go to object created in step one
// Verify the telemetry table is filled with > 1 row
test.fixme('telemetry is sorted by time ascending', async ({ page }) => {
test.fixme('telemetry is sorted by time ascending', async ({ page }) => {
// Go to object created in step one
// Verify the telemetry table has a class with "is-sorting asc"
@ -27,93 +27,113 @@ This test suite is dedicated to tests which verify the basic operations surround
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../baseFixtures');
test.describe('Sine Wave Generator', () => {
test('Create new Sine Wave Generator Object and validate create Form Logic', async ({ page, browserName }) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-skipped-test
test.skip(browserName === 'firefox', 'This test needs to be updated to work with firefox');
test('Create new Sine Wave Generator Object and validate create Form Logic', async ({
}) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-skipped-test
test.skip(browserName === 'firefox', 'This test needs to be updated to work with firefox');
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
// Click Sine Wave Generator
await page.click('text=Sine Wave Generator');
// Click Sine Wave Generator
await page.click('text=Sine Wave Generator');
// Verify that the each required field has required indicator
// Title
await expect(page.locator('.c-form-row__state-indicator').first()).toHaveClass(/req/);
// Verify that the each required field has required indicator
// Title
await expect(page.locator('.c-form-row__state-indicator').first()).toHaveClass(/req/);
// Verify that the Notes row does not have a required indicator
await expect(page.locator('.c-form__section div:nth-child(3) .form-row .c-form-row__state-indicator')).not.toContain('.req');
await page.locator('textarea[type="text"]').fill('Optional Note Text');
// Verify that the Notes row does not have a required indicator
await expect(
page.locator('.c-form__section div:nth-child(3) .form-row .c-form-row__state-indicator')
await page.locator('textarea[type="text"]').fill('Optional Note Text');
// Period
await expect(page.locator('div:nth-child(4) .c-form-row__state-indicator')).toHaveClass(/req/);
// Period
await expect(page.locator('div:nth-child(4) .c-form-row__state-indicator')).toHaveClass(/req/);
// Amplitude
await expect(page.locator('div:nth-child(5) .c-form-row__state-indicator')).toHaveClass(/req/);
// Amplitude
await expect(page.locator('div:nth-child(5) .c-form-row__state-indicator')).toHaveClass(/req/);
// Offset
await expect(page.locator('div:nth-child(6) .c-form-row__state-indicator')).toHaveClass(/req/);
// Offset
await expect(page.locator('div:nth-child(6) .c-form-row__state-indicator')).toHaveClass(/req/);
// Data Rate
await expect(page.locator('div:nth-child(7) .c-form-row__state-indicator')).toHaveClass(/req/);
// Data Rate
await expect(page.locator('div:nth-child(7) .c-form-row__state-indicator')).toHaveClass(/req/);
// Phase
await expect(page.locator('div:nth-child(8) .c-form-row__state-indicator')).toHaveClass(/req/);
// Phase
await expect(page.locator('div:nth-child(8) .c-form-row__state-indicator')).toHaveClass(/req/);
// Randomness
await expect(page.locator('div:nth-child(9) .c-form-row__state-indicator')).toHaveClass(/req/);
// Randomness
await expect(page.locator('div:nth-child(9) .c-form-row__state-indicator')).toHaveClass(/req/);
// Verify that by removing value from required text field shows invalid indicator
await page.locator('text=Properties Title Notes Period Amplitude Offset Data Rate (hz) Phase (radians) Ra >> input[type="text"]').fill('');
await expect(page.locator('.c-form-row__state-indicator').first()).toHaveClass(/invalid/);
// Verify that by removing value from required text field shows invalid indicator
await page
'text=Properties Title Notes Period Amplitude Offset Data Rate (hz) Phase (radians) Ra >> input[type="text"]'
await expect(page.locator('.c-form-row__state-indicator').first()).toHaveClass(/invalid/);
// Verify that by adding value to empty required text field changes invalid to valid indicator
await page.locator('text=Properties Title Notes Period Amplitude Offset Data Rate (hz) Phase (radians) Ra >> input[type="text"]').fill('New Sine Wave Generator');
await expect(page.locator('.c-form-row__state-indicator').first()).toHaveClass(/valid/);
// Verify that by adding value to empty required text field changes invalid to valid indicator
await page
'text=Properties Title Notes Period Amplitude Offset Data Rate (hz) Phase (radians) Ra >> input[type="text"]'
.fill('New Sine Wave Generator');
await expect(page.locator('.c-form-row__state-indicator').first()).toHaveClass(/valid/);
// Verify that by removing value from required number field shows invalid indicator
await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().fill('');
await expect(page.locator('div:nth-child(4) .c-form-row__state-indicator')).toHaveClass(/invalid/);
// Verify that by removing value from required number field shows invalid indicator
await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().fill('');
await expect(page.locator('div:nth-child(4) .c-form-row__state-indicator')).toHaveClass(
// Verify that by adding value to empty required number field changes invalid to valid indicator
await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().fill('3');
await expect(page.locator('div:nth-child(4) .c-form-row__state-indicator')).toHaveClass(/valid/);
// Verify that by adding value to empty required number field changes invalid to valid indicator
await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().fill('3');
await expect(page.locator('div:nth-child(4) .c-form-row__state-indicator')).toHaveClass(
// Verify that can change value of number field by up/down arrows keys
// Click .field.control.l-input-sm input >> nth=0
await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().click();
// Press ArrowUp 3 times to change value from 3 to 6
await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().press('ArrowUp');
await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().press('ArrowUp');
await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().press('ArrowUp');
// Verify that can change value of number field by up/down arrows keys
// Click .field.control.l-input-sm input >> nth=0
await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().click();
// Press ArrowUp 3 times to change value from 3 to 6
await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().press('ArrowUp');
await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().press('ArrowUp');
await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().press('ArrowUp');
const value = await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().inputValue();
await expect(value).toBe('6');
const value = await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().inputValue();
await expect(value).toBe('6');
//Click text=OK
await Promise.all([
//Click text=OK
await Promise.all([page.waitForNavigation(), page.click('button:has-text("OK")')]);
// Verify that the Sine Wave Generator is displayed and correct
// Verify object properties
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText('New Sine Wave Generator');
// Verify that the Sine Wave Generator is displayed and correct
// Verify object properties
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(
'New Sine Wave Generator'
// Verify canvas rendered and can be interacted with
await page.locator('canvas').nth(1).click({
position: {
x: 341,
y: 28
// Verify canvas rendered and can be interacted with
await page
position: {
x: 341,
y: 28
// Verify that where we click on canvas shows the number we clicked on
// Note that any number will do, we just care that a number exists
await expect(page.locator('.value-to-display-nearestValue')).toContainText(/[+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+/);
// Verify that where we click on canvas shows the number we clicked on
// Note that any number will do, we just care that a number exists
await expect(page.locator('.value-to-display-nearestValue')).toContainText(
@ -34,249 +34,265 @@ const jsonFilePath = 'e2e/test-data/ExampleLayouts.json';
const imageFilePath = 'e2e/test-data/rick.jpg';
test.describe('Form Validation Behavior', () => {
test('Required Field indicators appear if title is empty and can be corrected', async ({ page }) => {
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test('Required Field indicators appear if title is empty and can be corrected', async ({
}) => {
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
await page.click(':nth-match(:text("Folder"), 2)');
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
await page.click(':nth-match(:text("Folder"), 2)');
// Fill in empty string into title and trigger validation with 'Tab'
await page.click('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]');
await page.fill('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]', '');
await page.press('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]', 'Tab');
// Fill in empty string into title and trigger validation with 'Tab'
await page.click('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]');
await page.fill('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]', '');
await page.press('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]', 'Tab');
//Required Field Form Validation
await expect(page.locator('button:has-text("OK")')).toBeDisabled();
await expect(page.locator('.c-form-row__state-indicator').first()).toHaveClass(/invalid/);
//Required Field Form Validation
await expect(page.locator('button:has-text("OK")')).toBeDisabled();
await expect(page.locator('.c-form-row__state-indicator').first()).toHaveClass(/invalid/);
//Correct Form Validation for missing title and trigger validation with 'Tab'
await page.click('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]');
await page.fill('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]', TEST_FOLDER);
await page.press('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]', 'Tab');
//Correct Form Validation for missing title and trigger validation with 'Tab'
await page.click('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]');
await page.fill('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]', TEST_FOLDER);
await page.press('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]', 'Tab');
//Required Field Form Validation is corrected
await expect(page.locator('button:has-text("OK")')).toBeEnabled();
await expect(page.locator('.c-form-row__state-indicator').first()).not.toHaveClass(/invalid/);
//Required Field Form Validation is corrected
await expect(page.locator('button:has-text("OK")')).toBeEnabled();
await expect(page.locator('.c-form-row__state-indicator').first()).not.toHaveClass(/invalid/);
//Finish Creating Domain Object
await Promise.all([
//Finish Creating Domain Object
await Promise.all([page.waitForNavigation(), page.click('button:has-text("OK")')]);
//Verify that the Domain Object has been created with the corrected title property
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(TEST_FOLDER);
//Verify that the Domain Object has been created with the corrected title property
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(TEST_FOLDER);
test.describe('Form File Input Behavior', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, '../../helper', 'addInitFileInputObject.js') });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.addInitScript({
path: path.join(__dirname, '../../helper', 'addInitFileInputObject.js')
test('Can select a JSON file type', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test('Can select a JSON file type', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await page.getByRole('button', { name: ' Create ' }).click();
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'JSON File Input Object' }).click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: ' Create ' }).click();
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'JSON File Input Object' }).click();
await page.setInputFiles('#fileElem', jsonFilePath);
await page.setInputFiles('#fileElem', jsonFilePath);
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
const type = await page.locator('#file-input-type').textContent();
await expect(type).toBe(`"string"`);
const type = await page.locator('#file-input-type').textContent();
await expect(type).toBe(`"string"`);
test('Can select an image file type', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test('Can select an image file type', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await page.getByRole('button', { name: ' Create ' }).click();
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'Image File Input Object' }).click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: ' Create ' }).click();
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'Image File Input Object' }).click();
await page.setInputFiles('#fileElem', imageFilePath);
await page.setInputFiles('#fileElem', imageFilePath);
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
const type = await page.locator('#file-input-type').textContent();
await expect(type).toBe(`"object"`);
const type = await page.locator('#file-input-type').textContent();
await expect(type).toBe(`"object"`);
test.describe('Persistence operations @addInit', () => {
// add non persistable root item
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, '../../helper', 'addNoneditableObject.js') });
// add non persistable root item
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.addInitScript({
path: path.join(__dirname, '../../helper', 'addNoneditableObject.js')
test('Persistability should be respected in the create form location field', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/4323'
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
await page.click('text=Condition Set');
await page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] >> text=Persistence Testing').click();
const okButton = page.locator('button:has-text("OK")');
await expect(okButton).toBeDisabled();
test('Persistability should be respected in the create form location field', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/4323'
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
await page.click('text=Condition Set');
await page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] >> text=Persistence Testing').click();
const okButton = page.locator('button:has-text("OK")');
await expect(okButton).toBeDisabled();
test.describe('Persistence operations @couchdb', () => {
test.use({ failOnConsoleError: false });
test('Editing object properties should generate a single persistence operation', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5616'
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Create a new 'Clock' object with default settings
const clock = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock'
// Count all persistence operations (PUT requests) for this specific object
let putRequestCount = 0;
page.on('request', req => {
if (req.method() === 'PUT' && req.url().endsWith(clock.uuid)) {
putRequestCount += 1;
// Open the edit form for the clock object
await page.click('button[title="More options"]');
await page.click('li[title="Edit properties of this object."]');
// Modify the display format from default 12hr -> 24hr and click 'Save'
await page.locator('select[aria-label="12 or 24 hour clock"]').selectOption({ value: 'clock24' });
await page.click('button[aria-label="Save"]');
await expect.poll(() => putRequestCount, {
message: 'Verify a single PUT request was made to persist the object',
timeout: 1000
test.use({ failOnConsoleError: false });
test('Editing object properties should generate a single persistence operation', async ({
}) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5616'
test('Can create an object after a conflict error @couchdb @2p', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5982'
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
// Instantiate a second page/tab
const page2 = await page.context().newPage();
// Both pages: Go to baseURL
await Promise.all([
page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' }),
page2.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' })
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//Slow down the test a bit
await expect(page.getByRole('treeitem', { name: ` ${myItemsFolderName}` })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page2.getByRole('treeitem', { name: ` ${myItemsFolderName}` })).toBeVisible();
// Both pages: Click the Create button
await Promise.all([
// Both pages: Click "Clock" in the Create menu
await Promise.all([
// Generate unique names for both objects
const nameInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] .first input[type="text"]');
const nameInput2 = page2.locator('form[name="mctForm"] .first input[type="text"]');
// Both pages: Fill in the 'Name' form field.
await Promise.all([
// Both pages: Fill the "Notes" section with information about the
// currently running test and its project.
const testNotes = page.testNotes;
const notesInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] #notes-textarea');
const notesInput2 = page2.locator('form[name="mctForm"] #notes-textarea');
await Promise.all([
// Page 2: Click "OK" to create the domain object and wait for navigation.
// This will update the composition of the parent folder, setting the
// conditions for a conflict error from the first page.
await Promise.all([
// Wait for Save Banner to appear
// Close Page 2, we're done with it.
await page2.close();
// Page 1: Click "OK" to create the domain object and wait for navigation.
// This will trigger a conflict error upon attempting to update
// the composition of the parent folder.
await Promise.all([
// Wait for Save Banner to appear
// Page 1: Verify that the conflict has occurred and an error notification is displayed.
await expect(page.locator('.c-message-banner__message', {
hasText: "Conflict detected while saving mine"
// Page 1: Start logging console errors from this point on
let errors = [];
page.on('console', (msg) => {
if (msg.type() === 'error') {
// Page 1: Try to create a clock with the page that received the conflict.
const clockAfterConflict = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock'
// Page 1: Wait for save progress dialog to appear/disappear
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__message', {
hasText: 'Do not navigate away from this page or close this browser tab while this message is displayed.',
state: 'visible'
}).waitFor({ state: 'hidden' });
// Page 1: Navigate to 'My Items' and verify that the second clock was created
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine');
await expect(page.locator(`.c-grid-item__name[title="${clockAfterConflict.name}"]`)).toBeVisible();
// Verify no console errors occurred
// Create a new 'Clock' object with default settings
const clock = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock'
// Count all persistence operations (PUT requests) for this specific object
let putRequestCount = 0;
page.on('request', (req) => {
if (req.method() === 'PUT' && req.url().endsWith(clock.uuid)) {
putRequestCount += 1;
// Open the edit form for the clock object
await page.click('button[title="More options"]');
await page.click('li[title="Edit properties of this object."]');
// Modify the display format from default 12hr -> 24hr and click 'Save'
await page
.locator('select[aria-label="12 or 24 hour clock"]')
.selectOption({ value: 'clock24' });
await page.click('button[aria-label="Save"]');
await expect
.poll(() => putRequestCount, {
message: 'Verify a single PUT request was made to persist the object',
timeout: 1000
test('Can create an object after a conflict error @couchdb @2p', async ({
}) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5982'
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
// Instantiate a second page/tab
const page2 = await page.context().newPage();
// Both pages: Go to baseURL
await Promise.all([
page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' }),
page2.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' })
//Slow down the test a bit
await expect(page.getByRole('treeitem', { name: ` ${myItemsFolderName}` })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page2.getByRole('treeitem', { name: ` ${myItemsFolderName}` })).toBeVisible();
// Both pages: Click the Create button
await Promise.all([
// Both pages: Click "Clock" in the Create menu
await Promise.all([
// Generate unique names for both objects
const nameInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] .first input[type="text"]');
const nameInput2 = page2.locator('form[name="mctForm"] .first input[type="text"]');
// Both pages: Fill in the 'Name' form field.
await Promise.all([
// Both pages: Fill the "Notes" section with information about the
// currently running test and its project.
const testNotes = page.testNotes;
const notesInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] #notes-textarea');
const notesInput2 = page2.locator('form[name="mctForm"] #notes-textarea');
await Promise.all([notesInput.fill(testNotes), notesInput2.fill(testNotes)]);
// Page 2: Click "OK" to create the domain object and wait for navigation.
// This will update the composition of the parent folder, setting the
// conditions for a conflict error from the first page.
await Promise.all([
// Wait for Save Banner to appear
// Close Page 2, we're done with it.
await page2.close();
// Page 1: Click "OK" to create the domain object and wait for navigation.
// This will trigger a conflict error upon attempting to update
// the composition of the parent folder.
await Promise.all([
// Wait for Save Banner to appear
// Page 1: Verify that the conflict has occurred and an error notification is displayed.
await expect(
page.locator('.c-message-banner__message', {
hasText: 'Conflict detected while saving mine'
// Page 1: Start logging console errors from this point on
let errors = [];
page.on('console', (msg) => {
if (msg.type() === 'error') {
// Page 1: Try to create a clock with the page that received the conflict.
const clockAfterConflict = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock'
// Page 1: Wait for save progress dialog to appear/disappear
await page
.locator('.c-message-banner__message', {
'Do not navigate away from this page or close this browser tab while this message is displayed.',
state: 'visible'
.waitFor({ state: 'hidden' });
// Page 1: Navigate to 'My Items' and verify that the second clock was created
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine');
await expect(
// Verify no console errors occurred
test.describe('Form Correctness by Object Type', () => {
test.fixme('Verify correct behavior of number object (SWG)', async ({page}) => {});
test.fixme('Verify correct behavior of number object Timer', async ({page}) => {});
test.fixme('Verify correct behavior of number object Plan View', async ({page}) => {});
test.fixme('Verify correct behavior of number object Clock', async ({page}) => {});
test.fixme('Verify correct behavior of number object Hyperlink', async ({page}) => {});
test.fixme('Verify correct behavior of number object (SWG)', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Verify correct behavior of number object Timer', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Verify correct behavior of number object Plan View', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Verify correct behavior of number object Clock', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Verify correct behavior of number object Hyperlink', async ({ page }) => {});
@ -29,21 +29,31 @@ const { test, expect } = require('../../baseFixtures.js');
const path = require('path');
test.describe('Persistence operations @addInit', () => {
// add non persistable root item
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, '../../helper', 'addNoneditableObject.js') });
// add non persistable root item
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.addInitScript({
path: path.join(__dirname, '../../helper', 'addNoneditableObject.js')
test('Non-persistable objects should not show persistence related actions', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await page.locator('text=Persistence Testing').first().click({
button: 'right'
test('Non-persistable objects should not show persistence related actions', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
const menuOptions = page.locator('.c-menu li');
await page.locator('text=Persistence Testing').first().click({
button: 'right'
const menuOptions = page.locator('.c-menu li');
await expect.soft(menuOptions).toContainText(['Open In New Tab', 'View', 'Create Link']);
await expect(menuOptions).not.toContainText(['Move', 'Duplicate', 'Remove', 'Add New Folder', 'Edit Properties...', 'Export as JSON', 'Import from JSON']);
await expect.soft(menuOptions).toContainText(['Open In New Tab', 'View', 'Create Link']);
await expect(menuOptions).not.toContainText([
'Add New Folder',
'Edit Properties...',
'Export as JSON',
'Import from JSON'
@ -1,276 +1,303 @@
* Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2023, United States Government
* as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
* Administration. All rights reserved.
* Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source
* licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
* this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
* at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
This test suite is dedicated to tests which verify the basic operations surrounding moving & linking objects.
const { test, expect } = require('../../pluginFixtures');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require('../../appActions');
test.describe('Move & link item tests', () => {
test('Create a basic object and verify that it can be moved to another folder', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
// Go to Open MCT
await page.goto('./');
const parentFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Parent Folder'
const childFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Child Folder',
parent: parentFolder.uuid
const grandchildFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Grandchild Folder',
parent: childFolder.uuid
// Attempt to move parent to its own grandparent
await page.locator('button[title="Show selected item in tree"]').click();
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
await treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: 'Parent Folder'
button: 'right'
await page.getByRole('menuitem', {
name: /Move/
const createModalTree = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: "Create Modal Tree"
const myItemsLocatorTreeItem = createModalTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: myItemsFolderName
await myItemsLocatorTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await myItemsLocatorTreeItem.click();
const parentFolderLocatorTreeItem = createModalTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: parentFolder.name
await parentFolderLocatorTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await parentFolderLocatorTreeItem.click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]')).toBeDisabled();
const childFolderLocatorTreeItem = createModalTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(childFolder.name)
await childFolderLocatorTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await childFolderLocatorTreeItem.click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]')).toBeDisabled();
const grandchildFolderLocatorTreeItem = createModalTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: grandchildFolder.name
await grandchildFolderLocatorTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await grandchildFolderLocatorTreeItem.click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]')).toBeDisabled();
await parentFolderLocatorTreeItem.click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]')).toBeDisabled();
await page.locator('[aria-label="Cancel"]').click();
// Move Child Folder from Parent Folder to My Items
await treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(childFolder.name)
button: 'right'
await page.getByRole('menuitem', {
name: /Move/
await myItemsLocatorTreeItem.click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]').click();
const myItemsPaneTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: myItemsFolderName
// Expect that Child Folder is in My Items, the root folder
expect(myItemsPaneTreeItem.locator('nth=0:has(text=Child Folder)')).toBeTruthy();
test('Create a basic object and verify that it cannot be moved to telemetry object without Composition Provider', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
// Go to Open MCT
await page.goto('./');
// Create Telemetry Table
let telemetryTable = 'Test Telemetry Table';
await page.locator('button:has-text("Create")').click();
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Telemetry Table")').click();
await page.locator('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]').fill(telemetryTable);
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
// Finish editing and save Telemetry Table
await page.locator('.c-button--menu.c-button--major.icon-save').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// Create New Folder Basic Domain Object
let folder = 'Test Folder';
await page.locator('button:has-text("Create")').click();
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Folder")').click();
await page.locator('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]').fill(folder);
// See if it's possible to put the folder in the Telemetry object during creation (Soft Assert)
await page.locator(`form[name="mctForm"] >> text=${telemetryTable}`).click();
let okButton = page.locator('button.c-button.c-button--major:has-text("OK")');
let okButtonStateDisabled = await okButton.isDisabled();
// Continue test regardless of assertion and create it in My Items
await page.locator(`form[name="mctForm"] >> text=${myItemsFolderName}`).click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
// Open My Items
await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span`).nth(3).click();
// Select Folder Object and select Move from context menu
await Promise.all([
await page.locator('.c-tree__item.is-navigated-object .c-tree__item__label .c-tree__item__type-icon').click({
button: 'right'
await page.locator('li.icon-move').click();
// See if it's possible to put the folder in the Telemetry object after creation
await page.locator(`text=Location Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span`).nth(3).click();
await page.locator(`form[name="mctForm"] >> text=${telemetryTable}`).click();
let okButton2 = page.locator('button.c-button.c-button--major:has-text("OK")');
let okButtonStateDisabled2 = await okButton2.isDisabled();
test('Create a basic object and verify that it can be linked to another folder', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
// Go to Open MCT
await page.goto('./');
const parentFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Parent Folder'
const childFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Child Folder',
parent: parentFolder.uuid
const grandchildFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Grandchild Folder',
parent: childFolder.uuid
// Attempt to move parent to its own grandparent
await page.locator('button[title="Show selected item in tree"]').click();
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
await treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: 'Parent Folder'
button: 'right'
await page.getByRole('menuitem', {
name: /Move/
const createModalTree = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: "Create Modal Tree"
const myItemsLocatorTreeItem = createModalTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: myItemsFolderName
await myItemsLocatorTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await myItemsLocatorTreeItem.click();
const parentFolderLocatorTreeItem = createModalTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: parentFolder.name
await parentFolderLocatorTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await parentFolderLocatorTreeItem.click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]')).toBeDisabled();
const childFolderLocatorTreeItem = createModalTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(childFolder.name)
await childFolderLocatorTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await childFolderLocatorTreeItem.click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]')).toBeDisabled();
const grandchildFolderLocatorTreeItem = createModalTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: grandchildFolder.name
await grandchildFolderLocatorTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await grandchildFolderLocatorTreeItem.click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]')).toBeDisabled();
await parentFolderLocatorTreeItem.click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]')).toBeDisabled();
await page.locator('[aria-label="Cancel"]').click();
// Move Child Folder from Parent Folder to My Items
await treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(childFolder.name)
button: 'right'
await page.getByRole('menuitem', {
name: /Link/
await myItemsLocatorTreeItem.click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]').click();
const myItemsPaneTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: myItemsFolderName
// Expect that Child Folder is in My Items, the root folder
expect(myItemsPaneTreeItem.locator('nth=0:has(text=Child Folder)')).toBeTruthy();
test.fixme('Cannot move a previously created domain object to non-peristable object in Move Modal', async ({ page }) => {
//Create a domain object
//Save Domain object
//Move Object and verify that cannot select non-persistable object
//Move Object to My Items
//Verify successful move
* Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2023, United States Government
* as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
* Administration. All rights reserved.
* Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source
* licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
* this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
* at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
This test suite is dedicated to tests which verify the basic operations surrounding moving & linking objects.
const { test, expect } = require('../../pluginFixtures');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require('../../appActions');
test.describe('Move & link item tests', () => {
test('Create a basic object and verify that it can be moved to another folder', async ({
}) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
// Go to Open MCT
await page.goto('./');
const parentFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Parent Folder'
const childFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Child Folder',
parent: parentFolder.uuid
const grandchildFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Grandchild Folder',
parent: childFolder.uuid
// Attempt to move parent to its own grandparent
await page.locator('button[title="Show selected item in tree"]').click();
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
await treePane
.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: 'Parent Folder'
button: 'right'
await page
.getByRole('menuitem', {
name: /Move/
const createModalTree = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Create Modal Tree'
const myItemsLocatorTreeItem = createModalTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: myItemsFolderName
await myItemsLocatorTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await myItemsLocatorTreeItem.click();
const parentFolderLocatorTreeItem = createModalTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: parentFolder.name
await parentFolderLocatorTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await parentFolderLocatorTreeItem.click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]')).toBeDisabled();
const childFolderLocatorTreeItem = createModalTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(childFolder.name)
await childFolderLocatorTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await childFolderLocatorTreeItem.click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]')).toBeDisabled();
const grandchildFolderLocatorTreeItem = createModalTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: grandchildFolder.name
await grandchildFolderLocatorTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await grandchildFolderLocatorTreeItem.click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]')).toBeDisabled();
await parentFolderLocatorTreeItem.click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]')).toBeDisabled();
await page.locator('[aria-label="Cancel"]').click();
// Move Child Folder from Parent Folder to My Items
await treePane
.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(childFolder.name)
button: 'right'
await page
.getByRole('menuitem', {
name: /Move/
await myItemsLocatorTreeItem.click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]').click();
const myItemsPaneTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: myItemsFolderName
// Expect that Child Folder is in My Items, the root folder
expect(myItemsPaneTreeItem.locator('nth=0:has(text=Child Folder)')).toBeTruthy();
test('Create a basic object and verify that it cannot be moved to telemetry object without Composition Provider', async ({
}) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
// Go to Open MCT
await page.goto('./');
// Create Telemetry Table
let telemetryTable = 'Test Telemetry Table';
await page.locator('button:has-text("Create")').click();
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Telemetry Table")').click();
await page.locator('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]').fill(telemetryTable);
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
// Finish editing and save Telemetry Table
await page.locator('.c-button--menu.c-button--major.icon-save').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// Create New Folder Basic Domain Object
let folder = 'Test Folder';
await page.locator('button:has-text("Create")').click();
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Folder")').click();
await page.locator('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Properties Title Notes >> input[type="text"]').fill(folder);
// See if it's possible to put the folder in the Telemetry object during creation (Soft Assert)
await page.locator(`form[name="mctForm"] >> text=${telemetryTable}`).click();
let okButton = page.locator('button.c-button.c-button--major:has-text("OK")');
let okButtonStateDisabled = await okButton.isDisabled();
// Continue test regardless of assertion and create it in My Items
await page.locator(`form[name="mctForm"] >> text=${myItemsFolderName}`).click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
// Open My Items
await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span`).nth(3).click();
// Select Folder Object and select Move from context menu
await Promise.all([page.waitForNavigation(), page.locator(`a:has-text("${folder}")`).click()]);
await page
.locator('.c-tree__item.is-navigated-object .c-tree__item__label .c-tree__item__type-icon')
button: 'right'
await page.locator('li.icon-move').click();
// See if it's possible to put the folder in the Telemetry object after creation
await page.locator(`text=Location Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span`).nth(3).click();
await page.locator(`form[name="mctForm"] >> text=${telemetryTable}`).click();
let okButton2 = page.locator('button.c-button.c-button--major:has-text("OK")');
let okButtonStateDisabled2 = await okButton2.isDisabled();
test('Create a basic object and verify that it can be linked to another folder', async ({
}) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
// Go to Open MCT
await page.goto('./');
const parentFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Parent Folder'
const childFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Child Folder',
parent: parentFolder.uuid
const grandchildFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Grandchild Folder',
parent: childFolder.uuid
// Attempt to move parent to its own grandparent
await page.locator('button[title="Show selected item in tree"]').click();
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
await treePane
.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: 'Parent Folder'
button: 'right'
await page
.getByRole('menuitem', {
name: /Move/
const createModalTree = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Create Modal Tree'
const myItemsLocatorTreeItem = createModalTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: myItemsFolderName
await myItemsLocatorTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await myItemsLocatorTreeItem.click();
const parentFolderLocatorTreeItem = createModalTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: parentFolder.name
await parentFolderLocatorTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await parentFolderLocatorTreeItem.click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]')).toBeDisabled();
const childFolderLocatorTreeItem = createModalTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(childFolder.name)
await childFolderLocatorTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await childFolderLocatorTreeItem.click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]')).toBeDisabled();
const grandchildFolderLocatorTreeItem = createModalTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: grandchildFolder.name
await grandchildFolderLocatorTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await grandchildFolderLocatorTreeItem.click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]')).toBeDisabled();
await parentFolderLocatorTreeItem.click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]')).toBeDisabled();
await page.locator('[aria-label="Cancel"]').click();
// Move Child Folder from Parent Folder to My Items
await treePane
.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(childFolder.name)
button: 'right'
await page
.getByRole('menuitem', {
name: /Link/
await myItemsLocatorTreeItem.click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]').click();
const myItemsPaneTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: myItemsFolderName
// Expect that Child Folder is in My Items, the root folder
expect(myItemsPaneTreeItem.locator('nth=0:has(text=Child Folder)')).toBeTruthy();
'Cannot move a previously created domain object to non-peristable object in Move Modal',
async ({ page }) => {
//Create a domain object
//Save Domain object
//Move Object and verify that cannot select non-persistable object
//Move Object to My Items
//Verify successful move
@ -28,85 +28,91 @@ const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults, createNotification } = require('../../ap
const { test, expect } = require('../../pluginFixtures');
test.describe('Notifications List', () => {
test('Notifications can be dismissed individually', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6122'
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Create an error notification with the message "Error message"
await createNotification(page, {
severity: 'error',
message: 'Error message'
// Create an alert notification with the message "Alert message"
await createNotification(page, {
severity: 'alert',
message: 'Alert message'
// Verify that there is a button with aria-label "Review 2 Notifications"
expect(await page.locator('button[aria-label="Review 2 Notifications"]').count()).toBe(1);
// Click on button with aria-label "Review 2 Notifications"
await page.click('button[aria-label="Review 2 Notifications"]');
// Click on button with aria-label="Dismiss notification of Error message"
await page.click('button[aria-label="Dismiss notification of Error message"]');
// Verify there is no a notification (listitem) with the text "Error message" since it was dismissed
expect(await page.locator('div[role="dialog"] div[role="listitem"]').innerText()).not.toContain('Error message');
// Verify there is still a notification (listitem) with the text "Alert message"
expect(await page.locator('div[role="dialog"] div[role="listitem"]').innerText()).toContain('Alert message');
// Click on button with aria-label="Dismiss notification of Alert message"
await page.click('button[aria-label="Dismiss notification of Alert message"]');
// Verify that there is no dialog since the notification overlay was closed automatically after all notifications were dismissed
expect(await page.locator('div[role="dialog"]').count()).toBe(0);
test('Notifications can be dismissed individually', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6122'
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Create an error notification with the message "Error message"
await createNotification(page, {
severity: 'error',
message: 'Error message'
// Create an alert notification with the message "Alert message"
await createNotification(page, {
severity: 'alert',
message: 'Alert message'
// Verify that there is a button with aria-label "Review 2 Notifications"
expect(await page.locator('button[aria-label="Review 2 Notifications"]').count()).toBe(1);
// Click on button with aria-label "Review 2 Notifications"
await page.click('button[aria-label="Review 2 Notifications"]');
// Click on button with aria-label="Dismiss notification of Error message"
await page.click('button[aria-label="Dismiss notification of Error message"]');
// Verify there is no a notification (listitem) with the text "Error message" since it was dismissed
expect(await page.locator('div[role="dialog"] div[role="listitem"]').innerText()).not.toContain(
'Error message'
// Verify there is still a notification (listitem) with the text "Alert message"
expect(await page.locator('div[role="dialog"] div[role="listitem"]').innerText()).toContain(
'Alert message'
// Click on button with aria-label="Dismiss notification of Alert message"
await page.click('button[aria-label="Dismiss notification of Alert message"]');
// Verify that there is no dialog since the notification overlay was closed automatically after all notifications were dismissed
expect(await page.locator('div[role="dialog"]').count()).toBe(0);
test.describe('Notification Overlay', () => {
test('Closing notification list after notification banner disappeared does not cause it to open automatically', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6130'
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Create a new Display Layout object
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Display Layout' });
// Click on the button "Review 1 Notification"
await page.click('button[aria-label="Review 1 Notification"]');
// Verify that Notification List is open
expect(await page.locator('div[role="dialog"]').isVisible()).toBe(true);
// Wait until there is no Notification Banner
await page.waitForSelector('div[role="alert"]', { state: 'detached'});
// Click on the "Close" button of the Notification List
await page.click('button[aria-label="Close"]');
// On the Display Layout object, click on the "Edit" button
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
// Click on the "Save" button
await page.click('button[title="Save"]');
// Click on the "Save and Finish Editing" option
await page.click('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]');
// Verify that Notification List is NOT open
expect(await page.locator('div[role="dialog"]').isVisible()).toBe(false);
test('Closing notification list after notification banner disappeared does not cause it to open automatically', async ({
}) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6130'
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Create a new Display Layout object
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Display Layout' });
// Click on the button "Review 1 Notification"
await page.click('button[aria-label="Review 1 Notification"]');
// Verify that Notification List is open
expect(await page.locator('div[role="dialog"]').isVisible()).toBe(true);
// Wait until there is no Notification Banner
await page.waitForSelector('div[role="alert"]', { state: 'detached' });
// Click on the "Close" button of the Notification List
await page.click('button[aria-label="Close"]');
// On the Display Layout object, click on the "Edit" button
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
// Click on the "Save" button
await page.click('button[title="Save"]');
// Click on the "Save and Finish Editing" option
await page.click('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]');
// Verify that Notification List is NOT open
expect(await page.locator('div[role="dialog"]').isVisible()).toBe(false);
@ -20,84 +20,108 @@
* at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
const { test, expect } = require('../../../pluginFixtures');
const { createPlanFromJSON, createDomainObjectWithDefaults, selectInspectorTab } = require('../../../appActions');
const {
} = require('../../../appActions');
const testPlan1 = require('../../../test-data/examplePlans/ExamplePlan_Small1.json');
const testPlan2 = require('../../../test-data/examplePlans/ExamplePlan_Small2.json');
const { assertPlanActivities, setBoundsToSpanAllActivities } = require('../../../helper/planningUtils');
const {
} = require('../../../helper/planningUtils');
const { getPreciseDuration } = require('../../../../src/utils/duration');
test.describe("Gantt Chart", () => {
let ganttChart;
let plan;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
ganttChart = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Gantt Chart'
plan = await createPlanFromJSON(page, {
json: testPlan1,
parent: ganttChart.uuid
test.describe('Gantt Chart', () => {
let ganttChart;
let plan;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
ganttChart = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Gantt Chart'
plan = await createPlanFromJSON(page, {
json: testPlan1,
parent: ganttChart.uuid
test('Displays all plan events', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto(ganttChart.url);
await assertPlanActivities(page, testPlan1, ganttChart.url);
test('Replaces a plan with a new plan', async ({ page }) => {
await assertPlanActivities(page, testPlan1, ganttChart.url);
await createPlanFromJSON(page, {
json: testPlan2,
parent: ganttChart.uuid
const replaceModal = page
.filter({ hasText: 'This action will replace the current Plan. Do you want to continue?' });
await expect(replaceModal).toBeVisible();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'OK' }).click();
await assertPlanActivities(page, testPlan2, ganttChart.url);
test('Can select a single activity and display its details in the inspector', async ({
}) => {
await page.goto(ganttChart.url);
await setBoundsToSpanAllActivities(page, testPlan1, ganttChart.url);
const activities = Object.values(testPlan1).flat();
const activity = activities[0];
await page
.filter({ hasText: new RegExp(activity.name) })
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Activity');
const startDateTime = await page
'.c-inspect-properties__label:has-text("Start DateTime")+.c-inspect-properties__value'
const endDateTime = await page
.locator('.c-inspect-properties__label:has-text("End DateTime")+.c-inspect-properties__value')
const duration = await page
const expectedStartDate = new Date(activity.start).toISOString();
const actualStartDate = new Date(startDateTime).toISOString();
const expectedEndDate = new Date(activity.end).toISOString();
const actualEndDate = new Date(endDateTime).toISOString();
const expectedDuration = getPreciseDuration(activity.end - activity.start);
const actualDuration = duration;
test("Displays a Plan's draft status", async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6641'
test("Displays all plan events", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto(ganttChart.url);
// Mark the Plan's status as draft in the OpenMCT API
await page.evaluate(async (planObject) => {
await window.openmct.status.set(planObject.uuid, 'draft');
}, plan);
await assertPlanActivities(page, testPlan1, ganttChart.url);
test("Replaces a plan with a new plan", async ({ page }) => {
await assertPlanActivities(page, testPlan1, ganttChart.url);
await createPlanFromJSON(page, {
json: testPlan2,
parent: ganttChart.uuid
const replaceModal = page.getByRole('dialog').filter({ hasText: "This action will replace the current Plan. Do you want to continue?" });
await expect(replaceModal).toBeVisible();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'OK' }).click();
// Navigate to the Gantt Chart
await page.goto(ganttChart.url);
await assertPlanActivities(page, testPlan2, ganttChart.url);
test("Can select a single activity and display its details in the inspector", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto(ganttChart.url);
await setBoundsToSpanAllActivities(page, testPlan1, ganttChart.url);
const activities = Object.values(testPlan1).flat();
const activity = activities[0];
await page.locator('g').filter({ hasText: new RegExp(activity.name) }).click();
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Activity');
const startDateTime = await page.locator('.c-inspect-properties__label:has-text("Start DateTime")+.c-inspect-properties__value').innerText();
const endDateTime = await page.locator('.c-inspect-properties__label:has-text("End DateTime")+.c-inspect-properties__value').innerText();
const duration = await page.locator('.c-inspect-properties__label:has-text("duration")+.c-inspect-properties__value').innerText();
const expectedStartDate = new Date(activity.start).toISOString();
const actualStartDate = new Date(startDateTime).toISOString();
const expectedEndDate = new Date(activity.end).toISOString();
const actualEndDate = new Date(endDateTime).toISOString();
const expectedDuration = getPreciseDuration(activity.end - activity.start);
const actualDuration = duration;
test("Displays a Plan's draft status", async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6641'
// Mark the Plan's status as draft in the OpenMCT API
await page.evaluate(async (planObject) => {
await window.openmct.status.set(planObject.uuid, 'draft');
}, plan);
// Navigate to the Gantt Chart
await page.goto(ganttChart.url);
// Assert that the Plan's status is displayed as draft
expect(await page.locator('.u-contents.c-swimlane.is-status--draft').count()).toBe(Object.keys(testPlan1).length);
// Assert that the Plan's status is displayed as draft
expect(await page.locator('.u-contents.c-swimlane.is-status--draft').count()).toBe(
@ -24,16 +24,16 @@ const { createPlanFromJSON } = require('../../../appActions');
const testPlan1 = require('../../../test-data/examplePlans/ExamplePlan_Small1.json');
const { assertPlanActivities } = require('../../../helper/planningUtils');
test.describe("Plan", () => {
let plan;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
plan = await createPlanFromJSON(page, {
json: testPlan1
test.describe('Plan', () => {
let plan;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
plan = await createPlanFromJSON(page, {
json: testPlan1
test("Displays all plan events", async ({ page }) => {
await assertPlanActivities(page, testPlan1, plan.url);
test('Displays all plan events', async ({ page }) => {
await assertPlanActivities(page, testPlan1, plan.url);
@ -24,158 +24,164 @@ const { test, expect } = require('../../../pluginFixtures');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults, createPlanFromJSON } = require('../../../appActions');
const testPlan = {
"name": "Past event 1",
"start": 1660320408000,
"end": 1660343797000,
"type": "TEST-GROUP",
"color": "orange",
"textColor": "white"
"name": "Past event 2",
"start": 1660406808000,
"end": 1660429160000,
"type": "TEST-GROUP",
"color": "orange",
"textColor": "white"
"name": "Past event 3",
"start": 1660493208000,
"end": 1660503981000,
"type": "TEST-GROUP",
"color": "orange",
"textColor": "white"
"name": "Past event 4",
"start": 1660579608000,
"end": 1660624108000,
"type": "TEST-GROUP",
"color": "orange",
"textColor": "white"
"name": "Past event 5",
"start": 1660666008000,
"end": 1660681529000,
"type": "TEST-GROUP",
"color": "orange",
"textColor": "white"
name: 'Past event 1',
start: 1660320408000,
end: 1660343797000,
type: 'TEST-GROUP',
color: 'orange',
textColor: 'white'
name: 'Past event 2',
start: 1660406808000,
end: 1660429160000,
type: 'TEST-GROUP',
color: 'orange',
textColor: 'white'
name: 'Past event 3',
start: 1660493208000,
end: 1660503981000,
type: 'TEST-GROUP',
color: 'orange',
textColor: 'white'
name: 'Past event 4',
start: 1660579608000,
end: 1660624108000,
type: 'TEST-GROUP',
color: 'orange',
textColor: 'white'
name: 'Past event 5',
start: 1660666008000,
end: 1660681529000,
type: 'TEST-GROUP',
color: 'orange',
textColor: 'white'
test.describe("Time Strip", () => {
test("Create two Time Strips, add a single Plan to both, and verify they can have separate Indepdenent Time Contexts @unstable", async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5627'
// Constant locators
const independentTimeConductorInputs = page.locator('.l-shell__main-independent-time-conductor .c-input--datetime');
const activityBounds = page.locator('.activity-bounds');
// Goto baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
const timestrip = await test.step("Create a Time Strip", async () => {
const createdTimeStrip = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Time Strip' });
const objectName = await page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name').innerText();
return createdTimeStrip;
const plan = await test.step("Create a Plan and add it to the timestrip", async () => {
const createdPlan = await createPlanFromJSON(page, {
name: 'Test Plan',
json: testPlan
await page.goto(timestrip.url);
// Expand the tree to show the plan
await page.click("button[title='Show selected item in tree']");
await page.dragAndDrop(`role=treeitem[name=/${createdPlan.name}/]`, '.c-object-view');
await page.click("button[title='Save']");
await page.click("li[title='Save and Finish Editing']");
const startBound = testPlan.TEST_GROUP[0].start;
const endBound = testPlan.TEST_GROUP[testPlan.TEST_GROUP.length - 1].end;
// Switch to fixed time mode with all plan events within the bounds
await page.goto(`${timestrip.url}?tc.mode=fixed&tc.startBound=${startBound}&tc.endBound=${endBound}&tc.timeSystem=utc&view=time-strip.view`);
// Verify all events are displayed
const eventCount = await page.locator('.activity-bounds').count();
return createdPlan;
await test.step("TimeStrip can use the Independent Time Conductor", async () => {
// Activate Independent Time Conductor in Fixed Time Mode
await page.click('.c-toggle-switch__slider');
expect(await activityBounds.count()).toEqual(0);
// Set the independent time bounds so that only one event is shown
const startBound = testPlan.TEST_GROUP[0].start;
const endBound = testPlan.TEST_GROUP[0].end;
const startBoundString = new Date(startBound).toISOString().replace('T', ' ');
const endBoundString = new Date(endBound).toISOString().replace('T', ' ');
await independentTimeConductorInputs.nth(0).fill('');
await independentTimeConductorInputs.nth(0).fill(startBoundString);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
await independentTimeConductorInputs.nth(1).fill('');
await independentTimeConductorInputs.nth(1).fill(endBoundString);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
expect(await activityBounds.count()).toEqual(1);
await test.step("Can have multiple TimeStrips with the same plan linked and different Independent Time Contexts", async () => {
// Create another Time Strip and verify that it has been created
const createdTimeStrip = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Time Strip',
name: "Another Time Strip"
const objectName = await page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name').innerText();
// Drag the existing Plan onto the newly created Time Strip, and save.
await page.dragAndDrop(`role=treeitem[name=/${plan.name}/]`, '.c-object-view');
await page.click("button[title='Save']");
await page.click("li[title='Save and Finish Editing']");
// Activate Independent Time Conductor in Fixed Time Mode
await page.click('.c-toggle-switch__slider');
// All events should be displayed at this point because the
// initial independent context bounds will match the global bounds
expect(await activityBounds.count()).toEqual(5);
// Set the independent time bounds so that two events are shown
const startBound = testPlan.TEST_GROUP[0].start;
const endBound = testPlan.TEST_GROUP[1].end;
const startBoundString = new Date(startBound).toISOString().replace('T', ' ');
const endBoundString = new Date(endBound).toISOString().replace('T', ' ');
await independentTimeConductorInputs.nth(0).fill('');
await independentTimeConductorInputs.nth(0).fill(startBoundString);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
await independentTimeConductorInputs.nth(1).fill('');
await independentTimeConductorInputs.nth(1).fill(endBoundString);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
// Verify that two events are displayed
expect(await activityBounds.count()).toEqual(2);
// Switch to the previous Time Strip and verify that only one event is displayed
await page.goto(timestrip.url);
expect(await activityBounds.count()).toEqual(1);
test.describe('Time Strip', () => {
test('Create two Time Strips, add a single Plan to both, and verify they can have separate Indepdenent Time Contexts @unstable', async ({
}) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5627'
// Constant locators
const independentTimeConductorInputs = page.locator(
'.l-shell__main-independent-time-conductor .c-input--datetime'
const activityBounds = page.locator('.activity-bounds');
// Goto baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
const timestrip = await test.step('Create a Time Strip', async () => {
const createdTimeStrip = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Time Strip' });
const objectName = await page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name').innerText();
return createdTimeStrip;
const plan = await test.step('Create a Plan and add it to the timestrip', async () => {
const createdPlan = await createPlanFromJSON(page, {
name: 'Test Plan',
json: testPlan
await page.goto(timestrip.url);
// Expand the tree to show the plan
await page.click("button[title='Show selected item in tree']");
await page.dragAndDrop(`role=treeitem[name=/${createdPlan.name}/]`, '.c-object-view');
await page.click("button[title='Save']");
await page.click("li[title='Save and Finish Editing']");
const startBound = testPlan.TEST_GROUP[0].start;
const endBound = testPlan.TEST_GROUP[testPlan.TEST_GROUP.length - 1].end;
// Switch to fixed time mode with all plan events within the bounds
await page.goto(
// Verify all events are displayed
const eventCount = await page.locator('.activity-bounds').count();
return createdPlan;
await test.step('TimeStrip can use the Independent Time Conductor', async () => {
// Activate Independent Time Conductor in Fixed Time Mode
await page.click('.c-toggle-switch__slider');
expect(await activityBounds.count()).toEqual(0);
// Set the independent time bounds so that only one event is shown
const startBound = testPlan.TEST_GROUP[0].start;
const endBound = testPlan.TEST_GROUP[0].end;
const startBoundString = new Date(startBound).toISOString().replace('T', ' ');
const endBoundString = new Date(endBound).toISOString().replace('T', ' ');
await independentTimeConductorInputs.nth(0).fill('');
await independentTimeConductorInputs.nth(0).fill(startBoundString);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
await independentTimeConductorInputs.nth(1).fill('');
await independentTimeConductorInputs.nth(1).fill(endBoundString);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
expect(await activityBounds.count()).toEqual(1);
await test.step('Can have multiple TimeStrips with the same plan linked and different Independent Time Contexts', async () => {
// Create another Time Strip and verify that it has been created
const createdTimeStrip = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Time Strip',
name: 'Another Time Strip'
const objectName = await page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name').innerText();
// Drag the existing Plan onto the newly created Time Strip, and save.
await page.dragAndDrop(`role=treeitem[name=/${plan.name}/]`, '.c-object-view');
await page.click("button[title='Save']");
await page.click("li[title='Save and Finish Editing']");
// Activate Independent Time Conductor in Fixed Time Mode
await page.click('.c-toggle-switch__slider');
// All events should be displayed at this point because the
// initial independent context bounds will match the global bounds
expect(await activityBounds.count()).toEqual(5);
// Set the independent time bounds so that two events are shown
const startBound = testPlan.TEST_GROUP[0].start;
const endBound = testPlan.TEST_GROUP[1].end;
const startBoundString = new Date(startBound).toISOString().replace('T', ' ');
const endBoundString = new Date(endBound).toISOString().replace('T', ' ');
await independentTimeConductorInputs.nth(0).fill('');
await independentTimeConductorInputs.nth(0).fill(startBoundString);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
await independentTimeConductorInputs.nth(1).fill('');
await independentTimeConductorInputs.nth(1).fill(endBoundString);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
// Verify that two events are displayed
expect(await activityBounds.count()).toEqual(2);
// Switch to the previous Time Strip and verify that only one event is displayed
await page.goto(timestrip.url);
expect(await activityBounds.count()).toEqual(1);
@ -27,40 +27,40 @@ This test suite is dedicated to tests which verify the basic operations surround
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../baseFixtures');
test.describe('Clock Generator CRUD Operations', () => {
test('Timezone dropdown will collapse when clicked outside or on dropdown icon again', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/4878'
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
// Click Clock
await page.click('text=Clock');
// Click .icon-arrow-down
await page.locator('.icon-arrow-down').click();
//verify if the autocomplete dropdown is visible
await expect(page.locator(".c-input--autocomplete__options")).toBeVisible();
// Click .icon-arrow-down
await page.locator('.icon-arrow-down').click();
// Verify clicking on the autocomplete arrow collapses the dropdown
await expect(page.locator(".c-input--autocomplete__options")).toBeHidden();
// Click timezone input to open dropdown
await page.locator('.c-input--autocomplete__input').click();
//verify if the autocomplete dropdown is visible
await expect(page.locator(".c-input--autocomplete__options")).toBeVisible();
// Verify clicking outside the autocomplete dropdown collapses it
await page.locator('text=Timezone').click();
// Verify clicking on the autocomplete arrow collapses the dropdown
await expect(page.locator(".c-input--autocomplete__options")).toBeHidden();
test('Timezone dropdown will collapse when clicked outside or on dropdown icon again', async ({
}) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/4878'
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
// Click Clock
await page.click('text=Clock');
// Click .icon-arrow-down
await page.locator('.icon-arrow-down').click();
//verify if the autocomplete dropdown is visible
await expect(page.locator('.c-input--autocomplete__options')).toBeVisible();
// Click .icon-arrow-down
await page.locator('.icon-arrow-down').click();
// Verify clicking on the autocomplete arrow collapses the dropdown
await expect(page.locator('.c-input--autocomplete__options')).toBeHidden();
// Click timezone input to open dropdown
await page.locator('.c-input--autocomplete__input').click();
//verify if the autocomplete dropdown is visible
await expect(page.locator('.c-input--autocomplete__options')).toBeVisible();
// Verify clicking outside the autocomplete dropdown collapses it
await page.locator('text=Timezone').click();
// Verify clicking on the autocomplete arrow collapses the dropdown
await expect(page.locator('.c-input--autocomplete__options')).toBeHidden();
@ -25,17 +25,17 @@
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../baseFixtures');
test.describe('Remote Clock', () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line require-await
test.fixme('blocks historical requests until first tick is received', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5221'
// addInitScript to with remote clock
// Switch time conductor mode to 'remote clock'
// Navigate to telemetry
// Verify that the plot renders historical data within the correct bounds
// Refresh the page
// Verify again that the plot renders historical data within the correct bounds
// eslint-disable-next-line require-await
test.fixme('blocks historical requests until first tick is received', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5221'
// addInitScript to with remote clock
// Switch time conductor mode to 'remote clock'
// Navigate to telemetry
// Verify that the plot renders historical data within the correct bounds
// Refresh the page
// Verify again that the plot renders historical data within the correct bounds
@ -33,293 +33,336 @@ let conditionSetUrl;
let getConditionSetIdentifierFromUrl;
test.describe.serial('Condition Set CRUD Operations on @localStorage', () => {
test.beforeAll(async ({ browser}) => {
//TODO: This needs to be refactored
const context = await browser.newContext();
const page = await context.newPage();
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
test.beforeAll(async ({ browser }) => {
//TODO: This needs to be refactored
const context = await browser.newContext();
const page = await context.newPage();
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Condition Set")').click();
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Condition Set")').click();
await Promise.all([
await Promise.all([page.waitForNavigation(), page.click('button:has-text("OK")')]);
//Save localStorage for future test execution
await context.storageState({ path: './e2e/test-data/recycled_local_storage.json' });
//Save localStorage for future test execution
await context.storageState({ path: './e2e/test-data/recycled_local_storage.json' });
//Set object identifier from url
conditionSetUrl = page.url();
//Set object identifier from url
conditionSetUrl = page.url();
getConditionSetIdentifierFromUrl = conditionSetUrl.split('/').pop().split('?')[0];
console.debug(`getConditionSetIdentifierFromUrl: ${getConditionSetIdentifierFromUrl}`);
await page.close();
getConditionSetIdentifierFromUrl = conditionSetUrl.split('/').pop().split('?')[0];
console.debug(`getConditionSetIdentifierFromUrl: ${getConditionSetIdentifierFromUrl}`);
await page.close();
//Load localStorage for subsequent tests
test.use({ storageState: './e2e/test-data/recycled_local_storage.json' });
//Load localStorage for subsequent tests
test.use({ storageState: './e2e/test-data/recycled_local_storage.json' });
//Begin suite of tests again localStorage
test('Condition set object properties persist in main view and inspector @localStorage', async ({ page }) => {
//Navigate to baseURL with injected localStorage
await page.goto(conditionSetUrl, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
//Begin suite of tests again localStorage
test('Condition set object properties persist in main view and inspector @localStorage', async ({
}) => {
//Navigate to baseURL with injected localStorage
await page.goto(conditionSetUrl, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
//Assertions on loaded Condition Set in main view. This is a stateful transition step after page.goto()
await expect.soft(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText('Unnamed Condition Set');
//Assertions on loaded Condition Set in main view. This is a stateful transition step after page.goto()
await expect
.toContainText('Unnamed Condition Set');
//Assertions on loaded Condition Set in Inspector
expect.soft(page.locator('_vue=item.name=Unnamed Condition Set')).toBeTruthy();
//Assertions on loaded Condition Set in Inspector
expect.soft(page.locator('_vue=item.name=Unnamed Condition Set')).toBeTruthy();
//Reload Page
await Promise.all([
//Reload Page
await Promise.all([page.reload(), page.waitForLoadState('networkidle')]);
//Re-verify after reload
await expect.soft(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText('Unnamed Condition Set');
//Assertions on loaded Condition Set in Inspector
expect.soft(page.locator('_vue=item.name=Unnamed Condition Set')).toBeTruthy();
//Re-verify after reload
await expect
.toContainText('Unnamed Condition Set');
//Assertions on loaded Condition Set in Inspector
expect.soft(page.locator('_vue=item.name=Unnamed Condition Set')).toBeTruthy();
test('condition set object can be modified on @localStorage', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
test('condition set object can be modified on @localStorage', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
await page.goto(conditionSetUrl, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
await page.goto(conditionSetUrl, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
//Assertions on loaded Condition Set in main view. This is a stateful transition step after page.goto()
await expect
.toContainText('Unnamed Condition Set');
//Assertions on loaded Condition Set in main view. This is a stateful transition step after page.goto()
await expect.soft(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText('Unnamed Condition Set');
//Update the Condition Set properties
// Click Edit Button
await page.locator('text=Conditions View Snapshot >> button').nth(3).click();
//Update the Condition Set properties
// Click Edit Button
await page.locator('text=Conditions View Snapshot >> button').nth(3).click();
//Edit Condition Set Name from main view
await page
.filter({ hasText: 'Unnamed Condition Set' })
.fill('Renamed Condition Set');
await page
.filter({ hasText: 'Renamed Condition Set' })
// Click Save Button
await page
.locator('text=Snapshot Save and Finish Editing Save and Continue Editing >> button')
// Click Save and Finish Editing Option
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
//Edit Condition Set Name from main view
await page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name').filter({ hasText: 'Unnamed Condition Set' }).first().fill('Renamed Condition Set');
await page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name').filter({ hasText: 'Renamed Condition Set' }).first().press('Enter');
// Click Save Button
await page.locator('text=Snapshot Save and Finish Editing Save and Continue Editing >> button').nth(1).click();
// Click Save and Finish Editing Option
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
//Verify Main section reflects updated Name Property
await expect
.toContainText('Renamed Condition Set');
//Verify Main section reflects updated Name Property
await expect.soft(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText('Renamed Condition Set');
// Verify Inspector properties
// Verify Inspector has updated Name property
expect.soft(page.locator('text=Renamed Condition Set').nth(1)).toBeTruthy();
// Verify Inspector Details has updated Name property
expect.soft(page.locator('text=Renamed Condition Set').nth(2)).toBeTruthy();
// Verify Inspector properties
// Verify Inspector has updated Name property
expect.soft(page.locator('text=Renamed Condition Set').nth(1)).toBeTruthy();
// Verify Inspector Details has updated Name property
expect.soft(page.locator('text=Renamed Condition Set').nth(2)).toBeTruthy();
// Verify Tree reflects updated Name proprety
// Expand Tree
await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span >> nth=3`).click();
// Verify Condition Set Object is renamed in Tree
expect(page.locator('a:has-text("Renamed Condition Set")')).toBeTruthy();
// Verify Search Tree reflects renamed Name property
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Renamed');
expect(page.locator('a:has-text("Renamed Condition Set")')).toBeTruthy();
// Verify Tree reflects updated Name proprety
// Expand Tree
await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span >> nth=3`).click();
// Verify Condition Set Object is renamed in Tree
expect(page.locator('a:has-text("Renamed Condition Set")')).toBeTruthy();
// Verify Search Tree reflects renamed Name property
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Renamed');
expect(page.locator('a:has-text("Renamed Condition Set")')).toBeTruthy();
//Reload Page
await Promise.all([page.reload(), page.waitForLoadState('networkidle')]);
//Reload Page
await Promise.all([
//Verify Main section reflects updated Name Property
await expect
.toContainText('Renamed Condition Set');
//Verify Main section reflects updated Name Property
await expect.soft(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText('Renamed Condition Set');
// Verify Inspector properties
// Verify Inspector has updated Name property
expect.soft(page.locator('text=Renamed Condition Set').nth(1)).toBeTruthy();
// Verify Inspector Details has updated Name property
expect.soft(page.locator('text=Renamed Condition Set').nth(2)).toBeTruthy();
// Verify Inspector properties
// Verify Inspector has updated Name property
expect.soft(page.locator('text=Renamed Condition Set').nth(1)).toBeTruthy();
// Verify Inspector Details has updated Name property
expect.soft(page.locator('text=Renamed Condition Set').nth(2)).toBeTruthy();
// Verify Tree reflects updated Name proprety
// Expand Tree
await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span >> nth=3`).click();
// Verify Condition Set Object is renamed in Tree
expect(page.locator('a:has-text("Renamed Condition Set")')).toBeTruthy();
// Verify Search Tree reflects renamed Name property
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Renamed');
expect(page.locator('a:has-text("Renamed Condition Set")')).toBeTruthy();
test('condition set object can be deleted by Search Tree Actions menu on @localStorage', async ({
}) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Verify Tree reflects updated Name proprety
// Expand Tree
await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span >> nth=3`).click();
// Verify Condition Set Object is renamed in Tree
expect(page.locator('a:has-text("Renamed Condition Set")')).toBeTruthy();
// Verify Search Tree reflects renamed Name property
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Renamed');
expect(page.locator('a:has-text("Renamed Condition Set")')).toBeTruthy();
test('condition set object can be deleted by Search Tree Actions menu on @localStorage', async ({ page }) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//Assertions on loaded Condition Set in main view. This is a stateful transition step after page.goto()
await expect(
page.locator('a:has-text("Unnamed Condition Set Condition Set") >> nth=0')
//Assertions on loaded Condition Set in main view. This is a stateful transition step after page.goto()
await expect(page.locator('a:has-text("Unnamed Condition Set Condition Set") >> nth=0')).toBeVisible();
const numberOfConditionSetsToStart = await page
.locator('a:has-text("Unnamed Condition Set Condition Set")')
const numberOfConditionSetsToStart = await page.locator('a:has-text("Unnamed Condition Set Condition Set")').count();
// Search for Unnamed Condition Set
await page
.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]')
.fill('Unnamed Condition Set');
// Click Search Result
await page
.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] >> text=Unnamed Condition Set')
// Click hamburger button
await page.locator('[title="More options"]').click();
// Search for Unnamed Condition Set
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Unnamed Condition Set');
// Click Search Result
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] >> text=Unnamed Condition Set').first().click();
// Click hamburger button
await page.locator('[title="More options"]').click();
// Click 'Remove' and press OK
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Remove")').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
// Click 'Remove' and press OK
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Remove")').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
//Expect Unnamed Condition Set to be removed in Main View
const numberOfConditionSetsAtEnd = await page
.locator('a:has-text("Unnamed Condition Set Condition Set")')
//Expect Unnamed Condition Set to be removed in Main View
const numberOfConditionSetsAtEnd = await page.locator('a:has-text("Unnamed Condition Set Condition Set")').count();
expect(numberOfConditionSetsAtEnd).toEqual(numberOfConditionSetsToStart - 1);
expect(numberOfConditionSetsAtEnd).toEqual(numberOfConditionSetsToStart - 1);
//Domain Object is still available by direct URL after delete
await page.goto(conditionSetUrl, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText('Unnamed Condition Set');
//Domain Object is still available by direct URL after delete
await page.goto(conditionSetUrl, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText('Unnamed Condition Set');
test.describe('Basic Condition Set Use', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// Open a browser, navigate to the main page, and wait until all network events to resolve
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// Open a browser, navigate to the main page, and wait until all network events to resolve
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test('Can add a condition', async ({ page }) => {
// Create a new condition set
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Condition Set',
name: 'Test Condition Set'
test('Can add a condition', async ({ page }) => {
// Create a new condition set
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Condition Set',
name: "Test Condition Set"
// Change the object to edit mode
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Change the object to edit mode
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Click Add Condition button
await page.locator('#addCondition').click();
// Check that the new Unnamed Condition section appears
const numOfUnnamedConditions = await page.locator('text=Unnamed Condition').count();
// Click Add Condition button
await page.locator('#addCondition').click();
// Check that the new Unnamed Condition section appears
const numOfUnnamedConditions = await page.locator('text=Unnamed Condition').count();
test('ConditionSet should display appropriate view options', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5924'
test('ConditionSet should display appropriate view options', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5924'
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: "Alpha Sine Wave Generator"
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: "Beta Sine Wave Generator"
const conditionSet1 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Condition Set',
name: "Test Condition Set"
// Change the object to edit mode
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.goto(conditionSet1.url);
page.click('button[title="Show selected item in tree"]');
// Add the Alpha & Beta Sine Wave Generator to the Condition Set and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const alphaGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', { name: "Alpha Sine Wave Generator"});
const betaGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', { name: "Beta Sine Wave Generator"});
const conditionCollection = page.locator('#conditionCollection');
await alphaGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(conditionCollection);
await betaGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(conditionCollection);
const saveButtonLocator = page.locator('button[title="Save"]');
await saveButtonLocator.click();
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click();
await page.click('button[title="Change the current view"]');
await expect(page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: /Lad Table/ })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: /Conditions View/ })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: /Plot/ })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: /Telemetry Table/ })).toBeVisible();
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: 'Alpha Sine Wave Generator'
test('ConditionSet should output blank instead of the default value', async ({ page }) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
// Click the object specified by 'type'
await page.click(`li[role='menuitem']:text("Sine Wave Generator")`);
await page.getByRole('spinbutton', { name: 'Loading Delay (ms)' }).fill('8000');
const nameInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] .first input[type="text"]');
await nameInput.fill("Delayed Sine Wave Generator");
// Click OK button and wait for Navigate event
await Promise.all([
// Wait for Save Banner to appear
// Create a new condition set
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Condition Set',
name: "Test Blank Output of Condition Set"
// Change the object to edit mode
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Click Add Condition button twice
await page.locator('#addCondition').click();
await page.locator('#addCondition').click();
await page.locator('#conditionCollection').getByRole('textbox').nth(0).fill('First Condition');
await page.locator('#conditionCollection').getByRole('textbox').nth(1).fill('Second Condition');
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').first().click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Condition Set and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', { name: "Delayed Sine Wave Generator"});
const conditionCollection = await page.locator('#conditionCollection');
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(conditionCollection);
const firstCriterionTelemetry = await page.locator('[aria-label="Criterion Telemetry Selection"] >> nth=0');
firstCriterionTelemetry.selectOption({ label: 'Delayed Sine Wave Generator' });
const secondCriterionTelemetry = await page.locator('[aria-label="Criterion Telemetry Selection"] >> nth=1');
secondCriterionTelemetry.selectOption({ label: 'Delayed Sine Wave Generator' });
const firstCriterionMetadata = await page.locator('[aria-label="Criterion Metadata Selection"] >> nth=0');
firstCriterionMetadata.selectOption({ label: 'Sine' });
const secondCriterionMetadata = await page.locator('[aria-label="Criterion Metadata Selection"] >> nth=1');
secondCriterionMetadata.selectOption({ label: 'Sine' });
const firstCriterionComparison = await page.locator('[aria-label="Criterion Comparison Selection"] >> nth=0');
firstCriterionComparison.selectOption({ label: 'is greater than or equal to' });
const secondCriterionComparison = await page.locator('[aria-label="Criterion Comparison Selection"] >> nth=1');
secondCriterionComparison.selectOption({ label: 'is less than' });
const firstCriterionInput = await page.locator('[aria-label="Criterion Input"] >> nth=0');
await firstCriterionInput.fill("0");
const secondCriterionInput = await page.locator('[aria-label="Criterion Input"] >> nth=1');
await secondCriterionInput.fill("0");
const saveButtonLocator = page.locator('button[title="Save"]');
await saveButtonLocator.click();
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click();
const outputValue = await page.locator('[aria-label="Current Output Value"]');
await expect(outputValue).toHaveText('---');
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: 'Beta Sine Wave Generator'
const conditionSet1 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Condition Set',
name: 'Test Condition Set'
// Change the object to edit mode
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.goto(conditionSet1.url);
page.click('button[title="Show selected item in tree"]');
// Add the Alpha & Beta Sine Wave Generator to the Condition Set and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const alphaGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: 'Alpha Sine Wave Generator'
const betaGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: 'Beta Sine Wave Generator'
const conditionCollection = page.locator('#conditionCollection');
await alphaGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(conditionCollection);
await betaGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(conditionCollection);
const saveButtonLocator = page.locator('button[title="Save"]');
await saveButtonLocator.click();
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click();
await page.click('button[title="Change the current view"]');
await expect(page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: /Lad Table/ })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: /Conditions View/ })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: /Plot/ })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: /Telemetry Table/ })).toBeVisible();
test('ConditionSet should output blank instead of the default value', async ({ page }) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
// Click the object specified by 'type'
await page.click(`li[role='menuitem']:text("Sine Wave Generator")`);
await page.getByRole('spinbutton', { name: 'Loading Delay (ms)' }).fill('8000');
const nameInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] .first input[type="text"]');
await nameInput.fill('Delayed Sine Wave Generator');
// Click OK button and wait for Navigate event
await Promise.all([
// Wait for Save Banner to appear
// Create a new condition set
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Condition Set',
name: 'Test Blank Output of Condition Set'
// Change the object to edit mode
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Click Add Condition button twice
await page.locator('#addCondition').click();
await page.locator('#addCondition').click();
await page.locator('#conditionCollection').getByRole('textbox').nth(0).fill('First Condition');
await page.locator('#conditionCollection').getByRole('textbox').nth(1).fill('Second Condition');
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').first().click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Condition Set and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: 'Delayed Sine Wave Generator'
const conditionCollection = await page.locator('#conditionCollection');
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(conditionCollection);
const firstCriterionTelemetry = await page.locator(
'[aria-label="Criterion Telemetry Selection"] >> nth=0'
firstCriterionTelemetry.selectOption({ label: 'Delayed Sine Wave Generator' });
const secondCriterionTelemetry = await page.locator(
'[aria-label="Criterion Telemetry Selection"] >> nth=1'
secondCriterionTelemetry.selectOption({ label: 'Delayed Sine Wave Generator' });
const firstCriterionMetadata = await page.locator(
'[aria-label="Criterion Metadata Selection"] >> nth=0'
firstCriterionMetadata.selectOption({ label: 'Sine' });
const secondCriterionMetadata = await page.locator(
'[aria-label="Criterion Metadata Selection"] >> nth=1'
secondCriterionMetadata.selectOption({ label: 'Sine' });
const firstCriterionComparison = await page.locator(
'[aria-label="Criterion Comparison Selection"] >> nth=0'
firstCriterionComparison.selectOption({ label: 'is greater than or equal to' });
const secondCriterionComparison = await page.locator(
'[aria-label="Criterion Comparison Selection"] >> nth=1'
secondCriterionComparison.selectOption({ label: 'is less than' });
const firstCriterionInput = await page.locator('[aria-label="Criterion Input"] >> nth=0');
await firstCriterionInput.fill('0');
const secondCriterionInput = await page.locator('[aria-label="Criterion Input"] >> nth=1');
await secondCriterionInput.fill('0');
const saveButtonLocator = page.locator('button[title="Save"]');
await saveButtonLocator.click();
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click();
const outputValue = await page.locator('[aria-label="Current Output Value"]');
await expect(outputValue).toHaveText('---');
@ -21,173 +21,190 @@
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults, setStartOffset, setFixedTimeMode, setRealTimeMode } = require('../../../../appActions');
const {
} = require('../../../../appActions');
test.describe('Display Layout', () => {
/** @type {import('../../../../appActions').CreatedObjectInfo} */
let sineWaveObject;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await setRealTimeMode(page);
/** @type {import('../../../../appActions').CreatedObjectInfo} */
let sineWaveObject;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await setRealTimeMode(page);
// Create Sine Wave Generator
sineWaveObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator'
// Create Sine Wave Generator
sineWaveObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator'
test('alpha-numeric widget telemetry value exactly matches latest telemetry value received in real time', async ({ page }) => {
// Create a Display Layout
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout',
name: "Test Display Layout"
// Edit Display Layout
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
const layoutGridHolder = page.locator('.l-layout__grid-holder');
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(layoutGridHolder);
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// Subscribe to the Sine Wave Generator data
// On getting data, check if the value found in the Display Layout is the most recent value
// from the Sine Wave Generator
const getTelemValuePromise = await subscribeToTelemetry(page, sineWaveObject.uuid);
const formattedTelemetryValue = getTelemValuePromise;
const displayLayoutValuePromise = await page.waitForSelector(`text="${formattedTelemetryValue}"`);
const displayLayoutValue = await displayLayoutValuePromise.textContent();
const trimmedDisplayValue = displayLayoutValue.trim();
test('alpha-numeric widget telemetry value exactly matches latest telemetry value received in real time', async ({
}) => {
// Create a Display Layout
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout',
name: 'Test Display Layout'
test('alpha-numeric widget telemetry value exactly matches latest telemetry value received in fixed time', async ({ page }) => {
// Create a Display Layout
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout',
name: "Test Display Layout"
// Edit Display Layout
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Edit Display Layout
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
const layoutGridHolder = page.locator('.l-layout__grid-holder');
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(layoutGridHolder);
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// Subscribe to the Sine Wave Generator data
const getTelemValuePromise = await subscribeToTelemetry(page, sineWaveObject.uuid);
// Set an offset of 1 minute and then change the time mode to fixed to set a 1 minute historical window
await setStartOffset(page, { mins: '1' });
await setFixedTimeMode(page);
// On getting data, check if the value found in the Display Layout is the most recent value
// from the Sine Wave Generator
const formattedTelemetryValue = getTelemValuePromise;
const displayLayoutValuePromise = await page.waitForSelector(`text="${formattedTelemetryValue}"`);
const displayLayoutValue = await displayLayoutValuePromise.textContent();
const trimmedDisplayValue = displayLayoutValue.trim();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
test('items in a display layout can be removed with object tree context menu when viewing the display layout', async ({ page }) => {
// Create a Display Layout
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout',
name: "Test Display Layout"
// Edit Display Layout
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
const layoutGridHolder = page.locator('.l-layout__grid-holder');
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(layoutGridHolder);
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
expect.soft(await page.locator('.l-layout .l-layout__frame').count()).toEqual(1);
// Expand the Display Layout so we can remove the sine wave generator
await page.locator('.c-tree__item.is-navigated-object .c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Bring up context menu and remove
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.nth(1).click({ button: 'right' });
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Remove")').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
// delete
expect(await page.locator('.l-layout .l-layout__frame').count()).toEqual(0);
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
test('items in a display layout can be removed with object tree context menu when viewing another item', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/3117'
// Create a Display Layout
const displayLayout = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout'
// Edit Display Layout
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
const layoutGridHolder = page.locator('.l-layout__grid-holder');
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(layoutGridHolder);
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
const layoutGridHolder = page.locator('.l-layout__grid-holder');
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(layoutGridHolder);
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// Subscribe to the Sine Wave Generator data
// On getting data, check if the value found in the Display Layout is the most recent value
// from the Sine Wave Generator
const getTelemValuePromise = await subscribeToTelemetry(page, sineWaveObject.uuid);
const formattedTelemetryValue = getTelemValuePromise;
const displayLayoutValuePromise = await page.waitForSelector(
const displayLayoutValue = await displayLayoutValuePromise.textContent();
const trimmedDisplayValue = displayLayoutValue.trim();
expect.soft(await page.locator('.l-layout .l-layout__frame').count()).toEqual(1);
// Expand the Display Layout so we can remove the sine wave generator
await page.locator('.c-tree__item.is-navigated-object .c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Go to the original Sine Wave Generator to navigate away from the Display Layout
await page.goto(sineWaveObject.url);
// Bring up context menu and remove
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.first().click({ button: 'right' });
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Remove")').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
// navigate back to the display layout to confirm it has been removed
await page.goto(displayLayout.url);
expect(await page.locator('.l-layout .l-layout__frame').count()).toEqual(0);
test('alpha-numeric widget telemetry value exactly matches latest telemetry value received in fixed time', async ({
}) => {
// Create a Display Layout
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout',
name: 'Test Display Layout'
// Edit Display Layout
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
const layoutGridHolder = page.locator('.l-layout__grid-holder');
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(layoutGridHolder);
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// Subscribe to the Sine Wave Generator data
const getTelemValuePromise = await subscribeToTelemetry(page, sineWaveObject.uuid);
// Set an offset of 1 minute and then change the time mode to fixed to set a 1 minute historical window
await setStartOffset(page, { mins: '1' });
await setFixedTimeMode(page);
// On getting data, check if the value found in the Display Layout is the most recent value
// from the Sine Wave Generator
const formattedTelemetryValue = getTelemValuePromise;
const displayLayoutValuePromise = await page.waitForSelector(
const displayLayoutValue = await displayLayoutValuePromise.textContent();
const trimmedDisplayValue = displayLayoutValue.trim();
test('items in a display layout can be removed with object tree context menu when viewing the display layout', async ({
}) => {
// Create a Display Layout
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout',
name: 'Test Display Layout'
// Edit Display Layout
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
const layoutGridHolder = page.locator('.l-layout__grid-holder');
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(layoutGridHolder);
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
expect.soft(await page.locator('.l-layout .l-layout__frame').count()).toEqual(1);
// Expand the Display Layout so we can remove the sine wave generator
await page.locator('.c-tree__item.is-navigated-object .c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Bring up context menu and remove
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.nth(1).click({ button: 'right' });
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Remove")').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
// delete
expect(await page.locator('.l-layout .l-layout__frame').count()).toEqual(0);
test('items in a display layout can be removed with object tree context menu when viewing another item', async ({
}) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/3117'
// Create a Display Layout
const displayLayout = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout'
// Edit Display Layout
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
const layoutGridHolder = page.locator('.l-layout__grid-holder');
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(layoutGridHolder);
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
expect.soft(await page.locator('.l-layout .l-layout__frame').count()).toEqual(1);
// Expand the Display Layout so we can remove the sine wave generator
await page.locator('.c-tree__item.is-navigated-object .c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Go to the original Sine Wave Generator to navigate away from the Display Layout
await page.goto(sineWaveObject.url);
// Bring up context menu and remove
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.first().click({ button: 'right' });
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Remove")').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
// navigate back to the display layout to confirm it has been removed
await page.goto(displayLayout.url);
expect(await page.locator('.l-layout .l-layout__frame').count()).toEqual(0);
@ -200,18 +217,20 @@ test.describe('Display Layout', () => {
* @returns {Promise<string>} the formatted sin telemetry value
async function subscribeToTelemetry(page, objectIdentifier) {
const getTelemValuePromise = new Promise(resolve => page.exposeFunction('getTelemValue', resolve));
const getTelemValuePromise = new Promise((resolve) =>
page.exposeFunction('getTelemValue', resolve)
await page.evaluate(async (telemetryIdentifier) => {
const telemetryObject = await window.openmct.objects.get(telemetryIdentifier);
const metadata = window.openmct.telemetry.getMetadata(telemetryObject);
const formats = await window.openmct.telemetry.getFormatMap(metadata);
window.openmct.telemetry.subscribe(telemetryObject, (obj) => {
const sinVal = obj.sin;
const formattedSinVal = formats.sin.format(sinVal);
}, objectIdentifier);
await page.evaluate(async (telemetryIdentifier) => {
const telemetryObject = await window.openmct.objects.get(telemetryIdentifier);
const metadata = window.openmct.telemetry.getMetadata(telemetryObject);
const formats = await window.openmct.telemetry.getFormatMap(metadata);
window.openmct.telemetry.subscribe(telemetryObject, (obj) => {
const sinVal = obj.sin;
const formattedSinVal = formats.sin.format(sinVal);
}, objectIdentifier);
return getTelemValuePromise;
return getTelemValuePromise;
@ -25,216 +25,231 @@ const utils = require('../../../../helper/faultUtils');
const { selectInspectorTab } = require('../../../../appActions');
test.describe('The Fault Management Plugin using example faults', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await utils.navigateToFaultManagementWithExample(page);
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await utils.navigateToFaultManagementWithExample(page);
test('Shows a criticality icon for every fault @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const faultCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list').count();
const criticalityIconCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list-severity').count();
test('Shows a criticality icon for every fault @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const faultCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list').count();
const criticalityIconCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list-severity').count();
test('When selecting a fault, it has an "is-selected" class and it\'s information shows in the inspector @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
await utils.selectFaultItem(page, 1);
test('When selecting a fault, it has an "is-selected" class and it\'s information shows in the inspector @unstable', async ({
}) => {
await utils.selectFaultItem(page, 1);
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Fault Management Configuration');
const selectedFaultName = await page.locator('.c-fault-mgmt__list.is-selected .c-fault-mgmt__list-faultname').textContent();
const inspectorFaultNameCount = await page.locator(`.c-inspector__properties >> :text("${selectedFaultName}")`).count();
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Fault Management Configuration');
const selectedFaultName = await page
.locator('.c-fault-mgmt__list.is-selected .c-fault-mgmt__list-faultname')
const inspectorFaultNameCount = await page
.locator(`.c-inspector__properties >> :text("${selectedFaultName}")`)
await expect.soft(page.locator('.c-faults-list-view-item-body > .c-fault-mgmt__list').first()).toHaveClass(/is-selected/);
await expect
.soft(page.locator('.c-faults-list-view-item-body > .c-fault-mgmt__list').first())
test('When selecting multiple faults, no specific fault information is shown in the inspector @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
await utils.selectFaultItem(page, 1);
await utils.selectFaultItem(page, 2);
test('When selecting multiple faults, no specific fault information is shown in the inspector @unstable', async ({
}) => {
await utils.selectFaultItem(page, 1);
await utils.selectFaultItem(page, 2);
const selectedRows = page.locator('.c-fault-mgmt__list.is-selected .c-fault-mgmt__list-faultname');
expect.soft(await selectedRows.count()).toEqual(2);
const selectedRows = page.locator(
'.c-fault-mgmt__list.is-selected .c-fault-mgmt__list-faultname'
expect.soft(await selectedRows.count()).toEqual(2);
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Fault Management Configuration');
const firstSelectedFaultName = await selectedRows.nth(0).textContent();
const secondSelectedFaultName = await selectedRows.nth(1).textContent();
const firstNameInInspectorCount = await page.locator(`.c-inspector__properties >> :text("${firstSelectedFaultName}")`).count();
const secondNameInInspectorCount = await page.locator(`.c-inspector__properties >> :text("${secondSelectedFaultName}")`).count();
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Fault Management Configuration');
const firstSelectedFaultName = await selectedRows.nth(0).textContent();
const secondSelectedFaultName = await selectedRows.nth(1).textContent();
const firstNameInInspectorCount = await page
.locator(`.c-inspector__properties >> :text("${firstSelectedFaultName}")`)
const secondNameInInspectorCount = await page
.locator(`.c-inspector__properties >> :text("${secondSelectedFaultName}")`)
test('Allows you to shelve a fault @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const shelvedFaultName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 2);
const beforeShelvedFault = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultName);
test('Allows you to shelve a fault @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const shelvedFaultName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 2);
const beforeShelvedFault = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultName);
expect.soft(await beforeShelvedFault.count()).toBe(1);
expect.soft(await beforeShelvedFault.count()).toBe(1);
await utils.shelveFault(page, 2);
await utils.shelveFault(page, 2);
// check it is removed from standard view
const afterShelvedFault = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultName);
expect.soft(await afterShelvedFault.count()).toBe(0);
// check it is removed from standard view
const afterShelvedFault = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultName);
expect.soft(await afterShelvedFault.count()).toBe(0);
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'shelved');
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'shelved');
const shelvedViewFault = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultName);
const shelvedViewFault = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultName);
expect.soft(await shelvedViewFault.count()).toBe(1);
expect.soft(await shelvedViewFault.count()).toBe(1);
test('Allows you to acknowledge a fault @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const acknowledgedFaultName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 3);
test('Allows you to acknowledge a fault @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const acknowledgedFaultName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 3);
await utils.acknowledgeFault(page, 3);
await utils.acknowledgeFault(page, 3);
const fault = utils.getFault(page, 3);
await expect.soft(fault).toHaveClass(/is-acknowledged/);
const fault = utils.getFault(page, 3);
await expect.soft(fault).toHaveClass(/is-acknowledged/);
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'acknowledged');
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'acknowledged');
const acknowledgedViewFaultName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 1);
const acknowledgedViewFaultName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 1);
test('Allows you to shelve multiple faults @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const shelvedFaultNameOne = await utils.getFaultName(page, 1);
const shelvedFaultNameFour = await utils.getFaultName(page, 4);
test('Allows you to shelve multiple faults @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const shelvedFaultNameOne = await utils.getFaultName(page, 1);
const shelvedFaultNameFour = await utils.getFaultName(page, 4);
const beforeShelvedFaultOne = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameOne);
const beforeShelvedFaultFour = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameFour);
const beforeShelvedFaultOne = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameOne);
const beforeShelvedFaultFour = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameFour);
expect.soft(await beforeShelvedFaultOne.count()).toBe(1);
expect.soft(await beforeShelvedFaultFour.count()).toBe(1);
expect.soft(await beforeShelvedFaultOne.count()).toBe(1);
expect.soft(await beforeShelvedFaultFour.count()).toBe(1);
await utils.shelveMultipleFaults(page, 1, 4);
await utils.shelveMultipleFaults(page, 1, 4);
// check it is removed from standard view
const afterShelvedFaultOne = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameOne);
const afterShelvedFaultFour = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameFour);
expect.soft(await afterShelvedFaultOne.count()).toBe(0);
expect.soft(await afterShelvedFaultFour.count()).toBe(0);
// check it is removed from standard view
const afterShelvedFaultOne = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameOne);
const afterShelvedFaultFour = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameFour);
expect.soft(await afterShelvedFaultOne.count()).toBe(0);
expect.soft(await afterShelvedFaultFour.count()).toBe(0);
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'shelved');
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'shelved');
const shelvedViewFaultOne = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameOne);
const shelvedViewFaultFour = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameFour);
const shelvedViewFaultOne = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameOne);
const shelvedViewFaultFour = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameFour);
expect.soft(await shelvedViewFaultOne.count()).toBe(1);
expect.soft(await shelvedViewFaultFour.count()).toBe(1);
expect.soft(await shelvedViewFaultOne.count()).toBe(1);
expect.soft(await shelvedViewFaultFour.count()).toBe(1);
test('Allows you to acknowledge multiple faults @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const acknowledgedFaultNameTwo = await utils.getFaultName(page, 2);
const acknowledgedFaultNameFive = await utils.getFaultName(page, 5);
test('Allows you to acknowledge multiple faults @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const acknowledgedFaultNameTwo = await utils.getFaultName(page, 2);
const acknowledgedFaultNameFive = await utils.getFaultName(page, 5);
await utils.acknowledgeMultipleFaults(page, 2, 5);
await utils.acknowledgeMultipleFaults(page, 2, 5);
const faultTwo = utils.getFault(page, 2);
const faultFive = utils.getFault(page, 5);
const faultTwo = utils.getFault(page, 2);
const faultFive = utils.getFault(page, 5);
// check they have been acknowledged
await expect.soft(faultTwo).toHaveClass(/is-acknowledged/);
await expect.soft(faultFive).toHaveClass(/is-acknowledged/);
// check they have been acknowledged
await expect.soft(faultTwo).toHaveClass(/is-acknowledged/);
await expect.soft(faultFive).toHaveClass(/is-acknowledged/);
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'acknowledged');
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'acknowledged');
const acknowledgedViewFaultTwo = utils.getFaultByName(page, acknowledgedFaultNameTwo);
const acknowledgedViewFaultFive = utils.getFaultByName(page, acknowledgedFaultNameFive);
const acknowledgedViewFaultTwo = utils.getFaultByName(page, acknowledgedFaultNameTwo);
const acknowledgedViewFaultFive = utils.getFaultByName(page, acknowledgedFaultNameFive);
expect.soft(await acknowledgedViewFaultTwo.count()).toBe(1);
expect.soft(await acknowledgedViewFaultFive.count()).toBe(1);
expect.soft(await acknowledgedViewFaultTwo.count()).toBe(1);
expect.soft(await acknowledgedViewFaultFive.count()).toBe(1);
test('Allows you to search faults @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const faultThreeNamespace = await utils.getFaultNamespace(page, 3);
const faultTwoName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 2);
const faultFiveTriggerTime = await utils.getFaultTriggerTime(page, 5);
test('Allows you to search faults @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const faultThreeNamespace = await utils.getFaultNamespace(page, 3);
const faultTwoName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 2);
const faultFiveTriggerTime = await utils.getFaultTriggerTime(page, 5);
// should be all faults (5)
let faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
// should be all faults (5)
let faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
// search namespace
await utils.enterSearchTerm(page, faultThreeNamespace);
// search namespace
await utils.enterSearchTerm(page, faultThreeNamespace);
faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
expect.soft(await utils.getFaultNamespace(page, 1)).toEqual(faultThreeNamespace);
faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
expect.soft(await utils.getFaultNamespace(page, 1)).toEqual(faultThreeNamespace);
// all faults
await utils.clearSearch(page);
faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
// all faults
await utils.clearSearch(page);
faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
// search name
await utils.enterSearchTerm(page, faultTwoName);
// search name
await utils.enterSearchTerm(page, faultTwoName);
faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
expect.soft(await utils.getFaultName(page, 1)).toEqual(faultTwoName);
faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
expect.soft(await utils.getFaultName(page, 1)).toEqual(faultTwoName);
// all faults
await utils.clearSearch(page);
faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
// all faults
await utils.clearSearch(page);
faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
// search triggerTime
await utils.enterSearchTerm(page, faultFiveTriggerTime);
// search triggerTime
await utils.enterSearchTerm(page, faultFiveTriggerTime);
faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
expect.soft(await utils.getFaultTriggerTime(page, 1)).toEqual(faultFiveTriggerTime);
faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
expect.soft(await utils.getFaultTriggerTime(page, 1)).toEqual(faultFiveTriggerTime);
test('Allows you to sort faults @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const highestSeverity = await utils.getHighestSeverity(page);
const lowestSeverity = await utils.getLowestSeverity(page);
const faultOneName = 'Example Fault 1';
const faultFiveName = 'Example Fault 5';
let firstFaultName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 1);
test('Allows you to sort faults @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const highestSeverity = await utils.getHighestSeverity(page);
const lowestSeverity = await utils.getLowestSeverity(page);
const faultOneName = 'Example Fault 1';
const faultFiveName = 'Example Fault 5';
let firstFaultName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 1);
await utils.sortFaultsBy(page, 'oldest-first');
await utils.sortFaultsBy(page, 'oldest-first');
firstFaultName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 1);
firstFaultName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 1);
await utils.sortFaultsBy(page, 'severity');
const sortedHighestSeverity = await utils.getFaultSeverity(page, 1);
const sortedLowestSeverity = await utils.getFaultSeverity(page, 5);
await utils.sortFaultsBy(page, 'severity');
const sortedHighestSeverity = await utils.getFaultSeverity(page, 1);
const sortedLowestSeverity = await utils.getFaultSeverity(page, 5);
test.describe('The Fault Management Plugin without using example faults', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await utils.navigateToFaultManagementWithoutExample(page);
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await utils.navigateToFaultManagementWithoutExample(page);
test('Shows no faults when no faults are provided @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const faultCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list').count();
test('Shows no faults when no faults are provided @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const faultCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list').count();
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'acknowledged');
const acknowledgedCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list').count();
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'acknowledged');
const acknowledgedCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list').count();
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'shelved');
const shelvedCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list').count();
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'shelved');
const shelvedCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list').count();
test('Will return no faults when searching @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
await utils.enterSearchTerm(page, 'fault');
test('Will return no faults when searching @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
await utils.enterSearchTerm(page, 'fault');
const faultCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list').count();
const faultCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list').count();
@ -24,130 +24,138 @@ const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require('../../../../appActions');
test.describe('Flexible Layout', () => {
let sineWaveObject;
let clockObject;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
let sineWaveObject;
let clockObject;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Create Sine Wave Generator
sineWaveObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator'
// Create Clock Object
clockObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock'
// Create Sine Wave Generator
sineWaveObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator'
test('panes have the appropriate draggable attribute while in Edit and Browse modes', async ({ page }) => {
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
const clockTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(clockObject.name)
// Create a Flexible Layout
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Flexible Layout'
// Edit Flexible Layout
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').first().click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator and Clock to the Flexible Layout
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(page.locator('.c-fl__container.is-empty').first());
await clockTreeItem.dragTo(page.locator('.c-fl__container.is-empty'));
// Check that panes can be dragged while Flexible Layout is in Edit mode
let dragWrapper = page.locator('.c-fl-container__frames-holder .c-fl-frame__drag-wrapper').first();
await expect(dragWrapper).toHaveAttribute('draggable', 'true');
// Save Flexible Layout
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// Check that panes are not draggable while Flexible Layout is in Browse mode
dragWrapper = page.locator('.c-fl-container__frames-holder .c-fl-frame__drag-wrapper').first();
await expect(dragWrapper).toHaveAttribute('draggable', 'false');
// Create Clock Object
clockObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock'
test('items in a flexible layout can be removed with object tree context menu when viewing the flexible layout', async ({ page }) => {
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
// Create a Display Layout
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Flexible Layout'
// Edit Flexible Layout
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').first().click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Flexible Layout and save changes
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(page.locator('.c-fl__container.is-empty').first());
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
expect.soft(await page.locator('.c-fl-container__frame').count()).toEqual(1);
// Expand the Flexible Layout so we can remove the sine wave generator
await page.locator('.c-tree__item.is-navigated-object .c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Bring up context menu and remove
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.first().click({ button: 'right' });
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Remove")').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
// Verify that the item has been removed from the layout
expect(await page.locator('.c-fl-container__frame').count()).toEqual(0);
test('panes have the appropriate draggable attribute while in Edit and Browse modes', async ({
}) => {
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
test('items in a flexible layout can be removed with object tree context menu when viewing another item', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/3117'
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
// Create a Flexible Layout
const flexibleLayout = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Flexible Layout'
// Edit Flexible Layout
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Flexible Layout and save changes
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(page.locator('.c-fl__container.is-empty').first());
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
expect.soft(await page.locator('.c-fl-container__frame').count()).toEqual(1);
// Expand the Flexible Layout so we can remove the sine wave generator
await page.locator('.c-tree__item.is-navigated-object .c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Go to the original Sine Wave Generator to navigate away from the Flexible Layout
await page.goto(sineWaveObject.url);
// Bring up context menu and remove
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.first().click({ button: 'right' });
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Remove")').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
// navigate back to the display layout to confirm it has been removed
await page.goto(flexibleLayout.url);
// Verify that the item has been removed from the layout
expect(await page.locator('.c-fl-container__frame').count()).toEqual(0);
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
const clockTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(clockObject.name)
// Create a Flexible Layout
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Flexible Layout'
// Edit Flexible Layout
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').first().click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator and Clock to the Flexible Layout
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(page.locator('.c-fl__container.is-empty').first());
await clockTreeItem.dragTo(page.locator('.c-fl__container.is-empty'));
// Check that panes can be dragged while Flexible Layout is in Edit mode
let dragWrapper = page
.locator('.c-fl-container__frames-holder .c-fl-frame__drag-wrapper')
await expect(dragWrapper).toHaveAttribute('draggable', 'true');
// Save Flexible Layout
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// Check that panes are not draggable while Flexible Layout is in Browse mode
dragWrapper = page.locator('.c-fl-container__frames-holder .c-fl-frame__drag-wrapper').first();
await expect(dragWrapper).toHaveAttribute('draggable', 'false');
test('items in a flexible layout can be removed with object tree context menu when viewing the flexible layout', async ({
}) => {
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
// Create a Display Layout
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Flexible Layout'
// Edit Flexible Layout
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').first().click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Flexible Layout and save changes
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(page.locator('.c-fl__container.is-empty').first());
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
expect.soft(await page.locator('.c-fl-container__frame').count()).toEqual(1);
// Expand the Flexible Layout so we can remove the sine wave generator
await page.locator('.c-tree__item.is-navigated-object .c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Bring up context menu and remove
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.first().click({ button: 'right' });
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Remove")').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
// Verify that the item has been removed from the layout
expect(await page.locator('.c-fl-container__frame').count()).toEqual(0);
test('items in a flexible layout can be removed with object tree context menu when viewing another item', async ({
}) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/3117'
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
// Create a Flexible Layout
const flexibleLayout = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Flexible Layout'
// Edit Flexible Layout
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Flexible Layout and save changes
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(page.locator('.c-fl__container.is-empty').first());
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
expect.soft(await page.locator('.c-fl-container__frame').count()).toEqual(1);
// Expand the Flexible Layout so we can remove the sine wave generator
await page.locator('.c-tree__item.is-navigated-object .c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Go to the original Sine Wave Generator to navigate away from the Flexible Layout
await page.goto(sineWaveObject.url);
// Bring up context menu and remove
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.first().click({ button: 'right' });
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Remove")').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
// navigate back to the display layout to confirm it has been removed
await page.goto(flexibleLayout.url);
// Verify that the item has been removed from the layout
expect(await page.locator('.c-fl-container__frame').count()).toEqual(0);
@ -21,104 +21,116 @@
* This test suite is dedicated to testing the Gauge component.
* This test suite is dedicated to testing the Gauge component.
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require('../../../../appActions');
const uuid = require('uuid').v4;
test.describe('Gauge', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// Open a browser, navigate to the main page, and wait until all networkevents to resolve
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// Open a browser, navigate to the main page, and wait until all networkevents to resolve
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test('Can add and remove telemetry sources @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
// Create the gauge with defaults
const gauge = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Gauge' });
const editButtonLocator = page.locator('button[title="Edit"]');
const saveButtonLocator = page.locator('button[title="Save"]');
// Create a sine wave generator within the gauge
const swg1 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: `swg-${uuid()}`,
parent: gauge.uuid
test('Can add and remove telemetry sources @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
// Create the gauge with defaults
const gauge = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Gauge' });
const editButtonLocator = page.locator('button[title="Edit"]');
const saveButtonLocator = page.locator('button[title="Save"]');
// Navigate to the gauge and verify that
// the SWG appears in the elements pool
await page.goto(gauge.url);
await editButtonLocator.click();
await expect.soft(page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swg1.name}`)).toBeVisible();
await saveButtonLocator.click();
await page.locator('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]').click();
// Create a sine wave generator within the gauge
const swg1 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: `swg-${uuid()}`,
parent: gauge.uuid
// Navigate to the gauge and verify that
// the SWG appears in the elements pool
await page.goto(gauge.url);
await editButtonLocator.click();
await expect.soft(page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swg1.name}`)).toBeVisible();
await saveButtonLocator.click();
await page.locator('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]').click();
// Create another sine wave generator within the gauge
const swg2 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: `swg-${uuid()}`,
parent: gauge.uuid
// Verify that the 'Replace telemetry source' modal appears and accept it
await expect.soft(page.locator('text=This action will replace the current telemetry source. Do you want to continue?')).toBeVisible();
await page.click('text=Ok');
// Navigate to the gauge and verify that the new SWG
// appears in the elements pool and the old one is gone
await page.goto(gauge.url);
await editButtonLocator.click();
await expect.soft(page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swg1.name}`)).toBeHidden();
await expect.soft(page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swg2.name}`)).toBeVisible();
await saveButtonLocator.click();
// Right click on the new SWG in the elements pool and delete it
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swg2.name}`).click({
button: 'right'
await page.locator('li[title="Remove this object from its containing object."]').click();
// Verify that the 'Remove object' confirmation modal appears and accept it
await expect.soft(page.locator('text=Warning! This action will remove this object. Are you sure you want to continue?')).toBeVisible();
await page.click('text=Ok');
// Verify that the elements pool shows no elements
await expect(page.locator('text="No contained elements"')).toBeVisible();
// Create another sine wave generator within the gauge
const swg2 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: `swg-${uuid()}`,
parent: gauge.uuid
test('Can create a non-default Gauge', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5356'
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
// Click the object specified by 'type'
await page.click(`li[role='menuitem']:text("Gauge")`);
// FIXME: We need better selectors for these custom form controls
const displayCurrentValueSwitch = page.locator('.c-toggle-switch__slider >> nth=0');
await displayCurrentValueSwitch.setChecked(false);
await page.click('button[aria-label="Save"]');
// Verify that the 'Replace telemetry source' modal appears and accept it
await expect
'text=This action will replace the current telemetry source. Do you want to continue?'
await page.click('text=Ok');
// TODO: Verify changes in the UI
// Navigate to the gauge and verify that the new SWG
// appears in the elements pool and the old one is gone
await page.goto(gauge.url);
await editButtonLocator.click();
await expect.soft(page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swg1.name}`)).toBeHidden();
await expect.soft(page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swg2.name}`)).toBeVisible();
await saveButtonLocator.click();
// Right click on the new SWG in the elements pool and delete it
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swg2.name}`).click({
button: 'right'
test('Can edit a single Gauge-specific property', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5985'
await page.locator('li[title="Remove this object from its containing object."]').click();
// Create the gauge with defaults
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Gauge' });
await page.click('button[title="More options"]');
await page.click('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Edit Properties")');
// FIXME: We need better selectors for these custom form controls
const displayCurrentValueSwitch = page.locator('.c-toggle-switch__slider >> nth=0');
await displayCurrentValueSwitch.setChecked(false);
await page.click('button[aria-label="Save"]');
// Verify that the 'Remove object' confirmation modal appears and accept it
await expect
'text=Warning! This action will remove this object. Are you sure you want to continue?'
await page.click('text=Ok');
// TODO: Verify changes in the UI
// Verify that the elements pool shows no elements
await expect(page.locator('text="No contained elements"')).toBeVisible();
test('Can create a non-default Gauge', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5356'
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
// Click the object specified by 'type'
await page.click(`li[role='menuitem']:text("Gauge")`);
// FIXME: We need better selectors for these custom form controls
const displayCurrentValueSwitch = page.locator('.c-toggle-switch__slider >> nth=0');
await displayCurrentValueSwitch.setChecked(false);
await page.click('button[aria-label="Save"]');
// TODO: Verify changes in the UI
test('Can edit a single Gauge-specific property', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5985'
// Create the gauge with defaults
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Gauge' });
await page.click('button[title="More options"]');
await page.click('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Edit Properties")');
// FIXME: We need better selectors for these custom form controls
const displayCurrentValueSwitch = page.locator('.c-toggle-switch__slider >> nth=0');
await displayCurrentValueSwitch.setChecked(false);
await page.click('button[aria-label="Save"]');
// TODO: Verify changes in the UI
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -29,22 +29,31 @@ This test suite is dedicated to tests which verify the basic operations surround
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../baseFixtures');
test.describe('ExportAsJSON', () => {
test.fixme('Create a basic object and verify that it can be exported as JSON from Tree', async ({ page }) => {
//Create domain object
//Save Domain Object
//Verify that the newly created domain object can be exported as JSON from the Tree
test.fixme('Create a basic object and verify that it can be exported as JSON from 3 dot menu', async ({ page }) => {
//Create domain object
//Save Domain Object
//Verify that the newly created domain object can be exported as JSON from the 3 dot menu
test.fixme('Verify that a nested Object can be exported as JSON', async ({ page }) => {
// Create 2 objects with hierarchy
// Export as JSON
// Verify Hiearchy
test.fixme('Verify that the ExportAsJSON dropdown does not appear for the item X', async ({ page }) => {
// Other than non-persistible objects
'Create a basic object and verify that it can be exported as JSON from Tree',
async ({ page }) => {
//Create domain object
//Save Domain Object
//Verify that the newly created domain object can be exported as JSON from the Tree
'Create a basic object and verify that it can be exported as JSON from 3 dot menu',
async ({ page }) => {
//Create domain object
//Save Domain Object
//Verify that the newly created domain object can be exported as JSON from the 3 dot menu
test.fixme('Verify that a nested Object can be exported as JSON', async ({ page }) => {
// Create 2 objects with hierarchy
// Export as JSON
// Verify Hiearchy
'Verify that the ExportAsJSON dropdown does not appear for the item X',
async ({ page }) => {
// Other than non-persistible objects
@ -1,48 +1,54 @@
* Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2023, United States Government
* as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
* Administration. All rights reserved.
* Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source
* licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
* this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
* at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
This test suite is dedicated to tests which verify the basic operations surrounding importAsJSON.
// FIXME: Remove this eslint exception once tests are implemented
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../baseFixtures');
test.describe('ExportAsJSON', () => {
test.fixme('Verify that domain object can be importAsJSON from Tree', async ({ page }) => {
//Verify that an testdata JSON file can be imported from Tree
//Verify correctness of imported domain object
test.fixme('Verify that domain object can be importAsJSON from 3 dot menu on folder', async ({ page }) => {
//Verify that an testdata JSON file can be imported from 3 dot menu on folder domain object
//Verify correctness of imported domain object
test.fixme('Verify that a nested Objects can be importAsJSON', async ({ page }) => {
// Testdata with hierarchy
// ImportAsJSON on Tree
// Verify Hierarchy
test.fixme('Verify that the ImportAsJSON dropdown does not appear for the item X', async ({ page }) => {
// Other than non-persistible objects
* Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2023, United States Government
* as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
* Administration. All rights reserved.
* Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source
* licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
* this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
* at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
This test suite is dedicated to tests which verify the basic operations surrounding importAsJSON.
// FIXME: Remove this eslint exception once tests are implemented
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../baseFixtures');
test.describe('ExportAsJSON', () => {
test.fixme('Verify that domain object can be importAsJSON from Tree', async ({ page }) => {
//Verify that an testdata JSON file can be imported from Tree
//Verify correctness of imported domain object
'Verify that domain object can be importAsJSON from 3 dot menu on folder',
async ({ page }) => {
//Verify that an testdata JSON file can be imported from 3 dot menu on folder domain object
//Verify correctness of imported domain object
test.fixme('Verify that a nested Objects can be importAsJSON', async ({ page }) => {
// Testdata with hierarchy
// ImportAsJSON on Tree
// Verify Hierarchy
'Verify that the ImportAsJSON dropdown does not appear for the item X',
async ({ page }) => {
// Other than non-persistible objects
@ -21,189 +21,201 @@
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults, setStartOffset, setFixedTimeMode, setRealTimeMode, selectInspectorTab } = require('../../../../appActions');
const {
} = require('../../../../appActions');
test.describe('Testing LAD table configuration', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Create LAD table
const ladTable = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'LAD Table',
name: "Test LAD Table"
// Create Sine Wave Generator
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: "Test Sine Wave Generator",
parent: ladTable.uuid
await page.goto(ladTable.url);
test('in edit mode, LAD Tables provide ability to hide columns', async ({ page }) => {
// Edit LAD table
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// // Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
// await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// // Add the Sine Wave Generator to the LAD table and save changes
// await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/Test Sine Wave Generator/]', '.c-lad-table-wrapper');
// select configuration tab in inspector
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'LAD Table Configuration');
// make sure headers are visible initially
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Timestamp' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Units' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Type' })).toBeVisible();
// hide timestamp column
await page.getByLabel('Timestamp').uncheck();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Timestamp' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Units' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Type' })).toBeVisible();
// hide units & type column
await page.getByLabel('Units').uncheck();
await page.getByLabel('Type').uncheck();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Timestamp' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Units' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Type' })).toBeHidden();
// save and reload and verify they columns are still hidden
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
await page.reload();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Timestamp' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Units' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Type' })).toBeHidden();
// Edit LAD table
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'LAD Table Configuration');
// show timestamp column
await page.getByLabel('Timestamp').check();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Units' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Type' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Timestamp' })).toBeVisible();
// save and reload and make sure only timestamp is still visible
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
await page.reload();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Units' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Type' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Timestamp' })).toBeVisible();
// Edit LAD table
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'LAD Table Configuration');
// show units and type columns
await page.getByLabel('Units').check();
await page.getByLabel('Type').check();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Timestamp' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Units' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Type' })).toBeVisible();
// save and reload and make sure all columns are still visible
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
await page.reload();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Timestamp' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Units' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Type' })).toBeVisible();
// Create LAD table
const ladTable = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'LAD Table',
name: 'Test LAD Table'
test('LAD Tables don\'t allow selection of rows but does show context click menus', async ({ page }) => {
const cell = await page.locator('.js-first-data');
const userSelectable = await cell.evaluate((el) => {
return window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('user-select');
// Right-click on the LAD table row
await cell.click({
button: 'right'
const menuOptions = page.locator('.c-menu ul');
await expect.soft(menuOptions).toContainText('View Full Datum');
await expect.soft(menuOptions).toContainText('View Historical Data');
await expect.soft(menuOptions).toContainText('Remove');
// await page.locator('li[title="Remove this object from its containing object."]').click();
// Create Sine Wave Generator
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: 'Test Sine Wave Generator',
parent: ladTable.uuid
await page.goto(ladTable.url);
test('in edit mode, LAD Tables provide ability to hide columns', async ({ page }) => {
// Edit LAD table
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// // Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
// await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// // Add the Sine Wave Generator to the LAD table and save changes
// await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/Test Sine Wave Generator/]', '.c-lad-table-wrapper');
// select configuration tab in inspector
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'LAD Table Configuration');
// make sure headers are visible initially
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Timestamp' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Units' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Type' })).toBeVisible();
// hide timestamp column
await page.getByLabel('Timestamp').uncheck();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Timestamp' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Units' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Type' })).toBeVisible();
// hide units & type column
await page.getByLabel('Units').uncheck();
await page.getByLabel('Type').uncheck();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Timestamp' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Units' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Type' })).toBeHidden();
// save and reload and verify they columns are still hidden
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
await page.reload();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Timestamp' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Units' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Type' })).toBeHidden();
// Edit LAD table
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'LAD Table Configuration');
// show timestamp column
await page.getByLabel('Timestamp').check();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Units' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Type' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Timestamp' })).toBeVisible();
// save and reload and make sure only timestamp is still visible
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
await page.reload();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Units' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Type' })).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Timestamp' })).toBeVisible();
// Edit LAD table
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'LAD Table Configuration');
// show units and type columns
await page.getByLabel('Units').check();
await page.getByLabel('Type').check();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Timestamp' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Units' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Type' })).toBeVisible();
// save and reload and make sure all columns are still visible
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
await page.reload();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Timestamp' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Units' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'Type' })).toBeVisible();
test("LAD Tables don't allow selection of rows but does show context click menus", async ({
}) => {
const cell = await page.locator('.js-first-data');
const userSelectable = await cell.evaluate((el) => {
return window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('user-select');
// Right-click on the LAD table row
await cell.click({
button: 'right'
const menuOptions = page.locator('.c-menu ul');
await expect.soft(menuOptions).toContainText('View Full Datum');
await expect.soft(menuOptions).toContainText('View Historical Data');
await expect.soft(menuOptions).toContainText('Remove');
// await page.locator('li[title="Remove this object from its containing object."]').click();
test.describe('Testing LAD table @unstable', () => {
let sineWaveObject;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await setRealTimeMode(page);
let sineWaveObject;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await setRealTimeMode(page);
// Create Sine Wave Generator
sineWaveObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: "Test Sine Wave Generator"
// Create Sine Wave Generator
sineWaveObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: 'Test Sine Wave Generator'
test('telemetry value exactly matches latest telemetry value received in real time', async ({ page }) => {
// Create LAD table
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'LAD Table',
name: "Test LAD Table"
// Edit LAD table
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the LAD table and save changes
await page.dragAndDrop('text=Test Sine Wave Generator', '.c-lad-table-wrapper');
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// Subscribe to the Sine Wave Generator data
// On getting data, check if the value found in the LAD table is the most recent value
// from the Sine Wave Generator
const getTelemValuePromise = await subscribeToTelemetry(page, sineWaveObject.uuid);
const subscribeTelemValue = await getTelemValuePromise;
const ladTableValuePromise = await page.waitForSelector(`text="${subscribeTelemValue}"`);
const ladTableValue = await ladTableValuePromise.textContent();
test('telemetry value exactly matches latest telemetry value received in real time', async ({
}) => {
// Create LAD table
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'LAD Table',
name: 'Test LAD Table'
test('telemetry value exactly matches latest telemetry value received in fixed time', async ({ page }) => {
// Create LAD table
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'LAD Table',
name: "Test LAD Table"
// Edit LAD table
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Edit LAD table
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the LAD table and save changes
await page.dragAndDrop('text=Test Sine Wave Generator', '.c-lad-table-wrapper');
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the LAD table and save changes
await page.dragAndDrop('text=Test Sine Wave Generator', '.c-lad-table-wrapper');
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// Subscribe to the Sine Wave Generator data
const getTelemValuePromise = await subscribeToTelemetry(page, sineWaveObject.uuid);
// Set an offset of 1 minute and then change the time mode to fixed to set a 1 minute historical window
await setStartOffset(page, { mins: '1' });
await setFixedTimeMode(page);
// Subscribe to the Sine Wave Generator data
// On getting data, check if the value found in the LAD table is the most recent value
// from the Sine Wave Generator
const getTelemValuePromise = await subscribeToTelemetry(page, sineWaveObject.uuid);
const subscribeTelemValue = await getTelemValuePromise;
const ladTableValuePromise = await page.waitForSelector(`text="${subscribeTelemValue}"`);
const ladTableValue = await ladTableValuePromise.textContent();
// On getting data, check if the value found in the LAD table is the most recent value
// from the Sine Wave Generator
const subscribeTelemValue = await getTelemValuePromise;
const ladTableValuePromise = await page.waitForSelector(`text="${subscribeTelemValue}"`);
const ladTableValue = await ladTableValuePromise.textContent();
test('telemetry value exactly matches latest telemetry value received in fixed time', async ({
}) => {
// Create LAD table
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'LAD Table',
name: 'Test LAD Table'
// Edit LAD table
await page.locator('[title="Edit"]').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the LAD table and save changes
await page.dragAndDrop('text=Test Sine Wave Generator', '.c-lad-table-wrapper');
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// Subscribe to the Sine Wave Generator data
const getTelemValuePromise = await subscribeToTelemetry(page, sineWaveObject.uuid);
// Set an offset of 1 minute and then change the time mode to fixed to set a 1 minute historical window
await setStartOffset(page, { mins: '1' });
await setFixedTimeMode(page);
// On getting data, check if the value found in the LAD table is the most recent value
// from the Sine Wave Generator
const subscribeTelemValue = await getTelemValuePromise;
const ladTableValuePromise = await page.waitForSelector(`text="${subscribeTelemValue}"`);
const ladTableValue = await ladTableValuePromise.textContent();
@ -216,18 +228,20 @@ test.describe('Testing LAD table @unstable', () => {
* @returns {Promise<string>} the formatted sin telemetry value
async function subscribeToTelemetry(page, objectIdentifier) {
const getTelemValuePromise = new Promise(resolve => page.exposeFunction('getTelemValue', resolve));
const getTelemValuePromise = new Promise((resolve) =>
page.exposeFunction('getTelemValue', resolve)
await page.evaluate(async (telemetryIdentifier) => {
const telemetryObject = await window.openmct.objects.get(telemetryIdentifier);
const metadata = window.openmct.telemetry.getMetadata(telemetryObject);
const formats = await window.openmct.telemetry.getFormatMap(metadata);
window.openmct.telemetry.subscribe(telemetryObject, (obj) => {
const sinVal = obj.sin;
const formattedSinVal = formats.sin.format(sinVal);
}, objectIdentifier);
await page.evaluate(async (telemetryIdentifier) => {
const telemetryObject = await window.openmct.objects.get(telemetryIdentifier);
const metadata = window.openmct.telemetry.getMetadata(telemetryObject);
const formats = await window.openmct.telemetry.getFormatMap(metadata);
window.openmct.telemetry.subscribe(telemetryObject, (obj) => {
const sinVal = obj.sin;
const formattedSinVal = formats.sin.format(sinVal);
}, objectIdentifier);
return getTelemValuePromise;
return getTelemValuePromise;
@ -32,417 +32,454 @@ const path = require('path');
const NOTEBOOK_NAME = 'Notebook';
test.describe('Notebook CRUD Operations', () => {
test.fixme('Can create a Notebook Object', async ({ page }) => {
//Create domain object
//Newly created notebook should have one Section and one page, 'Unnamed Section'/'Unnamed Page'
test.fixme('Can update a Notebook Object', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can view a perviously created Notebook Object', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can Delete a Notebook Object', async ({ page }) => {
// Other than non-persistible objects
test.fixme('Can create a Notebook Object', async ({ page }) => {
//Create domain object
//Newly created notebook should have one Section and one page, 'Unnamed Section'/'Unnamed Page'
test.fixme('Can update a Notebook Object', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can view a perviously created Notebook Object', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can Delete a Notebook Object', async ({ page }) => {
// Other than non-persistible objects
test.describe('Default Notebook', () => {
// General Default Notebook statements
// ## Useful commands:
// 1. - To check default notebook:
// `JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('notebook-storage'));`
// 1. - Clear default notebook:
// `localStorage.setItem('notebook-storage', null);`
test.fixme('A newly created Notebook is automatically set as the default notebook if no other notebooks exist', async ({ page }) => {
//Create new notebook
//Verify Default Notebook Characteristics
test.fixme('A newly created Notebook is automatically set as the default notebook if at least one other notebook exists', async ({ page }) => {
//Create new notebook A
//Create second notebook B
//Verify Non-Default Notebook A Characteristics
//Verify Default Notebook B Characteristics
test.fixme('If a default notebook is deleted, the second most recent notebook becomes the default', async ({ page }) => {
//Create new notebook A
//Create second notebook B
//Delete Notebook B
//Verify Default Notebook A Characteristics
// General Default Notebook statements
// ## Useful commands:
// 1. - To check default notebook:
// `JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('notebook-storage'));`
// 1. - Clear default notebook:
// `localStorage.setItem('notebook-storage', null);`
'A newly created Notebook is automatically set as the default notebook if no other notebooks exist',
async ({ page }) => {
//Create new notebook
//Verify Default Notebook Characteristics
'A newly created Notebook is automatically set as the default notebook if at least one other notebook exists',
async ({ page }) => {
//Create new notebook A
//Create second notebook B
//Verify Non-Default Notebook A Characteristics
//Verify Default Notebook B Characteristics
'If a default notebook is deleted, the second most recent notebook becomes the default',
async ({ page }) => {
//Create new notebook A
//Create second notebook B
//Delete Notebook B
//Verify Default Notebook A Characteristics
test.describe('Notebook section tests', () => {
//The following test cases are associated with Notebook Sections
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//The following test cases are associated with Notebook Sections
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Create Notebook
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
test('Default and new sections are automatically named Unnamed Section with Unnamed Page', async ({ page }) => {
const notebookSectionNames = page.locator('.c-notebook__sections .c-list__item__name');
const notebookPageNames = page.locator('.c-notebook__pages .c-list__item__name');
await expect(notebookSectionNames).toBeHidden();
await expect(notebookPageNames).toBeHidden();
// Expand sidebar
await page.locator('.c-notebook__toggle-nav-button').click();
// Check that the default section and page are created and the name matches the defaults
const defaultSectionName = await notebookSectionNames.innerText();
await expect(notebookSectionNames).toBeVisible();
expect(defaultSectionName).toBe('Unnamed Section');
const defaultPageName = await notebookPageNames.innerText();
await expect(notebookPageNames).toBeVisible();
expect(defaultPageName).toBe('Unnamed Page');
// Add a section
await page.locator('.js-sidebar-sections .c-icon-button.icon-plus').click();
// Check that new section and page within the new section match the defaults
const newSectionName = await notebookSectionNames.nth(1).innerText();
await expect(notebookSectionNames.nth(1)).toBeVisible();
expect(newSectionName).toBe('Unnamed Section');
const newPageName = await notebookPageNames.innerText();
await expect(notebookPageNames).toBeVisible();
expect(newPageName).toBe('Unnamed Page');
test.fixme('Section selection operations and associated behavior', async ({ page }) => {
//Create new notebook A
//Add Sections until 6 total with no default section/page
//Select 3rd section
//Delete 4th section
//3rd section is still selected
//Delete 3rd section
//1st section is selected
//Set 3rd section as default
//Delete 2nd section
//3rd section is still default
//Delete 3rd section
//1st is selected and there is no default notebook
test.fixme('Section rename operations', async ({ page }) => {
// Create a new notebook
// Add a section
// Rename the section but do not confirm
// Keyboard press 'Escape'
// Verify that the section name reverts to the default name
// Rename the section but do not confirm
// Keyboard press 'Enter'
// Verify that the section name is updated
// Rename the section to "" (empty string)
// Keyboard press 'Enter' to confirm
// Verify that the section name reverts to the default name
// Rename the section to something long that overflows the text box
// Verify that the section name is not truncated while input is active
// Confirm the section name edit
// Verify that the section name is truncated now that input is not active
// Create Notebook
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
test('Default and new sections are automatically named Unnamed Section with Unnamed Page', async ({
}) => {
const notebookSectionNames = page.locator('.c-notebook__sections .c-list__item__name');
const notebookPageNames = page.locator('.c-notebook__pages .c-list__item__name');
await expect(notebookSectionNames).toBeHidden();
await expect(notebookPageNames).toBeHidden();
// Expand sidebar
await page.locator('.c-notebook__toggle-nav-button').click();
// Check that the default section and page are created and the name matches the defaults
const defaultSectionName = await notebookSectionNames.innerText();
await expect(notebookSectionNames).toBeVisible();
expect(defaultSectionName).toBe('Unnamed Section');
const defaultPageName = await notebookPageNames.innerText();
await expect(notebookPageNames).toBeVisible();
expect(defaultPageName).toBe('Unnamed Page');
// Add a section
await page.locator('.js-sidebar-sections .c-icon-button.icon-plus').click();
// Check that new section and page within the new section match the defaults
const newSectionName = await notebookSectionNames.nth(1).innerText();
await expect(notebookSectionNames.nth(1)).toBeVisible();
expect(newSectionName).toBe('Unnamed Section');
const newPageName = await notebookPageNames.innerText();
await expect(notebookPageNames).toBeVisible();
expect(newPageName).toBe('Unnamed Page');
test.fixme('Section selection operations and associated behavior', async ({ page }) => {
//Create new notebook A
//Add Sections until 6 total with no default section/page
//Select 3rd section
//Delete 4th section
//3rd section is still selected
//Delete 3rd section
//1st section is selected
//Set 3rd section as default
//Delete 2nd section
//3rd section is still default
//Delete 3rd section
//1st is selected and there is no default notebook
test.fixme('Section rename operations', async ({ page }) => {
// Create a new notebook
// Add a section
// Rename the section but do not confirm
// Keyboard press 'Escape'
// Verify that the section name reverts to the default name
// Rename the section but do not confirm
// Keyboard press 'Enter'
// Verify that the section name is updated
// Rename the section to "" (empty string)
// Keyboard press 'Enter' to confirm
// Verify that the section name reverts to the default name
// Rename the section to something long that overflows the text box
// Verify that the section name is not truncated while input is active
// Confirm the section name edit
// Verify that the section name is truncated now that input is not active
test.describe('Notebook page tests', () => {
//The following test cases are associated with Notebook Pages
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//The following test cases are associated with Notebook Pages
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Create Notebook
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
// Create Notebook
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
//Test will need to be implemented after a refactor in #5713
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-skipped-test
test.skip('Delete page popup is removed properly on clicking dropdown again', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5713'
// Expand sidebar and add a second page
await page.locator('.c-notebook__toggle-nav-button').click();
await page.locator('text=Page Add >> button').click();
//Test will need to be implemented after a refactor in #5713
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-skipped-test
test.skip('Delete page popup is removed properly on clicking dropdown again', async ({
}) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5713'
// Expand sidebar and add a second page
await page.locator('.c-notebook__toggle-nav-button').click();
await page.locator('text=Page Add >> button').click();
// Click on the 2nd page dropdown button and expect the Delete Page option to appear
await page.locator('button[title="Open context menu"]').nth(2).click();
await expect(page.locator('text=Delete Page')).toBeEnabled();
// Clicking on the same page a second time causes the same Delete Page option to recreate
await page.locator('button[title="Open context menu"]').nth(2).click();
await expect(page.locator('text=Delete Page')).toBeEnabled();
// Clicking on the first page causes the first delete button to detach and recreate on the first page
await page.locator('button[title="Open context menu"]').nth(1).click();
const numOfDeletePagePopups = await page.locator('li[title="Delete Page"]').count();
test.fixme('Page selection operations and associated behavior', async ({ page }) => {
//Create new notebook A
//Delete existing Page
//New 'Unnamed Page' automatically created
//Create 6 total Pages without a default page
//Select 3rd
//Delete 3rd
//First is now selected
//Set 3rd as default
//Select 2nd page
//Delete 2nd page
//3rd (default) is now selected
//Set 3rd as default page
//Select 3rd (default) page
//Delete 3rd page
//First is now selected and there is no default notebook
test.fixme('Page rename operations', async ({ page }) => {
// Create a new notebook
// Add a page
// Rename the page but do not confirm
// Keyboard press 'Escape'
// Verify that the page name reverts to the default name
// Rename the page but do not confirm
// Keyboard press 'Enter'
// Verify that the page name is updated
// Rename the page to "" (empty string)
// Keyboard press 'Enter' to confirm
// Verify that the page name reverts to the default name
// Rename the page to something long that overflows the text box
// Verify that the page name is not truncated while input is active
// Confirm the page name edit
// Verify that the page name is truncated now that input is not active
// Click on the 2nd page dropdown button and expect the Delete Page option to appear
await page.locator('button[title="Open context menu"]').nth(2).click();
await expect(page.locator('text=Delete Page')).toBeEnabled();
// Clicking on the same page a second time causes the same Delete Page option to recreate
await page.locator('button[title="Open context menu"]').nth(2).click();
await expect(page.locator('text=Delete Page')).toBeEnabled();
// Clicking on the first page causes the first delete button to detach and recreate on the first page
await page.locator('button[title="Open context menu"]').nth(1).click();
const numOfDeletePagePopups = await page.locator('li[title="Delete Page"]').count();
test.fixme('Page selection operations and associated behavior', async ({ page }) => {
//Create new notebook A
//Delete existing Page
//New 'Unnamed Page' automatically created
//Create 6 total Pages without a default page
//Select 3rd
//Delete 3rd
//First is now selected
//Set 3rd as default
//Select 2nd page
//Delete 2nd page
//3rd (default) is now selected
//Set 3rd as default page
//Select 3rd (default) page
//Delete 3rd page
//First is now selected and there is no default notebook
test.fixme('Page rename operations', async ({ page }) => {
// Create a new notebook
// Add a page
// Rename the page but do not confirm
// Keyboard press 'Escape'
// Verify that the page name reverts to the default name
// Rename the page but do not confirm
// Keyboard press 'Enter'
// Verify that the page name is updated
// Rename the page to "" (empty string)
// Keyboard press 'Enter' to confirm
// Verify that the page name reverts to the default name
// Rename the page to something long that overflows the text box
// Verify that the page name is not truncated while input is active
// Confirm the page name edit
// Verify that the page name is truncated now that input is not active
test.describe('Notebook export tests', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Create Notebook
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
// Create Notebook
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
test('can export notebook as text', async ({ page }) => {
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `Foo bar entry`);
// Click on 3 Dot Menu
await page.locator('button[title="More options"]').click();
const downloadPromise = page.waitForEvent('download');
test('can export notebook as text', async ({ page }) => {
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `Foo bar entry`);
// Click on 3 Dot Menu
await page.locator('button[title="More options"]').click();
const downloadPromise = page.waitForEvent('download');
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: /Export Notebook as Text/ }).click();
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: /Export Notebook as Text/ }).click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
const download = await downloadPromise;
const readStream = await download.createReadStream();
const exportedText = await streamToString(readStream);
expect(exportedText).toContain('Foo bar entry');
test.fixme('can export multiple notebook entries as text ', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('can export all notebook entry metdata', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('can export all notebook tags', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('can export all notebook snapshots', async ({ page }) => {});
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
const download = await downloadPromise;
const readStream = await download.createReadStream();
const exportedText = await streamToString(readStream);
expect(exportedText).toContain('Foo bar entry');
test.fixme('can export multiple notebook entries as text ', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('can export all notebook entry metdata', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('can export all notebook tags', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('can export all notebook snapshots', async ({ page }) => {});
test.describe('Notebook search tests', () => {
test.fixme('Can search for a single result', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can search for many results', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can search for new and recently modified entries', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can search for section text', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can search for page text', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can search for entry text', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can search for a single result', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can search for many results', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can search for new and recently modified entries', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can search for section text', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can search for page text', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can search for entry text', async ({ page }) => {});
test.describe('Notebook entry tests', () => {
// Create Notebook with URL Whitelist
let notebookObject;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, '../../../../helper/', 'addInitNotebookWithUrls.js') });
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
notebookObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
// Create Notebook with URL Whitelist
let notebookObject;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
await page.addInitScript({
path: path.join(__dirname, '../../../../helper/', 'addInitNotebookWithUrls.js')
test('When a new entry is created, it should be focused and selected', async ({ page }) => {
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Click .c-notebook__drag-area
await page.locator('.c-notebook__drag-area').click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Notebook Entry Input"]')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Notebook Entry"]')).toHaveClass(/is-selected/);
notebookObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
test('When an object is dropped into a notebook, a new entry is created and it should be focused @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
// Create Overlay Plot
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Overlay Plot'
test('When a new entry is created, it should be focused and selected', async ({ page }) => {
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
await page.getByRole('treeitem', { name: overlayPlot.name }).dragTo(page.locator('.c-notebook__drag-area'));
const embed = page.locator('.c-ne__embed__link');
const embedName = await embed.innerText();
await expect(embed).toHaveClass(/icon-plot-overlay/);
// Click .c-notebook__drag-area
await page.locator('.c-notebook__drag-area').click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Notebook Entry Input"]')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Notebook Entry"]')).toHaveClass(/is-selected/);
test('When an object is dropped into a notebook, a new entry is created and it should be focused @unstable', async ({
}) => {
// Create Overlay Plot
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Overlay Plot'
test('When an object is dropped into a notebooks existing entry, it should be focused @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
// Create Overlay Plot
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Overlay Plot'
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Entry to drop into');
await page.getByRole('treeitem', { name: overlayPlot.name }).dragTo(page.locator('text=Entry to drop into'));
await page
.getByRole('treeitem', { name: overlayPlot.name })
const existingEntry = page.locator('.c-ne__content', {
has: page.locator('text="Entry to drop into"')
const embed = existingEntry.locator('.c-ne__embed__link');
const embedName = await embed.innerText();
const embed = page.locator('.c-ne__embed__link');
const embedName = await embed.innerText();
await expect(embed).toHaveClass(/icon-plot-overlay/);
await expect(embed).toHaveClass(/icon-plot-overlay/);
test('When an object is dropped into a notebooks existing entry, it should be focused @unstable', async ({
}) => {
// Create Overlay Plot
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Overlay Plot'
test.fixme('new entries persist through navigation events without save', async ({ page }) => {});
test('previous and new entries can be deleted', async ({ page }) => {
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'First Entry');
await page.hover('text="First Entry"');
await page.click('button[title="Delete this entry"]');
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Ok' }).filter({ hasText: 'Ok' }).click();
await expect(page.locator('text="First Entry"')).toBeHidden();
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Another First Entry');
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Second Entry');
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Third Entry');
await page.hover('[aria-label="Notebook Entry"] >> nth=2');
await page.click('button[title="Delete this entry"] >> nth=2');
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Ok' }).filter({ hasText: 'Ok' }).click();
await expect(page.locator('text="Third Entry"')).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.locator('text="Another First Entry"')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator('text="Second Entry"')).toBeVisible();
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Entry to drop into');
await page
.getByRole('treeitem', { name: overlayPlot.name })
.dragTo(page.locator('text=Entry to drop into'));
const existingEntry = page.locator('.c-ne__content', {
has: page.locator('text="Entry to drop into"')
test('when a valid link is entered into a notebook entry, it becomes clickable when viewing', async ({ page }) => {
const TEST_LINK = 'http://www.google.com';
const embed = existingEntry.locator('.c-ne__embed__link');
const embedName = await embed.innerText();
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
await expect(embed).toHaveClass(/icon-plot-overlay/);
test.fixme('new entries persist through navigation events without save', async ({ page }) => {});
test('previous and new entries can be deleted', async ({ page }) => {
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'First Entry');
await page.hover('text="First Entry"');
await page.click('button[title="Delete this entry"]');
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Ok' }).filter({ hasText: 'Ok' }).click();
await expect(page.locator('text="First Entry"')).toBeHidden();
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Another First Entry');
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Second Entry');
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Third Entry');
await page.hover('[aria-label="Notebook Entry"] >> nth=2');
await page.click('button[title="Delete this entry"] >> nth=2');
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Ok' }).filter({ hasText: 'Ok' }).click();
await expect(page.locator('text="Third Entry"')).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.locator('text="Another First Entry"')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator('text="Second Entry"')).toBeVisible();
test('when a valid link is entered into a notebook entry, it becomes clickable when viewing', async ({
}) => {
const TEST_LINK = 'http://www.google.com';
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `This should be a link: ${TEST_LINK} is it?`);
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
const validLink = page.locator(`a[href="${TEST_LINK}"]`);
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
// Start waiting for popup before clicking. Note no await.
const popupPromise = page.waitForEvent('popup');
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `This should be a link: ${TEST_LINK} is it?`);
await validLink.click();
const popup = await popupPromise;
const validLink = page.locator(`a[href="${TEST_LINK}"]`);
// Wait for the popup to load.
await popup.waitForLoadState();
// Start waiting for popup before clicking. Note no await.
const popupPromise = page.waitForEvent('popup');
expect(await validLink.count()).toBe(1);
test('when an invalid link is entered into a notebook entry, it does not become clickable when viewing', async ({ page }) => {
const TEST_LINK = 'www.google.com';
await validLink.click();
const popup = await popupPromise;
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
// Wait for the popup to load.
await popup.waitForLoadState();
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
expect(await validLink.count()).toBe(1);
test('when an invalid link is entered into a notebook entry, it does not become clickable when viewing', async ({
}) => {
const TEST_LINK = 'www.google.com';
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `This should NOT be a link: ${TEST_LINK} is it?`);
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
const invalidLink = page.locator(`a[href="${TEST_LINK}"]`);
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
expect(await invalidLink.count()).toBe(0);
test('when a link is entered, but it is not in the whitelisted urls, it does not become clickable when viewing', async ({ page }) => {
const TEST_LINK = 'http://www.bing.com';
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `This should NOT be a link: ${TEST_LINK} is it?`);
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
const invalidLink = page.locator(`a[href="${TEST_LINK}"]`);
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
expect(await invalidLink.count()).toBe(0);
test('when a link is entered, but it is not in the whitelisted urls, it does not become clickable when viewing', async ({
}) => {
const TEST_LINK = 'http://www.bing.com';
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `This should NOT be a link: ${TEST_LINK} is it?`);
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
const invalidLink = page.locator(`a[href="${TEST_LINK}"]`);
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
expect(await invalidLink.count()).toBe(0);
test('when a valid link with a subdomain and a valid domain in the whitelisted urls is entered into a notebook entry, it becomes clickable when viewing', async ({ page }) => {
const INVALID_TEST_LINK = 'http://bing.google.com';
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `This should NOT be a link: ${TEST_LINK} is it?`);
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
const invalidLink = page.locator(`a[href="${TEST_LINK}"]`);
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
expect(await invalidLink.count()).toBe(0);
test('when a valid link with a subdomain and a valid domain in the whitelisted urls is entered into a notebook entry, it becomes clickable when viewing', async ({
}) => {
const INVALID_TEST_LINK = 'http://bing.google.com';
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `This should be a link: ${INVALID_TEST_LINK} is it?`);
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
const validLink = page.locator(`a[href="${INVALID_TEST_LINK}"]`);
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
expect(await validLink.count()).toBe(1);
test('when a valid secure link is entered into a notebook entry, it becomes clickable when viewing', async ({ page }) => {
const TEST_LINK = 'https://www.google.com';
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `This should be a link: ${INVALID_TEST_LINK} is it?`);
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
const validLink = page.locator(`a[href="${INVALID_TEST_LINK}"]`);
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
expect(await validLink.count()).toBe(1);
test('when a valid secure link is entered into a notebook entry, it becomes clickable when viewing', async ({
}) => {
const TEST_LINK = 'https://www.google.com';
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `This should be a link: ${TEST_LINK} is it?`);
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
const validLink = page.locator(`a[href="${TEST_LINK}"]`);
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
// Start waiting for popup before clicking. Note no await.
const popupPromise = page.waitForEvent('popup');
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `This should be a link: ${TEST_LINK} is it?`);
await validLink.click();
const popup = await popupPromise;
const validLink = page.locator(`a[href="${TEST_LINK}"]`);
// Wait for the popup to load.
await popup.waitForLoadState();
// Start waiting for popup before clicking. Note no await.
const popupPromise = page.waitForEvent('popup');
expect(await validLink.count()).toBe(1);
test('when a nefarious link is entered into a notebook entry, it is sanitized when viewing', async ({ page }) => {
const TEST_LINK = 'http://www.google.com?bad=';
const TEST_LINK_BAD = `http://www.google.com?bad=<script>alert('gimme your cookies')</script>`;
await validLink.click();
const popup = await popupPromise;
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
// Wait for the popup to load.
await popup.waitForLoadState();
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
expect(await validLink.count()).toBe(1);
test('when a nefarious link is entered into a notebook entry, it is sanitized when viewing', async ({
}) => {
const TEST_LINK = 'http://www.google.com?bad=';
const TEST_LINK_BAD = `http://www.google.com?bad=<script>alert('gimme your cookies')</script>`;
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `This should be a link, BUT not a bad link: ${TEST_LINK_BAD} is it?`);
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page.goto(notebookObject.url);
const sanitizedLink = page.locator(`a[href="${TEST_LINK}"]`);
const unsanitizedLink = page.locator(`a[href="${TEST_LINK_BAD}"]`);
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
expect.soft(await sanitizedLink.count()).toBe(1);
expect(await unsanitizedLink.count()).toBe(0);
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(
`This should be a link, BUT not a bad link: ${TEST_LINK_BAD} is it?`
const sanitizedLink = page.locator(`a[href="${TEST_LINK}"]`);
const unsanitizedLink = page.locator(`a[href="${TEST_LINK_BAD}"]`);
expect.soft(await sanitizedLink.count()).toBe(1);
expect(await unsanitizedLink.count()).toBe(0);
@ -29,106 +29,135 @@ const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
// const nbUtils = require('../../../../helper/notebookUtils');
test.describe('Snapshot Menu tests', () => {
test.fixme('When no default notebook is selected, Snapshot Menu dropdown should only have a single option', async ({ page }) => {
// There should be no default notebook
// Clear default notebook if exists using `localStorage.setItem('notebook-storage', null);`
// refresh page
// Click on 'Notebook Snaphot Menu'
// 'save to Notebook Snapshots' should be only option there
test.fixme('When default notebook is updated selected, Snapshot Menu dropdown should list it as the newest option', async ({ page }) => {
// Create 2a notebooks
// Set Notebook A as Default
// Open Snapshot Menu and note that Notebook A is listed
// Close Snapshot Menu
// Set Default Notebook to Notebook B
// Open Snapshot Notebook and note that Notebook B is listed
// Select Default Notebook Option and verify that Snapshot is added to Notebook B
test.fixme('Can add Snapshots via Snapshot Menu and details are correct', async ({ page }) => {
//Note this should be a visual test, too
// Create Telemetry object
// Create A notebook with many pages and sections.
// Set page and section defaults to be between first and last of many. i.e. 3 of 5
// Navigate to Telemetry object
// Select Default Notebook Option and verify that Snapshot is added to Notebook A
// Verify Snapshot Details appear correctly
test.fixme('Snapshots adjust time conductor', async ({ page }) => {
// Create Telemetry object
// Set Telemetry object's timeconductor to Fixed time with Start and Endtimes are recorded
// Embed Telemetry object into notebook
// Set Time Conductor to Local clock
// Click into embedded telemetry object and verify object appears with same fixed time from record
'When no default notebook is selected, Snapshot Menu dropdown should only have a single option',
async ({ page }) => {
// There should be no default notebook
// Clear default notebook if exists using `localStorage.setItem('notebook-storage', null);`
// refresh page
// Click on 'Notebook Snaphot Menu'
// 'save to Notebook Snapshots' should be only option there
'When default notebook is updated selected, Snapshot Menu dropdown should list it as the newest option',
async ({ page }) => {
// Create 2a notebooks
// Set Notebook A as Default
// Open Snapshot Menu and note that Notebook A is listed
// Close Snapshot Menu
// Set Default Notebook to Notebook B
// Open Snapshot Notebook and note that Notebook B is listed
// Select Default Notebook Option and verify that Snapshot is added to Notebook B
test.fixme('Can add Snapshots via Snapshot Menu and details are correct', async ({ page }) => {
//Note this should be a visual test, too
// Create Telemetry object
// Create A notebook with many pages and sections.
// Set page and section defaults to be between first and last of many. i.e. 3 of 5
// Navigate to Telemetry object
// Select Default Notebook Option and verify that Snapshot is added to Notebook A
// Verify Snapshot Details appear correctly
test.fixme('Snapshots adjust time conductor', async ({ page }) => {
// Create Telemetry object
// Set Telemetry object's timeconductor to Fixed time with Start and Endtimes are recorded
// Embed Telemetry object into notebook
// Set Time Conductor to Local clock
// Click into embedded telemetry object and verify object appears with same fixed time from record
test.describe('Snapshot Container tests', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Create Notebook
// const notebook = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
// type: 'Notebook',
// name: "Test Notebook"
// });
// // Create Overlay Plot
// const snapShotObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
// type: 'Overlay Plot',
// name: "Dropped Overlay Plot"
// });
// Create Notebook
// const notebook = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
// type: 'Notebook',
// name: "Test Notebook"
// });
// // Create Overlay Plot
// const snapShotObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
// type: 'Overlay Plot',
// name: "Dropped Overlay Plot"
// });
await page.getByRole('button', { name: ' Snapshot ' }).click();
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: ' Save to Notebook Snapshots' }).click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Show' }).click();
test.fixme('5 Snapshots can be added to a container', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('5 Snapshots can be added to a container and Deleted with Delete All action', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('A snapshot can be Deleted from Container with 3 dot action menu', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('A snapshot can be Viewed, Annotated, display deleted, and saved from Container with 3 dot action menu', async ({ page }) => {
await page.locator('.c-snapshot.c-ne__embed').first().getByTitle('More options').click();
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: ' View Snapshot' }).click();
await expect(page.locator('.c-overlay__outer')).toBeVisible();
await page.getByTitle('Annotate').click();
await expect(page.locator('#snap-annotation-canvas')).toBeVisible();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: '' }).click();
// await expect(page.locator('#snap-annotation-canvas')).not.toBeVisible();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Done' }).click();
//await expect(await page.locator)
test('A snapshot can be Quick Viewed from Container with 3 dot action menu', async ({ page }) => {
await page.locator('.c-snapshot.c-ne__embed').first().getByTitle('More options').click();
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'Quick View' }).click();
await expect(page.locator('.c-overlay__outer')).toBeVisible();
test.fixme('A snapshot can be Navigated To from Container with 3 dot action menu', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('A snapshot can be Navigated To Item in Time from Container with 3 dot action menu', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('A snapshot Container can be open and closed', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can add object to Snapshot container and pull into notebook and create a new entry', async ({ page }) => {
//Create Notebook
//Create Telemetry Object
//From Telemetry Object, use 'save to Notebook Snapshots'
//Snapshots indicator should blink, click on it to view snapshots
//Navigate to Notebook
//Drag and Drop onto droppable area for new entry
//New Entry created with given snapshot added
//Snapshot removed from container?
test.fixme('Can add object to Snapshot container and pull into notebook and existing entry', async ({ page }) => {
//Create Notebook
//Create Telemetry Object
//From Telemetry Object, use 'save to Notebook Snapshots'
//Snapshots indicator should blink, click on it to view snapshots
//Navigate to Notebook
//Drag and Drop into exiting entry
//Existing Entry updated with given snapshot
//Snapshot removed from container?
test.fixme('Verify Embedded options for PNG, JPG, and Annotate work correctly', async ({ page }) => {
//Add snapshot to container
//Verify PNG, JPG, and Annotate buttons work correctly
await page.getByRole('button', { name: ' Snapshot ' }).click();
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: ' Save to Notebook Snapshots' }).click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Show' }).click();
test.fixme('5 Snapshots can be added to a container', async ({ page }) => {});
'5 Snapshots can be added to a container and Deleted with Delete All action',
async ({ page }) => {}
'A snapshot can be Deleted from Container with 3 dot action menu',
async ({ page }) => {}
'A snapshot can be Viewed, Annotated, display deleted, and saved from Container with 3 dot action menu',
async ({ page }) => {
await page.locator('.c-snapshot.c-ne__embed').first().getByTitle('More options').click();
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: ' View Snapshot' }).click();
await expect(page.locator('.c-overlay__outer')).toBeVisible();
await page.getByTitle('Annotate').click();
await expect(page.locator('#snap-annotation-canvas')).toBeVisible();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: '' }).click();
// await expect(page.locator('#snap-annotation-canvas')).not.toBeVisible();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Done' }).click();
//await expect(await page.locator)
test('A snapshot can be Quick Viewed from Container with 3 dot action menu', async ({ page }) => {
await page.locator('.c-snapshot.c-ne__embed').first().getByTitle('More options').click();
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'Quick View' }).click();
await expect(page.locator('.c-overlay__outer')).toBeVisible();
'A snapshot can be Navigated To from Container with 3 dot action menu',
async ({ page }) => {}
'A snapshot can be Navigated To Item in Time from Container with 3 dot action menu',
async ({ page }) => {}
test.fixme('A snapshot Container can be open and closed', async ({ page }) => {});
'Can add object to Snapshot container and pull into notebook and create a new entry',
async ({ page }) => {
//Create Notebook
//Create Telemetry Object
//From Telemetry Object, use 'save to Notebook Snapshots'
//Snapshots indicator should blink, click on it to view snapshots
//Navigate to Notebook
//Drag and Drop onto droppable area for new entry
//New Entry created with given snapshot added
//Snapshot removed from container?
'Can add object to Snapshot container and pull into notebook and existing entry',
async ({ page }) => {
//Create Notebook
//Create Telemetry Object
//From Telemetry Object, use 'save to Notebook Snapshots'
//Snapshots indicator should blink, click on it to view snapshots
//Navigate to Notebook
//Drag and Drop into exiting entry
//Existing Entry updated with given snapshot
//Snapshot removed from container?
'Verify Embedded options for PNG, JPG, and Annotate work correctly',
async ({ page }) => {
//Add snapshot to container
//Verify PNG, JPG, and Annotate buttons work correctly
@ -29,180 +29,184 @@ const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require('../../../../appActions');
const nbUtils = require('../../../../helper/notebookUtils');
test.describe('Notebook Tests with CouchDB @couchdb', () => {
let testNotebook;
let testNotebook;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Create Notebook
testNotebook = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {type: 'Notebook' });
await page.goto(testNotebook.url, { waitUntil: 'networkidle'});
// Create Notebook
testNotebook = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Notebook' });
await page.goto(testNotebook.url, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
test('Inspect Notebook Entry Network Requests', async ({ page }) => {
//Ensure we're on the annotations Tab in the inspector
await page.getByText('Annotations').click();
// Expand sidebar
await page.locator('.c-notebook__toggle-nav-button').click();
// Collect all request events to count and assert after notebook action
let notebookElementsRequests = [];
page.on('request', (request) => notebookElementsRequests.push(request));
//Clicking Add Page generates
let [notebookUrlRequest, allDocsRequest] = await Promise.all([
// Waits for the next request with the specified url
// Triggers the request
page.click('[aria-label="Add Page"]')
// Ensures that there are no other network requests
await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');
// Assert that only two requests are made
// Network Requests are:
// 1) The actual POST to create the page
// 2) The shared worker event from 👆 request
// Assert on request object
// Add an entry
// Network Requests are:
// 1) The actual POST to create the entry
// 2) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
notebookElementsRequests = [];
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'First Entry');
await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');
// Add some tags
// Network Requests are for each tag creation are:
// 1) Getting the original path of the parent object
// 2) Getting the original path of the grandparent object (recursive call)
// 3) Creating the annotation/tag object
// 4) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
// 5) Mutate notebook domain object's annotationModified property
// 6) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
// 7) Notebooks fetching new annotations due to annotationModified changed
// 8) The update of the notebook domain's object's modified property
// 9) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
// 10) Entry is timestamped
// 11) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
notebookElementsRequests = [];
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Driving');
notebookElementsRequests = [];
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Drilling');
notebookElementsRequests = [];
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Science');
// Delete all the tags
// Network requests are:
// 1) Send POST to mutate _delete property to true on annotation with tag
// 2) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
// 3) Timestamp update on entry
// 4) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
// This happens for 3 tags so 12 requests
notebookElementsRequests = [];
await removeTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Driving');
await removeTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Drilling');
await removeTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Science');
// Add two more pages
await page.click('[aria-label="Add Page"]');
await page.click('[aria-label="Add Page"]');
// Add three entries
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'First Entry');
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Second Entry');
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Third Entry');
// Add three tags
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Science');
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Drilling');
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Driving');
// Add a fourth entry
// Network requests are:
// 1) Send POST to add new entry
// 2) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
// 3) Timestamp update on entry
// 4) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
notebookElementsRequests = [];
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Fourth Entry');
// Add a fifth entry
// Network requests are:
// 1) Send POST to add new entry
// 2) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
// 3) Timestamp update on entry
// 4) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
notebookElementsRequests = [];
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Fifth Entry');
// Add a sixth entry
// 1) Send POST to add new entry
// 2) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
// 3) Timestamp update on entry
// 4) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
notebookElementsRequests = [];
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Sixth Entry');
test('Search tests', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/akhenry/openmct-yamcs/issues/69'
await page.getByText('Annotations').click();
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'First Entry');
test('Inspect Notebook Entry Network Requests', async ({ page }) => {
//Ensure we're on the annotations Tab in the inspector
await page.getByText('Annotations').click();
// Expand sidebar
await page.locator('.c-notebook__toggle-nav-button').click();
// Add three tags
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Science');
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Drilling');
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Driving');
// Collect all request events to count and assert after notebook action
let notebookElementsRequests = [];
page.on('request', (request) => notebookElementsRequests.push(request));
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
//Partial match for "Science" should only return Science
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Sc');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]').first()).toContainText('Science');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]').first()).not.toContainText('Driving');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]').first()).not.toContainText(
//Clicking Add Page generates
let [notebookUrlRequest, allDocsRequest] = await Promise.all([
// Waits for the next request with the specified url
// Triggers the request
page.click('[aria-label="Add Page"]')
// Ensures that there are no other network requests
await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');
// Assert that only two requests are made
// Network Requests are:
// 1) The actual POST to create the page
// 2) The shared worker event from 👆 request
// Assert on request object
// Add an entry
// Network Requests are:
// 1) The actual POST to create the entry
// 2) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
notebookElementsRequests = [];
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'First Entry');
await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');
// Add some tags
// Network Requests are for each tag creation are:
// 1) Getting the original path of the parent object
// 2) Getting the original path of the grandparent object (recursive call)
// 3) Creating the annotation/tag object
// 4) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
// 5) Mutate notebook domain object's annotationModified property
// 6) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
// 7) Notebooks fetching new annotations due to annotationModified changed
// 8) The update of the notebook domain's object's modified property
// 9) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
// 10) Entry is timestamped
// 11) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
notebookElementsRequests = [];
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Driving');
notebookElementsRequests = [];
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Drilling');
notebookElementsRequests = [];
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Science');
// Delete all the tags
// Network requests are:
// 1) Send POST to mutate _delete property to true on annotation with tag
// 2) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
// 3) Timestamp update on entry
// 4) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
// This happens for 3 tags so 12 requests
notebookElementsRequests = [];
await removeTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Driving');
await removeTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Drilling');
await removeTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Science');
// Add two more pages
await page.click('[aria-label="Add Page"]');
await page.click('[aria-label="Add Page"]');
// Add three entries
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'First Entry');
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Second Entry');
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Third Entry');
// Add three tags
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Science');
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Drilling');
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Driving');
// Add a fourth entry
// Network requests are:
// 1) Send POST to add new entry
// 2) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
// 3) Timestamp update on entry
// 4) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
notebookElementsRequests = [];
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Fourth Entry');
// Add a fifth entry
// Network requests are:
// 1) Send POST to add new entry
// 2) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
// 3) Timestamp update on entry
// 4) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
notebookElementsRequests = [];
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Fifth Entry');
// Add a sixth entry
// 1) Send POST to add new entry
// 2) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
// 3) Timestamp update on entry
// 4) The shared worker event from 👆 POST request
notebookElementsRequests = [];
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'Sixth Entry');
test('Search tests', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/akhenry/openmct-yamcs/issues/69'
await page.getByText('Annotations').click();
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, 'First Entry');
// Add three tags
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Science');
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Drilling');
await addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, 'Driving');
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
//Partial match for "Science" should only return Science
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Sc');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]').first()).toContainText("Science");
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]').first()).not.toContainText("Driving");
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]').first()).not.toContainText("Drilling");
//Searching for a tag which does not exist should return an empty result
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Xq');
await expect(page.locator('text=No results found')).toBeVisible();
//Searching for a tag which does not exist should return an empty result
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Xq');
await expect(page.locator('text=No results found')).toBeVisible();
// Try to reduce indeterminism of browser requests by only returning fetch requests.
// Filter out preflight CORS, fetching stylesheets, page icons, etc. that can occur during tests
function filterNonFetchRequests(requests) {
return requests.filter(request => {
return (request.resourceType() === 'fetch');
return requests.filter((request) => {
return request.resourceType() === 'fetch';
@ -212,17 +216,17 @@ function filterNonFetchRequests(requests) {
* @param {string} tagName
async function addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, tagName) {
await page.hover(`button:has-text("Add Tag")`);
await page.locator(`button:has-text("Add Tag")`).click();
await page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]').click();
await Promise.all([
// Waits for the next request with the specified url
// Triggers the request
page.locator(`[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"] >> text=${tagName}`).click(),
await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');
await page.hover(`button:has-text("Add Tag")`);
await page.locator(`button:has-text("Add Tag")`).click();
await page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]').click();
await Promise.all([
// Waits for the next request with the specified url
// Triggers the request
page.locator(`[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"] >> text=${tagName}`).click(),
await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');
@ -232,12 +236,14 @@ async function addTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, tagName) {
* @param {string} tagName
async function removeTagAndAwaitNetwork(page, tagName) {
await page.hover(`[aria-label="Tag"]:has-text("${tagName}")`);
await Promise.all([
page.locator(`[aria-label="Remove tag ${tagName}"]`).click(),
//With this pattern, we're awaiting the response but asserting on the request payload.
page.waitForResponse(resp => resp.request().postData().includes(`"_deleted":true`) && resp.status() === 201)
await expect(page.locator(`[aria-label="Tag"]:has-text("${tagName}")`)).toBeHidden();
await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');
await page.hover(`[aria-label="Tag"]:has-text("${tagName}")`);
await Promise.all([
page.locator(`[aria-label="Remove tag ${tagName}"]`).click(),
//With this pattern, we're awaiting the response but asserting on the request payload.
(resp) => resp.request().postData().includes(`"_deleted":true`) && resp.status() === 201
await expect(page.locator(`[aria-label="Tag"]:has-text("${tagName}")`)).toBeHidden();
await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');
@ -21,7 +21,10 @@
/* global __dirname */
const { test, expect, streamToString } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
const { openObjectTreeContextMenu, createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require('../../../../appActions');
const {
} = require('../../../../appActions');
const path = require('path');
const nbUtils = require('../../../../helper/notebookUtils');
@ -30,183 +33,186 @@ const TEST_TEXT_NAME = 'Test Page';
test.describe('Restricted Notebook', () => {
let notebook;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
notebook = await startAndAddRestrictedNotebookObject(page);
let notebook;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
notebook = await startAndAddRestrictedNotebookObject(page);
test('Can be renamed @addInit', async ({ page }) => {
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(`${notebook.name}`);
test('Can be renamed @addInit', async ({ page }) => {
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText(`${notebook.name}`);
test('Can be deleted if there are no locked pages @addInit', async ({ page }) => {
await openObjectTreeContextMenu(page, notebook.url);
test('Can be deleted if there are no locked pages @addInit', async ({ page }) => {
await openObjectTreeContextMenu(page, notebook.url);
const menuOptions = page.locator('.c-menu ul');
await expect.soft(menuOptions).toContainText('Remove');
const menuOptions = page.locator('.c-menu ul');
await expect.soft(menuOptions).toContainText('Remove');
const restrictedNotebookTreeObject = page.locator(`a:has-text("${notebook.name}")`);
const restrictedNotebookTreeObject = page.locator(`a:has-text("${notebook.name}")`);
// notebook tree object exists
expect.soft(await restrictedNotebookTreeObject.count()).toEqual(1);
// notebook tree object exists
expect.soft(await restrictedNotebookTreeObject.count()).toEqual(1);
// Click Remove Text
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Remove")').click();
// Click Remove Text
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Remove")').click();
// Click 'OK' on confirmation window and wait for save banner to appear
await Promise.all([
// Click 'OK' on confirmation window and wait for save banner to appear
await Promise.all([
// has been deleted
expect(await restrictedNotebookTreeObject.count()).toEqual(0);
// has been deleted
expect(await restrictedNotebookTreeObject.count()).toEqual(0);
test('Can be locked if at least one page has one entry @addInit', async ({ page }) => {
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, TEST_TEXT);
const commitButton = page.locator('button:has-text("Commit Entries")');
expect(await commitButton.count()).toEqual(1);
test('Can be locked if at least one page has one entry @addInit', async ({ page }) => {
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, TEST_TEXT);
const commitButton = page.locator('button:has-text("Commit Entries")');
expect(await commitButton.count()).toEqual(1);
test.describe('Restricted Notebook with at least one entry and with the page locked @addInit', () => {
let notebook;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
notebook = await startAndAddRestrictedNotebookObject(page);
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, TEST_TEXT);
await lockPage(page);
let notebook;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
notebook = await startAndAddRestrictedNotebookObject(page);
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, TEST_TEXT);
await lockPage(page);
// open sidebar
await page.locator('button.c-notebook__toggle-nav-button').click();
// open sidebar
await page.locator('button.c-notebook__toggle-nav-button').click();
test('Locked page should now be in a locked state @addInit @unstable', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-skipped-test
test.skip(testInfo.project === 'chrome-beta', "Test is unreliable on chrome-beta");
// main lock message on page
const lockMessage = page.locator('text=This page has been committed and cannot be modified or removed');
expect.soft(await lockMessage.count()).toEqual(1);
test('Locked page should now be in a locked state @addInit @unstable', async ({
}, testInfo) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-skipped-test
test.skip(testInfo.project === 'chrome-beta', 'Test is unreliable on chrome-beta');
// main lock message on page
const lockMessage = page.locator(
'text=This page has been committed and cannot be modified or removed'
expect.soft(await lockMessage.count()).toEqual(1);
// lock icon on page in sidebar
const pageLockIcon = page.locator('ul.c-notebook__pages li div.icon-lock');
expect.soft(await pageLockIcon.count()).toEqual(1);
// lock icon on page in sidebar
const pageLockIcon = page.locator('ul.c-notebook__pages li div.icon-lock');
expect.soft(await pageLockIcon.count()).toEqual(1);
// no way to remove a restricted notebook with a locked page
await openObjectTreeContextMenu(page, notebook.url);
const menuOptions = page.locator('.c-menu ul');
// no way to remove a restricted notebook with a locked page
await openObjectTreeContextMenu(page, notebook.url);
const menuOptions = page.locator('.c-menu ul');
await expect(menuOptions).not.toContainText('Remove');
await expect(menuOptions).not.toContainText('Remove');
test('Can still: add page, rename, add entry, delete unlocked pages @addInit', async ({ page }) => {
// Add a new page to the section
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Add Page' }).click();
// Focus the new page by clicking it
await page.getByText('Unnamed Page').nth(1).click();
// Rename the new page
await page.getByText('Unnamed Page').nth(1).fill(TEST_TEXT_NAME);
test('Can still: add page, rename, add entry, delete unlocked pages @addInit', async ({
}) => {
// Add a new page to the section
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Add Page' }).click();
// Focus the new page by clicking it
await page.getByText('Unnamed Page').nth(1).click();
// Rename the new page
await page.getByText('Unnamed Page').nth(1).fill(TEST_TEXT_NAME);
// expect to be able to rename unlocked pages
const newPageElement = page.getByText(TEST_TEXT_NAME);
const newPageCount = await newPageElement.count();
await newPageElement.press('Enter'); // exit contenteditable state
// expect to be able to rename unlocked pages
const newPageElement = page.getByText(TEST_TEXT_NAME);
const newPageCount = await newPageElement.count();
await newPageElement.press('Enter'); // exit contenteditable state
// enter test text
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, TEST_TEXT);
// enter test text
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, TEST_TEXT);
// expect new page to be lockable
const commitButton = page.getByRole('button', { name: ' Commit Entries' });
expect.soft(await commitButton.count()).toEqual(1);
// expect new page to be lockable
const commitButton = page.getByRole('button', { name: ' Commit Entries' });
expect.soft(await commitButton.count()).toEqual(1);
// Click the context menu button for the new page
await page.getByTitle('Open context menu').click();
// Delete the page
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Delete Page' }).click();
// Click OK button
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Ok' }).click();
// Click the context menu button for the new page
await page.getByTitle('Open context menu').click();
// Delete the page
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Delete Page' }).click();
// Click OK button
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Ok' }).click();
// deleted page, should no longer exist
const deletedPageElement = page.getByText(TEST_TEXT_NAME);
expect(await deletedPageElement.count()).toEqual(0);
// deleted page, should no longer exist
const deletedPageElement = page.getByText(TEST_TEXT_NAME);
expect(await deletedPageElement.count()).toEqual(0);
test.describe('Restricted Notebook with a page locked and with an embed @addInit', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
const notebook = await startAndAddRestrictedNotebookObject(page);
await nbUtils.dragAndDropEmbed(page, notebook);
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
const notebook = await startAndAddRestrictedNotebookObject(page);
await nbUtils.dragAndDropEmbed(page, notebook);
test('Allows embeds to be deleted if page unlocked @addInit', async ({ page }) => {
// Click .c-ne__embed__name .c-popup-menu-button
await page.locator('.c-ne__embed__name .c-icon-button').click(); // embed popup menu
test('Allows embeds to be deleted if page unlocked @addInit', async ({ page }) => {
// Click .c-ne__embed__name .c-popup-menu-button
await page.locator('.c-ne__embed__name .c-icon-button').click(); // embed popup menu
const embedMenu = page.locator('body >> .c-menu');
await expect(embedMenu).toContainText('Remove This Embed');
const embedMenu = page.locator('body >> .c-menu');
await expect(embedMenu).toContainText('Remove This Embed');
test('Disallows embeds to be deleted if page locked @addInit', async ({ page }) => {
await lockPage(page);
// Click .c-ne__embed__name .c-popup-menu-button
await page.locator('.c-ne__embed__name .c-icon-button').click(); // embed popup menu
const embedMenu = page.locator('body >> .c-menu');
await expect(embedMenu).not.toContainText('Remove This Embed');
test('Disallows embeds to be deleted if page locked @addInit', async ({ page }) => {
await lockPage(page);
// Click .c-ne__embed__name .c-popup-menu-button
await page.locator('.c-ne__embed__name .c-icon-button').click(); // embed popup menu
const embedMenu = page.locator('body >> .c-menu');
await expect(embedMenu).not.toContainText('Remove This Embed');
test.describe('can export restricted notebook as text', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await startAndAddRestrictedNotebookObject(page);
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await startAndAddRestrictedNotebookObject(page);
test('basic functionality ', async ({ page }) => {
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `Foo bar entry`);
// Click on 3 Dot Menu
await page.locator('button[title="More options"]').click();
const downloadPromise = page.waitForEvent('download');
test('basic functionality ', async ({ page }) => {
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `Foo bar entry`);
// Click on 3 Dot Menu
await page.locator('button[title="More options"]').click();
const downloadPromise = page.waitForEvent('download');
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: /Export Notebook as Text/ }).click();
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: /Export Notebook as Text/ }).click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
const download = await downloadPromise;
const readStream = await download.createReadStream();
const exportedText = await streamToString(readStream);
expect(exportedText).toContain('Foo bar entry');
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
const download = await downloadPromise;
const readStream = await download.createReadStream();
const exportedText = await streamToString(readStream);
expect(exportedText).toContain('Foo bar entry');
test.fixme('can export multiple notebook entries as text ', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('can export all notebook entry metdata', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('can export all notebook tags', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('can export all notebook snapshots', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('can export multiple notebook entries as text ', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('can export all notebook entry metdata', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('can export all notebook tags', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('can export all notebook snapshots', async ({ page }) => {});
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function startAndAddRestrictedNotebookObject(page) {
await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, '../../../../helper/', 'addInitRestrictedNotebook.js') });
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await page.addInitScript({
path: path.join(__dirname, '../../../../helper/', 'addInitRestrictedNotebook.js')
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
return createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: CUSTOM_NAME });
return createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: CUSTOM_NAME });
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function lockPage(page) {
const commitButton = page.locator('button:has-text("Commit Entries")');
await commitButton.click();
const commitButton = page.locator('button:has-text("Commit Entries")');
await commitButton.click();
//Wait until Lock Banner is visible
await page.locator('text=Lock Page').click();
//Wait until Lock Banner is visible
await page.locator('text=Lock Page').click();
@ -29,243 +29,247 @@ const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults, selectInspectorTab } = require('../../..
const nbUtils = require('../../../../helper/notebookUtils');
* Creates a notebook object and adds an entry.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} - page to load
* @param {number} [iterations = 1] - the number of entries to create
* Creates a notebook object and adds an entry.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} - page to load
* @param {number} [iterations = 1] - the number of entries to create
async function createNotebookAndEntry(page, iterations = 1) {
const notebook = createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Notebook' });
const notebook = createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Notebook' });
for (let iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; iteration++) {
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `Entry ${iteration}`);
for (let iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; iteration++) {
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, `Entry ${iteration}`);
return notebook;
return notebook;
* Creates a notebook object, adds an entry, and adds a tag.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {number} [iterations = 1] - the number of entries (and tags) to create
* Creates a notebook object, adds an entry, and adds a tag.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {number} [iterations = 1] - the number of entries (and tags) to create
async function createNotebookEntryAndTags(page, iterations = 1) {
const notebook = await createNotebookAndEntry(page, iterations);
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Annotations');
const notebook = await createNotebookAndEntry(page, iterations);
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Annotations');
for (let iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; iteration++) {
// Hover and click "Add Tag" button
// Hover is needed here to "slow down" the actions while running in headless mode
await page.locator(`[aria-label="Notebook Entry"] >> nth = ${iteration}`).click();
await page.hover(`button:has-text("Add Tag")`);
await page.locator(`button:has-text("Add Tag")`).click();
for (let iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; iteration++) {
// Hover and click "Add Tag" button
// Hover is needed here to "slow down" the actions while running in headless mode
await page.locator(`[aria-label="Notebook Entry"] >> nth = ${iteration}`).click();
await page.hover(`button:has-text("Add Tag")`);
await page.locator(`button:has-text("Add Tag")`).click();
// Click inside the tag search input
await page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]').click();
// Select the "Driving" tag
await page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"] >> text=Driving').click();
// Click inside the tag search input
await page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]').click();
// Select the "Driving" tag
await page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"] >> text=Driving').click();
// Hover and click "Add Tag" button
// Hover is needed here to "slow down" the actions while running in headless mode
await page.hover(`button:has-text("Add Tag")`);
await page.locator(`button:has-text("Add Tag")`).click();
// Click inside the tag search input
await page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]').click();
// Select the "Science" tag
await page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"] >> text=Science').click();
// Hover and click "Add Tag" button
// Hover is needed here to "slow down" the actions while running in headless mode
await page.hover(`button:has-text("Add Tag")`);
await page.locator(`button:has-text("Add Tag")`).click();
// Click inside the tag search input
await page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]').click();
// Select the "Science" tag
await page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"] >> text=Science').click();
return notebook;
return notebook;
test.describe('Tagging in Notebooks @addInit', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test('Can load tags', async ({ page }) => {
await createNotebookAndEntry(page);
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test('Can load tags', async ({ page }) => {
await createNotebookAndEntry(page);
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Annotations');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Annotations');
await page.locator('button:has-text("Add Tag")').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("Add Tag")').click();
await page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]').click();
await page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]').click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"]')).toContainText("Science");
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"]')).toContainText("Drilling");
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"]')).toContainText("Driving");
test('Can add tags', async ({ page }) => {
await createNotebookEntryAndTags(page);
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"]')).toContainText('Science');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"]')).toContainText('Drilling');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"]')).toContainText('Driving');
test('Can add tags', async ({ page }) => {
await createNotebookEntryAndTags(page);
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Notebook Entry"]')).toContainText("Science");
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Notebook Entry"]')).toContainText("Driving");
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Notebook Entry"]')).toContainText('Science');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Notebook Entry"]')).toContainText('Driving');
await page.locator('button:has-text("Add Tag")').click();
await page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("Add Tag")').click();
await page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]').click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"]')).not.toContainText("Science");
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"]')).not.toContainText("Driving");
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"]')).toContainText("Drilling");
test('Can add tags with blank entry', async ({ page }) => {
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Notebook' });
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Annotations');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"]')).not.toContainText('Science');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"]')).not.toContainText('Driving');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"]')).toContainText('Drilling');
test('Can add tags with blank entry', async ({ page }) => {
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Notebook' });
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Annotations');
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, '');
await page.hover(`button:has-text("Add Tag")`);
await page.locator(`button:has-text("Add Tag")`).click();
await nbUtils.enterTextEntry(page, '');
await page.hover(`button:has-text("Add Tag")`);
await page.locator(`button:has-text("Add Tag")`).click();
// Click inside the tag search input
await page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]').click();
// Select the "Driving" tag
await page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"] >> text=Driving').click();
// Click inside the tag search input
await page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]').click();
// Select the "Driving" tag
await page.locator('[aria-label="Autocomplete Options"] >> text=Driving').click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Notebook Entry"]')).toContainText("Driving");
test('Can cancel adding tags', async ({ page }) => {
await createNotebookAndEntry(page);
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Notebook Entry"]')).toContainText('Driving');
test('Can cancel adding tags', async ({ page }) => {
await createNotebookAndEntry(page);
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Annotations');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Annotations');
// Test canceling adding a tag after we click "Type to select tag"
await page.locator('button:has-text("Add Tag")').click();
// Test canceling adding a tag after we click "Type to select tag"
await page.locator('button:has-text("Add Tag")').click();
await page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]').click();
await page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await expect(page.locator('button:has-text("Add Tag")')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator('button:has-text("Add Tag")')).toBeVisible();
// Test canceling adding a tag after we just click "Add Tag"
await page.locator('button:has-text("Add Tag")').click();
// Test canceling adding a tag after we just click "Add Tag"
await page.locator('button:has-text("Add Tag")').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await expect(page.locator('button:has-text("Add Tag")')).toBeVisible();
test('Can search for tags and preview works properly', async ({ page }) => {
await createNotebookEntryAndTags(page);
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('sc');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]')).toContainText("Science");
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]')).not.toContainText("Driving");
await expect(page.locator('button:has-text("Add Tag")')).toBeVisible();
test('Can search for tags and preview works properly', async ({ page }) => {
await createNotebookEntryAndTags(page);
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('sc');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]')).toContainText('Science');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]')).not.toContainText('Driving');
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Sc');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]')).toContainText("Science");
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]')).not.toContainText("Driving");
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Sc');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]')).toContainText('Science');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]')).not.toContainText('Driving');
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Xq');
await expect(page.locator('text=No results found')).toBeVisible();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Xq');
await expect(page.locator('text=No results found')).toBeVisible();
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout'
// Go back into edit mode for the display layout
await page.locator('button[title="Edit"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Sc');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]')).toContainText("Science");
await page.getByText('Entry 0').click();
await expect(page.locator('.js-preview-window')).toBeVisible();
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout'
test('Can delete tags', async ({ page }) => {
await createNotebookEntryAndTags(page);
// Delete Driving
await page.hover('[aria-label="Tag"]:has-text("Driving")');
await page.locator('[aria-label="Remove tag Driving"]').click();
// Go back into edit mode for the display layout
await page.locator('button[title="Edit"]').click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Tags Inspector"]')).toContainText("Science");
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Tags Inspector"]')).not.toContainText("Driving");
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Sc');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]')).toContainText('Science');
await page.getByText('Entry 0').click();
await expect(page.locator('.js-preview-window')).toBeVisible();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('sc');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]')).not.toContainText("Driving");
test('Can delete tags', async ({ page }) => {
await createNotebookEntryAndTags(page);
// Delete Driving
await page.hover('[aria-label="Tag"]:has-text("Driving")');
await page.locator('[aria-label="Remove tag Driving"]').click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Tags Inspector"]')).toContainText('Science');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Tags Inspector"]')).not.toContainText('Driving');
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('sc');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]')).not.toContainText('Driving');
test('Can delete entries without tags', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5823'
test('Can delete entries without tags', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5823'
await createNotebookEntryAndTags(page);
await createNotebookEntryAndTags(page);
await page.locator('text=To start a new entry, click here or drag and drop any object').click();
const entryLocator = `[aria-label="Notebook Entry Input"] >> nth = 1`;
await page.locator(entryLocator).click();
await page.locator(entryLocator).fill(`An entry without tags`);
await page.locator('[aria-label="Notebook Entry Input"] >> nth=1').press('Enter');
await page.locator('text=To start a new entry, click here or drag and drop any object').click();
const entryLocator = `[aria-label="Notebook Entry Input"] >> nth = 1`;
await page.locator(entryLocator).click();
await page.locator(entryLocator).fill(`An entry without tags`);
await page.locator('[aria-label="Notebook Entry Input"] >> nth=1').press('Enter');
await page.hover('[aria-label="Notebook Entry Input"] >> nth=1');
await page.locator('button[title="Delete this entry"]').last().click();
await expect(
page.locator('text=This action will permanently delete this entry. Do you wish to continue?')
await page.locator('button:has-text("Ok")').click();
await expect(
page.locator('text=This action will permanently delete this entry. Do you wish to continue?')
await page.hover('[aria-label="Notebook Entry Input"] >> nth=1');
await page.locator('button[title="Delete this entry"]').last().click();
await expect(page.locator('text=This action will permanently delete this entry. Do you wish to continue?')).toBeVisible();
await page.locator('button:has-text("Ok")').click();
await expect(page.locator('text=This action will permanently delete this entry. Do you wish to continue?')).toBeHidden();
test('Can delete objects with tags and neither return in search', async ({ page }) => {
await createNotebookEntryAndTags(page);
// Delete Notebook
await page.locator('button[title="More options"]').click();
await page.locator('li[title="Remove this object from its containing object."]').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test('Can delete objects with tags and neither return in search', async ({ page }) => {
await createNotebookEntryAndTags(page);
// Delete Notebook
await page.locator('button[title="More options"]').click();
await page.locator('li[title="Remove this object from its containing object."]').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Unnamed');
await expect(page.locator('text=No results found')).toBeVisible();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('sci');
await expect(page.locator('text=No results found')).toBeVisible();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('dri');
await expect(page.locator('text=No results found')).toBeVisible();
test('Tags persist across reload', async ({ page }) => {
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Unnamed');
await expect(page.locator('text=No results found')).toBeVisible();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('sci');
await expect(page.locator('text=No results found')).toBeVisible();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('dri');
await expect(page.locator('text=No results found')).toBeVisible();
test('Tags persist across reload', async ({ page }) => {
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
const ITERATIONS = 4;
const notebook = await createNotebookEntryAndTags(page, ITERATIONS);
await page.goto(notebook.url);
const ITERATIONS = 4;
const notebook = await createNotebookEntryAndTags(page, ITERATIONS);
await page.goto(notebook.url);
// Verify tags are present
for (let iteration = 0; iteration < ITERATIONS; iteration++) {
const entryLocator = `[aria-label="Notebook Entry"] >> nth = ${iteration}`;
await expect(page.locator(entryLocator)).toContainText('Science');
await expect(page.locator(entryLocator)).toContainText('Driving');
// Verify tags are present
for (let iteration = 0; iteration < ITERATIONS; iteration++) {
const entryLocator = `[aria-label="Notebook Entry"] >> nth = ${iteration}`;
await expect(page.locator(entryLocator)).toContainText("Science");
await expect(page.locator(entryLocator)).toContainText("Driving");
//Reload Page
await page.reload({ waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//Reload Page
await page.reload({ waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Verify tags persist across reload
for (let iteration = 0; iteration < ITERATIONS; iteration++) {
const entryLocator = `[aria-label="Notebook Entry"] >> nth = ${iteration}`;
await expect(page.locator(entryLocator)).toContainText('Science');
await expect(page.locator(entryLocator)).toContainText('Driving');
test('Can cancel adding a tag', async ({ page }) => {
await createNotebookAndEntry(page);
// Verify tags persist across reload
for (let iteration = 0; iteration < ITERATIONS; iteration++) {
const entryLocator = `[aria-label="Notebook Entry"] >> nth = ${iteration}`;
await expect(page.locator(entryLocator)).toContainText("Science");
await expect(page.locator(entryLocator)).toContainText("Driving");
test('Can cancel adding a tag', async ({ page }) => {
await createNotebookAndEntry(page);
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Annotations');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Annotations');
// Click on the "Add Tag" button
await page.locator('button:has-text("Add Tag")').click();
// Click on the "Add Tag" button
await page.locator('button:has-text("Add Tag")').click();
// Click inside the AutoComplete field
await page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]').click();
// Click inside the AutoComplete field
await page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]').click();
// Click on the "Tags" header (simulating a click outside the autocomplete)
await page.locator('div.c-inspect-properties__header:has-text("Tags")').click();
// Click on the "Tags" header (simulating a click outside the autocomplete)
await page.locator('div.c-inspect-properties__header:has-text("Tags")').click();
// Verify there is a button with text "Add Tag"
await expect(page.locator('button:has-text("Add Tag")')).toBeVisible();
// Verify there is a button with text "Add Tag"
await expect(page.locator('button:has-text("Add Tag")')).toBeVisible();
// Verify the AutoComplete field is hidden
await expect(page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]')).toBeHidden();
// Verify the AutoComplete field is hidden
await expect(page.locator('[placeholder="Type to select tag"]')).toBeHidden();
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
/* global __dirname */
* This test suite is dedicated to testing the operator status plugin.
* This test suite is dedicated to testing the operator status plugin.
const path = require('path');
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
@ -38,117 +38,120 @@ STUB (test.fixme) Rolling through each
test.describe('Operator Status', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// FIXME: determine if plugins will be added to index.html or need to be injected
await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, '../../../../helper/', 'addInitExampleUser.js')});
await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, '../../../../helper/', 'addInitOperatorStatus.js')});
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// FIXME: determine if plugins will be added to index.html or need to be injected
await page.addInitScript({
path: path.join(__dirname, '../../../../helper/', 'addInitExampleUser.js')
// verify that operator status is visible
test('operator status is visible and expands when clicked', async ({ page }) => {
await expect(page.locator('div[title="Set my operator status"]')).toBeVisible();
await page.locator('div[title="Set my operator status"]').click();
// expect default status to be 'GO'
await expect(page.locator('.c-status-poll-panel')).toBeVisible();
await page.addInitScript({
path: path.join(__dirname, '../../../../helper/', 'addInitOperatorStatus.js')
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test('poll question indicator remains when blank poll set', async ({ page }) => {
await expect(page.locator('div[title="Set the current poll question"]')).toBeVisible();
await page.locator('div[title="Set the current poll question"]').click();
// set to blank
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Update' }).click();
// verify that operator status is visible
test('operator status is visible and expands when clicked', async ({ page }) => {
await expect(page.locator('div[title="Set my operator status"]')).toBeVisible();
await page.locator('div[title="Set my operator status"]').click();
// should still be visible
await expect(page.locator('div[title="Set the current poll question"]')).toBeVisible();
// expect default status to be 'GO'
await expect(page.locator('.c-status-poll-panel')).toBeVisible();
// Verify that user 1 sees updates from user/role 2 (Not possible without openmct-yamcs implementation)
test('operator status table reflects answered values', async ({ page }) => {
// user navigates to operator status poll
const statusPollIndicator = page.locator('div[title="Set my operator status"]');
await statusPollIndicator.click();
test('poll question indicator remains when blank poll set', async ({ page }) => {
await expect(page.locator('div[title="Set the current poll question"]')).toBeVisible();
await page.locator('div[title="Set the current poll question"]').click();
// set to blank
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Update' }).click();
// get user role value
const userRole = page.locator('.c-status-poll-panel__user-role');
const userRoleText = await userRole.innerText();
// should still be visible
await expect(page.locator('div[title="Set the current poll question"]')).toBeVisible();
// get selected status value
const selectStatus = page.locator('select[name="setStatus"]');
await selectStatus.selectOption({ index: 1});
const initialStatusValue = await selectStatus.inputValue();
// Verify that user 1 sees updates from user/role 2 (Not possible without openmct-yamcs implementation)
test('operator status table reflects answered values', async ({ page }) => {
// user navigates to operator status poll
const statusPollIndicator = page.locator('div[title="Set my operator status"]');
await statusPollIndicator.click();
// open manage status poll
const manageStatusPollIndicator = page.locator('div[title="Set the current poll question"]');
await manageStatusPollIndicator.click();
// parse the table row values
const row = page.locator(`tr:has-text("${userRoleText}")`);
const rowValues = await row.innerText();
const rowValuesArr = rowValues.split('\t');
// check initial set value matches status table
// get user role value
const userRole = page.locator('.c-status-poll-panel__user-role');
const userRoleText = await userRole.innerText();
// change user status
await statusPollIndicator.click();
// FIXME: might want to grab a dynamic option instead of arbitrary
await page.locator('select[name="setStatus"]').selectOption({ index: 2});
const updatedStatusValue = await selectStatus.inputValue();
// verify user status is reflected in table
await manageStatusPollIndicator.click();
// get selected status value
const selectStatus = page.locator('select[name="setStatus"]');
await selectStatus.selectOption({ index: 1 });
const initialStatusValue = await selectStatus.inputValue();
const updatedRow = page.locator(`tr:has-text("${userRoleText}")`);
const updatedRowValues = await updatedRow.innerText();
const updatedRowValuesArr = updatedRowValues.split('\t');
// open manage status poll
const manageStatusPollIndicator = page.locator('div[title="Set the current poll question"]');
await manageStatusPollIndicator.click();
// parse the table row values
const row = page.locator(`tr:has-text("${userRoleText}")`);
const rowValues = await row.innerText();
const rowValuesArr = rowValues.split('\t');
// check initial set value matches status table
// change user status
await statusPollIndicator.click();
// FIXME: might want to grab a dynamic option instead of arbitrary
await page.locator('select[name="setStatus"]').selectOption({ index: 2 });
const updatedStatusValue = await selectStatus.inputValue();
// verify user status is reflected in table
await manageStatusPollIndicator.click();
const updatedRow = page.locator(`tr:has-text("${userRoleText}")`);
const updatedRowValues = await updatedRow.innerText();
const updatedRowValuesArr = updatedRowValues.split('\t');
test('clear poll button removes poll responses', async ({ page }) => {
// user navigates to operator status poll
const statusPollIndicator = page.locator('div[title="Set my operator status"]');
await statusPollIndicator.click();
// get user role value
const userRole = page.locator('.c-status-poll-panel__user-role');
const userRoleText = await userRole.innerText();
test('clear poll button removes poll responses', async ({ page }) => {
// user navigates to operator status poll
const statusPollIndicator = page.locator('div[title="Set my operator status"]');
await statusPollIndicator.click();
// get selected status value
const selectStatus = page.locator('select[name="setStatus"]');
// FIXME: might want to grab a dynamic option instead of arbitrary
await selectStatus.selectOption({ index: 1});
const initialStatusValue = await selectStatus.inputValue();
// get user role value
const userRole = page.locator('.c-status-poll-panel__user-role');
const userRoleText = await userRole.innerText();
// open manage status poll
const manageStatusPollIndicator = page.locator('div[title="Set the current poll question"]');
await manageStatusPollIndicator.click();
// parse the table row values
const row = page.locator(`tr:has-text("${userRoleText}")`);
const rowValues = await row.innerText();
const rowValuesArr = rowValues.split('\t');
// check initial set value matches status table
// get selected status value
const selectStatus = page.locator('select[name="setStatus"]');
// FIXME: might want to grab a dynamic option instead of arbitrary
await selectStatus.selectOption({ index: 1 });
const initialStatusValue = await selectStatus.inputValue();
// clear the poll
await page.locator('button[title="Clear the previous poll question"]').click();
// open manage status poll
const manageStatusPollIndicator = page.locator('div[title="Set the current poll question"]');
await manageStatusPollIndicator.click();
// parse the table row values
const row = page.locator(`tr:has-text("${userRoleText}")`);
const rowValues = await row.innerText();
const rowValuesArr = rowValues.split('\t');
// check initial set value matches status table
const updatedRow = page.locator(`tr:has-text("${userRoleText}")`);
const updatedRowValues = await updatedRow.innerText();
const updatedRowValuesArr = updatedRowValues.split('\t');
const UNSET_VALUE_LABEL = 'Not set';
// clear the poll
await page.locator('button[title="Clear the previous poll question"]').click();
test.fixme('iterate through all possible response values', async ({ page }) => {
// test all possible respone values for the poll
const updatedRow = page.locator(`tr:has-text("${userRoleText}")`);
const updatedRowValues = await updatedRow.innerText();
const updatedRowValuesArr = updatedRowValues.split('\t');
const UNSET_VALUE_LABEL = 'Not set';
test.fixme('iterate through all possible response values', async ({ page }) => {
// test all possible respone values for the poll
@ -27,81 +27,95 @@ Testsuite for plot autoscale.
const { selectInspectorTab } = require('../../../../appActions');
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
viewport: {
width: 1280,
height: 720
viewport: {
width: 1280,
height: 720
test.describe('Autoscale', () => {
test('User can set autoscale with a valid range @snapshot', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
test('User can set autoscale with a valid range @snapshot', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
//This is necessary due to the size of the test suite.
//This is necessary due to the size of the test suite.
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await setTimeRange(page);
await setTimeRange(page);
await createSinewaveOverlayPlot(page, myItemsFolderName);
await createSinewaveOverlayPlot(page, myItemsFolderName);
await testYTicks(page, ['-1.00', '-0.50', '0.00', '0.50', '1.00']);
await testYTicks(page, ['-1.00', '-0.50', '0.00', '0.50', '1.00']);
// enter edit mode
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
// enter edit mode
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
await turnOffAutoscale(page);
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
await turnOffAutoscale(page);
await setUserDefinedMinAndMax(page, '-2', '2');
await setUserDefinedMinAndMax(page, '-2', '2');
// save
await page.click('button[title="Save"]');
await Promise.all([
page.locator('li[title = "Save and Finish Editing"]').click(),
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
//Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__close-button').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached'});
// save
await page.click('button[title="Save"]');
await Promise.all([
page.locator('li[title = "Save and Finish Editing"]').click(),
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
//Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__close-button').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached' });
// Make sure that after turning off autoscale, the user entered range values are reflexted in the ticks.
await testYTicks(page, ['-2.00', '-1.50', '-1.00', '-0.50', '0.00', '0.50', '1.00', '1.50', '2.00']);
// Make sure that after turning off autoscale, the user entered range values are reflexted in the ticks.
await testYTicks(page, [
const canvas = page.locator('canvas').nth(1);
const canvas = page.locator('canvas').nth(1);
await canvas.hover({trial: true});
await expect(page.locator('.js-series-data-loaded')).toBeVisible();
await canvas.hover({ trial: true });
await expect(page.locator('.js-series-data-loaded')).toBeVisible();
expect.soft(await canvas.screenshot()).toMatchSnapshot('autoscale-canvas-prepan.png', { animations: 'disabled' });
.soft(await canvas.screenshot())
.toMatchSnapshot('autoscale-canvas-prepan.png', { animations: 'disabled' });
//Alt Drag Start
await page.keyboard.down('Alt');
//Alt Drag Start
await page.keyboard.down('Alt');
await canvas.dragTo(canvas, {
sourcePosition: {
x: 200,
y: 200
targetPosition: {
x: 400,
y: 400
//Alt Drag End
await page.keyboard.up('Alt');
// Ensure the drag worked.
await testYTicks(page, ['0.00', '0.50', '1.00', '1.50', '2.00', '2.50', '3.00', '3.50']);
//Wait for canvas to stablize.
await canvas.hover({trial: true});
expect.soft(await canvas.screenshot()).toMatchSnapshot('autoscale-canvas-panned.png', { animations: 'disabled' });
await canvas.dragTo(canvas, {
sourcePosition: {
x: 200,
y: 200
targetPosition: {
x: 400,
y: 400
//Alt Drag End
await page.keyboard.up('Alt');
// Ensure the drag worked.
await testYTicks(page, ['0.00', '0.50', '1.00', '1.50', '2.00', '2.50', '3.00', '3.50']);
//Wait for canvas to stablize.
await canvas.hover({ trial: true });
.soft(await canvas.screenshot())
.toMatchSnapshot('autoscale-canvas-panned.png', { animations: 'disabled' });
@ -109,16 +123,20 @@ test.describe('Autoscale', () => {
* @param {string} start
* @param {string} end
async function setTimeRange(page, start = '2022-03-29 22:00:00.000Z', end = '2022-03-29 22:00:30.000Z') {
// Set a specific time range for consistency, otherwise it will change
// on every test to a range based on the current time.
async function setTimeRange(
start = '2022-03-29 22:00:00.000Z',
end = '2022-03-29 22:00:30.000Z'
) {
// Set a specific time range for consistency, otherwise it will change
// on every test to a range based on the current time.
const timeInputs = page.locator('input.c-input--datetime');
await timeInputs.first().click();
await timeInputs.first().fill(start);
const timeInputs = page.locator('input.c-input--datetime');
await timeInputs.first().click();
await timeInputs.first().fill(start);
await timeInputs.nth(1).click();
await timeInputs.nth(1).fill(end);
await timeInputs.nth(1).click();
await timeInputs.nth(1).fill(end);
@ -126,54 +144,57 @@ async function setTimeRange(page, start = '2022-03-29 22:00:00.000Z', end = '202
* @param {string} myItemsFolderName
async function createSinewaveOverlayPlot(page, myItemsFolderName) {
// click create button
await page.locator('button:has-text("Create")').click();
// click create button
await page.locator('button:has-text("Create")').click();
// add overlay plot with defaults
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Overlay Plot")').click();
await Promise.all([
//Wait for Save Banner to appear1
//Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__close-button').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached'});
// add overlay plot with defaults
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Overlay Plot")').click();
await Promise.all([
//Wait for Save Banner to appear1
//Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__close-button').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached' });
// save (exit edit mode)
await page.locator('text=Snapshot Save and Finish Editing Save and Continue Editing >> button').nth(1).click();
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// save (exit edit mode)
await page
.locator('text=Snapshot Save and Finish Editing Save and Continue Editing >> button')
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// click create button
await page.locator('button:has-text("Create")').click();
// click create button
await page.locator('button:has-text("Create")').click();
// add sine wave generator with defaults
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Sine Wave Generator")').click();
await Promise.all([
//Wait for Save Banner to appear1
//Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__close-button').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached'});
// add sine wave generator with defaults
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Sine Wave Generator")').click();
await Promise.all([
//Wait for Save Banner to appear1
//Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__close-button').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached' });
// focus the overlay plot
await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span`).nth(3).click();
await Promise.all([
page.locator('text=Unnamed Overlay Plot').first().click()
// focus the overlay plot
await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span`).nth(3).click();
await Promise.all([
page.locator('text=Unnamed Overlay Plot').first().click()
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function turnOffAutoscale(page) {
// uncheck autoscale
await page.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Auto scale' }).uncheck();
// uncheck autoscale
await page.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Auto scale' }).uncheck();
@ -182,23 +203,23 @@ async function turnOffAutoscale(page) {
* @param {string} max
async function setUserDefinedMinAndMax(page, min, max) {
// set minimum value
await page.getByRole('spinbutton').first().fill(min);
// set maximum value
await page.getByRole('spinbutton').nth(1).fill(max);
// set minimum value
await page.getByRole('spinbutton').first().fill(min);
// set maximum value
await page.getByRole('spinbutton').nth(1).fill(max);
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function testYTicks(page, values) {
const yTicks = page.locator('.gl-plot-y-tick-label');
await page.locator('canvas >> nth=1').hover();
let promises = [yTicks.count().then(c => expect(c).toBe(values.length))];
const yTicks = page.locator('.gl-plot-y-tick-label');
await page.locator('canvas >> nth=1').hover();
let promises = [yTicks.count().then((c) => expect(c).toBe(values.length))];
for (let i = 0, l = values.length; i < l; i += 1) {
promises.push(expect.soft(yTicks.nth(i)).toHaveText(values[i])); // eslint-disable-line
for (let i = 0, l = values.length; i < l; i += 1) {
promises.push(expect.soft(yTicks.nth(i)).toHaveText(values[i])); // eslint-disable-line
await Promise.all(promises);
await Promise.all(promises);
@ -29,44 +29,50 @@ const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
const { selectInspectorTab } = require('../../../../appActions');
test.describe('Log plot tests', () => {
test('Log Plot ticks are functionally correct in regular and log mode and after refresh', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
test('Log Plot ticks are functionally correct in regular and log mode and after refresh', async ({
}) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
//Test.slow decorator is currently broken. Needs to be fixed in https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5374
//Test.slow decorator is currently broken. Needs to be fixed in https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5374
await makeOverlayPlot(page, myItemsFolderName);
await testRegularTicks(page);
await enableEditMode(page);
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
await enableLogMode(page);
await testLogTicks(page);
await disableLogMode(page);
await testRegularTicks(page);
await enableLogMode(page);
await testLogTicks(page);
await saveOverlayPlot(page);
await testLogTicks(page);
await makeOverlayPlot(page, myItemsFolderName);
await testRegularTicks(page);
await enableEditMode(page);
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
await enableLogMode(page);
await testLogTicks(page);
await disableLogMode(page);
await testRegularTicks(page);
await enableLogMode(page);
await testLogTicks(page);
await saveOverlayPlot(page);
await testLogTicks(page);
// Leaving test as 'TODO' for now.
// NOTE: Not eligible for community contributions.
test.fixme('Verify that log mode option is reflected in import/export JSON', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
// Leaving test as 'TODO' for now.
// NOTE: Not eligible for community contributions.
'Verify that log mode option is reflected in import/export JSON',
async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
await makeOverlayPlot(page, myItemsFolderName);
await enableEditMode(page);
await enableLogMode(page);
await saveOverlayPlot(page);
await makeOverlayPlot(page, myItemsFolderName);
await enableEditMode(page);
await enableLogMode(page);
await saveOverlayPlot(page);
// TODO ...export, delete the overlay, then import it...
// TODO ...export, delete the overlay, then import it...
//await testLogTicks(page);
//await testLogTicks(page);
// TODO, the plot is slightly at different position that in the other test, so this fails.
// ...We can fix it by copying all steps from the first test...
// await testLogPlotPixels(page);
// TODO, the plot is slightly at different position that in the other test, so this fails.
// ...We can fix it by copying all steps from the first test...
// await testLogPlotPixels(page);
@ -75,146 +81,149 @@ test.describe('Log plot tests', () => {
* @param {string} myItemsFolderName
async function makeOverlayPlot(page, myItemsFolderName) {
// fresh page with time range from 2022-03-29 22:00:00.000Z to 2022-03-29 22:00:30.000Z
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// fresh page with time range from 2022-03-29 22:00:00.000Z to 2022-03-29 22:00:30.000Z
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Set a specific time range for consistency, otherwise it will change
// on every test to a range based on the current time.
// Set a specific time range for consistency, otherwise it will change
// on every test to a range based on the current time.
const timeInputs = page.locator('input.c-input--datetime');
await timeInputs.first().click();
await timeInputs.first().fill('2022-03-29 22:00:00.000Z');
const timeInputs = page.locator('input.c-input--datetime');
await timeInputs.first().click();
await timeInputs.first().fill('2022-03-29 22:00:00.000Z');
await timeInputs.nth(1).click();
await timeInputs.nth(1).fill('2022-03-29 22:00:30.000Z');
await timeInputs.nth(1).click();
await timeInputs.nth(1).fill('2022-03-29 22:00:30.000Z');
// create overlay plot
// create overlay plot
await page.locator('button.c-create-button').click();
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Overlay Plot")').click();
await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle'}),
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
//Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__close-button').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached'});
await page.locator('button.c-create-button').click();
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Overlay Plot")').click();
await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle' }),
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
//Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__close-button').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached' });
// save the overlay plot
// save the overlay plot
await saveOverlayPlot(page);
await saveOverlayPlot(page);
// create a sinewave generator
// create a sinewave generator
await page.locator('button.c-create-button').click();
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Sine Wave Generator")').click();
await page.locator('button.c-create-button').click();
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Sine Wave Generator")').click();
// set amplitude to 6, offset 4, period 2
// set amplitude to 6, offset 4, period 2
await page.locator('div:nth-child(5) .c-form-row__controls .form-control .field input').click();
await page.locator('div:nth-child(5) .c-form-row__controls .form-control .field input').fill('6');
await page.locator('div:nth-child(5) .c-form-row__controls .form-control .field input').click();
await page.locator('div:nth-child(5) .c-form-row__controls .form-control .field input').fill('6');
await page.locator('div:nth-child(6) .c-form-row__controls .form-control .field input').click();
await page.locator('div:nth-child(6) .c-form-row__controls .form-control .field input').fill('4');
await page.locator('div:nth-child(6) .c-form-row__controls .form-control .field input').click();
await page.locator('div:nth-child(6) .c-form-row__controls .form-control .field input').fill('4');
await page.locator('div:nth-child(7) .c-form-row__controls .form-control .field input').click();
await page.locator('div:nth-child(7) .c-form-row__controls .form-control .field input').fill('2');
await page.locator('div:nth-child(7) .c-form-row__controls .form-control .field input').click();
await page.locator('div:nth-child(7) .c-form-row__controls .form-control .field input').fill('2');
// Click OK to make generator
// Click OK to make generator
await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle'}),
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
//Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__close-button').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached'});
await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle' }),
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
//Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__close-button').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached' });
// click on overlay plot
// click on overlay plot
await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span`).nth(3).click();
await Promise.all([
page.locator('text=Unnamed Overlay Plot').first().click()
await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span`).nth(3).click();
await Promise.all([
page.locator('text=Unnamed Overlay Plot').first().click()
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function testRegularTicks(page) {
const yTicks = page.locator('.gl-plot-y-tick-label');
expect(await yTicks.count()).toBe(7);
await expect(yTicks.nth(0)).toHaveText('-2');
await expect(yTicks.nth(1)).toHaveText('0');
await expect(yTicks.nth(2)).toHaveText('2');
await expect(yTicks.nth(3)).toHaveText('4');
await expect(yTicks.nth(4)).toHaveText('6');
await expect(yTicks.nth(5)).toHaveText('8');
await expect(yTicks.nth(6)).toHaveText('10');
const yTicks = page.locator('.gl-plot-y-tick-label');
expect(await yTicks.count()).toBe(7);
await expect(yTicks.nth(0)).toHaveText('-2');
await expect(yTicks.nth(1)).toHaveText('0');
await expect(yTicks.nth(2)).toHaveText('2');
await expect(yTicks.nth(3)).toHaveText('4');
await expect(yTicks.nth(4)).toHaveText('6');
await expect(yTicks.nth(5)).toHaveText('8');
await expect(yTicks.nth(6)).toHaveText('10');
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function testLogTicks(page) {
const yTicks = page.locator('.gl-plot-y-tick-label');
expect(await yTicks.count()).toBe(9);
await expect(yTicks.nth(0)).toHaveText('-2.98');
await expect(yTicks.nth(1)).toHaveText('-1.51');
await expect(yTicks.nth(2)).toHaveText('-0.58');
await expect(yTicks.nth(3)).toHaveText('-0.00');
await expect(yTicks.nth(4)).toHaveText('0.58');
await expect(yTicks.nth(5)).toHaveText('1.51');
await expect(yTicks.nth(6)).toHaveText('2.98');
await expect(yTicks.nth(7)).toHaveText('5.31');
await expect(yTicks.nth(8)).toHaveText('9.00');
const yTicks = page.locator('.gl-plot-y-tick-label');
expect(await yTicks.count()).toBe(9);
await expect(yTicks.nth(0)).toHaveText('-2.98');
await expect(yTicks.nth(1)).toHaveText('-1.51');
await expect(yTicks.nth(2)).toHaveText('-0.58');
await expect(yTicks.nth(3)).toHaveText('-0.00');
await expect(yTicks.nth(4)).toHaveText('0.58');
await expect(yTicks.nth(5)).toHaveText('1.51');
await expect(yTicks.nth(6)).toHaveText('2.98');
await expect(yTicks.nth(7)).toHaveText('5.31');
await expect(yTicks.nth(8)).toHaveText('9.00');
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function enableEditMode(page) {
// turn on edit mode
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Edit' }).click();
await expect(page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' })).toBeVisible();
// turn on edit mode
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Edit' }).click();
await expect(page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' })).toBeVisible();
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function enableLogMode(page) {
await expect(page.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Log mode' })).not.toBeChecked();
await page.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Log mode' }).check();
await expect(page.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Log mode' })).not.toBeChecked();
await page.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Log mode' }).check();
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function disableLogMode(page) {
await expect(page.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Log mode' })).toBeChecked();
await page.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Log mode' }).uncheck();
await expect(page.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Log mode' })).toBeChecked();
await page.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Log mode' }).uncheck();
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function saveOverlayPlot(page) {
// save overlay plot
await page.locator('text=Snapshot Save and Finish Editing Save and Continue Editing >> button').nth(1).click();
// save overlay plot
await page
.locator('text=Snapshot Save and Finish Editing Save and Continue Editing >> button')
await Promise.all([
page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click(),
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
//Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__close-button').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached' });
await Promise.all([
page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click(),
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
//Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__close-button').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached' });
@ -223,63 +232,63 @@ async function saveOverlayPlot(page) {
// FIXME: Remove this eslint exception once implemented
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async function testLogPlotPixels(page) {
const pixelsMatch = await page.evaluate(async () => {
// TODO get canvas pixels at a few locations to make sure they're the correct color, to test that the plot comes out as expected.
const pixelsMatch = await page.evaluate(async () => {
// TODO get canvas pixels at a few locations to make sure they're the correct color, to test that the plot comes out as expected.
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 5 * 1000));
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 5 * 1000));
// These are some pixels that should be blue points in the log plot.
// If the plot changes shape to an unexpected shape, this will
// likely fail, which is what we want.
// I found these pixels by pausing playwright in debug mode at this
// point, and using similar code as below to output the pixel data, then
// I logged those pixels here.
const expectedBluePixels = [
// TODO these pixel sets only work with the first test, but not the second test.
// These are some pixels that should be blue points in the log plot.
// If the plot changes shape to an unexpected shape, this will
// likely fail, which is what we want.
// I found these pixels by pausing playwright in debug mode at this
// point, and using similar code as below to output the pixel data, then
// I logged those pixels here.
const expectedBluePixels = [
// TODO these pixel sets only work with the first test, but not the second test.
// [60, 35],
// [121, 125],
// [156, 377],
// [264, 73],
// [372, 186],
// [576, 73],
// [659, 439],
// [675, 423]
// [60, 35],
// [121, 125],
// [156, 377],
// [264, 73],
// [372, 186],
// [576, 73],
// [659, 439],
// [675, 423]
[60, 35],
[120, 125],
[156, 375],
[264, 73],
[372, 185],
[575, 72],
[659, 437],
[675, 421]
[60, 35],
[120, 125],
[156, 375],
[264, 73],
[372, 185],
[575, 72],
[659, 437],
[675, 421]
// The first canvas in the DOM is the one that has the plot point
// icons (canvas 2d), which is the one we are testing. The second
// one in the DOM is the WebGL canvas with the line. (Why aren't
// they both WebGL?)
const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
// The first canvas in the DOM is the one that has the plot point
// icons (canvas 2d), which is the one we are testing. The second
// one in the DOM is the WebGL canvas with the line. (Why aren't
// they both WebGL?)
const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
for (const pixel of expectedBluePixels) {
// XXX Possible optimization: call getImageData only once with
// area including all pixels to be tested.
const data = ctx.getImageData(pixel[0], pixel[1], 1, 1).data;
for (const pixel of expectedBluePixels) {
// XXX Possible optimization: call getImageData only once with
// area including all pixels to be tested.
const data = ctx.getImageData(pixel[0], pixel[1], 1, 1).data;
// #43b0ffff <-- openmct cyanish-blue with 100% opacity
// if (data[0] !== 0x43 || data[1] !== 0xb0 || data[2] !== 0xff || data[3] !== 0xff) {
if (data[0] === 0 && data[1] === 0 && data[2] === 0 && data[3] === 0) {
// If any pixel is empty, it means we didn't hit a plot point.
return false;
// #43b0ffff <-- openmct cyanish-blue with 100% opacity
// if (data[0] !== 0x43 || data[1] !== 0xb0 || data[2] !== 0xff || data[3] !== 0xff) {
if (data[0] === 0 && data[1] === 0 && data[2] === 0 && data[3] === 0) {
// If any pixel is empty, it means we didn't hit a plot point.
return false;
return true;
return true;
@ -27,55 +27,56 @@ Tests to verify log plot functionality when objects are missing
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
test.describe('Handle missing object for plots', () => {
test('Displays empty div for missing stacked plot item @unstable', async ({ page, browserName, openmctConfig }) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-skipped-test
test.skip(browserName === 'firefox', 'Firefox failing due to console events being missed');
test('Displays empty div for missing stacked plot item @unstable', async ({
}) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-skipped-test
test.skip(browserName === 'firefox', 'Firefox failing due to console events being missed');
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
const errorLogs = [];
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
const errorLogs = [];
page.on("console", (message) => {
if (message.type() === 'warning' && message.text().includes('Missing domain object')) {
//Make stacked plot
await makeStackedPlot(page, myItemsFolderName);
//Gets local storage and deletes the last sine wave generator in the stacked plot
const localStorage = await page.evaluate(() => window.localStorage);
const parsedData = JSON.parse(localStorage.mct);
const keys = Object.keys(parsedData);
const lastKey = keys[keys.length - 1];
delete parsedData[lastKey];
//Sets local storage with missing object
await page.evaluate(
`window.localStorage.setItem('mct', '${JSON.stringify(parsedData)}')`
//Reloads page and clicks on stacked plot
await Promise.all([
//Verify Main section is there on load
await expect.soft(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText('Unnamed Stacked Plot');
await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span`).nth(3).click();
await Promise.all([
page.locator('text=Unnamed Stacked Plot').first().click()
//Check that there is only one stacked item plot with a plot, the missing one will be empty
await expect(page.locator(".c-plot--stacked-container:has(.gl-plot)")).toHaveCount(1);
//Verify that console.warn is thrown
page.on('console', (message) => {
if (message.type() === 'warning' && message.text().includes('Missing domain object')) {
//Make stacked plot
await makeStackedPlot(page, myItemsFolderName);
//Gets local storage and deletes the last sine wave generator in the stacked plot
const localStorage = await page.evaluate(() => window.localStorage);
const parsedData = JSON.parse(localStorage.mct);
const keys = Object.keys(parsedData);
const lastKey = keys[keys.length - 1];
delete parsedData[lastKey];
//Sets local storage with missing object
await page.evaluate(`window.localStorage.setItem('mct', '${JSON.stringify(parsedData)}')`);
//Reloads page and clicks on stacked plot
await Promise.all([page.reload(), page.waitForLoadState('networkidle')]);
//Verify Main section is there on load
await expect
.toContainText('Unnamed Stacked Plot');
await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span`).nth(3).click();
await Promise.all([
page.locator('text=Unnamed Stacked Plot').first().click()
//Check that there is only one stacked item plot with a plot, the missing one will be empty
await expect(page.locator('.c-plot--stacked-container:has(.gl-plot)')).toHaveCount(1);
//Verify that console.warn is thrown
@ -83,42 +84,42 @@ test.describe('Handle missing object for plots', () => {
* @private
async function makeStackedPlot(page, myItemsFolderName) {
// fresh page with time range from 2022-03-29 22:00:00.000Z to 2022-03-29 22:00:30.000Z
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// fresh page with time range from 2022-03-29 22:00:00.000Z to 2022-03-29 22:00:30.000Z
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// create stacked plot
await page.locator('button.c-create-button').click();
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Stacked Plot")').click();
// create stacked plot
await page.locator('button.c-create-button').click();
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Stacked Plot")').click();
await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle'}),
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle' }),
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
// save the stacked plot
await saveStackedPlot(page);
// save the stacked plot
await saveStackedPlot(page);
// create a sinewave generator
await createSineWaveGenerator(page);
// create a sinewave generator
await createSineWaveGenerator(page);
// click on stacked plot
await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span`).nth(3).click();
await Promise.all([
page.locator('text=Unnamed Stacked Plot').first().click()
// click on stacked plot
await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span`).nth(3).click();
await Promise.all([
page.locator('text=Unnamed Stacked Plot').first().click()
// create a second sinewave generator
await createSineWaveGenerator(page);
// create a second sinewave generator
await createSineWaveGenerator(page);
// click on stacked plot
await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span`).nth(3).click();
await Promise.all([
page.locator('text=Unnamed Stacked Plot').first().click()
// click on stacked plot
await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span`).nth(3).click();
await Promise.all([
page.locator('text=Unnamed Stacked Plot').first().click()
@ -126,17 +127,20 @@ async function makeStackedPlot(page, myItemsFolderName) {
* @private
async function saveStackedPlot(page) {
// save stacked plot
await page.locator('text=Snapshot Save and Finish Editing Save and Continue Editing >> button').nth(1).click();
// save stacked plot
await page
.locator('text=Snapshot Save and Finish Editing Save and Continue Editing >> button')
await Promise.all([
page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click(),
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
//Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__close-button').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached' });
await Promise.all([
page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click(),
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
//Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__close-button').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached' });
@ -144,14 +148,14 @@ async function saveStackedPlot(page) {
* @private
async function createSineWaveGenerator(page) {
//Create sine wave generator
await page.locator('button.c-create-button').click();
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Sine Wave Generator")').click();
//Create sine wave generator
await page.locator('button.c-create-button').click();
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Sine Wave Generator")').click();
await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle'}),
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle' }),
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
@ -26,201 +26,230 @@ necessarily be used for reference when writing new tests in this area.
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults, getCanvasPixels, selectInspectorTab, waitForPlotsToRender } = require('../../../../appActions');
const {
} = require('../../../../appActions');
test.describe('Overlay Plot', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test('Plot legend color is in sync with plot series color', async ({ page }) => {
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Overlay Plot'
test('Plot legend color is in sync with plot series color', async ({ page }) => {
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Overlay Plot"
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
await page.goto(overlayPlot.url);
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
// navigate to plot series color palette
await page.click('.l-browse-bar__actions__edit');
await page.locator('li.c-tree__item.menus-to-left .c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await page.locator('.c-click-swatch--menu').click();
await page.locator('.c-palette__item[style="background: rgb(255, 166, 61);"]').click();
// gets color for swatch located in legend
const seriesColorSwatch = page.locator('.gl-plot-y-label-swatch-container > .plot-series-color-swatch');
await expect(seriesColorSwatch).toHaveCSS('background-color', 'rgb(255, 166, 61)');
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
test('Limit lines persist when series is moved to another Y Axis and on refresh', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6338'
// Create an Overlay Plot with a default SWG
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Overlay Plot"
await page.goto(overlayPlot.url);
const swgA = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
await page.goto(overlayPlot.url);
// Assert that no limit lines are shown by default
await page.waitForSelector('.js-limit-area', { state: 'attached' });
expect(await page.locator('.c-plot-limit-line').count()).toBe(0);
// Enter edit mode
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
// Expand the "Sine Wave Generator" plot series options and enable limit lines
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
await page.getByRole('list', { name: 'Plot Series Properties' }).locator('span').first().click();
await page.getByRole('list', { name: 'Plot Series Properties' }).locator('[title="Display limit lines"]~div input').check();
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
// Save (exit edit mode)
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]').click();
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
await page.reload();
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
// Enter edit mode
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
// Drag Sine Wave Generator series from Y Axis 1 into Y Axis 2
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swgA.name}`).dragTo(page.locator('[aria-label="Element Item Group Y Axis 2"]'));
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
// Save (exit edit mode)
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]').click();
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
await page.reload();
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
// navigate to plot series color palette
await page.click('.l-browse-bar__actions__edit');
await page.locator('li.c-tree__item.menus-to-left .c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await page.locator('.c-click-swatch--menu').click();
await page.locator('.c-palette__item[style="background: rgb(255, 166, 61);"]').click();
// gets color for swatch located in legend
const seriesColorSwatch = page.locator(
'.gl-plot-y-label-swatch-container > .plot-series-color-swatch'
await expect(seriesColorSwatch).toHaveCSS('background-color', 'rgb(255, 166, 61)');
test('Limit lines persist when series is moved to another Y Axis and on refresh', async ({
}) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6338'
// Create an Overlay Plot with a default SWG
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Overlay Plot'
test('The elements pool supports dragging series into multiple y-axis buckets', async ({ page }) => {
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Overlay Plot"
const swgA = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
const swgB = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
const swgC = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
const swgD = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
const swgE = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
await page.goto(overlayPlot.url);
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
// Drag swg a, c, e into Y Axis 2
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swgA.name}`).dragTo(page.locator('[aria-label="Element Item Group Y Axis 2"]'));
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swgC.name}`).dragTo(page.locator('[aria-label="Element Item Group Y Axis 2"]'));
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swgE.name}`).dragTo(page.locator('[aria-label="Element Item Group Y Axis 2"]'));
// Assert that Y Axis 1 and Y Axis 2 property groups are visible only
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
const yAxis1PropertyGroup = page.locator('[aria-label="Y Axis Properties"]');
const yAxis2PropertyGroup = page.locator('[aria-label="Y Axis 2 Properties"]');
const yAxis3PropertyGroup = page.locator('[aria-label="Y Axis 3 Properties"]');
await expect(yAxis1PropertyGroup).toBeVisible();
await expect(yAxis2PropertyGroup).toBeVisible();
await expect(yAxis3PropertyGroup).toBeHidden();
const yAxis1Group = page.getByLabel("Y Axis 1");
const yAxis2Group = page.getByLabel("Y Axis 2");
const yAxis3Group = page.getByLabel("Y Axis 3");
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
// Drag swg b into Y Axis 3
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swgB.name}`).dragTo(page.locator('[aria-label="Element Item Group Y Axis 3"]'));
// Assert that all Y Axis property groups are visible
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
await expect(yAxis1PropertyGroup).toBeVisible();
await expect(yAxis2PropertyGroup).toBeVisible();
await expect(yAxis3PropertyGroup).toBeVisible();
// Verify that the elements are in the correct buckets and in the correct order
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
expect(yAxis1Group.getByRole('listitem', { name: swgD.name })).toBeTruthy();
expect(yAxis2Group.getByRole('listitem', { name: swgE.name })).toBeTruthy();
expect(yAxis2Group.getByRole('listitem', { name: swgC.name })).toBeTruthy();
expect(yAxis2Group.getByRole('listitem', { name: swgA.name })).toBeTruthy();
expect(yAxis3Group.getByRole('listitem', { name: swgB.name })).toBeTruthy();
const swgA = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
test('Clicking on an item in the elements pool brings up the plot preview with data points', async ({ page }) => {
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Overlay Plot"
await page.goto(overlayPlot.url);
const swgA = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
// Assert that no limit lines are shown by default
await page.waitForSelector('.js-limit-area', { state: 'attached' });
expect(await page.locator('.c-plot-limit-line').count()).toBe(0);
await page.goto(overlayPlot.url);
// Wait for plot series data to load and be drawn
await waitForPlotsToRender(page);
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
// Enter edit mode
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
// Expand the "Sine Wave Generator" plot series options and enable limit lines
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
await page
.getByRole('list', { name: 'Plot Series Properties' })
await page
.getByRole('list', { name: 'Plot Series Properties' })
.locator('[title="Display limit lines"]~div input')
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swgA.name}`).click();
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
const plotPixels = await getCanvasPixels(page, '.js-overlay canvas');
const plotPixelSize = plotPixels.length;
// Save (exit edit mode)
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]').click();
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
await page.reload();
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
// Enter edit mode
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
// Drag Sine Wave Generator series from Y Axis 1 into Y Axis 2
await page
.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swgA.name}`)
.dragTo(page.locator('[aria-label="Element Item Group Y Axis 2"]'));
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
// Save (exit edit mode)
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]').click();
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
await page.reload();
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
test('The elements pool supports dragging series into multiple y-axis buckets', async ({
}) => {
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Overlay Plot'
const swgA = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
const swgB = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
const swgC = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
const swgD = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
const swgE = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
await page.goto(overlayPlot.url);
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
// Drag swg a, c, e into Y Axis 2
await page
.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swgA.name}`)
.dragTo(page.locator('[aria-label="Element Item Group Y Axis 2"]'));
await page
.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swgC.name}`)
.dragTo(page.locator('[aria-label="Element Item Group Y Axis 2"]'));
await page
.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swgE.name}`)
.dragTo(page.locator('[aria-label="Element Item Group Y Axis 2"]'));
// Assert that Y Axis 1 and Y Axis 2 property groups are visible only
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
const yAxis1PropertyGroup = page.locator('[aria-label="Y Axis Properties"]');
const yAxis2PropertyGroup = page.locator('[aria-label="Y Axis 2 Properties"]');
const yAxis3PropertyGroup = page.locator('[aria-label="Y Axis 3 Properties"]');
await expect(yAxis1PropertyGroup).toBeVisible();
await expect(yAxis2PropertyGroup).toBeVisible();
await expect(yAxis3PropertyGroup).toBeHidden();
const yAxis1Group = page.getByLabel('Y Axis 1');
const yAxis2Group = page.getByLabel('Y Axis 2');
const yAxis3Group = page.getByLabel('Y Axis 3');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
// Drag swg b into Y Axis 3
await page
.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swgB.name}`)
.dragTo(page.locator('[aria-label="Element Item Group Y Axis 3"]'));
// Assert that all Y Axis property groups are visible
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
await expect(yAxis1PropertyGroup).toBeVisible();
await expect(yAxis2PropertyGroup).toBeVisible();
await expect(yAxis3PropertyGroup).toBeVisible();
// Verify that the elements are in the correct buckets and in the correct order
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
expect(yAxis1Group.getByRole('listitem', { name: swgD.name })).toBeTruthy();
expect(yAxis2Group.getByRole('listitem', { name: swgE.name })).toBeTruthy();
expect(yAxis2Group.getByRole('listitem', { name: swgC.name })).toBeTruthy();
expect(yAxis2Group.getByRole('listitem', { name: swgA.name })).toBeTruthy();
expect(yAxis3Group.getByRole('listitem', { name: swgB.name })).toBeTruthy();
test('Clicking on an item in the elements pool brings up the plot preview with data points', async ({
}) => {
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Overlay Plot'
const swgA = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
await page.goto(overlayPlot.url);
// Wait for plot series data to load and be drawn
await waitForPlotsToRender(page);
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swgA.name}`).click();
const plotPixels = await getCanvasPixels(page, '.js-overlay canvas');
const plotPixelSize = plotPixels.length;
@ -228,14 +257,14 @@ test.describe('Overlay Plot', () => {
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page) {
// Wait for plot series data to load
await waitForPlotsToRender(page);
// Wait for limit lines to be created
await page.waitForSelector('.js-limit-area', { state: 'attached' });
const limitLineCount = await page.locator('.c-plot-limit-line').count();
// There should be 10 limit lines created by default
expect(await page.locator('.c-plot-limit-line').count()).toBe(10);
for (let i = 0; i < limitLineCount; i++) {
await expect(page.locator('.c-plot-limit-line').nth(i)).toBeVisible();
// Wait for plot series data to load
await waitForPlotsToRender(page);
// Wait for limit lines to be created
await page.waitForSelector('.js-limit-area', { state: 'attached' });
const limitLineCount = await page.locator('.c-plot-limit-line').count();
// There should be 10 limit lines created by default
expect(await page.locator('.c-plot-limit-line').count()).toBe(10);
for (let i = 0; i < limitLineCount; i++) {
await expect(page.locator('.c-plot-limit-line').nth(i)).toBeVisible();
@ -21,44 +21,46 @@
* This test suite is dedicated to testing the rendering and interaction of plots.
* This test suite is dedicated to testing the rendering and interaction of plots.
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults, getCanvasPixels } = require('../../../../appActions');
test.describe('Plot Rendering', () => {
let sineWaveGeneratorObject;
let sineWaveGeneratorObject;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// Open a browser, navigate to the main page, and wait until all networkevents to resolve
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
sineWaveGeneratorObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Sine Wave Generator' });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// Open a browser, navigate to the main page, and wait until all networkevents to resolve
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
sineWaveGeneratorObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator'
test('Plots do not re-request data when a plot is clicked', async ({ page }) => {
// Navigate to Sine Wave Generator
await page.goto(sineWaveGeneratorObject.url);
// Click on the plot canvas
await page.locator('canvas').nth(1).click();
// No request was made to get historical data
const createMineFolderRequests = [];
page.on('request', req => {
test('Plots do not re-request data when a plot is clicked', async ({ page }) => {
// Navigate to Sine Wave Generator
await page.goto(sineWaveGeneratorObject.url);
// Click on the plot canvas
await page.locator('canvas').nth(1).click();
// No request was made to get historical data
const createMineFolderRequests = [];
page.on('request', (req) => {
test('Plot is rendered when infinity values exist', async ({ page }) => {
// Edit Plot
await editSineWaveToUseInfinityOption(page, sineWaveGeneratorObject);
test('Plot is rendered when infinity values exist', async ({ page }) => {
// Edit Plot
await editSineWaveToUseInfinityOption(page, sineWaveGeneratorObject);
//Get pixel data from Canvas
const plotPixels = await getCanvasPixels(page, 'canvas');
const plotPixelSize = plotPixels.length;
//Get pixel data from Canvas
const plotPixels = await getCanvasPixels(page, 'canvas');
const plotPixelSize = plotPixels.length;
@ -69,20 +71,24 @@ test.describe('Plot Rendering', () => {
* @returns {Promise<CreatedObjectInfo>} An object containing information about the edited domain object.
async function editSineWaveToUseInfinityOption(page, sineWaveGeneratorObject) {
await page.goto(sineWaveGeneratorObject.url);
// Edit SWG properties to include infinity values
await page.locator('[title="More options"]').click();
await page.locator('[title="Edit properties of this object."]').click();
await page.getByRole('switch', {
name: "Include Infinity Values"
await page.goto(sineWaveGeneratorObject.url);
// Edit SWG properties to include infinity values
await page.locator('[title="More options"]').click();
await page.locator('[title="Edit properties of this object."]').click();
await page
.getByRole('switch', {
name: 'Include Infinity Values'
await page.getByRole('button', {
name: 'Save'
await page
.getByRole('button', {
name: 'Save'
// FIXME: Changes to SWG properties should be reflected on save, but they're not?
// Thus, navigate away and back to the object.
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine');
await page.goto(sineWaveGeneratorObject.url);
// FIXME: Changes to SWG properties should be reflected on save, but they're not?
// Thus, navigate away and back to the object.
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine');
await page.goto(sineWaveGeneratorObject.url);
@ -21,77 +21,89 @@
* This test suite is dedicated to testing the Scatter Plot component.
* This test suite is dedicated to testing the Scatter Plot component.
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults, selectInspectorTab } = require('../../../../appActions');
const uuid = require('uuid').v4;
test.describe('Scatter Plot', () => {
let scatterPlot;
let scatterPlot;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// Open a browser, navigate to the main page, and wait until all networkevents to resolve
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// Open a browser, navigate to the main page, and wait until all networkevents to resolve
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Create the Scatter Plot
scatterPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Scatter Plot' });
// Create the Scatter Plot
scatterPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Scatter Plot' });
test('Can add and remove telemetry sources', async ({ page }) => {
const editButton = page.locator('button[title="Edit"]');
const saveButton = page.locator('button[title="Save"]');
// Create a sine wave generator within the scatter plot
const swg1 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: `swg-${uuid()}`,
parent: scatterPlot.uuid
test('Can add and remove telemetry sources', async ({ page }) => {
const editButton = page.locator('button[title="Edit"]');
const saveButton = page.locator('button[title="Save"]');
// Navigate to the scatter plot and verify that
// the SWG appears in the elements pool
await page.goto(scatterPlot.url);
await editButton.click();
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
await expect.soft(page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swg1.name}`)).toBeVisible();
await saveButton.click();
await page.locator('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]').click();
// Create a sine wave generator within the scatter plot
const swg1 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: `swg-${uuid()}`,
parent: scatterPlot.uuid
// Navigate to the scatter plot and verify that
// the SWG appears in the elements pool
await page.goto(scatterPlot.url);
await editButton.click();
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
await expect.soft(page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swg1.name}`)).toBeVisible();
await saveButton.click();
await page.locator('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]').click();
// Create another sine wave generator within the scatter plot
const swg2 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: `swg-${uuid()}`,
parent: scatterPlot.uuid
// Verify that the 'Replace telemetry source' modal appears and accept it
await expect.soft(page.locator('text=This action will replace the current telemetry source. Do you want to continue?')).toBeVisible();
await page.click('text=Ok');
// Navigate to the scatter plot and verify that the new SWG
// appears in the elements pool and the old one is gone
await page.goto(scatterPlot.url);
await editButton.click();
// Click the "Elements" tab
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
await expect.soft(page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swg1.name}`)).toBeHidden();
await expect.soft(page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swg2.name}`)).toBeVisible();
await saveButton.click();
// Right click on the new SWG in the elements pool and delete it
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swg2.name}`).click({
button: 'right'
await page.locator('li[title="Remove this object from its containing object."]').click();
// Verify that the 'Remove object' confirmation modal appears and accept it
await expect.soft(page.locator('text=Warning! This action will remove this object. Are you sure you want to continue?')).toBeVisible();
await page.click('text=Ok');
// Verify that the elements pool shows no elements
await expect(page.locator('text="No contained elements"')).toBeVisible();
// Create another sine wave generator within the scatter plot
const swg2 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: `swg-${uuid()}`,
parent: scatterPlot.uuid
// Verify that the 'Replace telemetry source' modal appears and accept it
await expect
'text=This action will replace the current telemetry source. Do you want to continue?'
await page.click('text=Ok');
// Navigate to the scatter plot and verify that the new SWG
// appears in the elements pool and the old one is gone
await page.goto(scatterPlot.url);
await editButton.click();
// Click the "Elements" tab
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
await expect.soft(page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swg1.name}`)).toBeHidden();
await expect.soft(page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swg2.name}`)).toBeVisible();
await saveButton.click();
// Right click on the new SWG in the elements pool and delete it
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${swg2.name}`).click({
button: 'right'
await page.locator('li[title="Remove this object from its containing object."]').click();
// Verify that the 'Remove object' confirmation modal appears and accept it
await expect
'text=Warning! This action will remove this object. Are you sure you want to continue?'
await page.click('text=Ok');
// Verify that the elements pool shows no elements
await expect(page.locator('text="No contained elements"')).toBeVisible();
@ -29,161 +29,202 @@ const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults, selectInspectorTab } = require('../../../../appActions');
test.describe('Stacked Plot', () => {
let stackedPlot;
let swgA;
let swgB;
let swgC;
let stackedPlot;
let swgA;
let swgB;
let swgC;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// Open a browser, navigate to the main page, and wait until all networkevents to resolve
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// Open a browser, navigate to the main page, and wait until all networkevents to resolve
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
stackedPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Stacked Plot"
swgA = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: stackedPlot.uuid
swgB = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: stackedPlot.uuid
swgC = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: stackedPlot.uuid
stackedPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Stacked Plot'
test('Using the remove action removes the correct plot', async ({ page }) => {
const swgAElementsPoolItem = page.locator('#inspector-elements-tree').locator('.c-object-label', { hasText: swgA.name });
const swgBElementsPoolItem = page.locator('#inspector-elements-tree').locator('.c-object-label', { hasText: swgB.name });
const swgCElementsPoolItem = page.locator('#inspector-elements-tree').locator('.c-object-label', { hasText: swgC.name });
await page.goto(stackedPlot.url);
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
await swgBElementsPoolItem.click({ button: 'right' });
await page.getByRole('menuitem').filter({ hasText: /Remove/ }).click();
await page.getByRole('button').filter({ hasText: "OK" }).click();
await expect(page.locator('#inspector-elements-tree .js-elements-pool__item')).toHaveCount(2);
// Confirm that the elements pool contains the items we expect
await expect(swgAElementsPoolItem).toHaveCount(1);
await expect(swgBElementsPoolItem).toHaveCount(0);
await expect(swgCElementsPoolItem).toHaveCount(1);
swgA = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
parent: stackedPlot.uuid
test('Can reorder Stacked Plot items', async ({ page }) => {
const swgAElementsPoolItem = page.locator('#inspector-elements-tree').locator('.c-object-label', { hasText: swgA.name });
const swgBElementsPoolItem = page.locator('#inspector-elements-tree').locator('.c-object-label', { hasText: swgB.name });
const swgCElementsPoolItem = page.locator('#inspector-elements-tree').locator('.c-object-label', { hasText: swgC.name });
await page.goto(stackedPlot.url);
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
const stackedPlotItem1 = page.locator('.c-plot--stacked-container').nth(0);
const stackedPlotItem2 = page.locator('.c-plot--stacked-container').nth(1);
const stackedPlotItem3 = page.locator('.c-plot--stacked-container').nth(2);
// assert initial plot order - [swgA, swgB, swgC]
await expect(stackedPlotItem1).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgA.name}`);
await expect(stackedPlotItem2).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgB.name}`);
await expect(stackedPlotItem3).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgC.name}`);
// Drag and drop to reorder - [swgB, swgA, swgC]
await swgBElementsPoolItem.dragTo(swgAElementsPoolItem);
// assert plot order after reorder - [swgB, swgA, swgC]
await expect(stackedPlotItem1).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgB.name}`);
await expect(stackedPlotItem2).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgA.name}`);
await expect(stackedPlotItem3).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgC.name}`);
// Drag and drop to reorder - [swgB, swgC, swgA]
await swgCElementsPoolItem.dragTo(swgAElementsPoolItem);
// assert plot order after second reorder - [swgB, swgC, swgA]
await expect(stackedPlotItem1).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgB.name}`);
await expect(stackedPlotItem2).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgC.name}`);
await expect(stackedPlotItem3).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgA.name}`);
// collapse inspector
await page.locator('.l-shell__pane-inspector .l-pane__collapse-button').click();
// Save (exit edit mode)
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]').click();
// assert plot order persists after save - [swgB, swgC, swgA]
await expect(stackedPlotItem1).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgB.name}`);
await expect(stackedPlotItem2).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgC.name}`);
await expect(stackedPlotItem3).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgA.name}`);
swgB = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
parent: stackedPlot.uuid
test('Selecting a child plot while in browse and edit modes shows its properties in the inspector', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto(stackedPlot.url);
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
// Click on the 1st plot
await page.locator(`[aria-label="Stacked Plot Item ${swgA.name}"] canvas`).nth(1).click();
// Assert that the inspector shows the Y Axis properties for swgA
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] >> h2')).toContainText("Plot Series");
await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: "Y Axis" })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] .c-object-label')).toContainText(swgA.name);
// Click on the 2nd plot
await page.locator(`[aria-label="Stacked Plot Item ${swgB.name}"] canvas`).nth(1).click();
// Assert that the inspector shows the Y Axis properties for swgB
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] >> h2')).toContainText("Plot Series");
await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Y Axis' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] .c-object-label')).toContainText(swgB.name);
// Click on the 3rd plot
await page.locator(`[aria-label="Stacked Plot Item ${swgC.name}"] canvas`).nth(1).click();
// Assert that the inspector shows the Y Axis properties for swgC
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] >> h2')).toContainText("Plot Series");
await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Y Axis' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] .c-object-label')).toContainText(swgC.name);
// Go into edit mode
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
// Click on canvas for the 1st plot
await page.locator(`[aria-label="Stacked Plot Item ${swgA.name}"]`).click();
// Assert that the inspector shows the Y Axis properties for swgA
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] >> h2')).toContainText("Plot Series");
await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Y Axis' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] .c-object-label')).toContainText(swgA.name);
//Click on canvas for the 2nd plot
await page.locator(`[aria-label="Stacked Plot Item ${swgB.name}"]`).click();
// Assert that the inspector shows the Y Axis properties for swgB
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] >> h2')).toContainText("Plot Series");
await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Y Axis' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] .c-object-label')).toContainText(swgB.name);
//Click on canvas for the 3rd plot
await page.locator(`[aria-label="Stacked Plot Item ${swgC.name}"]`).click();
// Assert that the inspector shows the Y Axis properties for swgC
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] >> h2')).toContainText("Plot Series");
await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Y Axis' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] .c-object-label')).toContainText(swgC.name);
swgC = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
parent: stackedPlot.uuid
test('Using the remove action removes the correct plot', async ({ page }) => {
const swgAElementsPoolItem = page
.locator('.c-object-label', { hasText: swgA.name });
const swgBElementsPoolItem = page
.locator('.c-object-label', { hasText: swgB.name });
const swgCElementsPoolItem = page
.locator('.c-object-label', { hasText: swgC.name });
await page.goto(stackedPlot.url);
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
await swgBElementsPoolItem.click({ button: 'right' });
await page
.filter({ hasText: /Remove/ })
await page.getByRole('button').filter({ hasText: 'OK' }).click();
await expect(page.locator('#inspector-elements-tree .js-elements-pool__item')).toHaveCount(2);
// Confirm that the elements pool contains the items we expect
await expect(swgAElementsPoolItem).toHaveCount(1);
await expect(swgBElementsPoolItem).toHaveCount(0);
await expect(swgCElementsPoolItem).toHaveCount(1);
test('Can reorder Stacked Plot items', async ({ page }) => {
const swgAElementsPoolItem = page
.locator('.c-object-label', { hasText: swgA.name });
const swgBElementsPoolItem = page
.locator('.c-object-label', { hasText: swgB.name });
const swgCElementsPoolItem = page
.locator('.c-object-label', { hasText: swgC.name });
await page.goto(stackedPlot.url);
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
const stackedPlotItem1 = page.locator('.c-plot--stacked-container').nth(0);
const stackedPlotItem2 = page.locator('.c-plot--stacked-container').nth(1);
const stackedPlotItem3 = page.locator('.c-plot--stacked-container').nth(2);
// assert initial plot order - [swgA, swgB, swgC]
await expect(stackedPlotItem1).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgA.name}`);
await expect(stackedPlotItem2).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgB.name}`);
await expect(stackedPlotItem3).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgC.name}`);
// Drag and drop to reorder - [swgB, swgA, swgC]
await swgBElementsPoolItem.dragTo(swgAElementsPoolItem);
// assert plot order after reorder - [swgB, swgA, swgC]
await expect(stackedPlotItem1).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgB.name}`);
await expect(stackedPlotItem2).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgA.name}`);
await expect(stackedPlotItem3).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgC.name}`);
// Drag and drop to reorder - [swgB, swgC, swgA]
await swgCElementsPoolItem.dragTo(swgAElementsPoolItem);
// assert plot order after second reorder - [swgB, swgC, swgA]
await expect(stackedPlotItem1).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgB.name}`);
await expect(stackedPlotItem2).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgC.name}`);
await expect(stackedPlotItem3).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgA.name}`);
// collapse inspector
await page.locator('.l-shell__pane-inspector .l-pane__collapse-button').click();
// Save (exit edit mode)
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]').click();
// assert plot order persists after save - [swgB, swgC, swgA]
await expect(stackedPlotItem1).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgB.name}`);
await expect(stackedPlotItem2).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgC.name}`);
await expect(stackedPlotItem3).toHaveAttribute('aria-label', `Stacked Plot Item ${swgA.name}`);
test('Selecting a child plot while in browse and edit modes shows its properties in the inspector', async ({
}) => {
await page.goto(stackedPlot.url);
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
// Click on the 1st plot
await page.locator(`[aria-label="Stacked Plot Item ${swgA.name}"] canvas`).nth(1).click();
// Assert that the inspector shows the Y Axis properties for swgA
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] >> h2')).toContainText(
'Plot Series'
await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Y Axis' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(
page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] .c-object-label')
// Click on the 2nd plot
await page.locator(`[aria-label="Stacked Plot Item ${swgB.name}"] canvas`).nth(1).click();
// Assert that the inspector shows the Y Axis properties for swgB
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] >> h2')).toContainText(
'Plot Series'
await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Y Axis' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(
page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] .c-object-label')
// Click on the 3rd plot
await page.locator(`[aria-label="Stacked Plot Item ${swgC.name}"] canvas`).nth(1).click();
// Assert that the inspector shows the Y Axis properties for swgC
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] >> h2')).toContainText(
'Plot Series'
await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Y Axis' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(
page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] .c-object-label')
// Go into edit mode
await page.click('button[title="Edit"]');
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
// Click on canvas for the 1st plot
await page.locator(`[aria-label="Stacked Plot Item ${swgA.name}"]`).click();
// Assert that the inspector shows the Y Axis properties for swgA
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] >> h2')).toContainText(
'Plot Series'
await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Y Axis' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(
page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] .c-object-label')
//Click on canvas for the 2nd plot
await page.locator(`[aria-label="Stacked Plot Item ${swgB.name}"]`).click();
// Assert that the inspector shows the Y Axis properties for swgB
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] >> h2')).toContainText(
'Plot Series'
await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Y Axis' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(
page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] .c-object-label')
//Click on canvas for the 3rd plot
await page.locator(`[aria-label="Stacked Plot Item ${swgC.name}"]`).click();
// Assert that the inspector shows the Y Axis properties for swgC
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] >> h2')).toContainText(
'Plot Series'
await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Y Axis' })).toBeVisible();
await expect(
page.locator('[aria-label="Plot Series Properties"] .c-object-label')
@ -25,237 +25,250 @@ Tests to verify plot tagging functionality.
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults, setRealTimeMode, setFixedTimeMode, waitForPlotsToRender } = require('../../../../appActions');
const {
} = require('../../../../appActions');
test.describe('Plot Tagging', () => {
* Given a canvas and a set of points, tags the points on the canvas.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas a telemetry item with a plot
* @param {Number} xEnd a telemetry item with a plot
* @param {Number} yEnd a telemetry item with a plot
* @returns {Promise}
async function createTags({page, canvas, xEnd, yEnd}) {
await canvas.hover({trial: true});
* Given a canvas and a set of points, tags the points on the canvas.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas a telemetry item with a plot
* @param {Number} xEnd a telemetry item with a plot
* @param {Number} yEnd a telemetry item with a plot
* @returns {Promise}
async function createTags({ page, canvas, xEnd, yEnd }) {
await canvas.hover({ trial: true });
//Alt+Shift Drag Start to select some points to tag
await page.keyboard.down('Alt');
await page.keyboard.down('Shift');
//Alt+Shift Drag Start to select some points to tag
await page.keyboard.down('Alt');
await page.keyboard.down('Shift');
await canvas.dragTo(canvas, {
sourcePosition: {
x: 1,
y: 1
targetPosition: {
x: xEnd,
y: yEnd
//Alt Drag End
await page.keyboard.up('Alt');
await page.keyboard.up('Shift');
//Wait for canvas to stablize.
await canvas.hover({trial: true});
// add some tags
await page.getByText('Annotations').click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: /Add Tag/ }).click();
await page.getByPlaceholder('Type to select tag').click();
await page.getByText('Driving').click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: /Add Tag/ }).click();
await page.getByPlaceholder('Type to select tag').click();
await page.getByText('Science').click();
* Given a telemetry item (e.g., a Sine Wave Generator) with a plot, tests that the plot can be tagged.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {import('../../../../appActions').CreatedObjectInfo} telemetryItem a telemetry item with a plot
* @returns {Promise}
async function testTelemetryItem(page, telemetryItem) {
// Check that telemetry item also received the tag
await page.goto(telemetryItem.url);
await expect(page.getByText('No tags to display for this item')).toBeVisible();
const canvas = page.locator('canvas').nth(1);
//Wait for canvas to stablize.
await canvas.hover({trial: true});
// click on the tagged plot point
await canvas.click({
position: {
x: 325,
y: 377
await expect(page.getByText('Science')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByText('Driving')).toBeHidden();
* Given a page, tests that tags are searchable, deletable, and persist across reloads.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @returns {Promise}
async function basicTagsTests(page) {
// Search for Driving
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
// Clicking elsewhere should cause annotation selection to be cleared
await expect(page.getByText('No tags to display for this item')).toBeVisible();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('driv');
// click on the search result
await page.getByRole('searchbox', { name: 'OpenMCT Search' }).getByText(/Sine Wave/).first().click();
// Delete Driving
await page.hover('[aria-label="Tag"]:has-text("Driving")');
await page.locator('[aria-label="Remove tag Driving"]').click();
// Search for Science
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('sc');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]').nth(0)).toContainText("Science");
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]').nth(0)).not.toContainText("Drilling");
// Search for Driving
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('driv');
await expect(page.getByText('No results found')).toBeVisible();
//Reload Page
await page.reload({ waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// wait for plots to load
await waitForPlotsToRender(page);
await page.getByText('Annotations').click();
await expect(page.getByText('No tags to display for this item')).toBeVisible();
const canvas = page.locator('canvas').nth(1);
// click on the tagged plot point
await canvas.click({
position: {
x: 100,
y: 100
await expect(page.getByText('Science')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByText('Driving')).toBeHidden();
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await canvas.dragTo(canvas, {
sourcePosition: {
x: 1,
y: 1
targetPosition: {
x: xEnd,
y: yEnd
test('Tags work with Overlay Plots', async ({ page }) => {
//Test.slow decorator is currently broken. Needs to be fixed in https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5374
//Alt Drag End
await page.keyboard.up('Alt');
await page.keyboard.up('Shift');
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Overlay Plot"
//Wait for canvas to stablize.
await canvas.hover({ trial: true });
const alphaSineWave = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
name: "Alpha Sine Wave",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
// add some tags
await page.getByText('Annotations').click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: /Add Tag/ }).click();
await page.getByPlaceholder('Type to select tag').click();
await page.getByText('Driving').click();
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
name: "Beta Sine Wave",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
await page.getByRole('button', { name: /Add Tag/ }).click();
await page.getByPlaceholder('Type to select tag').click();
await page.getByText('Science').click();
await page.goto(overlayPlot.url);
* Given a telemetry item (e.g., a Sine Wave Generator) with a plot, tests that the plot can be tagged.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {import('../../../../appActions').CreatedObjectInfo} telemetryItem a telemetry item with a plot
* @returns {Promise}
async function testTelemetryItem(page, telemetryItem) {
// Check that telemetry item also received the tag
await page.goto(telemetryItem.url);
let canvas = page.locator('canvas').nth(1);
await expect(page.getByText('No tags to display for this item')).toBeVisible();
// Switch to real-time mode
// Adding tags should pause the plot
await setRealTimeMode(page);
const canvas = page.locator('canvas').nth(1);
await createTags({
xEnd: 700,
yEnd: 480
//Wait for canvas to stablize.
await canvas.hover({ trial: true });
await setFixedTimeMode(page);
await basicTagsTests(page);
await testTelemetryItem(page, alphaSineWave);
// set to real time mode
await setRealTimeMode(page);
// Search for Science
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('sc');
// click on the search result
await page.getByRole('searchbox', { name: 'OpenMCT Search' }).getByText('Alpha Sine Wave').first().click();
// wait for plots to load
await expect(page.locator('.js-series-data-loaded')).toBeVisible();
// expect plot to be paused
await expect(page.locator('[title="Resume displaying real-time data"]')).toBeVisible();
await setFixedTimeMode(page);
// click on the tagged plot point
await canvas.click({
position: {
x: 325,
y: 377
test('Tags work with Plot View of telemetry items', async ({ page }) => {
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator"
await expect(page.getByText('Science')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByText('Driving')).toBeHidden();
const canvas = page.locator('canvas').nth(1);
await createTags({
xEnd: 700,
yEnd: 480
await basicTagsTests(page);
* Given a page, tests that tags are searchable, deletable, and persist across reloads.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @returns {Promise}
async function basicTagsTests(page) {
// Search for Driving
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
// Clicking elsewhere should cause annotation selection to be cleared
await expect(page.getByText('No tags to display for this item')).toBeVisible();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('driv');
// click on the search result
await page
.getByRole('searchbox', { name: 'OpenMCT Search' })
.getByText(/Sine Wave/)
// Delete Driving
await page.hover('[aria-label="Tag"]:has-text("Driving")');
await page.locator('[aria-label="Remove tag Driving"]').click();
// Search for Science
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('sc');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]').nth(0)).toContainText('Science');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"]').nth(0)).not.toContainText('Drilling');
// Search for Driving
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('driv');
await expect(page.getByText('No results found')).toBeVisible();
//Reload Page
await page.reload({ waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// wait for plots to load
await waitForPlotsToRender(page);
await page.getByText('Annotations').click();
await expect(page.getByText('No tags to display for this item')).toBeVisible();
const canvas = page.locator('canvas').nth(1);
// click on the tagged plot point
await canvas.click({
position: {
x: 100,
y: 100
test('Tags work with Stacked Plots', async ({ page }) => {
const stackedPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Stacked Plot"
await expect(page.getByText('Science')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByText('Driving')).toBeHidden();
const alphaSineWave = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
name: "Alpha Sine Wave",
parent: stackedPlot.uuid
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
name: "Beta Sine Wave",
parent: stackedPlot.uuid
test('Tags work with Overlay Plots', async ({ page }) => {
//Test.slow decorator is currently broken. Needs to be fixed in https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5374
await page.goto(stackedPlot.url);
const canvas = page.locator('canvas').nth(1);
await createTags({
xEnd: 700,
yEnd: 215
await basicTagsTests(page);
await testTelemetryItem(page, alphaSineWave);
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Overlay Plot'
const alphaSineWave = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: 'Alpha Sine Wave',
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: 'Beta Sine Wave',
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
await page.goto(overlayPlot.url);
let canvas = page.locator('canvas').nth(1);
// Switch to real-time mode
// Adding tags should pause the plot
await setRealTimeMode(page);
await createTags({
xEnd: 700,
yEnd: 480
await setFixedTimeMode(page);
await basicTagsTests(page);
await testTelemetryItem(page, alphaSineWave);
// set to real time mode
await setRealTimeMode(page);
// Search for Science
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('sc');
// click on the search result
await page
.getByRole('searchbox', { name: 'OpenMCT Search' })
.getByText('Alpha Sine Wave')
// wait for plots to load
await expect(page.locator('.js-series-data-loaded')).toBeVisible();
// expect plot to be paused
await expect(page.locator('[title="Resume displaying real-time data"]')).toBeVisible();
await setFixedTimeMode(page);
test('Tags work with Plot View of telemetry items', async ({ page }) => {
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator'
const canvas = page.locator('canvas').nth(1);
await createTags({
xEnd: 700,
yEnd: 480
await basicTagsTests(page);
test('Tags work with Stacked Plots', async ({ page }) => {
const stackedPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Stacked Plot'
const alphaSineWave = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: 'Alpha Sine Wave',
parent: stackedPlot.uuid
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: 'Beta Sine Wave',
parent: stackedPlot.uuid
await page.goto(stackedPlot.url);
const canvas = page.locator('canvas').nth(1);
await createTags({
xEnd: 700,
yEnd: 215
await basicTagsTests(page);
await testTelemetryItem(page, alphaSineWave);
@ -24,52 +24,59 @@ const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require('../../../../appActions');
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
test.describe('Telemetry Table', () => {
test('unpauses and filters data when paused by button and user changes bounds', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5113'
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
const table = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Telemetry Table' });
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
parent: table.uuid
// focus the Telemetry Table
// Click pause button
const pauseButton = page.locator('button.c-button.icon-pause');
await pauseButton.click();
const tableWrapper = page.locator('div.c-table-wrapper');
await expect(tableWrapper).toHaveClass(/is-paused/);
// Subtract 5 minutes from the current end bound datetime and set it
const endTimeInput = page.locator('input[type="text"].c-input--datetime').nth(1);
await endTimeInput.click();
let endDate = await endTimeInput.inputValue();
endDate = new Date(endDate);
endDate.setUTCMinutes(endDate.getUTCMinutes() - 5);
endDate = endDate.toISOString().replace(/T/, ' ');
await endTimeInput.fill('');
await endTimeInput.fill(endDate);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
await expect(tableWrapper).not.toHaveClass(/is-paused/);
// Get the most recent telemetry date
const latestTelemetryDate = await page.locator('table.c-telemetry-table__body > tbody > tr').last().locator('td').nth(1).getAttribute('title');
// Verify that it is <= our new end bound
const latestMilliseconds = Date.parse(latestTelemetryDate);
const endBoundMilliseconds = Date.parse(endDate);
test('unpauses and filters data when paused by button and user changes bounds', async ({
}) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5113'
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
const table = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Telemetry Table' });
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
parent: table.uuid
// focus the Telemetry Table
// Click pause button
const pauseButton = page.locator('button.c-button.icon-pause');
await pauseButton.click();
const tableWrapper = page.locator('div.c-table-wrapper');
await expect(tableWrapper).toHaveClass(/is-paused/);
// Subtract 5 minutes from the current end bound datetime and set it
const endTimeInput = page.locator('input[type="text"].c-input--datetime').nth(1);
await endTimeInput.click();
let endDate = await endTimeInput.inputValue();
endDate = new Date(endDate);
endDate.setUTCMinutes(endDate.getUTCMinutes() - 5);
endDate = endDate.toISOString().replace(/T/, ' ');
await endTimeInput.fill('');
await endTimeInput.fill(endDate);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
await expect(tableWrapper).not.toHaveClass(/is-paused/);
// Get the most recent telemetry date
const latestTelemetryDate = await page
.locator('table.c-telemetry-table__body > tbody > tr')
// Verify that it is <= our new end bound
const latestMilliseconds = Date.parse(latestTelemetryDate);
const endBoundMilliseconds = Date.parse(endDate);
@ -21,170 +21,200 @@
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
const { setFixedTimeMode, setRealTimeMode, setStartOffset, setEndOffset } = require('../../../../appActions');
const {
} = require('../../../../appActions');
test.describe('Time conductor operations', () => {
test('validate start time does not exceeds end time', async ({ page }) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
const year = new Date().getFullYear();
test('validate start time does not exceeds end time', async ({ page }) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
const year = new Date().getFullYear();
let startDate = 'xxxx-01-01 01:00:00.000Z';
startDate = year + startDate.substring(4);
let startDate = 'xxxx-01-01 01:00:00.000Z';
startDate = year + startDate.substring(4);
let endDate = 'xxxx-01-01 02:00:00.000Z';
endDate = year + endDate.substring(4);
let endDate = 'xxxx-01-01 02:00:00.000Z';
endDate = year + endDate.substring(4);
const startTimeLocator = page.locator('input[type="text"]').first();
const endTimeLocator = page.locator('input[type="text"]').nth(1);
const startTimeLocator = page.locator('input[type="text"]').first();
const endTimeLocator = page.locator('input[type="text"]').nth(1);
// Click start time
await startTimeLocator.click();
// Click start time
await startTimeLocator.click();
// Click end time
await endTimeLocator.click();
// Click end time
await endTimeLocator.click();
await endTimeLocator.fill(endDate.toString());
await startTimeLocator.fill(startDate.toString());
await endTimeLocator.fill(endDate.toString());
await startTimeLocator.fill(startDate.toString());
// invalid start date
startDate = (year + 1) + startDate.substring(4);
await startTimeLocator.fill(startDate.toString());
await endTimeLocator.click();
// invalid start date
startDate = year + 1 + startDate.substring(4);
await startTimeLocator.fill(startDate.toString());
await endTimeLocator.click();
const startDateValidityStatus = await startTimeLocator.evaluate((element) => element.checkValidity());
const startDateValidityStatus = await startTimeLocator.evaluate((element) =>
// fix to valid start date
startDate = (year - 1) + startDate.substring(4);
await startTimeLocator.fill(startDate.toString());
// fix to valid start date
startDate = year - 1 + startDate.substring(4);
await startTimeLocator.fill(startDate.toString());
// invalid end date
endDate = (year - 2) + endDate.substring(4);
await endTimeLocator.fill(endDate.toString());
await startTimeLocator.click();
// invalid end date
endDate = year - 2 + endDate.substring(4);
await endTimeLocator.fill(endDate.toString());
await startTimeLocator.click();
const endDateValidityStatus = await endTimeLocator.evaluate((element) => element.checkValidity());
const endDateValidityStatus = await endTimeLocator.evaluate((element) =>
// Testing instructions:
// Try to change the realtime offsets when in realtime (local clock) mode.
test.describe('Time conductor input fields real-time mode', () => {
test('validate input fields in real-time mode', async ({ page }) => {
const startOffset = {
secs: '23'
test('validate input fields in real-time mode', async ({ page }) => {
const startOffset = {
secs: '23'
const endOffset = {
secs: '31'
const endOffset = {
secs: '31'
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Switch to real-time mode
await setRealTimeMode(page);
// Switch to real-time mode
await setRealTimeMode(page);
// Set start time offset
await setStartOffset(page, startOffset);
// Set start time offset
await setStartOffset(page, startOffset);
// Verify time was updated on time offset button
await expect(page.locator('data-testid=conductor-start-offset-button')).toContainText('00:30:23');
// Verify time was updated on time offset button
await expect(page.locator('data-testid=conductor-start-offset-button')).toContainText(
// Set end time offset
await setEndOffset(page, endOffset);
// Set end time offset
await setEndOffset(page, endOffset);
// Verify time was updated on preceding time offset button
await expect(page.locator('data-testid=conductor-end-offset-button')).toContainText('00:00:31');
// Verify time was updated on preceding time offset button
await expect(page.locator('data-testid=conductor-end-offset-button')).toContainText('00:00:31');
* Verify that offsets and url params are preserved when switching
* between fixed timespan and real-time mode.
test('preserve offsets and url params when switching between fixed and real-time mode', async ({ page }) => {
const startOffset = {
mins: '30',
secs: '23'
* Verify that offsets and url params are preserved when switching
* between fixed timespan and real-time mode.
test('preserve offsets and url params when switching between fixed and real-time mode', async ({
}) => {
const startOffset = {
mins: '30',
secs: '23'
const endOffset = {
secs: '01'
const endOffset = {
secs: '01'
// Convert offsets to milliseconds
const startDelta = (30 * 60 * 1000) + (23 * 1000);
const endDelta = (1 * 1000);
// Convert offsets to milliseconds
const startDelta = 30 * 60 * 1000 + 23 * 1000;
const endDelta = 1 * 1000;
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Switch to real-time mode
await setRealTimeMode(page);
// Switch to real-time mode
await setRealTimeMode(page);
// Set start time offset
await setStartOffset(page, startOffset);
// Set start time offset
await setStartOffset(page, startOffset);
// Set end time offset
await setEndOffset(page, endOffset);
// Set end time offset
await setEndOffset(page, endOffset);
// Switch to fixed timespan mode
await setFixedTimeMode(page);
// Switch to fixed timespan mode
await setFixedTimeMode(page);
// Switch back to real-time mode
await setRealTimeMode(page);
// Switch back to real-time mode
await setRealTimeMode(page);
// Verify updated start time offset persists after mode switch
await expect(page.locator('data-testid=conductor-start-offset-button')).toContainText('00:30:23');
// Verify updated start time offset persists after mode switch
await expect(page.locator('data-testid=conductor-start-offset-button')).toContainText(
// Verify updated end time offset persists after mode switch
await expect(page.locator('data-testid=conductor-end-offset-button')).toContainText('00:00:01');
// Verify updated end time offset persists after mode switch
await expect(page.locator('data-testid=conductor-end-offset-button')).toContainText('00:00:01');
// Verify url parameters persist after mode switch
await page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
// Verify url parameters persist after mode switch
await page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
test.fixme('time conductor history in fixed time mode will track changing start and end times', async ({ page }) => {
// change start time, verify it's tracked in history
// change end time, verify it's tracked in history
'time conductor history in fixed time mode will track changing start and end times',
async ({ page }) => {
// change start time, verify it's tracked in history
// change end time, verify it's tracked in history
test.fixme('time conductor history in realtime mode will track changing start and end times', async ({ page }) => {
// change start offset, verify it's tracked in history
// change end offset, verify it's tracked in history
'time conductor history in realtime mode will track changing start and end times',
async ({ page }) => {
// change start offset, verify it's tracked in history
// change end offset, verify it's tracked in history
test.fixme('time conductor history allows you to set a historical timeframe', async ({ page }) => {
// make sure there are historical history options
// select an option and make sure the time conductor start and end bounds are updated correctly
'time conductor history allows you to set a historical timeframe',
async ({ page }) => {
// make sure there are historical history options
// select an option and make sure the time conductor start and end bounds are updated correctly
test.fixme('time conductor history allows you to set a realtime offsets', async ({ page }) => {
// make sure there are realtime history options
// select an option and verify the offsets are updated correctly
test.fixme('time conductor history allows you to set a realtime offsets', async ({ page }) => {
// make sure there are realtime history options
// select an option and verify the offsets are updated correctly
test.describe('Time Conductor History', () => {
test("shows milliseconds on hover @unstable", async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/4386'
// Navigate to Open MCT in Fixed Time Mode, UTC Time System
// with startBound at 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000Z
// and endBound at 2022-01-01 00:00:00.200Z
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine?view=grid&tc.mode=fixed&tc.startBound=1640995200000&tc.endBound=1640995200200&tc.timeSystem=utc&hideInspector=true', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
await page.locator("[aria-label='Time Conductor History']").hover({ trial: true});
await page.locator("[aria-label='Time Conductor History']").click();
// Validate history item format
const historyItem = page.locator('text="2022-01-01 00:00:00 + 200ms"');
await expect(historyItem).toBeEnabled();
await expect(historyItem).toHaveAttribute('title', '2022-01-01 00:00:00.000 - 2022-01-01 00:00:00.200');
test('shows milliseconds on hover @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/4386'
// Navigate to Open MCT in Fixed Time Mode, UTC Time System
// with startBound at 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000Z
// and endBound at 2022-01-01 00:00:00.200Z
await page.goto(
{ waitUntil: 'networkidle' }
await page.locator("[aria-label='Time Conductor History']").hover({ trial: true });
await page.locator("[aria-label='Time Conductor History']").click();
// Validate history item format
const historyItem = page.locator('text="2022-01-01 00:00:00 + 200ms"');
await expect(historyItem).toBeEnabled();
await expect(historyItem).toHaveAttribute(
'2022-01-01 00:00:00.000 - 2022-01-01 00:00:00.200'
@ -21,43 +21,46 @@
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
const { openObjectTreeContextMenu, createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require('../../../../appActions');
const {
} = require('../../../../appActions');
test.describe('Timer', () => {
let timer;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
timer = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'timer' });
let timer;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
timer = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'timer' });
test('Can perform actions on the Timer', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/4313'
test('Can perform actions on the Timer', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/4313'
const timerUrl = timer.url;
const timerUrl = timer.url;
await test.step("From the tree context menu", async () => {
await triggerTimerContextMenuAction(page, timerUrl, 'Start');
await triggerTimerContextMenuAction(page, timerUrl, 'Pause');
await triggerTimerContextMenuAction(page, timerUrl, 'Restart at 0');
await triggerTimerContextMenuAction(page, timerUrl, 'Stop');
await test.step("From the 3dot menu", async () => {
await triggerTimer3dotMenuAction(page, 'Start');
await triggerTimer3dotMenuAction(page, 'Pause');
await triggerTimer3dotMenuAction(page, 'Restart at 0');
await triggerTimer3dotMenuAction(page, 'Stop');
await test.step("From the object view", async () => {
await triggerTimerViewAction(page, 'Start');
await triggerTimerViewAction(page, 'Pause');
await triggerTimerViewAction(page, 'Restart at 0');
await test.step('From the tree context menu', async () => {
await triggerTimerContextMenuAction(page, timerUrl, 'Start');
await triggerTimerContextMenuAction(page, timerUrl, 'Pause');
await triggerTimerContextMenuAction(page, timerUrl, 'Restart at 0');
await triggerTimerContextMenuAction(page, timerUrl, 'Stop');
await test.step('From the 3dot menu', async () => {
await triggerTimer3dotMenuAction(page, 'Start');
await triggerTimer3dotMenuAction(page, 'Pause');
await triggerTimer3dotMenuAction(page, 'Restart at 0');
await triggerTimer3dotMenuAction(page, 'Stop');
await test.step('From the object view', async () => {
await triggerTimerViewAction(page, 'Start');
await triggerTimerViewAction(page, 'Pause');
await triggerTimerViewAction(page, 'Restart at 0');
@ -76,10 +79,10 @@ test.describe('Timer', () => {
* @param {TimerAction} action
async function triggerTimerContextMenuAction(page, timerUrl, action) {
const menuAction = `.c-menu ul li >> text="${action}"`;
await openObjectTreeContextMenu(page, timerUrl);
await page.locator(menuAction).click();
assertTimerStateAfterAction(page, action);
const menuAction = `.c-menu ul li >> text="${action}"`;
await openObjectTreeContextMenu(page, timerUrl);
await page.locator(menuAction).click();
assertTimerStateAfterAction(page, action);
@ -88,21 +91,21 @@ async function triggerTimerContextMenuAction(page, timerUrl, action) {
* @param {TimerAction} action
async function triggerTimer3dotMenuAction(page, action) {
const menuAction = `.c-menu ul li >> text="${action}"`;
const threeDotMenuButton = 'button[title="More options"]';
let isActionAvailable = false;
let iterations = 0;
// Dismiss/open the 3dot menu until the action is available
// or a maximum number of iterations is reached
while (!isActionAvailable && iterations <= 20) {
await page.click('.c-object-view');
await page.click(threeDotMenuButton);
isActionAvailable = await page.locator(menuAction).isVisible();
const menuAction = `.c-menu ul li >> text="${action}"`;
const threeDotMenuButton = 'button[title="More options"]';
let isActionAvailable = false;
let iterations = 0;
// Dismiss/open the 3dot menu until the action is available
// or a maximum number of iterations is reached
while (!isActionAvailable && iterations <= 20) {
await page.click('.c-object-view');
await page.click(threeDotMenuButton);
isActionAvailable = await page.locator(menuAction).isVisible();
await page.locator(menuAction).click();
assertTimerStateAfterAction(page, action);
await page.locator(menuAction).click();
assertTimerStateAfterAction(page, action);
@ -111,10 +114,10 @@ async function triggerTimer3dotMenuAction(page, action) {
* @param {TimerViewAction} action
async function triggerTimerViewAction(page, action) {
await page.locator('.c-timer').hover({trial: true});
const buttonTitle = buttonTitleFromAction(action);
await page.click(`button[title="${buttonTitle}"]`);
assertTimerStateAfterAction(page, action);
await page.locator('.c-timer').hover({ trial: true });
const buttonTitle = buttonTitleFromAction(action);
await page.click(`button[title="${buttonTitle}"]`);
assertTimerStateAfterAction(page, action);
@ -122,14 +125,14 @@ async function triggerTimerViewAction(page, action) {
* @param {TimerViewAction} action
function buttonTitleFromAction(action) {
switch (action) {
switch (action) {
case 'Start':
return 'Start';
return 'Start';
case 'Pause':
return 'Pause';
return 'Pause';
case 'Restart at 0':
return 'Reset';
return 'Reset';
@ -138,19 +141,19 @@ function buttonTitleFromAction(action) {
* @param {TimerAction} action
async function assertTimerStateAfterAction(page, action) {
let timerStateClass;
switch (action) {
let timerStateClass;
switch (action) {
case 'Start':
case 'Restart at 0':
timerStateClass = "is-started";
timerStateClass = 'is-started';
case 'Stop':
timerStateClass = 'is-stopped';
timerStateClass = 'is-stopped';
case 'Pause':
timerStateClass = 'is-paused';
timerStateClass = 'is-paused';
await expect.soft(page.locator('.c-timer')).toHaveClass(new RegExp(timerStateClass));
await expect.soft(page.locator('.c-timer')).toHaveClass(new RegExp(timerStateClass));
@ -25,284 +25,327 @@ const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require('../../appActions.js');
const { waitForAnimations } = require('../../baseFixtures.js');
test.describe('Recent Objects', () => {
/** @type {import('@playwright/test').Locator} */
let recentObjectsList;
/** @type {import('@playwright/test').Locator} */
let clock;
/** @type {import('@playwright/test').Locator} */
let folderA;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
/** @type {import('@playwright/test').Locator} */
let recentObjectsList;
/** @type {import('@playwright/test').Locator} */
let clock;
/** @type {import('@playwright/test').Locator} */
let folderA;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Set Recent Objects List locator for subsequent tests
recentObjectsList = page.getByRole('list', {
name: 'Recent Objects'
// Create a folder and nest a Clock within it
folderA = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder'
clock = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
parent: folderA.uuid
// Drag the Recent Objects panel up a bit
await page.locator('.l-pane.l-pane--vertical-handle-before', {
hasText: 'Recently Viewed'
await page.mouse.down();
await page.mouse.move(0, 100);
await page.mouse.up();
test('Navigated objects show up in recents, object renames and deletions are reflected', async ({ page }) => {
// Verify that both created objects appear in the list and are in the correct order
await assertInitialRecentObjectsListState();
// Navigate to the folder by clicking on the main object name in the recent objects list item
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: folderA.name }).getByText(folderA.name).click();
await page.waitForURL(`**/${folderA.uuid}?*`);
// Rename
folderA.name = `${folderA.name}-NEW!`;
await page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name').fill("");
await page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name').fill(folderA.name);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
// Verify rename has been applied in recent objects list item and objects paths
expect(await page.getByRole('navigation', {
name: clock.name
hasText: folderA.name
expect(recentObjectsList.getByRole('listitem', { name: folderA.name })).toBeTruthy();
// Delete
await page.click('button[title="Show selected item in tree"]');
// Delete the folder via the left tree pane treeitem context menu
await page.getByRole('treeitem', { name: new RegExp(folderA.name) }).locator('a').click({
button: 'right'
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: /Remove/ }).click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'OK' }).click();
// Verify that the folder and clock are no longer in the recent objects list
await expect(recentObjectsList.getByRole('listitem', { name: folderA.name })).toBeHidden();
await expect(recentObjectsList.getByRole('listitem', { name: clock.name })).toBeHidden();
test("Clicking on an object in the path of a recent object navigates to the object", async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6151'
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine');
// Navigate to the folder by clicking on its entry in the Clock's breadcrumb
const waitForFolderNavigation = page.waitForURL(`**/${folderA.uuid}?*`);
await page.getByRole('navigation', {
name: clock.name
hasText: folderA.name
// Verify that the hash URL updates correctly
await waitForFolderNavigation;
expect(page.url()).toMatch(new RegExp(`.*${folderA.uuid}?.*`));
// Navigate to My Items by clicking on its entry in the Clock's breadcrumb
const waitForMyItemsNavigation = page.waitForURL(`**/mine?*`);
await page.getByRole('navigation', {
name: clock.name
hasText: myItemsFolderName
// Verify that the hash URL updates correctly
await waitForMyItemsNavigation;
expect(page.url()).toMatch(new RegExp(`.*mine?.*`));
test("Clicking on the 'target button' scrolls the object into view in the tree and highlights it", async ({ page }) => {
const clockTreeItem = page.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Main Tree'}).getByRole('treeitem', { name: clock.name });
const folderTreeItem = page.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Main Tree'})
.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: folderA.name,
expanded: true
// Click the "Target" button for the Clock which is nested in a folder
await page.getByRole('button', { name: `Open and scroll to ${clock.name}`}).click();
// Assert that the Clock parent folder has expanded and the Clock is visible)
await expect(folderTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle')).toHaveClass(/--expanded/);
await expect(clockTreeItem).toBeVisible();
// Assert that the Clock treeitem is highlighted
await expect(clockTreeItem.locator('.c-tree__item')).toHaveClass(/is-targeted-item/);
// Wait for highlight animation to end
await waitForAnimations(clockTreeItem.locator('.c-tree__item'));
// Assert that the Clock treeitem is no longer highlighted
await expect(clockTreeItem.locator('.c-tree__item')).not.toHaveClass(/is-targeted-item/);
test("Persists on refresh", async ({ page }) => {
await assertInitialRecentObjectsListState();
await page.reload();
await assertInitialRecentObjectsListState();
test("Displays objects and aliases uniquely", async ({ page }) => {
const mainTree = page.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Main Tree'});
// Navigate to the clock and reveal it in the tree
await page.goto(clock.url);
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
// Right click the clock and create an alias using the "link" context menu action
const clockTreeItem = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
}).getByRole('treeitem', {
name: clock.name
await clockTreeItem.click({
button: 'right'
await page.getByRole('menuitem', {
name: /Create Link/
await page.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Create Modal Tree'}).getByRole('treeitem').first().click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
// Click the newly created object alias in the tree
await mainTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(clock.name)
has: page.locator('.is-alias')
// Assert that two recent objects are displayed and one of them is an alias
expect(await recentObjectsList.getByRole('listitem', { name: clock.name }).count()).toBe(2);
expect(await recentObjectsList.locator('.is-alias').count()).toBe(1);
// Assert that the alias and the original's breadcrumbs are different
const clockBreadcrumbs = recentObjectsList.getByRole('listitem', {name: clock.name}).getByRole('navigation');
expect(await clockBreadcrumbs.count()).toBe(2);
expect(await clockBreadcrumbs.nth(0).innerText()).not.toEqual(await clockBreadcrumbs.nth(1).innerText());
test("Enforces a limit of 20 recent objects and clears the recent objects", async ({ page }) => {
// Creating 21 objects takes a while, so increase the timeout
// Assert that the list initially contains 3 objects (clock, folder, my items)
expect(await recentObjectsList.locator('.c-recentobjects-listitem').count()).toBe(3);
let lastFolder;
let lastClock;
// Create 19 more objects (3 in beforeEach() + 18 new = 21 total)
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
lastFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Folder",
parent: lastFolder?.uuid
lastClock = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Clock",
parent: lastFolder?.uuid
// Assert that the list contains 20 objects
expect(await recentObjectsList.locator('.c-recentobjects-listitem').count()).toBe(20);
// Collapse the tree
await page.getByTitle("Collapse all tree items").click();
const lastFolderTreeItem = page.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Main Tree'})
.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: lastFolder.name,
expanded: true
const lastClockTreeItem = page.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Main Tree'})
.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: lastClock.name
// Test "Open and Scroll To" in a deeply nested tree, while we're here
await page.getByRole('button', { name: `Open and scroll to ${lastClock.name}`}).click();
// Assert that the Clock parent folder has expanded and the Clock is visible)
await expect(lastFolderTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle')).toHaveClass(/--expanded/);
await expect(lastClockTreeItem).toBeVisible();
// Assert that the Clock treeitem is highlighted
await expect(lastClockTreeItem.locator('.c-tree__item')).toHaveClass(/is-targeted-item/);
// Wait for highlight animation to end
await waitForAnimations(lastClockTreeItem.locator('.c-tree__item'));
// Assert that the Clock treeitem is no longer highlighted
await expect(lastClockTreeItem.locator('.c-tree__item')).not.toHaveClass(/is-targeted-item/);
// Click the aria-label="Clear Recently Viewed" button
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Clear Recently Viewed' }).click();
// Click on the "OK" button in the confirmation dialog
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'OK' }).click();
// Assert that the list is empty
expect(await recentObjectsList.locator('.c-recentobjects-listitem').count()).toBe(0);
test("Ensure clear recent objects button is active or inactive", async ({ page }) => {
// Assert that the list initially contains 3 objects (clock, folder, my items)
expect(await recentObjectsList.locator('.c-recentobjects-listitem').count()).toBe(3);
// Assert that the button is enabled
await page
.getByRole("button", { name: "Clear Recently Viewed" })
// Click the aria-label="Clear Recently Viewed" button
await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Clear Recently Viewed" }).click();
// Click on the "OK" button in the confirmation dialog
await page.getByRole("button", { name: "OK" }).click();
// Assert that the list is empty
await recentObjectsList.locator(".c-recentobjects-listitem").count()
// Assert that the button is disabled
await page
.getByRole("button", { name: "Clear Recently Viewed" })
// Navigate to folder object
await page.goto(folderA.url);
// Assert that the list contains 1 object
expect(await recentObjectsList.locator('.c-recentobjects-listitem').count()).toBe(1);
// Assert that the button is enabled
await page
.getByRole("button", { name: "Clear Recently Viewed" })
// Set Recent Objects List locator for subsequent tests
recentObjectsList = page.getByRole('list', {
name: 'Recent Objects'
function assertInitialRecentObjectsListState() {
return Promise.all([
expect(recentObjectsList.getByRole('listitem', { name: clock.name })).toBeVisible(),
expect(recentObjectsList.getByRole('listitem', { name: folderA.name })).toBeVisible(),
expect(recentObjectsList.getByRole('listitem', { name: clock.name }).locator('a').getByText(folderA.name)).toBeVisible(),
expect(recentObjectsList.getByRole('listitem', { name: clock.name }).locator('a').getByText(folderA.name)).toBeVisible(),
// Create a folder and nest a Clock within it
folderA = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder'
clock = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
parent: folderA.uuid
// Drag the Recent Objects panel up a bit
await page
.locator('.l-pane.l-pane--vertical-handle-before', {
hasText: 'Recently Viewed'
await page.mouse.down();
await page.mouse.move(0, 100);
await page.mouse.up();
test('Navigated objects show up in recents, object renames and deletions are reflected', async ({
}) => {
// Verify that both created objects appear in the list and are in the correct order
await assertInitialRecentObjectsListState();
// Navigate to the folder by clicking on the main object name in the recent objects list item
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: folderA.name }).getByText(folderA.name).click();
await page.waitForURL(`**/${folderA.uuid}?*`);
// Rename
folderA.name = `${folderA.name}-NEW!`;
await page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name').fill('');
await page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name').fill(folderA.name);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
// Verify rename has been applied in recent objects list item and objects paths
await page
.getByRole('navigation', {
name: clock.name
hasText: folderA.name
expect(recentObjectsList.getByRole('listitem', { name: folderA.name })).toBeTruthy();
// Delete
await page.click('button[title="Show selected item in tree"]');
// Delete the folder via the left tree pane treeitem context menu
await page
.getByRole('treeitem', { name: new RegExp(folderA.name) })
button: 'right'
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: /Remove/ }).click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'OK' }).click();
// Verify that the folder and clock are no longer in the recent objects list
await expect(recentObjectsList.getByRole('listitem', { name: folderA.name })).toBeHidden();
await expect(recentObjectsList.getByRole('listitem', { name: clock.name })).toBeHidden();
test('Clicking on an object in the path of a recent object navigates to the object', async ({
}) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6151'
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine');
// Navigate to the folder by clicking on its entry in the Clock's breadcrumb
const waitForFolderNavigation = page.waitForURL(`**/${folderA.uuid}?*`);
await page
.getByRole('navigation', {
name: clock.name
hasText: folderA.name
// Verify that the hash URL updates correctly
await waitForFolderNavigation;
expect(page.url()).toMatch(new RegExp(`.*${folderA.uuid}?.*`));
// Navigate to My Items by clicking on its entry in the Clock's breadcrumb
const waitForMyItemsNavigation = page.waitForURL(`**/mine?*`);
await page
.getByRole('navigation', {
name: clock.name
hasText: myItemsFolderName
// Verify that the hash URL updates correctly
await waitForMyItemsNavigation;
expect(page.url()).toMatch(new RegExp(`.*mine?.*`));
test("Clicking on the 'target button' scrolls the object into view in the tree and highlights it", async ({
}) => {
const clockTreeItem = page
.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Main Tree' })
.getByRole('treeitem', { name: clock.name });
const folderTreeItem = page.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Main Tree' }).getByRole('treeitem', {
name: folderA.name,
expanded: true
// Click the "Target" button for the Clock which is nested in a folder
await page.getByRole('button', { name: `Open and scroll to ${clock.name}` }).click();
// Assert that the Clock parent folder has expanded and the Clock is visible)
await expect(folderTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle')).toHaveClass(/--expanded/);
await expect(clockTreeItem).toBeVisible();
// Assert that the Clock treeitem is highlighted
await expect(clockTreeItem.locator('.c-tree__item')).toHaveClass(/is-targeted-item/);
// Wait for highlight animation to end
await waitForAnimations(clockTreeItem.locator('.c-tree__item'));
// Assert that the Clock treeitem is no longer highlighted
await expect(clockTreeItem.locator('.c-tree__item')).not.toHaveClass(/is-targeted-item/);
test('Persists on refresh', async ({ page }) => {
await assertInitialRecentObjectsListState();
await page.reload();
await assertInitialRecentObjectsListState();
test('Displays objects and aliases uniquely', async ({ page }) => {
const mainTree = page.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Main Tree' });
// Navigate to the clock and reveal it in the tree
await page.goto(clock.url);
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
// Right click the clock and create an alias using the "link" context menu action
const clockTreeItem = page
.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: clock.name
await clockTreeItem.click({
button: 'right'
await page
.getByRole('menuitem', {
name: /Create Link/
await page
.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Create Modal Tree' })
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
// Click the newly created object alias in the tree
await mainTree
.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(clock.name)
has: page.locator('.is-alias')
// Assert that two recent objects are displayed and one of them is an alias
expect(await recentObjectsList.getByRole('listitem', { name: clock.name }).count()).toBe(2);
expect(await recentObjectsList.locator('.is-alias').count()).toBe(1);
// Assert that the alias and the original's breadcrumbs are different
const clockBreadcrumbs = recentObjectsList
.getByRole('listitem', { name: clock.name })
expect(await clockBreadcrumbs.count()).toBe(2);
expect(await clockBreadcrumbs.nth(0).innerText()).not.toEqual(
await clockBreadcrumbs.nth(1).innerText()
test('Enforces a limit of 20 recent objects and clears the recent objects', async ({ page }) => {
// Creating 21 objects takes a while, so increase the timeout
// Assert that the list initially contains 3 objects (clock, folder, my items)
expect(await recentObjectsList.locator('.c-recentobjects-listitem').count()).toBe(3);
let lastFolder;
let lastClock;
// Create 19 more objects (3 in beforeEach() + 18 new = 21 total)
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
lastFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
parent: lastFolder?.uuid
lastClock = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
parent: lastFolder?.uuid
// Assert that the list contains 20 objects
expect(await recentObjectsList.locator('.c-recentobjects-listitem').count()).toBe(20);
// Collapse the tree
await page.getByTitle('Collapse all tree items').click();
const lastFolderTreeItem = page.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Main Tree' }).getByRole('treeitem', {
name: lastFolder.name,
expanded: true
const lastClockTreeItem = page.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Main Tree' }).getByRole('treeitem', {
name: lastClock.name
// Test "Open and Scroll To" in a deeply nested tree, while we're here
await page.getByRole('button', { name: `Open and scroll to ${lastClock.name}` }).click();
// Assert that the Clock parent folder has expanded and the Clock is visible)
await expect(lastFolderTreeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle')).toHaveClass(/--expanded/);
await expect(lastClockTreeItem).toBeVisible();
// Assert that the Clock treeitem is highlighted
await expect(lastClockTreeItem.locator('.c-tree__item')).toHaveClass(/is-targeted-item/);
// Wait for highlight animation to end
await waitForAnimations(lastClockTreeItem.locator('.c-tree__item'));
// Assert that the Clock treeitem is no longer highlighted
await expect(lastClockTreeItem.locator('.c-tree__item')).not.toHaveClass(/is-targeted-item/);
// Click the aria-label="Clear Recently Viewed" button
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Clear Recently Viewed' }).click();
// Click on the "OK" button in the confirmation dialog
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'OK' }).click();
// Assert that the list is empty
expect(await recentObjectsList.locator('.c-recentobjects-listitem').count()).toBe(0);
test('Ensure clear recent objects button is active or inactive', async ({ page }) => {
// Assert that the list initially contains 3 objects (clock, folder, my items)
expect(await recentObjectsList.locator('.c-recentobjects-listitem').count()).toBe(3);
// Assert that the button is enabled
expect(await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Clear Recently Viewed' }).isEnabled()).toBe(
// Click the aria-label="Clear Recently Viewed" button
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Clear Recently Viewed' }).click();
// Click on the "OK" button in the confirmation dialog
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'OK' }).click();
// Assert that the list is empty
expect(await recentObjectsList.locator('.c-recentobjects-listitem').count()).toBe(0);
// Assert that the button is disabled
expect(await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Clear Recently Viewed' }).isEnabled()).toBe(
// Navigate to folder object
await page.goto(folderA.url);
// Assert that the list contains 1 object
expect(await recentObjectsList.locator('.c-recentobjects-listitem').count()).toBe(1);
// Assert that the button is enabled
expect(await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Clear Recently Viewed' }).isEnabled()).toBe(
function assertInitialRecentObjectsListState() {
return Promise.all([
expect(recentObjectsList.getByRole('listitem', { name: clock.name })).toBeVisible(),
expect(recentObjectsList.getByRole('listitem', { name: folderA.name })).toBeVisible(),
.getByRole('listitem', { name: clock.name })
.getByRole('listitem', { name: clock.name })
@ -28,242 +28,270 @@ const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults, selectInspectorTab } = require('../../ap
const { v4: uuid } = require('uuid');
test.describe('Grand Search', () => {
const searchResultSelector = '.c-gsearch-result__title';
const searchResultDropDownSelector = '.c-gsearch__results';
const searchResultSelector = '.c-gsearch-result__title';
const searchResultDropDownSelector = '.c-gsearch__results';
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto("./", { waitUntil: "networkidle" });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
test('Can search for objects, and subsequent search dropdown behaves properly', async ({
}) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
const createdObjects = await createObjectsForSearch(page);
// Click [aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
// Fill [aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Cl');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toContainText(
`Clock A ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=1')).toContainText(
`Clock B ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=2')).toContainText(
`Clock C ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=3')).toContainText(
`Clock D ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`
// Click the Elements pool to dismiss the search menu
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toBeHidden();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] [aria-label="Search Input"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="Clock A clock result"] >> text=Clock A').click();
await expect(page.locator('.js-preview-window')).toBeVisible();
// Click [aria-label="Close"]
await page.locator('[aria-label="Close"]').click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toContainText(
`Clock A ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`
// Click [aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] a >> nth=0
await page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0').click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toBeHidden();
// Fill [aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('foo');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toBeHidden();
// Click text=Snapshot Save and Finish Editing Save and Continue Editing >> button >> nth=1
await page
.locator('text=Snapshot Save and Finish Editing Save and Continue Editing >> button')
// Click text=Save and Finish Editing
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// Click [aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] [aria-label="Search Input"]
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] [aria-label="Search Input"]').click();
// Fill [aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] [aria-label="Search Input"]
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] [aria-label="Search Input"]').fill('Cl');
await Promise.all([
page.locator('[aria-label="Clock A clock result"] >> text=Clock A').click()
await expect(page.locator('.is-object-type-clock')).toBeVisible();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] [aria-label="Search Input"]').fill('Disp');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toContainText(
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).not.toContainText('Folder');
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Clock C');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toContainText(
`Clock C ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Cloc');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toContainText(
`Clock A ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=1')).toContainText(
`Clock B ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=2')).toContainText(
`Clock C ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=3')).toContainText(
`Clock D ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`
test('Validate empty search result', async ({ page }) => {
// Invalid search for objects
await page.type('input[type=search]', 'not found');
// Wait for search to complete
await waitForSearchCompletion(page);
// Get the search results
const searchResults = page.locator(searchResultSelector);
// Verify that no results are found
expect(await searchResults.count()).toBe(0);
// Verify proper message appears
await expect(page.locator('text=No results found')).toBeVisible();
test('Validate single object in search result @couchdb', async ({ page }) => {
// Create a folder object
const folderName = uuid();
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'folder',
name: folderName
test('Can search for objects, and subsequent search dropdown behaves properly', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
// Full search for object
await page.type('input[type=search]', folderName);
const createdObjects = await createObjectsForSearch(page);
// Wait for search to complete
await waitForSearchCompletion(page);
// Click [aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
// Fill [aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Cl');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toContainText(`Clock A ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`);
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=1')).toContainText(`Clock B ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`);
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=2')).toContainText(`Clock C ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`);
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=3')).toContainText(`Clock D ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`);
// Click the Elements pool to dismiss the search menu
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toBeHidden();
// Get the search results
const searchResults = page.locator(searchResultSelector);
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] [aria-label="Search Input"]').click();
await page.locator('[aria-label="Clock A clock result"] >> text=Clock A').click();
await expect(page.locator('.js-preview-window')).toBeVisible();
// Verify that one result is found
await expect(searchResults).toBeVisible();
expect(await searchResults.count()).toBe(1);
await expect(searchResults).toHaveText(folderName);
// Click [aria-label="Close"]
await page.locator('[aria-label="Close"]').click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toContainText(`Clock A ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`);
test('Search results are debounced @couchdb', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6179'
await createObjectsForSearch(page);
// Click [aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] a >> nth=0
await page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0').click();
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toBeHidden();
// Fill [aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('foo');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toBeHidden();
// Click text=Snapshot Save and Finish Editing Save and Continue Editing >> button >> nth=1
await page.locator('text=Snapshot Save and Finish Editing Save and Continue Editing >> button').nth(1).click();
// Click text=Save and Finish Editing
await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click();
// Click [aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] [aria-label="Search Input"]
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] [aria-label="Search Input"]').click();
// Fill [aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] [aria-label="Search Input"]
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] [aria-label="Search Input"]').fill('Cl');
await Promise.all([
page.locator('[aria-label="Clock A clock result"] >> text=Clock A').click()
await expect(page.locator('.is-object-type-clock')).toBeVisible();
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] [aria-label="Search Input"]').fill('Disp');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toContainText(createdObjects.displayLayout.name);
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).not.toContainText('Folder');
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Clock C');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toContainText(`Clock C ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`);
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Cloc');
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=0')).toContainText(`Clock A ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`);
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=1')).toContainText(`Clock B ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`);
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=2')).toContainText(`Clock C ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`);
await expect(page.locator('[aria-label="Search Result"] >> nth=3')).toContainText(`Clock D ${myItemsFolderName} Red Folder Blue Folder`);
let networkRequests = [];
page.on('request', (request) => {
const searchRequest = request.url().endsWith('_find');
const fetchRequest = request.resourceType() === 'fetch';
if (searchRequest && fetchRequest) {
test('Validate empty search result', async ({ page }) => {
// Invalid search for objects
await page.type("input[type=search]", 'not found');
// Full search for object
await page.type('input[type=search]', 'Clock', { delay: 100 });
// Wait for search to complete
await waitForSearchCompletion(page);
// Wait for search to finish
await waitForSearchCompletion(page);
// Get the search results
const searchResults = page.locator(searchResultSelector);
// Network requests for the composite telemetry with multiple items should be:
// 1. batched request for latest telemetry using the bulk API
// Verify that no results are found
expect(await searchResults.count()).toBe(0);
const searchResultDropDown = await page.locator(searchResultDropDownSelector);
// Verify proper message appears
await expect(page.locator('text=No results found')).toBeVisible();
await expect(searchResultDropDown).toContainText('Clock A');
test('Validate multiple objects in search results return partial matches', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/4667'
test('Validate single object in search result @couchdb', async ({ page }) => {
// Create a folder object
const folderName = uuid();
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'folder',
name: folderName
// Create folder objects
const folderName1 = 'e928a26e-e924-4ea0';
const folderName2 = 'e928a26e-e924-4001';
// Full search for object
await page.type("input[type=search]", folderName);
// Wait for search to complete
await waitForSearchCompletion(page);
// Get the search results
const searchResults = page.locator(searchResultSelector);
// Verify that one result is found
await expect(searchResults).toBeVisible();
expect(await searchResults.count()).toBe(1);
await expect(searchResults).toHaveText(folderName);
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: folderName1
test('Search results are debounced @couchdb', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6179'
await createObjectsForSearch(page);
let networkRequests = [];
page.on('request', (request) => {
const searchRequest = request.url().endsWith('_find');
const fetchRequest = request.resourceType() === 'fetch';
if (searchRequest && fetchRequest) {
// Full search for object
await page.type("input[type=search]", 'Clock', { delay: 100 });
// Wait for search to finish
await waitForSearchCompletion(page);
// Network requests for the composite telemetry with multiple items should be:
// 1. batched request for latest telemetry using the bulk API
const searchResultDropDown = await page.locator(searchResultDropDownSelector);
await expect(searchResultDropDown).toContainText('Clock A');
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: folderName2
test("Validate multiple objects in search results return partial matches", async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/4667'
// Partial search for objects
await page.type('input[type=search]', 'e928a26e');
// Create folder objects
const folderName1 = "e928a26e-e924-4ea0";
const folderName2 = "e928a26e-e924-4001";
// Wait for search to finish
await waitForSearchCompletion(page);
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: folderName1
const searchResultDropDown = page.locator(searchResultDropDownSelector);
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: folderName2
// Verify that the search result/s correctly match the search query
await expect(searchResultDropDown).toContainText(folderName1);
await expect(searchResultDropDown).toContainText(folderName2);
// Partial search for objects
await page.type("input[type=search]", 'e928a26e');
// Wait for search to finish
await waitForSearchCompletion(page);
const searchResultDropDown = page.locator(searchResultDropDownSelector);
// Verify that the search result/s correctly match the search query
await expect(searchResultDropDown).toContainText(folderName1);
await expect(searchResultDropDown).toContainText(folderName2);
// Get the search results
const searchResults = page.locator(searchResultSelector);
// Verify that two results are found
expect(await searchResults.count()).toBe(2);
// Get the search results
const searchResults = page.locator(searchResultSelector);
// Verify that two results are found
expect(await searchResults.count()).toBe(2);
async function waitForSearchCompletion(page) {
// Wait loading spinner to disappear
await page.waitForSelector('.search-finished');
// Wait loading spinner to disappear
await page.waitForSelector('.search-finished');
* Creates some domain objects for searching
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* Creates some domain objects for searching
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function createObjectsForSearch(page) {
const redFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Red Folder'
const redFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Red Folder'
const blueFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Blue Folder',
parent: redFolder.uuid
const blueFolder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Blue Folder',
parent: redFolder.uuid
const clockA = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
name: 'Clock A',
parent: blueFolder.uuid
const clockB = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
name: 'Clock B',
parent: blueFolder.uuid
const clockC = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
name: 'Clock C',
parent: blueFolder.uuid
const clockD = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
name: 'Clock D',
parent: blueFolder.uuid
const clockA = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
name: 'Clock A',
parent: blueFolder.uuid
const clockB = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
name: 'Clock B',
parent: blueFolder.uuid
const clockC = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
name: 'Clock C',
parent: blueFolder.uuid
const clockD = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
name: 'Clock D',
parent: blueFolder.uuid
const displayLayout = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout'
const displayLayout = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout'
// Go back into edit mode for the display layout
await page.locator('button[title="Edit"]').click();
// Go back into edit mode for the display layout
await page.locator('button[title="Edit"]').click();
return {
return {
@ -35,25 +35,26 @@ Make no assumptions about the order that elements appear in the DOM.
const { test, expect } = require('../../pluginFixtures');
test('Verify that the create button appears and that the Folder Domain Object is available for selection', async ({ page }) => {
test('Verify that the create button appears and that the Folder Domain Object is available for selection', async ({
}) => {
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
// Verify that Create Folder appears in the dropdown
await expect(page.locator(':nth-match(:text("Folder"), 2)')).toBeEnabled();
// Verify that Create Folder appears in the dropdown
await expect(page.locator(':nth-match(:text("Folder"), 2)')).toBeEnabled();
test('Verify that My Items Tree appears @ipad', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
//Test.slow annotation is currently broken. Needs to be fixed in https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5374
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./');
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
//Test.slow annotation is currently broken. Needs to be fixed in https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5374
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./');
//My Items to be visible
await expect(page.locator(`a:has-text("${myItemsFolderName}")`)).toBeEnabled();
//My Items to be visible
await expect(page.locator(`a:has-text("${myItemsFolderName}")`)).toBeEnabled();
@ -22,151 +22,158 @@
const { test, expect } = require('../../pluginFixtures.js');
const {
} = require('../../appActions.js');
test.describe('Main Tree', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
test('Creating a child object within a folder and immediately opening it shows the created object in the tree @couchdb', async ({
}) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5975'
test('Creating a child object within a folder and immediately opening it shows the created object in the tree @couchdb', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5975'
const folder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder'
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
const clock = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
parent: folder.uuid
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, folder.name);
await assertTreeItemIsVisible(page, clock.name);
const folder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder'
test('Creating a child object on one tab and expanding its parent on the other shows the correct composition @2p', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6391'
await page.getByTitle('Show selected item in tree').click();
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
const page2 = await page.context().newPage();
// Both pages: Go to baseURL
await Promise.all([
page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' }),
page2.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' })
const page1Folder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder'
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page2, myItemsFolderName);
await assertTreeItemIsVisible(page2, page1Folder.name);
const clock = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
parent: folder.uuid
test('Creating a child object on one tab and expanding its parent on the other shows the correct composition @couchdb @2p', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6391'
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, folder.name);
await assertTreeItemIsVisible(page, clock.name);
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
const page2 = await page.context().newPage();
// Both pages: Go to baseURL
await Promise.all([
page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' }),
page2.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' })
const page1Folder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder'
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page2, myItemsFolderName);
await assertTreeItemIsVisible(page2, page1Folder.name);
test('Creating a child object on one tab and expanding its parent on the other shows the correct composition @2p', async ({
}) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6391'
test('Renaming an object reorders the tree @unstable', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
const page2 = await page.context().newPage();
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Foo'
// Both pages: Go to baseURL
await Promise.all([
page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' }),
page2.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' })
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Bar'
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Baz'
const clock1 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
name: 'aaa'
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
name: 'www'
// Expand the root folder
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, myItemsFolderName);
await test.step("Reorders objects with the same tree depth", async () => {
await getAndAssertTreeItems(page, ['aaa', 'Bar', 'Baz', 'Foo', 'www']);
await renameObjectFromContextMenu(page, clock1.url, 'zzz');
await getAndAssertTreeItems(page, ['Bar', 'Baz', 'Foo', 'www', 'zzz']);
await test.step("Reorders links to objects as well as original objects", async () => {
await page.click('role=treeitem[name=/Bar/]');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/www/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/zzz/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.click('role=treeitem[name=/Baz/]');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/www/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/zzz/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.click('role=treeitem[name=/Foo/]');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/www/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/zzz/]', '.c-object-view');
// Expand the unopened folders
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, 'Bar');
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, 'Baz');
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, 'Foo');
await renameObjectFromContextMenu(page, clock1.url, '___');
await getAndAssertTreeItems(page,
const page1Folder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder'
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page2, myItemsFolderName);
await assertTreeItemIsVisible(page2, page1Folder.name);
test('Creating a child object on one tab and expanding its parent on the other shows the correct composition @couchdb @2p', async ({
}) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6391'
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
const page2 = await page.context().newPage();
// Both pages: Go to baseURL
await Promise.all([
page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' }),
page2.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' })
const page1Folder = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder'
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page2, myItemsFolderName);
await assertTreeItemIsVisible(page2, page1Folder.name);
test('Renaming an object reorders the tree @unstable', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Foo'
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Bar'
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Baz'
const clock1 = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
name: 'aaa'
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
name: 'www'
// Expand the root folder
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, myItemsFolderName);
await test.step('Reorders objects with the same tree depth', async () => {
await getAndAssertTreeItems(page, ['aaa', 'Bar', 'Baz', 'Foo', 'www']);
await renameObjectFromContextMenu(page, clock1.url, 'zzz');
await getAndAssertTreeItems(page, ['Bar', 'Baz', 'Foo', 'www', 'zzz']);
await test.step('Reorders links to objects as well as original objects', async () => {
await page.click('role=treeitem[name=/Bar/]');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/www/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/zzz/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.click('role=treeitem[name=/Baz/]');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/www/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/zzz/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.click('role=treeitem[name=/Foo/]');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/www/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/zzz/]', '.c-object-view');
// Expand the unopened folders
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, 'Bar');
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, 'Baz');
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, 'Foo');
await renameObjectFromContextMenu(page, clock1.url, '___');
await getAndAssertTreeItems(page, [
@ -174,22 +181,22 @@ test.describe('Main Tree', () => {
* @param {Array<string>} expected
async function getAndAssertTreeItems(page, expected) {
const treeItems = page.locator('[role="treeitem"]');
const allTexts = await treeItems.allInnerTexts();
// Get rid of root folder ('My Items') as its position will not change
const treeItems = page.locator('[role="treeitem"]');
const allTexts = await treeItems.allInnerTexts();
// Get rid of root folder ('My Items') as its position will not change
async function assertTreeItemIsVisible(page, name) {
const mainTree = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const treeItem = mainTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
const mainTree = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const treeItem = mainTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
await expect(treeItem).toBeVisible();
await expect(treeItem).toBeVisible();
@ -197,14 +204,14 @@ async function assertTreeItemIsVisible(page, name) {
* @param {string} name
async function expandTreePaneItemByName(page, name) {
const mainTree = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const treeItem = mainTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
expanded: false
await treeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
const mainTree = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const treeItem = mainTree.getByRole('treeitem', {
expanded: false
await treeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
@ -214,10 +221,10 @@ async function expandTreePaneItemByName(page, name) {
* @param {string} newName
async function renameObjectFromContextMenu(page, url, newName) {
await openObjectTreeContextMenu(page, url);
await page.click('li:text("Edit Properties")');
const nameInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] .first input[type="text"]');
await nameInput.fill("");
await nameInput.fill(newName);
await page.click('[aria-label="Save"]');
await openObjectTreeContextMenu(page, url);
await page.click('li:text("Edit Properties")');
const nameInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] .first input[type="text"]');
await nameInput.fill('');
await nameInput.fill(newName);
await page.click('[aria-label="Save"]');
@ -37,141 +37,154 @@ const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');
const filePath = 'e2e/test-data/PerformanceDisplayLayout.json';
test.describe('Performance tests', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page, browser }, testInfo) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page, browser }, testInfo) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
// Click a:has-text("My Items")
await page.locator('a:has-text("My Items")').click({
button: 'right'
// Click text=Import from JSON
await page.locator('text=Import from JSON').click();
// Upload Performance Display Layout.json
await page.setInputFiles('#fileElem', filePath);
// Click text=OK
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
await expect(page.locator('a:has-text("Performance Display Layout Display Layout")')).toBeVisible();
//Create a Chrome Performance Timeline trace to store as a test artifact
console.log("\n==== Devtools: startTracing ====\n");
await browser.startTracing(page, {
path: `${testInfo.outputPath()}-trace.json`,
screenshots: true
// Click a:has-text("My Items")
await page.locator('a:has-text("My Items")').click({
button: 'right'
test.afterEach(async ({ page, browser}) => {
console.log("\n==== Devtools: stopTracing ====\n");
await browser.stopTracing();
/* Measurement Section
// Click text=Import from JSON
await page.locator('text=Import from JSON').click();
// Upload Performance Display Layout.json
await page.setInputFiles('#fileElem', filePath);
// Click text=OK
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
await expect(
page.locator('a:has-text("Performance Display Layout Display Layout")')
//Create a Chrome Performance Timeline trace to store as a test artifact
console.log('\n==== Devtools: startTracing ====\n');
await browser.startTracing(page, {
path: `${testInfo.outputPath()}-trace.json`,
screenshots: true
test.afterEach(async ({ page, browser }) => {
console.log('\n==== Devtools: stopTracing ====\n');
await browser.stopTracing();
/* Measurement Section
/ The following section includes a block of performance measurements.
//Get time difference between viewlarge actionability and evaluate time
await page.evaluate(() => (window.performance.measure("machine-time-difference", "viewlarge.start", "viewLarge.start.test")));
//Get time difference between viewlarge actionability and evaluate time
await page.evaluate(() =>
//Get StartTime
const startTime = await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.timing.navigationStart);
console.log('window.performance.timing.navigationStart', startTime);
//Get StartTime
const startTime = await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.timing.navigationStart);
console.log('window.performance.timing.navigationStart', startTime);
//Get All Performance Marks
const getAllMarksJson = await page.evaluate(() => JSON.stringify(window.performance.getEntriesByType("mark")));
const getAllMarks = JSON.parse(getAllMarksJson);
console.log('window.performance.getEntriesByType("mark")', getAllMarks);
//Get All Performance Marks
const getAllMarksJson = await page.evaluate(() =>
const getAllMarks = JSON.parse(getAllMarksJson);
console.log('window.performance.getEntriesByType("mark")', getAllMarks);
//Get All Performance Measures
const getAllMeasuresJson = await page.evaluate(() => JSON.stringify(window.performance.getEntriesByType("measure")));
const getAllMeasures = JSON.parse(getAllMeasuresJson);
console.log('window.performance.getEntriesByType("measure")', getAllMeasures);
/* The following test will navigate to a previously created Performance Display Layout and measure the
//Get All Performance Measures
const getAllMeasuresJson = await page.evaluate(() =>
const getAllMeasures = JSON.parse(getAllMeasuresJson);
console.log('window.performance.getEntriesByType("measure")', getAllMeasures);
/* The following test will navigate to a previously created Performance Display Layout and measure the
/ following metrics:
/ - ElementResourceTiming
/ - Interaction Timing
test('Embedded View Large for Imagery is performant in Fixed Time', async ({ page, browser }) => {
const client = await page.context().newCDPSession(page);
// Tell the DevTools session to record performance metrics
// https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Performance/#method-getMetrics
await client.send('Performance.enable');
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./');
test('Embedded View Large for Imagery is performant in Fixed Time', async ({ page, browser }) => {
const client = await page.context().newCDPSession(page);
// Tell the DevTools session to record performance metrics
// https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Performance/#method-getMetrics
await client.send('Performance.enable');
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./');
// Search Available after Launch
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("search-available"));
// Fill Search input
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Performance Display Layout');
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("search-entered"));
//Search Result Appears and is clicked
await Promise.all([
page.locator('a:has-text("Performance Display Layout")').first().click(),
page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("click-search-result"))
// Search Available after Launch
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('search-available'));
// Fill Search input
await page
.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]')
.fill('Performance Display Layout');
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('search-entered'));
//Search Result Appears and is clicked
await Promise.all([
page.locator('a:has-text("Performance Display Layout")').first().click(),
page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('click-search-result'))
//Time to Example Imagery Frame loads within Display Layout
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__bg', { state: 'visible'});
//Time to Example Imagery object loads
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image', { state: 'visible'});
//Get background-image url from background-image css prop
const backgroundImage = await page.locator('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image');
let backgroundImageUrl = await backgroundImage.evaluate((el) => {
return window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('background-image').match(/url\(([^)]+)\)/)[1];
backgroundImageUrl = backgroundImageUrl.slice(1, -1); //forgive me, padre
console.log('backgroundImageurl ' + backgroundImageUrl);
//Get ResourceTiming of background-image jpg
const resourceTimingJson = await page.evaluate((bgImageUrl) =>
console.log('resourceTimingJson ' + resourceTimingJson);
//Open Large view
await page.locator('button:has-text("Large View")').click(); //This action includes the performance.mark named 'viewLarge.start'
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("viewLarge.start.test")); //This is a mark only to compare evaluate timing
//Time to Imagery Rendered in Large Frame
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__bg', { state: 'visible'});
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("background-image-frame"));
//Time to Example Imagery object loads
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image', { state: 'visible'});
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("background-image-visible"));
// Get Current number of images in thumbstrip
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__thumb');
const thumbCount = await page.locator('.c-imagery__thumb').count();
console.log('number of thumbs rendered ' + thumbCount);
await page.locator('.c-imagery__thumb').last().click();
//Get ResourceTiming of all jpg resources
const resourceTimingJson2 = await page.evaluate(() =>
const resourceTiming = JSON.parse(resourceTimingJson2);
const jpgResourceTiming = resourceTiming.find((element) =>
console.log('jpgResourceTiming ' + JSON.stringify(jpgResourceTiming));
// Click Close Icon
await page.locator('[aria-label="Close"]').click();
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("view-large-close-button"));
//await client.send('HeapProfiler.enable');
await client.send('HeapProfiler.collectGarbage');
let performanceMetrics = await client.send('Performance.getMetrics');
//Time to Example Imagery Frame loads within Display Layout
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__bg', { state: 'visible' });
//Time to Example Imagery object loads
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image', { state: 'visible' });
//Get background-image url from background-image css prop
const backgroundImage = await page.locator('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image');
let backgroundImageUrl = await backgroundImage.evaluate((el) => {
return window
backgroundImageUrl = backgroundImageUrl.slice(1, -1); //forgive me, padre
console.log('backgroundImageurl ' + backgroundImageUrl);
//Get ResourceTiming of background-image jpg
const resourceTimingJson = await page.evaluate(
(bgImageUrl) => JSON.stringify(window.performance.getEntriesByName(bgImageUrl).pop()),
console.log('resourceTimingJson ' + resourceTimingJson);
//Open Large view
await page.locator('button:has-text("Large View")').click(); //This action includes the performance.mark named 'viewLarge.start'
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('viewLarge.start.test')); //This is a mark only to compare evaluate timing
//Time to Imagery Rendered in Large Frame
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__bg', { state: 'visible' });
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('background-image-frame'));
//Time to Example Imagery object loads
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image', { state: 'visible' });
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('background-image-visible'));
// Get Current number of images in thumbstrip
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__thumb');
const thumbCount = await page.locator('.c-imagery__thumb').count();
console.log('number of thumbs rendered ' + thumbCount);
await page.locator('.c-imagery__thumb').last().click();
//Get ResourceTiming of all jpg resources
const resourceTimingJson2 = await page.evaluate(() =>
const resourceTiming = JSON.parse(resourceTimingJson2);
const jpgResourceTiming = resourceTiming.find((element) => element.name.includes('.jpg'));
console.log('jpgResourceTiming ' + JSON.stringify(jpgResourceTiming));
// Click Close Icon
await page.locator('[aria-label="Close"]').click();
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('view-large-close-button'));
//await client.send('HeapProfiler.enable');
await client.send('HeapProfiler.collectGarbage');
let performanceMetrics = await client.send('Performance.getMetrics');
@ -38,82 +38,84 @@ const filePath = 'e2e/test-data/PerformanceDisplayLayout.json';
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-skipped-test
test.describe.skip('Memory Performance tests', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page, browser }, testInfo) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page, browser }, testInfo) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
// Click a:has-text("My Items")
await page.locator('a:has-text("My Items")').click({
button: 'right'
// Click text=Import from JSON
await page.locator('text=Import from JSON').click();
// Upload Performance Display Layout.json
await page.setInputFiles('#fileElem', filePath);
// Click text=OK
await page.locator('text=OK').click();
await expect(page.locator('a:has-text("Performance Display Layout Display Layout")')).toBeVisible();
// Click a:has-text("My Items")
await page.locator('a:has-text("My Items")').click({
button: 'right'
test('Embedded View Large for Imagery is performant in Fixed Time', async ({ page, browser }) => {
// Click text=Import from JSON
await page.locator('text=Import from JSON').click();
await page.goto('./', {waitUntil: 'networkidle'});
// Upload Performance Display Layout.json
await page.setInputFiles('#fileElem', filePath);
// To to Search Available after Launch
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
// Fill Search input
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Performance Display Layout');
//Search Result Appears and is clicked
await Promise.all([
page.locator('a:has-text("Performance Display Layout")').first().click()
// Click text=OK
await page.locator('text=OK').click();
//Time to Example Imagery Frame loads within Display Layout
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__bg', { state: 'visible'});
//Time to Example Imagery object loads
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image', { state: 'visible'});
await expect(
page.locator('a:has-text("Performance Display Layout Display Layout")')
const client = await page.context().newCDPSession(page);
await client.send('HeapProfiler.enable');
await client.send('HeapProfiler.startSampling');
// await client.send('HeapProfiler.collectGarbage');
await client.send('Performance.enable');
test('Embedded View Large for Imagery is performant in Fixed Time', async ({ page, browser }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
let performanceMetricsBefore = await client.send('Performance.getMetrics');
// To to Search Available after Launch
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
// Fill Search input
await page
.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]')
.fill('Performance Display Layout');
//Search Result Appears and is clicked
await Promise.all([
page.locator('a:has-text("Performance Display Layout")').first().click()
//await client.send('Performance.disable');
//Time to Example Imagery Frame loads within Display Layout
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__bg', { state: 'visible' });
//Time to Example Imagery object loads
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image', { state: 'visible' });
//Open Large view
await page.locator('button:has-text("Large View")').click();
await client.send('HeapProfiler.takeHeapSnapshot');
const client = await page.context().newCDPSession(page);
await client.send('HeapProfiler.enable');
await client.send('HeapProfiler.startSampling');
// await client.send('HeapProfiler.collectGarbage');
await client.send('Performance.enable');
//Time to Imagery Rendered in Large Frame
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__bg', { state: 'visible'});
let performanceMetricsBefore = await client.send('Performance.getMetrics');
//Time to Example Imagery object loads
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image', { state: 'visible'});
//await client.send('Performance.disable');
// Click Close Icon
await page.locator('.c-click-icon').click();
//Open Large view
await page.locator('button:has-text("Large View")').click();
await client.send('HeapProfiler.takeHeapSnapshot');
//Time to Example Imagery Frame loads within Display Layout
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__bg', { state: 'visible'});
//Time to Example Imagery object loads
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image', { state: 'visible'});
//Time to Imagery Rendered in Large Frame
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__bg', { state: 'visible' });
await client.send('HeapProfiler.collectGarbage');
//await client.send('Performance.enable');
//Time to Example Imagery object loads
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image', { state: 'visible' });
let performanceMetricsAfter = await client.send('Performance.getMetrics');
// Click Close Icon
await page.locator('.c-click-icon').click();
//await client.send('Performance.disable');
//Time to Example Imagery Frame loads within Display Layout
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__bg', { state: 'visible' });
//Time to Example Imagery object loads
await page.waitForSelector('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image', { state: 'visible' });
await client.send('HeapProfiler.collectGarbage');
//await client.send('Performance.enable');
let performanceMetricsAfter = await client.send('Performance.getMetrics');
//await client.send('Performance.disable');
@ -36,124 +36,131 @@ const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');
const notebookFilePath = 'e2e/test-data/PerformanceNotebook.json';
test.describe('Performance tests', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page, browser }, testInfo) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
test.beforeEach(async ({ page, browser }, testInfo) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
// Click a:has-text("My Items")
await page.locator('a:has-text("My Items")').click({
button: 'right'
// Click text=Import from JSON
await page.locator('text=Import from JSON').click();
// Upload Performance Display Layout.json
await page.setInputFiles('#fileElem', notebookFilePath);
// TODO Fix this
await page.locator('text=OK >> nth=1').click();
await expect(page.locator('a:has-text("Performance Notebook")')).toBeVisible();
//Create a Chrome Performance Timeline trace to store as a test artifact
console.log("\n==== Devtools: startTracing ====\n");
await browser.startTracing(page, {
path: `${testInfo.outputPath()}-trace.json`,
screenshots: true
// Click a:has-text("My Items")
await page.locator('a:has-text("My Items")').click({
button: 'right'
test.afterEach(async ({ page, browser}) => {
console.log("\n==== Devtools: stopTracing ====\n");
await browser.stopTracing();
/* Measurement Section
// Click text=Import from JSON
await page.locator('text=Import from JSON').click();
// Upload Performance Display Layout.json
await page.setInputFiles('#fileElem', notebookFilePath);
// TODO Fix this
await page.locator('text=OK >> nth=1').click();
await expect(page.locator('a:has-text("Performance Notebook")')).toBeVisible();
//Create a Chrome Performance Timeline trace to store as a test artifact
console.log('\n==== Devtools: startTracing ====\n');
await browser.startTracing(page, {
path: `${testInfo.outputPath()}-trace.json`,
screenshots: true
test.afterEach(async ({ page, browser }) => {
console.log('\n==== Devtools: stopTracing ====\n');
await browser.stopTracing();
/* Measurement Section
/ The following section includes a block of performance measurements.
const startTime = await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.timing.navigationStart);
console.log('window.performance.timing.navigationStart', startTime);
const startTime = await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.timing.navigationStart);
console.log('window.performance.timing.navigationStart', startTime);
//Get All Performance Marks
const getAllMarksJson = await page.evaluate(() => JSON.stringify(window.performance.getEntriesByType("mark")));
const getAllMarks = JSON.parse(getAllMarksJson);
console.log('window.performance.getEntriesByType("mark")', getAllMarks);
//Get All Performance Marks
const getAllMarksJson = await page.evaluate(() =>
const getAllMarks = JSON.parse(getAllMarksJson);
console.log('window.performance.getEntriesByType("mark")', getAllMarks);
//Get All Performance Measures
const getAllMeasuresJson = await page.evaluate(() => JSON.stringify(window.performance.getEntriesByType("measure")));
const getAllMeasures = JSON.parse(getAllMeasuresJson);
console.log('window.performance.getEntriesByType("measure")', getAllMeasures);
/* The following test will navigate to a previously created Performance Display Layout and measure the
//Get All Performance Measures
const getAllMeasuresJson = await page.evaluate(() =>
const getAllMeasures = JSON.parse(getAllMeasuresJson);
console.log('window.performance.getEntriesByType("measure")', getAllMeasures);
/* The following test will navigate to a previously created Performance Display Layout and measure the
/ following metrics:
/ - ElementResourceTiming
/ - Interaction Timing
test('Notebook Search, Add Entry, Update Entry are performant', async ({ page, browser }) => {
const client = await page.context().newCDPSession(page);
// Tell the DevTools session to record performance metrics
// https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Performance/#method-getMetrics
await client.send('Performance.enable');
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./');
test('Notebook Search, Add Entry, Update Entry are performant', async ({ page, browser }) => {
const client = await page.context().newCDPSession(page);
// Tell the DevTools session to record performance metrics
// https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Performance/#method-getMetrics
await client.send('Performance.enable');
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./');
// To to Search Available after Launch
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("search-available"));
// Fill Search input
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').fill('Performance Notebook');
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("search-entered"));
//Search Result Appears and is clicked
await Promise.all([
page.locator('a:has-text("Performance Notebook")').first().click(),
page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("click-search-result"))
// To to Search Available after Launch
await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click();
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('search-available'));
// Fill Search input
await page
.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]')
.fill('Performance Notebook');
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('search-entered'));
//Search Result Appears and is clicked
await Promise.all([
page.locator('a:has-text("Performance Notebook")').first().click(),
page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('click-search-result'))
await page.waitForSelector('.c-tree__item c-tree-and-search__loading loading', {state: 'hidden'});
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("search-spinner-gone"));
await page.waitForSelector('.l-browse-bar__object-name', { state: 'visible'});
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("object-title-appears"));
await page.waitForSelector('.c-notebook__entry >> nth=0', { state: 'visible'});
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("notebook-entry-appears"));
// Click Add new Notebook Entry
await page.locator('.c-notebook__drag-area').click();
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("new-notebook-entry-created"));
// Enter Notebook Entry text
await page.locator('div.c-ne__text').last().fill('New Entry');
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("new-notebook-entry-filled"));
//Individual Notebook Entry Search
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("notebook-search-start"));
await page.locator('.c-notebook__search >> input').fill('Existing Entry');
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("notebook-search-filled"));
await page.waitForSelector('text=Search Results (3)', { state: 'visible'});
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("notebook-search-processed"));
await page.waitForSelector('.c-notebook__entry >> nth=2', { state: 'visible'});
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("notebook-search-processed"));
//Clear Search
await page.locator('.c-search.c-notebook__search .c-search__input').hover();
await page.locator('.c-search.c-notebook__search .c-search__clear-input').click();
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("notebook-search-processed"));
// Hover on Last
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("new-notebook-entry-delete"));
await page.locator('div.c-ne__time-and-content').last().hover();
await page.locator('button[title="Delete this entry"]').last().click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("Ok")').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-notebook__entry >> nth=3', { state: 'detached'});
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark("new-notebook-entry-deleted"));
//await client.send('HeapProfiler.enable');
await client.send('HeapProfiler.collectGarbage');
let performanceMetrics = await client.send('Performance.getMetrics');
await page.waitForSelector('.c-tree__item c-tree-and-search__loading loading', {
state: 'hidden'
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('search-spinner-gone'));
await page.waitForSelector('.l-browse-bar__object-name', { state: 'visible' });
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('object-title-appears'));
await page.waitForSelector('.c-notebook__entry >> nth=0', { state: 'visible' });
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('notebook-entry-appears'));
// Click Add new Notebook Entry
await page.locator('.c-notebook__drag-area').click();
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('new-notebook-entry-created'));
// Enter Notebook Entry text
await page.locator('div.c-ne__text').last().fill('New Entry');
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('new-notebook-entry-filled'));
//Individual Notebook Entry Search
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('notebook-search-start'));
await page.locator('.c-notebook__search >> input').fill('Existing Entry');
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('notebook-search-filled'));
await page.waitForSelector('text=Search Results (3)', { state: 'visible' });
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('notebook-search-processed'));
await page.waitForSelector('.c-notebook__entry >> nth=2', { state: 'visible' });
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('notebook-search-processed'));
//Clear Search
await page.locator('.c-search.c-notebook__search .c-search__input').hover();
await page.locator('.c-search.c-notebook__search .c-search__clear-input').click();
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('notebook-search-processed'));
// Hover on Last
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('new-notebook-entry-delete'));
await page.locator('div.c-ne__time-and-content').last().hover();
await page.locator('button[title="Delete this entry"]').last().click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("Ok")').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-notebook__entry >> nth=3', { state: 'detached' });
await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('new-notebook-entry-deleted'));
//await client.send('HeapProfiler.enable');
await client.send('HeapProfiler.collectGarbage');
let performanceMetrics = await client.send('Performance.getMetrics');
@ -40,22 +40,23 @@ const path = require('path');
test.describe('Visual - addInit', () => {
clockOptions: {
now: 0, //Set browser clock to UNIX Epoch
shouldAdvanceTime: false //Don't advance the clock
clockOptions: {
now: 0, //Set browser clock to UNIX Epoch
shouldAdvanceTime: false //Don't advance the clock
test('Restricted Notebook is visually correct @addInit @unstable', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await page.addInitScript({
path: path.join(__dirname, '../../helper', './addInitRestrictedNotebook.js')
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine?hideTree=true', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
test('Restricted Notebook is visually correct @addInit @unstable', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, '../../helper', './addInitRestrictedNotebook.js') });
//Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine?hideTree=true', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: CUSTOM_NAME });
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: CUSTOM_NAME });
// Take a snapshot of the newly created CUSTOM_NAME notebook
await percySnapshot(page, `Restricted Notebook with CUSTOM_NAME (theme: '${theme}')`);
// Take a snapshot of the newly created CUSTOM_NAME notebook
await percySnapshot(page, `Restricted Notebook with CUSTOM_NAME (theme: '${theme}')`);
@ -26,67 +26,67 @@ const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require('../../../appActions.js');
const percySnapshot = require('@percy/playwright');
test.describe('Visual - Tree Pane', () => {
test('Tree pane in various states @unstable', async ({ page, theme, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
test('Tree pane in various states @unstable', async ({ page, theme, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
const foo = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: "Foo Folder"
const bar = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: "Bar Folder",
parent: foo.uuid
const baz = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: "Baz Folder",
parent: bar.uuid
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
name: 'A Clock'
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
name: 'Z Clock'
const treePane = "[role=tree][aria-label='Main Tree']";
await percySnapshot(page, `Tree Pane w/ collapsed tree (theme: ${theme})`, {
scope: treePane
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, myItemsFolderName);
await page.goto(foo.url);
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/A Clock/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/Z Clock/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.goto(bar.url);
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/A Clock/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/Z Clock/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.goto(baz.url);
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/A Clock/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/Z Clock/]', '.c-object-view');
await percySnapshot(page, `Tree Pane w/ single level expanded (theme: ${theme})`, {
scope: treePane
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, foo.name);
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, bar.name);
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, baz.name);
await percySnapshot(page, `Tree Pane w/ multiple levels expanded (theme: ${theme})`, {
scope: treePane
const foo = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Foo Folder'
const bar = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Bar Folder',
parent: foo.uuid
const baz = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Folder',
name: 'Baz Folder',
parent: bar.uuid
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
name: 'A Clock'
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Clock',
name: 'Z Clock'
const treePane = "[role=tree][aria-label='Main Tree']";
await percySnapshot(page, `Tree Pane w/ collapsed tree (theme: ${theme})`, {
scope: treePane
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, myItemsFolderName);
await page.goto(foo.url);
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/A Clock/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/Z Clock/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.goto(bar.url);
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/A Clock/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/Z Clock/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.goto(baz.url);
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/A Clock/]', '.c-object-view');
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/Z Clock/]', '.c-object-view');
await percySnapshot(page, `Tree Pane w/ single level expanded (theme: ${theme})`, {
scope: treePane
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, foo.name);
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, bar.name);
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, baz.name);
await percySnapshot(page, `Tree Pane w/ multiple levels expanded (theme: ${theme})`, {
scope: treePane
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ test.describe('Visual - Tree Pane', () => {
* @param {string} name
async function expandTreePaneItemByName(page, name) {
const treePane = page.getByTestId('tree-pane');
const treeItem = treePane.locator(`role=treeitem[expanded=false][name=/${name}/]`);
const expandTriangle = treeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle');
await expandTriangle.click();
const treePane = page.getByTestId('tree-pane');
const treeItem = treePane.locator(`role=treeitem[expanded=false][name=/${name}/]`);
const expandTriangle = treeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle');
await expandTriangle.click();
@ -31,26 +31,26 @@ const { test, expect } = require('../../pluginFixtures');
const percySnapshot = require('@percy/playwright');
test.describe('Visual - Controlled Clock @localStorage', () => {
storageState: './e2e/test-data/VisualTestData_storage.json',
clockOptions: {
now: 0, //Set browser clock to UNIX Epoch
shouldAdvanceTime: false //Don't advance the clock
storageState: './e2e/test-data/VisualTestData_storage.json',
clockOptions: {
now: 0, //Set browser clock to UNIX Epoch
shouldAdvanceTime: false //Don't advance the clock
test('Overlay Plot Loading Indicator @localStorage', async ({ page, theme }) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine?hideTree=true', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
test('Overlay Plot Loading Indicator @localStorage', async ({ page, theme }) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine?hideTree=true', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
await page.locator('a:has-text("Unnamed Overlay Plot Overlay Plot")').click();
//Ensure that we're on the Unnamed Overlay Plot object
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText('Unnamed Overlay Plot');
await page.locator('a:has-text("Unnamed Overlay Plot Overlay Plot")').click();
//Ensure that we're on the Unnamed Overlay Plot object
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText('Unnamed Overlay Plot');
//Wait for canvas to be rendered and stop animating
await page.locator('canvas >> nth=1').hover({trial: true});
//Wait for canvas to be rendered and stop animating
await page.locator('canvas >> nth=1').hover({ trial: true });
//Take snapshot of Sine Wave Generator within Overlay Plot
await percySnapshot(page, `SineWaveInOverlayPlot (theme: '${theme}')`);
//Take snapshot of Sine Wave Generator within Overlay Plot
await percySnapshot(page, `SineWaveInOverlayPlot (theme: '${theme}')`);
@ -37,132 +37,134 @@ const percySnapshot = require('@percy/playwright');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require('../../appActions');
test.describe('Visual - Default', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
//Go to baseURL and Hide Tree
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine?hideTree=true', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
clockOptions: {
now: 0, //Set browser clock to UNIX Epoch
shouldAdvanceTime: false //Don't advance the clock
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
//Go to baseURL and Hide Tree
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine?hideTree=true', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
clockOptions: {
now: 0, //Set browser clock to UNIX Epoch
shouldAdvanceTime: false //Don't advance the clock
test('Visual - Root and About', async ({ page, theme }) => {
// Verify that Create button is actionable
await expect(page.locator('button:has-text("Create")')).toBeEnabled();
// Take a snapshot of the Dashboard
await percySnapshot(page, `Root (theme: '${theme}')`);
// Click About button
await page.click('.l-shell__app-logo');
// Modify the Build information in 'about' to be consistent run-over-run
const versionInformationLocator = page.locator('ul.t-info.l-info.s-info').first();
await expect(versionInformationLocator).toBeEnabled();
await versionInformationLocator.evaluate(
(node) =>
(node.innerHTML =
'<li>Version: visual-snapshot</li> <li>Build Date: Mon Nov 15 2021 08:07:51 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)</li> <li>Revision: 93049cdbc6c047697ca204893db9603b864b8c9f</li> <li>Branch: master</li>')
// Take a snapshot of the About modal
await percySnapshot(page, `About (theme: '${theme}')`);
test('Visual - Default Condition Set @unstable', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Condition Set' });
// Take a snapshot of the newly created Condition Set object
await percySnapshot(page, `Default Condition Set (theme: '${theme}')`);
test('Visual - Default Condition Widget @unstable', async ({ page, theme }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5349'
test('Visual - Root and About', async ({ page, theme }) => {
// Verify that Create button is actionable
await expect(page.locator('button:has-text("Create")')).toBeEnabled();
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Condition Widget' });
// Take a snapshot of the Dashboard
await percySnapshot(page, `Root (theme: '${theme}')`);
// Take a snapshot of the newly created Condition Widget object
await percySnapshot(page, `Default Condition Widget (theme: '${theme}')`);
// Click About button
await page.click('.l-shell__app-logo');
test('Visual - Time Conductor start time is less than end time', async ({ page, theme }) => {
const year = new Date().getFullYear();
// Modify the Build information in 'about' to be consistent run-over-run
const versionInformationLocator = page.locator('ul.t-info.l-info.s-info').first();
await expect(versionInformationLocator).toBeEnabled();
await versionInformationLocator.evaluate(node => node.innerHTML = '<li>Version: visual-snapshot</li> <li>Build Date: Mon Nov 15 2021 08:07:51 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)</li> <li>Revision: 93049cdbc6c047697ca204893db9603b864b8c9f</li> <li>Branch: master</li>');
let startDate = 'xxxx-01-01 01:00:00.000Z';
startDate = year + startDate.substring(4);
// Take a snapshot of the About modal
await percySnapshot(page, `About (theme: '${theme}')`);
let endDate = 'xxxx-01-01 02:00:00.000Z';
endDate = year + endDate.substring(4);
test('Visual - Default Condition Set @unstable', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await page.locator('input[type="text"]').nth(1).fill(endDate.toString());
await page.locator('input[type="text"]').first().fill(startDate.toString());
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Condition Set' });
// verify no error msg
await percySnapshot(page, `Default Time conductor (theme: '${theme}')`);
// Take a snapshot of the newly created Condition Set object
await percySnapshot(page, `Default Condition Set (theme: '${theme}')`);
startDate = year + 1 + startDate.substring(4);
await page.locator('input[type="text"]').first().fill(startDate.toString());
await page.locator('input[type="text"]').nth(1).click();
test('Visual - Default Condition Widget @unstable', async ({ page, theme }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5349'
// verify error msg for start time (unable to capture snapshot of popup)
await percySnapshot(page, `Start time error (theme: '${theme}')`);
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Condition Widget' });
startDate = year - 1 + startDate.substring(4);
await page.locator('input[type="text"]').first().fill(startDate.toString());
// Take a snapshot of the newly created Condition Widget object
await percySnapshot(page, `Default Condition Widget (theme: '${theme}')`);
endDate = year - 2 + endDate.substring(4);
await page.locator('input[type="text"]').nth(1).fill(endDate.toString());
test('Visual - Time Conductor start time is less than end time', async ({ page, theme }) => {
const year = new Date().getFullYear();
await page.locator('input[type="text"]').first().click();
let startDate = 'xxxx-01-01 01:00:00.000Z';
startDate = year + startDate.substring(4);
// verify error msg for end time (unable to capture snapshot of popup)
await percySnapshot(page, `End time error (theme: '${theme}')`);
let endDate = 'xxxx-01-01 02:00:00.000Z';
endDate = year + endDate.substring(4);
test('Visual - Sine Wave Generator Form', async ({ page, theme }) => {
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
await page.locator('input[type="text"]').nth(1).fill(endDate.toString());
await page.locator('input[type="text"]').first().fill(startDate.toString());
// Click text=Sine Wave Generator
await page.click('text=Sine Wave Generator');
// verify no error msg
await percySnapshot(page, `Default Time conductor (theme: '${theme}')`);
await percySnapshot(page, `Default Sine Wave Generator Form (theme: '${theme}')`);
startDate = (year + 1) + startDate.substring(4);
await page.locator('input[type="text"]').first().fill(startDate.toString());
await page.locator('input[type="text"]').nth(1).click();
await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().click();
await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().fill('');
// verify error msg for start time (unable to capture snapshot of popup)
await percySnapshot(page, `Start time error (theme: '${theme}')`);
// Validate red x mark
await percySnapshot(page, `removed amplitude property value (theme: '${theme}')`);
startDate = (year - 1) + startDate.substring(4);
await page.locator('input[type="text"]').first().fill(startDate.toString());
test('Visual - Save Successful Banner @unstable', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Timer' });
endDate = (year - 2) + endDate.substring(4);
await page.locator('input[type="text"]').nth(1).fill(endDate.toString());
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__message').hover({ trial: true });
await percySnapshot(page, `Banner message shown (theme: '${theme}')`);
await page.locator('input[type="text"]').first().click();
//Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__close-button').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached' });
await percySnapshot(page, `Banner message gone (theme: '${theme}')`);
// verify error msg for end time (unable to capture snapshot of popup)
await percySnapshot(page, `End time error (theme: '${theme}')`);
test('Visual - Display Layout Icon is correct', async ({ page, theme }) => {
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
test('Visual - Sine Wave Generator Form', async ({ page, theme }) => {
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
//Hover on Display Layout option.
await page.locator('text=Display Layout').hover();
await percySnapshot(page, `Display Layout Create Menu (theme: '${theme}')`);
// Click text=Sine Wave Generator
await page.click('text=Sine Wave Generator');
test('Visual - Default Gauge is correct @unstable', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Gauge' });
await percySnapshot(page, `Default Sine Wave Generator Form (theme: '${theme}')`);
await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().click();
await page.locator('.field.control.l-input-sm input').first().fill('');
// Validate red x mark
await percySnapshot(page, `removed amplitude property value (theme: '${theme}')`);
test('Visual - Save Successful Banner @unstable', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Timer' });
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__message').hover({ trial: true });
await percySnapshot(page, `Banner message shown (theme: '${theme}')`);
//Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.locator('.c-message-banner__close-button').click();
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached'});
await percySnapshot(page, `Banner message gone (theme: '${theme}')`);
test('Visual - Display Layout Icon is correct', async ({ page, theme }) => {
//Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
//Hover on Display Layout option.
await page.locator('text=Display Layout').hover();
await percySnapshot(page, `Display Layout Create Menu (theme: '${theme}')`);
test('Visual - Default Gauge is correct @unstable', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Gauge' });
// Take a snapshot of the newly created Gauge object
await percySnapshot(page, `Default Gauge (theme: '${theme}')`);
// Take a snapshot of the newly created Gauge object
await percySnapshot(page, `Default Gauge (theme: '${theme}')`);
@ -27,51 +27,64 @@ const percySnapshot = require('@percy/playwright');
const utils = require('../../helper/faultUtils');
test.describe('The Fault Management Plugin Visual Test', () => {
test('icon test', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, '../../helper/', 'addInitFaultManagementPlugin.js') });
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
await percySnapshot(page, `Fault Management icon appears in tree (theme: '${theme}')`);
test('icon test', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await page.addInitScript({
path: path.join(__dirname, '../../helper/', 'addInitFaultManagementPlugin.js')
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
test('fault list and acknowledged faults', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await utils.navigateToFaultManagementWithStaticExample(page);
await percySnapshot(page, `Fault Management icon appears in tree (theme: '${theme}')`);
await percySnapshot(page, `Shows a list of faults in the standard view (theme: '${theme}')`);
test('fault list and acknowledged faults', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await utils.navigateToFaultManagementWithStaticExample(page);
await utils.acknowledgeFault(page, 1);
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'acknowledged');
await percySnapshot(page, `Shows a list of faults in the standard view (theme: '${theme}')`);
await percySnapshot(page, `Acknowledged faults, have a checkmark on the fault icon and appear in the acknowldeged view (theme: '${theme}')`);
await utils.acknowledgeFault(page, 1);
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'acknowledged');
test('shelved faults', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await utils.navigateToFaultManagementWithStaticExample(page);
await percySnapshot(
`Acknowledged faults, have a checkmark on the fault icon and appear in the acknowldeged view (theme: '${theme}')`
await utils.shelveFault(page, 1);
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'shelved');
test('shelved faults', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await utils.navigateToFaultManagementWithStaticExample(page);
await percySnapshot(page, `Shelved faults appear in the shelved view (theme: '${theme}')`);
await utils.shelveFault(page, 1);
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'shelved');
await utils.openFaultRowMenu(page, 1);
await percySnapshot(page, `Shelved faults appear in the shelved view (theme: '${theme}')`);
await percySnapshot(page, `Shelved faults have a 3-dot menu with Unshelve option enabled (theme: '${theme}')`);
await utils.openFaultRowMenu(page, 1);
test('3-dot menu for fault', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await utils.navigateToFaultManagementWithStaticExample(page);
await percySnapshot(
`Shelved faults have a 3-dot menu with Unshelve option enabled (theme: '${theme}')`
await utils.openFaultRowMenu(page, 1);
test('3-dot menu for fault', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await utils.navigateToFaultManagementWithStaticExample(page);
await percySnapshot(page, `Faults have a 3-dot menu with Acknowledge, Shelve and Unshelve (Unshelve is disabled) options (theme: '${theme}')`);
await utils.openFaultRowMenu(page, 1);
test('ability to acknowledge or shelve', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await utils.navigateToFaultManagementWithStaticExample(page);
await percySnapshot(
`Faults have a 3-dot menu with Acknowledge, Shelve and Unshelve (Unshelve is disabled) options (theme: '${theme}')`
await utils.selectFaultItem(page, 1);
test('ability to acknowledge or shelve', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await utils.navigateToFaultManagementWithStaticExample(page);
await percySnapshot(page, `Selected faults highlight the ability to Acknowledge or Shelve above the fault list (theme: '${theme}')`);
await utils.selectFaultItem(page, 1);
await percySnapshot(
`Selected faults highlight the ability to Acknowledge or Shelve above the fault list (theme: '${theme}')`
@ -25,50 +25,54 @@ const percySnapshot = require('@percy/playwright');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require('../../appActions');
test.describe('Visual - LAD Table', () => {
/** @type {import('@playwright/test').Locator} */
let ladTable;
/** @type {import('@playwright/test').Locator} */
let ladTable;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Create LAD Table
ladTable = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'LAD Table',
name: 'LAD Table Test'
// Create SWG inside of LAD Table
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: 'SWG4LAD Table Test',
parent: ladTable.uuid
//Modify SWG to create a really stable SWG
await page.locator('button[title="More options"]').click();
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: ' Edit Properties...' }).click();
//Forgive me, padre
await page.getByRole('spinbutton', { name: 'Data Rate (hz)' }).fill('0');
await page.getByRole('spinbutton', { name: 'Period' }).fill('0');
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
// Create LAD Table
ladTable = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'LAD Table',
name: 'LAD Table Test'
test('Toggled column widths behave accordingly', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await page.goto(ladTable.url);
//Close panes for visual consistency
await page.getByTitle('Collapse Inspect Pane').click();
await page.getByTitle('Collapse Browse Pane').click();
await expect(page.locator('button[title="Expand Columns"]')).toBeVisible();
await percySnapshot(page, `LAD Table w/ Sine Wave Generator columns autosized (theme: ${theme})`);
await page.locator('button[title="Expand Columns"]').click();
await expect(page.locator('button[title="Autosize Columns"]')).toBeVisible();
await percySnapshot(page, `LAD Table w/ Sine Wave Generator columns expanded (theme: ${theme})`);
// Create SWG inside of LAD Table
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: 'SWG4LAD Table Test',
parent: ladTable.uuid
//Modify SWG to create a really stable SWG
await page.locator('button[title="More options"]').click();
await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: ' Edit Properties...' }).click();
//Forgive me, padre
await page.getByRole('spinbutton', { name: 'Data Rate (hz)' }).fill('0');
await page.getByRole('spinbutton', { name: 'Period' }).fill('0');
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
test('Toggled column widths behave accordingly', async ({ page, theme }) => {
await page.goto(ladTable.url);
//Close panes for visual consistency
await page.getByTitle('Collapse Inspect Pane').click();
await page.getByTitle('Collapse Browse Pane').click();
await expect(page.locator('button[title="Expand Columns"]')).toBeVisible();
await percySnapshot(
`LAD Table w/ Sine Wave Generator columns autosized (theme: ${theme})`
await page.locator('button[title="Expand Columns"]').click();
await expect(page.locator('button[title="Autosize Columns"]')).toBeVisible();
await percySnapshot(
`LAD Table w/ Sine Wave Generator columns expanded (theme: ${theme})`
@ -25,27 +25,26 @@ const percySnapshot = require('@percy/playwright');
const { expandTreePaneItemByName, createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require('../../appActions');
test.describe('Visual - Notebook', () => {
test('Accepts dropped objects as embeds @unstable', async ({ page, theme, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
// Create Notebook
const notebook = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Notebook',
name: "Embed Test Notebook"
// Create Overlay Plot
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Overlay Plot',
name: "Dropped Overlay Plot"
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, myItemsFolderName);
await page.goto(notebook.url);
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/Dropped Overlay Plot/]', '.c-notebook__drag-area');
await percySnapshot(page, `Notebook w/ dropped embed (theme: ${theme})`);
test('Accepts dropped objects as embeds @unstable', async ({ page, theme, openmctConfig }) => {
const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig;
await page.goto('./#/browse/mine', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
// Create Notebook
const notebook = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Notebook',
name: 'Embed Test Notebook'
// Create Overlay Plot
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Overlay Plot',
name: 'Dropped Overlay Plot'
await expandTreePaneItemByName(page, myItemsFolderName);
await page.goto(notebook.url);
await page.dragAndDrop('role=treeitem[name=/Dropped Overlay Plot/]', '.c-notebook__drag-area');
await percySnapshot(page, `Notebook w/ dropped embed (theme: ${theme})`);
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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