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synced 2025-03-25 13:28:38 +00:00
Added additional sections, up to Templates
This commit is contained in:
@ -835,9 +835,9 @@ initiated by the user.
An action’s implementation:
* Should take a single `context` argument in its constructor. (See Action
Contexts, under Core API.)
Contexts, under Core API.)
* Should provide a method `perform`, which causes the behavior associated with
the action to occur.
the action to occur.
* May provide a method `getMetadata`, which provides metadata associated with
the action. If omitted, one will be provided by the platform which includes
metadata from the action’s extension definition.
@ -846,259 +846,278 @@ available as a property of the implementation’s constructor itself),
be used by the platform to filter out actions from contexts in which they are
inherently inapplicable.
An action’s bundle definition (and/or `getMetadata()` return value) may include:
An action’s bundle definition (and/or `getMetadata()` return value) may include:
* `category`: A string or dearray of strings identifying which category or
categories an action falls into; used to determine when an action is displayed.
Categories supported by the platform include:
* `contextual`: Actions in a context menu.
* `viewcontrol`: Actions triggered by buttons in the topright of Browse view.
* `viewcontrol`: Actions triggered by buttons in the topright of Browse
* `key`: A machinereadable identifier for this action.
* `name`: A humanreadable name for this action (e.g. to show in a menu)
* `description`: A humanreadable summary of the behavior of this action.
* `glyph`: A single character which will be rendered in Open MCT Web’s custom font
set as an icon for this action.
Capabilities are exposed by domain objects (e.g. via the g etCapability method) but
most commonly originate as extensions of this category.
Extension definitions for capabilities should include both an implementation, and a
property named key whose value should be a string used as a machinereadable identifier for
that capability, e.g. when passed as the argument to a domain object’s getCapability(key)
A capability’s implementation should have methods specific to that capability; that is,
there is no common format for capability implementations, aside from support for invoke via
the useCapability shorthand.
A capability’s implementation will take a single argument (in addition to any declared
dependencies), which is the domain object that will expose that capability.
A capability’s implementation may also expose a static method appliesTo(model)
which should return a boolean value, and will be used by the platform to filter down capabilities
to those which should be exposed by specific domain objects, based on their domain object
Controls provide options for the mctcontrol directive.
Four standard control types are included in the forms bundle:
* textfield: An area to enter plain text.
* select: A dropdown list of options.
* checkbox: A box which may be checked/unchecked.
* color: A color picker.
* button: A button.
* datetime: An input for UTC date/time entry; gives result as a UNIX timestamp, in
milliseconds since start of 1970, UTC.
New controls may be added as extensions of the controls category. Extensions of this
category have two properties:
* key: The symbolic name for this control (matched against the control field in rows of the
form structure).
* templateUrl: The URL to the control's Angular template, relative to the resources
directory of the bundle which exposes the extension.
Within the template for a control, the following variables will be included in scope:
* ngModel: The model where form input will be stored. Notably we also need to look at
field (see below) to determine which field in the model should be modified.
* ngRequired: True if input is required.
* ngPattern: The pattern to match against (for text entry.)
* options: The options for this control, as passed from the options property of an
individual row definition.
* field: Name of the field in ngModel which will hold the value for this control.
A gesture is a user action which can be taken upon a representation of a domain object.
Examples of gestures included in the platform are:
* drag: For representations that can be used to initiate draganddrop composition.
* drop: For representations that can be drop targets for draganddrop composition.
* menu: For representations that can be used to pop up a context menu.
Gesture definitions have a property key which is used as a machinereadable identifier
for the gesture (e.g. drag, drop, menu above.)
A gesture’s implementation is instantiated once per representation that uses the gesture.
This class will receive the jqLitewrapped mctrepresentation element and the domain
object being represented as arguments, and should do any necessary "wiring" (e.g. listening for
events) during its constructor call. The gesture’s implementation may also expose an optional
destroy() method which will be called when the gesture should be removed, to avoid
memory leaks by way of unremoved listeners.
An indicator is an element that should appear in the status area at the bottom of a
running Open MCT Web client instance.
* `glyph`: A single character which will be rendered in Open MCT Web’s custom
font set as an icon for this action.
Standard Indicators
## Capabilities
Capabilities are exposed by domain objects (e.g. via the `getCapability` method)
but most commonly originate as extensions of this category.
Extension definitions for capabilities should include both an implementation,
and a property named key whose value should be a string used as a
machinereadable identifier for that capability, e.g. when passed as the
argument to a domain object’s `getCapability(key)` call.
Indicators which wish to appear in the common form of an icontext pair should provide
implementations with the following methods:
A capability’s implementation should have methods specific to that capability;
that is, there is no common format for capability implementations, aside from
support for invoke via the useCapability shorthand.
A capability’s implementation will take a single argument (in addition to any
declared dependencies), which is the domain object that will expose that
A capability’s implementation may also expose a static method `appliesTo(model)`
which should return a boolean value, and will be used by the platform to filter
down capabilities to those which should be exposed by specific domain objects,
based on their domain object models.
* getText(): Provides the humanreadable text that will be displayed for this indicator.
* getGlyph(): Provides a singlecharacter string that will be displayed as an icon in
Open MCT Web’s custom font set.
* getDescription(): Provides a humanreadable summary of the current state of this
indicator; will be displayed in a tooltip on hover.
* getClass(): Get a CSS class that will be applied to this indicator.
* getTextClass(): Get a CSS class that will be applied to this indicator’s text portion.
* getGlyphClass(): Get a CSS class that will be applied to this indicator’s icon portion.
* configure(): If present, a configuration icon will appear to the right of this indicator,
and clicking it will invoke this method.
## Controls
Controls provide options for the mctcontrol directive.
Note that all methods are optional, and are called directly from an Angular template, so
they should be appropriate to run during digest cycles.
Six standard control types are included in the forms bundle:
* `textfield`: An area to enter plain text.
* `select`: A dropdown list of options.
* `checkbox`: A box which may be checked/unchecked.
* `color`: A color picker.
* `button`: A button.
* `datetime`: An input for UTC date/time entry; gives result as a UNIX
timestamp, in milliseconds since start of 1970, UTC.
New controls may be added as extensions of the controls category. Extensions of
this category have two properties:
* `key`: The symbolic name for this control (matched against the control field
in rows of the form structure).
* `templateUrl`: The URL to the control's Angular template, relative to the
resources directory of the bundle which exposes the extension.
Within the template for a control, the following variables will be included in
* `ngModel`: The model where form input will be stored. Notably we also need to
look at field (see below) to determine which field in the model should be
* `ngRequired`: True if input is required.
* `ngPattern`: The pattern to match against (for text entry.)
* `options`: The options for this control, as passed from the `options` property
of an individual row definition.
* `field`: Name of the field in `ngModel` which will hold the value for this
Custom Indicators
## Gestures
A gesture is a user action which can be taken upon a representation of a domain
Examples of gestures included in the platform are:
* `drag`: For representations that can be used to initiate draganddrop
* `drop`: For representations that can be drop targets for draganddrop
* `menu`: For representations that can be used to pop up a context menu.
Indicators which wish to have an arbitrary appearance (instead of following the icontext
convention commonly used) may specify a template property in their extension definition. The
value of this property will be used as the key for an mctinclude directive (so should refer to
an extension of category templates.) This template will be rendered to the status area.
Indicators of this variety do not need to provide an implementation.
Gesture definitions have a property `key` which is used as a machinereadable
identifier for the gesture (e.g. `drag`, `drop`, `menu` above.)
A gesture’s implementation is instantiated once per representation that uses the
gesture. This class will receive the jqLitewrapped `mctrepresentation` element
and the domain object being represented as arguments, and should do any
necessary "wiring" (e.g. listening for events) during its constructor call. The
gesture’s implementation may also expose an optional destroy() method which will
be called when the gesture should be removed, to avoid memory leaks by way of
unremoved listeners.
## Indicators
An indicator is an element that should appear in the status area at the bottom
of a running Open MCT Web client instance.
### Standard Indicators
Indicators which wish to appear in the common form of an icontext pair should
provide implementations with the following methods:
* `getText()`: Provides the humanreadable text that will be displayed for this
* `getGlyph()`: Provides a singlecharacter string that will be displayed as an
icon in Open MCT Web’s custom font set.
* `getDescription()`: Provides a humanreadable summary of the current state of
this indicator; will be displayed in a tooltip on hover.
* `getClass()`: Get a CSS class that will be applied to this indicator.
* `getTextClass()`: Get a CSS class that will be applied to this indicator’s
text portion.
* `getGlyphClass()`: Get a CSS class that will be applied to this indicator’s
icon portion.
* `configure()`: If present, a configuration icon will appear to the right of
this indicator, and clicking it will invoke this method.
The extension category licenses can be used to add entries into the “Licensing
Note that all methods are optional, and are called directly from an Angular
template, so they should be appropriate to run during digest cycles.
### Custom Indicators
Indicators which wish to have an arbitrary appearance (instead of following the
icontext convention commonly used) may specify a `template` property in their
extension definition. The value of this property will be used as the `key` for
an `mctinclude` directive (so should refer to an extension of category
templates.) This template will be rendered to the status area. Indicators of
this variety do not need to provide an implementation.
## Licenses
The extension category `licenses` can be used to add entries into the “Licensing
information” page, reachable from Open MCT Web’s About dialog.
Licenses may have the following properties, all of which are strings:
* name: Humanreadable name of the licensed component. (e.g. “AngularJS”.)
* version: Humanreadable version of the licensed component. (e.g. “1.2.26”.)
* description: Humanreadable summary of the component.
* author: Name or names of entities to which authorship should be attributed.
* copyright: Copyright text to display for this component.
* link: URL to full license text.
Policies are used to handle decisions made using Open MCT Web’s policyService;
examples of these decisions are determining the applicability of certain actions, or checking
whether or not a domain object of one type can contain a domain object of a different type. See
the section on the Policies for an overview of Open MCT Web’s policy model.
A policy’s extension definition should include:
* category: The machinereadable identifier for the type of policy decision being
supported here. For a list of categories supported by the platform, see the section on
Policies. Plugins may introduce and utilize additional policy categories not in that list.
* message: Optional; a humanreadable message describing the policy, intended for
display in situations where this specific policy has disallowed something.
A policy’s implementation should include a single method, allow(candidate,
context). The specific types used for candidate and context vary by policy category; in
general, what is being asked is “is this candidate allowed in this context?” This method should
return a boolean value.
Open MCT Web’s policy model requires consensus; a policy decision is allowed when
and only when all policies choose to allow it. As such, policies should generally be written to
reject a certain case, and allow (by returning true) anything else.
A representation is an Angular template used to display a domain object. The
representations extension category is used to add options for the mctrepresentation
A representation definition should include the following properties:
* key: The machinereadable name which identifies the representation.
* templateUrl: The path to the representation's Angular template. This path is relative
to the bundle's resources directory.
* uses: Optional; an array of capability names. Indicates that this representation intends
to use those capabilities of a domain object (via a useCapability call), and expects to
find the latest results of that useCapability call in the scope of the presented
template (under the same name as the capability itself.) Note that, if useCapability
returns a promise, this will be resolved before being placed in the representation’s
* gestures: An array of keys identifying gestures (see the gestures extension
category) which should be available upon this representation. Examples of gestures
include drag (for representations that should act as draggable sources for dragdrop
operations) and menu (for representations which should show a domainobjectspecific
context menu on rightclick.)
Representation Scope
While representations do not have implementations, per se, they do refer to
Angular templates which need to interact with information (e.g. the domain object being
represented) provided by the platform. This information is passed in through the template’s
scope, such that simple representations may be created by providing only templates. (More
complex representations will need controllers which are referenced from templates. See
https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/controller for more information on controllers in Angular.)
A representation’s scope will contain:
* domainObject: The represented domain object.
* model: The domain object’s model.
* configuration: An object containing configuration information for this representation
(an empty object if there is no saved configuration.) The contents of this object are
managed entirely by the view/representation which receives it.
* representation: An empty object, useful as a “scratch pad” for representation state.
* ngModel: An object passed through the ngmodel attribute of the
mctrepresentation, if any.
* parameters: An object passed through the parameters attribute of the
mctrepresentation, if any.
* Any capabilities requested by the uses property of the representation definition.
The representers extension category is used to add additional behavior to the
mctrepresentation directive. This extension category is intended primarily for use internal
to the platform.
Unlike representations, which describe specific ways to represent domain objects,
representers are used to modify or augment the process of representing domain objects in
general. For example, support for the gestures extension category is added by a representer.
A representer needs only provide an implementation. When an mctrepresentation
is linked (see https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive) or when the domain object being
represented changes, a new representer of each declared type is instantiated. The constructor
arguments for a representer are the same as the arguments to the link function in an Angular
directive: scope, the Angular scope for this representation; element, the jqLitewrapped
mctrepresentation element, and attrs, a set of keyvalue pairs of that element’s
attributes. Representers may wish to populate the scope, attach event listeners to the element,
This implementation must provide a single method, destroy(), which will be invoked
when the representer is no longer needed.
The extension category roots is used to provide rootlevel domain object models.
Rootlevel domain objects appear at the toplevel of the tree hierarchy. For example, the “My
Items” folder is added as an extension of this category.
Extensions of this category should have the following properties:
* id: The machinereadable identifier for the domain object being exposed.
* model: The model, as a JSON object, for the domain object being exposed.
The stylesheets extension category is used to add CSS files to style the application.
Extension definitions for this category should include one property:
* stylesheetUrl: Path and filename, including extension, for the stylesheet to include.
This path is relative to the bundle’s resources folder (by default, res)
To control the order of CSS files, use priority (see the section on Extension
Definitions above.)
Licenses may have the following properties, all of which are strings:
* `name`: Humanreadable name of the licensed component. (e.g. “AngularJS”.)
* `version`: Humanreadable version of the licensed component. (e.g. “1.2.26”.)
* `description`: Humanreadable summary of the component.
* `author`: Name or names of entities to which authorship should be attributed.
* `copyright`: Copyright text to display for this component.
* `link`: URL to full license text.
## Policies
Policies are used to handle decisions made using Open MCT Web’s `policyService`;
examples of these decisions are determining the applicability of certain
actions, or checking whether or not a domain object of one type can contain a
domain object of a different type. See the section on the Policies for an
overview of Open MCT Web’s policy model.
A policy’s extension definition should include:
* `category`: The machinereadable identifier for the type of policy decision
being supported here. For a list of categories supported by the platform, see
the section on Policies. Plugins may introduce and utilize additional policy
categories not in that list.
* `message`: Optional; a humanreadable message describing the policy, intended
for display in situations where this specific policy has disallowed something.
The templates extension category is used to expose Angular templates under
A policy’s implementation should include a single method, `allow(candidate,
context)`. The specific types used for `candidate` and `context` vary by policy
category; in general, what is being asked is “is this candidate allowed in this
context?” This method should return a boolean value.
Open MCT Web’s policy model requires consensus; a policy decision is allowed
when and only when all policies choose to allow it. As such, policies should
generally be written to reject a certain case, and allow (by returning `true`)
anything else.
## Representations
A representation is an Angular template used to display a domain object. The
`representations` extension category is used to add options for the
`mctrepresentation` directive.
A representation definition should include the following properties:
* `key`: The machinereadable name which identifies the representation.
* `templateUrl`: The path to the representation's Angular template. This path is
relative to the bundle's resources directory.
* `uses`: Optional; an array of capability names. Indicates that this
representation intends to use those capabilities of a domain object (via a
`useCapability` call), and expects to find the latest results of that
`useCapability` call in the scope of the presented template (under the same name
as the capability itself.) Note that, if `useCapability` returns a promise, this
will be resolved before being placed in the representation’s scope.
* `gestures`: An array of keys identifying gestures (see the `gestures`
extension category) which should be available upon this representation. Examples
of gestures include `drag` (for representations that should act as draggable
sources for dragdrop operations) and `menu` (for representations which should
show a domainobjectspecific context menu on rightclick.)
### Representation Scope
While _representations_ do not have implementations, per se, they do refer to
Angular templates which need to interact with information (e.g. the domain
object being represented) provided by the platform. This information is passed
in through the template’s scope, such that simple representations may be created
by providing only templates. (More complex representations will need controllers
which are referenced from templates. See [https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/controller]()
for more information on controllers in Angular.)
A representation’s scope will contain:
* `domainObject`: The represented domain object.
* `model`: The domain object’s model.
* `configuration`: An object containing configuration information for this
representation (an empty object if there is no saved configuration.) The
contents of this object are managed entirely by the view/representation which
receives it.
* `representation`: An empty object, useful as a “scratch pad” for
representation state.
* `ngModel`: An object passed through the ngmodel attribute of the
mctrepresentation, if any.
* `parameters`: An object passed through the parameters attribute of the
mctrepresentation, if any.
* Any capabilities requested by the uses property of the representation
## Representers
The `representers` extension category is used to add additional behavior to the
`mctrepresentation` directive. This extension category is intended primarily
for use internal to the platform.
Unlike _representations_, which describe specific ways to represent domain
objects, representers are used to modify or augment the process of representing
domain objects in general. For example, support for the _gestures_ extension
category is added by a representer.
A representer needs only provide an implementation. When an `mctrepresentation`
is linked (see [https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive]() or when the domain
object being represented changes, a new representer of each declared type is
instantiated. The constructor arguments for a representer are the same as the
arguments to the link function in an Angular directive: `scope`, the Angular
scope for this representation; `element`, the jqLitewrapped
`mctrepresentation` element, and `attrs`, a set of keyvalue pairs of that
element’s attributes. Representers may wish to populate the scope, attach event
listeners to the element, etc.
This implementation must provide a single method, `destroy()`, which will be
invoked when the representer is no longer needed.
## Roots
The extension category `roots` is used to provide rootlevel domain object
models. Rootlevel domain objects appear at the toplevel of the tree hierarchy.
For example, the _My Items_ folder is added as an extension of this category.
Extensions of this category should have the following properties:
* `id`: The machinereadable identifier for the domaiwn object being exposed.
* `model`: The model, as a JSON object, for the domain object being exposed.
## Stylesheets
The stylesheets extension category is used to add CSS files to style the
application. Extension definitions for this category should include one
* `stylesheetUrl`: Path and filename, including extension, for the stylesheet to
include. This path is relative to the bundle’s resources folder (by default,
To control the order of CSS files, use priority (see the section on Extension
Definitions above.)
## Templates
The templates extension category is used to expose Angular templates under
symbolic identifiers. These can then be utilized using the mctinclude directive, which
behaves similarly to nginclude, except that it uses these symbolic identifiers instead of
Reference in New Issue
Block a user