\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform/search/src/controllers/SearchController.js b/platform/search/src/controllers/SearchController.js
index 10cf056b4f..88c9663f51 100644
--- a/platform/search/src/controllers/SearchController.js
+++ b/platform/search/src/controllers/SearchController.js
@@ -26,146 +26,157 @@
define(function () {
"use strict";
+ /**
+ * Controller for search in Tree View.
+ *
+ * Filtering is currently buggy; it filters after receiving results from
+ * search providers, the downside of this is that it requires search
+ * providers to provide objects for all possible results, which is
+ * potentially a hit to persistence, thus can be very very slow.
+ *
+ * Ideally, filtering should be handled before loading objects from the persistence
+ * store, the downside to this is that filters must be applied to object
+ * models, not object instances.
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @param $scope
+ * @param searchService
+ */
function SearchController($scope, searchService) {
- // numResults is the amount of results to display. Will get increased.
- // fullResults holds the most recent complete searchService response object
- var numResults = INITIAL_LOAD_NUMBER,
- fullResults = {hits: []};
- // Scope variables are:
- // Variables used only in SearchController:
- // results, an array of searchResult objects
- // loading, whether search() is loading
- // ngModel.input, the text of the search query
- // ngModel.search, a boolean of whether to display search or the tree
- // Variables used also in SearchMenuController:
- // ngModel.filter, the function filter defined below
- // ngModel.types, an array of type objects
- // ngModel.checked, a dictionary of which type filter options are checked
- // ngModel.checkAll, a boolean of whether to search all types
- // ngModel.filtersString, a string list of what filters on the results are active
- $scope.results = [];
- $scope.loading = false;
- // Filters searchResult objects by type. Allows types that are
- // checked. (ngModel.checked['typekey'] === true)
- // If hits is not provided, will use fullResults.hits
- function filter(hits) {
- var newResults = [],
- i = 0;
- if (!hits) {
- hits = fullResults.hits;
- }
- // If checkAll is checked, search everything no matter what the other
- // checkboxes' statuses are. Otherwise filter the search by types.
- if ($scope.ngModel.checkAll) {
- newResults = fullResults.hits.slice(0, numResults);
- } else {
- while (newResults.length < numResults && i < hits.length) {
- // If this is of an acceptable type, add it to the list
- if ($scope.ngModel.checked[hits[i].object.getModel().type]) {
- newResults.push(fullResults.hits[i]);
- }
- i += 1;
- }
- }
- $scope.results = newResults;
- return newResults;
- }
- // Make function accessible from SearchMenuController
- $scope.ngModel.filter = filter;
- // For documentation, see search below
- function search(maxResults) {
- var inputText = $scope.ngModel.input;
- if (inputText !== '' && inputText !== undefined) {
- // We are starting to load.
- $scope.loading = true;
- // Update whether the file tree should be displayed
- // Hide tree only when starting search
- $scope.ngModel.search = true;
- }
- if (!maxResults) {
- // Reset 'load more'
- }
- // Send the query
- searchService.query(inputText, maxResults).then(function (result) {
- // Store all the results before splicing off the front, so that
- // we can load more to display later.
- fullResults = result;
- $scope.results = filter(result.hits);
- // Update whether the file tree should be displayed
- // Reveal tree only when finishing search
- if (inputText === '' || inputText === undefined) {
- $scope.ngModel.search = false;
- }
- // Now we are done loading.
- $scope.loading = false;
- });
- }
- return {
- /**
- * Search the filetree. Assumes that any search text will
- * be in ngModel.input
- *
- * @param maxResults (optional) The maximum number of results
- * that this function should return. If not provided, search
- * service default will be used.
- */
- search: search,
- /**
- * Checks to see if there are more search results to display. If the answer is
- * unclear, this function will err toward saying that there are more results.
- */
- areMore: function () {
- var i;
- // Check to see if any of the not displayed results are of an allowed type
- for (i = numResults; i < fullResults.hits.length; i += 1) {
- if ($scope.ngModel.checkAll || $scope.ngModel.checked[fullResults.hits[i].object.getModel().type]) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- // If none of the ones at hand are correct, there still may be more if we
- // re-search with a larger maxResults
- return fullResults.hits.length < fullResults.total;
- },
- /**
- * Increases the number of search results to display, and then
- * loads them, adding to the displayed results.
- */
- loadMore: function () {
- numResults += LOAD_INCREMENT;
- if (numResults > fullResults.hits.length && fullResults.hits.length < fullResults.total) {
- // Resend the query if we are out of items to display, but there are more to get
- search(numResults);
- } else {
- // Otherwise just take from what we already have
- $scope.results = filter(fullResults.hits);
- }
- }
+ var controller = this;
+ this.$scope = $scope;
+ this.searchService = searchService;
+ this.numberToDisplay = INITIAL_LOAD_NUMBER;
+ this.fullResults = [];
+ this.filteredResults = [];
+ this.$scope.results = [];
+ this.$scope.loading = false;
+ this.pendingQuery = undefined;
+ this.$scope.ngModel.filter = function () {
+ return controller.onFilterChange.apply(controller, arguments);
+ /**
+ * Returns true if there are more results than currently displayed for the
+ * for the current query and filters.
+ */
+ SearchController.prototype.areMore = function () {
+ return this.$scope.results.length < this.filteredResults.length;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Display more results for the currently displayed query and filters.
+ */
+ SearchController.prototype.loadMore = function () {
+ this.numberToDisplay += LOAD_INCREMENT;
+ this.updateResults();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Search for the query string specified in scope.
+ */
+ SearchController.prototype.search = function () {
+ var inputText = this.$scope.ngModel.input,
+ controller = this;
+ this.clearResults();
+ if (inputText) {
+ this.$scope.loading = true;
+ this.$scope.ngModel.search = true;
+ } else {
+ this.pendingQuery = undefined;
+ this.$scope.ngModel.search = false;
+ this.$scope.loading = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.pendingQuery === inputText) {
+ return; // don't issue multiple queries for the same term.
+ }
+ this.pendingQuery = inputText;
+ this
+ .searchService
+ .query(inputText, 60) // TODO: allow filter in search service.
+ .then(function (results) {
+ if (controller.pendingQuery !== inputText) {
+ return; // another query in progress, so skip this one.
+ }
+ controller.onSearchComplete(results);
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Refilter results and update visible results when filters have changed.
+ */
+ SearchController.prototype.onFilterChange = function () {
+ this.filter();
+ this.updateVisibleResults();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Filter `fullResults` based on currenly active filters, storing the result
+ * in `filteredResults`.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ SearchController.prototype.filter = function () {
+ var includeTypes = this.$scope.ngModel.checked;
+ if (this.$scope.ngModel.checkAll) {
+ this.filteredResults = this.fullResults;
+ return;
+ }
+ this.filteredResults = this.fullResults.filter(function (hit) {
+ return includeTypes[hit.object.getModel().type];
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Clear the search results.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ SearchController.prototype.clearResults = function () {
+ this.$scope.results = [];
+ this.fullResults = [];
+ this.filteredResults = [];
+ this.numberToDisplay = INITIAL_LOAD_NUMBER;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Update search results from given `results`.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ SearchController.prototype.onSearchComplete = function (results) {
+ this.fullResults = results.hits;
+ this.filter();
+ this.updateVisibleResults();
+ this.$scope.loading = false;
+ this.pendingQuery = undefined;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Update visible results from filtered results.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ SearchController.prototype.updateVisibleResults = function () {
+ this.$scope.results =
+ this.filteredResults.slice(0, this.numberToDisplay);
+ };
return SearchController;