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synced 2025-03-23 04:25:27 +00:00
R&I Layout editing mods (#2256)
* Layout mods for sub object editing without is-drilled-in * Remove drilled-in logic
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ define(function () {
return {
name: "Display Layout",
creatable: true,
description: 'Assemble other objects and components together into a reusable screen layout. Simply drag in the objects you want, position and size them. Save your design and view or edit it at any time.',
cssClass: 'icon-layout',
initialize(domainObject) {
domainObject.composition = [];
@ -25,30 +25,26 @@
<div class="l-layout__object">
<!-- Background grid -->
<div class="l-layout__grid-holder c-grid"
<div class="c-grid__x l-grid l-grid-x"
v-if="gridSize[0] >= 3"
:style="[{ backgroundSize: gridSize[0] + 'px 100%' }]">
<div class="c-grid__y l-grid l-grid-y"
v-if="gridSize[1] >= 3"
:style="[{ backgroundSize: '100%' + gridSize[1] + 'px' }]"></div>
<!-- Background grid -->
<div class="l-layout__grid-holder c-grid">
<div class="c-grid__x l-grid l-grid-x"
v-if="gridSize[0] >= 3"
:style="[{ backgroundSize: gridSize[0] + 'px 100%' }]">
<component v-for="(item, index) in layoutItems"
:gridSize="item.useGrid ? gridSize : [1, 1]"
:initSelect="initSelectIndex === index"
<div class="c-grid__y l-grid l-grid-y"
v-if="gridSize[1] >= 3"
:style="[{ backgroundSize: '100%' + gridSize[1] + 'px' }]"></div>
<component v-for="(item, index) in layoutItems"
:gridSize="item.useGrid ? gridSize : [1, 1]"
:initSelect="initSelectIndex === index"
@ -59,30 +55,47 @@
@include abs();
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
overflow: auto;
&__grid-holder {
display: none;
&__object {
flex: 1 1 auto;
overflow: auto;
&__frame {
position: absolute;
.l-shell__main-container {
> .l-layout {
[s-selected] {
border: $browseSelectedBorder;
.is-editing {
.l-shell__main-container {
&[s-selected-parent] {
// Display grid in main layout holder when editing
> .l-layout {
background: $editUIGridColorBg;
> [class*="__grid-holder"] {
display: block;
.l-layout__frame {
&[s-selected-parent] {
// Display grid in nested layouts when editing
> * > * > .l-layout {
background: $editUIGridColorBg;
box-shadow: inset $editUIGridColorFg 0 0 2px 1px;
> [class*='grid-holder'] {
display: block;
// Styles moved to _global.scss;
@ -119,7 +132,6 @@
data() {
let domainObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.domainObject));
return {
drilledIn: undefined,
internalDomainObject: domainObject,
initSelectIndex: undefined
@ -275,12 +287,17 @@
this.initSelectIndex = this.layoutItems.length - 1;
trackItem(item) {
if (!item.identifier) {
let keyString = this.openmct.objects.makeKeyString(item.identifier);
if (item.type === "telemetry-view") {
let keyString = this.openmct.objects.makeKeyString(item.identifier);
let count = this.telemetryViewMap[keyString] || 0;
this.telemetryViewMap[keyString] = ++count;
} else if (item.type === "subobject-view") {
this.objectViewMap[this.openmct.objects.makeKeyString(item.identifier)] = true;
this.objectViewMap[keyString] = true;
removeItem(item, index) {
@ -376,5 +393,4 @@
@ -25,25 +25,24 @@
'no-frame': !item.hasFrame,
'u-inspectable': inspectable,
'is-drilled-in': item.drilledIn
'is-resizing': isResizing
<!-- Drag handles -->
<div class="c-frame-edit">
<div class="c-frame-edit__move"
@mousedown="startDrag([1,1], [0,0], $event)"></div>
@mousedown="startDrag([1,1], [0,0], $event, 'move')"></div>
<div class="c-frame-edit__handle c-frame-edit__handle--nw"
@mousedown="startDrag([1,1], [-1,-1], $event)"></div>
@mousedown="startDrag([1,1], [-1,-1], $event, 'resize')"></div>
<div class="c-frame-edit__handle c-frame-edit__handle--ne"
@mousedown="startDrag([0,1], [1,-1], $event)"></div>
@mousedown="startDrag([0,1], [1,-1], $event, 'resize')"></div>
<div class="c-frame-edit__handle c-frame-edit__handle--sw"
@mousedown="startDrag([1,0], [-1,1], $event)"></div>
@mousedown="startDrag([1,0], [-1,1], $event, 'resize')"></div>
<div class="c-frame-edit__handle c-frame-edit__handle--se"
@mousedown="startDrag([0,0], [1,1], $event)"></div>
@mousedown="startDrag([0,0], [1,1], $event, 'resize')"></div>
@ -55,20 +54,167 @@
.c-frame {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
border: 1px solid transparent;
/*************************** NO-FRAME */
&.no-frame {
> [class*="contents"] > [class*="__header"] {
display: none;
// Whatever is placed into the slot, make it fill the entirety of the space, obeying padding
> *:first-child {
flex: 1 1 auto;
&:not(.no-frame) {
background: $colorBodyBg;
border: 1px solid $colorInteriorBorder;
border: $browseFrameBorder;
padding: $interiorMargin;
.c-frame-edit {
// In Layouts, this is the editing rect and handles
// In Fixed Position, this is a wrapper element
@include abs();
display: none;
&__move {
@include abs();
cursor: move;
&__handle {
$d: 6px;
$o: floor($d * -0.5);
background: $editFrameColorHandleFg;
box-shadow: $editFrameColorHandleBg 0 0 0 2px;
display: none; // Set to block via s-selected selector
position: absolute;
width: $d; height: $d;
top: auto; right: auto; bottom: auto; left: auto;
&:before {
// Extended hit area
@include abs(-10px);
content: '';
display: block;
z-index: 0;
&:hover {
background: $editUIColor;
&--nwse {
cursor: nwse-resize;
&--nw {
cursor: nw-resize;
left: $o; top: $o;
&--ne {
cursor: ne-resize;
right: $o; top: $o;
&--se {
cursor: se-resize;
right: $o; bottom: $o;
&--sw {
cursor: sw-resize;
left: $o; bottom: $o;
.c-so-view.has-complex-content + .c-frame-edit {
// Target frames that hold domain objects that include header elements, as opposed to drawing and alpha objects
// Make the __move element a more affordable drag UI element
.c-frame-edit__move {
@include userSelectNone();
background: $editFrameMovebarColorBg;
box-shadow: rgba(black, 0.2) 0 1px;
bottom: auto;
height: 0; // Height is set on hover on s-selected.c-frame
opacity: 0.8;
max-height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
text-align: center;
&:before {
// Grippy
$h: 4px;
$tbOffset: ($editFrameMovebarH - $h) / 2;
$lrOffset: 25%;
@include grippy($editFrameMovebarColorFg);
content: '';
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: $tbOffset; right: $lrOffset; bottom: $tbOffset; left: $lrOffset;
&:hover {
background: $editFrameHovMovebarColorBg;
&:before { @include grippy($editFrameHovMovebarColorFg); }
.is-editing {
.c-frame {
$moveBarOutDelay: 500ms;
&.no-frame {
border: $editFrameBorder; // Base border style for a frame element while editing.
&-edit {
display: contents;
.c-so-view {
transition: $transOut;
transition-delay: $moveBarOutDelay;
&:not([s-selected]) {
&:hover {
border: $editFrameBorderHov;
&[s-selected] {
// All frames selected while editing
border: $editFrameSelectedBorder;
box-shadow: $editFrameSelectedShdw;
> .c-frame-edit {
[class*='__handle'] {
display: block;
.l-layout__frame:not(.is-resizing) {
// Show and animate the __move bar for sub-object views with complex content
&:hover > .c-so-view.has-complex-content {
// Move content down so the __move bar doesn't cover it.
padding-top: $editFrameMovebarH;
transition: $transIn;
&.c-so-view--no-frame {
// Move content down with a bit more space
padding-top: $editFrameMovebarH + $interiorMarginSm;
// Show the move bar
+ .c-frame-edit .c-frame-edit__move {
height: $editFrameMovebarH;
transition: $transIn;
@ -84,7 +230,8 @@
data() {
return {
dragPosition: undefined
dragPosition: undefined,
isResizing: undefined
computed: {
@ -110,24 +257,6 @@
methods: {
drill($event) {
if ($event) {
if (!this.openmct.editor.isEditing() || !this.item.identifier) {
.then(domainObject => {
if (this.openmct.composition.get(domainObject) === undefined) {
this.$emit('drilledIn', this.item);
updatePosition(event) {
let currentPosition = [event.pageX, event.pageY];
this.initialPosition = this.initialPosition || currentPosition;
@ -135,7 +264,7 @@
return value - this.initialPosition[index];
startDrag(posFactor, dimFactor, event) {
startDrag(posFactor, dimFactor, event, type) {
document.body.addEventListener('mousemove', this.continueDrag);
document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', this.endDrag);
@ -145,6 +274,7 @@
this.activeDrag = new LayoutDrag(this.dragPosition, posFactor, dimFactor, this.gridSize);
this.isResizing = type === 'resize';
continueDrag(event) {
@ -162,6 +292,7 @@
this.dragPosition = undefined;
this.initialPosition = undefined;
this.delta = undefined;
this.isResizing = undefined;
@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
<layout-frame :item="item"
@endDrag="(item, updates) => $emit('endDrag', item, updates)"
@drilledIn="item => $emit('drilledIn', item)">
@endDrag="(item, updates) => $emit('endDrag', item, updates)">
<object-frame v-if="domainObject"
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<div class="c-fl-container"
:style="[{'flex-basis': sizeString}]"
:class="{'is-empty': !frames.length}">
<div class="c-fl-container__header icon-grippy-ew"
<div class="c-fl-container__header"
@ -79,6 +79,22 @@
<style lang="scss">
@import '~styles/sass-base';
@mixin containerGrippy($headerSize, $dir) {
position: absolute;
$h: 6px;
$minorOffset: ($headerSize - $h) / 2;
$majorOffset: 35%;
content: '';
display: block;
position: absolute;
@include grippy($c: $editFrameSelectedMovebarColorFg, $dir: $dir);
@if $dir == 'x' {
top: $minorOffset; right: $majorOffset; bottom: $minorOffset; left: $majorOffset;
} @else {
top: $majorOffset; right: $minorOffset; bottom: $majorOffset; left: $minorOffset;
.c-fl {
@include abs();
@ -100,7 +116,6 @@
> * + * { margin-left: 1px; }
&[class*='--rows'] {
//@include test(blue, 0.1);
flex-direction: column;
> * + * {
margin-left: 0;
@ -128,7 +143,6 @@
/***************************************************** CONTAINERS */
$headerSize: 16px;
border: 1px solid transparent;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
overflow: auto;
@ -138,9 +152,9 @@
flex-shrink: 1;
&__header {
// Only displayed when editing
background: $editSelectableColor;
color: $editSelectableColorFg;
// Only displayed when editing, controlled via JS
background: $editFrameMovebarColorBg;
color: $editFrameMovebarColorFg;
cursor: move;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
@ -148,12 +162,8 @@
&:before {
// Drag grippy
font-size: 0.8em;
@include containerGrippy($headerSize, 'x');
opacity: 0.5;
position: absolute;
left: 50%; top: 50%;
transform-origin: center;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
@ -173,19 +183,27 @@
.is-editing & {
//background: $editCanvasColorBg;
border-color: $editSelectableColor;
&:hover {
border-color: $editSelectableColorHov;
.c-fl-container__header {
background: $editFrameHovMovebarColorBg;
color: $editFrameHovMovebarColorFg;
&:before {
opacity: .75;
&[s-selected] {
border-color: $editSelectableColorSelected;
border: $editFrameSelectedBorder;
.c-fl-container__header {
background: $editSelectableColorSelected;
color: $editSelectableColorSelectedFg;
color: $editFrameSelectedMovebarColorFg;
&:before {
// Grippy
opacity: 1;
@ -194,11 +212,6 @@
// Frames get styled here because this is particular to their presence in this layout type
.c-fl-frame {
@include browserPrefix(margin-collapse, collapse);
margin: 1px;
//&__drag-wrapper {
// border: 1px solid $colorInteriorBorder; // Now handled by is-selectable
/****** ROWS LAYOUT */
@ -211,8 +224,8 @@
overflow: hidden;
&:before {
// Drag grippy
transform: rotate(90deg) translate(-50%, 50%);
// Grippy
@include containerGrippy($headerSize, 'y');
@ -235,8 +248,6 @@
$dropHintSize: 15px;
display: flex;
// justify-content: stretch;
// align-items: stretch;
flex: 1 1;
flex-direction: column;
overflow: hidden; // Needed to allow frames to collapse when sized down
@ -275,7 +286,6 @@
pointer-events: none;
text-align: center;
width: $size;
z-index: 2;
// Changed when layout is different, see below
border-top-right-radius: $controlCr;
@ -304,37 +314,16 @@
&:before {
// The visible resize line
background: $editColor;
background: $editUIColor;
content: '';
display: block;
flex: 1 1 auto;
min-height: $size; min-width: $size;
&__grippy {
// Grippy element
$d: 4px;
$c: black;
$a: 0.9;
$d: 5px;
background: $editColor;
color: $editColorBg;
border-radius: $smallCr;
font-size: 0.8em;
height: $d;
width: $d * 10;
position: absolute;
left: 50%; top: 50%;
text-align: center;
transform-origin: center center;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
z-index: 10;
&.vertical {
padding: $margin $size;
// padding: $marginHov 0;
cursor: row-resize;
@ -342,20 +331,15 @@
&.horizontal {
padding: $size $margin;
// padding: 0 $marginHov;
cursor: col-resize;
[class*='grippy'] {
transform: translate(-50%) rotate(90deg);
&:hover {
transition: $transOut;
&:before {
// The visible resize line
background: $editColorHov;
background: $editUIColorHov;
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
'flex-basis': `${frame.size}%`
<div class="c-frame c-fl-frame__drag-wrapper is-selectable is-moveable"
<div class="c-frame c-fl-frame__drag-wrapper is-selectable u-inspectable is-moveable"
@ -110,8 +110,8 @@
.c-telemetry-table__drop-target {
position: absolute;
width: 2px;
background-color: $editColor;
box-shadow: rgba($editColor, 0.5) 0 0 10px;
background-color: $editUIColor;
box-shadow: rgba($editUIColor, 0.5) 0 0 10px;
z-index: 1;
pointer-events: none;
@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ $bodyFont: $heroFont;
@return linear-gradient(lighten($c, 5%), $c);
@function pullForward($val, $amt) {
@return lighten($val, $amt);
@function pushBack($val, $amt) {
@return darken($val, $amt);
// Constants
$fontBaseSize: 12px;
$smallCr: 2px;
@ -55,7 +63,7 @@ $basicCr: 4px;
// Base colors
$colorBodyBg: #393939;
$colorBodyFg: #aaa;
$colorBodyFg: #aaaaaa;
$colorBodyFgEm: #fff;
$colorGenBg: #222;
$colorHeadBg: #262626;
@ -65,10 +73,11 @@ $colorStatusBarFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorStatusBarFgHov: #aaa;
$colorKey: #0099cc;
$colorKeyFg: #fff;
$colorKeyHov: #00c0f6;
$colorKeyHov: #26d8ff;
$colorKeyFilter: invert(36%) sepia(76%) saturate(2514%) hue-rotate(170deg) brightness(99%) contrast(101%);
$colorKeyFilterHov: invert(63%) sepia(88%) saturate(3029%) hue-rotate(154deg) brightness(101%) contrast(100%);
$colorKeySelectedBg: $colorKey;
$uiColor: #00b2ff; // Resize bars, splitter bars, etc.
$colorInteriorBorder: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.2);
$colorA: #ccc;
$colorAHov: #fff;
@ -94,51 +103,52 @@ $colorPausedFg: #fff;
$colorOk: #33cc33;
// Base variations
$colorBodyBgSubtle: lighten($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorBodyBgSubtleHov: darken($colorKey, 50%);
$colorKeySubtle: darken($colorKey, 10%);
$colorBodyBgSubtle: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorBodyBgSubtleHov: pushBack($colorKey, 50%);
$colorKeySubtle: pushBack($colorKey, 10%);
// Time Colors
$colorTime: #618cff;
$colorTimeBg: $colorTime;
$colorTimeFg: lighten($colorTimeBg, 30%);
$colorTimeHov: lighten($colorTime, 10%);
$colorTimeSubtle: darken($colorTime, 20%);
$colorTimeFg: pullForward($colorTimeBg, 30%);
$colorTimeHov: pullForward($colorTime, 10%);
$colorTimeSubtle: pushBack($colorTime, 20%);
$colorTOI: $colorBodyFg; // was $timeControllerToiLineColor
$colorTOIHov: $colorTime; // was $timeControllerToiLineColorHov
/************************************************** EDITING */
// Base Colors
$dlSpread: 20%;
$editColor: #00c7c3;
$editColorAlt: #9971ff;
$editColorBgBase: darken($editColor, $dlSpread);
$editColorBg: rgba($editColorBgBase, 0.2);
$editColorFg: lighten($editColor, $dlSpread);
$editColorHov: lighten($editColor, 20%);
// Canvas
$editCanvasColorBg: $editColorBg; //#002524;
$editCanvasColorGrid: rgba($editColorBgBase, 0.4); //lighten($editCanvasColorBg, 3%);
// Selectable
$editSelectableColor: #006563;
$editSelectableColorFg: lighten($editSelectableColor, 20%);
$editSelectableColorHov: lighten($editSelectableColor, 10%);
// Selectable selected
$editSelectableColorSelected: $editSelectableColorHov;
$editSelectableColorSelectedFg: lighten($editSelectableColorSelected, 30%);
$editSelectableColorFg: darken($editSelectableColor, 40%);
$editSelectableBorder: 1px dotted $editSelectableColor;
$editSelectableBorderHov: 1px dotted $editColorAlt;
$editSelectableBorderSelected: 1px solid $editColor;
$editSelectableShdwSelected: rgba($editColor, 0.75) 0 0 0 1px;
$editMoveableSelectedShdw: rgba($editColor, 0.5) 0 0 10px;
$editBorderDrilledIn: 1px dashed $editColorAlt;
$colorGridLines: rgba($editColor, 0.2);
/************************************************** BROWSING */
$browseSelectableBorderHov: 1px dotted rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.2);
$browseSelectableShdwHov: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.2) 0 0 3px;
$browseSelectedBorder: 1px solid rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.6);
$browseFrameColor: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$browseFrameBorder: 1px solid $browseFrameColor; // Frames in Disp and Flex Layouts when frame is showing
$browseSelectableShdwHov: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.3) 0 0 3px;
$browseSelectedBorder: 1px solid rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.4);
/************************************************** EDITING */
$editUIColor: $uiColor; // Base color
$editUIColorHov: pullForward(saturate($uiColor, 10%), 20%); // Hover color when $editUIColor is applied as a base color
$editUIBaseColor: #344b8d; // Base color, toolbar bg
$editUIBaseColorHov: pullForward($editUIBaseColor, 20%);
$editUIBaseColorFg: #ffffff; // Toolbar button icon colors, etc.
$editUIAreaBaseColor: pullForward(saturate($editUIBaseColor, 30%), 20%);
$editUIAreaShdw: $editUIAreaBaseColor 0 0 0 2px; // Edit area s-selected-parent
$editUIAreaShdwSelected: $editUIAreaBaseColor 0 0 0 3px; // Edit area s-selected
$editUIGridColorBg: rgba($editUIBaseColor, 0.2); // Background of layout editing area
$editUIGridColorFg: rgba(#000, 0.1); // Grid lines in layout editing area
$editFrameColor: $browseFrameColor; // Solid or dotted border applied to non-selected frames in a layout; move-bar on frame hover
$editFrameBorder: 1px dotted $editFrameColor;
$editFrameColorHov: $editUIColor; // Solid border hover on frames; hover should not be applied to selected objects
$editFrameBorderHov: 1px solid $editFrameColorHov; // Hover on selectable frames
$editFrameColorSelected: #ccc; // Border of selected frames
$editFrameColorHandleBg: $colorBodyBg; // Resize handle 'offset' color to make handle standout
$editFrameColorHandleFg: $editFrameColorSelected; // Resize handle main color
$editFrameSelectedShdw: rgba(black, 0.5) 0 1px 10px 1px;
$editFrameSelectedBorder: 1px dashed $editFrameColorSelected; // Selected frame element
$editFrameMovebarColorBg: $editFrameColor; // Movebar bg color
$editFrameMovebarColorFg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorBg, 20%); // Grippy lines, container size text
$editFrameHovMovebarColorBg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorBg, 10%); // Hover style
$editFrameHovMovebarColorFg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorFg, 10%);
$editFrameSelectedMovebarColorBg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorBg, 15%); // Selected style
$editFrameSelectedMovebarColorFg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorFg, 15%);
$editFrameMovebarH: 10px; // Height of move bar in layout frame
// Icons
$colorIconAlias: #4af6f3;
@ -148,16 +158,16 @@ $colorIconAliasForKeyFilter: #aaa;
$colorTabsHolderBg: rgba(black, 0.2);
// Buttons and Controls
$colorBtnBg: lighten($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorBtnBgHov: lighten($colorBtnBg, 10%);
$colorBtnFg: lighten($colorBodyFg, 10%);
$colorBtnReverseFg: lighten($colorBtnFg, 10%);
$colorBtnReverseBg: lighten($colorBtnBg, 10%);
$colorBtnBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorBtnBgHov: pullForward($colorBtnBg, 10%);
$colorBtnFg: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 10%);
$colorBtnReverseFg: pullForward($colorBtnFg, 10%);
$colorBtnReverseBg: pullForward($colorBtnBg, 10%);
$colorBtnFgHov: $colorBtnFg;
$colorBtnMajorBg: $colorKey;
$colorBtnMajorBgHov: $colorKeyHov;
$colorBtnMajorFg: $colorKeyFg;
$colorBtnMajorFgHov: darken($colorBtnMajorFg, 10%);
$colorBtnMajorFgHov: pushBack($colorBtnMajorFg, 10%);
$colorBtnCautionBg: #f16f6f;
$colorBtnCautionBgHov: #f1504e;
$colorBtnCautionFg: $colorBtnFg;
@ -165,20 +175,20 @@ $colorClickIcon: $colorKey;
$colorClickIconBgHov: rgba($colorKey, 0.6);
$colorClickIconFgHov: $colorKeyHov;
$colorDropHint: $colorKey;
$colorDropHintBg: darken($colorDropHint, 10%);
$colorDropHintBg: pushBack($colorDropHint, 10%);
$colorDropHintBgHov: $colorDropHint;
$colorDropHintFg: lighten($colorDropHint, 40%);
$colorDropHintFg: pullForward($colorDropHint, 40%);
$colorDisclosureCtrl: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.5);
$colorDisclosureCtrlHov: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.7);
// Menus
$colorMenuBg: lighten($colorBodyBg, 15%);
$colorMenuFg: lighten($colorBodyFg, 30%);
$colorMenuIc: lighten($colorKey, 15%);
$colorMenuBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 15%);
$colorMenuFg: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 30%);
$colorMenuIc: pullForward($colorKey, 15%);
$colorMenuHovBg: $colorMenuIc;
$colorMenuHovFg: lighten($colorMenuFg, 10%);
$colorMenuHovFg: pullForward($colorMenuFg, 10%);
$colorMenuHovIc: $colorMenuHovFg;
$colorMenuElementHilite: lighten($colorMenuBg, 10%);
$colorMenuElementHilite: pullForward($colorMenuBg, 10%);
$shdwMenu: rgba(black, 0.5) 0 1px 5px;
$shdwMenuText: none;
$menuItemPad: $interiorMargin, floor($interiorMargin * 1.25);
@ -200,21 +210,21 @@ $colorFormLines: rgba(#000, 0.1);
$colorFormSectionHeader: rgba(#000, 0.05);
$colorInputBg: rgba(black, 0.2);
$colorInputFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorInputPlaceholder: darken($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorFormText: darken($colorBodyFg, 10%);
$colorInputIcon: darken($colorBodyFg, 25%);
$colorFieldHint: lighten($colorBodyFg, 40%);
$colorInputPlaceholder: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorFormText: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 10%);
$colorInputIcon: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 25%);
$colorFieldHint: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 40%);
$shdwInput: inset rgba(black, 0.4) 0 0 1px;
$shdwInputHov: inset rgba(black, 0.7) 0 0 2px;
$shdwInputFoc: inset rgba(black, 0.8) 0 0.25px 3px;
// Inspector
$colorInspectorBg: lighten($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorInspectorBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorInspectorFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorInspectorPropName: darken($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorInspectorPropVal: lighten($colorInspectorFg, 15%);
$colorInspectorSectionHeaderBg: lighten($colorInspectorBg, 5%);
$colorInspectorSectionHeaderFg: lighten($colorInspectorBg, 40%);
$colorInspectorPropName: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorInspectorPropVal: pullForward($colorInspectorFg, 15%);
$colorInspectorSectionHeaderBg: pullForward($colorInspectorBg, 5%);
$colorInspectorSectionHeaderFg: pullForward($colorInspectorBg, 40%);
// Overlay
$overlayColorBg: $colorMenuBg;
@ -229,8 +239,8 @@ $colorIndicatorOn: $colorOk;
$colorIndicatorOff: #777777;
// Staleness
$colorTelemFresh: lighten($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTelemStale: darken($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTelemFresh: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTelemStale: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$styleTelemStale: italic;
// Limits
@ -256,22 +266,22 @@ $colorInfoBubbleFg: #666;
// Items
$colorItemBg: buttonBg($colorBtnBg);
$colorItemBgHov: buttonBg(lighten($colorBtnBg, 5%));
$colorItemBgHov: buttonBg(pullForward($colorBtnBg, 5%));
$colorListItemBg: transparent;
$colorListItemBgHov: rgba($colorKey, 0.1);
$colorItemFg: $colorBtnFg;
$colorItemFgDetails: darken($colorItemFg, 20%);
$colorItemFgDetails: pushBack($colorItemFg, 20%);
$shdwItemText: none;
// Tabular
$colorTabBorder: lighten($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorTabBorder: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorTabBodyBg: $colorBodyBg;
$colorTabBodyFg: lighten($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTabHeaderBg: lighten($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorTabBodyFg: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTabHeaderBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorTabHeaderFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorTabHeaderBorder: $colorBodyBg;
$colorTabGroupHeaderBg: lighten($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorTabGroupHeaderFg: darken($colorTabHeaderFg, 10%);
$colorTabGroupHeaderBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorTabGroupHeaderFg: pushBack($colorTabHeaderFg, 10%);
// Plot
$colorPlotBg: rgba(black, 0.05);
@ -280,22 +290,22 @@ $colorPlotHash: black;
$opacityPlotHash: 0.2;
$stylePlotHash: dashed;
$colorPlotAreaBorder: $colorInteriorBorder;
$colorPlotLabelFg: darken($colorPlotFg, 20%);
$colorPlotLabelFg: pushBack($colorPlotFg, 20%);
$legendHoverValueBg: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.2);
// Tree
$colorTreeBg: transparent;
$colorItemTreeHoverBg: lighten($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorItemTreeHoverFg: lighten($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorItemTreeHoverBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorItemTreeHoverFg: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorItemTreeIcon: $colorKey; // Used
$colorItemTreeIconHover: $colorItemTreeIcon; // Used
$colorItemTreeFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorItemTreeSelectedBg: darken($colorKey, 15%);
$colorItemTreeSelectedBg: pushBack($colorKey, 15%);
$colorItemTreeSelectedFg: $colorItemTreeHoverFg;
$colorItemTreeSelectedIcon: $colorItemTreeSelectedFg;
$colorItemTreeEditingBg: darken($editColor, 20%);
$colorItemTreeEditingFg: $editColorFg;
$colorItemTreeEditingIcon: $editColorFg;
$colorItemTreeEditingBg: pushBack($editUIColor, 20%);
$colorItemTreeEditingFg: $editUIColor;
$colorItemTreeEditingIcon: $editUIColor;
$colorItemTreeVC: $colorDisclosureCtrl;
$colorItemTreeVCHover: $colorDisclosureCtrlHov;
$shdwItemTreeIcon: none;
@ -307,18 +317,18 @@ $colorThumbHoverBg: $colorItemTreeHoverBg;
$scrollbarTrackSize: 7px;
$scrollbarTrackShdw: rgba(#000, 0.2) 0 1px 2px;
$scrollbarTrackColorBg: rgba(#000, 0.2);
$scrollbarThumbColor: darken($colorBodyBg, 50%);
$scrollbarThumbColor: pushBack($colorBodyBg, 50%);
$scrollbarThumbColorHov: $colorKey;
$scrollbarThumbColorMenu: lighten($colorMenuBg, 10%);
$scrollbarThumbColorMenuHov: lighten($scrollbarThumbColorMenu, 2%);
$scrollbarThumbColorMenu: pullForward($colorMenuBg, 10%);
$scrollbarThumbColorMenuHov: pullForward($scrollbarThumbColorMenu, 2%);
// Splitter
$splitterHandleD: 2px;
$splitterHandleHitMargin: 4px;
$colorSplitterBaseBg: $colorBodyBg;
$colorSplitterBg: lighten($colorSplitterBaseBg, 10%);
$colorSplitterBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorSplitterFg: $colorBodyBg;
$colorSplitterHover: $colorKey;
$colorSplitterHover: $uiColor;
$colorSplitterActive: $colorKey;
$splitterBtnD: (16px, 35px); // height, width
$splitterBtnColorBg: $colorBtnBg;
@ -330,7 +340,7 @@ $splitterCollapsedBtnColorBgHov: $colorKey;
$splitterCollapsedBtnColorFgHov: $colorKeyFg;
// Mobile
$colorMobilePaneLeft: darken($colorBodyBg, 2%);
$colorMobilePaneLeft: pushBack($colorBodyBg, 2%);
$colorMobilePaneLeftTreeItemBg: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.1);
$colorMobilePaneLeftTreeItemFg: $colorItemTreeFg;
$colorMobileSelectListTreeItemBg: rgba(#000, 0.05);
@ -367,7 +377,7 @@ $createBtnTextTransform: uppercase;
@mixin themedButton($c: $colorBtnBg) {
background: linear-gradient(lighten($c, 5%), $c);
background: linear-gradient(pullForward($c, 5%), $c);
box-shadow: rgba(black, 0.5) 0 0.5px 2px;
@ -378,7 +388,7 @@ $sliderColorBase: $colorKey;
$sliderColorRangeHolder: rgba(black, 0.07);
$sliderColorRange: rgba($sliderColorBase, 0.2);
$sliderColorRangeHov: rgba($sliderColorBase, 0.4);
$sliderColorKnob: darken($sliderColorBase, 20%);
$sliderColorKnob: pushBack($sliderColorBase, 20%);
$sliderColorKnobHov: rgba($sliderColorBase, 0.7);
$sliderColorRangeValHovBg: $sliderColorRange;
$sliderColorRangeValHovFg: $colorBodyFg;
@ -51,6 +51,14 @@ $bodyFont: 'Chakra Petch', sans-serif;
@return linear-gradient(lighten($c, 5%), $c);
@function pullForward($val, $amt) {
@return lighten($val, $amt);
@function pushBack($val, $amt) {
@return darken($val, $amt);
// Constants
$fontBaseSize: 12px;
$smallCr: 2px;
@ -69,10 +77,11 @@ $colorStatusBarFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorStatusBarFgHov: #aaa;
$colorKey: #0099cc;
$colorKeyFg: #fff;
$colorKeyHov: #00c0f6;
$colorKeyHov: #26d8ff;
$colorKeyFilter: invert(36%) sepia(76%) saturate(2514%) hue-rotate(170deg) brightness(99%) contrast(101%);
$colorKeyFilterHov: invert(63%) sepia(88%) saturate(3029%) hue-rotate(154deg) brightness(101%) contrast(100%);
$colorKeySelectedBg: $colorKey;
$uiColor: #00b2ff; // Resize bars, splitter bars, etc.
$colorInteriorBorder: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.2);
$colorA: #ccc;
$colorAHov: #fff;
@ -98,51 +107,52 @@ $colorPausedFg: #fff;
$colorOk: #33cc33;
// Base variations
$colorBodyBgSubtle: lighten($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorBodyBgSubtleHov: darken($colorKey, 50%);
$colorKeySubtle: darken($colorKey, 10%);
$colorBodyBgSubtle: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorBodyBgSubtleHov: pushBack($colorKey, 50%);
$colorKeySubtle: pushBack($colorKey, 10%);
// Time Colors
$colorTime: #618cff;
$colorTimeBg: $colorTime;
$colorTimeFg: lighten($colorTimeBg, 30%);
$colorTimeHov: lighten($colorTime, 10%);
$colorTimeSubtle: darken($colorTime, 20%);
$colorTimeFg: pullForward($colorTimeBg, 30%);
$colorTimeHov: pullForward($colorTime, 10%);
$colorTimeSubtle: pushBack($colorTime, 20%);
$colorTOI: $colorBodyFg; // was $timeControllerToiLineColor
$colorTOIHov: $colorTime; // was $timeControllerToiLineColorHov
/************************************************** EDITING */
// Base Colors
$dlSpread: 20%;
$editColor: #00c7c3;
$editColorAlt: #9971ff;
$editColorBgBase: darken($editColor, $dlSpread);
$editColorBg: rgba($editColorBgBase, 0.2);
$editColorFg: lighten($editColor, $dlSpread);
$editColorHov: lighten($editColor, 20%);
// Canvas
$editCanvasColorBg: $editColorBg; //#002524;
$editCanvasColorGrid: rgba($editColorBgBase, 0.4); //lighten($editCanvasColorBg, 3%);
// Selectable
$editSelectableColor: #006563;
$editSelectableColorFg: lighten($editSelectableColor, 20%);
$editSelectableColorHov: lighten($editSelectableColor, 10%);
// Selectable selected
$editSelectableColorSelected: $editSelectableColorHov;
$editSelectableColorSelectedFg: lighten($editSelectableColorSelected, 30%);
$editSelectableColorFg: darken($editSelectableColor, 40%);
$editSelectableBorder: 1px dotted $editSelectableColor;
$editSelectableBorderHov: 1px dotted $editColorAlt;
$editSelectableBorderSelected: 1px solid $editColor;
$editSelectableShdwSelected: rgba($editColor, 0.75) 0 0 0 1px;
$editMoveableSelectedShdw: rgba($editColor, 0.5) 0 0 10px;
$editBorderDrilledIn: 1px dashed $editColorAlt;
$colorGridLines: rgba($editColor, 0.2);
/************************************************** BROWSING */
$browseSelectableBorderHov: 1px dotted rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.2);
$browseSelectableShdwHov: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.2) 0 0 3px;
$browseSelectedBorder: 1px solid rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.6);
$browseFrameColor: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$browseFrameBorder: 1px solid $browseFrameColor; // Frames in Disp and Flex Layouts when frame is showing
$browseSelectableShdwHov: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.3) 0 0 3px;
$browseSelectedBorder: 1px solid rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.4);
/************************************************** EDITING */
$editUIColor: $uiColor; // Base color
$editUIColorHov: pullForward(saturate($uiColor, 10%), 20%); // Hover color when $editUIColor is applied as a base color
$editUIBaseColor: #344b8d; // Base color, toolbar bg
$editUIBaseColorHov: pullForward($editUIBaseColor, 20%);
$editUIBaseColorFg: #ffffff; // Toolbar button icon colors, etc.
$editUIAreaBaseColor: pullForward(saturate($editUIBaseColor, 30%), 20%);
$editUIAreaShdw: $editUIAreaBaseColor 0 0 0 2px; // Edit area s-selected-parent
$editUIAreaShdwSelected: $editUIAreaBaseColor 0 0 0 3px; // Edit area s-selected
$editUIGridColorBg: rgba($editUIBaseColor, 0.2); // Background of layout editing area
$editUIGridColorFg: rgba(#000, 0.1); // Grid lines in layout editing area
$editFrameColor: $browseFrameColor; // Solid or dotted border applied to non-selected frames in a layout; move-bar on frame hover
$editFrameBorder: 1px dotted $editFrameColor;
$editFrameColorHov: $editUIColor; // Solid border hover on frames; hover should not be applied to selected objects
$editFrameBorderHov: 1px solid $editFrameColorHov; // Hover on selectable frames
$editFrameColorSelected: #ccc; // Border of selected frames
$editFrameColorHandleBg: $colorBodyBg; // Resize handle 'offset' color to make handle standout
$editFrameColorHandleFg: $editFrameColorSelected; // Resize handle main color
$editFrameSelectedShdw: rgba(black, 0.5) 0 1px 10px 1px;
$editFrameSelectedBorder: 1px dashed $editFrameColorSelected; // Selected frame element
$editFrameMovebarColorBg: $editFrameColor; // Movebar bg color
$editFrameMovebarColorFg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorBg, 20%); // Grippy lines, container size text
$editFrameHovMovebarColorBg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorBg, 10%); // Hover style
$editFrameHovMovebarColorFg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorFg, 10%);
$editFrameSelectedMovebarColorBg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorBg, 15%); // Selected style
$editFrameSelectedMovebarColorFg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorFg, 15%);
$editFrameMovebarH: 10px; // Height of move bar in layout frame
// Icons
$colorIconAlias: #4af6f3;
@ -152,16 +162,16 @@ $colorIconAliasForKeyFilter: #aaa;
$colorTabsHolderBg: rgba(black, 0.2);
// Buttons and Controls
$colorBtnBg: lighten($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorBtnBgHov: lighten($colorBtnBg, 10%);
$colorBtnFg: lighten($colorBodyFg, 10%);
$colorBtnReverseFg: lighten($colorBtnFg, 10%);
$colorBtnReverseBg: lighten($colorBtnBg, 10%);
$colorBtnBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorBtnBgHov: pullForward($colorBtnBg, 10%);
$colorBtnFg: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 10%);
$colorBtnReverseFg: pullForward($colorBtnFg, 10%);
$colorBtnReverseBg: pullForward($colorBtnBg, 10%);
$colorBtnFgHov: $colorBtnFg;
$colorBtnMajorBg: $colorKey;
$colorBtnMajorBgHov: $colorKeyHov;
$colorBtnMajorFg: $colorKeyFg;
$colorBtnMajorFgHov: darken($colorBtnMajorFg, 10%);
$colorBtnMajorFgHov: pushBack($colorBtnMajorFg, 10%);
$colorBtnCautionBg: #f16f6f;
$colorBtnCautionBgHov: #f1504e;
$colorBtnCautionFg: $colorBtnFg;
@ -169,20 +179,20 @@ $colorClickIcon: $colorKey;
$colorClickIconBgHov: rgba($colorKey, 0.6);
$colorClickIconFgHov: $colorKeyHov;
$colorDropHint: $colorKey;
$colorDropHintBg: darken($colorDropHint, 10%);
$colorDropHintBg: pushBack($colorDropHint, 10%);
$colorDropHintBgHov: $colorDropHint;
$colorDropHintFg: lighten($colorDropHint, 40%);
$colorDropHintFg: pullForward($colorDropHint, 40%);
$colorDisclosureCtrl: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.5);
$colorDisclosureCtrlHov: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.7);
// Menus
$colorMenuBg: lighten($colorBodyBg, 15%);
$colorMenuFg: lighten($colorBodyFg, 30%);
$colorMenuIc: lighten($colorKey, 15%);
$colorMenuBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 15%);
$colorMenuFg: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 30%);
$colorMenuIc: pullForward($colorKey, 15%);
$colorMenuHovBg: $colorMenuIc;
$colorMenuHovFg: lighten($colorMenuFg, 10%);
$colorMenuHovFg: pullForward($colorMenuFg, 10%);
$colorMenuHovIc: $colorMenuHovFg;
$colorMenuElementHilite: lighten($colorMenuBg, 10%);
$colorMenuElementHilite: pullForward($colorMenuBg, 10%);
$shdwMenu: rgba(black, 0.5) 0 1px 5px;
$shdwMenuText: none;
$menuItemPad: $interiorMargin, floor($interiorMargin * 1.25);
@ -204,21 +214,21 @@ $colorFormLines: rgba(#000, 0.1);
$colorFormSectionHeader: rgba(#000, 0.05);
$colorInputBg: rgba(black, 0.2);
$colorInputFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorInputPlaceholder: darken($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorFormText: darken($colorBodyFg, 10%);
$colorInputIcon: darken($colorBodyFg, 25%);
$colorFieldHint: lighten($colorBodyFg, 40%);
$colorInputPlaceholder: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorFormText: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 10%);
$colorInputIcon: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 25%);
$colorFieldHint: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 40%);
$shdwInput: inset rgba(black, 0.4) 0 0 1px;
$shdwInputHov: inset rgba(black, 0.7) 0 0 2px;
$shdwInputFoc: inset rgba(black, 0.8) 0 0.25px 3px;
// Inspector
$colorInspectorBg: lighten($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorInspectorBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorInspectorFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorInspectorPropName: darken($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorInspectorPropVal: lighten($colorInspectorFg, 15%);
$colorInspectorSectionHeaderBg: lighten($colorInspectorBg, 5%);
$colorInspectorSectionHeaderFg: lighten($colorInspectorBg, 40%);
$colorInspectorPropName: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorInspectorPropVal: pullForward($colorInspectorFg, 15%);
$colorInspectorSectionHeaderBg: pullForward($colorInspectorBg, 5%);
$colorInspectorSectionHeaderFg: pullForward($colorInspectorBg, 40%);
// Overlay
$overlayColorBg: $colorMenuBg;
@ -233,8 +243,8 @@ $colorIndicatorOn: $colorOk;
$colorIndicatorOff: #777777;
// Staleness
$colorTelemFresh: lighten($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTelemStale: darken($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTelemFresh: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTelemStale: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$styleTelemStale: italic;
// Limits
@ -260,22 +270,22 @@ $colorInfoBubbleFg: #666;
// Items
$colorItemBg: buttonBg($colorBtnBg);
$colorItemBgHov: buttonBg(lighten($colorBtnBg, 5%));
$colorItemBgHov: buttonBg(pullForward($colorBtnBg, 5%));
$colorListItemBg: transparent;
$colorListItemBgHov: rgba($colorKey, 0.1);
$colorItemFg: $colorBtnFg;
$colorItemFgDetails: darken($colorItemFg, 20%);
$colorItemFgDetails: pushBack($colorItemFg, 20%);
$shdwItemText: none;
// Tabular
$colorTabBorder: lighten($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorTabBorder: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorTabBodyBg: $colorBodyBg;
$colorTabBodyFg: lighten($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTabHeaderBg: lighten($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorTabBodyFg: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTabHeaderBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorTabHeaderFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorTabHeaderBorder: $colorBodyBg;
$colorTabGroupHeaderBg: lighten($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorTabGroupHeaderFg: darken($colorTabHeaderFg, 10%);
$colorTabGroupHeaderBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorTabGroupHeaderFg: pushBack($colorTabHeaderFg, 10%);
// Plot
$colorPlotBg: rgba(black, 0.05);
@ -284,22 +294,22 @@ $colorPlotHash: black;
$opacityPlotHash: 0.2;
$stylePlotHash: dashed;
$colorPlotAreaBorder: $colorInteriorBorder;
$colorPlotLabelFg: darken($colorPlotFg, 20%);
$colorPlotLabelFg: pushBack($colorPlotFg, 20%);
$legendHoverValueBg: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.2);
// Tree
$colorTreeBg: transparent;
$colorItemTreeHoverBg: lighten($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorItemTreeHoverFg: lighten($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorItemTreeHoverBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorItemTreeHoverFg: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorItemTreeIcon: $colorKey; // Used
$colorItemTreeIconHover: $colorItemTreeIcon; // Used
$colorItemTreeFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorItemTreeSelectedBg: darken($colorKey, 15%);
$colorItemTreeSelectedBg: pushBack($colorKey, 15%);
$colorItemTreeSelectedFg: $colorItemTreeHoverFg;
$colorItemTreeSelectedIcon: $colorItemTreeSelectedFg;
$colorItemTreeEditingBg: darken($editColor, 20%);
$colorItemTreeEditingFg: $editColorFg;
$colorItemTreeEditingIcon: $editColorFg;
$colorItemTreeEditingBg: pushBack($editUIColor, 20%);
$colorItemTreeEditingFg: $editUIColor;
$colorItemTreeEditingIcon: $editUIColor;
$colorItemTreeVC: $colorDisclosureCtrl;
$colorItemTreeVCHover: $colorDisclosureCtrlHov;
$shdwItemTreeIcon: none;
@ -311,18 +321,18 @@ $colorThumbHoverBg: $colorItemTreeHoverBg;
$scrollbarTrackSize: 7px;
$scrollbarTrackShdw: rgba(#000, 0.2) 0 1px 2px;
$scrollbarTrackColorBg: rgba(#000, 0.2);
$scrollbarThumbColor: darken($colorBodyBg, 50%);
$scrollbarThumbColor: pushBack($colorBodyBg, 50%);
$scrollbarThumbColorHov: $colorKey;
$scrollbarThumbColorMenu: lighten($colorMenuBg, 10%);
$scrollbarThumbColorMenuHov: lighten($scrollbarThumbColorMenu, 2%);
$scrollbarThumbColorMenu: pullForward($colorMenuBg, 10%);
$scrollbarThumbColorMenuHov: pullForward($scrollbarThumbColorMenu, 2%);
// Splitter
$splitterHandleD: 2px;
$splitterHandleHitMargin: 4px;
$colorSplitterBaseBg: $colorBodyBg;
$colorSplitterBg: lighten($colorSplitterBaseBg, 10%);
$colorSplitterBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorSplitterFg: $colorBodyBg;
$colorSplitterHover: $colorKey;
$colorSplitterHover: $uiColor;
$colorSplitterActive: $colorKey;
$splitterBtnD: (16px, 35px); // height, width
$splitterBtnColorBg: $colorBtnBg;
@ -334,7 +344,7 @@ $splitterCollapsedBtnColorBgHov: $colorKey;
$splitterCollapsedBtnColorFgHov: $colorKeyFg;
// Mobile
$colorMobilePaneLeft: darken($colorBodyBg, 2%);
$colorMobilePaneLeft: pushBack($colorBodyBg, 2%);
$colorMobilePaneLeftTreeItemBg: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.1);
$colorMobilePaneLeftTreeItemFg: $colorItemTreeFg;
$colorMobileSelectListTreeItemBg: rgba(#000, 0.05);
@ -371,7 +381,7 @@ $createBtnTextTransform: uppercase;
@mixin themedButton($c: $colorBtnBg) {
background: linear-gradient(lighten($c, 5%), $c);
background: linear-gradient(pullForward($c, 5%), $c);
box-shadow: rgba(black, 0.5) 0 0.5px 2px;
@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ $bodyFont: $heroFont;
@return $c;
@function pullForward($val, $amt) {
@return darken($val, $amt);
@function pushBack($val, $amt) {
@return lighten($val, $amt);
// Constants
$fontBaseSize: 12px;
$smallCr: 2px;
@ -69,6 +77,7 @@ $colorKeyHov: #00c0f6;
$colorKeyFilter: invert(37%) sepia(100%) saturate(686%) hue-rotate(157deg) brightness(102%) contrast(102%);
$colorKeyFilterHov: invert(69%) sepia(87%) saturate(3243%) hue-rotate(151deg) brightness(97%) contrast(102%);
$colorKeySelectedBg: $colorKey;
$uiColor: #289fec; // Resize bars, splitter bars, etc.
$colorInteriorBorder: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.2);
$colorA: #999;
$colorAHov: $colorKey;
@ -94,51 +103,52 @@ $colorPausedFg: #fff;
$colorOk: #33cc33;
// Base variations
$colorBodyBgSubtle: darken($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorBodyBgSubtleHov: lighten($colorKey, 50%);
$colorKeySubtle: lighten($colorKey, 50%);
$colorBodyBgSubtle: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorBodyBgSubtleHov: pushBack($colorKey, 50%);
$colorKeySubtle: pushBack($colorKey, 10%);
// Time Colors
$colorTime: #618cff;
$colorTimeBg: $colorTime;
$colorTimeFg: $colorBodyBg;
$colorTimeHov: lighten($colorTime, 5%);
$colorTimeSubtle: lighten($colorTime, 20%);
$colorTimeHov: pushBack($colorTime, 5%);
$colorTimeSubtle: pushBack($colorTime, 20%);
$colorTOI: $colorBodyFg; // was $timeControllerToiLineColor
$colorTOIHov: $colorTime; // was $timeControllerToiLineColorHov
/************************************************** EDITING */
// Base Colors
$dlSpread: 20%;
$editColor: #00c7c3;
$editColorAlt: #9971ff;
$editColorBgBase: darken($editColor, $dlSpread);
$editColorBg: darken($editColor, $dlSpread);
$editColorFg: lighten($editColor, $dlSpread);
$editColorHov: lighten($editColor, 20%);
// Canvas
$editCanvasColorBg: #e6ffff;
$editCanvasColorGrid: darken($editCanvasColorBg, 10%);
// Selectable
$editSelectableColor: #acdad6;
$editSelectableColorFg: darken($editSelectableColor, 20%);
$editSelectableColorHov: darken($editSelectableColor, 10%);
// Selectable selected
$editSelectableColorSelected: $editColor;
$editSelectableColorSelectedFg: lighten($editSelectableColorSelected, 50%);
$editSelectableColorFg: darken($editSelectableColor, 40%);
$editSelectableBorder: 1px dotted $editSelectableColor;
$editSelectableBorderHov: 1px dotted $editColorAlt;
$editSelectableBorderSelected: 1px solid $editColor;
$editSelectableShdwSelected: rgba($editColor, 0.75) 0 0 0 1px;
$editMoveableSelectedShdw: rgba($editColor, 0.5) 0 0 10px;
$editBorderDrilledIn: 1px dashed $editColorAlt;
$colorGridLines: rgba($editColor, 0.2);
/************************************************** BROWSING */
$browseSelectableBorderHov: 1px dotted rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.2);
$browseSelectableShdwHov: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.2) 0 0 3px;
$browseSelectedBorder: 1px solid rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.6);
$browseFrameColor: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$browseFrameBorder: 1px solid $browseFrameColor; // Frames in Disp and Flex Layouts when frame is showing
$browseSelectableShdwHov: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.3) 0 0 3px;
$browseSelectedBorder: 1px solid rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.4);
/************************************************** EDITING */
$editUIColor: $uiColor; // Base color
$editUIColorHov: pullForward(saturate($uiColor, 10%), 20%); // Hover color when $editUIColor is applied as a base color
$editUIBaseColor: #cae1ff; // Base color, toolbar bg
$editUIBaseColorHov: pushBack($editUIBaseColor, 20%);
$editUIBaseColorFg: #4c4c4c; // Toolbar button icon colors, etc.
$editUIAreaBaseColor: pullForward(saturate($editUIBaseColor, 30%), 20%);
$editUIAreaShdw: $editUIAreaBaseColor 0 0 0 2px; // Edit area s-selected-parent
$editUIAreaShdwSelected: $editUIAreaBaseColor 0 0 0 3px; // Edit area s-selected
$editUIGridColorBg: rgba($editUIBaseColor, 0.2); // Background of layout editing area
$editUIGridColorFg: rgba($editUIBaseColor, 0.3); // Grid lines in layout editing area
$editFrameColor: $browseFrameColor; // Solid or dotted border applied to non-selected frames in a layout; move-bar on frame hover
$editFrameBorder: 1px dotted $editFrameColor;
$editFrameColorHov: $editUIColor; // Solid border hover on frames; hover should not be applied to selected objects
$editFrameBorderHov: 1px solid $editFrameColorHov; // Hover on selectable frames
$editFrameColorSelected: #333; // Border of selected frames
$editFrameColorHandleBg: $colorBodyBg; // Resize handle 'offset' color to make handle standout
$editFrameColorHandleFg: $editFrameColorSelected; // Resize handle main color
$editFrameSelectedShdw: rgba(black, 0.5) 0 1px 10px 1px;
$editFrameSelectedBorder: 1px dashed $editFrameColorSelected; // Selected frame element
$editFrameMovebarColorBg: $editFrameColor; // Movebar bg color
$editFrameMovebarColorFg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorBg, 20%); // Grippy lines, container size text
$editFrameHovMovebarColorBg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorBg, 10%); // Hover style
$editFrameHovMovebarColorFg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorFg, 10%);
$editFrameSelectedMovebarColorBg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorBg, 15%); // Selected style
$editFrameSelectedMovebarColorFg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorFg, 15%);
$editFrameMovebarH: 10px; // Height of move bar in layout frame
// Icons
$colorIconAlias: #4af6f3;
@ -149,7 +159,7 @@ $colorTabsHolderBg: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.2);
// Buttons and Controls
$colorBtnBg: #aaa;
$colorBtnBgHov: darken($colorBtnBg, 10%);
$colorBtnBgHov: pullForward($colorBtnBg, 10%);
$colorBtnFg: #fff;
$colorBtnReverseFg: $colorBodyBg;
$colorBtnReverseBg: $colorBodyFg;
@ -157,7 +167,7 @@ $colorBtnFgHov: $colorBtnFg;
$colorBtnMajorBg: $colorKey;
$colorBtnMajorBgHov: $colorKeyHov;
$colorBtnMajorFg: $colorKeyFg;
$colorBtnMajorFgHov: lighten($colorBtnMajorFg, 10%);
$colorBtnMajorFgHov: pushBack($colorBtnMajorFg, 10%);
$colorBtnCautionBg: #f16f6f;
$colorBtnCautionBgHov: #f1504e;
$colorBtnCautionFg: $colorBtnFg;
@ -165,15 +175,15 @@ $colorClickIcon: $colorKey;
$colorClickIconBgHov: rgba($colorKey, 0.2);
$colorClickIconFgHov: $colorKeyHov;
$colorDropHint: $colorKey;
$colorDropHintBg: lighten($colorDropHint, 30%);
$colorDropHintBgHov: lighten($colorDropHint, 40%);
$colorDropHintFg: lighten($colorDropHint, 0);
$colorDropHintBg: pushBack($colorDropHint, 10%);
$colorDropHintBgHov: pushBack($colorDropHint, 40%);
$colorDropHintFg: pushBack($colorDropHint, 0);
$colorDisclosureCtrl: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.5);
$colorDisclosureCtrlHov: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.7);
// Menus
$colorMenuBg: lighten($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorMenuFg: darken($colorMenuBg, 70%);
$colorMenuBg: pushBack($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorMenuFg: pullForward($colorMenuBg, 70%);
$colorMenuIc: $colorKey;
$colorMenuHovBg: $colorMenuIc;
$colorMenuHovFg: $colorMenuBg;
@ -200,27 +210,27 @@ $colorFormLines: rgba(#000, 0.1);
$colorFormSectionHeader: rgba(#000, 0.05);
$colorInputBg: $colorGenBg;
$colorInputFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorInputPlaceholder: lighten($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorFormText: lighten($colorBodyFg, 10%);
$colorInputIcon: lighten($colorBodyFg, 25%);
$colorFieldHint: darken($colorBodyFg, 40%);
$colorInputPlaceholder: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorFormText: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 10%);
$colorInputIcon: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 25%);
$colorFieldHint: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 40%);
$shdwInput: inset rgba(black, 0.7) 0 0 1px;
$shdwInputHov: inset rgba(black, 0.7) 0 0 2px;
$shdwInputFoc: inset rgba(black, 0.8) 0 0.25px 3px;
// Inspector
$colorInspectorBg: darken($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorInspectorBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorInspectorFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorInspectorPropName: lighten($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorInspectorPropVal: darken($colorInspectorFg, 15%);
$colorInspectorSectionHeaderBg: darken($colorInspectorBg, 5%);
$colorInspectorSectionHeaderFg: darken($colorInspectorBg, 40%);
$colorInspectorPropName: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorInspectorPropVal: pullForward($colorInspectorFg, 15%);
$colorInspectorSectionHeaderBg: pullForward($colorInspectorBg, 5%);
$colorInspectorSectionHeaderFg: pullForward($colorInspectorBg, 40%);
// Overlay
$overlayColorBg: $colorMenuBg;
$overlayColorFg: $colorMenuFg;
$overlayCr: $interiorMarginLg;
$overlayBrightnessAdjust: brightness(1);
$overlayBrightnessAdjust: brightness(1.3);
// Indicator colors
$colorIndicatorAvailable: $colorKey;
@ -229,8 +239,8 @@ $colorIndicatorOn: $colorOk;
$colorIndicatorOff: #666;
// Staleness
$colorTelemFresh: darken($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTelemStale: lighten($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTelemFresh: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTelemStale: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$styleTelemStale: italic;
// Limits
@ -255,23 +265,23 @@ $colorInfoBubbleBg: $colorMenuBg;
$colorInfoBubbleFg: #666;
// Items
$colorItemBg: lighten($colorBtnBg, 20%);
$colorItemBgHov: lighten($colorItemBg, 5%);
$colorItemBg: pushBack($colorBtnBg, 20%);
$colorItemBgHov: pushBack($colorItemBg, 5%);
$colorListItemBg: transparent;
$colorListItemBgHov: rgba($colorKey, 0.1);
$colorItemFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorItemFgDetails: lighten($colorItemFg, 15%);
$colorItemFgDetails: pushBack($colorItemFg, 15%);
$shdwItemText: none;
// Tabular
$colorTabBorder: darken($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorTabBorder: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorTabBodyBg: $colorBodyBg;
$colorTabBodyFg: darken($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTabHeaderBg: darken($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorTabHeaderFg: darken($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTabBodyFg: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTabHeaderBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorTabHeaderFg: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTabHeaderBorder: $colorBodyBg;
$colorTabGroupHeaderBg: darken($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorTabGroupHeaderFg: darken($colorTabGroupHeaderBg, 40%);
$colorTabGroupHeaderBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorTabGroupHeaderFg: pullForward($colorTabGroupHeaderBg, 40%);
// Plot
$colorPlotBg: rgba(black, 0.05);
@ -280,22 +290,22 @@ $colorPlotHash: black;
$opacityPlotHash: 0.2;
$stylePlotHash: dashed;
$colorPlotAreaBorder: $colorInteriorBorder;
$colorPlotLabelFg: lighten($colorPlotFg, 20%);
$colorPlotLabelFg: pushBack($colorPlotFg, 20%);
$legendHoverValueBg: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.2);
// Tree
$colorTreeBg: transparent;
$colorItemTreeHoverBg: darken($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorItemTreeHoverFg: darken($colorBodyFg, 10%);
$colorItemTreeHoverBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorItemTreeHoverFg: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 10%);
$colorItemTreeIcon: $colorKey; // Used
$colorItemTreeIconHover: $colorItemTreeIcon; // Used
$colorItemTreeFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorItemTreeSelectedBg: lighten($colorKey, 15%);
$colorItemTreeSelectedBg: pushBack($colorKey, 15%);
$colorItemTreeSelectedFg: $colorBodyBg;
$colorItemTreeSelectedIcon: $colorItemTreeSelectedFg;
$colorItemTreeEditingBg: $editColor;
$colorItemTreeEditingFg: $editColorFg;
$colorItemTreeEditingIcon: $editColorFg;
$colorItemTreeEditingBg: pushBack($editUIColor, 20%);
$colorItemTreeEditingFg: $editUIColor;
$colorItemTreeEditingIcon: $editUIColor;
$colorItemTreeVC: $colorDisclosureCtrl;
$colorItemTreeVCHover: $colorDisclosureCtrlHov;
$shdwItemTreeIcon: none;
@ -307,16 +317,16 @@ $colorThumbHoverBg: $colorItemTreeHoverBg;
$scrollbarTrackSize: 7px;
$scrollbarTrackShdw: rgba(#000, 0.2) 0 1px 2px;
$scrollbarTrackColorBg: rgba(#000, 0.2);
$scrollbarThumbColor: darken($colorBodyBg, 50%);
$scrollbarThumbColor: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 50%);
$scrollbarThumbColorHov: $colorKey;
$scrollbarThumbColorMenu: darken($colorMenuBg, 10%);
$scrollbarThumbColorMenu: pullForward($colorMenuBg, 10%);
$scrollbarThumbColorMenuHov: darken($scrollbarThumbColorMenu, 2%);
// Splitter
$splitterHandleD: 2px;
$splitterHandleHitMargin: 4px;
$colorSplitterBaseBg: $colorBodyBg;
$colorSplitterBg: darken($colorSplitterBaseBg, 20%);
$colorSplitterBg: pullForward($colorSplitterBaseBg, 20%);
$colorSplitterFg: $colorBodyBg;
$colorSplitterHover: $colorKey;
$colorSplitterActive: $colorKey;
@ -330,7 +340,7 @@ $splitterCollapsedBtnColorBgHov: $colorKey;
$splitterCollapsedBtnColorFgHov: $colorKeyFg;
// Mobile
$colorMobilePaneLeft: darken($colorBodyBg, 2%);
$colorMobilePaneLeft: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 2%);
$colorMobilePaneLeftTreeItemBg: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.1);
$colorMobilePaneLeftTreeItemFg: $colorItemTreeFg;
$colorMobileSelectListTreeItemBg: rgba(#000, 0.05);
@ -421,21 +421,31 @@ input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
.c-toolbar {
$p: $interiorMargin;
border-top: 1px solid $colorInteriorBorder;
background: $editUIBaseColor;
border-radius: $basicCr;
height: $p + 24px; // Need to standardize the height
padding-top: $p;
padding: $p;
&__separator {
@include cToolbarSeparator();
.c-labeled-input {
color: $editUIBaseColorFg;
.c-click-icon {
@include cControl();
$pLR: $interiorMargin - 1;
$pTB: 2px;
color: $colorBodyFg;
padding: $pTB $pLR;
&:hover {
background: $editUIBaseColorHov !important;
color: $editUIBaseColorFg !important;
&--swatched {
padding-bottom: floor($pTB / 2);
width: 2em; // Standardize the width
@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ body.desktop .has-local-controls {
.c-grid {
pointer-events: none;
&__x { @include bgTicks($editCanvasColorGrid, 'x'); }
&__y { @include bgTicks($editCanvasColorGrid, 'y'); }
&__x { @include bgTicks($editUIGridColorFg, 'x'); }
&__y { @include bgTicks($editUIGridColorFg, 'y'); }
/*************************** SELECTION */
@ -200,32 +200,14 @@ body.desktop .has-local-controls {
&:hover {
box-shadow: $browseSelectableShdwHov;
&[s-selected] {
border: $browseSelectedBorder;
/**************************** EDITING */
.is-editing {
*:not(.is-drilled-in).c-frame {
border: $editSelectableBorder;
&:not([s-selected]) {
&:hover {
border: $editSelectableBorderHov;
&[s-selected] {
box-shadow: $editSelectableShdwSelected;
> .c-frame-edit {
display: block; // Show the editing rect and handles
*.is-drilled-in {
border: $editBorderDrilledIn;
.is-moveable {
cursor: move;
@ -234,116 +216,8 @@ body.desktop .has-local-controls {
// Applied in markup to objects that provide links. Disable while editing.
pointer-events: none;
.c-frame-edit {
// In Layouts, this is the editing rect and handles
// In Fixed Position, this is a wrapper element
$z: 10;
@include abs();
display: none;
&__move {
@include abs();
box-shadow: $editMoveableSelectedShdw;
cursor: move;
z-index: $z;
&__handle {
$d: 8px;
$o: floor($d * -0.5);
background: rgba($editColor, 0.3);
border: 1px solid $editColor;
position: absolute;
width: $d; height: $d;
top: auto; right: auto; bottom: auto; left: auto;
z-index: $z + 1;
&:before {
// Extended hit area
$m: -5px;
content: '';
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: $m; right: $m; bottom: $m; left: $m;
z-index: -1;
&:hover {
background: $editColor;
&--nwse {
cursor: nwse-resize;
&--nw {
cursor: nw-resize;
left: $o; top: $o;
&--ne {
cursor: ne-resize;
right: $o; top: $o;
&--se {
cursor: se-resize;
right: $o; bottom: $o;
&--sw {
cursor: sw-resize;
left: $o; bottom: $o;
// TODO: move this into DisplayLayout and Fixed Position vue files respectively
.l-shell__main-container > .l-layout,
.l-shell__main-container > .c-object-view .l-fixed-position {
// Target the top-most layout container and color its background
background: $editCanvasColorBg;
.l-shell__main-container {
box-shadow: $colorBodyBg 0 0 0 1px, rgba($editColor, 0.7) 0 0 0 2px;
&[s-selected] {
// Provide a clearer selection context articulation
box-shadow: $colorBodyBg 0 0 0 1px, $editColor 0 0 0px 3px;
// Layouts
[s-selected-parent] {
.l-layout {
// Show the layout grid for the top-most child of the current selection,
// and hide the grid for deeper nested levels.
[class*="__grid-holder"] {
display: block;
.l-layout [class*="__grid-holder"] {
display: none;
// Fixed position
.l-fixed-position {
&__grid-holder {
display: block;
.c-frame-edit {
display: block;
/************************** LEGACY */
mct-container {
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ mct-plot {
// Holds the plot area and the X-axis only
position: absolute;
top: nth($plotDisplayArea, 1);
right:0; //nth($plotDisplayArea, 2);
bottom: 0;
left: nth($plotDisplayArea, 4);
@ -612,3 +612,16 @@ mct-plot {
min-height: 200px;
/******************************************************************* EDITING */
.is-editing {
// Fixed position
.l-fixed-position {
&__grid-holder {
display: block;
.c-frame-edit {
display: block;
@ -80,8 +80,7 @@
transparent 50%, rgba($c, $a) 50%,
rgba($c, $a) 75%, transparent 75%,
transparent 100%
background-repeat: repeat;
) repeat;
background-size: $d $d;
@ -91,8 +90,7 @@
transparent 50%, rgba($c, $a) 50%,
rgba($c, $a) 75%, transparent 75%,
transparent 100%
background-repeat: repeat;
) repeat;
background-size: $bgsize $bgsize;
@ -102,6 +100,23 @@
cursor: default !important;
@mixin grippy($c: rgba(black, 0.5), $dir: 'x') {
$deg: 90deg;
$bgSize: 2px 100%;
@if $dir != 'x' {
// Grippy texture runs 'vertically'
$deg: 0deg;
$bgSize: 100% 2px;
background: linear-gradient($deg,
$c 1px, transparent 1px,
transparent 100%
) repeat;
background-size: $bgSize;
@mixin noColor() {
// A "no fill/stroke" selection option. Used in palettes.
$c: red;
@ -329,12 +344,12 @@
// Make the icon bigger relative to its container
@include cControl();
$pLR: 4px;
$pTB: 3px;
$pTB: 4px;
background: none;
box-shadow: none;
border-radius: $controlCr;
cursor: pointer;
padding: $pTB $pLR ;
padding: $pTB $pLR;
@include hover() {
background: $colorClickIconBgHov;
@ -20,9 +20,10 @@
* at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
<div class="u-contents c-so-view has-local-controls"
<div class="c-so-view has-local-controls"
'c-so-view--no-frame': !hasFrame
'c-so-view--no-frame': !hasFrame,
'has-complex-content': complexContent
<div class="c-so-view__header">
<div class="c-so-view__header__start">
@ -47,10 +48,15 @@
@import "~styles/sass-base";
.c-so-view {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
/*************************** HEADER */
&__header {
flex: 0 0 auto;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: $interiorMargin;
&__end {
@ -71,7 +77,7 @@
&--no-frame .c-so-view__header {
&--no-frame > .c-so-view__header {
display: none;
@ -107,6 +113,11 @@
import ObjectView from './ObjectView.vue'
import ContextMenuDropDown from './contextMenuDropDown.vue';
export default {
inject: ['openmct'],
props: {
@ -114,21 +125,19 @@
objectPath: Array,
hasFrame: Boolean,
computed: {
cssClass() {
if (!this.domainObject || !this.domainObject.type) {
let objectType = this.openmct.types.get(this.domainObject.type);
if (!objectType || !objectType.definition) {
return; // TODO: return unknown icon type.
return objectType.definition.cssClass;
components: {
data() {
let objectType = this.openmct.types.get(this.domainObject.type),
cssClass = objectType && objectType.definition ? objectType.definition.cssClass : 'icon-object-unknown',
complexContent = !SIMPLE_CONTENT_TYPES.includes(this.domainObject.type);
return {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
v-if="elements.length > 0">
<li :key="element.identifier.key" v-for="(element, index) in elements" @drop="moveTo(index)" @dragover="allowDrop">
<div class="c-tree__item c-elements-pool__item">
<span class="icon-grippy"
<span class="c-elements-pool__grippy"
v-if="elements.length > 1 && isEditing"
@ -42,12 +42,13 @@
overflow: auto;
&__item {
.icon-grippy {
font-size: 0.8em;
&__grippy {
$d: 8px;
@include grippy($c: $colorItemTreeVC, $dir: 'y');
margin-right: $interiorMarginSm;
transform: translateY(-2px);
width: $d; height: $d;
@ -184,7 +184,6 @@
/******************************* MAIN AREA */
&__main-container {
// Wrapper for main views
flex: 1 1 auto !important;
@ -232,6 +231,17 @@
.is-editing {
.l-shell__main-container {
box-shadow: $colorBodyBg 0 0 0 1px, $editUIAreaShdw;
&[s-selected] {
// Provide a clearer selection context articulation for the main edit area
box-shadow: $colorBodyBg 0 0 0 1px, $editUIAreaShdwSelected;
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
display: flex;
align-items: center;
cursor: pointer;
line-height: 110%;
padding: $interiorMargin - $aPad;
transition: background 150ms ease;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user