+ ng-repeat="cell in row"
+ ng-class='{ disabled: !isSelectable(cell) }'>
+ ng-repeat="key in ['hours', 'minutes', 'seconds']"
+ ng-if="parameters[key]">
diff --git a/platform/commonUI/general/src/controllers/DateTimePickerController.js b/platform/commonUI/general/src/controllers/DateTimePickerController.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55693b95c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/commonUI/general/src/controllers/DateTimePickerController.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * Open MCT Web, Copyright (c) 2014-2015, United States Government
+ * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
+ * Administration. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Open MCT Web is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+ * Open MCT Web includes source code licensed under additional open source
+ * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
+ * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
+ * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+/*global define,Promise*/
+ [ 'moment' ],
+ function (moment) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var TIME_NAMES = {
+ 'hours': "Hour",
+ 'minutes': "Minute",
+ 'seconds': "Second"
+ },
+ MONTHS = moment.months();
+ /**
+ * Controller to support the date-time picker.
+ *
+ * Adds/uses the following properties in scope:
+ * * `year`: Year being displayed in picker
+ * * `month`: Month being displayed
+ * * `table`: Table being displayed; array of arrays of
+ * * `day`: Day of month
+ * * `dayOfYear`: Day of year
+ * * `month`: Month associated with the day
+ * * `year`: Year associated with the day.
+ * * `date`: Date chosen
+ * * `year`: Year selected
+ * * `month`: Month selected (0-indexed)
+ * * `day`: Day of month selected
+ * * `time`: Chosen time (hours/minutes/seconds)
+ * * `hours`: Hours chosen
+ * * `minutes`: Minutes chosen
+ * * `seconds`: Seconds chosen
+ */
+ function DateTimePickerController($scope) {
+ var year = 2015,
+ month = 8; // For picker state, not model state
+ function generateTableCell() {
+ }
+ function generateTable() {
+ var m = moment.utc({ year: year, month: month }).day(0),
+ table = [],
+ row,
+ col;
+ for (row = 0; row < 6; row += 1) {
+ table.push([]);
+ for (col = 0; col < 7; col += 1) {
+ table[row].push({
+ year: m.year(),
+ month: m.month(),
+ day: m.date(),
+ dayOfYear: m.dayOfYear()
+ });
+ m.add(1, 'days'); // Next day!
+ }
+ }
+ return table;
+ }
+ function updateScopeForMonth() {
+ $scope.month = MONTHS[month];
+ $scope.year = year;
+ $scope.table = generateTable();
+ console.log($scope.table);
+ }
+ $scope.isSelectable = function (cell) {
+ return cell.month === month;
+ }
+ $scope.dateEquals = function (d1, d2) {
+ return d1.year === d2.year &&
+ d1.month === d2.month &&
+ d1.day === d2.day;
+ };
+ $scope.changeMonth = function (delta) {
+ month += delta;
+ if (month > 11) {
+ month = 0;
+ year += 1;
+ }
+ if (month < 0) {
+ month = 11;
+ year -= 1;
+ }
+ updateScopeForMonth();
+ };
+ $scope.nameFor = function (key) {
+ return TIME_NAMES[key];
+ };
+ updateScopeForMonth();
+ }
+ return DateTimePickerController;
+ }