@ -235,113 +235,113 @@ test.describe('Example Imagery', () => {
// ('If the imagery view is not in pause mode, it should be updated when new images come in');
const backgroundImageSelector = '.c-imagery__main-image__background-image';
test('Example Imagery in Display layout', async ({ page }) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('/', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('/', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
// Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
// Click the Create button
await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');
// Click text=Example Imagery
await page.click('text=Example Imagery');
// Click text=Example Imagery
await page.click('text=Example Imagery');
// Clear and set Image load delay (milliseconds)
await page.click('input[type="number"]', {clickCount: 3})
await page.type('input[type="number"]', "20")
// Clear and set Image load delay (milliseconds)
await page.click('input[type="number"]', {clickCount: 3});
await page.type('input[type="number"]', "20");
// Click text=OK
await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({waitUntil: 'networkidle'}),
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
// Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached'});
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText('Unnamed Example Imagery');
const bgImageLocator = await page.locator(backgroundImageSelector);
await bgImageLocator.hover();
// Click text=OK
await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({waitUntil: 'networkidle'}),
//Wait for Save Banner to appear
// Wait until Save Banner is gone
await page.waitForSelector('.c-message-banner__message', { state: 'detached'});
await expect(page.locator('.l-browse-bar__object-name')).toContainText('Unnamed Example Imagery');
const bgImageLocator = await page.locator(backgroundImageSelector);
await bgImageLocator.hover();
// Click previous image button
const previousImageButton = await page.locator('.c-nav--prev');
await previousImageButton.click();
// Click previous image button
const previousImageButton = await page.locator('.c-nav--prev');
await previousImageButton.click();
// Verify previous image
const selectedImage = page.locator('.selected');
await expect(selectedImage).toBeVisible();
// Verify previous image
const selectedImage = page.locator('.selected');
await expect(selectedImage).toBeVisible();
// Zoom in
const originalImageDimensions = await page.locator(backgroundImageSelector).boundingBox();
await bgImageLocator.hover();
const deltaYStep = 100; // equivalent to 1x zoom
await page.mouse.wheel(0, deltaYStep * 2);
const zoomedBoundingBox = await bgImageLocator.boundingBox();
const imageCenterX = zoomedBoundingBox.x + zoomedBoundingBox.width / 2;
const imageCenterY = zoomedBoundingBox.y + zoomedBoundingBox.height / 2;
// Zoom in
const originalImageDimensions = await page.locator(backgroundImageSelector).boundingBox();
await bgImageLocator.hover();
const deltaYStep = 100; // equivalent to 1x zoom
await page.mouse.wheel(0, deltaYStep * 2);
const zoomedBoundingBox = await bgImageLocator.boundingBox();
const imageCenterX = zoomedBoundingBox.x + zoomedBoundingBox.width / 2;
const imageCenterY = zoomedBoundingBox.y + zoomedBoundingBox.height / 2;
// Wait for zoom animation to finish
await bgImageLocator.hover();
const imageMouseZoomedIn = await page.locator(backgroundImageSelector).boundingBox();
// Wait for zoom animation to finish
await bgImageLocator.hover();
const imageMouseZoomedIn = await page.locator(backgroundImageSelector).boundingBox();
// Center the mouse pointer
await page.mouse.move(imageCenterX, imageCenterY);
// Center the mouse pointer
await page.mouse.move(imageCenterX, imageCenterY);
// Pan Imagery Hints
console.log('process.platform is '+process.platform);
const expectedAltText = process.platform === 'linux' ? 'Ctrl+Alt drag to pan' : 'Alt drag to pan';
const imageryHintsText = await page.locator('.c-imagery__hints').innerText();
// Pan Imagery Hints
console.log('process.platform is ' + process.platform);
const expectedAltText = process.platform === 'linux' ? 'Ctrl+Alt drag to pan' : 'Alt drag to pan';
const imageryHintsText = await page.locator('.c-imagery__hints').innerText();
// Click next image button
const nextImageButton = await page.locator('.c-nav--next');
await nextImageButton.click();
// Click next image button
const nextImageButton = await page.locator('.c-nav--next');
await nextImageButton.click();
// Click fixed timespan button
await page.locator('.c-button__label >> text=Fixed Timespan').click();
// Click fixed timespan button
await page.locator('.c-button__label >> text=Fixed Timespan').click();
// Click local clock
await page.locator('.icon-clock >> text=Local Clock').click();
// Click local clock
await page.locator('.icon-clock >> text=Local Clock').click();
// Zoom in on next image
await bgImageLocator.hover();
await page.mouse.wheel(0, deltaYStep * 2);
// Zoom in on next image
await bgImageLocator.hover();
await page.mouse.wheel(0, deltaYStep * 2);
// Wait for zoom animation to finish
await bgImageLocator.hover();
const imageNextMouseZoomedIn = await page.locator(backgroundImageSelector).boundingBox();
// Wait for zoom animation to finish
await bgImageLocator.hover();
const imageNextMouseZoomedIn = await page.locator(backgroundImageSelector).boundingBox();
// Click previous image button
await previousImageButton.click();
// Click previous image button
await previousImageButton.click();
// Verify previous image
await expect(selectedImage).toBeVisible();
// Verify previous image
await expect(selectedImage).toBeVisible();
// Wait 20ms to verify no new image has come in
await page.waitForTimeout(21);
// Wait 20ms to verify no new image has come in
await page.waitForTimeout(21);
//Get background-image url from background-image css prop
const backgroundImage = await page.locator('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image');
let backgroundImageUrl = await backgroundImage.evaluate((el) => {
return window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('background-image').match(/url\(([^)]+)\)/)[1];
let backgroundImageUrl1 = backgroundImageUrl.slice(1, -1); //forgive me, padre
console.log('backgroundImageUrl1 ' + backgroundImageUrl1)
//Get background-image url from background-image css prop
const backgroundImage = await page.locator('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image');
let backgroundImageUrl = await backgroundImage.evaluate((el) => {
return window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('background-image').match(/url\(([^)]+)\)/)[1];
let backgroundImageUrl1 = backgroundImageUrl.slice(1, -1); //forgive me, padre
console.log('backgroundImageUrl1 ' + backgroundImageUrl1);
// sleep 21ms
await page.waitForTimeout(21);
// sleep 21ms
await page.waitForTimeout(21);
// Verify next image has updated
let backgroundImageUrlNext = await backgroundImage.evaluate((el) => {
return window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('background-image').match(/url\(([^)]+)\)/)[1];
let backgroundImageUrl2 = backgroundImageUrlNext.slice(1, -1); //forgive me, padre
console.log('backgroundImageUrl2 ' + backgroundImageUrl2)
// Verify next image has updated
let backgroundImageUrlNext = await backgroundImage.evaluate((el) => {
return window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('background-image').match(/url\(([^)]+)\)/)[1];
let backgroundImageUrl2 = backgroundImageUrlNext.slice(1, -1); //forgive me, padre
console.log('backgroundImageUrl2 ' + backgroundImageUrl2);
// Expect backgroundImageUrl2 to be greater then backgroundImageUrl1
expect(backgroundImageUrl2 >= backgroundImageUrl1);
// Expect backgroundImageUrl2 to be greater then backgroundImageUrl1
expect(backgroundImageUrl2 >= backgroundImageUrl1);
test.describe('Example Imagery in Flexible layout', () => {