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synced 2025-03-25 13:28:38 +00:00
[Code Style] Refactor search to use prototypes
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,17 +44,52 @@ define(
* @param $http Angular's $http service, for working with urls.
* @param {ObjectService} objectService the service from which
* domain objects can be gotten.
* @param ROOT the constant ELASTIC_ROOT which allows us to
* @param root the constant `ELASTIC_ROOT` which allows us to
* interact with ElasticSearch.
function ElasticsearchSearchProvider($http, objectService, ROOT) {
// Add the fuzziness operator to the search term
function ElasticsearchSearchProvider($http, objectService, root) {
this.$http = $http;
this.objectService = objectService;
this.root = root;
* Searches through the filetree for domain objects using a search
* term. This is done through querying elasticsearch. Returns a
* promise for a result object that has the format
* {hits: searchResult[], total: number, timedOut: boolean}
* where a searchResult has the format
* {id: string, object: domainObject, score: number}
* Notes:
* * The order of the results is from highest to lowest score,
* as elsaticsearch determines them to be.
* * Uses the fuzziness operator to get more results.
* * More about this search's behavior at
* https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-uri-request.html
* @param searchTerm The text input that is the query.
* @param timestamp The time at which this function was called.
* This timestamp is used as a unique identifier for this
* query and the corresponding results.
* @param maxResults (optional) The maximum number of results
* that this function should return.
* @param timeout (optional) The time after which the search should
* stop calculations and return partial results. Elasticsearch
* does not guarentee that this timeout will be strictly followed.
ElasticsearchSearchProvider.prototype.query = function query(searchTerm, timestamp, maxResults, timeout) {
var $http = this.$http,
objectService = this.objectService,
root = this.root,
// Add the fuzziness operator to the search term
function addFuzziness(searchTerm, editDistance) {
if (!editDistance) {
editDistance = '';
return searchTerm.split(' ').map(function (s) {
// Don't add fuzziness for quoted strings
if (s.indexOf('"') !== -1) {
@ -64,11 +99,11 @@ define(
}).join(' ');
// Currently specific to elasticsearch
function processSearchTerm(searchTerm) {
var spaceIndex;
// Cut out any extra spaces
while (searchTerm.substr(0, 1) === ' ') {
searchTerm = searchTerm.substring(1, searchTerm.length);
@ -79,18 +114,18 @@ define(
spaceIndex = searchTerm.indexOf(' ');
while (spaceIndex !== -1) {
searchTerm = searchTerm.substring(0, spaceIndex) +
searchTerm.substring(spaceIndex + 1, searchTerm.length);
searchTerm.substring(spaceIndex + 1, searchTerm.length);
spaceIndex = searchTerm.indexOf(' ');
// Add fuzziness for completeness
searchTerm = addFuzziness(searchTerm);
return searchTerm;
// Processes results from the format that elasticsearch returns to
// a list of searchResult objects, then returns a result object
// Processes results from the format that elasticsearch returns to
// a list of searchResult objects, then returns a result object
// (See documentation for query for object descriptions)
function processResults(rawResults, timestamp) {
var results = rawResults.data.hits.hits,
@ -99,25 +134,25 @@ define(
scores = {},
searchResults = [],
// Get the result objects' IDs
for (i = 0; i < resultsLength; i += 1) {
// Get the result objects' scores
for (i = 0; i < resultsLength; i += 1) {
scores[ids[i]] = results[i][SCORE];
// Get the domain objects from their IDs
return objectService.getObjects(ids).then(function (objects) {
var j,
for (j = 0; j < resultsLength; j += 1) {
id = ids[j];
// Include items we can get models for
if (objects[id].getModel) {
// Format the results as searchResult objects
@ -128,7 +163,7 @@ define(
return {
hits: searchResults,
total: rawResults.data.hits.total,
@ -136,76 +171,43 @@ define(
// For documentation, see query below.
function query(searchTerm, timestamp, maxResults, timeout) {
var esQuery;
// Check to see if the user provided a maximum
// number of results to display
if (!maxResults) {
// Else, we provide a default value.
// If the user input is empty, we want to have no search results.
if (searchTerm !== '' && searchTerm !== undefined) {
// Process the search term
searchTerm = processSearchTerm(searchTerm);
// Create the query to elasticsearch
esQuery = ROOT + "/_search/?q=" + searchTerm +
"&size=" + maxResults;
if (timeout) {
esQuery += "&timeout=" + timeout;
// Get the data...
return $http({
method: "GET",
url: esQuery
}).then(function (rawResults) {
// ...then process the data
return processResults(rawResults, timestamp);
}, function (err) {
// In case of error, return nothing. (To prevent
// infinite loading time.)
return {hits: [], total: 0};
} else {
return {hits: [], total: 0};
// Check to see if the user provided a maximum
// number of results to display
if (!maxResults) {
// Else, we provide a default value.
return {
* Searches through the filetree for domain objects using a search
* term. This is done through querying elasticsearch. Returns a
* promise for a result object that has the format
* {hits: searchResult[], total: number, timedOut: boolean}
* where a searchResult has the format
* {id: string, object: domainObject, score: number}
* Notes:
* * The order of the results is from highest to lowest score,
* as elsaticsearch determines them to be.
* * Uses the fuzziness operator to get more results.
* * More about this search's behavior at
* https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-uri-request.html
* @param searchTerm The text input that is the query.
* @param timestamp The time at which this function was called.
* This timestamp is used as a unique identifier for this
* query and the corresponding results.
* @param maxResults (optional) The maximum number of results
* that this function should return.
* @param timeout (optional) The time after which the search should
* stop calculations and return partial results. Elasticsearch
* does not guarentee that this timeout will be strictly followed.
query: query
// If the user input is empty, we want to have no search results.
if (searchTerm !== '' && searchTerm !== undefined) {
// Process the search term
searchTerm = processSearchTerm(searchTerm);
// Create the query to elasticsearch
esQuery = root + "/_search/?q=" + searchTerm +
"&size=" + maxResults;
if (timeout) {
esQuery += "&timeout=" + timeout;
// Get the data...
return this.$http({
method: "GET",
url: esQuery
}).then(function (rawResults) {
// ...then process the data
return processResults(rawResults, timestamp);
}, function (err) {
// In case of error, return nothing. (To prevent
// infinite loading time.)
return {hits: [], total: 0};
} else {
return {hits: [], total: 0};
return ElasticsearchSearchProvider;
@ -48,10 +48,14 @@ define(
* domain objects' IDs.
function GenericSearchProvider($q, $timeout, objectService, workerService, ROOTS) {
var worker = workerService.run('genericSearchWorker'),
indexed = {},
pendingQueries = {};
// pendingQueries is a dictionary with the key value pairs st
var indexed = {},
pendingQueries = {},
worker = workerService.run('genericSearchWorker');
this.worker = worker;
this.pendingQueries = pendingQueries;
this.$q = $q;
// pendingQueries is a dictionary with the key value pairs st
// the key is the timestamp and the value is the promise
// Tell the web worker to add a domain object's model to its list of items.
@ -71,20 +75,7 @@ define(
// Tell the worker to search for items it has that match this searchInput.
// Takes the searchInput, as well as a max number of results (will return
// less than that if there are fewer matches).
function workerSearch(searchInput, maxResults, timestamp, timeout) {
var message = {
request: 'search',
input: searchInput,
maxNumber: maxResults,
timestamp: timestamp,
timeout: timeout
// Handles responses from the web worker. Namely, the results of
// a search request.
function handleResponse(event) {
@ -120,8 +111,6 @@ define(
worker.onmessage = handleResponse;
// Helper function for getItems(). Indexes the tree.
function indexItems(nodes) {
nodes.forEach(function (node) {
@ -193,75 +182,87 @@ define(
// For documentation, see query below
function query(input, timestamp, maxResults, timeout) {
var terms = [],
searchResults = [],
defer = $q.defer();
// If the input is nonempty, do a search
if (input !== '' && input !== undefined) {
// Allow us to access this promise later to resolve it later
pendingQueries[timestamp] = defer;
// Check to see if the user provided a maximum
// number of results to display
if (!maxResults) {
// Else, we provide a default value
// Similarly, check if timeout was provided
if (!timeout) {
// Send the query to the worker
workerSearch(input, maxResults, timestamp, timeout);
worker.onmessage = handleResponse;
return defer.promise;
} else {
// Otherwise return an empty result
return {hits: [], total: 0};
// Index the tree's contents once at the beginning
return {
* Searches through the filetree for domain objects which match
* the search term. This function is to be used as a fallback
* in the case where other search services are not avaliable.
* Returns a promise for a result object that has the format
* {hits: searchResult[], total: number, timedOut: boolean}
* where a searchResult has the format
* {id: string, object: domainObject, score: number}
* Notes:
* * The order of the results is not guarenteed.
* * A domain object qualifies as a match for a search input if
* the object's name property contains any of the search terms
* (which are generated by splitting the input at spaces).
* * Scores are higher for matches that have more of the terms
* as substrings.
* @param input The text input that is the query.
* @param timestamp The time at which this function was called.
* This timestamp is used as a unique identifier for this
* query and the corresponding results.
* @param maxResults (optional) The maximum number of results
* that this function should return.
* @param timeout (optional) The time after which the search should
* stop calculations and return partial results.
query: query
* Searches through the filetree for domain objects which match
* the search term. This function is to be used as a fallback
* in the case where other search services are not avaliable.
* Returns a promise for a result object that has the format
* {hits: searchResult[], total: number, timedOut: boolean}
* where a searchResult has the format
* {id: string, object: domainObject, score: number}
* Notes:
* * The order of the results is not guarenteed.
* * A domain object qualifies as a match for a search input if
* the object's name property contains any of the search terms
* (which are generated by splitting the input at spaces).
* * Scores are higher for matches that have more of the terms
* as substrings.
* @param input The text input that is the query.
* @param timestamp The time at which this function was called.
* This timestamp is used as a unique identifier for this
* query and the corresponding results.
* @param maxResults (optional) The maximum number of results
* that this function should return.
* @param timeout (optional) The time after which the search should
* stop calculations and return partial results.
GenericSearchProvider.prototype.query = function query(input, timestamp, maxResults, timeout) {
var terms = [],
searchResults = [],
pendingQueries = this.pendingQueries,
worker = this.worker,
defer = this.$q.defer();
// Tell the worker to search for items it has that match this searchInput.
// Takes the searchInput, as well as a max number of results (will return
// less than that if there are fewer matches).
function workerSearch(searchInput, maxResults, timestamp, timeout) {
var message = {
request: 'search',
input: searchInput,
maxNumber: maxResults,
timestamp: timestamp,
timeout: timeout
// If the input is nonempty, do a search
if (input !== '' && input !== undefined) {
// Allow us to access this promise later to resolve it later
pendingQueries[timestamp] = defer;
// Check to see if the user provided a maximum
// number of results to display
if (!maxResults) {
// Else, we provide a default value
// Similarly, check if timeout was provided
if (!timeout) {
// Send the query to the worker
workerSearch(input, maxResults, timestamp, timeout);
return defer.promise;
} else {
// Otherwise return an empty result
return { hits: [], total: 0 };
return GenericSearchProvider;
@ -42,33 +42,55 @@ define(
* aggregated.
function SearchAggregator($q, providers) {
// Remove duplicate objects that have the same ID. Modifies the passed
// array, and returns the number that were removed.
this.$q = $q;
this.providers = providers;
* Sends a query to each of the providers. Returns a promise for
* a result object that has the format
* {hits: searchResult[], total: number, timedOut: boolean}
* where a searchResult has the format
* {id: string, object: domainObject, score: number}
* @param inputText The text input that is the query.
* @param maxResults (optional) The maximum number of results
* that this function should return. If not provided, a
* default of 100 will be used.
SearchAggregator.prototype.query = function queryAll(inputText, maxResults) {
var $q = this.$q,
providers = this.providers,
timestamp = Date.now(),
resultPromises = [];
// Remove duplicate objects that have the same ID. Modifies the passed
// array, and returns the number that were removed.
function filterDuplicates(results, total) {
var ids = {},
numRemoved = 0,
for (i = 0; i < results.length; i += 1) {
if (ids[results[i].id]) {
// If this result's ID is already there, remove the object
results.splice(i, 1);
numRemoved += 1;
// Reduce loop index because we shortened the array
// Reduce loop index because we shortened the array
i -= 1;
} else {
// Otherwise add the ID to the list of the ones we have seen
// Otherwise add the ID to the list of the ones we have seen
ids[results[i].id] = true;
return numRemoved;
// Order the objects from highest to lowest score in the array.
// Modifies the passed array, as well as returns the modified array.
// Modifies the passed array, as well as returns the modified array.
function orderByScore(results) {
results.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.score > b.score) {
@ -81,65 +103,42 @@ define(
return results;
// For documentation, see query below.
function queryAll(inputText, maxResults) {
var i,
timestamp = Date.now(),
resultPromises = [];
if (!maxResults) {
// Send the query to all the providers
for (i = 0; i < providers.length; i += 1) {
providers[i].query(inputText, timestamp, maxResults, DEFUALT_TIMEOUT)
// Get promises for results arrays
return $q.all(resultPromises).then(function (resultObjects) {
var results = [],
totalSum = 0,
// Merge results
for (i = 0; i < resultObjects.length; i += 1) {
results = results.concat(resultObjects[i].hits);
totalSum += resultObjects[i].total;
// Order by score first, so that when removing repeats we keep the higher scored ones
totalSum -= filterDuplicates(results, totalSum);
return {
hits: results,
total: totalSum,
timedOut: resultObjects.some(function (obj) {
return obj.timedOut;
if (!maxResults) {
return {
* Sends a query to each of the providers. Returns a promise for
* a result object that has the format
* {hits: searchResult[], total: number, timedOut: boolean}
* where a searchResult has the format
* {id: string, object: domainObject, score: number}
* @param inputText The text input that is the query.
* @param maxResults (optional) The maximum number of results
* that this function should return. If not provided, a
* default of 100 will be used.
query: queryAll
// Send the query to all the providers
for (i = 0; i < providers.length; i += 1) {
providers[i].query(inputText, timestamp, maxResults, DEFUALT_TIMEOUT)
// Get promises for results arrays
return $q.all(resultPromises).then(function (resultObjects) {
var results = [],
totalSum = 0,
// Merge results
for (i = 0; i < resultObjects.length; i += 1) {
results = results.concat(resultObjects[i].hits);
totalSum += resultObjects[i].total;
// Order by score first, so that when removing repeats we keep the higher scored ones
totalSum -= filterDuplicates(results, totalSum);
return {
hits: results,
total: totalSum,
timedOut: resultObjects.some(function (obj) {
return obj.timedOut;
return SearchAggregator;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user