diff --git a/src/styles/_constants.scss b/src/styles/_constants.scss index f8e00420d0..cf5d59a5a1 100755 --- a/src/styles/_constants.scss +++ b/src/styles/_constants.scss @@ -277,8 +277,9 @@ $glyph-icon-bar-chart: '\eb2c'; $glyph-icon-map: '\eb2d'; $glyph-icon-plan: '\eb2e'; $glyph-icon-timelist: '\eb2f'; -$glyph-icon-notebook-shift-log: '\eb31'; $glyph-icon-plot-scatter: '\eb30'; +$glyph-icon-notebook-shift-log: '\eb31'; +$glyph-icon-derived-telemetry: '\eb32'; /************************** GLYPHS AS DATA URI */ // Only objects have been converted, for use in Create menu and folder views @@ -335,3 +336,4 @@ $bg-icon-telemetry-aggregate: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,%3csvg xmlns $bg-icon-trash: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,%3csvg version='1.1' id='Layer_1' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' x='0px' y='0px' width='512px' height='512px' viewBox='0 0 512 512' enable-background='new 0 0 512 512' xml:space='preserve'%3e%3cpath d='M416,64h-96.18V32c0-17.6-14.4-32-32-32h-64c-17.6,0-32,14.4-32,32v32H96c-52.8,0-96,36-96,80s0,80,0,80h32v192 c0,52.8,43.2,96,96,96h256c52.8,0,96-43.2,96-96V224h32c0,0,0-36,0-80S468.8,64,416,64z M160,416H96V224h64V416z M288,416h-64V224 h64V416z M416,416h-64V224h64V416z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e"); $bg-icon-eye-open: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,%3csvg version='1.1' id='Layer_1' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' x='0px' y='0px' viewBox='0 0 512 512' style='enable-background:new 0 0 512 512;' xml:space='preserve'%3e%3cstyle type='text/css'%3e .st0%7bfill:%2300A14B;%7d %3c/style%3e%3ctitle%3eicon-eye-open-v2%3c/title%3e%3cg%3e%3cpath class='st0' d='M256,58.2c-122.9,0-226.1,84-255.4,197.8C29.9,369.7,133.1,453.8,256,453.8s226.1-84,255.4-197.8 C482.1,142.3,378.9,58.2,256,58.2z M414.6,294.2c-11.3,17.2-25.3,32.4-41.5,45.2c-16.4,12.9-34.5,22.8-54,29.7 c-20.2,7.1-41.4,10.7-63,10.7s-42.9-3.6-63-10.7c-19.5-6.9-37.7-16.9-54-29.7c-16.2-12.8-30.2-27.9-41.5-45.2 c-7.9-12-14.4-24.8-19.3-38.2c5-13.4,11.5-26.2,19.3-38.2c11.3-17.2,25.3-32.4,41.5-45.2c16.4-12.9,34.5-22.8,54-29.7 c20.2-7.1,41.4-10.7,63-10.7s42.9,3.6,63,10.7c19.5,6.9,37.7,16.9,54,29.7c16.2,12.8,30.2,27.9,41.5,45.2 c7.9,12,14.4,24.8,19.3,38.2C429,269.4,422.5,282.2,414.6,294.2z'/%3e%3ccircle class='st0' cx='256' cy='256' r='96'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/svg%3e"); $bg-icon-camera: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 512 512'%3e%3ctitle%3eicon-camera-v2%3c/title%3e%3cpath d='M448,128H384L320,0H192L128,128H64A64.2,64.2,0,0,0,0,192V448a64.2,64.2,0,0,0,64,64H448a64.2,64.2,0,0,0,64-64V192A64.2,64.2,0,0,0,448,128ZM256,432A128,128,0,1,1,384,304,128,128,0,0,1,256,432Z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e"); +$bg-icon-derived-telemetry: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='512' height='512' fill='none'%3e%3cg fill='%23000' clip-path='url(%23a)'%3e%3cpath d='M54.68 261.23c2.59-5.63 5.2-11.73 7.8-18.36C83.71 188.64 120.64 123.99 176 123.99c26.2 0 50.71 14.58 72.85 43.34 18.67 24.25 32.42 54.46 40.67 75.54 19.26 49.19 39.34 70.15 46.48 72.96 7.14-2.81 27.22-23.77 46.48-72.96 11.71-29.9 28.19-62.96 49.9-86.62l-24.92-94.4C398.48 27.83 362.52 0 327.54 0H49.32C14.35 0-6.92 27.83 2.06 61.85l52.62 199.38Z'/%3e%3cpath d='M457.32 250.77a347.06 347.06 0 0 0-7.8 18.36C428.29 323.36 391.36 388.01 336 388.01c-26.2 0-50.71-14.58-72.85-43.34-18.67-24.25-32.42-54.46-40.67-75.54-19.26-49.19-39.34-70.15-46.48-72.96-7.14 2.81-27.22 23.76-46.48 72.96-11.71 29.9-28.19 62.96-49.9 86.62l24.92 94.4c8.98 34.02 44.94 61.85 79.92 61.85h278.22c34.98 0 56.25-27.83 47.27-61.85l-52.62-199.38h-.01Z'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cdefs%3e%3cclipPath id='a'%3e%3cpath fill='%23fff' d='M0 0h512v512H0z'/%3e%3c/clipPath%3e%3c/defs%3e%3c/svg%3e"); diff --git a/src/styles/_glyphs.scss b/src/styles/_glyphs.scss index 750eba7e29..3ac76a9c50 100755 --- a/src/styles/_glyphs.scss +++ b/src/styles/_glyphs.scss @@ -21,704 +21,935 @@ *****************************************************************************/ @font-face { - // Use https://icomoon.io/app with `Icomoon.Open MCT Symbols 2018.json` to generate font files - font-family: 'symbolsfont'; - src: url('./fonts/Open-MCT-Symbols-16px.woff') format('woff'), + // Use https://icomoon.io/app with `Icomoon.Open MCT Symbols 2018.json` to generate font files + font-family: 'symbolsfont'; + src: url('./fonts/Open-MCT-Symbols-16px.woff') format('woff'), url('./fonts/Open-MCT-Symbols-16px.ttf') format('truetype'); - font-weight: normal; - font-style: normal; + font-weight: normal; + font-style: normal; } @font-face { - // Use https://icomoon.io/app with icomoon-project-Open-MCT-Symbols-12px.json to generate font files - font-family: 'symbolsfont-12px'; - src: url('./fonts/Open-MCT-Symbols-12px.woff') format('woff'), + // Use https://icomoon.io/app with icomoon-project-Open-MCT-Symbols-12px.json to generate font files + font-family: 'symbolsfont-12px'; + src: url('./fonts/Open-MCT-Symbols-12px.woff') format('woff'), url('./fonts/Open-MCT-Symbols-12px.ttf') format('truetype'); - font-weight: normal; - font-style: normal; + font-weight: normal; + font-style: normal; } /************************** 16 PX CLASSES */ .icon-alert-rect { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-alert-rect); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-alert-rect); } + .icon-alert-triangle { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-alert-triangle); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-alert-triangle); } + .icon-arrow-up { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-up); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-up); } + .icon-arrow-double-up { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-double-up); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-double-up); } + .icon-arrow-tall-up { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-tall-up); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-tall-up); } + .icon-arrow-right { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-right); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-right); } + .icon-arrow-right-equilateral { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-right-equilateral); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-right-equilateral); } + .icon-arrow-down { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-down); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-down); } + .icon-arrow-double-down { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-double-down); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-double-down); } + .icon-arrow-tall-down { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-tall-down); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-tall-down); } + .icon-arrow-left { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-left); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-left); } + .icon-asterisk { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-asterisk); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-asterisk); } + .icon-bell { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-bell); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-bell); } + .icon-box-round-corners { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-box-round-corners); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-box-round-corners); } + .icon-box-with-arrow { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-box-with-arrow); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-box-with-arrow); } + .icon-check { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-check); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-check); } + .icon-connectivity { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-connectivity); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-connectivity); } + .icon-database-in-brackets { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-database-in-brackets); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-database-in-brackets); } + .icon-eye-open { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-eye-open); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-eye-open); } + .icon-gear { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-gear); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-gear); } + .icon-gear-after { - @include glyphAfter($glyph-icon-gear); + @include glyphAfter($glyph-icon-gear); } + .icon-hourglass { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-hourglass); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-hourglass); } + .icon-info { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-info); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-info); } + .icon-link { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-link); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-link); } + .icon-lock { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-lock); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-lock); } + .icon-minus { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-minus); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-minus); } + .icon-people { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-people); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-people); } + .icon-person { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-person); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-person); } + .icon-plus { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-plus); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-plus); } + .icon-plus-in-rect { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-plus-in-rect); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-plus-in-rect); } + .icon-trash { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-trash); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-trash); } + .icon-x { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-x); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-x); } + .icon-brackets { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-brackets); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-brackets); } + .icon-crosshair { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-crosshair); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-crosshair); } + .icon-grippy { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-grippy); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-grippy); } + .icon-grid { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-grid); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-grid); } + .icon-grippy-ew { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-grippy-ew); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-grippy-ew); } + .icon-columns { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-columns); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-columns); } + .icon-rows { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-rows); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-rows); } + .icon-filter { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-filter); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-filter); } + .icon-filter-outline { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-filter-outline); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-filter-outline); } + .icon-suitcase { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-suitcase); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-suitcase); } + .icon-cursor-lock { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-cursor-lock); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-cursor-lock); } + .icon-flag { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-flag); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-flag); } + .icon-eye-disabled { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-eye-disabled); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-eye-disabled); } + .icon-notebook-page { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-notebook-page); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-notebook-page); } + .icon-unlocked { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-unlocked); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-unlocked); } + .icon-circle { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-circle); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-circle); } + .icon-draft { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-draft); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-draft); } + .icon-question-mark { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-question-mark); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-question-mark); } + .icon-circle-slash { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-circle-slash); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-circle-slash); } + .icon-status-poll-check { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-status-poll-check); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-status-poll-check); } + .icon-status-poll-caution { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-status-poll-caution); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-status-poll-caution); } + .icon-status-poll-circle-slash { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-status-poll-circle-slash); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-status-poll-circle-slash); } + .icon-status-poll-question-mark { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-status-poll-question-mark); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-status-poll-question-mark); } + .icon-status-poll-edit { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-status-poll-edit); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-status-poll-edit); } + .icon-stale { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-stale); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-stale); } + .icon-arrows-right-left { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrows-right-left); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrows-right-left); } + .icon-arrows-up-down { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrows-up-down); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrows-up-down); } + .icon-bullet { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-bullet); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-bullet); } + .icon-calendar { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-calendar); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-calendar); } + .icon-chain-links { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-chain-links); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-chain-links); } + .icon-download { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-download); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-download); } + .icon-duplicate { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-duplicate); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-duplicate); } + .icon-folder-new { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-folder-new); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-folder-new); } + .icon-fullscreen-collapse { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-fullscreen-collapse); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-fullscreen-collapse); } + .icon-fullscreen-expand { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-fullscreen-expand); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-fullscreen-expand); } + .icon-layers { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-layers); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-layers); } + .icon-line-horz { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-line-horz); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-line-horz); } + .icon-magnify { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-magnify); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-magnify); } + .icon-magnify-in { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-magnify-in); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-magnify-in); } + .icon-magnify-out { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-magnify-out); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-magnify-out); } + .icon-menu-hamburger { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-menu-hamburger); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-menu-hamburger); } + .icon-move { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-move); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-move); } + .icon-new-window { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-new-window); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-new-window); } + .icon-paint-bucket { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-paint-bucket); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-paint-bucket); } + .icon-pencil { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-pencil); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-pencil); } + .icon-pencil-in-brackets { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-pencil-in-brackets); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-pencil-in-brackets); } + .icon-play { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-play); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-play); } + .icon-pause { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-pause); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-pause); } + .icon-plot-resource { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-plot-resource); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-plot-resource); } + .icon-pointer-left { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-pointer-left); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-pointer-left); } + .icon-pointer-right { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-pointer-right); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-pointer-right); } + .icon-refresh { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-refresh); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-refresh); } + .icon-save { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-save); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-save); } + .icon-save-as { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-save-as); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-save-as); } + .icon-sine { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-sine); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-sine); } + .icon-font { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-font); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-font); } + .icon-thumbs-strip { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-thumbs-strip); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-thumbs-strip); } + .icon-two-parts-both { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-two-parts-both); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-two-parts-both); } + .icon-two-parts-one-only { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-two-parts-one-only); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-two-parts-one-only); } + .icon-resync { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-resync); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-resync); } + .icon-reset { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-reset); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-reset); } + .icon-x-in-circle { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-x-in-circle); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-x-in-circle); } + .icon-brightness { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-brightness); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-brightness); } + .icon-contrast { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-contrast); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-contrast); } + .icon-expand { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-expand); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-expand); } + .icon-list-view { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-list-view); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-list-view); } + .icon-grid-snap-to { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-grid-snap-to); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-grid-snap-to); } + .icon-grid-snap-no { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-grid-snap-no); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-grid-snap-no); } + .icon-frame-show { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-frame-show); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-frame-show); } + .icon-frame-hide { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-frame-hide); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-frame-hide); } + .icon-import { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-import); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-import); } + .icon-export { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-export); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-export); } + .icon-font-size { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-font-size); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-font-size); } + .icon-clear-data { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-clear-data); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-clear-data); } + .icon-history { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-history); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-history); } + .icon-arrow-nav-to-parent { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-nav-to-parent); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-arrow-nav-to-parent); } + .icon-crosshair-in-circle { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-crosshair-in-circle); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-crosshair-in-circle); } + .icon-target { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-target); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-target); } + .icon-items-collapse { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-items-collapse); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-items-collapse); } + .icon-items-expand { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-items-expand); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-items-expand); } + .icon-3-dots { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-3-dots); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-3-dots); } + .icon-grid-on { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-grid-on); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-grid-on); } + .icon-grid-off { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-grid-off); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-grid-off); } + .icon-camera { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-camera); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-camera); } + .icon-folders-collapse { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-folders-collapse); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-folders-collapse); } + .icon-activity { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-activity); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-activity); } + .icon-activity-mode { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-activity-mode); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-activity-mode); } + .icon-autoflow-tabular { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-autoflow-tabular); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-autoflow-tabular); } + .icon-clock { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-clock); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-clock); } + .icon-database { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-database); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-database); } + .icon-database-query { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-database-query); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-database-query); } + .icon-dataset { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-dataset); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-dataset); } + .icon-datatable { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-datatable); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-datatable); } + .icon-dictionary { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-dictionary); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-dictionary); } + .icon-folder { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-folder); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-folder); } + .icon-image { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-image); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-image); } + .icon-layout { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-layout); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-layout); } + .icon-object { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-object); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-object); } + .icon-object-unknown { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-object-unknown); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-object-unknown); } + .icon-packet { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-packet); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-packet); } + .icon-page { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-page); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-page); } + .icon-plot-overlay { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-plot-overlay); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-plot-overlay); } + .icon-plot-stacked { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-plot-stacked); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-plot-stacked); } + .icon-session { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-session); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-session); } + .icon-tabular { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-tabular); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-tabular); } + .icon-tabular-lad { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-tabular-lad); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-tabular-lad); } + .icon-tabular-lad-set { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-tabular-lad-set); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-tabular-lad-set); } + .icon-tabular-realtime { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-tabular-realtime); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-tabular-realtime); } + .icon-tabular-scrolling { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-tabular-scrolling); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-tabular-scrolling); } + .icon-telemetry { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-telemetry); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-telemetry); } + .icon-timeline { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-timeline); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-timeline); } + .icon-timer { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-timer); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-timer); } + .icon-topic { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-topic); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-topic); } + .icon-box-with-dashed-lines { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-box-with-dashed-lines); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-box-with-dashed-lines); } + .icon-summary-widget { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-summary-widget); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-summary-widget); } + .icon-notebook { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-notebook); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-notebook); } + .icon-tabs-view { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-tabs-view); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-tabs-view); } + .icon-flexible-layout { - @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-flexible-layout); + @include glyphBefore($glyph-icon-flexible-layout); } + .icon-generator-telemetry { - 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