Henry 2015-11-17 15:01:13 -08:00
parent ba669f1395
commit 2251a0c1e9
5 changed files with 106 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -55,42 +55,29 @@ define(
function updateRoute(domainObject) {
var priorRoute = $route.current,
// Act as if params HADN'T changed to avoid page reload
navigateToObject = domainObject,
mode = "browse";
unlisten = $scope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function () {
// Checks path to make sure /browse/ is at front
// if so, change $route.current
//if ($location.path().indexOf("/browse/") === 0) {
if ($location.path().indexOf("/browse/") === 0) {
$route.current = priorRoute;
// urlService.urlForLocation used to adjust current
// path to new, addressed, path based on
// domainObject
if (domainObject && domainObject.hasCapability("editor")){
//Set navigation path to edit mode
mode = "edit";
//Unwrap non-editable object for url calculation (needs
// context capability
navigateToObject = domainObject.getOriginalObject();
$location.path(urlService.urlForLocation(mode, navigateToObject));
$location.path(urlService.urlForLocation("browse", domainObject.hasCapability('editor') ? domainObject.getOriginalObject() : domainObject));
function setSelectedObject(domainObject) {
/* if (domainObject !== $scope.navigatedObject && isDirty()
&& !confirm(CONFIRM_MSG)) {
if (domainObject !== $scope.navigatedObject && isDirty() && !confirm(CONFIRM_MSG)) {
$scope.treeModel.selectedObject = $scope.navigatedObject;
} else {
// Callback for updating the in-scope reference to the object
@ -98,7 +85,8 @@ define(
function setNavigation(domainObject) {
$scope.navigatedObject = domainObject;
$scope.treeModel.selectedObject = domainObject;
function navigateTo(domainObject) {
@ -191,17 +179,14 @@ define(
// Listen for changes in navigation state.
// If the selected tree node changes, update the route. This
// ensures navigation is always in sync with browser location,
// and also allows unload event to be used for catching
// navigation as well as browse events.
$scope.$watch("treeModel.selectedObject", updateRoute);
// Also listen for changes which come from the tree
$scope.$watch("treeModel.selectedObject", setSelectedObject);
// Clean up when the scope is destroyed
$scope.$on("$destroy", function () {

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
"implementation": "actions/CancelAction.js",
"name": "Cancel",
"description": "Discard changes made to these objects.",
"depends": ["$location", "urlService"]
"depends": ["$injector", "navigationService"]
"policies": [

View File

@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ define(
* @memberof platform/commonUI/edit
* @implements {Action}
function CancelAction($location, urlService, context) {
function CancelAction($injector, navigationService, context) {
this.domainObject = context.domainObject;
this.$location = $location;
this.urlService = urlService;
this.navigationService = navigationService;
this.objectService = $injector.get('objectService');
@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ define(
CancelAction.prototype.perform = function () {
var domainObject = this.domainObject,
$location = this.$location,
urlService = this.urlService;
self = this;
// Look up the object's "editor.completion" capability;
// this is introduced by EditableDomainObject which is
@ -64,13 +63,10 @@ define(
return editor.cancel();
// Discard the current root view (which will be the editing
// UI, which will have been pushed atop the Browise UI.)
//Discard current 'editable' object, and retrieve original
// un-edited object.
function returnToBrowse() {
return self.navigationService.setNavigation(self.domainObject.getOriginalObject());
return doCancel(getEditorCapability())

View File

@ -70,16 +70,27 @@ define(
urlService = this.urlService,
self = this;
function doWizardSave(domainObject, parent) {
function resolveWith(object){
return function() {return object};
function doWizardSave(parent) {
var context = domainObject.getCapability("context");
var wizard = new CreateWizard(domainObject.useCapability('type'), parent, self.policyService);
// Create and persist the new object, based on user
// input.
function persistResult(formValue) {
function buildObjectFromInput(formValue) {
var parent = wizard.getLocation(formValue),
newModel = wizard.createModel(formValue);
return self.creationService.createObject(newModel, parent);
//Replace domain object model with model collected
// from user form.
domainObject.useCapability("mutation", function(){
newModel.location = parent.getId();
newModel.composition = domainObject.getModel().composition;
return newModel;
return domainObject;
function doNothing() {
@ -87,29 +98,65 @@ define(
return false;
function getAllComposees(domainObject){
return domainObject.useCapability('composition');
function addComposeesToObject(object){
return function(composees){
return self.$q.all(composees.map(function (composee) {
return object.getCapability('composition').add(composee);
* Add the composees of the 'virtual' object to the
* persisted object
* @param object
* @returns {*}
function composeObject(object){
return object && self.$q.when(object.hasCapability('composition') && domainObject.hasCapability('composition'))
return domainObject.useCapability('composition')
return self.$q.all(composees.map(function(composee){
return object;
})).then(function(){return object});
function composeNewObject(object){
if (self.$q.when(object.hasCapability('composition') && domainObject.hasCapability('composition'))) {
return getAllComposees(domainObject)
return self.dialogService.getUserInput(
).then(persistResult, doNothing).then(composeObject);
return self.dialogService
.getUserInput(wizard.getFormStructure(), wizard.getInitialFormValue())
.then(buildObjectFromInput, doNothing)
function persistObject(object){
return (object.hasCapability('editor') && object.getCapability('editor').save() || object.getCapability('persistence').persist())
if (object.hasCapability('editor')){
return object.getCapability('editor').save(true)
} else {
return object.useCapability(persistence);
function fetchObject(objectId){
return self.getObjectService().getObjects([objectId]).then(function(objects){
return objects[objectId];
function getParent(object){
return fetchObject(object.getModel().location);
function locateObjectInParent(parent){
return parent;
// Invoke any save behavior introduced by the editor capability;
@ -121,20 +168,30 @@ define(
//This is a new 'virtual panel' that has not been persisted
// yet.
if (domainObject.getModel().type === 'telemetry.panel' && !domainObject.getModel().persisted){
return self.getObjectService()
.then(function(objs){ return doWizardSave(domainObject, objs[domainObject.getModel().location])});
return getParent(domainObject)
.then(getParent)//Parent may have changed based
// on user selection
.then(function(){return fetchObject(domainObject.getId());})
} else {
return domainObject.getCapability("editor").save().then(function(){return domainObject.getOriginalObject()});
return domainObject.getCapability("editor").save()
// Discard the current root view (which will be the editing
// UI, which will have been pushed atop the Browse UI.)
function returnToBrowse(object) {
if (object) {
return object;
//return doSave().then(returnToBrowse);
return doSave().then(returnToBrowse);

View File

@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ define(
function shouldCreateVirtualPanel(domainObject){
return domainObject.useCapability('view').filter(function (view){
return view.key==='plot' && domainObject.getModel().type!== 'telemetry.panel'
}).length > 0;
@ -116,8 +115,7 @@ define(
newPanel = undefined;
model.type = typeKey;
model.name = 'New telemetry panel';
newPanel = instantiate(model, id);
newPanel = new EditableDomainObject(instantiate(model, id), $q);
[base.getId(), overlayId].forEach(function(id){
@ -125,11 +123,11 @@ define(
//ObjectService is wrapped by a decorator which is obscuring
// the newObject method.
var virtualPanel = new EditableDomainObject(newPanel, $q);
return virtualPanel;
//var virtualPanel = new EditableDomainObject(newPanel, $q);
//return virtualPanel;
return newPanel;