[Info Bubble] Add info service

Add service for showing informational bubbles, WTD-884.
This commit is contained in:
Victor Woeltjen 2015-05-22 11:49:02 -07:00
parent ac8fbb289e
commit 179b0b46e5

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
/*global define*/
function () {
"use strict";
var BUBBLE_TEMPLATE = "<mct-container key=\"'bubble'\" " +
"bubble-title=\"{{bubbleTitle}}\" " +
"bubble-layout=\"{{bubbleLayout}}\" " +
"<mct-include key=\"'info-table'\" " +
"ng-model=\"bubbleModel\">" +
"</mct-include>" +
* Displays informative content ("info bubbles") for the user.
* @constructor
function InfoService($compile, $document, $window, $rootScope) {
var template = $compile(BUBBLE_TEMPLATE);
function display(templateKey, title, content, position) {
var body = $document.find('body'),
scope = $rootScope.$new(),
winDim = [$window.innerWidth, $window.innerHeight],
goLeft = position[0] > (window[0] / 2),
goUp = position[1] > (window[1] / 2),
// Pass model & container parameters into the scope
scope.bubbleModel = content;
scope.bubbleLayout = (goUp ? 'arw-btm' : 'arw-top') + ' ' +
(goLeft ? 'arw-right' : 'arw-left');
scope.bubbleTitle = title;
// Create the context menu
bubble = template(scope);
// Position the bubble
bubble.css('position', 'absolute');
if (goLeft) {
bubble.css('right', (winDim[0] - position[0]) + 'px');
} else {
bubble.css('left', position[0] + 'px');
if (goUp) {
bubble.css('bottom', (winDim[1] - position[1]) + 'px');
} else {
bubble.css('top', position[1] + 'px');
// Add the menu to the body
// Return a function to dismiss the bubble
return function () { bubble.remove(); };
return {
* Display an info bubble at the specified location.
* @param {string} templateKey template to place in bubble
* @param {string} title title for the bubble
* @param {*} content content to pass to the template, via
* `ng-model`
* @param {number[]} x,y position of the info bubble, in
* pixel coordinates.
* @returns {Function} a function that may be invoked to
* dismiss the info bubble
display: display
return InfoService;