2022-06-04 09:06:07 -07:00
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2023-03-06 18:58:18 +01:00
* Open MCT , Copyright ( c ) 2014 - 2023 , United States Government
2022-06-04 09:06:07 -07:00
* as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
* Administration . All rights reserved .
* Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the
* "License" ) ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS , WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied . See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License .
* Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source
* licenses . See the Open Source Licenses file ( LICENSES . md ) included with
* this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
* at runtime from the About dialog for additional information .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ *
This test suite is dedicated to tests which verify the basic operations surrounding Notebooks .
* /
2023-04-01 07:08:22 +02:00
const { test , expect , streamToString } = require ( '../../../../pluginFixtures' ) ;
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults } = require ( '../../../../appActions' ) ;
2022-09-20 15:43:48 -07:00
const nbUtils = require ( '../../../../helper/notebookUtils' ) ;
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
const path = require ( 'path' ) ;
const NOTEBOOK _NAME = 'Notebook' ;
2022-06-04 09:06:07 -07:00
test . describe ( 'Notebook CRUD Operations' , ( ) => {
test . fixme ( 'Can create a Notebook Object' , async ( { page } ) => {
//Create domain object
//Newly created notebook should have one Section and one page, 'Unnamed Section'/'Unnamed Page'
} ) ;
test . fixme ( 'Can update a Notebook Object' , async ( { page } ) => { } ) ;
test . fixme ( 'Can view a perviously created Notebook Object' , async ( { page } ) => { } ) ;
test . fixme ( 'Can Delete a Notebook Object' , async ( { page } ) => {
// Other than non-persistible objects
} ) ;
} ) ;
test . describe ( 'Default Notebook' , ( ) => {
// General Default Notebook statements
// ## Useful commands:
// 1. - To check default notebook:
// `JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('notebook-storage'));`
// 1. - Clear default notebook:
// `localStorage.setItem('notebook-storage', null);`
test . fixme ( 'A newly created Notebook is automatically set as the default notebook if no other notebooks exist' , async ( { page } ) => {
//Create new notebook
//Verify Default Notebook Characteristics
} ) ;
test . fixme ( 'A newly created Notebook is automatically set as the default notebook if at least one other notebook exists' , async ( { page } ) => {
//Create new notebook A
//Create second notebook B
//Verify Non-Default Notebook A Characteristics
//Verify Default Notebook B Characteristics
} ) ;
test . fixme ( 'If a default notebook is deleted, the second most recent notebook becomes the default' , async ( { page } ) => {
//Create new notebook A
//Create second notebook B
//Delete Notebook B
//Verify Default Notebook A Characteristics
} ) ;
} ) ;
test . describe ( 'Notebook section tests' , ( ) => {
//The following test cases are associated with Notebook Sections
2022-08-31 12:11:09 -05:00
test . beforeEach ( async ( { page } ) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page . goto ( './' , { waitUntil : 'networkidle' } ) ;
// Create Notebook
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults ( page , {
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
2022-08-31 12:11:09 -05:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Default and new sections are automatically named Unnamed Section with Unnamed Page' , async ( { page } ) => {
// Check that the default section and page are created and the name matches the defaults
const defaultSectionName = await page . locator ( '.c-notebook__sections .c-list__item__name' ) . textContent ( ) ;
expect ( defaultSectionName ) . toBe ( 'Unnamed Section' ) ;
const defaultPageName = await page . locator ( '.c-notebook__pages .c-list__item__name' ) . textContent ( ) ;
expect ( defaultPageName ) . toBe ( 'Unnamed Page' ) ;
// Expand sidebar and add a section
await page . locator ( '.c-notebook__toggle-nav-button' ) . click ( ) ;
await page . locator ( '.js-sidebar-sections .c-icon-button.icon-plus' ) . click ( ) ;
// Check that new section and page within the new section match the defaults
const newSectionName = await page . locator ( '.c-notebook__sections .c-list__item__name' ) . nth ( 1 ) . textContent ( ) ;
expect ( newSectionName ) . toBe ( 'Unnamed Section' ) ;
const newPageName = await page . locator ( '.c-notebook__pages .c-list__item__name' ) . textContent ( ) ;
expect ( newPageName ) . toBe ( 'Unnamed Page' ) ;
2022-06-04 09:06:07 -07:00
} ) ;
test . fixme ( 'Section selection operations and associated behavior' , async ( { page } ) => {
//Create new notebook A
//Add Sections until 6 total with no default section/page
//Select 3rd section
//Delete 4th section
//3rd section is still selected
//Delete 3rd section
//1st section is selected
//Set 3rd section as default
//Delete 2nd section
//3rd section is still default
//Delete 3rd section
//1st is selected and there is no default notebook
} ) ;
2022-08-18 19:58:34 +02:00
test . fixme ( 'Section rename operations' , async ( { page } ) => {
// Create a new notebook
// Add a section
// Rename the section but do not confirm
// Keyboard press 'Escape'
// Verify that the section name reverts to the default name
// Rename the section but do not confirm
// Keyboard press 'Enter'
// Verify that the section name is updated
// Rename the section to "" (empty string)
// Keyboard press 'Enter' to confirm
// Verify that the section name reverts to the default name
// Rename the section to something long that overflows the text box
// Verify that the section name is not truncated while input is active
// Confirm the section name edit
// Verify that the section name is truncated now that input is not active
} ) ;
2022-06-04 09:06:07 -07:00
} ) ;
test . describe ( 'Notebook page tests' , ( ) => {
//The following test cases are associated with Notebook Pages
2022-08-31 12:11:09 -05:00
test . beforeEach ( async ( { page } ) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page . goto ( './' , { waitUntil : 'networkidle' } ) ;
// Create Notebook
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults ( page , {
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
2022-08-31 12:11:09 -05:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
//Test will need to be implemented after a refactor in #5713
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-skipped-test
test . skip ( 'Delete page popup is removed properly on clicking dropdown again' , async ( { page } ) => {
test . info ( ) . annotations . push ( {
type : 'issue' ,
description : 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5713'
} ) ;
// Expand sidebar and add a second page
await page . locator ( '.c-notebook__toggle-nav-button' ) . click ( ) ;
await page . locator ( 'text=Page Add >> button' ) . click ( ) ;
// Click on the 2nd page dropdown button and expect the Delete Page option to appear
await page . locator ( 'button[title="Open context menu"]' ) . nth ( 2 ) . click ( ) ;
await expect ( page . locator ( 'text=Delete Page' ) ) . toBeEnabled ( ) ;
// Clicking on the same page a second time causes the same Delete Page option to recreate
await page . locator ( 'button[title="Open context menu"]' ) . nth ( 2 ) . click ( ) ;
await expect ( page . locator ( 'text=Delete Page' ) ) . toBeEnabled ( ) ;
// Clicking on the first page causes the first delete button to detach and recreate on the first page
await page . locator ( 'button[title="Open context menu"]' ) . nth ( 1 ) . click ( ) ;
const numOfDeletePagePopups = await page . locator ( 'li[title="Delete Page"]' ) . count ( ) ;
expect ( numOfDeletePagePopups ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
2022-06-04 09:06:07 -07:00
test . fixme ( 'Page selection operations and associated behavior' , async ( { page } ) => {
//Create new notebook A
//Delete existing Page
//New 'Unnamed Page' automatically created
//Create 6 total Pages without a default page
//Select 3rd
//Delete 3rd
//First is now selected
//Set 3rd as default
//Select 2nd page
//Delete 2nd page
//3rd (default) is now selected
//Set 3rd as default page
//Select 3rd (default) page
//Delete 3rd page
//First is now selected and there is no default notebook
} ) ;
2022-08-18 19:58:34 +02:00
test . fixme ( 'Page rename operations' , async ( { page } ) => {
// Create a new notebook
// Add a page
// Rename the page but do not confirm
// Keyboard press 'Escape'
// Verify that the page name reverts to the default name
// Rename the page but do not confirm
// Keyboard press 'Enter'
// Verify that the page name is updated
// Rename the page to "" (empty string)
// Keyboard press 'Enter' to confirm
// Verify that the page name reverts to the default name
// Rename the page to something long that overflows the text box
// Verify that the page name is not truncated while input is active
// Confirm the page name edit
// Verify that the page name is truncated now that input is not active
} ) ;
2022-06-04 09:06:07 -07:00
} ) ;
2023-04-04 23:37:38 +02:00
test . describe ( 'Notebook export tests' , ( ) => {
test . beforeEach ( async ( { page } ) => {
//Navigate to baseURL
await page . goto ( './' , { waitUntil : 'networkidle' } ) ;
// Create Notebook
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults ( page , {
} ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'can export notebook as text' , async ( { page } ) => {
await nbUtils . enterTextEntry ( page , ` Foo bar entry ` ) ;
// Click on 3 Dot Menu
await page . locator ( 'button[title="More options"]' ) . click ( ) ;
const downloadPromise = page . waitForEvent ( 'download' ) ;
await page . getByRole ( 'menuitem' , { name : /Export Notebook as Text/ } ) . click ( ) ;
await page . getByRole ( 'button' , { name : 'Save' } ) . click ( ) ;
const download = await downloadPromise ;
const readStream = await download . createReadStream ( ) ;
const exportedText = await streamToString ( readStream ) ;
expect ( exportedText ) . toContain ( 'Foo bar entry' ) ;
} ) ;
test . fixme ( 'can export multiple notebook entries as text ' , async ( { page } ) => { } ) ;
test . fixme ( 'can export all notebook entry metdata' , async ( { page } ) => { } ) ;
test . fixme ( 'can export all notebook tags' , async ( { page } ) => { } ) ;
test . fixme ( 'can export all notebook snapshots' , async ( { page } ) => { } ) ;
} ) ;
2022-06-04 09:06:07 -07:00
test . describe ( 'Notebook search tests' , ( ) => {
test . fixme ( 'Can search for a single result' , async ( { page } ) => { } ) ;
test . fixme ( 'Can search for many results' , async ( { page } ) => { } ) ;
test . fixme ( 'Can search for new and recently modified entries' , async ( { page } ) => { } ) ;
test . fixme ( 'Can search for section text' , async ( { page } ) => { } ) ;
test . fixme ( 'Can search for page text' , async ( { page } ) => { } ) ;
test . fixme ( 'Can search for entry text' , async ( { page } ) => { } ) ;
} ) ;
test . describe ( 'Notebook entry tests' , ( ) => {
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
// Create Notebook with URL Whitelist
let notebookObject ;
test . beforeEach ( async ( { page } ) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
await page . addInitScript ( { path : path . join ( _ _dirname , '../../../../helper/' , 'addInitNotebookWithUrls.js' ) } ) ;
await page . goto ( './' , { waitUntil : 'networkidle' } ) ;
2022-09-20 15:43:48 -07:00
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
notebookObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults ( page , {
2022-09-20 15:43:48 -07:00
} ) ;
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
} ) ;
2023-04-04 23:37:38 +02:00
test ( 'When a new entry is created, it should be focused and selected' , async ( { page } ) => {
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page . goto ( notebookObject . url ) ;
// Click .c-notebook__drag-area
await page . locator ( '.c-notebook__drag-area' ) . click ( ) ;
await expect ( page . locator ( '[aria-label="Notebook Entry Input"]' ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
await expect ( page . locator ( '[aria-label="Notebook Entry"]' ) ) . toHaveClass ( /is-selected/ ) ;
} ) ;
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
test ( 'When an object is dropped into a notebook, a new entry is created and it should be focused @unstable' , async ( { page } ) => {
2022-09-20 15:43:48 -07:00
// Create Overlay Plot
2023-04-18 13:25:43 -07:00
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults ( page , {
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
type : 'Overlay Plot'
2022-09-20 15:43:48 -07:00
} ) ;
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page . goto ( notebookObject . url ) ;
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page . getByTitle ( 'Show selected item in tree' ) . click ( ) ;
2022-09-20 15:43:48 -07:00
2023-04-18 13:25:43 -07:00
await page . dragAndDrop ( ` role=treeitem[name=/ ${ overlayPlot . name } /] ` , '.c-notebook__drag-area' ) ;
2022-09-20 15:43:48 -07:00
const embed = page . locator ( '.c-ne__embed__link' ) ;
const embedName = await embed . textContent ( ) ;
await expect ( embed ) . toHaveClass ( /icon-plot-overlay/ ) ;
2023-04-18 13:25:43 -07:00
expect ( embedName ) . toBe ( overlayPlot . name ) ;
2022-06-04 09:06:07 -07:00
} ) ;
2022-09-20 15:43:48 -07:00
test ( 'When an object is dropped into a notebooks existing entry, it should be focused @unstable' , async ( { page } ) => {
// Create Overlay Plot
2023-04-18 13:25:43 -07:00
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults ( page , {
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
type : 'Overlay Plot'
2022-09-20 15:43:48 -07:00
} ) ;
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page . goto ( notebookObject . url ) ;
2022-09-20 15:43:48 -07:00
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page . getByTitle ( 'Show selected item in tree' ) . click ( ) ;
2022-09-20 15:43:48 -07:00
await nbUtils . enterTextEntry ( page , 'Entry to drop into' ) ;
2023-04-18 13:25:43 -07:00
await page . dragAndDrop ( ` role=treeitem[name=/ ${ overlayPlot . name } /] ` , 'text=Entry to drop into' ) ;
2022-09-20 15:43:48 -07:00
const existingEntry = page . locator ( '.c-ne__content' , { has : page . locator ( 'text="Entry to drop into"' ) } ) ;
const embed = existingEntry . locator ( '.c-ne__embed__link' ) ;
const embedName = await embed . textContent ( ) ;
await expect ( embed ) . toHaveClass ( /icon-plot-overlay/ ) ;
2023-04-18 13:25:43 -07:00
expect ( embedName ) . toBe ( overlayPlot . name ) ;
2022-06-04 09:06:07 -07:00
} ) ;
test . fixme ( 'new entries persist through navigation events without save' , async ( { page } ) => { } ) ;
2023-04-04 23:37:38 +02:00
test ( 'previous and new entries can be deleted' , async ( { page } ) => {
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page . goto ( notebookObject . url ) ;
await nbUtils . enterTextEntry ( page , 'First Entry' ) ;
await page . hover ( 'text="First Entry"' ) ;
await page . click ( 'button[title="Delete this entry"]' ) ;
await page . getByRole ( 'button' , { name : 'Ok' } ) . filter ( { hasText : 'Ok' } ) . click ( ) ;
await expect ( page . locator ( 'text="First Entry"' ) ) . toBeHidden ( ) ;
await nbUtils . enterTextEntry ( page , 'Another First Entry' ) ;
await nbUtils . enterTextEntry ( page , 'Second Entry' ) ;
await nbUtils . enterTextEntry ( page , 'Third Entry' ) ;
await page . hover ( '[aria-label="Notebook Entry"] >> nth=2' ) ;
await page . click ( 'button[title="Delete this entry"] >> nth=2' ) ;
await page . getByRole ( 'button' , { name : 'Ok' } ) . filter ( { hasText : 'Ok' } ) . click ( ) ;
await expect ( page . locator ( 'text="Third Entry"' ) ) . toBeHidden ( ) ;
await expect ( page . locator ( 'text="Another First Entry"' ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
await expect ( page . locator ( 'text="Second Entry"' ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
} ) ;
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
test ( 'when a valid link is entered into a notebook entry, it becomes clickable when viewing' , async ( { page } ) => {
2023-01-20 18:27:19 -08:00
const TEST _LINK = 'http://www.google.com' ;
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page . goto ( notebookObject . url ) ;
2023-01-20 18:27:19 -08:00
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page . getByTitle ( 'Show selected item in tree' ) . click ( ) ;
2023-01-20 18:27:19 -08:00
await nbUtils . enterTextEntry ( page , ` This should be a link: ${ TEST _LINK } is it? ` ) ;
const validLink = page . locator ( ` a[href=" ${ TEST _LINK } "] ` ) ;
// Start waiting for popup before clicking. Note no await.
const popupPromise = page . waitForEvent ( 'popup' ) ;
await validLink . click ( ) ;
const popup = await popupPromise ;
// Wait for the popup to load.
await popup . waitForLoadState ( ) ;
expect . soft ( popup . url ( ) ) . toContain ( 'www.google.com' ) ;
expect ( await validLink . count ( ) ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
test ( 'when an invalid link is entered into a notebook entry, it does not become clickable when viewing' , async ( { page } ) => {
2023-01-20 18:27:19 -08:00
const TEST _LINK = 'www.google.com' ;
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page . goto ( notebookObject . url ) ;
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page . getByTitle ( 'Show selected item in tree' ) . click ( ) ;
await nbUtils . enterTextEntry ( page , ` This should NOT be a link: ${ TEST _LINK } is it? ` ) ;
2023-01-20 18:27:19 -08:00
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
const invalidLink = page . locator ( ` a[href=" ${ TEST _LINK } "] ` ) ;
expect ( await invalidLink . count ( ) ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'when a link is entered, but it is not in the whitelisted urls, it does not become clickable when viewing' , async ( { page } ) => {
const TEST _LINK = 'http://www.bing.com' ;
2023-01-20 18:27:19 -08:00
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page . goto ( notebookObject . url ) ;
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page . getByTitle ( 'Show selected item in tree' ) . click ( ) ;
2023-01-20 18:27:19 -08:00
await nbUtils . enterTextEntry ( page , ` This should NOT be a link: ${ TEST _LINK } is it? ` ) ;
const invalidLink = page . locator ( ` a[href=" ${ TEST _LINK } "] ` ) ;
expect ( await invalidLink . count ( ) ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
test ( 'when a valid link with a subdomain and a valid domain in the whitelisted urls is entered into a notebook entry, it becomes clickable when viewing' , async ( { page } ) => {
const INVALID _TEST _LINK = 'http://bing.google.com' ;
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page . goto ( notebookObject . url ) ;
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page . getByTitle ( 'Show selected item in tree' ) . click ( ) ;
await nbUtils . enterTextEntry ( page , ` This should be a link: ${ INVALID _TEST _LINK } is it? ` ) ;
const validLink = page . locator ( ` a[href=" ${ INVALID _TEST _LINK } "] ` ) ;
expect ( await validLink . count ( ) ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'when a valid secure link is entered into a notebook entry, it becomes clickable when viewing' , async ( { page } ) => {
const TEST _LINK = 'https://www.google.com' ;
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page . goto ( notebookObject . url ) ;
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page . getByTitle ( 'Show selected item in tree' ) . click ( ) ;
await nbUtils . enterTextEntry ( page , ` This should be a link: ${ TEST _LINK } is it? ` ) ;
const validLink = page . locator ( ` a[href=" ${ TEST _LINK } "] ` ) ;
// Start waiting for popup before clicking. Note no await.
const popupPromise = page . waitForEvent ( 'popup' ) ;
await validLink . click ( ) ;
const popup = await popupPromise ;
// Wait for the popup to load.
await popup . waitForLoadState ( ) ;
expect . soft ( popup . url ( ) ) . toContain ( 'www.google.com' ) ;
expect ( await validLink . count ( ) ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'when a nefarious link is entered into a notebook entry, it is sanitized when viewing' , async ( { page } ) => {
2023-01-20 18:27:19 -08:00
const TEST _LINK = 'http://www.google.com?bad=' ;
const TEST _LINK _BAD = ` http://www.google.com?bad=<script>alert('gimme your cookies')</script> ` ;
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
// Navigate to the notebook object
await page . goto ( notebookObject . url ) ;
2023-01-20 18:27:19 -08:00
2023-02-01 11:55:08 -08:00
// Reveal the notebook in the tree
await page . getByTitle ( 'Show selected item in tree' ) . click ( ) ;
2023-01-20 18:27:19 -08:00
await nbUtils . enterTextEntry ( page , ` This should be a link, BUT not a bad link: ${ TEST _LINK _BAD } is it? ` ) ;
const sanitizedLink = page . locator ( ` a[href=" ${ TEST _LINK } "] ` ) ;
const unsanitizedLink = page . locator ( ` a[href=" ${ TEST _LINK _BAD } "] ` ) ;
expect . soft ( await sanitizedLink . count ( ) ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
expect ( await unsanitizedLink . count ( ) ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
2022-06-04 09:06:07 -07:00
} ) ;