2015-04-29 17:52:06 -07:00
< div ng-init = "
bubbles = [
{layout: 'arw-top arw-left'},
{layout: 'arw-top arw-right'},
{layout: 'arw-btm arw-left'},
{layout: 'arw-btm arw-right'}
title='Egress Scenario 1';
properties=[{label:'Type', value:'Timeline', align:'left'},
{label:'Start', value:'2015-04-27 00:00:00 UTC', align:'left'},
{label:'End', value:'2015-04-27 09:15:37 UTC', align:'left'},
{label:'Duration', value:'09:15:37', align:'left'},
{label:'Created', value:'2015-04-26 06:54:00 UTC', align:'left'},
{label:'Modified', value:'2015-04-26 18:38:00 UTC', align:'left'},
{label:'Status', value:'Up to date', align:'left'},
{label:'URL', value:'http://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/bluetooth-mouse-m557?crid=7', align:'left'},
{label:'Description', value:'Enjoy exceptional battery life for a Bluetooth mouse, and work for up to a full year between battery changes, An On/Off switch helps conserve power, smart sleep mode extends battery life, and an indicator light helps to ensure that you’ ll never be caught off guard.', align:'wrap'},
{label:'ID', value:'WRP-T-89', align:'left'}];
">< / div >
< div
ng-repeat="bubble in bubbles"
class="t-infobubble s-infobubble l-infobubble-wrapper {{bubble.layout}}"
ng-style="{left: $index * 250 + 'px'}"
< div class = "l-infobubble" >
< div
ng-show="title.length > 0"
< / div >
< table >
< tr ng-repeat = "property in properties" >
< td class = "label" > {{property.label}}< / td >
< td title = "{{property.value}}" class = "value align-{{property.align}}" > {{property.value}}< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
2015-04-28 16:08:33 -07:00
< / div >