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synced 2025-03-14 16:26:27 +00:00
* integration/e2e tests * automatic SSL/TLS PKI (wildcard cert.) generation via DNS-01 challenge * update getting started guide * remove unnecessary privileges (Redis) * pin Redis to v7.2 (BSD license) * enable trust proxy Co-authored-by: Kyle Harding <kyle@balena.io> change-type: major
136 lines
4.2 KiB
136 lines
4.2 KiB
SHELL := bash
# export all variables to child processes by default
# Include the .env file
include .env
DNS_TLD ?= $(error DNS_TLD not set)
TMPKI := $(shell mktemp)
STAGING_PKI ?= /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
ORG_UNIT ?= openBalena
.PHONY: help
help: ## Print help message
@echo -e "$$(grep -hE '^\S+:.*##' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sed -e 's/:.*##\s*/:/' -e 's/^\(.\+\):\(.*\)/\\x1b[36m\1\\x1b[m:\2/' | column -c2 -t -s :)"
.PHONY: lint
lint: ## Lint shell scripts with shellcheck
find . -type f -name *.sh | xargs shellcheck
.PHONY: verify
verify: ## Ping the public API endpoint
curl --fail --retry 3 https://api.$(DNS_TLD)/ping
@printf '\n'
# Write all supported variables to .env, whether they have been provided or not.
# If they already exist in the .env they will be retained.
# The existing .env takes priority over envs provided from the command line.
.PHONY: config
config: ## Rewrite the .env config from current context (env vars + env args + existing .env)
ifneq ($(GANDI_API_TOKEN),)
$(error "CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN and GANDI_API_TOKEN cannot both be set")
@rm -f .env
@echo "DNS_TLD=$(DNS_TLD)" >> .env
@echo "ORG_UNIT=$(ORG_UNIT)" >> .env
@echo "ACME_EMAIL=$(ACME_EMAIL)" >> .env
@echo "HAPROXY_CRT=$(HAPROXY_CRT)" >> .env
@echo "HAPROXY_KEY=$(HAPROXY_KEY)" >> .env
@echo "ROOT_CA=$(ROOT_CA)" >> .env
@$(MAKE) showenv
.PHONY: up
up: config ## Start all services
@docker compose up --build -d
@until [[ $$(docker compose ps api --format json | jq -r '.Health') =~ healthy ]]; do printf '.'; sleep 3; done
@printf '\n'
@$(MAKE) showenv
@$(MAKE) showpass
.PHONY: showenv
showenv: ## Print the current contents of the .env config
@cat <.env
@printf '\n'
.PHONY: printenv
printenv: ## Print the current environment variables
.PHONY: showpass
showpass: ## Print the superuser password
@docker compose exec api cat config/env | grep SUPERUSER_PASSWORD
@printf '\n'
.PHONY: down
down: ## Stop all services
@docker compose stop
.PHONY: stop
stop: down ## Alias for 'make down'
.PHONY: restart
restart: ## Restart all services
@docker compose restart
.PHONY: update
update: # Pull and deploy latest changes from git
@git pull
@$(MAKE) up
.PHONY: destroy ## Stop and remove any existing containers and volumes
@docker compose down --volumes --remove-orphans
.PHONY: clean
clean: destroy ## Alias for 'make destroy'
.PHONY: self-signed
self-signed: ## Install self-signed CA certificates
@sudo mkdir -p .balena $(STAGING_PKI)
@true | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect api.$(DNS_TLD):443 \
| awk '/BEGIN CERTIFICATE/,/END CERTIFICATE/ {print $0}' > $(TMPKI).ca
@cat <$(TMPKI).ca | openssl x509 -text \
| awk '/BEGIN CERTIFICATE/,/END CERTIFICATE/ {print $0}' > $(TMPKI).srv
@diff --suppress-common-lines --unchanged-line-format= \
$(TMPKI).srv \
$(TMPKI).ca | sudo tee $(STAGING_PKI)/ca-$(DNS_TLD).crt || true
@sudo update-ca-certificates
@cat <$(STAGING_PKI)/ca-$(DNS_TLD).crt | sudo tee .balena/ca-$(DNS_TLD).pem
# FIXME: refactor this function to use 'make up'
.PHONY: auto-pki
auto-pki: config # Start all services using LetsEncrypt and ACME
@docker compose exec cert-manager rm -f /certs/export/chain.pem
@docker compose up -d
@until docker compose logs cert-manager | grep -Eq "/certs/export/chain.pem Certificate will not expire in [0-9] days"; do printf '.'; sleep 3; done
@until docker compose logs cert-manager | grep -q "subject=CN = ${DNS_TLD}"; do printf '.'; sleep 3; done
@until docker compose logs cert-manager | grep -q "issuer=C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R3"; do printf '.'; sleep 3; done
@until [[ $$(docker compose ps haproxy --format json | jq -r '.Health') =~ healthy ]]; do printf '.'; sleep 3; done
@printf '\n'
@$(MAKE) showenv
@$(MAKE) showpass
.PHONY: pki-custom
pki-custom: up ## Alias for 'make up'
.PHONY: deploy
deploy: up ## Alias for 'make up'