#!/bin/bash -e usage() { echo "usage: $0 COMMON_NAME [OUT]" echo echo " COMMON_NAME the domain name the certificate is valid for, eg. example.com" echo " OUT path to output directory generated files will be placed in" echo } if [ -z "$1" ]; then usage exit 1 fi CMD="$(realpath "$0")" DIR="$(dirname "${CMD}")" CN="$1" OUT="$(realpath "${2:-.}")" # shellcheck source=scripts/ssl-common.sh source "${DIR}/ssl-common.sh" VPN_PKI="$(realpath "${OUT}/vpn")" VPN_CA="${VPN_PKI}/ca.crt" VPN_CRT="${VPN_PKI}/issued/vpn.${CN}.crt" VPN_KEY="${VPN_PKI}/private/vpn.${CN}.key" VPN_DH="${VPN_PKI}/dh.pem" if [ ! -f $VPN_CA ] || [ ! -f $VPN_CRT ] || [ ! -f $VPN_KEY ] || [ ! -f $VPN_DH ]; then rm -f $VPN_CA $VPN_CRT $VPN_DH $VPN_KEY # generate VPN sub-CA "$easyrsa_bin" --pki-dir="${VPN_PKI}" init-pki &>/dev/null "$easyrsa_bin" --pki-dir="${VPN_PKI}" --days="${CA_EXPIRY_DAYS}" --req-cn="vpn-ca.${CN}" build-ca nopass subca 2>/dev/null # import sub-CA CSR into root PKI, sign, and copy back to vpn PKI "$easyrsa_bin" --pki-dir="${ROOT_PKI}" import-req "${VPN_PKI}/reqs/ca.req" "vpn-ca" 2>/dev/null "$easyrsa_bin" --pki-dir="${ROOT_PKI}" sign-req ca "vpn-ca" 2>/dev/null cp "${ROOT_PKI}/issued/vpn-ca.crt" "${VPN_PKI}/ca.crt" # generate and sign vpn server certificate "$easyrsa_bin" --pki-dir="${VPN_PKI}" --days="${CRT_EXPIRY_DAYS}" build-server-full "vpn.${CN}" nopass 2>/dev/null # generate vpn dhparams (keysize of 2048 will do, 4096 can wind up taking hours to generate) "$easyrsa_bin" --pki-dir="${VPN_PKI}" --keysize=2048 gen-dh 2>/dev/null # update indexes and generate CRLs "$easyrsa_bin" --pki-dir="${ROOT_PKI}" update-db 2>/dev/null "$easyrsa_bin" --pki-dir="${VPN_PKI}" update-db 2>/dev/null "$easyrsa_bin" --pki-dir="${ROOT_PKI}" gen-crl 2>/dev/null "$easyrsa_bin" --pki-dir="${VPN_PKI}" gen-crl 2>/dev/null fi