#!/usr/bin/env bash cd "${0%/*}" || exit 1 . ../run-tests export arguments=(--help) expected() { cat <<'EOF' Mo is a mustache template rendering software written in bash. It inserts environment variables into templates. Simply put, mo will change {{VARIABLE}} into the value of that environment variable. You can use {{#VARIABLE}}content{{/VARIABLE}} to conditionally display content or iterate over the values of an array. Learn more about mustache templates at https://mustache.github.io/ Simple usage: mo [OPTIONS] filenames... Options: --allow-function-arguments Permit functions to be called with additional arguments. Otherwise, the only way to get access to the arguments is to use the MO_FUNCTION_ARGS environment variable. -d, --debug Enable debug logging to stderr. -u, --fail-not-set Fail upon expansion of an unset variable. Will silently ignore by default. Alternately, set MO_FAIL_ON_UNSET to a non-empty value. -x, --fail-on-function Fail when a function returns a non-zero status code instead of silently ignoring it. Alternately, set MO_FAIL_ON_FUNCTION to a non-empty value. -f, --fail-on-file Fail when a file (from command-line or partial) does not exist. Alternately, set MO_FAIL_ON_FILE to a non-empty value. -e, --false Treat the string "false" as empty for conditionals. Alternately, set MO_FALSE_IS_EMPTY to a non-empty value. -h, --help This message. -s=FILE, --source=FILE Load FILE into the environment before processing templates. Can be used multiple times. -o=DELIM, --open=DELIM Set the opening delimiter. Default is "{{". -c=DELIM, --close=DELIM Set the closing delimiter. Default is "}}". -- Indicate the end of options. All arguments after this will be treated as filenames only. Use when filenames may start with hyphens. Mo uses the following environment variables: MO_ALLOW_FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS - When set to a non-empty value, this allows functions referenced in templates to receive additional options and arguments. MO_CLOSE_DELIMITER - The string used when closing a tag. Defaults to "}}". Used internally. MO_CLOSE_DELIMITER_DEFAULT - The default value of MO_CLOSE_DELIMITER. Used when resetting the close delimiter, such as when parsing a partial. MO_CURRENT - Variable name to use for ".". MO_DEBUG - When set to a non-empty value, additional debug information is written to stderr. MO_FUNCTION_ARGS - Arguments passed to the function. MO_FAIL_ON_FILE - If a filename from the command-line is missing or a partial does not exist, abort with an error. MO_FAIL_ON_FUNCTION - If a function returns a non-zero status code, abort with an error. MO_FAIL_ON_UNSET - When set to a non-empty value, expansion of an unset env variable will be aborted with an error. MO_FALSE_IS_EMPTY - When set to a non-empty value, the string "false" will be treated as an empty value for the purposes of conditionals. MO_OPEN_DELIMITER - The string used when opening a tag. Defaults to "{{". Used internally. MO_OPEN_DELIMITER_DEFAULT - The default value of MO_OPEN_DELIMITER. Used when resetting the open delimiter, such as when parsing a partial. MO_ORIGINAL_COMMAND - Used to find the `mo` program in order to generate a help message. MO_PARSED - Content that has made it through the template engine. MO_STANDALONE_CONTENT - The unparsed content that preceeded the current tag. When a standalone tag is encountered, this is checked to see if it only contains whitespace. If this and the whitespace condition after a tag is met, then this will be reset to $'\n'. MO_UNPARSED - Template content yet to make it through the parser. Mo is under a MIT style licence with an additional non-advertising clause. See LICENSE.md for the full text. This is open source! Please feel free to contribute. https://github.com/tests-always-included/mo MO_VERSION=3.0.3 EOF } runTest