Reformat comments into TomDoc format

This commit is contained in:
Tyler Akins 2015-10-02 09:46:57 -05:00
parent 3354bd7089
commit b5faf67737

View File

@ -17,35 +17,64 @@
# Scan content until the right end tag is found. Returns an array with the
# following members:
# Public: Template parser function. Writes templates to stdout.
# $0 - Name of the mo file, used for getting the help message.
# $* - Filenames to parse. Can use -h or --help as the only option
# in order to show a help message.
# Returns nothing.
mo() (
# This function executes in a subshell so IFS is reset
IFS=$' \n\t'
if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then
case "$1" in
moUsage "$0"
exit 0
moGetContent MUSTACHE_CONTENT "$@"
moParse "$MUSTACHE_CONTENT" "" true
# Internal: Scan content until the right end tag is found. Creates an array
# with the following members:
# [0] = Content before end tag
# [1] = End tag (complete tag)
# [2] = Content after end tag
# Everything using this function uses the "standalone tags" logic.
# Parameters:
# $1: Where to store the array
# $2: Content
# $3: Name of end tag
# $4: If -z, do standalone tag processing before finishing
# $1 - Name of variable for the array
# $2 - Content
# $3 - Name of end tag
# $4 - If -z, do standalone tag processing before finishing
# Returns nothing.
moFindEndTag() {
# Find open tags
#: Find open tags
moSplit CONTENT "$2" '{{' '}}'
while [[ "${#CONTENT[@]}" -gt 1 ]]; do
moTrimWhitespace TAG "${CONTENT[1]}"
# Restore CONTENT[1] before we start using it
#: Restore CONTENT[1] before we start using it
case $TAG in
'#'* | '^'*)
# Start another block
#: Start another block
moTrimWhitespace TAG "${TAG:1}"
moFindEndTag CONTENT "${CONTENT[2]}" "$TAG" "loop"
@ -54,15 +83,15 @@ moFindEndTag() {
# End a block - could be ours
#: End a block - could be ours
moTrimWhitespace TAG "${TAG:1}"
if [[ "$TAG" == "$3" ]]; then
# Found our end tag
#: Found our end tag
if [[ -z "$4" ]] && moIsStandalone STANDALONE_BYTES "$SCANNED" "${CONTENT[2]}" true; then
# This is also a standalone tag - clean up whitespace
# and move those whitespace bytes to the "tag" element
#: This is also a standalone tag - clean up whitespace
#: and move those whitespace bytes to the "tag" element
@ -78,7 +107,7 @@ moFindEndTag() {
# Ignore all other tags
#: Ignore all other tags
@ -87,18 +116,20 @@ moFindEndTag() {
moSplit CONTENT "$CONTENT" '{{' '}}'
# Did not find our closing tag
#: Did not find our closing tag
local "$1" && moIndirectArray "$1" "${SCANNED}" "" ""
# Find the first index of a substring
# Internal: Find the first index of a substring. If not found, sets the
# index to -1.
# Parameters:
# $1: Destination variable
# $2: Haystack
# $3: Needle
# $1 - Destination variable for the index
# $2 - Haystack
# $3 - Needle
# Returns nothing.
moFindString() {
@ -108,12 +139,13 @@ moFindString() {
# Return a dotted name based on current context and target name
# Internal: Generate a dotted name based on current context and target name.
# Parameters:
# $1: Target variable to store results
# $2: Context name
# $3: Desired variable name
# $1 - Target variable to store results
# $2 - Context name
# $3 - Desired variable name
# Returns nothing.
moFullTagName() {
if [[ -z "$2" ]] || [[ "$2" == *.* ]]; then
local "$1" && moIndirect "$1" "$3"
@ -123,12 +155,13 @@ moFullTagName() {
# Return the content to parse. Can be a list of partials for files or
# the content from stdin.
# Internal: Fetches the content to parse into a variable. Can be a list of
# partials for files or the content from stdin.
# Parameters:
# $1: Variable name to assign this content back as
# $2-*: File names (optional)
# $1 - Variable name to assign this content back as
# $2-* - File names (optional)
# Returns nothing.
moGetContent() {
@ -138,7 +171,7 @@ moGetContent() {
for FILENAME in "$@"; do
# This is so relative paths work from inside template files
#: This is so relative paths work from inside template files
@ -149,19 +182,22 @@ moGetContent() {
# Indent a string, placing the indent at the beginning of every
# Internal: Indent a string, placing the indent at the beginning of every
# line that has any content.
# Parameters:
# $1: Name of destination variable to get an array of lines
# $2: The indent string
# $3: The string to reindent
# $1 - Name of destination variable to get an array of lines
# $2 - The indent string
# $3 - The string to reindent
# Returns nothing.
moIndentLines() {
LEN=$((${#3} - 1))
CONTENT="${3:0:$LEN}" # Remove newline and dot from workaround - in moPartial
#: This removes newline and dot from the workaround in moPartial
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
local "$1" && moIndirect "$1" "$CONTENT"
@ -203,35 +239,61 @@ moIndentLines() {
# Send a variable up to caller of a function
# Internal: Send a variable up to the parent of the caller of this function.
# Parameters:
# $1: Variable name
# $2: Value
# $1 - Variable name
# $2 - Value
# Examples
# callFunc () {
# local "$1" && moIndirect "$1" "the value"
# }
# callFunc DEST
# echo "$DEST" # writes "the value"
# Returns nothing.
moIndirect() {
unset -v "$1"
printf -v "$1" '%s' "$2"
# Send an array up to caller of a function
# Internal: Send an array as a variable up to caller of a function
# Parameters:
# $1: Variable name
# $2-*: Array elements
# $1 - Variable name
# $2-* - Array elements
# Examples
# callFunc () {
# local myArray=(one two three)
# local "$1" && moIndirectArray "$1" "${myArray[@]}"
# }
# callFunc DEST
# echo "${DEST[@]}" # writes "one two three"
# Returns nothing.
moIndirectArray() {
unset -v "$1"
eval $1=\(\"\${@:2}\"\)
# Determine if a given environment variable exists and if it is an array.
# Internal: Determine if a given environment variable exists and if it is
# an array.
# Parameters:
# $1: Name of environment variable
# $1 - Name of environment variable
# Return code:
# 0 if the name is not empty, 1 otherwise
# Examples
# var=(abc)
# if moIsArray var; then
# echo "This is an array"
# echo "Make sure you don't accidentally use \$var"
# fi
# Returns 0 if the name is not empty, 1 otherwise.
moIsArray() {
@ -243,13 +305,20 @@ moIsArray() {
# Return 0 if the passed name is a function.
# Internal: Determine if the given name is a defined function.
# Parameters:
# $1: Name to check if it's a function
# $1 - Function name to check
# Return code:
# 0 if the name is a function, 1 otherwise
# Examples
# moo () {
# echo "This is a function"
# }
# if moIsFunction moo; then
# echo "moo is a defined function"
# fi
# Returns 0 if the name is a function, 1 otherwise.
moIsFunction() {
@ -266,23 +335,26 @@ moIsFunction() {
# Determine if the tag is a standalone tag based on whitespace before and
# after the tag.
# Internal: Determine if the tag is a standalone tag based on whitespace
# before and after the tag.
# Passes back a string containing two numbers in the format "BEFORE AFTER"
# like "27 10". It indicates the number of bytes remaining in the "before"
# string (27) and the number of bytes to trim in the "after" string (10).
# Useful for string manipulation:
# $1 - Variable to set for passing data back
# $2 - Content before the tag
# $3 - Content after the tag
# $4 - true/false: is this the beginning of the content?
# Examples
# moIsStandalone RESULT "$before" "$after" false || return 0
# echo "${before:0:${RESULT_ARRAY[0]}}...${after:${RESULT_ARRAY[1]}}"
# Parameters:
# $1: Variable to pass data back
# $2: Content before the tag
# $3: Content after the tag
# $4: true/false: is this the beginning of the content?
# Returns nothing.
moIsStandalone() {
@ -311,12 +383,13 @@ moIsStandalone() {
# Join / implode an array
# Internal: Join / implode an array
# Parameters:
# $1: Variable name to receive the joined content
# $2: Joiner
# $3-$*: Elements to join
# $1 - Variable name to receive the joined content
# $2 - Joiner
# $3-$* - Elements to join
# Returns nothing.
moJoin() {
@ -332,17 +405,19 @@ moJoin() {
local "$TARGET" && moIndirect "$TARGET" "$RESULT"
# Read a file
# Internal: Read a file into a variable.
# Parameters:
# $1: Variable name to receive the file's content
# $2: Filename to load
# $1 - Variable name to receive the file's content
# $2 - Filename to load
# Returns nothing.
moLoadFile() {
# The subshell removes any trailing newlines. We forcibly add
# a dot to the content to preserve all newlines.
# TODO: remove cat and replace with read loop?
CONTENT=$(cat $2; echo '.')
LEN=$((${#CONTENT} - 1))
CONTENT=${CONTENT:0:$LEN} # Remove last dot
@ -351,12 +426,14 @@ moLoadFile() {
# Process a chunk of content some number of times.
# Internal: Process a chunk of content some number of times. Writes output
# to stdout.
# Parameters:
# $1: Content to parse and reparse and reparse
# $2: Tag prefix (context name)
# $3-*: Names to insert into the parsed content
# $1 - Content to parse repeatedly
# $2 - Tag prefix (context name)
# $3-* - Names to insert into the parsed content
# Returns nothing.
moLoop() {
@ -372,12 +449,13 @@ moLoop() {
# Parse a block of text
# Internal: Parse a block of text, writing the result to stdout.
# Parameters:
# $1: Block of text to change
# $2: Current name (the variable NAME for what {{.}} means)
# $3: true when no content before this, false otherwise
# $1 - Block of text to change
# $2 - Current name (the variable NAME for what {{.}} means)
# $3 - true when no content before this, false otherwise
# Returns nothing.
moParse() {
# Keep naming variables MUSTACHE_* here to not overwrite needed variables
# used in the string replacements
@ -404,9 +482,8 @@ moParse() {
if moTest "$MUSTACHE_TAG"; then
# Show / loop / pass through function
if moIsFunction "$MUSTACHE_TAG"; then
# TODO: Consider piping the output to
# moGetContent so the lambda does not
# execute in a subshell?
#: TODO: Consider piping the output to moGetContent
#: so the lambda does not execute in a subshell?
@ -501,19 +578,20 @@ moParse() {
# Process a partial
# Internal: Process a partial.
# Indentation should be applied to the entire partial
# Prefix all variables
# Prefix all variables.
# Parameters:
# $1: Name of destination "content" variable.
# $2: Content before the tag that was not yet written
# $3: Tag content
# $4: Content after the tag
# $5: true/false: is this the beginning of the content?
# $6: Current context name
# $1 - Name of destination "content" variable.
# $2 - Content before the tag that was not yet written
# $3 - Tag content
# $4 - Content after the tag
# $5 - true/false: is this the beginning of the content?
# $6 - Current context name
# Returns nothing.
moPartial() {
@ -548,13 +626,15 @@ moPartial() {
# Show an environment variable or the output of a function.
# Internal: Show an environment variable or the output of a function to
# stdout.
# Limit/prefix any variables used
# Limit/prefix any variables used.
# Parameters:
# $1: Name of environment variable or function
# $2: Current context
# $1 - Name of environment variable or function
# $2 - Current context
# Returns nothing.
moShow() {
@ -580,13 +660,14 @@ moShow() {
# Split a larger string into an array
# Internal: Split a larger string into an array.
# Parameters:
# $1: Destination variable
# $2: String to split
# $3: Starting delimiter
# $4: Ending delimiter (optional)
# $1 - Destination variable
# $2 - String to split
# $3 - Starting delimiter
# $4 - Ending delimiter (optional)
# Returns nothing.
moSplit() {
@ -613,16 +694,17 @@ moSplit() {
# Handle the content for a standalone tag. This means removing whitespace
# (not newlines) before a tag and whitespace and a newline after a tag.
# That is, assuming, that the line is otherwise empty.
# Internal: Handle the content for a standalone tag. This means removing
# whitespace (not newlines) before a tag and whitespace and a newline after
# a tag. That is, assuming, that the line is otherwise empty.
# Parameters:
# $1: Name of destination "content" variable.
# $2: Content before the tag that was not yet written
# $3: Tag content (not used)
# $4: Content after the tag
# $5: true/false: is this the beginning of the content?
# $1 - Name of destination "content" variable.
# $2 - Content before the tag that was not yet written
# $3 - Tag content (not used)
# $4 - Content after the tag
# $5 - true/false: is this the beginning of the content?
# Returns nothing.
moStandaloneAllowed() {
@ -637,32 +719,31 @@ moStandaloneAllowed() {
# Handle the content for a tag that is never "standalone". No adjustments
# are made for newlines and whitespace.
# Internal: Handle the content for a tag that is never "standalone". No
# adjustments are made for newlines and whitespace.
# Parameters:
# $1: Name of destination "content" variable.
# $2: Content before the tag that was not yet written
# $3: Tag content (not used)
# $4: Content after the tag
# $1 - Name of destination "content" variable.
# $2 - Content before the tag that was not yet written
# $3 - Tag content (not used)
# $4 - Content after the tag
# Returns nothing.
moStandaloneDenied() {
echo -n "$2"
local "$1" && moIndirect "$1" "$4"
# Returns 0 (success) if the named thing is a function or if it is a non-empty
# environment variable.
# Internal: Determines if the named thing is a function or if it is a
# non-empty environment variable.
# Do not use unprefixed variables here if possible as this needs to check
# if any name exists in the environment
# Do not use variables without prefixes here if possible as this needs to
# check if any name exists in the environment
# Parameters:
# $1: Name of environment variable or function
# $2: Current value (our context)
# $1 - Name of environment variable or function
# $2 - Current value (our context)
# Return code:
# 0 if the name is not empty, 1 otherwise
# Returns 0 if the name is not empty, 1 otherwise.
moTest() {
# Test for functions
moIsFunction "$1" && return 0
@ -679,14 +760,15 @@ moTest() {
# Trim the leading whitespace only
# Internal: Trim the leading whitespace only.
# Parameters:
# $1: Name of destination variable
# $2: The string
# $3: true/false - trim front?
# $4: true/false - trim end?
# $5-*: Characters to trim
# $1 - Name of destination variable
# $2 - The string
# $3 - true/false - trim front?
# $4 - true/false - trim end?
# $5-* - Characters to trim
# Returns nothing.
moTrimChars() {
@ -695,10 +777,7 @@ moTrimChars() {
shift # Remove target
shift # Remove string
shift # Remove trim front flag
shift # Remove trim end flag
shift 4 # Remove target, string, trim front flag, trim end flag
while [[ "$CURRENT" != "$LAST" ]]; do
@ -713,11 +792,12 @@ moTrimChars() {
# Trim leading and trailing whitespace from a string
# Internal: Trim leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
# Parameters:
# $1: Name of variable to store trimmed string
# $2: The string
# $1 - Name of variable to store trimmed string
# $2 - The string
# Returns nothing.
moTrimWhitespace() {
local RESULT
@ -726,41 +806,21 @@ moTrimWhitespace() {
# Displays the usage for mo. Pulls this from the file that contained
# the `mo` function. Likely will only work when
# Internal: Displays the usage for mo. Pulls this from the file that
# contained the `mo` function. Can only work when the right filename
# comes is the one argument, and that only happens when `mo` is called
# with `$0` set to this file.
# $1 - Filename that has the help message
# Returns nothing.
moUsage() {
grep '^#/' < "$0" | cut -c 4-
grep '^#/' < "$1" | cut -c 4-
# Template parser
# $* - Filenames to parse. Can use -h or --help as the only option
# in order to show a help message.
# Returns nothing.
mo() (
# Execute in a subshell so IFS is reset
IFS=$' \n\t'
if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then
case "$1" in
moUsage "$0"
exit 0
moGetContent MUSTACHE_CONTENT "$@"
moParse "$MUSTACHE_CONTENT" "" true
# If sourced, load all functions.
# If executed, perform the actions as expected.
if [[ "$0" == "$BASH_SOURCE" ]] || ! [[ -n "$BASH_SOURCE" ]]; then
mo "$@"