diff --git a/mo b/mo
index eeb11ed..38d18bb 100755
--- a/mo
+++ b/mo
@@ -1128,6 +1128,10 @@ moTrimWhitespace
@@ -1139,13 +1143,63 @@ moListVars() {
     cat <<EOF
+# Clear all shell functions and variables for names used by mo,
+# restoring the shell to a state as though mo had never been sourced
+# (assuming no naming collisions).
+moUnload() {
+    unset -v $(moListVars)
+    unset -f $(moListFuncs)
+# Mark for export all shell functions and variables used by mo, such
+# that any child (or descendant) Bash process may call mo as though
+# itself having sourced the file.
+moExport() {
+    export $(moListVars)
+    export -f $(moListFuncs)
+    MO_EXPORT=1
+# Unmark for export all shell functions and variables used by, such
+# that any new child (or descendant) Bash process would not inherit
+# them, regardless of any past operations.
+moUnexport() {
+    export -n $(moListVars)
+    export -fn $(moListFuncs)
+# Print declaration of all shell functions and variables used by mo,
+# suitable for processing by another Bash shell. Any Bash instance
+# processing the output of this function may afterward call mo as
+# though itself having sourced the file.
+moDeclare() {
+    local functions="$(moListFuncs)"
+    if ! [ -z "${functions}" ]; then
+        declare -fp ${functions}
+    fi
+    local vars="$(moListVars)"
+    if ! [ -z "${vars}" ]; then
+        declare -p ${vars}
+    fi
+    if ! [ -z "${MO_EXPORT}" ]; then
+        echo moExport
+    fi
 # Save the original command's path for usage later
 MO_ORIGINAL_COMMAND="$(cd "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}" || exit 1; pwd)/${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/}"
 # If sourced, load all functions.
 # If executed, perform the actions as expected.