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169 lines
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import re
from lollms.utilities import PackageManager
import pipmaster as pm
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def compress_js(js_code):
# Patterns to match function, class, and variable declarations
function_pattern = r"function\s+(\w+)\s*\(([^)]*)\)"
class_pattern = r"class\s+(\w+)\s*{([^}]*)}"
variable_pattern = r"var\s+(\w+)|let\s+(\w+)|const\s+(\w+)"
# Find all matches in the JS code
functions = re.findall(function_pattern, js_code)
classes = re.finditer(class_pattern, js_code, re.DOTALL) # Use finditer for class bodies
variables = re.findall(variable_pattern, js_code)
# Compress information
compressed = []
for func in functions:
compressed.append(f"Function: {func[0]}({func[1]})")
for cls in classes:
class_name = cls.group(1)
class_body = cls.group(2)
compressed.append(f"Class: {class_name}")
# Attempt to find member functions and properties within class body
member_functions = re.findall(r"(\w+)\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*{", class_body)
for member in member_functions:
compressed.append(f" Member Function: {member[0]}({member[1]})")
# Simple attempt to find properties (this is very basic and might not catch all cases)
properties = re.findall(r"this\.(\w+)\s*=", class_body)
for prop in properties:
compressed.append(f" Property: {prop}")
for var in variables:
# Variables can be declared with var, let, or const
var_name = var[0] or var[1] or var[2]
compressed.append(f"Variable: {var_name}")
# Return compressed version as a single string
return '\n'.join(compressed)
def compress_python(py_code):
# Patterns to match function, class declarations, and possibly variables
function_pattern = r"def\s+(\w+)\s*\(([^)]*)\):"
class_pattern = r"class\s+(\w+)\s*:\s*\n((?:\s{4,}.+\n)+)" # Assuming 4 spaces for indentation
variable_pattern = r"(\w+)\s*=\s*.+"
# Find all matches in the Python code
functions = re.findall(function_pattern, py_code)
classes = re.finditer(class_pattern, py_code, re.DOTALL)
variables = re.findall(variable_pattern, py_code)
class_member_functions = set() # To store class member function names
compressed = []
for cls in classes:
class_name = cls.group(1)
class_body = cls.group(2)
compressed.append(f"Class: {class_name}")
# Attempt to find member functions within class body
member_functions = re.findall(r"def\s+(\w+)\s*\(([^)]*)\):", class_body)
for member in member_functions:
class_member_functions.add(member[0]) # Add member function name to the set
compressed.append(f" Member Function: {member[0]}({member[1]})")
# Not extracting properties as Python's properties are not as straightforward as JavaScript's
# Filter out functions that are class members before adding them to the compressed output
for func in functions:
if func[0] not in class_member_functions:
compressed.append(f"Function: {func[0]}({func[1]})")
for var in variables:
compressed.append(f"Variable: {var[0]}")
# Return compressed version as a single string
return '\n'.join(compressed)
def compress_html(html_doc):
# Initialize BeautifulSoup with the provided HTML document
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')
# This dictionary will store our findings: tags as keys and lists of ids/classes as values
elements_summary = {}
# For simplicity, let's focus on a few common tags, but you can expand this list
tags_of_interest = ['div', 'a', 'button', 'img', 'span']
for tag in tags_of_interest:
elements = soup.find_all(tag)
for element in elements:
# Initialize the entry in the dictionary if it does not exist
if tag not in elements_summary:
elements_summary[tag] = {'ids': [], 'classes': []}
# If the element has an id, add it to the list
if element.get('id'):
# If the element has classes, extend the list with them
if element.get('class'):
# Remove duplicates by converting lists to sets and back to lists
for tag, info in elements_summary.items():
info['ids'] = list(set(info['ids']))
info['classes'] = list(set(info['classes']))
# Generate a simplified summary or 'compressed' representation of the HTML elements
compressed_output = []
for tag, info in elements_summary.items():
if info['ids']:
compressed_output.append(f"{tag.upper()} IDs: {', '.join(info['ids'])}")
if info['classes']:
compressed_output.append(f"{tag.upper()} Classes: {', '.join(info['classes'])}")
return '\n'.join(compressed_output)
if __name__=="__main__":
# Example JavaScript code with class members
js_code = """
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
class Rectangle {
constructor(height, width) {
this.height = height;
this.width = width;
area() {
return this.height * this.width;
let x = 5;
const y = "Hello";
var z = true;
compressed_js = compress_js(js_code)
# Example Python code with class members
py_code = """
def add(a, b):
return a + b
class Rectangle:
def __init__(self, height, width):
self.height = height
self.width = width
def area(self):
return self.height * self.width
x = 5
y = "Hello"
z = True
compressed_py = compress_python(py_code)
print(compressed_py) |