upgraded personality

This commit is contained in:
Saifeddine ALOUI 2023-12-31 00:02:43 +01:00
parent 6d11899206
commit ce44d0c87d

View File

@ -1801,15 +1801,23 @@ class APScript(StateMachine):
pdflatex_command = self.personality.config.pdf_latex_path if self.personality.config.pdf_latex_path is not None else 'pdflatex'
# Set the execution path to the folder containing the tmp_file
execution_path = file_path.parent
# Run the pdflatex command with the file path
subprocess.run([pdflatex_command, file_path], check=True)
result = subprocess.run([pdflatex_command, "-interaction=nonstopmode", file_path], check=True, capture_output=True, text=True, cwd=execution_path)
# Check the return code of the pdflatex command
if result.returncode != 0:
error_message = result.stderr.strip()
return {"status":False,"error":error_message}
# If the compilation is successful, you will get a PDF file
pdf_file = file_path.with_suffix('.pdf')
print(f"PDF file generated: {pdf_file}")
return {"status":True,"file_path":pdf_file}
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(f"Error occurred while compiling LaTeX: {e}")
return {"status":False,"error":e}
def find_numeric_value(self, text):
pattern = r'\d+[.,]?\d*'