Saifeddine ALOUI 83120321ea upgraded
2023-08-20 22:21:46 +02:00

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4.9 KiB

"Build a Latex Book": "@<Add some context information to give the AI some context about the book or leave blank if you have no specific idea>@\n```latex\n\\documentclass[12pt]{book}\n\\usepackage{url}\n\\begin{document}\n\\title{@<Put the title of the book here>@}\n\\author{@<Put the author name here>@} % Author\n\\date{\\today} % Date\n\\maketitle\n\\tableofcontents\n\\chapter{Introduction}\n@<Add any required text then press generate to push the AI to build your book>@\n\\end{document}\n```", "Simple Book writing":"Once apon a time",
"Simple Question Answer":"User:@<Put your question here>@\nAssistant:",
"Question Answer with conditionning":"Assistant is a highly developed AI capable of answering any question about any subject.\nUser:@<Put your question here>\nAssistant:",
"Instruct mode": "Instructions:\n@<Put your instructions here>@\nAnswer:",
"Make full python code": "```python\n# project: @<project name>@ \n# author: @<author of the project>@\n# description: @<The description of the code>@\n\n@<Place holder for text generation>@\n```\n---------\nExtra information:\nLicence: apache 2.0\nProgram type: Stand alone.\nDocumentation:\nMake with the following table of contents:\n## Description\n## Installation\n## Usage\n## Licence\n## Contribute\n## Ethical guidelines\nInstructions:\nWrite a user side\nStick to the provided code content and do not invent extra information.\nMake sure all sections of the table of contents are present in the file.\n----\\n```markdown\n@<Place holder for text generation>@\n```",
"Make a python function": "Here is a python function that @<describe the function you want lollms to build>@:\n```python\ndef",
"Make a c++ function": "Here is a c++ function that @<describe the function you want lollms to build>@:\n```c++\n/*",
"Make a c# function": "Here is a c# function that @<describe the function you want lollms to build>@:\n```c#\n/*",
"Make a objective-c function": "Here is a objective-c function that @<describe the function you want lollms to build>@:\n```objective-c\n/*",
"Make a java function": "Here is a java function that @<describe the function you want lollms to build>@:\n```java\n/*",
"Make a visual function": "Here is a visual basic function that <describe the function you want lollms to build>@:\n```\n/*",
"Make a vue.js ui": "Here is a vue.js template that @<describe the user interface you want to make with this>@:\n```vue.js\n<template>",
"Make a HTML5 ui": "Here is a HTML5 ui that @<describe the user interface you want to make with this>@:\n```html",
"Explain code": "```@<the name of the programming language>\n@<put your code here>@\n```\nHere is an explanation of the previous method:",
"Translate yaml file": "Instruction: Translate the comments and values of the yaml file from english to French.\nSession 1:\n```yaml language=english\n# This is a comment\nparameter_1: this is parameter 1\nparameter_2: this is parameter 2\nparameter_3: 25\nparameter_4: |\n This is a multi\n line parameter\n```\n```yaml language=french\n# Ceci est un commentaire\nparameter_1: ceci est le param\u00e8tre 1\nparameter_2: ceci est le param\u00e8tre 2\nparameter_3: 25\nparameter_4: |\n Ceci est une multiligne\n ligne de param\u00e8tre\n```\nSession 2:\n```yaml language=english\n@<Put your yaml data here>@\n```\n```yaml language=french",
"Translate json file": "Instruction: Translate the values of the json file from english to French.\nSession 1:\n```json language=english\n{\n\"parameter_1\": \"this is parameter 1\",\n\"parameter_2\": \"this is parameter 2\",\n\"parameter_3\": 25,\n\"parameter_4\": \"This is a multi\\nline string\",\n}\n```\nAfter translation, we get:\n```json language=french\n{\n\"parameter_1\": \"ceci est le param\u00e8tre 1\",\n\"parameter_2\": \"ceci est le param\u00e8tre 2\",\n\"parameter_3\": 25,\n\"parameter_4\": \"Ceci est une cha\u00eene de caract\u00e8res multiligne\\n\",\n}\n```\nSession 2:\n```json language=english\n@<Put your json data here>@\n```\n```json language=french\n",
"Translate python strings": "Instruction: Translate the strings inside this python code.\nSession 1:\n```python language=english\na = input(\"a:\")\nprint(f\"you have input the value {a}\")\n```\nAfter translation, we get:\n```python language=fr\na = input(\"a:\")\nprint(f\"vous avez entr\u00e9 la valeur {a}\")\n```\nSession 2:\n```python language=@<source language example: english>@\n@<Put your python code here>@\n```\n```python language=@<source language example: french>@\n@<Remove this placeholder and place the cursor in here then press Generate Text>@\n```\n",
"Generic translator": "```@<put your source language name here. example english>@\n@<Put your english text here>@\n```\n```@<put your destination language name here. example french>@\n@<Remove this block and place the cursor here to make the AI generate the translation>@\n```\n"