2024-09-17 21:18:18 +02:00
2024-09-17 21:18:18 +02:00
2024-09-17 21:18:18 +02:00



WebAppLocalizer is a JavaScript class that simplifies the process of localizing web applications. It manages translations, persists language preferences, and provides an optional UI for language selection.


Include the WebAppLocalizer script in your HTML file:

<script src="/lollms_assets/js/web.app.localizer"></script>



Create a new instance of WebAppLocalizer:

const localizer = new WebAppLocalizer(translations, localStoragePrefix, languageSelector);


  • translations (required): An object containing translations for different languages.
  • localStoragePrefix (optional): A string prefix for localStorage keys. Default: 'webAppLocalizer_'.
  • languageSelector (optional): A DOM element or its ID for the language selector UI.

Translations Object Structure

const translations = {
    en: {
        name: "English",
        translations: {
            "key1": "Translation 1",
            "key2": "Translation 2"
    fr: {
        name: "Français",
        translations: {
            "key1": "Traduction 1",
            "key2": "Traduction 2"



Set the current language.


Get the current language code.


Get an array of available languages with their codes and names.


Get the translation for a specific key.


Apply translations to all elements with the data-translate attribute.

HTML Usage

Add the data-translate attribute to elements you want to localize: If your translation is plain text, then use:

<element data-translate="key"></element>

If your translation contains html, then add data-translate-html entry:

<element data-translate="key" data-translate-html></element>
<h1 data-translate="welcome-message"></h1>
<p data-translate="about-us"></p>


const translations = {
    en: {
        name: "English",
        translations: {
            "welcome-message": "Welcome to our website!",
            "about-us": "About Us"
        // optional
        promptTranslations: {
            main_prompt: "Act as an assistant and answer the user question.\nquestion:{question}"

    fr: {
        name: "Français",
        translations: {
            "welcome-message": "Bienvenue sur notre site web!",
            "about-us": "À propos de nous"
        // optional
        promptTranslations: {
            main_prompt: "Act as an assistant and answer the user question.\nquestion:{question}"

const localizer = new WebAppLocalizer(translations, 'myApp_', document.getElementById('language-selector'));

Advanced use with prompts

Get the translation of a prompt with options:

localizer.formatPrompt([prompt name], {
    variable name: variable value to substitude in the translation string

In the translation string use the syntax {variable name}. This will allow using variable string parts when translating.

This will initialize the localizer, set up a language selector (if provided), and apply translations to your HTML elements.