2024-09-27 01:42:31 +02:00

206 lines
5.2 KiB

@echo off
echo "LoLLMS: Lord of Large Language and Multimodal Systems"
echo V13 Feather
echo -----------------
echo By ParisNeo
echo -----------------
cd /D "%~dp0"
echo "%cd%"| findstr /C:" " >nul && call :PrintBigMessage "This script cannot be run from a path with spaces. Please move it to a path without spaces and try again." && goto failed
set "SPCHARMESSAGE="WARNING: Special characters were detected in the installation path!" " This can cause the installation to fail!""
echo "%CD%"| findstr /R /C:"[!#\$%&()\*+,;<=>?@\[\]\^`{|}~]" >nul && (
call :PrintBigMessage %SPCHARMESSAGE%
SET "TEMP=%cd%\installer_files\temp"
SET "TMP=%cd%\installer_files\temp"
set LOLLMSENV_DIR=%cd%\installer_files\lollmsenv
set INSTALL_ENV_DIR=%cd%\installer_files\lollms_env
REM Install LollmsEnv if not already installed
if not exist "%LOLLMSENV_DIR%" (
echo Installing LollmsEnv...
git clone .
call install.bat --local
cd "%~dp0"
) else (
echo LollmsEnv already installed.
REM Activate LollmsEnv
call "%LOLLMSENV_DIR%\activate.bat"
REM Install Python 3.11
call lollmsenv install-python 3.11.0
REM Create Lollms environment
call lollmsenv create-env lollms_env 3.11.0
REM Activate Lollms environment
call lollmsenv activate lollms_env
REM Install required packages
call lollmsenv install git
call lollmsenv install pip
REM Install PyTorch
echo Installing pytorch (required for RAG)
nvidia-smi >nul 2>&1
echo CUDA-enabled device detected.
echo Installing PyTorch with CUDA support...
call lollmsenv install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url
) ELSE (
echo No CUDA-enabled device detected.
echo Installing PyTorch for CPU only...
call lollmsenv install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url
REM Clone or update the repository
if exist lollms-webui\ (
cd lollms-webui
git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ..
) else (
git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules %REPO_URL%
cd lollms-webui
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ..
REM Install lollms_core
cd lollms-webui\lollms_core
call lollmsenv install -e .
cd ..\..
REM Install requirements
call lollmsenv install -r lollms-webui\requirements.txt
REM Create launcher scripts
if not exist ..\win_run.bat (
copy lollms-webui\scripts\windows\win_run.bat ..\
if not exist ..\win_lollmsenv_session.bat (
echo @echo off > ..\win_lollmsenv_session.bat
echo call "%LOLLMSENV_DIR%\activate.bat" >> ..\win_lollmsenv_session.bat
echo call lollmsenv activate lollms_env >> ..\win_lollmsenv_session.bat
echo cmd /k >> ..\win_lollmsenv_session.bat
REM Binding selection menu
echo Select the default binding to be installed:
echo 1) None (install the binding later)
echo 2) Local binding - ollama
echo 3) Local binding - python_llama_cpp
echo 4) Local binding - bs_exllamav2
echo 5) Remote binding - groq
echo 6) Remote binding - open_router
echo 7) Remote binding - open_ai
echo 8) Remote binding - mistral_ai
echo 9) Remote binding - gemini
echo 10) Remote binding - vllm
echo 11) Remote binding - xAI
echo 12) Remote binding - elf
echo 13) Remote binding - remote lollms
set /p choice="Type the number of your choice and press Enter: "
if "%choice%"=="1" goto :none
if "%choice%"=="2" goto :ollama
if "%choice%"=="3" goto :python_llama_cpp
if "%choice%"=="4" goto :bs_exllamav2
if "%choice%"=="5" goto :groq
if "%choice%"=="6" goto :open_router
if "%choice%"=="7" goto :open_ai
if "%choice%"=="8" goto :mistral_ai
if "%choice%"=="9" goto :gemini
if "%choice%"=="10" goto :vllm
if "%choice%"=="11" goto :xAI
if "%choice%"=="12" goto :elf
if "%choice%"=="13" goto :remote_lollms
goto :end
echo You selected None. No binding will be installed now.
goto :end
call python lollms-webui\zoos\bindings_zoo\ollama\
goto :end
call python lollms-webui\zoos\bindings_zoo\python_llama_cpp\
goto :end
call python lollms-webui\zoos\bindings_zoo\bs_exllamav2\
goto :end
call python lollms-webui\zoos\bindings_zoo\groq\
goto :end
call python lollms-webui\zoos\bindings_zoo\open_router\
goto :end
call python lollms-webui\zoos\bindings_zoo\open_ai\
goto :end
call python lollms-webui\zoos\bindings_zoo\mistral_ai\
goto :end
call python lollms-webui\zoos\bindings_zoo\gemini\
goto :end
call python lollms-webui\zoos\bindings_zoo\vllm\
goto :end
call python lollms-webui\zoos\bindings_zoo\xAI\
goto :end
call python lollms-webui\zoos\bindings_zoo\elf\
goto :end
call python lollms-webui\zoos\bindings_zoo\remote_lollms\
goto :end
echo. && echo.
echo *******************************************************************
for %%M in (%*) do echo * %%~M
echo *******************************************************************
echo. && echo.
exit /b
echo Install failed
goto endend
echo Installation complete.