""" project: lollms_message file: lollms_discussion.py author: ParisNeo description: This module contains a set of FastAPI routes that provide information about the Lord of Large Language and Multimodal Systems (LoLLMs) Web UI application. These routes allow users to manipulate the message elements. """ from fastapi import APIRouter, Body, Request from pydantic import Field from lollms_webui import LOLLMSWebUI from pydantic import BaseModel from starlette.responses import StreamingResponse from lollms.types import MSG_TYPE from lollms.utilities import detect_antiprompt, remove_text_from_string, trace_exception from ascii_colors import ASCIIColors from api.db import DiscussionsDB from safe_store.text_vectorizer import TextVectorizer, VectorizationMethod, VisualizationMethod import tqdm from typing import Any, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError import json # ----------------------- Defining router and main class ------------------------------ router = APIRouter() lollmsElfServer:LOLLMSWebUI = LOLLMSWebUI.get_instance() class EditMessageParameters(BaseModel): client_id: str = Field(..., min_length=1) id: int = Field(...) message: str = Field(...) metadata: list = Field(default=[]) @router.post("/edit_message") async def edit_message(edit_params: EditMessageParameters): client_id = edit_params.client_id message_id = edit_params.id new_message = edit_params.message metadata = json.dumps(edit_params.metadata,indent=4) try: lollmsElfServer.connections[client_id]["current_discussion"].edit_message(message_id, new_message, new_metadata=metadata) return {"status": True} except Exception as ex: trace_exception(ex) # Assuming 'trace_exception' function logs the error return {"status": False, "error": "There was an error editing the message"} class MessageRankParameters(BaseModel): client_id: str = Field(..., min_length=1) id: int = Field(...) @router.post("/message_rank_up") async def message_rank_up(rank_params: MessageRankParameters): client_id = rank_params.client_id message_id = rank_params.id try: new_rank = lollmsElfServer.connections[client_id]["current_discussion"].message_rank_up(message_id) return {"status": True, "new_rank": new_rank} except Exception as ex: trace_exception(ex) # Assuming 'trace_exception' function logs the error return {"status": False, "error": "There was an error ranking up the message"} @router.post("/message_rank_down") def message_rank_down(rank_params: MessageRankParameters): client_id = rank_params.client_id message_id = rank_params.id try: new_rank = lollmsElfServer.connections[client_id]["current_discussion"].message_rank_down(message_id) return {"status": True, "new_rank": new_rank} except Exception as ex: return {"status": False, "error":str(ex)} class MessageDeleteParameters(BaseModel): client_id: str = Field(..., min_length=1) id: int = Field(...) @router.post("/delete_message") async def delete_message(delete_params: MessageDeleteParameters): client_id = delete_params.client_id message_id = delete_params.id if lollmsElfServer.connections[client_id]["current_discussion"] is None: return {"status": False,"message":"No discussion is selected"} else: try: new_rank = lollmsElfServer.connections[client_id]["current_discussion"].delete_message(message_id) ASCIIColors.yellow("Message deleted") return {"status":True,"new_rank": new_rank} except Exception as ex: trace_exception(ex) # Assuming 'trace_exception' function logs the error return {"status": False, "error": "There was an error deleting the message"}