from fastapi import FastAPI, File, UploadFile, HTTPException, APIRouter, Response from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse, StreamingResponse, PlainTextResponse from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from fastapi.responses import FileResponse from lollms_webui import LOLLMSWebUI from packaging import version from pathlib import Path import shutil import uuid import os import requests import yaml from import check_access, sanitize_path import os import subprocess import uuid import platform from ascii_colors import ASCIIColors, trace_exception import pipmaster as pm import sys if not pm.is_installed("httpx"): pm.install("httpx") import httpx from lollms.utilities import PackageManager # Pull the repository if it already exists def check_lollms_models_zoo(): if not PackageManager.check_package_installed("zipfile"): PackageManager.install_or_update("zipfile36") ASCIIColors.execute_with_animation("Checking zip library.", check_lollms_models_zoo) from pydantic import BaseModel from pathlib import Path import zipfile import io import shutil router = APIRouter() lollmsElfServer: LOLLMSWebUI = LOLLMSWebUI.get_instance() class AuthRequest(BaseModel): client_id: str class AppInfo: def __init__( self, uid: str, name: str, folder_name: str, icon: str, category:str, description: str, author:str, version:str, creation_date:str, last_update_date:str, model_name:str, disclaimer:str, has_server:bool, is_public:bool, has_update:bool, installed: bool ): self.uid = uid = name self.folder_name = folder_name self.icon = icon self.category = category self.description = description = author self.version = version self.creation_date = creation_date self.last_update_date = last_update_date self.model_name = model_name self.disclaimer = disclaimer self.has_server = has_server self.has_update = has_update self.is_public = is_public self.installed = installed @router.get("/apps") async def list_apps(): apps = [] apps_zoo_path = lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.apps_zoo_path REPO_DIR = lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.personal_path/"apps_zoo_repo" if REPO_DIR.exists(): remote_apps = [a.stem for a in REPO_DIR.iterdir()] else: remote_apps = [] for app_name in apps_zoo_path.iterdir(): try: if app_name.is_dir(): icon_path = app_name / "icon.png" description_path = app_name / "description.yaml" description = "" author = "" current_version = "" model_name = "" disclaimer = "" has_server = False is_public = app_name.stem in remote_apps if description_path.exists(): with open(description_path, 'r') as file: data = yaml.safe_load(file) application_name = data.get('name', category = data.get('category', 'generic') description = data.get('description', '') author = data.get('author', '') current_version = data.get('version', '') creation_date = data.get('creation_date', 'unknown') last_update_date = data.get('last_update_date', '') current_version = data.get('version', '') model_name = data.get('model_name', '') disclaimer = data.get('disclaimer', 'No disclaimer provided.') has_server = data.get('has_server', False) installed = True else: installed = False if is_public: try: with (REPO_DIR / app_name.stem / "description.yaml").open("r") as file: # Parse the YAML content yaml_content = yaml.safe_load(file) repo_version = yaml_content.get("version", "0") # Compare versions using packaging.version has_update = version.parse(str(repo_version)) > version.parse(str(current_version)) except (yaml.YAMLError, FileNotFoundError) as e: print(f"Error reading or parsing YAML file: {e}") has_update = False else: has_update = False if icon_path.exists(): uid = str(uuid.uuid4()) apps.append(AppInfo( uid=uid, name=application_name, folder_name =, icon=f"/apps/{}/icon.png", category=category, description=description, author=author, version=current_version, creation_date=creation_date, last_update_date = last_update_date, model_name=model_name, disclaimer=disclaimer, has_server=has_server, is_public=is_public, has_update=has_update, installed=installed )) except Exception as ex: trace_exception(ex) return apps class ShowAppsFolderRequest(BaseModel): client_id: str = Field(...)"/show_apps_folder") async def open_folder_in_vscode(request: ShowAppsFolderRequest): check_access(lollmsElfServer, request.client_id) # Get the current operating system current_os = platform.system() try: if current_os == "Windows": # For Windows['explorer', lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.apps_zoo_path]) elif current_os == "Darwin": # For macOS['open', lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.apps_zoo_path]) elif current_os == "Linux": # For Linux['xdg-open', lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.apps_zoo_path]) else: print("Unsupported operating system.") except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}") class OpenFolderRequest(BaseModel): client_id: str = Field(...) app_name: str = Field(...)"/open_app_in_vscode") async def open_folder_in_vscode(request: OpenFolderRequest): check_access(lollmsElfServer, request.client_id) sanitize_path(request.app_name) # Construct the folder path folder_path = lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.apps_zoo_path/ request.app_name # Check if the folder exists if not folder_path.exists(): raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Folder not found") # Open the folder in VSCode try: os.system(f'code -n "{folder_path}"') # This assumes 'code' is in the PATH return {"message": f"Opened {folder_path} in VSCode."} except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f"Failed to open folder: {str(e)}") @router.get("/apps/{app_name}/{file}") async def get_app_file(app_name: str, file: str): app_name=sanitize_path(app_name) file=sanitize_path(file) app_path = lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.apps_zoo_path / app_name / file if not app_path.exists(): raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="App file not found") return FileResponse(app_path) class AppNameInput(BaseModel): client_id: str app_name: str import tempfile from fastapi.responses import FileResponse import tempfile import os from fastapi.responses import Response from io import BytesIO import zipfile"/download_app") async def download_app(input_data: AppNameInput): check_access(lollmsElfServer, input_data.client_id) app_name = sanitize_path(input_data.app_name) app_path = lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.apps_zoo_path / app_name if not app_path.exists(): raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="App not found") # Create a BytesIO object to store the zip file in memory zip_buffer = BytesIO() try: with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_buffer, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_file: for file in app_path.rglob('*'): if file.is_file() and '.git' not in relative_path = file.relative_to(app_path) zip_file.write(file, arcname=str(relative_path)) # Move the cursor to the beginning of the BytesIO object # Create a Response with the zip content return Response( content=zip_buffer.getvalue(), media_type="application/zip", headers={ "Content-Disposition": f"attachment; filename={app_name}.zip", "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Pragma": "no-cache", "Expires": "0" } ) except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f"Error creating ZIP file: {str(e)}")"/upload_app") async def upload_app(client_id: str, file: UploadFile = File(...)): check_access(lollmsElfServer, client_id) sanitize_path(file.filename) # Create a temporary directory to extract the zip file temp_dir = lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.personal_path / "temp" os.makedirs(temp_dir, exist_ok=True) try: # Save the uploaded file temporarily temp_file = temp_dir / file.filename with open(temp_file, "wb") as buffer: shutil.copyfileobj(file.file, buffer) # Extract the zip file with zipfile.ZipFile(temp_file, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(temp_dir) # Check for required files required_files = ['index.html', 'description.yaml', 'icon.png'] for required_file in required_files: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(temp_dir, required_file)): raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail=f"Missing required file: {required_file}") # Read the description.yaml file with open(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'description.yaml'), 'r') as yaml_file: description = yaml.safe_load(yaml_file) # Get the app name from the description app_name = description.get('name') if not app_name: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="App name not found in description.yaml") # Create the app directory app_dir = lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.apps_zoo_path / app_name if os.path.exists(app_dir): raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="An app with this name already exists") # Move the extracted files to the app directory shutil.move(temp_dir, app_dir) return JSONResponse(content={"message": f"App '{app_name}' uploaded successfully"}, status_code=200) except zipfile.BadZipFile: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid zip file") except yaml.YAMLError: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid YAML in description.yaml") finally: # Clean up temporary files if os.path.exists(temp_file): os.remove(temp_file) if os.path.exists(temp_dir): shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) import shutil from pathlib import Path import json # Function to get the current conda environment def get_current_conda_env(): result =['conda', 'info', '--json'], capture_output=True, text=True) conda_info = json.loads(result.stdout) return conda_info['active_prefix_name']"/install/{app_name}") async def install_app(app_name: str, auth: AuthRequest): check_access(lollmsElfServer, auth.client_id) app_name=sanitize_path(app_name) REPO_DIR = lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.personal_path/"apps_zoo_repo" # Create the app directory app_path = lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.apps_zoo_path/app_name os.makedirs(app_path, exist_ok=True) source_dir = REPO_DIR/app_name if not source_dir.exists(): raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f"App {app_name} not found in the local repository") # Define directories to exclude exclude_dirs = {'.vscode', '.git'} # Copy all files and directories, excluding the ones in exclude_dirs for item in source_dir.glob('*'): if item.is_dir(): if not in exclude_dirs: shutil.copytree(item, app_path/, dirs_exist_ok=True) else: shutil.copy2(item, app_path) try: description_path = app_path/"description.yaml" requirements = app_path/"requirements.txt" if description_path.exists() and requirements.exists(): with open(description_path, 'r') as file: description_data = yaml.safe_load(file) if description_data.get("has_server", False): current_env = get_current_conda_env() env_name = app_path.stem import conda.cli"Creating a new environment") conda.cli.main('create', '-n', env_name, 'python=3.11', '-y') # Activate the new conda environment activate_command = f"conda activate {env_name}" if == 'nt': # Windows activate_command = f"call activate {env_name}" # Install requirements install_command = f"{activate_command} && pip install -r {requirements}" try:"Creating a new environment: {env_name}"), shell=True, check=True)"Installing requirements"), shell=True, check=True) ASCIIColors.success(f"Environment '{env_name}' created and requirements installed successfully.") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: ASCIIColors.error(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}") finally: # Switch back to the original environment if current_env: switch_back_command = f"conda activate {current_env}" if == 'nt': # Windows switch_back_command = f"call activate {current_env}""Switching back to the original environment: {current_env}"), shell=True, check=True) else: ASCIIColors.warning("Could not determine the original environment. You may need to switch back manually.") except Exception as ex: trace_exception(ex) return {"message": f"App {app_name} installed successfully."}"/uninstall/{app_name}") async def uninstall_app(app_name: str, auth: AuthRequest): app_name=sanitize_path(app_name) app_path = lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.apps_zoo_path / app_name if app_path.exists(): shutil.rmtree(app_path) return {"message": f"App {app_name} uninstalled successfully."} else: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="App not found") REPO_URL = "" class ProxyRequest(BaseModel): url: str"/api/proxy") async def proxy(request: ProxyRequest): try: async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: response = await client.get(request.url) return {"content": response.text} except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) def clone_repo(): REPO_DIR = Path(lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.personal_path) / "apps_zoo_repo" # Check if the directory exists and if it is empty if REPO_DIR.exists(): if any(REPO_DIR.iterdir()): # Check if the directory is not empty print(f"Directory {REPO_DIR} is not empty. Aborting clone.") return else: REPO_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Create the directory if it doesn't exist # Clone the repository["git", "clone", REPO_URL, str(REPO_DIR)], check=True) print(f"Repository cloned into {REPO_DIR}") def pull_repo(): REPO_DIR = lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.personal_path/"apps_zoo_repo"["git", "-C", str(REPO_DIR), "pull"], check=True) def load_apps_data(): apps = [] REPO_DIR = lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.personal_path/"apps_zoo_repo" for item in os.listdir(REPO_DIR): item_path = os.path.join(REPO_DIR, item) if os.path.isdir(item_path): description_path = os.path.join(item_path, "description.yaml") icon_url = f"{item}/icon.png?raw=true" if os.path.exists(description_path): with open(description_path, 'r') as file: description_data = yaml.safe_load(file) apps.append(AppInfo( uid=str(uuid.uuid4()), name=description_data.get("name",item), folder_name=item, icon=icon_url, category=description_data.get('category', 'generic'), description=description_data.get('description', ''), author=description_data.get('author', ''), version=description_data.get('version', ''), creation_date=description_data.get('creation_date', 'unknown'), last_update_date=description_data.get('last_update_date', 'unknown'), model_name=description_data.get('model_name', ''), disclaimer=description_data.get('disclaimer', 'No disclaimer provided.'), has_server=description_data.get('has_server', False), is_public=True, has_update=False, installed=True )) return apps @router.get("/lollms_assets/{asset_type}/{file_name}") async def lollms_assets(asset_type: str, file_name: str): asset_type = sanitize_path(asset_type) file_name = sanitize_path(file_name) # Define the base path base_path = Path(__file__).parent # Determine the correct directory and file extension based on asset_type if asset_type == "js": directory = base_path / "libraries" file_extension = ".js" content_type = "application/javascript" elif asset_type == "css": directory = base_path / "styles" file_extension = ".css" content_type = "text/css" else: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid asset type") # Sanitize the file name to prevent path traversal safe_file_name = sanitize_path(file_name) # Construct the full file path file_path = directory / f"{safe_file_name}{file_extension}" file_path_with_entension = directory / f"{safe_file_name}" if file_path_with_entension.is_file() and file_path_with_entension.is_relative_to(directory): file_path = file_path_with_entension # Check if the file exists and is within the allowed directory if not file_path.is_file() or not file_path.is_relative_to(directory): raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="File not found") # Read and return the file content with the appropriate content type try: with'r') as file: content = return Response(content=content, media_type=content_type) except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f"Error reading file: {str(e)}") @router.get("/template") async def lollms_js(): return { "start_header_id_template": lollmsElfServer.config.start_header_id_template, "end_header_id_template": lollmsElfServer.config.end_header_id_template, "separator_template": lollmsElfServer.config.separator_template, "start_user_header_id_template": lollmsElfServer.config.start_user_header_id_template, "end_user_header_id_template": lollmsElfServer.config.end_user_header_id_template, "end_user_message_id_template": lollmsElfServer.config.end_user_message_id_template, "start_ai_header_id_template": lollmsElfServer.config.start_ai_header_id_template, "end_ai_header_id_template": lollmsElfServer.config.end_ai_header_id_template, "end_ai_message_id_template": lollmsElfServer.config.end_ai_message_id_template, "system_message_template": lollmsElfServer.config.system_message_template } @router.get("/github/apps") async def fetch_github_apps(): try: clone_repo() pull_repo() except: ASCIIColors.error("Couldn't interact with ") lollmsElfServer.error("Couldn't interact with github.\nPlease verify your internet connection") apps = load_apps_data() return {"apps": apps} def install_requirements(app_path: Path): requirements_file = app_path / "requirements.txt" if requirements_file.exists(): try: subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "-r", str(requirements_file)]) print("Requirements installed successfully.") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"Error installing requirements: {e}") raise def run_server(app_path: Path): server_script = app_path / "" if server_script.exists(): try: # Install requirements if they exist install_requirements(app_path) # Determine the platform and open a terminal to execute the Python code. system = platform.system() if system == "Windows": process = subprocess.Popen(f"""start cmd /k "cd /d "{app_path}" && python "{server_script}" && pause" """, shell=True) elif system == "Darwin": # macOS process = subprocess.Popen(["open", "-a", "Terminal", f'cd "{app_path}" && python "{server_script}"'], shell=True) elif system == "Linux": process = subprocess.Popen(["x-terminal-emulator", "-e", f'bash -c "cd \\"{app_path}\\" && python \\"{server_script}\\"; exec bash"'], shell=True) else: raise Exception(f"Unsupported platform: {system}") except Exception as ex: # Stop the timer. ASCIIColors.error(f"Error executing Python code: {ex}") else: ASCIIColors.error(f"Server script not found for app: {}")"/apps/start_server") async def start_app_server(request: OpenFolderRequest): check_access(lollmsElfServer, request.client_id) app_name = sanitize_path(request.app_name) app_path = lollmsElfServer.lollms_paths.apps_zoo_path / app_name if not app_path.exists(): raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="App not found") server_script = app_path / "" if not server_script.exists(): raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Server script not found for this app") # Start the server in the background run_server(app_path) return {"status": "success", "message": f"Server for {app_path} is starting"}