# GPT4ALL-UI Web interface VUE3 development log, todo's and more ## Installation for development You must have [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en) installed on your computer. ``` cd /web/ npm install ``` ## Testing, running, debugging After that to run development server locally and test the web page at http://localhost:5173/: ``` npm run dev ``` > Note > To run the developmen environment you need to create copy of the `.env` file and name it either `.env.development` or if that dont work then `.env.dev`. Set `VITE_GPT4ALL_API_BASEURL = /api/ ` in the `.env.development`. > Run your gpt backend by launching `webui.bat` or bash `webui.sh`. ## Building frontend - UI ``` npm run build ``` This will update `/dist/` folder with all the files. Also the build will show you if there are errors or not in your vue code. > Note > Make sure you test the built files too, because sometimes the builder dont catch all the errors, and if a component is not refernced it might not load in the built version, but it loads fine in development environment # UI development log, todo's and more Here we keep track of things to implement and stuff we need to do. ## Todo's - Add ability to select multiple discussions to export [WIP] - Add toast messages for errors and successes - Add DB switcher (im thinking in the settings view) - Make the UI work good on mobile - Need to fix colors for `` fields - Create status bar for backend to display if something is generating on the backend - Add ability for users to style the whole UI, either changing Hue or changing every color manually. - Create a panel in the Settings tab to create new personalities - Need to investigate performance of websocket when message is being streamed back to the UI - On first launch of the UI force users to create "User" personality, to be used as "User" for any or all input messages. - Add drag n drop files into messages, images gets parsed as images, ability to load images from messages from DB. - Send files to backend - images, other files for parsing data. - Ability to reorder Discussions, add tags, categories - Export whole DB - Reset whole DB - Add text to speech to messages and chatbox - Add indicator to messages when non-comercial model was used. - Ability to export messages that are for commercial use or open source model messages Only. - Ability to hide non commercial model messages. - Feature - bot council where you add multiple bots to discussion, give them a topic and maybe max message count or something and they ponder about the topic then summerize it all. - Feature voice chat with bot and voice output from bot - whisper + bard? - Feature under selected discussion show more options to select and add more bots, select model per discussion or per bot, tweak settings per bot or per model. - Easy share personality via export to a file, then drag and drop on to the webui and youre done. ## Done - Fix discussion list width so that it stays static and dont resize depending on message contents [DONE] - Add chat input field [DONE] - Make search filter work [DONE] - Add clear filter button to search input field [DONE] - Add modal to ask user if you sure about to delete [DONE but in different way] - Fix up the discussion array to filter out the messages by type not by count. (conditionner and )[DONE] - Add title of current discussion to page [DONE] - Populate settings with settings controls [DONE] - Connect Settings to backend, ability to save changes [DONE] - Scroll to bottom [SCROLLBAR] - Scroll to top [SCROLLBAR] - Create stop generating button [DONE] - Fix the generated message formatting - add line breaks, also for user input messages. [DONE] - Maybe try to set the chatbox to float to the bottom (always on the bottom of the screen) [DONE] - Need to fix when user inputs message it shows up in the discussion array and then add new message for bot that is typing. [DONE] - Connect delete / export discussions to backend functions.[DONE] - Need to fix when deleting multiple discussions to not loose loading animation for each discussion when list gets updated [DONE] - Need to add loading feedback for when a new discussion is being created [DONE] - Add ability to select multiple discussions to delete [DONE]