const chatWindow = document.getElementById('chat-window'); const chatForm = document.getElementById('chat-form'); const userInput = document.getElementById('user-input'); chatForm.addEventListener('submit', event => { event.preventDefault(); // get user input and clear input field message = userInput.value; userInput.value = ''; // add user message to chat window const sendbtn = document.querySelector("#submit-input") const waitAnimation = document.querySelector("#wait-animation")"none";"block"; fetch('/bot', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ message }) }).then(function(response) { const stream = new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { const reader = response.body.getReader(); function push() { { if (result.done) {"block";"none"; controller.close(); return; } controller.enqueue(result.value); push(); }) } push(); } }); const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); const readableStreamDefaultReader = stream.getReader(); let entry_counter = 0 function readStream() { { if (result.done) { return; } text = textDecoder.decode(result.value); // The server will first send a json containing information about the message just sent if(entry_counter==0) { // We parse it and infos = JSON.parse(text) addMessage('User', infos.message,, true); elements = addMessage('GPT4ALL', '', infos.response_id, true); messageTextElement=elements['messageTextElement']; hiddenElement=elements['hiddenElement']; entry_counter ++; } else{ // For the other enrtries, these are just the text of the chatbot for (const char of text) { txt = hiddenElement.innerHTML; if (char != '\f') { txt += char hiddenElement.innerHTML = txt messageTextElement.innerHTML = txt.replace(/\n/g, "
") } // scroll to bottom of chat window chatWindow.scrollTop = chatWindow.scrollHeight; } entry_counter ++; } readStream(); }); } readStream(); }); }); function addMessage(sender, message, id, can_edit=false) { console.log(id) const messageElement = document.createElement('div'); messageElement.classList.add('bg-secondary', 'drop-shadow-sm', 'p-4', 'mx-6', 'my-4', 'flex', 'flex-col', 'space-x-2'); messageElement.classList.add(sender); messageElement.setAttribute('id', id); const senderElement = document.createElement('div'); senderElement.classList.add('font-normal', 'underline', 'text-sm'); senderElement.innerHTML = sender; const messageTextElement = document.createElement('div'); messageTextElement.classList.add('font-medium', 'text-md'); messageTextElement.innerText = message; // Create a hidden div element needed to buffer responses before commiting them to the visible message const hiddenElement = document.createElement('div'); = 'none'; hiddenElement.innerHTML = ''; messageElement.appendChild(senderElement); messageElement.appendChild(messageTextElement); if(can_edit) { const editButton = document.createElement('button'); editButton.classList.add('bg-blue-500', 'hover:bg-blue-700', 'text-white', 'font-bold', 'py-2', 'px-4', 'rounded', 'my-2'); editButton.innerHTML = 'Edit'; editButton.addEventListener('click', () => { const inputField = document.createElement('input'); inputField.type = 'text'; inputField.classList.add('font-medium', 'text-md', 'border', 'border-gray-300', 'p-1'); inputField.value = messageTextElement.innerHTML;"none" const saveButton = document.createElement('button'); saveButton.classList.add('bg-green-500', 'hover:bg-green-700', 'text-white', 'font-bold', 'py-2', 'px-4', 'rounded', 'my-2', 'ml-2'); saveButton.innerHTML = 'Save'; saveButton.addEventListener('click', () => { const newText = inputField.value; messageTextElement.innerHTML = newText; // make request to update message const url = `/update_message?id=${id}&message=${newText}`; fetch(url) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Network response was not ok'); } else{ console.log("Updated") } }) .catch(error => { console.error('There was a problem updating the message:', error); });"block" messageElement.replaceChild(messageTextElement, inputField); //messageElement.removeChild(inputField); messageElement.removeChild(saveButton); }); messageElement.replaceChild(inputField, messageTextElement); messageElement.appendChild(saveButton); inputField.focus(); }); messageElement.appendChild(editButton); } chatWindow.appendChild(messageElement); chatWindow.appendChild(hiddenElement); // scroll to bottom of chat window chatWindow.scrollTop = chatWindow.scrollHeight; // Return all needed stuff return {'messageTextElement':messageTextElement, 'hiddenElement':hiddenElement} } const welcome_message = `
This is a very early testing Web UI of GPT4All chatbot.
Keep in mind that this is a 7B parameters model running on your own PC's CPU. It is literally 24 times smaller than GPT-3 in terms of parameter count.
While it is still new and not as powerful as GPT-3.5 or GPT-4, it can still be useful for many applications.
Any feedback and contribution is welcomed.
This Web UI is a binding to the GPT4All model that allows you to test a chatbot locally on your machine. Feel free to ask questions or give instructions.

- A color description has been provided. Find the CSS code associated with that color. A light red color with a medium light shade of pink.
- Come up with an interesting idea for a new movie plot. Your plot should be described with a title and a summary.
- Reverse a string in python.
- List 10 dogs.
- Write me a poem about the fall of Julius Ceasar into a ceasar salad in iambic pentameter.
- What is a three word topic describing the following keywords: baseball, football, soccer.
- Act as ChefAI an AI that has the ability to create recipes for any occasion. Instruction: Give me a recipe for my next anniversary.
- who is Abraham Lincoln?.
- write a letter to my collegue and tell him I can't make it to work today. Make it humorous.
- write a poem about love between two AIs.
- a=5, b=7, c is integer, c>a and c
Welcome! I'm here to assist you with anything you need. What can I do for you today?
`; addMessage("GPT4ALL",welcome_message,0); // Code for collapsable text const collapsibles = document.querySelectorAll('.collapsible'); function uncollapse(id){ console.log("uncollapsing") const content = document.querySelector(`#${id}`); content.classList.toggle('active'); }