""" project: lollms_webui file: lilypond_execution_engine.py author: LilyPond integration description: This is a utility for executing LilyPond code in LOLLMS """ import shutil import subprocess import time from pathlib import Path import pipmaster as pm from ascii_colors import trace_exception from lollms.client_session import Client from lollms.utilities import discussion_path_to_url, show_yes_no_dialog from lollms_webui import LOLLMSWebUI lollmsElfServer: LOLLMSWebUI = LOLLMSWebUI.get_instance() def check_and_install_lilypond(): """Check if LilyPond is installed and install it if needed""" if not pm.is_installed("lilypond"): if not show_yes_no_dialog( "Installation", "LilyPond is not installed. Do you want to install it?" ): return {"status": False, "error": "User refused LilyPond installation!"} try: pm.install("lilypond") return {"status": True} except Exception as ex: return {"status": False, "error": f"Failed to install LilyPond: {str(ex)}"} return {"status": True} def execute_lilypond(code, client: Client, message_id): """Execute LilyPond code and return the result""" try: # Check LilyPond installation check_result = check_and_install_lilypond() if not check_result["status"]: return {"output": check_result["error"], "execution_time": 0} # Start timer start_time = time.time() # Import LilyPond after installation check import lilypond # Create work directory in discussion folder root_folder = client.discussion.discussion_folder root_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Create LilyPond file ly_file = root_folder / f"score_{message_id}.ly" ly_file.write_text(code, encoding="utf8") # Get the PDF and MIDI outputs pdf_file = ly_file.with_suffix(".pdf") midi_file = ly_file.with_suffix(".mid") # Compile the file subprocess.run( [lilypond.executable(), str(ly_file)], check=True, cwd=root_folder ) # Create links to files if ( not "http" in lollmsElfServer.config.host and not "https" in lollmsElfServer.config.host ): host = "http://" + lollmsElfServer.config.host else: host = lollmsElfServer.config.host pdf_link = ( f"{host}:{lollmsElfServer.config.port}{discussion_path_to_url(pdf_file)}" ) midi_link = ( f"{host}:{lollmsElfServer.config.port}{discussion_path_to_url(midi_file)}" ) # Create output HTML output = f"""
""" execution_time = time.time() - start_time return {"output": output, "execution_time": execution_time} except Exception as ex: trace = trace_exception(ex) return { "output": f"Error executing LilyPond code:\n{trace}", "execution_time": 0, }