@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Version number set VERSION=1.3.3 set USE_MASTER=false :: Check for --use-master option for %%a in (%*) do ( if "%%a"=="--use-master" set USE_MASTER=true ) :: Temporary directory for downloading and extraction set TEMP_DIR=.\lollmsenv_install :: Create temporary directory if not exist "%TEMP_DIR%" mkdir "%TEMP_DIR%" if "%USE_MASTER%"=="true" ( echo Cloning LollmsEnv master branch... git clone https://github.com/ParisNeo/LollmsEnv.git "%TEMP_DIR%" cd /d "%TEMP_DIR%" ) else ( :: URL of the latest release set RELEASE_URL=https://github.com/ParisNeo/LollmsEnv/archive/refs/tags/V%VERSION%.zip :: Download the latest release echo Downloading LollmsEnv version %VERSION%... echo !RELEASE_URL! echo '%TEMP_DIR%' powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '!RELEASE_URL!' -OutFile '%TEMP_DIR%\lollmsenv.zip'" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo Error downloading LollmsEnv: %errorlevel% exit /b 1 ) :: Extract the archive echo Extracting files... powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Path '%TEMP_DIR%\lollmsenv.zip' -DestinationPath '%TEMP_DIR%' -Force" :: Change to the extracted directory cd /d "%TEMP_DIR%\LollmsEnv-%VERSION%" ) :: Remove --use-master from arguments set ARGS=%* set ARGS=%ARGS:--use-master=% :: Run the install script with forwarded parameters echo Running installation... call install.bat %ARGS% :: Clean up echo Cleaning up... cd /d .. rmdir /s /q "%TEMP_DIR%" echo Installation of LollmsEnv complete. endlocal