{ "Build a Latex Book": "@@\n```latex\n\\documentclass[12pt]{book}\n\\usepackage{url}\n\\begin{document}\n\\title{@@}\n\\author{@@} % Author\n\\date{\\today} % Date\n\\maketitle\n\\tableofcontents\n\\chapter{Introduction}\n@@\n\\end{document}\n```", "Simple Book writing":"Once apon a time", "Simple Question Answer":"User:@@\nAssistant:", "Question Answer with conditionning":"Assistant is a highly developed AI capable of answering any question about any subject.\nUser:@\nAssistant:", "Instruct mode": "Instructions:\n@@\nAnswer:", "Make a python function": "Here is a python function that @@:\n```python\ndef", "Make a c++ function": "Here is a c++ function that @@:\n```c++\n/*", "Make a c# function": "Here is a c# function that @@:\n```c#\n/*", "Make a objective-c function": "Here is a objective-c function that @@:\n```objective-c\n/*", "Make a java function": "Here is a java function that @@:\n```java\n/*", "Make a visual basic.net function": "Here is a visual basic function that @:\n```vb.net\n/*", "Make a vue.js ui": "Here is a vue.js template that @@:\n```vue.js\n