@echo off echo "L🌟LLMS: Lord of Large Language and Multimodal Systems" echo V13 Feather echo ----------------- echo By ParisNeo echo ----------------- REM Store the current path set "ORIGINAL_PATH=%CD%" cd /D "%~dp0" echo %CD% REM Check if Git is installed where git >nul 2>nul if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo Git is not installed. Downloading and installing Git... REM Download Git for Windows powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/download/v2.37.1.windows.1/Git-2.37.1-64-bit.exe' -OutFile 'GitInstaller.exe'" REM Install Git silently start /wait GitInstaller.exe /VERYSILENT /NORESTART REM Clean up the installer del GitInstaller.exe echo Git has been installed. ) else ( echo Git is already installed. ) set LOLLMSENV_DIR=%CD%\lollmsenv set REPO_URL=https://github.com/ParisNeo/lollms-webui.git set USE_MASTER=0 if "%1"=="--use-master" set USE_MASTER=1 if %USE_MASTER%==1 ( echo --- Using current master repo for LollmsEnv... git clone https://github.com/ParisNeo/LollmsEnv.git "%LOLLMSENV_DIR%" cd "%LOLLMSENV_DIR%" call install.bat --dir "%LOLLMSENV_DIR%" -y cd .. ) else ( REM Download LollmsEnv installer echo Downloading LollmsEnv installer... powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://github.com/ParisNeo/LollmsEnv/releases/download/V1.3.3/lollmsenv_installer.bat' -OutFile 'lollmsenv_installer.bat'" REM Install LollmsEnv echo --- Installing lollmsenv call lollmsenv_installer.bat --dir "%LOLLMSENV_DIR%" -y ) REM Check for NVIDIA GPU and CUDA echo --- Checking for NVIDIA GPU and CUDA... nvidia-smi >nul 2>&1 if %errorlevel% equ 0 ( echo NVIDIA GPU detected. echo Querying GPU information... REM Use a temporary file to store nvidia-smi output nvidia-smi --query-gpu=name,driver_version,memory.total,utilization.gpu,temperature.gpu --format=csv,noheader,nounits nvidia-smi --query-gpu=name,driver_version,memory.total,utilization.gpu,temperature.gpu --format=csv,noheader,nounits > gpu_info.txt REM Read from the temporary file for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=," %%a in (gpu_info.txt) do ( set "GPU_NAME=%%a" set "DRIVER_VERSION=%%b" set "TOTAL_MEMORY=%%c" set "GPU_UTILIZATION=%%d" set "GPU_TEMPERATURE=%%e" ) echo GPU Name: %GPU_NAME% echo Driver Version: %DRIVER_VERSION% echo Total Memory: %TOTAL_MEMORY% MiB echo GPU Utilization: %GPU_UTILIZATION% %% echo GPU Temperature: %GPU_TEMPERATURE% C echo Extracting CUDA version... for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('nvidia-smi ^| findstr "CUDA Version"') do ( set "CUDA_LINE=%%a" ) for /f "tokens=3 delims=:" %%a in ("%CUDA_LINE%") do ( set "CUDA_VERSION=%%a" ) set "CUDA_VERSION=%CUDA_VERSION:~1%" echo CUDA Version:%CUDA_VERSION% echo For optimal performance, ensure you have CUDA version 12.1 or higher. echo If you need to update, visit https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads REM Clean up temporary files del gpu_info.txt del cuda_version.txt ) else ( echo No NVIDIA GPU detected or nvidia-smi is not available. ) REM Ask user about CUDA installation set /p INSTALL_CUDA="Do you want to install CUDA? (Only for NVIDIA GPUs if your version is lower than 12.1 or if it wasn't already installed, recommended for local AI) [Y/N]: " if /i "%INSTALL_CUDA%"=="Y" ( echo Please visit https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads to download and install CUDA. pause ) REM Ask about Visual Studio Code installation set /p INSTALL_VSCODE="Do you want to install Visual Studio Code? (Recommended for local AI development) [Y/N]: " if /i "%INSTALL_VSCODE%"=="Y" ( echo Please visit https://code.visualstudio.com/download to download and install Visual Studio Code. pause ) cd %ORIGINAL_PATH% echo %CD% REM Install Python and create environment echo --- creating environment call "%LOLLMSENV_DIR%\bin\lollmsenv.bat" create-env lollms_env echo --- activating environment REM Activate environment call "%LOLLMSENV_DIR%\envs\lollms_env\Scripts\activate.bat" echo %ORIGINAL_PATH% cd "%ORIGINAL_PATH%" echo --- cloning lollmw_webui REM Clone or update repository if exist lollms-webui\ ( cd lollms-webui git pull git submodule update --init --recursive cd .. ) else ( git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules %REPO_URL% cd lollms-webui git submodule update --init --recursive cd .. ) REM Install requirements echo --- Install requirements cd lollms-webui call "%LOLLMSENV_DIR%\envs\lollms_env\Scripts\python.exe" -m pip install -r requirements.txt call "%LOLLMSENV_DIR%\envs\lollms_env\Scripts\python.exe" -m pip install -e lollms_core cd .. REM Create launcher scripts echo @echo off > lollms.bat echo call "%LOLLMSENV_DIR%\envs\lollms_env\Scripts\activate.bat" >> lollms.bat echo cd lollms-webui >> lollms.bat echo python app.py %%* >> lollms.bat echo pause >> lollms.bat echo @echo off > lollms_cmd.bat echo call "%LOLLMSENV_DIR%\envs\lollms_env\Scripts\activate.bat" >> lollms_cmd.bat echo cd lollms-webui >> lollms_cmd.bat echo cmd /k >> lollms_cmd.bat cd lollms-webui echo --- current folder !cd! REM Binding selection menu echo Select the default binding to be installed: echo 1) None (install the binding later) echo 2) Local binding - ollama echo 3) Local binding - python_llama_cpp echo 4) Local binding - bs_exllamav2 echo 5) Remote binding - groq echo 6) Remote binding - open_router echo 7) Remote binding - open_ai echo 8) Remote binding - mistral_ai echo 9) Remote binding - gemini echo 10) Remote binding - vllm echo 11) Remote binding - xAI echo 12) Remote binding - elf echo 13) Remote binding - remote lollms set /p choice="Type the number of your choice and press Enter: " REM Binding installation logic if "%choice%"=="1" goto :end if "%choice%"=="2" call python zoos/bindings_zoo/ollama/__init__.py if "%choice%"=="3" call python zoos/bindings_zoo/python_llama_cpp/__init__.py if "%choice%"=="4" call python zoos/bindings_zoo/bs_exllamav2/__init__.py if "%choice%"=="5" call python zoos/bindings_zoo/groq/__init__.py if "%choice%"=="6" call python zoos/bindings_zoo/open_router/__init__.py if "%choice%"=="7" call python zoos/bindings_zoo/open_ai/__init__.py if "%choice%"=="8" call python zoos/bindings_zoo/mistral_ai/__init__.py if "%choice%"=="9" call python zoos/bindings_zoo/gemini/__init__.py if "%choice%"=="10" call python zoos/bindings_zoo/vllm/__init__.py if "%choice%"=="11" call python zoos/bindings_zoo/xAI/__init__.py if "%choice%"=="12" call python zoos/bindings_zoo/elf/__init__.py if "%choice%"=="13" call python zoos/bindings_zoo/remote_lollms/__init__.py :end echo Installation complete. REM Restore the original path cd /D "%ORIGINAL_PATH%" echo Restored to original path: %CD% pause