This commit is contained in:
Saifeddine ALOUI 2025-01-26 20:00:12 +01:00
parent b4c6fa22eb
commit 4e0638c906
12 changed files with 542 additions and 454 deletions

View File

@ -59,17 +59,17 @@ async def update_software():
## 3. Duplicate Endpoints
There are two identical endpoints for `get_lollms_webui_version`. One of them is redundant and should be removed.
There are two identical endpoints for `get_version_infos`. One of them is redundant and should be removed.
**Vulnerable Code Snippet:**
async def get_lollms_webui_version():
async def get_version_infos():
# ...
async def get_lollms_webui_version():
async def get_version_infos():
# ...
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ async def get_lollms_webui_version():
Remove the redundant endpoint.
async def get_lollms_webui_version():
async def get_version_infos():
# ...

endpoints/news/news.html Normal file
View File

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 8622524726726fe400d516a3977cf4bb7de33b9d
Subproject commit 243ab392acae79bcc7c30e2536a60b1a2f18e006

View File

@ -75,7 +75,14 @@ def terminate_thread(thread):
) # The current version of the webui
lollms_webui_version = "v17 (codename Pulsar 💫)"
lollms_webui_version = {
"version_codename":"Matrix 💊"
class LOLLMSWebUI(LOLLMSElfServer):

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

web/dist/assets/index-CMnOu-iP.css vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

web/dist/index.html vendored
View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
<script src=""></script>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>LoLLMS WebUI</title>
<script type="module" crossorigin src="/assets/index-9l1BDz4P.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" crossorigin href="/assets/index-DnyQ-c-6.css">
<script type="module" crossorigin src="/assets/index-BVKy-umM.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" crossorigin href="/assets/index-CMnOu-iP.css">
<div id="app"></div>

View File

@ -12,6 +12,11 @@
@update-code="updateCode(index, $event)"
v-if="item.type === 'thinking'"
<div v-else v-html="item.html"></div>
@ -30,6 +35,7 @@
import 'highlight.js/styles/tokyo-night-dark.css';
import attrs from 'markdown-it-attrs';
import CodeBlock from './CodeBlock.vue';
import ThinkingBlock from './ThinkingBlock.vue'
import hljs from 'highlight.js';
import mathjax from 'markdown-it-mathjax3';
@ -71,98 +77,158 @@
components: {
setup(props) {
const md = new MarkdownIt({
html: true,
breaks: true, // Enable single line breaks
highlight: (code, language) => {
const validLanguage = language && hljs.getLanguage(language) ? language : 'plaintext';
return hljs.highlight(validLanguage, code).value;
renderInline: false,
.use(implicitFigures, {
figcaption: true,
.use(MarkdownItMultimdTable, {
enableRowspan: true,
enableColspan: true,
enableGridTables: true,
enableGridTablesExtra: true,
enableTableIndentation: true,
tableCellPadding: ' ',
tableCellJoiner: '|',
multilineCellStartMarker: '|>',
multilineCellEndMarker: '<|',
multilineCellPadding: ' ',
multilineCellJoiner: '\n',
.use(mathjax, {
inlineOpen: ['$', '\\('],
inlineClose: ['$', '\\)'],
blockOpen: ['$$', '\\['],
blockClose: ['$$', '\\]'],
mode: 'tex',
beforeMath: '',
afterMath: ''
const markdownItems = ref([]);
const updateMarkdown = () => {
if (props.markdownText) {
let tokens = md.parse(props.markdownText, {});
let cumulated = [];
markdownItems.value = [];
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
if (tokens[i].type !== 'fence') {
} else {
if (cumulated.length > 0) {
type: 'html',
html: md.renderer.render(cumulated, md.options, {}),
cumulated = [];
// Custom rule for thinking blocks
const thinkingRule = (state, startLine, endLine, silent) => {
let start = state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine];
let max = state.eMarks[startLine];
let line = state.src.slice(start, max);
if (!line.trim().startsWith('<thinking>')) return false;
let currentLine = startLine + 1;
let content = [];
let found = false;
// Search for closing tag
while (currentLine < endLine) {
let currentLineContent = state.src.slice(
if (currentLineContent.trim() === '</thinking>') {
found = true;
if (silent) return true;
// Create tokens
let token = state.push('thinking_open', 'div', 1);
token.markup = '<thinking>';
token.block = true;
token.is_done = found; // Add is_done status
token = state.push('thinking_content', '', 0);
token.content = content.join('\n');
token.is_done = found;
token = state.push('thinking_close', 'div', -1);
token.markup = '</thinking>';
token.block = true;
token.is_done = found;
state.line = found ? currentLine + 1 : currentLine;
return true;
const md = new MarkdownIt({
html: true,
breaks: true,
highlight: (code, language) => {
const validLanguage = language && hljs.getLanguage(language) ? language : 'plaintext';
return hljs.highlight(validLanguage, code).value;
.use(implicitFigures, {
figcaption: true,
// Add renderer rules
md.renderer.rules.thinking_open = () => '<div class="thinking-block">';
md.renderer.rules.thinking_content = (tokens, idx) => {
return `<div class="thinking-content">${md.utils.escapeHtml(tokens[idx].content)}</div>`;
md.renderer.rules.thinking_close = () => '</div>';
// Add the rule
md.block.ruler.before('fence', 'thinking', thinkingRule);
const markdownItems = ref([]);
const updateMarkdown = () => {
if (props.markdownText) {
let tokens = md.parse(props.markdownText, {});
let cumulated = [];
markdownItems.value = [];
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
const token = tokens[i];
if (token.type === 'thinking_open') {
if (cumulated.length > 0) {
type: 'code',
language: escapeHtml(tokens[i].info),
code: tokens[i].content,
type: 'html',
html: md.renderer.render(cumulated, md.options, {}),
cumulated = [];
const contentToken = tokens[i + 1];
if (contentToken && contentToken.type === 'thinking_content') {
type: 'thinking',
content: contentToken.content,
is_done: contentToken.is_done // Add is_done status
if (cumulated.length > 0) {
i += 2;
} else if (token.type === 'fence') {
if (cumulated.length > 0) {
type: 'html',
html: md.renderer.render(cumulated, md.options, {}),
cumulated = [];
type: 'html',
html: md.renderer.render(cumulated, md.options, {}),
type: 'code',
language: escapeHtml(,
code: token.content,
cumulated = [];
} else {
} else {
markdownItems.value = [];
if (cumulated.length > 0) {
type: 'html',
html: md.renderer.render(cumulated, md.options, {}),
nextTick(() => {
if (window.MathJax) {
window.MathJax.typesetPromise(); // Ensure MathJax typesets after rendering
} else {
markdownItems.value = [];
const updateCode = (index, newCode) => {
markdownItems.value[index].code = newCode;
watch(() => props.markdownText, updateMarkdown);
onMounted(() => {
return { markdownItems, updateCode };

View File

@ -277,7 +277,16 @@ export const store = createStore({
let res = await axios.get('/get_lollms_webui_version', {});
if (res) {
this.state.version =
console.log("getting version")
res =
this.state.version = `${res.version_main}.${res.version_secondary} ${res.version_type} (${res.version_codename})`
this.state.version = `${res.version_main}.${res.version_secondary} (${res.version_codename})`

View File

@ -989,23 +989,6 @@
<style scoped>
.toggle-checkbox {
@apply appearance-none w-9 h-5 rounded-full bg-gray-300 dark:bg-gray-600
checked:bg-blue-500 transition-colors duration-200 relative cursor-pointer;
.toggle-checkbox:before {
content: '';
@apply absolute w-4 h-4 bg-white rounded-full left-0.5 top-0.5
transform transition-transform duration-200;
.toggle-checkbox:checked:before {
@apply translate-x-4;
<Card title="Knowledge database" :is_subcard="true" class="pb-2 m-2">
@ -4418,6 +4401,20 @@
<style scoped>
.toggle-checkbox {
@apply appearance-none w-9 h-5 rounded-full bg-gray-300 dark:bg-gray-600
checked:bg-blue-500 transition-colors duration-200 relative cursor-pointer;
.toggle-checkbox:before {
content: '';
@apply absolute w-4 h-4 bg-white rounded-full left-0.5 top-0.5
transform transition-transform duration-200;
.toggle-checkbox:checked:before {
@apply translate-x-4;
.input-field {
@apply w-full px-3 py-2 bg-white dark:bg-gray-700 border border-gray-300 dark:border-gray-600 rounded-md shadow-sm focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-transparent dark:text-white transition-colors duration-200;

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 9607b5a4a2de3947fe4ac0f504b487400c0c429f
Subproject commit 61797ac0ab24e1dd7376c3c3dbc2c2d81bdf99fe