mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 12:25:16 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Once installed, you need to activate the environment then run the app.
By using this tool, users agree to follow these guidelines :
- This tool is not meant to be used for building and spreading fakenews / misinformation.
- You are responsible for what you generate by using this tool. The creators will take no responsibility for anything created via this lollms.
- You can use lollms in your own project free of charge if you agree to respect the Apache 2.0 licenceterms. Please refer to https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- You can use lollms in your own project free of charge if you agree to respect the Apache 2.0 licenseterms. Please refer to https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- You are not allowed to use lollms to harm others directly or indirectly. This tool is meant for peacefull purposes and should be used for good never for bad.
- Users must comply with local laws when accessing content provided by third parties like OpenAI API etc., including copyright restrictions where applicable.
@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ Large Language Models are amazing tools that can be used for diverse purposes. L
The performance of the system varies depending on the used model, its size and the dataset on whichit has been trained. The larger a language model's training set (the more examples), generally speaking - better results will follow when using such systems as opposed those with smaller ones. But there is still no garantee that the output generated from any given prompt would always be perfect and it may contain errors due various reasons. So please make sure you do not use it for serious matters like choosing medications or making financial decisions without consultating an expert first hand !
# Licence
This repository uses code under ApacheLicense Version 2.0 , see [LICENCE](https://github.com/ParisNeo/lollms-webui/blob/main/LICENSE) file for details about rights granted with respect to usage & distribution
# license
This repository uses code under ApacheLicense Version 2.0 , see [license](https://github.com/ParisNeo/lollms-webui/blob/main/LICENSE) file for details about rights granted with respect to usage & distribution
# Copyright:
ParisNeo 2023
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ __github__ = "https://github.com/ParisNeo/lollms-webui"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2023, "
__license__ = "Apache 2.0"
__version__ ="6.5(RC2)"
__version__ ="6.5"
main_repo = "https://github.com/ParisNeo/lollms-webui.git"
import os
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Hi there. Today I'll show you how to install and use lollms v6 on windows using
First go to the github page shown below and download lollms_v6_cpu.exe.
Then, run the downloaded file.
Sometimes, windows may warn you as the executable is not signed and not yet massively used. You can simply ignore the warning and procede with the installation.
You will be presented with a classic installer, accept the licence and read the code of conduct, then the installer will install the tool on your PC.
You will be presented with a classic installer, accept the license and read the code of conduct, then the installer will install the tool on your PC.
Optionally, you can add a shortcut to your desktop for fast and easy access.
The install may take a while, so let's fast forward.
After the install, you may get this error if you did run the installer as regular user. It is windows trying to forbid the installer from creating the start menu element. Don't bother, you can just press ok and finish the installation.
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ If not done yet, and if you think this project is useful, please consider giftin
Before starting, let me tell you what this project is made for. This project is aimed to be a hub to all LLM models that people can use. You will be able to choose your preferred binding, your preferred model, and your preferred or needed personality then have it do what you need. Help you enhance your mails, help you write an essai, help you debug a code, help you organize your thoughts, help you find answers to your questions, search for you, organize your data, generate images for you, discuss with you about things. And much more.
This project is under Apache 2.0 licence which is an open source licence that can be used commercially, so people can built things from this and use it in their business.
This project is under Apache 2.0 license which is an open source license that can be used commercially, so people can built things from this and use it in their business.
Also, please don't confuse the LoLLMs application built by Nomic AI which is an interesting more professional application that you can find on their website lollms.io. It has a great community and I encourage you to check it up.
@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ content: |
Extra information:
Licence: apache 2.0
license: apache 2.0
Program type: Stand alone.
Make README.md with the following table of contents:
## Description
## Installation
## Usage
## Licence
## license
## Contribute
## Ethical guidelines
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"Instruct mode": "Instructions:\n@<Give instructions to the AI>@\nAnswer:@<generation_placeholder>@",
"Make a function": "Here is a @<Language:all_programming_language_options>@ function that @<describe the function you want lollms to build>@:\n```@<Language:all_programming_language_options>@\n@<generation_placeholder>@",
"Fix a code": "Here is a @<Language:all_programming_language_options>@ code:\n```@<Language:all_programming_language_options>@\n@<Input your code>@\n```\nInstruction:Check this code and fix any errors if there are any.\nAI:@<generation_placeholder>@",
"Make programming project": "```@<Language:all_programming_language_options>@\n# project: @<Project name>@ \n# author: @<Author name>@\n# description: @<The description of the code>@\n\n@<generation_placeholder>@\n```\n---------\nExtra information:\nLicence: apache 2.0\nProgram type: Stand alone.\nDocumentation:\nMake README.md with the following table of contents:\n## Description\n## Installation\n## Usage\n## Licence\n## Contribute\n## Ethical guidelines\nInstructions:\nWrite a user side README.md\nStick to the provided code content and do not invent extra information.\nMake sure all sections of the table of contents are present in the file.\n----\nREADME.md:\n```markdown\n@<generation_placeholder>@\n```",
"Make programming project": "```@<Language:all_programming_language_options>@\n# project: @<Project name>@ \n# author: @<Author name>@\n# description: @<The description of the code>@\n\n@<generation_placeholder>@\n```\n---------\nExtra information:\nlicense: apache 2.0\nProgram type: Stand alone.\nDocumentation:\nMake README.md with the following table of contents:\n## Description\n## Installation\n## Usage\n## license\n## Contribute\n## Ethical guidelines\nInstructions:\nWrite a user side README.md\nStick to the provided code content and do not invent extra information.\nMake sure all sections of the table of contents are present in the file.\n----\nREADME.md:\n```markdown\n@<generation_placeholder>@\n```",
"Explain code": "```@<Language:all_programming_language_options>@\n@<put your code here>@\n```\nHere is an explanation of the previous method:@<generation_placeholder>@",
"Translate code file strings": "Instruction: Translate the comments and values of the @<File type:yaml:json:all_programming_language_options>@ file from @<Source language:all_language_options>@ to @<Destination language:all_language_options>@.\nSession 1:\n```yaml language=english\n# This is a comment\nparameter_1: this is parameter 1\nparameter_2: this is parameter 2\nparameter_3: 25\nparameter_4: |\n This is a multi\n line parameter\n```\n```yaml language=french\n# Ceci est un commentaire\nparameter_1: ceci est le param\u00e8tre 1\nparameter_2: ceci est le param\u00e8tre 2\nparameter_3: 25\nparameter_4: |\n Ceci est une multiligne\n ligne de param\u00e8tre\n```\nSession 2:\n```yaml language=@<Source language:all_language_options>@\n@<Put your yaml data here>@\n```\n```yaml language=@<Destination language:all_language_options>@@<generation_placeholder>@",
"Translate text": "```@<Source language:all_language_options>@\n@<Text to translate>@\n```\n```@<Destination language:all_language_options>@\n@<generation_placeholder>@\n```\n"
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Thank you for all users who tested this tool and helped making it more user frie
By using this tool, users agree to follow these guidelines :
- This tool is not meant to be used for building and spreading fakenews / misinformation.
- You are responsible for what you generate by using this tool. The creators will take no responsibility for anything created via this lollms.
- You can use lollms in your own project free of charge if you agree to respect the Apache 2.0 licenceterms. Please refer to https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- You can use lollms in your own project free of charge if you agree to respect the Apache 2.0 licenseterms. Please refer to https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- You are not allowed to use lollms to harm others directly or indirectly. This tool is meant for peacefull purposes and should be used for good never for bad.
- Users must comply with local laws when accessing content provided by third parties like OpenAI API etc., including copyright restrictions where applicable.
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ Large Language Models are amazing tools that can be used for diverse purposes. L
The performance of the system varies depending on the used model, its size and the dataset on whichit has been trained. The larger a language model's training set (the more examples), generally speaking - better results will follow when using such systems as opposed those with smaller ones. But there is still no garantee that the output generated from any given prompt would always be perfect and it may contain errors due various reasons. So please make sure you do not use it for serious matters like choosing medications or making financial decisions without consultating an expert first hand !
# Licence
This repository uses code under ApacheLicense Version 2.0 , see [LICENCE](https://github.com/ParisNeo/lollms-webui/blob/main/LICENSE) file for details about rights granted with respect to usage & distribution
# license
This repository uses code under ApacheLicense Version 2.0 , see [license](https://github.com/ParisNeo/lollms-webui/blob/main/LICENSE) file for details about rights granted with respect to usage & distribution
# Copyright:
ParisNeo 2023
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/pip3 /usr/local/bin/pip
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O ~/miniconda.sh
bash ~/miniconda.sh -b -p ~/miniconda
rm ~/miniconda.sh
source ~/miniconda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
# Clone the git repository
git clone https://github.com/ParisNeo/lollms-webui.git ~/lollms-webui
@ -24,8 +25,13 @@ cd ~/lollms-webui
# Create and activate conda environment
conda create --prefix ./env python=3.10 pip -y
conda activate env
conda activate ./env
# install cuda
conda install -c anaconda cudatoolkit==11.7
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/directory:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#make it permanant
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$new_path\"" >> ~/.bashrc
# Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
@ -1,18 +1,28 @@
@echo off
:: Check if WSL is installed
echo Checking if wsl is installed...
wsl --list >nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo WSL is not installed. Installing...
echo Installing Ubuntu 20.04 LTS...
wsl --install -d Ubuntu-20.04
wsl --set-default-version 2
echo WSL is not enabled or installed. Enabling and installing...
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
echo WSL installation complete.
) else (
echo WSL is already installed.
echo WSL is enabled and installed.
:: Execute the .sh script
wsl.exe -d Ubuntu-20.04 ./install_script.sh
set "distribution=Ubuntu-20.04"
wsl --list | findstr "%distribution%"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
echo %distribution% exists in WSL.
) else (
echo %distribution% does not exist in WSL.
echo Installing Ubuntu 20.04...
wsl --install -d Ubuntu-20.04
wsl -d Ubuntu-20.04 -- apt upgrade -y
echo Ubuntu 20.04 installation complete.
echo Installation and script execution complete!
echo Running the install script...
wsl.exe -d Ubuntu-20.04 ./install_script.sh
echo Script execution complete.
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
@echo off
:: Check if WSL is installed
wsl --list >nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo WSL is not installed. Installing...
wsl --install -e
wsl --set-default-version 2
echo Installing Ubuntu 20.04 LTS...
wsl --install -d Ubuntu-20.04 -e
) else (
echo WSL is already installed.
:: Execute the .sh script
wsl.exe -d Ubuntu-20.04 ./install_script.sh
echo Installation and script execution complete!
@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
echo changing dir to lollms-webui
cd ~/lollms-webui
# activate conda environment
echo sourcing miniconda
source ~/miniconda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
echo activating environment
conda activate ./env
echo running server
# Run petals server
python3 -m petals.cli.run_server petals-team/StableBeluga2
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
echo changing dir to lollms-webui
cd ~/lollms-webui
# activate conda environment
echo sourcing miniconda
source ~/miniconda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
echo activating environment
conda activate ./env
echo running lollmw-webui
# Run lollms webui
python3 app.py
@ -1 +1,3 @@
wsl --shutdown
wsl --unregister Ubuntu-20.04
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>LoLLMS WebUI - Welcome</title>
<script type="module" crossorigin src="/assets/index-fce2c7cf.js"></script>
<script type="module" crossorigin src="/assets/index-57e478b9.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/index-9d0cda62.css">
Reference in New Issue
Block a user